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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Ryan frowned and redirected his strike to block the stars from hitting him. The meteors disintegrated upon contact with the arm. He then looked back at Deus and swung his other fist at him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

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Deus felt himself aging and guessed it was time to use that. He looked straight at Ryan with bloodshot eyes. He began to drain Ryan's Aura, all of it including those who weren't his. As he drained his Aura, he also drained Ryan's life force as well as his abilities, that was the last second technique, Aura Absorption! This would drain his Aura, Life-Force, and His Abilities for Deus to use. He began to heal himself as well, re-healing his Life-Force along with Ryan's. Once he was healed he activated A Magic Circle that began to glow under his feet. "Come forth: Leviathan and Beelzebub!" He had not used this ability in a long time. It was Demon Summoning. As the Meteors came Crashing down, he used Weapon Infusion in Kusanagi to break in half one of the meteors heading towards him. As Ryan threw his punch, he slashed at his hand with Kusanagi.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

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As Eris chanted bands of light started circling in mid air above her and the area around her became darker by the second as all the light was sucked out of the area of 5 meters in any given direction and the air was so heavy with static electricity that Eris's hair was standing up on her head. Her mouth was turned up in a psychotic smile as she put her hand down and stared into the air and started glowing.

time until part of hell breaks loose: 24

time until all hell breaks loose: 69
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ryan felt his aura being drained and got angry. Some lines you don't cross. "I refuse to let you take my life!" He grabbed his aura and began pulling it back into him through sheer force of will. "Grimoire Art: The Devil!" He didn't even realize what he was saying as a gate from Hell materialized behind him. And so the gates of Hell were opened. Ryan's skeletal hand was cut but it mattered little. As the gates opened they began to suck everything in. It was as if he opened up a black hole in the middle of the battlefield. Yet Ryan continued to fight. Ryan grabbed Deus with his skeletal fist and roared. He began a tug of war for life.
"I will not let you end my life! I will shape my own destiny!" He roared as the gates began sucking in energy from everyone including Ryan. In a few minutes he would drag everyone down to hell if he had to. He then shook his head. "No. This isn't the answer. Grimoire Deactivate." He deactivated all his spells and the gates dissapeared. "Grimoire Art: The Fool." Ryan deactivated all magic within a 2 mile radius. And then he fell from the sky.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Elza looked around worriedly, it seemed that things were escalating exponentially. She had been storing power until she suddenly felt her hold on her magic vanish. She frowned and quickly moved through town until she was standing on one of the tallest buildings for a vantage point. It seemed far to much was going on right now, she would wait until the time was right to pick somebody off, after all there was no point in joining the chaos just to waste energy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

When Agni and the Cerebus dissapeared Arcadius re-summoned his Grimore. He needed to take out as many of these mirror images of Meruin as possible. Before he could do anything major he'd need to re-gain some of his strength. Flipping through the arcanic pages he found the spell he needed to do so. "Restore: Drink of the Heavens!" He shouted, a medium sized glass container appeared full of blue-ish green liquid. It tasted like shit but it alleviated any and all mental fatigue with a few sips. He grasped it in his hand and drunk part of it down, he stored the rest in a pouch in his robe.

Now, to take out a few of those mirror images. He flipped through the pages once more, having memorized over half of the Grimore all he needed to do was find the page. "Two-Sided Coin. Eliminate false truths, reveal the truth!" His eyes shone brightly for a few moments, he rose his staff up above his head and brought the bottom of it down with full force causing an indention and the ground to crack around it. This would not only destroy a few of the mirror images, it would also mess with any trap or illusionary magic in a decent radius of him. The ground around him began cracking, the cracks arcing out. Light shining from them, this was no normal light. This light would seek out traps and hidden things in it's area, anything not meant to be there or that was false it would destroy or damage.

The light shone high into the sky, enveloping three of the mirror images and growing near two more. Once the spell was complete a few of the seemingly mindless mirror images would be destroyed.

Posts 'Till Spell Goes Boom: 3

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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JELDare Trying to improve

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"Eris." Slick had just seen Eris, since there was a pillar there before. "I can feel a new is magic being aimed. Ito find a safe place and hide, I'll explain later." @The ghost in black @Zetsuko
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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The clones continued chanting. To call them 'clones' however was not doing justice to what they really were. It woule be more accurate to call them 'lesser Meruins' - they were not false, and their very existance managed to trick the world. By the definition of reality, they were definitely 'real'. If they were fakes, then none of them would have the ability to cast a spell.


Meruin stared at the giant wave of nullification coming at her. She glanced at Ryan and Deus, hoping that Ryan would be able to take care of himself. Meruin promptly swapped places with one of her clones, which summoned another clone.

Initially, the two of them were preparing a spell, however, upon seeing the situation, Meruin had changed their instructions: she overloaded their spells, causing a respectable explosion near Dues.

@floodtalon @Slendy @DaDrummer676

Meruin paused. Suddenly, all the spells of her clones were disabled, and her swords shook before shattering. She looked at a falling Ryan from a distance and her eyes narrowed. She knew logically speaking that none of them would be hurt after this but . . . for some reason, she was now feeling incredibly annoyed. For a second, she even briefly considered using her Grimoire, but then dismissed the idea. There was no need to get serious just for this.

She flew back towards Marcus and Ryan at a slow speed, and chanted a spell which caused a platform of wind to catch Ryan.

"Tony, Lucy!" she shouted. "If you can hear me, I will leave you two to deal with the others. Leave these two to me."

For now, Meruin would ignore everyone else. There was no need to get serious in this match but . . . she would have to be strict with these two. The others, she will deal with in due time.

Eventually, she faced both Deus and Marcus again. She stared at the both of them; Deus covered in a Negative Aura, Marcus with his darkened eyes and her expression went cold. Just like that boy, James Hunter from last year, they had crossed certain lines that she would rather they not. She only had one word to describe the two of them . . .


Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 11 mos ago

"Well, I cant quite let you talk about my team like that now can I?" Liz's voice appeared around Meruin as she formed a new body to stand behind Meruin "Hey~ Seems you are quite popular and for good reason. Sorry but my teams going to probably all take you down now." She shrugged "I hate to admit it but I have been looking forward to dance with you for over 10 years as you are someone I have to overcome to beat Chase." Liz gave a grin switching her mind into combat mode now as she could not afford to take Meruin lightly as she started be creating multiple water clones to attack Meruin with a barrage of water blades.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Deus got blown away by the explosion, but not before he heard what Meruin had said to the both of them. "Pathetic". This infuriated Deus, he had been called pathetic his whole life, by his father Merlinus and His mother. He hated that word, it made him feel useless, that he couldn't save anyone, a tear was shed. The explosion blew Deus away, but not before he used Aura Constructs to enhance his Aura and make it as strong as Tungsten Carbide. He began to walk towards Meruin slowly. "Pathetic? You think this is pathetic. How should you know what Pathetic is Princess? I don't see you came from a familiy where the only way to survive was to use this power you call Pathetic... You had a master to teach you the difference between right and wrong am I right? Well I didn't have one, I killed him! Do you know how that was for me?! You have no right to call me Pathetic!" Deus's power was growing exponentially. He ordered Leviathan and Beelzebub to attack her, as A tiny Magic Circle glowing white with the insignia of Merlin began to grow in size on top of Deus head. "I am tired, sick and Tired of people calling me Pathetic without even knowing how my life was!" Deus was now completely overtaken by the Darkness, it would be difficult to stop him now. Nothing he said made sense, he was Saddened and Angered. But, he let out a soft voice. 'Please....Save...me..' No one ever saved Deus before, he wanted to be saved from the wretched pit of Tartarus.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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@BranchOfSin @Dash375 @Slendy

Meruin clicked her tongue. Liz was going to be a problem, especially if she brought out Euphie. Just Deus or Marcus was already a tall order, but the arrival of their third member made things exponentially more difficult.

As soon as the Liz attacked, Meruin responded. Drawing a rune in the air, several bolts of lightning came down. There were three for every clone, and the heat from them flash-fried them. The small mage went a few spaces backwards. Normally, she would creat barriers at this point, but with Marcus around, that would be useless. As the Leviathan and Beelzebub attacked her, two small magic books appeared in the space in front of Meruin. They opened up in front of them and they rammed into the books, which closed in on them, attempting to suck them in and seal them.

Meruin glanced at Marcus. He was building up a lot of power. Meruin was taken aback as Marcus spoke, raving about his life. She was even more so upon seeing the tear run down his face. Killing his Master . . . . ? Not even in a million years could Meruin imagine doing the same to her own.

But . . . none of that matters, does it?

"Your experiences make up who you are, that is true. Your situation, it's worse than mine. It's infinitely worse than mine, in fact, but I can relate to you, believe me, I can . . ." said Meruin softly, "however no knows about your life, no one cares about your life until you let them. There are no signs that tell us what you've lived through, so how are they suppose to judge you? They see how you are now, and that is what matters!

"What do you think I am seeing right now Deus? I will tell you: Marcus, who has given up himself for power, and you, who is willingly let his power control him, instead of the other way around! What else am I suppose to call this scene other than pathetic!?" The small mage rarely raised her voice, but she made an exception for the man in front of her.

"A battle of spells against a shadow of a person is not worth my time, so get this pathetic thing in front of me out of the way and bring out the true Deus!"

With that final declaration, Meruin's mind worked rapidly as she considered her next move in the few seconds of thought she was alloted.

'Three people: Water, Negation, Darkness. Liz, Marcus, Deus. Under what part of the Four Aeons did they fall under respectively? Creation, Void and Void again. I can counter Liz's Creation with Destrcution, but how can I bring Existence to my side to counter a double Void? Something they can't devour, something too big for them. Spells, concepts, what concept is permanent enough? A large Existence concept. No, a counter concept? Against Deus, yes, but how about Marcus? What can - yes, contradictory concepts, that would be perfect.

Meruin drew into the air, and several barriers and shields formed, and drew several runes on herself as well. Meanwhile, she was chanting a spell - one of her favorites, and one of the first spells Master Reina taught her.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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Cruz Meister, Pamela Armellia and Lynda "Lyn" Hermit
Location: Town Center Grounds

@JELDare@The ghost in black

They were far from the othera, hiding in back of a building. The 3 were left a little renderless after Arcadius left. "I think we're safe... for now.", he said. "This is getting us nowhere. From time to time, se have to evade countless amount of shit going through. What was supposed to be a fight became a hell of a war.", Lyn said. "The air... it's really hot... I'm really tired thanks to it...", Pamela said.

Cruz knew that both were right. He looked around and saw Slick and Eris. He noticed that hands were going at them. "Look, right there. Slick and that girl are really cornered.", he said. "Should we help them?", Pamela asked. "Let's wait a little more. If things get drastic, we jump.", Lyn commented. Both nodded to her and then they kept watching.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

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Deus began to emanate an Evil Aura that if taken lightly, you could be consumed by it. A Dark Flame and A Purple Flame appeared in each of Deus's hands. The Flames were the purgatory flames of Hell, able to burn anything. He began to shoot a barrage of the flames at Meruin. "Shut Up, Shut Up, Shut Up! I don't wanna hear it anymore! Me, Pathetic..Ha..Hahaha!" Deus stopped attacking, his soul had been almost completely taken over. He looked at Meruin, with his eyes filled with nothing but Darkness. "Hello There Mage, I don't believe we have met before. My name is Lucificus, I have been Imprisoned in this Boy's body for eternity, all because of that Dammed Merlin! It all began the day this wretched boy was born." Lucificus looked at his surroundings, A boy consumed by Darkness, A girl with outstanding Magic Control and another girl that appeared to be a water elemental. The white magic circle grew bigger, and began to envelop Deus (Lucificus), and binded him in place. "Damm Merlin, Even dead he continues to pester me...I'll see you all soon..." The white Magic Circle disappeared, along with Lucificus and the Dark Aura surrounding Deus. Deus began to free fall from the sky.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 11 mos ago

Liz watched Meruin talk as she easily got rid of her clones and was obviously pondering a new way to beat all three of them "Heh, if you think you know everything about me now Meruin you forget I had 10 years myself to try and get myself stronger. I can almost read your mind on this one, to beat me you plan to use the same Arcana Chase uses, destruction!" A smirk came on the girls face as it transitioned from water back to her normal solid body. She took off her jacket she had kept on the whole time during her fights so far revealing the water seal she had 10 years ago and now 3 new seals could be seen on her back "Terra that holds this planet together grant me your strength!" Liz shouted and the blue water seal turned grey like the other 3 seals on her back and instead the seal on her right shoulder turned from grey to an orange colour.

Quickly her body started to transform but unlike normally where it would turn to water it instead turned to a body made of rocks "Get it?" She spoke her voice not matching her now earth body at all "I will just keep swapping if you try and counter me with a specific arcana!" Liz shouted and summoned a large amount of rocks from the ground and threw them at Meruin not showing any mercy while at the same time sending a platform to catch Deus and lower him to the ground.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ryan landed on the platform of air and sighed. "I must end this. This has gone too far. Grimoire Deactivate." Ryan deactivated The Fool as he looked up in the sky. He flashed his aura and saw it was mostly fine. He got up and created a platform of water. Deus landed on it and it quickly enveloped him. "Drown." He increased the water pressure in the bubble in an attempt to kill him.
@Dash375Ryan observed Liz and shook his head. He created more water bubbles and shot Liz with them. If they hit they would freeze and start expanding.
@TheHangedManHe then looked at Meruin. "Meruin, we need to end this. Everyone is going out of control, and I opened up the Gates of Hell for a bit. If this continues, we may scar our souls." Soul scarring was one of the worst possibilities for any mage. If a soul was scarred then their power would be crippled forever, even in death.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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"Meruin." Marcus looked at the young girl. "At some point you'll be weakened to a level you thought to be impossible. In the end you'll have to die or choose a path that you regret taking in the future." He pointed his index finger at Meruin. Having the same lifeless look in his eyes. "Besides. Don't act like we're different from yourself or anyone else. Everyone has a bad side ,some can compress it, some can't. Not every heart is pure." Marcus took a deep breath as a bunch of wind was sucked into the tip of his finger and was released within seconds. A countless number of wind shot at Meruin as if they were bullets. "....Liz.... move. You're important to me but I'll not reframe from firing upon my oppent to save you. He said although he had already fired the countless number of wind bullets at Meruin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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The boulders Liz threw at her got caught in the air by Meruin's barriers, and were promptly shot back at her. Meruin unleashed her spell, which took the form of a sheep that floated around her. She stared in amazement at the seals of Liz.

"That's . . . I am impressed Liz," she said, genuinely astonished. "Sealing multiple elementals into yourself? I'll admit that this is the first time I've ever seen something like this! I can see that you've been busy over the years. Don't think that it will make it any less harder for you to defeat me though."

She drew more runes in the air, and several bolts of lightning came down at Liz. Rock or water would not suffice for a defense - the rock would burst into pieces while the water would boil into air.


Her eyes went wide as a bubble of water appeared around Marcus. "Ryan! He's already unconsious, leave him," she said, "and can you not shut the Gates? The situation is not as urgent as you think. I can do something about this, I just need time."


Meruin listened to Marcus as he spoke, and frowned. "It seems that everyone here is bent on making me talk a lot today," she muttered, even as she prepared to respond. The barriers of Meruin held fast as they were bombareded with bullets made of wind.

"The one's who can't repress their own evils are, again, pathetic, Marcus," stated Meruin calmly. "Saying you can't is an excuse that the weak make to feel better about themselves, and besides, I make no claims to being pure - I have my own flaws, but what makes different from you is that I can stop myself from being dominated by them."

"And Marcus, if ever there comes a time where I should have to choose between death and regret, I would choose death every single time."

Meruin brought out another magic book, ripping out a several pages from it that began to glow brightly. "Divine Purification Seals," she intoned. The pages folded themselves and came out looking like paper cranes, which launched themselves at Marcus.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Tony sighed, it seemed as if Meruin had everything under control. The teen sat down on the ground and watched the battle unfold with his chin in his hand. He was a aware that there were other teams but this seemed to be the main fight. Lucy appeared from what seemed out of thin air and sat next to her brother. "We're going to have to train some more aren't we? she asked with a sigh. Tony nodded, "definitely."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ryan nodded and left the Gates of Hell open. They continued sucking energy into them while Ryan released Deus. "I hope you have this under control. As of now this situation seems to be going FUBAR." He commented as he checked his power. He was at about half power at this point.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

A fuzzy and warm light filles the room. There were two people besides Deus, A man in a black Leather jacket, and another man wearing a white cloak with a cane. This was the crossroads of powers. Deus looked around himself. Once he saw the man in the jacket, which seriously needed to keep up with the "trend", he tool a big leap backwards.
"Hello there Deus."
Deus stares at the figure with a Blank Stare.
"It's about time you told your old son who I am, Isn't Merlin?
The other man walked forward and touched Deus's shoulder.
"I believe it is Lucificus. Hello Deus, I am Merlin, your father. You may not remember much of me because I put a seal in your memories and powers, After all You were the only one who inherited My Magic after all. This man is Lucificus, an Ancient Demon, and one of the Demon Lords. I sealed him inside of you in hopes of you gaining control over him."
"Which He never Will Merlin, Remember even you weren't able to control me, how could this child be able to control me?"
"Quiet Lucificus, He won't be able to control you know but soon he will, I've seen his growth, and sooner than you think, he will be far stronger than me."
Deus looked around himself again, as a blank stare spread across his face. He attempted to speak but was unable to. Merlin then proceeded to look at Deus.
"My child, you have grown into a splendid man with a vivid Imagination, you've got nice friends to, such as that mage, she is powerful...It is nice to see that you are fitting in..One more thing before I leave, You will have to make a choice soon between darkness and light, and I won't be able to help you then...It was nice seeing you son. Come on Lucificus, let us go."
"Already, But I want to know about this kid, he's an interesting one, You raised him well Merlin..Alright then let's go."

Deus: Town Center
Deus awoke to water. Literally he was in a buble of water and was about to pass out if he didn't wake up sooner. He was back to normal and he had his abilities back. He had to be quick on his feet, so he activated Projectile Body, as it was covered by an intense aura. He quickly broke free out of it and began to fly towards Meruin, he needed to tell her something.
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