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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Earnest Evans
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Earnest Evans Backdown Champion

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Defense rolls failed to meet Attack roll. No-Point took 1 die in damage. No-Point's current dice pool: 4d6.

The momentary lapse in No-Point's defenses proves dangerous! As No-Point charges in to grab at one of the Kokiri, the other takes the initiative and spears him in the back of the leg! Blood flows freely through No-Point's wounded leg, as the twin Kokiris continue their dance of death!

The duo withdraw from No-Point's grasp, and now work in tandem. Both dance around, just out of No-Point's reach, before suddenly darting towards him in an attempt to catch him off-guard!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Raisa growled angrily as she finally recovered from the stunning power of the explosion. Squinting furiously she managed to make out No-Point engaging two heavily armored Kokiri. She quickly brought out a spear she kept in two halves for easy transportation, snapped them together and charged to No-Point's aid, her cloak flourishing out behind her. She hoped to at least fend them off if not injure or incapacitate one of them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xenonia
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Xenonia QT3.14

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Falling out of the sack that No-Point and Boom had shoved him in, Mycellium was barely able to comprehend the situation unfolding all around them. The tall woman-thing was running to assist the round-eared brute, the kokiri-beast from the caravan was screaming at the top of his lungs, and they were being attacked by other, armored kokiri-beasts. The whole situation confused him, and it had been made worse when he noticed the remains of several ironwood deku-nuts scattered about. So Mycellium did just about the only thing he knew how: He shot spores all over the place.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Boomrocker
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Boomrocker I don't use contractions

Member Seen 7 mos ago

No-Point let out a cry of pain! He had underestimated these pesky soldiers! He would not do so twice! He fell to his knee, bleeding profusely, and waited.

Then they rushed him. Perfect.

The interference from the Gerudo caused a much needed distraction, and the spores from the deku slowed the Kokiri enough that he had time to rotate and throw one fist forward, and one to the side. Coincidentally, each fist was going to land right where a Kokiri head was about to appear. The momentum of a running Kokiri would surely compound the force of fists suddenly appearing where their heads should be, correct?

Correct. Fists collided with faces and the force of the blows sent both soldiers to the ground, reeling. The big guy saw this as a perfect opportunity to pick up one of the dazed soldiers by the neck and use his newfound club to beat the living daylights out of the other one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Earnest Evans
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Earnest Evans Backdown Champion

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The soldier in No-Point's grasp manages to struggle free just as it is sent flying into his companion! Thanks to the Kokiri's diminutive size and weight, neither are harmed.

Just as the two Kokiri prepare to charge in again, a loud cry rings out! It appears the armored Kokiri whose mount you killed has managed to free himself!

The twin Kokiris back off, bowing their heads. Moved by the eloquent words of what appears to be their leader, the rest of the assembled Kokiri cease their battle cries.

The Kokiri's leader sniffs the air, and scowls. He turns to No-Point, and points at him with one freakish claw.

"You! Big guy! You smell. Like Ironwood! Good friend... of Ironwood! Deal with you. Deal with Ironwood! Blow horn!"

A window's shutters far above the town square are thrown open, and a paradoxically decrepit-looking Kokiri pokes his head out. With a mighty gasp, the Kokiri pulls out a golden blowing horn and blows into it, letting loose a deafening rumble. The Kokiri's leader grins smugly at No-Point, as the assorted Kokiris present flee into their homes.

"You. Friend with Ironwood. Me, Aargh. Friend with Oldwood! Oldwood stronger!"

As he speaks, the ground around Kokiri's leader comes alive! A thick network of roots works its way around both No-Point and the leader, before suddenly rising up into the air! Suspended high above the town square in an arena of tangled roots, outside help is impossible! The Kokiri's leader laughs evilly, and points to the ground below him.

"Don't trip. You go splat! Aargh kill you, Oldwood kill your friends!

The base of the pillar of roots begins to move on its own! Twisted taproots make way for a snapping, fibrous maw! The Oldwood Deku are staunch allies of the Kokiri. After the decline of the Great Deku Tree, other creatures have filled the power vacuum. With a horrible groan, the creature inside the pillar turns its attention to Dingle, Boom, Raisa, and Mycellium!

Kokiri Military routed!

Aargh, Champion of the Kokiri (4d6)

Deku Naga, Guardian of the Kokiri (5d6)

Players get the first hit. No-Point will not be able to receive help from anyone against Aargh. A new leader is needed for the fight against Deku Naga.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Boom stared in awe at the Deku Naga. He knew this creature. The protector of the Kokiri Sinkhole. Before the time of Boom's, let's call it exile, long had he stared at that fibrous creature. He knew that out of all the things in the village, this creature would burn the brightest. Survival took a less important spot in his mind. What truly mattered now, was that the creature would burn and die. And most of all, it had to know it was by Boom's hands. After all, killing the guardian of the Sinkhole would secure a level of nefarious prestige that would keep the other Kokiri from continuing to go after him.

Jumping around with eager glee, Boom pointed at Deku Naga. "Listens!" He hissed out as he reached into his sack as he pulled out a bombchu. Boom eagerly grinned as he licked at his fangs teeth, staring at the base of the wooden guardian. "We here!" He declared as he began tossing the bombchu up and down in his right hand.

"Watchesyouburnwatchesyouburnwatchesyouburnwatchesyouburnwatchesyouburn!" He said as his neck twitched towards the right. With an ever-present grin, Boom cackled out, "GWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH BOOM WATCHES YOU BURN!"

With an overzealous chuck, Boom tossed the opening bombchu at the fibrous pillar. "Ehehehehehehehehe!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xenonia
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Xenonia QT3.14

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mycellium looked upon the writhing serpentine mass of plant matter with an empty stare. It felt nothing about this creature, that once it might have called brethren. It might have attempted to reason and make peace, Deku to Deku. but Mycellium, if he had ever had a conscience or mind of his own, was now only an extension of the fungus. A relatively advanced extension in comparison to the typical shambling mushroom monster, but no less a part of a parasitic mass, and not a thinking individual.

The Kokiri beast was lobbing bombs, attempting to extract some sort of vengeance on the creature. The fungus creature did not have such a motive, but it did have patience. And so it waited for the perfect time to strike.

(I rolled something but got no sixes so I'm not doin' nothin' this round)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Boomrocker
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Boomrocker I don't use contractions

Member Seen 7 mos ago

"Perhaps it is your turn to fall!" No-Point boomed as he rushed forward. The bleeding in his knee did not stop him. His ferocious fighting style demanded that he end his opponent, and end him he shall.

The advantages of the Kokiri were their size and their speed, avoiding anything thrown at them. The cowards. The fools. No-Point would take away his opponent's speed.

He reached out for a grapple, anything where he could grab on to the Kokiri and prevent him from escaping his clutches.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Earnest Evans
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Earnest Evans Backdown Champion

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Aargh, Champion of the Kokiri

Aargh, still disoriented from being pinned by his mount, is unable to avoid being grabbed!

Desperately flailing in an attempt to break free, Aargh dislocates his own shoulder! (current dicepool: 3d6)

Still trapped in No-Point's clutches, Aargh claws wildly at his forearm, in an attempt to force No-Point to drop him!

Deku-Naga, Guardian of the Kokiri

The immense network of vines and roots easily swats the airborne Bombchu away, and turns its attention to Boom!

Intense magical energies have caused this once mindless Deku Baba to develop a sort of intelligence. It looks at the exiled Kokiri below it, and for once feels something akin to shame. That shame turns to anger all too soon.

Spraying evil-smelling spittle in Boom's face, the Deku-Naga sweeps its vines through the town square at break-neck speeds!

Important update to team-based fighting.

I'm going to be adding a rule regarding combat. From now on, only posts made before the Team Leader makes their roll will count. This is to make it so that the Team Leader can reliably add the rest of his team's contributions to his own post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Boomrocker
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Boomrocker I don't use contractions

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Ignoring the pitiful scratching against his arm, No-Point simply backhanded the Kokiri across the face. That was enough to daze him, he believed.

The warlord shifted his grip, moving his hand around the Kokiri's neck, and applied pressure. It was enough to block some oxygen from reaching the Kokiri's brain and keep him in the state of daze, but not enough to kill him or knock him out quickly.

"I will not kill you," No-Point explained, as he increased the pressure on the Kokiri's throat (Terrifyingly Powerful cliche, inducing fear). His voice was calm and tempered, the opposite of the cruelty of his actions. "Not yet." His eyes burrowed into those of his assailant. "In the future I may have use for you and your people. It is an offer. Accept, and you live. Decline... and your punishment will be more severe."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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clanjos Giant Hero

Member Seen 2 days ago

Dingle began making hand signs as the Deku Naga reared back, only to find she'd fumbled while performing crucial gestures. The Garo Ninja Arts would not avail her pyromaniac companion this day.

No sixes, no good.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"KREEEE! THE THINGSES MUST BE HURT! MUST BE HURT!" Boom hissed out angrily. Stomping his feet on the ground, Boom slammed both of his hands against his face. "NOOOOO! IT BURNS! AND BOOM WATCHES! BURNSANDWATCHES!" Removing his hands from his face, Boom stared at the serpentine mass that was the guardian of the sinkhole.

It, the thing was actually staring at him. Boom just stared a bit. It was a living thing that was protecting his old home. This fibrous creature had to have some sort of feeling right? Upon realizing that he was going to be burning and destroying something that was actually alive, Boom jumped up with glee. "Eheeheheheh!" Boom was reaching into his bag, as he pulled out a bomb.

Just at that moment, a massive series of vines were swinging at him at incredible speeds. Boom inefectually threw the bomb as he let out a squeak of terror.

This, this probably wasn't going to be pretty.

And it wasn't. First the plethora of vegetative vines broke the bombchu, without setting it off. After that, the diminutive Kokiri was smacked by the barrage of vines. Each one whipped at his ribcage as it smacked him down onto the ground. In the process some dirt was shot up.

Boom shook his head as he eyed the thing in a bit of terror. "Harder than we thoughts!" Eagerly nodding at himself he quickly reached into his sack of bombchus. He fumbled it a bit, considering his nervous state, what with being struck in a painful manner by the vines.

Taking a small bit of time to aim, Boom hissed out something incoherently as he tossed the bombchu straight at the vines of the creature.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Earnest Evans
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Earnest Evans Backdown Champion

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Aargh, Champion of the Kokiri

Aargh's eyes gleam menacingly at No-Point's implications, as his consciousness slowly drains away (current pool: 2d6)

"K-Kokiri strong! Stronger than y-you! No slave! Not to Ironwood! Ironwood evil! You stupid! Why trust Ironwood?!"

With the last of his strength, Aargh bites No-Point's wrist!

Deku-Naga, Guardian of the Kokiri

Roaring proudly, the Deku Naga swats the active Bombchu with a mighty vine... detonating it! (dicepool: 4d6)

There is a flash of light and heat as Bombchu shrapnel severs many of the beast's smaller tentacles!
Pride making way to outrage and fury, the Deku Naga flails its burning limb impotently!

The Deku Naga, now wise to the many dangers presented in using only its vines, opts to go for a more direct route.
The Deku Naga rears its toothy maw back, before thrusting it forwards, heading directly towards Boom!
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Boomrocker
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Boomrocker I don't use contractions

Member Seen 7 mos ago

His arms were strong. His assailant was weak. No-Point did not have to do anything to resist the bite. His assailant's bite was simply not strong enough to puncture his wrist.

"Such a pity," the warlord said with resignation, as though saddened by his enemy's defiance. He put his free hand on his enemy's neck, tightened his grip, and lifted the Kokiri off the ground. In the end, he went from squeezing the fight out of Kokiri to squeezing the life out of him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Earnest Evans
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Earnest Evans Backdown Champion

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Aargh, Champion of the Kokiri

Aargh is unable to struggle free. (pool: 1d6)

His movements grow fainter and fainter. Faced with his own death, Aargh's arms hang limply.

Aargh feebly claws at No-Point with his left arm!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Raisa quickly moved to assist the Korkiri before the freakishly large tree could consume him. Obviously getting in front of its mouth would be suicidal so instead she opted for a different route. While the tree was distracted attacking the Kokiri Raisa got up and personal with its exposed trunk putting away her speak and taking out a medium sized axe and hacked at the base. Sadly on the way over between attempting to avoid the tree roots and switching weapons Raisa ended up tripping over one of the numerous roots and tumbling to the ground, unharmed, but not helping the bomb crazy Korkiri at all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Boomrocker
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Boomrocker I don't use contractions

Member Seen 7 mos ago

There was nothing more that No-Point needed to do. He allowed the weak attack to bounce off his arm as he hoisted the struggling Kokiri high in the air. It was a sublime act of dominance, and of pure cruelty, as his dying assailant was on display for all to see. The Kokiri's friends and enemies would see his ignoble passing, completely and switfly defeated, with no glory and no honour to his name.

"Hush now," the warlord said quietly through his mask, as though he were a parent comforting their child. "You will sleep soon."

His eyes never left those of his dying enemy.

There were no thoughts of mercy. No-Point had offered the gift of life once and once only. With rejection, the final decision had been made. It was merely No-Point's duty to carry out the sentence. He maintained his squeeze. Not long now, and the Kokiri champion would expire.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xenonia
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Xenonia QT3.14

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mycellium knew what it had to do. If these traveling marauders all died, Mycellium would be of no use to the fungus. There were few options left, so Mycellium decided to do what had to be done. Jumping in front of the long and twisted deku beast, he let loose a cloud of spores to protect the kokiri pyromaniac.

(if we fail defense, Mycellium will take the hit.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Boom simply grumbled a bit as the Gerudo failed to provide any useful assistance. Some would say it was the thought that counts, but Boom was more concerned with the Deku Baba that had its maw open. Reaching into his bag he pulled out another Bombchu as his fangs chattered a bit. Boom was still, somewhat nervous about the creature. Even though he knew it was his destiny to murder it in a fiery explosion of shrapnel and damage, he was still hesitant.

For he knew the danger of the Oldwood. Boom shook his head as he regained his composure. In that time, Mycellium jumped in front of the Deku-Naga, as he pulled out his new bombchu. Throwing his bomb into the spore cloud in front of the beast, Boom laughed about how a job would be well done.

Well, it exploded in front of the creature. But surely it wasn't going to be enough to stop it from taking a chunk out of the Fungus Deku, who nobly stepped in front of Boom. Hopefully it would spit out the fungus monster, perhaps on account of its taste.

"It eats it." Boom muttered to himself, "We safe, for now. We strikes." Boom gave another nod to himself as he pulled out another bombchu.

"The thing-" Boom spoke before hissing out at himself angrily. With a quick and decisive motion he hurled the bombchu towards the Deku Naga's tendrous face-esque region.

Defense with Mycelium's 6 results in a tie! Sadly was not enough! Attack goes through! Mycellium takes double-damage.
Next round Boom gets bonus to attack for heroic vengeance!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Earnest Evans
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Earnest Evans Backdown Champion

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Deku Naga, Guardian of the Kokiri

The mighty beast swallows the bomb, but its foul saliva disables the explosive chemicals within the Bombchu's innards before it has a chance to explode!

The Deku Naga attempts to grin smugly. Of course, lacking lips, it grins in much the same way it's always grinned. It rolls Mycellium around on its tongue, attempting to find something resembling meat, but finds nothing. With a disgusted groan, it spits Mycellium out, sending it crashing into a shoddy market stall. Its preoccupation with the little Deku satisfied, the Deku Naga turns its attention to Boom once more.

The Deku Naga opts to disable Boom, by twisting a set of gnarled roots between his legs. With immense force, it hoists Boom up and flips him upside-down!

Aargh, Champion of the Kokiri

Aargh lets out a soft rattle as the last of his breath leaves his lungs.

At last, the champion is dead. With the last of his energy, he snaps his right hand's fingers.

Suddenly, the tangled network beneath No-Point's feet opens up and swallows him whole! No-Point is being dragged slowly downward through an immense hollow tube of writhing vines. Though the vines are fragile, to escape now would mean plummeting to sudden death. It would take a prodigious amount of luck to break free and survive the fall.

Roll 4d6 to save yourself from both the root network and the fall. Roll to beat: 22.
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