Shrine of Daimyos

Size & Capacity:
The bridge is 20 feet wide and about 90 feet long. The two towers are both two stories at 86 feet tall. Each floor being 25 by 25. Attics are smaller at 15 by 15. The cliffs it over looks at at least miles high, falling off is death going at free fall. All is adjustable if needed.
Best used in 2v2 or 3v3. 1v1 and 4v4 are both possible but 1v1 means that many of the environmental things might not work to full effect and 4v4 is severally stretching the map due to its size. Small free-for-alls can work though.
Everything on the arena is destructible but will revert to its normal state after fighting is finished. Only the cliffs and rocks are indestructible.
The bridge, while strong, it can and will break due to multiple heavy attacks or explosives, causing anyone on it to fall to their death in the waterfall below. However, there are other methods of getting around. One can utilize the pile of old shinobi equipment underneath the and set up a zip line to zoom across the gap, although it can be easily cut. For those who prefer magic, there are two stone lion statues in the attics of the towers that will summon a flat magic bridge across when struck. Beware that if you are pressed against this path, there is a chance of it causing sever burns and if one of the lions are struck, the entire bridge disappears.
In the towers, there are many random objects laying around that range from weapons on racks and stands (like swords, matchlocks and spears) to scripture & books. Bits of samurai armor can be found on stands scatters around, giving players that extra bit of protection if needed.
There are also several other statues, hanging scrolls and paintings in both the towers which activates the interesting part of the arena. The shrine seems to be a gathering point for the souls of famous samurai, namely those from the Sengoku Jidai Era. Players will be able to activate them at will by pressing a hand against the object. The first tower (the closer one) includes:
- Oda Nobunaga's Gun - Resting on a rack towards the back, activating it will cause a row of matchlock armed soldiers to fire straight down the bridge to the other side before disappearing. One can also use the gun as weapon as it is still loaded and able to do significant damage should the shot hit.
- Date Masasume's No-Dachi - Hanging on the a supporting pillar, activating this will cause multiple swords to sprout from the pillar inside both buildings and spin like a storm a sharp. Again, can be picked up and used as a weapon.
- Hanging Scroll of Odawara Castle - A painting of the Hojo Clan's main base, activating this will repair the entire arena instantly.
- Bhuddist Beads - Found around a bust of Usagi Kenshin, activating it will cause magical barriers to appear in all enterance was in the tower, trapping people on their floors. GMs can decide if it is time-based or can be destroyed with attacks.
In the second tower (the further one), there is:
- Takeda Calvary Statue - Located right outside of the tower entrance, activating it will cause two sets of two horsemen each to charge down the bridge with spears. They are killable however and the horses can be startled if a loud enough noise is produced, throwing off their riders.
- Fireship Model - Located on a shelf against a wall, activating it will cause a Wako pirate fireship to travel down the river and into the bridge, destroying it and blowing back anyone on the bridge. Can be be destroyed before it reaches the bridge with heavy enough ordinance/attacks
- Chōsokabe Motochika's Shamisen - Found leaning against a wall in the upper floor, activation will cause a stream of arrows to be fired on to the bridge from the third tower in the background. They can also be flaming or heavy armor-piercing arrows based on GM's descrition.
- Tokugawa's Treasury - A chest full of golden coins, activating it will cause a great deal of increidbly shiny coins to appear and fall from the sky, blinding people. Alternatively, the coins can be picked up and thrown on to the ground to hinder enemies by causing them to slip.
A mysteroius shrine located in the mystic mountains, it seems to be connected to many Sengoku Jidai era ghosts. Little is known on who managed to build such a thing in a faraway place, but its beauty is only rival by it danger. Legends have it that inside contains a great secret known as the Sword of Amaterasu, capible of cutting the sun and moon, but alas, there is little evidence to support this claim. or at least what has been found.
This can be used in a PvE survival setting with players having to fend off waves of angry
ashigaru, samurai and stone guardians with several famous warlords acting as bosses.