Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Xenonia
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Xenonia QT3.14

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Well, that'd be bad news foah me, considerin' Copernicium ain't been around since long aftah alchemy was a thing. The hell do I represent, ya Transmutant? The wild cahd? Because if so..." Dan's face went dark for a moment, as if deep in reflective thought. "That'd be fuckin' sweet. Wild cahd, bitches! Haha! But really, we got a fuckin' country ta take by stoahm. I don't speak I-talian and I shoah as hell ain't goin' it alone." he reached his hand out for a near-fainting Chloe. "You ready foah this?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CLIW
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CLIW ( ರ Ĺ̯ ರೃ )

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Chloe sighed quietly and took Dan's hand, trying not to look too weirded out. Hopefully the gesture would satisfy him, and he'd get bored. She glanced at Jaden and raised an eyebrow. What a weird kid, what an incredibly weird kid.

"The way I see it, you're probably projecting. Some people are just protective types. And what the hell is chlorine supposed to be? Psychotic murderer? Because let me remind you, that was an accident."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarlet Angel94
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Scarlet Angel94

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"I remember bits and pieces, Chlorine wasn't discovered until the Victorian Era...Alchemy died out in the first half of the seventeen hundreds. Sorry Chloe, I don't think there is an Alchemical character regarding your element....things like Hydrogen and Helium don't really have one either...they weren't discovered for a long time. Iron and forms of Radiation were speculated for centuries...some of the elements on the periodic table are ancient elements...and don't look at me like I'm weird! I know I am okay?"

He'd seen the look she'd given him early, and he knew it well but decided not to dwell on it right now. He looked at the pixie of a girl beside him and her Ice Queen sister and felt himself internally shutter. Ice, yes that had a character. Waves, or a triangle representing Life and also Stagnation. The Judge.

"Ice is a water base, thus....it had a symbol - two in fact. The Judge, because of the properties of giving and taking. There's an upside down triangle symbolizing stable water, and waves also known as Aquarius - the Water Bearer in the Zodiac as living water. Thus they sprang forth Tarot Cards and what-not. So Aura is...The Judge. I am the Guardian....if you let me think I might be able to come up with the basic principles and that would make sense but....Aria...she's fire....that might...be difficult....sorry."

Now he knew they were gonna think he was the strangest person in existence - well they were all in the same boat weren't they - and then he looked to Dan. Radiation, if he thought on it the sun gave off ultra-violet rays and it was a form of fire so him and Aria both may have a similar character. He shook his head feeling a throb in his frontal lobe before almost crossing his eyes. He needed to stop thinking, before he over did it again. Sometimes having a good memory was a bad thing - especially on top of stress.

"So, in Italy whose up for a walk to the country side? Maria should be there...."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RomanAria

RomanAria 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕟𝕦𝕘𝕘𝕝𝕖 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Stop talking, please, Jaden..." Aria whispered. Sparks were flicking off her fingertips and falling into the ice that was below her and Aura's feet, though she kept her palms pressed tightly against her arms lest she actually roast something. Other than her own skin. She'd burned her wrists fairly badly earlier, she dreaded to think of what she might do now. Her back rigid from trying to keep herself under control, she took several calming breaths, finally leaning her head back against the wall of the train. "Okay. I could definitely use some fresh air as soon as we get to Italy."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Tracyarmav
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Tracyarmav Aliit Or'dinii

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alessandra Guillory

After the two got ready, they traveled up to the resort, where Alessandra spoke up to the staff.

"Hello there, we were invited here by a man named Tecumseh. We were told to ask for him specifically."

Tecumseh had listened to Mr. Schultz for thirty minutes as he covered, rather vaguely, the details Tecumseh had come down to learn. Fortunately he learned enough to satisfy his curiosity and reassure himself that they were not in fact desecrating any sacred grounds. So he excused himself and returned to his office. He received a brief text, saying only "Check News NOW" from one of his buddies. Confused he flipped the office TV on and watched as Mr. Oberschmitt turned the femur into a sphere and then a cube. His mind went into over drive immediately. Things were going to get nasty fast, fear ruled the uneducated mob and there wasn't enough information to educate even the elementals, much less the whole world. Tecumseh responded to his buddy, "Get the boys and their families together ASAP, I may need you in the near future. And bring your kits, I'll cover room and board just get everyone here." It was time to open up the old "wine cellar," but first the reservations. Tecumseh left the TV on and sat down, setting up reservations for each of his buddies' families in his resort. Up rooting like this was going to be risky, but they'd made plans for just such an event so it would go smoothly, with the last of them arriving in three days.

As the day wore on, he worked feverishly to gather what information he could. As the TV focused on the Oberschmitt's he picked up the interrogation in the same oxford pub that had lost it's owner. He had also been sent a picture of the woman doing the asking, a strong woman he saw despite her stature. He pulled out a small note book and began a tally of sorts. Himself, the Terrorist, The Oberschmitt's and their old friend, the Interrogator, who knew how many of the group she pursued(4 persons?), then there was the girl he'd met at the dig today, was she one of us? He left it off as his phone rang. He picked it up and finally hear his stomach growl, glancing out the window he noticed it was evening by now and grinned. Oh! The two had taken him up on his offer! ... could he afford to leave everything? He'd rather not... could he afford to ignore this potential elemental? No, he had to go. Tecumseh asked that the small private dining room be prepared, and that his guest be shown to it. He hung up as soon as confirmation was given and looked at what he was wearing, while it was sufficient to inspect the dig site, it would not do or hosting a dinner. Ahh, right, Sarah had made him keep a suit ready in case important visitors arrived unexpected, given his usual disdain for suits, and this qualified. Even if Sarah wouldn't understand tomorrow morning, oh dear... how was he going to explain this to her? Later, dinner now.

He changed in his office, then closed up the office, locking everything before marching rapidly down the walk to the lobby and then on into the dinning room. There he saw the chef signal him from the kitchen door and walked over, to be asked what to prepare for dinner. Thinking a moment, he requested the three course mutton pie the chef did so well. The chef beamed and set about his task vigorously, while Tecumseh remembered one last thing, and headed back through the lobby through a door marked employees only, down a short hall, and into the small set of offices that consisted of the hotel security. There he asked the guards to be extra vigilant, as he'd noticed some unsavory folks at the dig and didn't want any of his customer's vacation's interrupted by a few ruffians. The chief officer peeled his eyes off the TV long enough to see Tecumseh was serious, and grimacing turned the TV off and ordered his subordinates to keep a sharp eye out for trouble, keying his radio to be sure everyone on the grounds got the message.

Turning back, he passed the employee lounge, where the receptionist was gossiping with a couple of co-workers about the strange woman dressed as if she was from the middle east. She made the mistake of making a generalization about all such women as Tecumseh passed the door. He stopped immediately, his people had been, some were still, hated by ignorant, thanks in large part to assumptions made by the ruling classes in America about. He wasn't about to let someone else suffer as his people had, and let the receptionist know that if she couldn't bother herself to be any more respectful of his guests and their beliefs, no matter how unique, He'd be happy to fill out a pink slip right then and there. The three women were stunned by the unexpected outbreak, Tecumseh was usually so polite and now he was threatening to fire a girl over one harmless little comment. The receptionist stammered out that the pink slip would not be needed, and he told her to prove it by learning enough about this particular guest's culture to carry on a conversation with her with out offending her. Still in shock, she simply said "okay" and then Tecumseh vanished down the hall as quickly as he had appeared, leaving the three women in an awkward silence.

At last he stepped into the private dinning room, having made arrangements with the head waiter that if Ms. Bhati ate dinner at the resort this week it would be on the house, non-negotiable. He stopped just inside the room and took a deep breath before bowing to the young couple seated before him, and requesting the pleasure of joining them for dinner. He wore a black tuxedo over a starched white shirt, with a scarlet red tie, that oddly accented his skin tone in a pleasant way. He wore polished black oxfords over black and scarlet checkered socks. Sarah wasn't sure why he'd insisted on those, but he'd aways answered that a distinguished host must not be easily forgotten yet never to overbearing in his dress, and checkered socks sat right in the middle, or at least close enough for him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xenonia
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Xenonia QT3.14

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Hell, if you want fresh ayah, just open a window. In fact..." Dan turned to open the window, not realizing the speed at which the train was now travelling. Immediately, a blast of air hit Dan straight in the face, knocking him backwards a bit. "Holy SHIT!" the window was closed nearly as fast as it had been open. "So... Othah than Jojo's aunt Maria, who else we got as fah as 'contacts'? Any a' yous got, I dunno, connections in high places oah somethin'? Closest I got is my fostah uncle Jack. Runs a hotdog caht across from the White House."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slenderpman
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Slenderpman Czar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The Chromium Element

Darkness clouded the edge of Chrome's vision as he got up out of the bed he was in, and he felt extremely groggy. He still had the chromium sword next to him, an almost useless weapon, but it was significant to him. He and the Sword were a kin, made of the same element. He knew that it would not serve him well in combat in all but the least perilous situations, that it needed to be melded like his skin very often just from being moved constantly through the Nitrogen mixture of air just to stay intact. He knew that if he was ever to use the sword, he was likely already dead because Chromium is only good for one thing, and it is not protecting yourself. He knew that he and the sword went through the same difficulties everyday and that's why he kept it, because it was him and he was it. Sighing, if you could call the clanking of heavy metal throughout his body a sigh, he packed up all his belongings, threw a sweatshirt on and pulled it low over his face. There were some perks to being made of Chromium. He was immune to any poisoning and he always had a weapon on hand, literally. Welded onto his fists were spikes made of steel and chromium, which lead him to another perk. He could augment his body with metals and theoretically he could change shape which would be indeed an unpleasant experience. His Nervous system was still intact but was dulled down due to parts of it being replaced by the Prison he called a body.

Giving up the immense train of thought Chrome walked out of the Motel he was staying in, hunched over to conceal his face. He wondered if there was any other Chromium element beings that were like him, or if he was the alone bearer of the curse or gift he was bestowed. He hoped he wasn't the only one. He thought back to the battle he had with another super being earlier in the year, back when he thought he could better the world. He realized that he was rather gifted if the other Elements were like that one. He did not know which one it was, but it left large burns on his body and it required ages of agony to replace the molten chromium. Chromium was not cheap, but wasn't too expensive. He wondered if he would ever develop a new use for his gift besides being a walking electromagnet that could be chiseled by a toothpick. He wondered if he would encounter any of the Elemental beings representing a precious metal. He hoped that they wouldn't wane his Oxide layers that protected him from the poisonous Nitogen atmosphere outside his body. He cringed as he remembered the time he wore a golden chain. He nearly lost arm because he became so brittle that moving it made it almost break of.

Chrome glanced at a group of people who were eyeing him shadily. Why shouldn't they, he was walking around looking like a crack addict and if they god forbid he took any of his clothes off they would classify him as worse. He looked down at the snow around his shoes and smiled. There was fun thing to being chromium, and that was his magnetic abilities. He looked around and ran to a flag pole, changing his magnetic field in a way that a regular human could never understand, and began to climb it with strides. He was at the top as he jumped from the pole tumbling into a roll so not to break his sensitive body. "There's never a bad without a good to counter it" He chuckled to himself.

((If anyone want's to see him or interact with him I am cool with that))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nerevarine
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Nerevarine Frá hvem rinnur þú? - ᚠᚱᚬ᛫ᚼᚢᛅᛁᛘ᛫ᚱᛁᚾᛅᛦ᛫ᚦᚢ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alessandra Guillory

As Alessa and her guest were lead into the dining room, she couldn't help but notice the clothing she and Jason were dressed in. Obviously not as formal as she would like, but it wasn't like she could really get much better from the clothes brought to a paleontological dig site. Still, she had not expected the level of formality that was conveyed by the environment around her. The simple sundress was certainly nice, a blue dress with a white floral pattern on it. Jason had dressed even less formally, simply in a white t-shirt and jeans.

Alessa took her seat, waiting for the host to make his appearance. As he did, Alessa was certainly impressed by his dress. The red stood out and was definitely memorable. Alessa made a small gesture at him, and flashed a smile.

"Hello there, I'm Alessandra. It's nice to meet you again, under better circumstances." She smiled again, trying to find words and carry on the conversation; talking was not her strong suit, but she would try her best. "Thank you for inviting us to dinner, we appreciated it very much"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CLIW
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CLIW ( ರ Ĺ̯ ರೃ )

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Chloe squinted but didn't comment on the blast of wind that slapped her in the face. Instead she let go of Dan's hand and moved to get her hair out of her face. If it had looked bad this morning, it was terrible now. "It looks like the best option we have is someone's crazy aunt," she muttered. The most attractive option right now was to nap on the way and tune everyone out, but for now, she kept her eyes open. She didn't want Dan (who she still couldn't believe she'd sat next to) to try anything.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tracyarmav
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Tracyarmav Aliit Or'dinii

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tecumseh beamed and slipped out of his jacket, putting it on the back of his chair, and joined the couple at the table. Thank you for coming, I wasn't sure you'd come. The waiter arrived to take their drink orders, he seemed to skip Tecumseh, but that was only because everyone who worked in the kitchen knew that Tecumseh drank only one thing with his meals, a strong herbal tea, only lightly sweetened with exactly five ice-cubes. He was oddly specific in many things, but none of it was particularly strange aside from it being so specific, so no one really minded. After the waiter left, Tecumseh picked up the conversation where he'd left off. My name is Tecumseh Kawacatoose, but most simply call me Tecum[TEH-cum], and what is your name young man? The waiter returned with their drinks as ordered, and Tecumseh took a long swig from his tea, he hadn't realized just how thirsty he was until he had a drink in front of him. He hadn't had anything to eat or drink since breakfast that morning as a matter of fact. The waiter merely smiled and shook his head when he saw Tecum's glass already two-thirds empty, as he fetched the man a second glass.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xenonia
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Xenonia QT3.14

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Dan sighed. "Crazy aunt it is, I guess. You lookin' fohwahd to it? I shoah ain't. Aftah this, we get to do my plan, roit? The goin' ta Sarasota one? Because I'm still invested in seein' a Skunk Ape." He looked at Chloe, and frowned. "You okay? Ya look... Non-plussed. Like you don't like spendin' time with me. Is theyah somethin' in my teeth? Oah do you just not like me?" This was really bothering him, now. How could he romance a classy dame who didn't want a gent like him? "I'll have ya know I'd treat ya right..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slenderpman
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Slenderpman Czar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The Chromium Element

As Chrome was brooding over the short-coming's and advantages of his Element, he vaguely noticed the sound of a train in the distance.

Chromium isn't useless if I could just find a way to utilize it. Where and When. I don't know. How, I don't know and How I don't know is what I need to learn. I simply must. Chrome thought. He was constantly wondering how useless or how useful his abilities were. It was an obsession that was almost Bi-Polar.

'WHOOSH' Chrome felt the ground vibrating under his feet as the front of the train appeared in Chrome's vision. He realized that he was standing directly on the train tracks and thanked whatever being must instigate the universe for his hearing. He stepped out of the way when I sudden inspiration caught him by surprise. He had many a time's been caught hitch hiking on trains because he currently does not own a home, but would they see him if he was attached to the side?

Chrome took a few steps back as he prepared for a jump. The train grew closer. He tensed his legs to the best of his ability, although it was in vain because his muscles made of Chromium were more similar to gears that regular humans.
This is insane, you'll kill yourself a voice of reason echoed through Chromes brain.
If I was going to die, I would've a long time ago Chrome thought to himself. He almost smiled as he realized he was talking to himself. Almost.

As chrome soared through the air and changed his magnetic field to attach to the train, he realized seemingly for the first time that metal on metal is not a pretty sound. He tried to turn but it was too late as he attached to the side of the train making a heavy 'Clang' noise

"Damnit!" Chrome, although quietly, said.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by CLIW
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CLIW ( ರ Ĺ̯ ರೃ )

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"No it's not that...um, it's...It's nothing." She made herself smile. "I like you just fine, it's just that it's a little weird being walking home from the rec center one day and fleeing the country with a bunch of people I hardly know the next." It couldn't hurt to be a little more friendly, could it? "Let's go on a walk or something once we get to Italy, okay?" Chloe could hardly believe herself. Agreeing to a date with a stranger. It just wasn't in her nature!

She was brought out of her stunned self-reflection by a loud noise. It sounded like something big, heavy and metallic colliding with the train, and it sent her into a small freak-out, with her eyes going wide and her face losing a little of its color. She leaped out of her seat, a tendril of faint green-yellow gas flowing from her nostrils and sinking to the ground. She was putting out too much. "Open the window," she whispered to Dan. Her voice shook.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xenonia
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Xenonia QT3.14

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"AGH FUCK!" Dan shook himself back to his senses. "Whatevah the fuck that was... I'm checkin' it out!" and with that, Dan opened the window, only to get... Less of a blast of air than before. Something was buffeting the wind by the window. Dan took a peek out, only to see some kind of... Metal man. While Dan was in the mood for a lot of shit, he was not in the mood for this particular shit. "Hey, you! Fuckah who's blockin' the screamin' winds that should be tearin' my face off! Get off the train! Oah get in heah!" He made room for the disturbed... thing to enter. "Situation's totally undah control."
1x Like Like
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slenderpman
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Slenderpman Czar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

((Just saying. He did have a hood over his metal parts... Regardless, time for some fun :3))
The Chromium Element

Chrome eyed Dan disdainfully and immediately had a disliking for the person, and it wasn't because of how imminently rude he was. For a strange reason, it seemed not to bother him that he was seen as a Tony Stark rip off by the guy. His disliking aside, he realized that he felt a sense of importance in the car Dan shouted from. Chrome decided he would check out what was the fuss. He changed his magnetic pulses to swing across the train into the car in a matter of seconds. As he peeked through the window, he realized that it was quite possible that some of these people might be other Elements, he was familiar with the sensation he felt when an element is exposed to him.

"Could I get a lil' help here. The damned thing isn't open wide enough." Chrome said to the car, oblivious to the fact that he probably looked kind of silly trying to climb in through the window.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarlet Angel94
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Scarlet Angel94

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"First of all, what are you doing? Secondly, my name is Jaden! And lastly Maria is not my aunt! she's just my father's old friend."

God what was he even doing? Aria was the one who at current had him worried. He sighed and felt a sudden urge to bash his head against something. Dan was doing something with the window, Chloe....he wasn't even sure. Aura - he didn't even want to know.

"What am I doing by agreeing to go globe trodding with these people? And on top of that they don't seem to keen on talking at the moment...not that I blame them in all honesty...."

They had been forced away from family, and were left running away from a psycho who could do unmentionable things to them if he got them. Right now though he felt guilty. Aria and Aura hadn't wanted this to happen - he hadn't wanted to force them away from their parents - Jaden was also positive that Chloe and Dan had family potentially looking for them or wondering why they hadn't come home yet. They couldn't contact them in case something happened and they were tailed, none of them could connect to the others who knew them to let them know that they were okay.

"When we get to Italy...Maria can probably show us what to do and help us get to America...she may even know where we'll be safest....so lets just try and keep ourselves calm and get through this...I think we can avoid that man as long as we're careful."

Careful, how much more careful could they be? Changing their appearances, their names, nationalities, and their potential futures. What would they do if people found their families? Even Jaden had relatives he didn't want to see get caught up in this mess - but what could they honestly do? Nothing, and it made him feel pathetic.

"Just wait it out, we can make it through these trials so long as we keep looking forward."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Scarlet Angel94
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Scarlet Angel94

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Saya frowned as her bangs fell into her eyes. She at current was sitting at a train station waiting on a group of very frustrating, annoying, and damn near sneaky brats. Saya knew it would be a bit hard to sort things out with the group but she had never thought that tailing a group of people would be this hard! She puffed out her cheeks and looked around her as people gossiped a bit at her appearance. She narrowed her eyes and leaned back against the bench.

"So....Jaden, the Iron Elemental....Aria and Aura Thomas - the Hydrogen and Helium users....and the other two....damn Toshiro! Why is it they were the only ones we could get the names of!" She tisked at the fact that the man seemed to be able to get so much, but at the same time - completely fail.

"Naze....watashi?" she glanced at the sky through the window she was near, her gold eyes catching the rays.

So far she had been half way to getting near Italy and then was called by Toshiro to head back towards the area of England - they would stop near Heathrow, get on a boat, and then be to Italy. How they were going to do that she had no idea, but she really hoped that they were able to avoid being detected.

"Ever since that broadcast in New York City went off....I've been getting a bad feeling...."

She sighed and looked at the large old clock on the wall and puffed out her cheeks.

"Naze....watashi...." she asked why she had to deal with all this insanity, but knew someone had to.

"I guess this is going to pay off but....WHY THE HELL DID I GET THE HARD HEADED SNEAKY ONES?!" Her face flushed in irritation and she took a deep breath.

This was going to be a long wait.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CLIW
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CLIW ( ರ Ĺ̯ ರೃ )

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

For a moment all Chloe seemed capable of doing was stare dumbfounded at the man who was trying to climb into the window. She bristled with distrust and blew out one last breath of chlorine, which either went out the window or floated toward the ground. Deep breaths, deep breaths. If he turns out to be a bad guy...we'll handle it later. What a terrible plan! Still, she grabbed Chrome by an arm and pulled with all her might. He was so heavy she thought that her arms would pop from their sockets, and a frustrated look came across her face.

She hoped that Dan had been speaking sarcastically when he'd said that the situation was under control.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slenderpman
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Slenderpman Czar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Chrome came tumbling in, spilling all over the floor. All of a sudden it dawned on him how ridiculous he might look, and that his Chromium was showing.
"Son of a... I mean... uh... Where are my manners? Hello, I'm Chrome." He said, standing up in the middle of the car. He glanced around and saw a dent on his arm where he was pushed on heavily on the trains window. It didn't reach his nerves however and he was only vaguely aware that he could feel the depression
"Well... Isn't really a sight you see every day, eh? Bet ya never seen a walking talkin' kitchen utensil?" Chrome said, trying to lighten a mood that he appeared to have made. He looked around and saw his backpack on the floor, he gathered it into his hands and slung it over his back. Luckily, the contents were safely inside. Finally, after what seemed like ages, but was really only seconds, he said.
"I sure as hell hope you guy's are part of the table... because if not... well I've landed one hell of a situation"

((Table as in Periodic Table))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xenonia
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Xenonia QT3.14

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Dan stared a moment, then began to laugh. "Ho-holy HELL, yoah like some kinda fuckin' Ultron-robot! Look, when I've calmed down, I'll try an'... Hahaholy shit, don't think I can..." Dan was doubled over, cackling like a buffoon. "Look, Chrome? Like, the google shit? I'm Rad--ito. Radito Danito." He caught himself before tripping. "If by table ya mean, ah we all freaks like-- I'm sorry, nobody could possibly be a freak like YOU--, but yeah. We'ah all freaks. Each of us represent an... Element. Mine is surprise." Dan's laughter was slower now but still constant. "So, uh... Welcome aboahd."
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