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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Sayuri Takashi

Sayuri just shakes her head at Ariel, "It's alright Ariel. I'm young. I'll have plenty of chances to go. Besides I think keeping an eye on the guildhall and making sure my friend doesn't get lonely here is more important," she sits down and props her feet up, "Oh, and if I go I'll probably see my dad at some point. We had... A dispute a couple weeks ago and I don't wanna see him just. Oh speaking of the past weeks, did you learn anything over the past couple months?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Hunter Jorgenson and Ammy Silver|House of Riddles

Ammy, with a reassuring smile to her teammates as Hunter let out a mighty whoop, lead the way into the strange building and waited for everyone to come in before continuing on. It was several twists and turns later when they passed through an orange door that wasn't quite even at the top. It closed behind them and they were faced with another orange door and a room in which they were stuck. A voice soon spoke out.

Paul's height is six feet, he's an assistant at a butcher's shop, and wears size 9 shoes. What does he weigh?"

Hunter, hearing the riddle, frowned. "How much-all they told us was his height and show size! That's ridiculous!" Ammy tapped her chin thoughtfully before turning to the others.

"I may have the answer, but before I give it, let's hear everyone's ideas."

Damian Gerard|House of Riddles

Damian entered the building with his teammates, looking around and shaking his head at each of the twists and turns. He could see how it helped draw out the prelims, but people were in for the games, not this stuff. Damian listened to the riddle when they finally found their door and went to answer when Rose beat him to the punch. "I agree. My dad often made me study riddles to keep my mind sharp when I was growing up. Said he learned it in officer's training. Anyways, this is one that stays with you cause it's, well, fun. And as a kid, I loved it."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 45 min ago

@amaya tamashii@zarkun@j8cob@cirusarvennicus

Angelo walked through into the arena with the others and already they get told a riddle that Angelo didn't know. Time to think about it so Angelo had to piece it together I soar without wings, I see without eyes. that obviously cant be a bird since birds have both and if it can sour then it means its a fictional thing that nobody can physically touch or see. I've traveled the universe to and fro which means that it does go somewhere but that could mean in a metaphorical sense like a pendulum but that would be physical it cant be touched but it can wander I've conquered the world, yet I've never been anywhere but home which would mean that it has power in its influence but it doesn't leave where its created Angelo thought hard about it but he only had a few good ideas "you guys got anything cause I may have an answer it might not be the right one but I have an answer"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Online

Joshua calmly followed the Phoenix Wing Team A into the riddle tower before leaning against a nearby wall, listening to the riddle before letting the others go at it. The only one to speak so far was Nolan, a mage he knew by name only. He figured Sasha was being kind and giving them a chance to state their opinions on what the answer could be. Nolan's guess of the sky was good, if not perfect as an answer for the riddle. He himself was no fan of the things so he figured it would be best if he remained silent and just let the others work

Team Rider's blade

"I HATE RIDDLES!" Pyrrha shouted at the room, flames literally licking her body because of her frustration.

"Calm down Pyrrha, that will do you no good now." Sigurd said."Anyone have a clue as to the answer?"

"An anchor... what have none of you been on a ship before. You throw it away from the ship when you need it to stop but bring it back when you no longer need it to stay in place." Lucus said, leaving everyone staring at him in shock

Jack, the Maiden of the Mist


"We would guess it might be the man's actual weight but somehow we doubt that's the case. Riddles are never so straight forward. It said his job is a butcher. Don't butchers weigh meat? Might that possibly be the answer?" Jack asked. She had some experience with riddles but straight forward ones were not her best.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Team Frenzy Plant - Indigo, Zander, Hyun, Demetri, Xyster

The soldiers of Frenzy Plant had not expected the qualifying round of the Grand Magic Games to be a ladder of riddles, but when the time came they approached the structure without hesitation. Mere strength alone and the ability to kill did not define a true warrior; those were the lots of the simple thug, and the mindless barbarian. It took cunning, strategy, and a sharp mind to take command of a battlefield and ensure both the survival of friends and the accomplishment of objectives, which this team had, if not individually, at least collectively.

The five piled into the first floor chamber, quiet and ready, and listened as a voice seemed to well up from the walls and in a lyrical, composed tone, relay the first puzzle.

My first is simply a vegetable, delicious, round and green.
My third and fourth are sound asleep, as plainly can be seen.
My fifth is fifty, clear enough for any riddle-setter.
Two of my second stacked on their sides will give my final letter.
Now that my second has my parts, fit them together well.
You see me now before your eyes; it's plain for all to tell.

A few seconds passed before anyone said anything. "Lettuce is green and round," mused Xyster, "but hardly delicious."

The resident cook and food-expert chimed in with his own two cents. "It is a pea. And here I thought I would not be useful, heh." Demetri grinned, and his smoldering hands burned with a satisfactory crackle. One step closer to finding the answer, all thanks to his little hobby.

Indigo, with her extensive knowledge of written material, chimed in next. "Third and fourth are Z. The only word with both a p and two z's in it in our language is 'puzzle.'" As a testament to her quick thinking, the doot slid open, and the team advanced to the next level, confident in the ability of their blue-eyes bookworm to carry them through, whatever happened.

A cloud was my mother, the wind is my father, my son is the cool stream, and my daughter is the fruit of the land. A rainbow is my bed, the earth my final resting place. What am I?

Three voices, those of Hyun, Zander, and Indigo, responded at once. "Rain" Hyun in particular scoffed at the second riddle as the crew began moving again, hardly given any time at all to rest on this floor. "Hardly a challenge."

Thirty men and only two women, but they hold the most power.
Dressed in black and white, they could fight for hours. Who are they?

Zander stroked his chin pensively. "Not quite so easy. My first instinct would be some sort of ceremony, perhaps religious. That numbering, though...with such a set amount, it's got to be some sort of sport, or other game."

Emerald-green eyes, twinkling with mischief, stared at Zander from Xyster's disembodied head a moment later. Beneath them, a toothy grin cut from nearly ear to ear. "Uh huh...though only two people ever play it at the same time. It's a chess set." Zander, who'd been on the brink of saying so himself, instead thanked her, and led the way to the next floor.

I am a box that holds keys without locks, yet they can unlock your soul. What am I?

This time, most of the group was stumped. Thoughts of chests, wallets, drawers, and matchboxes floated through their minds, but it was ultimately through Indigo's that the right answer passed. Three frustrating minutes after the question had been posed, the Librarian offered, "A piano?" The door swung open amidst hearty congratulations, and the soldiers moved on, hoping that they'd just left the toughest question behind them. They could only hope that they were making good time compared to the other guilds.

I am sometimes strong and sometimes weak, but I am nobody’s fool.
For there is no language that I can’t speak, though I never went to school. What am I?

For a while, though Demetri and Hyun were silent, the chamber was alive with voices. Xyster, every well acquainted with individual parts of the body, insisted that the answer was 'tongue', even calling it out several times. Zander was exceedingly torn between that reply, Indigo's 'communication lacrima' and his own 'echo'. In the end, mercifully, they chose the right one, and were able to label that particular riddle a close call. Far more time than they would have liked was spent on that one.

I am, in truth, a yellow fork
From tables in the sky
By inadvertent fingers dropped
The awful cutlery.
Of mansions never quite disclosed
And never quite concealed
The apparatus of the dark
To ignorance revealed.
What am I?

Almost instantly, the entire group could agree that the answer was 'lightning'. Though the middle lines were somewhat hazy, the riddle's beginning and end were dead giveaways to the Frenzy Plant soldiers.

Adored by few, feared and hated by many. Mistress of the entire universal reason, master in the art of numbers. Some may have solved many of your mysteries, but there are still many of them to find. What are they?

""It must be science." Indigo was adamant. ""Mysteries are discoveries, and science is based on reasons and numbers. There can't be any alternative." She crossed her arms, waiting for a rebuke.

Surprisingly, the reply came from cunning-deficient Demetri. "But people do not fear or hate science. Maybe they hate all the equations and such, but surely not the...all of the principles, and things? I do not know."

At that, the Librarian snapped her fingers. "Of course, equations! The thing I hated more than anything in my education, the thing so annoyingly present in everything from Social Studies to Science: arithmetic!"

The more you have of it, the less you see. What is it?

Though the room itself was not bright, the soldiers could see the answer plenty clearly. 'Darkness' was an easy guess, accepted without argument and employed to gain another level. Morale was high.

I can make you feel lighter, or cause your death. Some are afraid of me, but I'm also loved by many.

This one proved challenging. Even after four minutes, the only good answers the group could turn up were 'hunger', 'drugs', and 'flight', and neither of those budged the sealed door a smidgen. Quitting, however, was not even a remote option for the intrepid wizards, and all bent their minds to the task. After discovering that there was no penalty for getting multiple wrong answers, they fired away, though not without a good guess in mind. Mercifully, it did not take very long for Hyun to suggest 'water' and allow the group to ascend another level.

What is it that is deaf, dumb and blind and always tells the truth?

Again, the 'mass attack' method proved useful, though this tenth and final riddle took less time than the first. Up until 'a mirror' was guessed, the best answer given was 'a dictionary', but when the true answer had been thought up all could grudgingly admit that it made sense at face value. As the door swung open, they realized that despite their collective fretting, they'd made good time. They'd been cooperative and objective the whole time, with only interspersed arguments and zero outcries of frustration or bafflement. They'd worked just as they were supposed to--as a unit.

Proud of their group accomplishment, the triumphant team passed through the final door and traversed its accompanying staircase to find itself basking in sunlight on the roof of the challenge tower. Xyster tossed her head up into the air, sounding a shrieking victory cry that echoed around the grand stadium.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Zarkun@YipeeXD@Joshua Tamashii

Grand Magic Games

Zephyr listened to the riddle and tapped his head, Hunter more so was annoyed at the lack of information. But Jackie had the right idea. "Yeah riddles are never clear on things you might assume are the right choice. I think Jackie's answer is the best choice. He works at a butchers shop so wouldn't they be weighing meat? Or maybe this is a weird way of saying he is obese?" Zephyrs answer was pretty much the same as Jackie's answer as that was the first one he came too, but throwing another choice out wouldn't hurt..... he hoped.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Sasha smiled kindly at Karn and said "Well, that's a good answer, but I'd hate to see a bird large enough foor a mountain to rest on it" She looked to Nolan, and nodded, "I think you are closer. I'd go with Horizon, because a mountain rests on a horizon, we can always see it, we can never touch it, and when you at sea, its always all around it."

She was confident in the answer, so she said "I make the answer as Horizon" outloud.

There was silence, before the voice said "Correct. Move on" the door at the other end of the room opened. Sasha looked at the others, and enjoying herself now, she led the way to the next room. Upon entering, the door disappeared, but there was another one on the other side of the room.

Again, the voice spoke up Congratulations. Here is your second riddle:

These things trap warmth, yet spray water and ice, those who want to touch them had better think twice. What are they?"

Again, Sasha looked at the others, not wanting to completely take over.

Michael and Gabriel

"I prefer you as a guy" Michael said absently, watching Prince go over to Gabriel. Gabriel took the attention easily enough, but it was more with amusement then anything else. "While I'll be merry, I prefer girls, dude. No matter the fact that you look like a girl at the moment. You're still hairy, and I already have a hairy partnership in my life" Gabriel said easily

"Still. You are adorable" Gabriel said, taking one of Prince's hands, and giving it a kiss. "I really hope you haven't been tormenting Micky badly"

Phoenix Wing Team B

As Rose Spoke, the Group would hear "Correct. Move on" And the door would open, bringing them to the next level. Upon entering, the door would close and disappear.

There was silence for a few moments, as if the voice was thinking. Riddle Two." The voice actually cleared their throat, and continued, "What force and strength cannot get through, I with a gentle touch can do.
And many in the street would stand, were I not a friend at hand.

What am I?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jessie giggled, spoke, and talked about the teams failing. She laughed happily as every team failed, and was soon leaning up against the glass, the Lacrima in front of them quivering.

"OH OH OH! LOOK FERRIS! LOOKS LIKE WE HAVE ONE TEAM CLEAR" She shouted, and actually rose to stand on the announcers plateform, jumping up and down. "OH OH OH! It's frenzy Plant! Looks like discipline won out! WHo will be next! And look, another team fails! OOOH There's 40 teams left! 36 have failed, and one has passed! How awesome is that!"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 3 days ago


Team B assembled and moved to get through the entry challenge. A series of riddles would dictate which teams would make it to the actual Games. Clever. The first riddle was handled readily by Rose, confirmed by Damien. "Good job you two," Maddox complimented, moving on at a casual pace as the group advanced to the next riddle. Once they were confronted by the mysterious voice with the second riddle, Maddox chuckled to himself. "I actually know this one," he explained aloud. "The landlady for my place had told me this before. It's a key." He had always considered himself intelligent, but Maddox knew that had he not heard this riddle before he would've taken a long time to figure it out. "She explained it when she gave me the key to the house. Ha ha ha. Funny how that worked out for me."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Hunter Jorgenson and Ammy Silver|House of Riddles

Ammy smiled at her two teammates who caught on so quick. Even Zephyr could not be literal every now and then, but Hunter's immediate stumble caused her a bit of worry. Hopefully the next one would appeal to him more. "You are both correct. The hint was right where you spotted it. Our answer is meat." Nothing happened for a moment, then the door opened.

"Congratulations, continue on." Hunter took the lead this time, getting them to another oddly shaped orange door and leading them in before the voice spoke one more.

"Which creature walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening?" To most everyone's surprise, Hunter spoke up first.

"Man! It's man! That was Carnaphros' favorite riddle!" Again, the door in front of them opened and the team moved on to the third riddle.

"There was a green house. Inside the green house there was a white house. Inside the white house there was a red house. Inside the red house there were lots of babies. What is it?"

Ammy turned to her teammates again. "Well, what do you all think?" Meanwhile, Hunter was busy trying to figure out the math behind building a house inside a house.

Damian Gerard|House of Riddles

Damian paused a moment and glanced at the others as he though. He ran each piece carefully through his head and then nodded. "The answer is a key. Without a key, you're stranded on the street."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 30 min ago

Well no one could be correct all the time. Horizon's was the actual answer and they were able to enter the next room, which again had the entrance fade away and the disembodied voice rung out the next riddle. Sasha looked at them to see if they knew just so she wouldn't be taking over the entire challenge. "The answer is cloud. Clouds give off condensation which appear as rain and ice. When days are clouding it is typically warmer because clouds trap heat." Nolan puffed out another ring off smoke followed by a smaller ring that went through it.


"Now this means that one slot for the games has now been taken up by Frenzy Plant! The pressure is on for the rest of the guilds now to move forward or else they'll lose out against one another. The teams just keep on failing on after another! Five of them had declared defeat and just walked out of the building. I can't blame these guys. I don't like riddles myself."
Ferris chuckled and leaned back in his seat, taking a sip of soda. He would've had a cocktail, but the announcers weren't allowed to consume alcoholic beverages of any sort.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 45 min ago

@amaya tamashii@zarkun@j8cob@cirusarvennicus

Angelo groaned a little nodding to them glad his friends were more riddle savvy then he was, he was just hoping that they wouldn't ask him a riddle directly since so far its just been a team effort. When Maddox and Damien suggested it was a key when the voice called out the second riddle Angelo nodded to them since it made sense about being lost in the street and all that
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Grand Magic Games

@Caits@Joshua Tamashii@hatakekuro@YipeeXD

Karn chuckled a little as the others answered and Sasha gave the correct one. He was never good at riddles but it was fun to at least give it a shot. As the group moved on to the next one, Karn thought for a moment, shifting a little from on top of Nolan's head. "Pufferfish?" he mused, tail wagging happily. Before listening to Nolan's answer.

"Onhhhh that makes sense. Super smart Ashy!"

Grand Magic Games Stands


Prince chuckled at Gabriel words and the kiss, leaning over and pecking his cheek playfully before humming. "I'm not hairy, I'm furry. Comes with being a cat creature. I'd be furry either as male or female. Both anyone is allowed by Preferance." he hummed before looking to Michael at his musing, a lying grinning as he ripped the outfit off and somehow appearing like how he normally does in a blink of the eye. Hat and being shirtless and all.

"Awe Mikey! Does that mean that you'd fall for me and marry and bare my children if I was male?" Prince grinned mischieviously, also kissing his cheek.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ariel - Phoenix Guild Hall
Did she learn anything the last two months? Well that probably had to do more with her magic or the like. "Well I learned that when I change magic too much it really does a number on me. It's really taxing on my mind." There was more it seemed but it took her a moment to talk about it. "I wrote to my folks about Edolas, where I was born. They don't seem to want to tell me much about why they came here or how they traveled from Edolas." Huffing a bit it should be time for the preliminaries.

Taking the lacrama she was given she turned it on and set it to flip between the two Phoenix Wing teams. Seemed they were starting with a quiz. Some of the things she could figure out. Watching from far away was always so weird. You wanted to yell to help them out but of course they couldn't hear you.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Sayuri Takashi

Sayuri watches the games with general interest though the whole riddle aspect she found slightly disappointing. Not that is was a bad idea, mages needed to be able to think after all, she just wanted to watch battles. Though those would come soon enough, "Hmm... Interesting preliminary round. I thought it'd be something different but whatever," she looks over at Ariel, "You don't ask many questions back do you? I mean you've answered every question I've asked but haven't asked much back. I'm a little curious as to why..."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Team Iron Enigma
Team Iron Enigma lost no time moving into the first room, and Jacob winced a little when the voice started, fairly loud. He covered his ears while it spoke, muttering.

I can run, but not walk.
Thought is not far behind me.
What am I?

Grant chuckled at his ally's discomfort, and put a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, a little bit a noise bothin' you? Maybe you should wear some earmuffs in your fights, just so they don't use it against you." He smiled, and looked up at the door, thinking. "Any got any idea what it is? I'm thinking it's a run-on sentence."

Cathris shook her head. "No, it wouldn't be that simple. It also may be semi-literal. Or a pun. What things do we say are running, when literally they aren't? Besides a sentence." Her voice was very firm, and it was clear she was trying to act as a leader to the group. Grant chuckled at her indirect chastising.

Mark spoke up after a moment. "It would also be near the head, because the only thing relating to thought I can think of that I could call running would be a train of thought, which I don't think is right." He thought for a moment, and sniffed slightly, before snapping loudly with his fingers. "A nose! When your sick i-"


"Could you at least wait for me to finish my sentence before you say we're right? Seriously. Geez." Mark shook his head, and jogged to catch up with everyone running into the next room. When the door disappeared, Grant patted his back.

"Good job on figuring that out though Mark, even if it did cut you off on your explanation." Mark rolled his eyes, and Grant chuckled. "And you better not be coming down with a cold." Mark chuckled, and Jacob winced again as the next riddle began.

I cannot be felt, seen or touched,
yet I can be found in everybody.
My existence is always in debate,
yet I have my own style of music.

This time, Cathris didn't bat an eye before answering. "A soul." The resounding approval of the answer sounded, and the door opened. Both Grant and Jacob raised an eyebrow at how quickly she answered that, but the young girl continued on into the next room without explaining how she got that one so fast. The two boys who were curious just looked at each other and shrugged before joining her in the next room.

My life can be measured in hours,
I serve by being devoured;
Thin, I am quick; Fat, I am slow;
Wind is my foe.
What am I?

Mark gently rubbed his chin. "Well, the opposite is true for fire. So it's not that." Cathris nodded, thinking. Food would be the answer, save that food only last minutes, once it's in 'use', anyway. Jacob shrugged, stumped.

"Food? But that doesn't quite make sense . Goes away to fast." Jacob hummed after saying this, hoping that he was helping narrow down people's other choices, and he kicked a wall softly, curious as to what sound it would make. If any.

After a moment Deyja spoke up, though his voice was quiet, whomever was listening for the answer could probably hear it. "A candle. It's the only thing I can get away with reading by some nights." He couldn't help but let a little smile grow across his face as he was announced correct, but he took a few steps back, flinching, when everyone started congratulating him on getting it right. "Please don't." He would mutter inaudibly as the appreciation died down, and they advanced into the next room, Jacob having his ears covered already.

I am the black child of a white father,
like a wingless bird flying even to the clouds of heaven.
I give birth to tears of mourning in pupils that meet me,
even though there is no cause for grief.
On my birth I am dissolved into air.
What am I?

This time the team was silent, and it was Mark that came up with the answer. "Smoke. That stuff stings like hell if it gets in your eyes." He grinned triumphantly when he was correct, and strode proudly into the next room.

Pronounced as one letter, and written with three,
two letters there are, and two only in me.
I'm double, I'm single, I'm black, blue, and gray,
I'm read from both ends, the same either way.
What am I?

After only a moment, the takeover mage answered."An eye of course. Though it would've been nice if you said Green." Jacob chuckled softly, and smiled, Grant rolling his eyes, and spoke after the voice said they were correct and opened the door.

"Your eyes are a very pretty green Jacob, let's move on." He ruffled the younger wizard's hair before moving to the next room.

"You'd know Grant, I'm sure you're staring at them all the time, hoping I'd stare back." Cathris giggled softly at the jest, finding it just a tad funny.

"You wish, but let's just solve this next riddle for now." Cathris giggled again, and Jacob rolled his eyes as he covered his ears for the next riddle.

In a marble hall white as milk,
lined with skin as soft as silk,
within a fountain crystal-clear a golden apple doth appear.
No doors there are to this stronghold,
yet thieves break in to steal its gold.

Jacob again came to the answer before his guild mates, smirking. He had been one of those thieves several times before. He had to admit it was quite tasty. "Eggs. That golden yoke is to die for."

Mark grinned widely. "I see you like your eggs poached." This got a chuckle out of Grant and Cathris, and Jacob just rolled his eyes at it, not even trying to hide his amused smile. So far this 'preliminary round' was more fun than it was difficult. But, then again, Jacob Mused, this wasn't really a challenge of wits, it was a thinly disguised race. In the next room the voice spoke again.

Only one color, but not one size,
stuck at the bottom, yet easily flies.
Present in sun, but not in rain,
doing no harm, and feeling no pain.
What am I?

Before the riddle even asked what it was, Deyja answered. The riddle was describing the very things he had to deal with regularly when his magic was in question. "A shadow. You wouldn't believe what a pain rain is when I need to fight." Grant chuckled, and Mark gave a knowing nod as they moved on to the next room. It was like these questions had been designed for them so it'd be easy to answer, and allow them to baffle the audience.

I have no voice and yet I speak to you,
I tell of all things in the world that people do.
I have leaves, but I am not a tree,
I have pages, but I am not a bride or royalty.
I have a spine and hinges, but I am not a man or a door,
I have told you all, I cannot tell you more.
What am I?

Cathris raised her eyebrows like this was a joke. Did they find a children's book filled with easy riddles? She gave it a moment for anyone else to figure it out, Deyja looked like he knew, but was letting someone else answer. When she spoke, her voice was steady, but there was clear vexation in it. "If any of you bothered to read, you would get that the answer is a book." She shot a pointed glance at Mark, Jacob, and Grant. The Mark and Jacob flinched a little at her cold ire, and muttered apologies, which Grant just chuckled.

Although it is neither big nor small,
nor liquid, solid or gas,
it can be broken without being dropped.
What is it?

Deyja was on point on this one. "Something there's far too little of in this world, Silence." Cathris nodded, understanding where Deyja was coming from. She had noticed he hated being around people, or in the guild while it was full, but she knew who the Guild Master had picked him as backup. In front of a crowd like the one in the stadium, his magic ability would be amplified tenfold. Assuming he wasn't scared stiffed of being watched by so many people.

"Oh hell if you don't get plenty of silence. I've only seen you in the guild hall twice while I was there." Grant jested, smiling. He was met by a less-than-frendly response.

"That's mostly because you're the loudest of them all, Grant."

"Ooo, I think you solved that smoke riddle again with that burn." Mark smiled, and Grant gave him a soft elbow in the ribs.

"Oh ha-ha, yeah, I get it, I can be loud sometimes. Let's just move on." Grant rolled his eyes.

A very pretty thing am I,
fluttering in the pale-blue sky.
Delicate, fragile on the wing,
indeed I am a pretty thing.
What am I?

Deyja smiled, and his shadow disappeared as a magic circle appeared on his hand, taking shape of a butterfly. "Ah, a butterfly of course. They are always fluttering, carefree, from flower to flower, drawing their nectar to sustain themselves, and at the same time spreading the flower's seeds to its kindred so that in the next spring many more of its brethren may bloom under the power of the sun. So that the many butterflies of the next generation may feed even more bountifully upon the flowers." At the end of his short little speech, Dayja closed his eyes with a content smile on his face, closing his hand gently around the shadow butterfly he made. He was caught up in his imagination of such a serene field that lived in the perfect beauty he had described. Grant and Mark had to keep themselves from laughing too loudly, both holding a hand over their mouth. Cathris gave them a firm look before turning to Deyja, smiling sweetly.

"That's a very pretty image Deyja." The A-Class wizard looked at her, opening his eyes, and made a meek smile, stuttering thanks as they moved on.

One they were outside, Grant laughed, before asking loudly. "Wait. That was it? Jeezus, you couldn't come up with riddles better than that? Come on!" Grant held his hands out, facing the crowd.

"We were supposed to be able to complete it in half an hour Grant. And you didn't solve any of them, so don't give us any of that bullcrap." Mark placed his hands on his hops comically and he and Grant went at it verbally. Cathris just rolled her eyes, and watched as Deyja shrunk back, trying to get out of sight of everyone. She let him be, and Jacob happily ran to the edge of the tower, standing at the edge triumphantly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Aurora was a little surprised when the captain said that he wanted her on the team for the games, but excitement took over quickly. "Let's do our best!" She said to her teammates before they heard the announcement about the preliminary round. Riddles? This should be fun!

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Team B Phoenix Wing
[@Zarkun@Jangel13@cirusArvennicus@J8cob@Amaya Tamashii

Team B would hear the voice say "Congratulations. Move on to the third Level" Upon moving onto the third level, the voice said "A dozen royals gathered round, entertained by two who clowned.
Each King there had servants ten, though none of them were also men.
The lowest servant sometimes might, defeat the king in a fair fight.
A weapon stout, a priceless jewel, the beat of life, a farmer's tool.

What are we talking about here folks? "

@Hatakekuro@YipeeXD@Silver Fox@Joshua Tamashii

Sasha smiled and Nolan and nodded, happy herself with the answer "A cloud" She agreed. The voice said "Correct, move on" When they reached the next floor, after what seemed like a long climb, the voice said "
It has plenty of backbone, but doesn’t have a leg.
It peels like an orange, but it comes from an egg."

She didn't even think. The answer came out "A snake"

"Very good. Move on"

She blushed, releasing that she hadn't even paused to see if anyone else had the answer, before moving on.

"First there is thunder,
but no lightning paid this debt,
glowing rain pours down,
but the earth is far from wet,
snow fills the sky,
and the mountain is reset."

This time, Sasha waited, looking at the others.


"That's because you focus on your looks and that's all Ferris" Jessie said cheerfully, reaching over and taking his drink, taking a sip of it before returning it.

"OOOOH LOOK IRON ENIGMA HAS REACHED THE TOP HOW AWESOME IS THAT?" She said, once more bouncing up and down, "OH OH OH! There's only 20 teams left, these riddles must be ha-a-rd!"

Michael and Gabriel

Michael blushed, spluttered and shook, looking down at his feet. "y-y-y-y-ou m-m-misunderstand a c-c-c-crucial p-p-p-part of h-h-humans. M-men c-c-c-can't b-b-bare c-c-c-c-children. It j-j-j-just isn't p-puh-p-possible" He blushed even more violently as Prince kissed his cheek.

Gabriel chuckled lightly. Michael never knew what to do with such attention. It had gotten him into trouble before, but Gabriel was relieved to see that that didn't seem to be the case here. Prince just seemed to enjoy tormenting Michael.

Michael heard the announcers, and seized the chance to change topics, "Frenzy plant got through!"

Gabriel looked over and nodded, "I expected no less"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Grand Magic Games

Karn bummed as the others answered the question before heading to the next question. In which case Sasha answered immiedietly. Sasha was sure smart, it seemed Karn got every single one incorrect. So when the next one rolled around, the small creature simply tilted his head in confusion. "Mhmm these are so hard." he pouted, ears lowering.

Grand Magic Games Audiance stands

Prince chuckled in amusement at Michael's stutters, the feline waving a finger and making a tsking sound before gently tapping the finger against his teammate's nose. "Indeed, you humans don't seem to be quite as effiecient in the reproduction category. But, I'm not human, I have no boundries as long there is magic. A requirement you definetly have, so we can make much love and life. Of course they'd all end up as kitty people. So, until you say yes or no I'm going to keep asking my dear Mikey!" the feline chirped, patting the flushed cheeks before listening to the announcers.

"Mhm yes, I don't expect too much trouble for any of the the Guilds. Everyone chose their teams pretty well." he hummed happily.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Amaya Tamashii
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Amaya Tamashii

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

*~*Rose Yashia*~*


"a deck of cards. Cause we have royalty along with clowns which are known as jokers. The priceless jewels...only thing that has to have all those are a deck of cards" she said to the voice before looking at the others on her team for their ideas

*~*Amaya Vanisis*~*


"That's not good there are already two teams at the finish and twenty teams with four spots left or maybe three...I hope both teams make it....GO PHOENIX WING!" She said gently before cheering on her guild. She hoped they would get through but her
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