Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crazy Scion
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Crazy Scion Luck is a Lie

Member Seen 8 mos ago

"Dennis where are we?" Scion asked with bit of agitation in his voice as he stared off into the dark clouded skies below.

"I am unable to connect to GPS. This is surprising given it connected just fine before someone decided step onto that abandoned air field." Dennis responds in an equally annoyed tone.

"Listen how was I suppose to know it was cursed! It just looked like any other air field! Just...a but run down." He vision shies away from the watch as he says this.

"It was covered in do not enter signs and even had the words cursed spray painted on top of them. New you have managed to somehow get yourself trapped on an unknown plane flying with no communications over an unknown in an unknown direction." The watch glows red for a second, and Dennis' voice takes on a gentle yet menacing edge "You even managed to get me disconnected."

Scion continues to look away out at the clouds with nothing, but the sound of the creepy roar of the planes dying engine to fill the silence, "Look I am sorry about that. I mean it's not every day that you walk find yourself suddenly whisked away by unknown forces. The fact that whatever the hell brought us here managed to cut you off, even if for only a moment, is a very serious problem. We need to get the hell off this bird, or at the very least, find out where we are." Scion gets up out of his seat and stretches his limbs as he slowly steps into the aisle.

"Here I am pinging the plain with the sonar to try to get a rough layout of the ship." Dennis explains as The watch begins to let out soft ping, "The cockpit seems to be accessible from the top floor. It will probably be your bet for finding out where we are."

"Good work Dennis. I'll take it from here until I find something else." Scion answers as he begins making his way up the stairs. However, he pauses when he notices that Dennis hadn't answered him," Dennis? What's up? Are you still there!?"

"Quiet." Dennis hisses. Scion stands there for several moments trying not make a sound as Dennis had so eloquently instructed. Dennis finally breaks the silence, but the news is not what Scion had been hoping for, "I think there is someone else on the plain with us."

"Oh." was Scion's lame response, "I mean is it the captain?" Scion asks with apprehension in his voice. He didn't have a good feeling about this. This entire plane gave him the creeps already.

"I don't think so. I keep hearing noises all over the plane, but the sonar says nothing is there. Only one target came up solid, but this fuselage seems to be disrupting my signals. I think it's towards the back. I can't be certain if it is up or down though. Proceed with caution."

"Come on Dennis. Aren't I always careful. Heh heh. Eh." Scion's weak laugh dies before it even begins, "I got it." He reaches into his right coat pocket where a small metal chain is clipped to the pocket of his coat. He pulls on the chain and out slips a black tonfa with the chain wrapped around the grip and clipped together. Scion unlatches the chain and tucks it back in his pocket, with smirk on his face he holds the weapon ready to defend against unknown forces. "I am so glad I found that House Key chain. It makes it a lot easier to keep from losing my tonfa in those darn pockets." He says triumphantly.

"I guess it's a shame you didn't think of it sooner. You may have been able to avoid losing the Base Canon and the Solar Staff if you had." Dennis says in a mischievous tone.

Scion's smirk falls right off his face with that comment, and lets out a exasperated sigh, "Way to rain on my parade Dennis. Alright enough dily dallying, and find this mysterious stranger. Whoever you are I am not afraid!" He yells into the plane as he ascends the stairs. Of course one may have doubted his claim if they could see how much his legs were shaking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

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(Car-tea-can whats going on, why did the plane get so loud?) [Its ok little one, let us go find the pilot.] Shadda and Cahrtikan converesed in her mind. Then off farther into the plane they heard muffled shouts ending with "-afraid!" (Car-tea-can! Someone is yelling for help!) [I dont think they-] The demon was cut off as the small girl began tramping towards the front of the plane in her little steps. [Wait!] Shadda quickly stopped at Cahrtikan's warning as a overhead compartment fell open and several suitcases and wires fell out, the latter sending off sparks into the isle. [Be careful Shadda.] (Okay, Car-tea-can.) She then began to go down the isle again at a slower pace until she got to the about half way through the plane, and moved a curtain to the side, stepping through.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crazy Scion
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Crazy Scion Luck is a Lie

Member Seen 8 mos ago

As Scion reached the top of the stairs he takes a quick glance around the cabin to spot for anything out of place, but is only met with some first class seating arrangements. "Well I don't see any-" *CRASH* "-one!" Scion yelps as he dives behind the first row of seats to his right. Sarcastic clapping could be heard from the watch as the voice of Dennis chimes in, "It's during these moments that I am reminded why it is so much fun watching you Scion." With a grunt Scion picks his way out of the chairs, all while grumbling to himself, indignantly, about Dennis' indifference to his paranoia. "I believe that noise was from down stairs. You should probably pull yourself together and check it out."

"Would you stop badgering me I can't help it that I'm scared. I've never liked being involved with creepy stuff like this. This crap is like something out an episode of The Twilight Zone, and I usually don't like how those end." Scion slowly starts to shuffle back down the stairs while thinking to himself, "Rod Serling you better not walk around the corner and start narrating my adventure." As he approaches the bottom of the stairs he hears one of the curtains being slid to the side just opposite of the stairs. What he sees next makes his heart stop and his jaw drop as he sees a little girl stepping through the curtain leading to the stairwell and stopping only a few meters from where Scion was at the bottom of the stairs. He ends up standing there starring at her thinking to himself, "Oh my god it wasn't a ghost, but a cute girl. Yes! She's adorable to and...Oh my god she is trapped on this plain with me!" Scion stupor is broken by this realization as he rushes over to the girl and kneels in front of her, and attempts to place his hands on her shoulders, all while asking a frenzy of panicked questions, "Are you OK? How did you get here? Do you know where we are? Where is your family? Are you alone? What's your name? Mines Scion. Are! You! Real!?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

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Shadda stepped through the opening she made by moving the curtain and stood still staring at what was accross from her. It was a boy. He was much older than Shadda and he stared back at her with wide eyes. Then he began to approach her quickly with a look undescernible with mixed emotions. [Shadda...back up sweety.] Warned Cahrtikan as Scion got very close to her. "Are you-" She quickly hopped back and grabbed the curtain, covering her self with it, peeking out from behind. "Please dont touch me. Go away." Her face slowly began to obtain a tinnt of red and her eyes started to get shiny, as if she were about to cry. She tightened her grip on the curtain and covered more of her face, covering almost all of her. "I just want to see the driver."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crazy Scion
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Crazy Scion Luck is a Lie

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Scion should have realized the girl would be intimidated by a tall man suddenly approaching her, but he wasn't sure how to feel about her retreat into the curtain. "I just want to see the driver." She had said, and I guess that made since given he had intended to do the same. Although he wasn't sure he should mention that their was a good chance that they were the only ones on the plane, or at least he kind of hoped they were. He felt bad for making her cower from him, but then another part of him couldn't help but melt at how adorable she looked with her half hidden face all curled up in the curtains. He had to try very hard to suppress and urge to hug her, and instead opted to say something instead of continue to kneel there starring at her. Scion takes a moment to clear his throat, then speaking in as gentle a voice he can manged say, "Umm. Hello. I'm sorry I scared you. My name is Scion and I some how managed to wind up on this plane with no memory of how." Best not to mention the cursed air field,he thought to himself. "If you would like I can accompany you to the captain's cabin and we can go check on the pilot together. I mean if that's ok." He asks shyly. He felt a little bad pretending to be timid, but often people will be more open if they think your the one intimidated by them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

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(Car-tea-can what do i do?) She thought to him in desperation. [ He seems okay. If he tries to make any tricks i will protect you.] ( Okay Car-tea-can.)
"You will take me to the front part?" She asked the man after he talked calmly to her. Maybe she shouldnt be afraid of him, he may be able to help her.
She removed herself from behind the curtain, but still didnt get closer to him.
"My name is Shadda."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Crazy Scion
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Crazy Scion Luck is a Lie

Member Seen 8 mos ago

"You will take me to the front part?" She had asked while removing the curtain coat she was hiding behind, This was good progress since she trusted him enough to come out of hiding, but she still kept her distance which meant she was still uncomfortable around him. "Well at least this is a start." Scion thought to himself, as he answers with, "Yes I can, and it is nice to meet you Shadda. My name is Scion." He goes to hold his hand out to her, but realizes he is still carrying the tonfa. Worried that he may yet again scare the girl by having a weapon in hand. He quickly puts his arm down and stands back up, letting his sleeves obscure the black stick from her view, "You can follow me then." He blurts out, a flustered look upon his face, "I um know the way, and um will start going in that direction. At this moment, and er...yeah." He starts to slowly starts up the stairs while making exaggerated climbing motions with his legs. "This is awkward as heck," he thought glumly to himself, "hopefully she will just think I'm just an awkward idiot and not some kind of psychopath." He continues up the stairs, letting Shadda follow at her own pace. Once at they are both at the top of the stairs Scion starts walking towards the front of the plane, but decides to quickly ask, "So...Shadda. How did you get up here?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

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Shadda watched as Scion quickly stood up, looking flustered. (Car-tea-can. I think he was holding something.) [ I saw it litlle one.] "Okay." She replied to the man's statement. She followed him up the stairs while keeping a distance of about 5 feet. Then they got to the top of the stairs and begin to walk towards the front of the plane, the cockpit. "So Shadda...how did you get up here?"

"Ummm...my...brother, said I needed to get on this plane. So I did." She turned her head away from him tentatively, even though he wasnt looking.

[Shadda. I need you to get ready to defend yourself when I say.]
(Why, Car-tea-can?) [ This...person seems a bit off...I think he may have bad intentions.]
(Okay...ill get ready...but he seems nice.) [It may be a trick little one.]

The magical tension in the room thickened as Shadda began to get worried about what this man may do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crazy Scion
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Crazy Scion Luck is a Lie

Member Seen 8 mos ago

"Your brother?" Scion had not expected this bit of news. He had been thrust upon this plane by unknown forces, but she claims to have simply walked on. "She isn't the one that brought me here. Is she?" Scion suddenly felt a lot less relaxed and began to tense up as paranoia once again took hold of his mind. Shanna had helped him to temporarily forget the creepy nature of this plane, but now that he worried that the girl was connected to the strangeness. His fears had returned in full force and were now searching for answers. They were now only a few steps from the cockpit and Scion reaches up and begins to unlatch the rusted cabin door. It doesn't give at first, but with a little enhancement to his arms strength. He manages to wrench to door open to reveal...nothing but and empty cabin. "Well that a disappointment." He says as he steps into the room, but freezes as a very strong chill grips his body. "Oh wow. It is really cold in here." he says as he rubs his arms. He steps up to the control council and looks at the instruments which are unfortunately also in a bad state of disrepair.

It was while he stared at this that Dennis suddenly spoke up, "Scion! We have to get off this plane fast!"

Scion in response jumped high enough to bash his head into the ceiling. He rubs his head, but answers in a hushed voice, "Hey I thought you had actually learned some tacked and would stay quiet! Now what happened why are we in a rush to get off the plane?"

There is a pause before Dennis answers, then in a very solemn tone he says, "The plane is going down, and I can't seem to override it with the auto pilot. It's as if there is already something flying the plane switching it off."

"Dennis we are right here! I mean the yoke is right there. No one is flying the plane." He grabs the wheel and starts to pull,"All. I. Need. to do. is pull it!" Scion groans as he strains against the wheel, but the wheel continued to resist and he swore he could feel something actually pushing the wheel further froward. He tries to focus his energy into amplifying his pulling strength, but just as it looked like it would give the entire bar attaching the wheel to the council snaps off at the base and sends Scion flying back into the pilots seat. Scion can only sit there dumbly staring at the detached wheel in his hands unsure of what to do. It is only at this moment that he seems to remember the Shadda had been with him and carefully looks behind the seat. He quietly asks in a not as friendly voice, "Shadda. I don't suppose your brother told you how to get off the plane when it crashes did he?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

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Shadda watched as the man attempted to pull the wheel back with all his might. (Car-tea-can! Did you hear that? Something talked to him!) [Be careful little one.] Shadda stayed outside of the door, peeking in at him. He suddenly flew backwards into the pilot seat, his attempt probably have failed.
"Shadda. I dont suppose your brother told you how to get off the plane when it crashes did he?" Shadda froze at this. (Crashes?) [He's lying Shadda, lock him in.] (Are you sure Car-tea-can?) [Yes. Please do it.]
Shadda visibly showed exertion on her face as she began to cast one of her magics, Puppies! Suddenly two large dogs appear in the cockpit infront of the door, facing Scion, who had his back turned in his seat. They were two large doberman-looking dogs that appeared to be made of shadows and darkness and black smoke. The only part of them that appeared normal were their jagged claws and teeth, along with the steel spiked dog collars around their necks.
She then turned her attention to the door way, and a feint wispy blue barrier appeared in the opening. It slowly grew brighter and more visible until it appeared as if blue dye was swirling around in water in the shape of a doorway. This was her energy manipulation.

"Im sorry." She said, her hands raised as if she needed to hold up the barrier, even though she didnt. "You are bad."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Crazy Scion
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Crazy Scion Luck is a Lie

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Now Scion had suspected that the girl was not exactly a normal element to run into on a mysterious plane, but he hadn't expected her to suddenly summon two hellish shadow dogs to attack him, and throw up a wall of energy to trap him in the cockpit. "You are bad." were the last words Shadda had spoken that had any hope of explaining her rather rash actions. Scion could only respond by asking, "Dennis. Did we just get fricked over by a little girl or is there something going on here I don't know about?"

"Perhaps you should deal with the encroaching dogs before we discuss intrigue." was Dennis' helpful responce to this line of questioning.

"That is probably a great idea." Scion answered as he began shifting his power into his arms while turning in his seat to kneel over the back to use as a make shift barrier. The small cabin meant the from his position the dogs couldn't both easily attack at once, but the first dog didn't seem concerned with this fact as it was wasting no time as it began running up to his seat to attack him from the side. Scion raises the tonfa, he had been trying to conceal, and blocks an incoming bite with his left arm. The dogs mouth was large though and it was able to bite into Scion's arm a bit before being stopped by the tonfa. The sudden pain causes something in Scion to flip, as anger began to cloud his mind. While the dog is still biting hard into his arm and the tonfa. Scion shifts in his seat, then gripping the broken wheel shaft in his hand. He swiftly jams it into the dogs eye. He then proceeds to beat the wheel repeatedly, with his fist, driving it deeper and deeper into the dogs skull until he could see the other end poke out the back of the dogs neck.

The dog lets go of Scion's arm, but to Scion's horror it was not because the dog was dying, but because its teeth were hooked on the end of the wheel. It was furiously trying to chew through its impromptu harness while still furiously swiping at Scion with its claws. In response to this, Scion found the only logical response was to beat it the dog in the head, repeatedly, with his tonfa, until it was hopefully dead. As it tried to claw at him through Scion notices the arm rest was acting as an unexpected improvised barricade. Scion was keeping the dog at bay by using the wheel lodged in its head to push down and away from himself. His left side was still getting clawed as he swung at it, but after about ten blows to the head while yelling some very colorful swears, as he was crunching the dogs skull in, while simultaneously breaking its jaw, and scattering dozens of its teeth to the floor, the finally dog died. The reason seeming to have that some kind of predetermined damage thresh hold had been reached. It falls starts evaporating into a shadowy mist, and then the other dog performs a grand leap right over the pilot seat and bites Scion right on the side of his head.

"God Fucking Dam it!" Scion screams as he quickly grips the dog around the neck in an attempt to choke it off of him. Wisely deciding that beating it to death while it was chewing on his face wasn't an option. Scion elects to try freezing the dog off as it might be more effective and better for his overall health. He focuses on summoning the cold as his body begins to turn pale and the room gets even colder then it already was. The dogs maw that was clamped onto Scion's head began to quickly form frost all around it, while its neck was froze in Scion's grasp. The dogs teeth started to slowly chip off and break as the cold made them brittle while weakening its grip on his head, this process happened in moments, but to one with a hell hound munching on their skull it made seconds feel like hours. As the cold finally became too much for the dog to continue to hold on Scion could feel its grip loosening, but just as he thought it was going to let go. It reeled its head back and made another quick bite. Scion felt flesh tear just as the dogs neck was snapping off of its body. As the body fell to the ground to begin evaporating to mist. Scion let out screams of in pain as he touched the side of his head, then as he was realizing what the dog had done he let out a frustrated scream, "Oh come on! He bit my fucking ear off! I Swear when I get my hands on that girl I'm gonna...!"

"Scion perhaps you should calm down first." Dennis interrupts. As Scion's rage seemed to reach its peak.

"I am calm!" Scion yells in reply only for Dennis to remain silent for several awkward moments. Finally, Scion plops down into his seat and lets out a long, exasperated, sigh of defeat, then begins counting aloud, "One, two, three, four, four, three, two, one." He takes a long deep breath and slowly breaths out, the switch in his head flipping back off in response.

"Better?" Dennis inquired.

"Yeah, but I'm still upset with her. I lost an ear for crying out loud!" Scion waves his arms in the air for emphasis.

"It will grow back." Dennis responds in a bemused tone.

"Yeah I guess." he mumbles, then in a curious tone asks, "I wonder if she is still there?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 2 days ago

Shadda looked away as she heard the dogs lunge at their target, apparently immediately making contact. While not looking to see what went down, she could hear sounds of pain, and deep thuds, lots of those.
She then heard something sounding similar to something solid yet thin breaking and rip, like plates of wood.
Then there was a loud thud followed by cracking and shattering. Glass? No. Ice.

[Shadda get ready. He has vanquished your dogs.] Cahrtikan purposefully avoiding the words killed or beat, for Shadda's sake. (Okay Car-tea-can.)

"I swear when I get my hands on that girl!"
She let out a yelp at that, her face gaining a tint of red once again.
"Please! Dont hurt me!"
Tears slowly began to roll down her face, and the barrier faltered for a few seconds, but quickly reinforced itself again.

A dark humming began to arise very quietly, seeming to be coming from behind the small girl, but it stayed at the same low level, for the moment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crazy Scion
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Crazy Scion Luck is a Lie

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Scion really didn't want to get out of his seat. The fight with the dogs was already putting him to edge of his tolerance for violence. He looks back and sees that the shield is indeed still there blocking him in. He would just sit there and let the girl calm down in her own due time, but with plane on a steady path to the ground. He didn't have the luxury to wait. Getting up from the chair he walks over to the wall of force an looks into it. It was an impressive sight honestly, and if it weren't for the dire circumstances he would be very tempted to examine it. He could see that it filled in the door way completely and a quick prod with his tonfa made it clear it wasn't just and illusion either. Scion lets out a sigh and speaks in an annoyed tone, "Listen...Shadda. You got to let me out of hear. I don't know why you think I am the bad guy, but from my perspective you have just tried to kill me with demon dogs and are currently keeping me trapped in the front of a plane that is on a crash course for the ground. So I will ask you to forgive me if I am a little angry and for bashing down your wall. Starting about now." With that said, Scion brandishes the tonfa in his right hand holding it lengthwise for bashing. He focuses all his power into his right arm and legs, and begins bashing the wall with his tonfa, twisting into each blow. He speaks to the girl as he swings, "I intend to keep this up until this wall brakes. I want you to understand this." In reality he intends to strike it at least a hundred times, at one hit each second she has little less then two minutes to hold out until he takes all 110 blows he has accumulated at this point, and channels them into a blow twelve times more powerful then the rest. If that fails, then he will give up on hitting the barrier.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

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"Dont. Go back." She said as Scion began to aproach her barrier. "Car-tea-can says you are bad. You will hurt me!" She listened to his words as he tried to converse with her. (Crashing? Are we going to crash?) [Its ok little one, he is trying to trick you. I will not let you get hurt.] Scion then got his tonfa and held it in a matter that suggested bashing or offensive strikes. And he then began to beat on the energy she had collected there.

"Stop it! Leave me alone!" She yelled as he assaulted the shield. She then willed the energy to move forward towards Scion and bend inwards, as if to wrap him up or incase him in it. If it succeeded, there would be almost no cchance of a physical escape.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Crazy Scion
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Crazy Scion Luck is a Lie

Member Seen 8 mos ago

As Scion began his mindless bashing, Shadda took obvious offence to this action and decided to retaliate by sending the very wall he was beating, rushing towards him. Scion, in response, backpedaled as fast as he can to the front of the cockpit, then holds the watch up the watch and yells, "Back Drop!" then leaped forward. As he shouts this cryptic instruction, a small black dot forms in the air before Scion and another forms behind Shadda. As Scion jumps the space before him quickly, but near soundlessly tears itself apart and a hole opens in the world. Scion is obscured from view by this spatial tear, and Shadda is presented with the image of her own back. Scion's portal lands him right behind Shadda with the portal between her and himself. If Shadda doesn't realize what the portal is, then her energy wall will pass through it and crash into her. It is at this point that Scion will try to rush Shadda and quickly pin her to the ground, but as a precaution, he will turn off Cold Touch before making contact with her. He is mad, but he doesn't want to hurt her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 2 days ago

Shadda had sent the wall towards her opponent, sending him backpeddling away at the usually 'oh crap run' human speed. However what was a surprise to Cahrtikan(considering Shadda didnt know what to expect to happen) was that the opponent opened a black hole to counter the attack!

Something he noticed was that it obscured Scion from both his and Shadda's vision. And then her attack...vanished?

Suddenly the small girl was constricted from behind, and became unable to move in her standing position.
"Let me go!" She yelled at her unseen enemy.
[Shadda, he's not touching you, release your magic.] He said in his calm tone.

Shadda then tried to release her magic, still not knowing where Scion was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crazy Scion
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Crazy Scion Luck is a Lie

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Shadda had been caught in her own field, just as Scion had hoped, and he was not going to waste time capitalizing on this opening. He deactivates the Cold Touch then, while closing the portal, dives at Shadda in an attempt to tackle her to the ground, ready to pin her arms behind her back the moment he got a grip on them. Scion still didn't want to hurt the girl, but if restraining her proved useless at stopping her crazy powers, then as much as it would pain him. He may have to consider knocking her out, if only to save them both.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 2 days ago

Shadda was suddenly tackled to the ground as the energy holding her dissipated. She hit the ground with a large thump, scraping her elbows and hands as she tried to catch herself.

She felt a burning sensation as she looked at her hands and a small drop of red seeped out of a scrape. [Shadda! Are you ok?!]
She slowly began to make a low hummin noise in her throat and her face began to turn bright red, and then the humming quickly escalated into high pitched squeals and shrieks.
"Get off me! Please Car-tea-can help!"

An urgent buzzing began as the planes red alert sirens began to buzz loud noise, and in the isles, emergency masks began falling down, luggage falling out of compartments. Bathroom doors sliding open as seperation curtains fell to the floor.

"Do not contaminate her innocence with your foolish insolence you grub!" A echoing voice boomed off of the walls of the plane, moving all throughout it, sounding as if it came from a deep chasm.

A zpp sound began to be heard feintly through the sirens and then a sound of tearing. Fabric.
Black tendrils of shadow shot out of the backpack that was between Shadda and Scion, reaching behind the latter and forming a large hand, reaching for him planning to lift him off of her and through him into a nearby wall.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Crazy Scion
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Crazy Scion Luck is a Lie

Member Seen 8 mos ago

The tackle had been successful and Scion had managed to get Shadda on the ground, but as expected, Shadda was not happy about this and began screaming and wailing at him, "Get off me! Car-tea-can help!" "Who the hell is Car-tea-can?" is all Scion had time to think as things took a turn for the horrible and scary as shit. The cockpit lit up as every single kind of alarm was tripped and turned up to full blast. The oxygen masks fell from the ceiling and began rattling against the seats, and even the bathrooms had decided to start throwing their own party.

However the thing that made a chill run down Scion's spin was the sudden voice, of a very pissed off sounding, probably ethereal being, yelling at him, "Do not contaminate her innocence with your foolish insolence you grub!" Scion did not like the way the situation had just escalated. He had suspected that the girl may have known something about the plane, but hadn't expected her to actually know the thing controlling it. He was at a loss for what to do. He had planned to knock her out if restraining her didn't work, but now he doubted that would change anything. "What do I do? What do I fucking do?!" Scion kept thinking to himself, until he was interrupted by Dennis yelling at him.

"Scion the backpack!" Dennis screeched, in time for Scion to look down and see the strange teddy bear backpack the girl was wearing tear open, and black tendril start bursting out of it. Scion saw that they were moving behind him and looked in time to see a large shadowy hand descending upon him. Having moments to react, Scion's desperately to his left to narrowly avoiding getting grabbed. His arm ends up brushing against the dark hand and a uncomfortable chill runs through it. He ends up crashing against the wall to the left of Shadda and notices that he is against the exit door. In a split second decision, he reaches for the red handle and grips it with his hand, then diverting all his energy into his voice he yells into the plain with a volume to compete with the spirits, "Stop right there Car-tea-can or I pull this lever and send the girl and I blasting out of this plane and plummeting to an early grave!" It was a bluff, mostly, but they had no reason to doubt him plus, "If I'm honest with myself," he thought to himself. "The girl is going to die anyway if the plane hit the ground, so it really didn't matter one way or the other if she is still in the plane when hits. No dam it!" don't think that way. There has still got to be a way to save the girl! I can only hope that this Car-tea-can is sensible." He really didn't know what else to do other then wait and see how the voice responds to his threat.
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