Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JG


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@The ghost in black@WittyWolf

"You and me both!" she said, obviously relieved not to have to see the chainsaw in action. She noted that Kouh chose not to put her weapon back in the basket and hoped that it was simply a precaution and not a future betrayal brewing...

"Let's go, then. I know a little shop that should still be open but vacant nearby. We can wait there until things settle down. Or until we get a call for help..." she winked at Kouh with her last sentence. She hoped the Titan remembered her telling him to signal if he needed reinforcements. And that he would trust her enough to request it.

How unlike her to avoid a fight, she thought as she led the way towards the Tailor's shop where Rafael had introduced himself. As they walked, JG got the unnerving feeling that they were being followed, though by her accounts everyone had left the scene already. She also couldn't shake off the smell of wet dog from her nostrils. She tried to focus on her hearing, waiting for a noise that would betray the stalker's presence without letting him or her know she was aware of them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Dennis frowned when the geezer pulled out his gun. Even if it seemed like the old guy had the upper hand with his gun already drawn Dennis could easily turn this around. He tapped his scounter as it beeped and turned on. For all the old man know it could just be a regular goggle like monocle that could help him see in the dark when actually it assisted Dennis in calibrating how soon a bullet or fast moving object reaches him or a requested destination. So in other words dodging a bullet would be possible now for Dennis but he wasn't gonna tell the old fart that. "If I wanted to kill you I'd snipped your ass from the top of the roof when you shouted your derogatory statements at me but I didn't!" Dennis kicked a bot out of the way. "And if you aim a gun at someone then you must be ready to kill them.....and if you miss you better be ready to die.." He added tapping both his pistols. His scounter focused on every single movement the old guy made. If he fired his gun and missed that'll be the death of him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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"Ok, let's go" Kouh said as she followed the lady down the street "by the way what should I call you?" She asked before slinging her saw over her shoulder more as a detergent to problems than in self defense. Kouh looked up at the top of the buildings and scanned the tops in search of wolf, when she spotted the tops of his ears Kouh gave three short high whistles. At the sound of the signal wolf disappeared from sight and made his way over the walls by the east gate to wait for Kouh to return.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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@WittyWolf Philomel jumped on to the swordsman and spun around to his back, to get away from the guns that were shooting at him. he then landed on his feet and began to use the swordsman as a shield to get into the building which had Akkina "Nasus!!! Your dead when I get you" He shouted at the top of his voice to the Scum.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Titan heard the crash of the doors and then Philomel's roar of defiance, just as he cut through the last bit of steel keeping him from his payment. When he opened it, all he spied were pieces of paper. Before he erupted in rage, the lettering caught his eye. Lifting the paper, he noted that it was a barabond! Titan blessed his luck and quickly grabbed all that the safe held. Folded and hidden deep on his person, Titan felt he had been more than compensated enough. Perhaps now would be a good time for some 'pro-bono' work, so to speak.

As he passed the corpse, stepping over the Lycan's body, something caught his gaze. It seemed the body still bled, yet the puddle it had made seemed to... vibrate. As if something extremely large was just outside the room. Yet, Titan felt nothing through the soles of his boots. What was that? Shaking off the bemusement, he walked out of the room and into a sun room. There, he spied a vase, which held a quantity of water. He stared at it for some moments, yet it never moved. Looking behind him, Titan saw the ripple in the blood once more. His own blood ran cold in his veins, knowing for certain what had happened. One good payday had ruined everything! Titan was growling under his breath, cursing his own greed, Nassus's wealth, and the fool Akkina for getting caught up in all this!

He'd forgotten the one thing he'd promised himself never to do, lest he want to die the most painful of deaths. He'd used magic and there was only one creature that moved blood with its coming. Blood can always tell, Titan remembered his teacher saying. Truer words had never been spoken.

Taking a deep breath, he steeled himself. There were still mortal enemies that Titan could defeat, problems that he could still solve before he died. As he stalked through the house a group of four guards charged him with spears and swords. He swiped at these men like flies, slicing through their bodies with ease. His white-hot blade burned off the blood before it could even start coagulating. He made his way until he kicked open a door, which opened to the lobby of the house. "RANDY, PHILOMEL! THIS WAY!" He roared, before drawing his pistol and firing out of the broken front entrance. Outside, an intense explosion threw guards like debris in a tropical storm. The shattering of glass and its tinkling could be heard from the manor's front windows.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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@WittyWolf Philomel let go of the body and saw Randy to the side, entertaining a guard with the most extreme cause, he smiled and then heard a booming voice, Philomel turned his head to the voice and saw titan, who was apparently aiding them, Philomel cursed titan 'Damn you, make up your mind for who's side you are on' he thought to himself and then began to run towards the voice, he clambered up a stationary pillar and jumped on to a balcony and flipped over it, to land on the landing. "Alright, Raph where is Akkina. Oh don't worry about me knowing your name, I just do..' He said with a bold sort of voice .
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Randy whipped the guard around, crouching low behind him as he was lit up with bullets. The guard slumped to the ground, as Randy made a mad dash towards Philomel who was answering Titan. Randy slid past Titan and waited for Philomel. "All right, big guy? Which way to Akkina?" He questioned as he checked one of the corridors.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@The Slenderman@GingerBoi123

"I've been paid, swordsman. My motives are my own now." Titan gruffed, as he shot another explosive round out of the front entrance. The landing's guards were unconscious or beaten beyond recognition. Some were sliced clean in half, the exposed parts blackened by the extreme heat of Titan's blade. "No hello, Randall?" he asked dryly. "Follow me and stay close. Swordsman, bring up the rear and cut down any pursuers." With that, the large man turned on his heel and took long strides, not waiting for any more words. He led them through a complicated series of turns and staircases, the manor's construction nearly a labyrinth. Nassus's paranoia became more apparent with every twist and turn. Finally, they came to a dead end, a wall with a single lamp fixture on its face. Titan reached for it and pulled down, a clunk heard somewhere inside the paneling.

A doorway appeared to the trio's left as a section of wall rose and revealed a long corridor of mortar and stone, the building's very foundations. It ended in a single door, with a score of men guarding it with assorted blades and melee weapons. Sheathing his sword and holstering his pistol, Titan drew his large shotgun. He roared like a bear as he charged, bayonet leveled at the terrified men. One after another was impaled on the large and long blade, until none could fit. Titan's monstrous strength drove them backwards until the rest were crushed against the door. "This is where Nassus and Akkina are contained. Be careful, I'm sure Nassus expected us." Kicking off the dead men from his bayonet, Titan drew his blade once more. In a few moments, the blade once again filled the air with oppressive heat. He put the blade to the seam of door and frame. The blade easily separated the two. Titan lifted one leg and stomped the door in, sending the heavy object flying directly into Nassus and one of the bedposts.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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@GingerBoi123 Philomel turned his head to Randy and smiled and walked out of the room to guard the landing from the reinforcements that might come to apprehend the group who were taking back Akkina, he then turned back around to Randy "Get Akkina and take her to Kyato Corp, I'm sure they will protect her more efficiently than us. I'll hang back with Titan." Philomel said and then looked back at the entrance .
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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@JG Kyato stood at a corner and seen the feline person, and walked towards them, having just walked from his office, he wanted to meet someone new and this was just theb person "Hello there, My name is Seto Kyato, and I've been watching your friend titan.. is it? So you know that he is with a group of people, I've sent out my own spy bots to investigate the area" Kyato said and offered his hand towards her .
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Randy walked into the room and immediately broke the cuffs on Akkina and undid the gag. Before tending to her, Randy immediately pulled Nasus back up and held him up. "You slimy son of a bitch." He said, until Philomel spoke up. Randy nodded, then looked back at Nasus Mordey. "And here I was thinking I could have a really good beat down. Shame that." He commented before letting him go. It was only a split second before Nasus was met with a punch from Randy, the gloves set at full capacity. He then walked over to Akkina and helped her out of the bed. "Are you all right?" He asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JG


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@The Slenderman [@A ghost in black]

"You can call me JG" she answered Kouh, though she was sure she'd given her name already. "Looks like we both have initials as our name" she chuckled, winking at the girl again. That was a bad habit to get into, she really ought to stop winking she thought to herself.
The girl whisteled, and JG thought she was going to whistle a tune, but it had none, she just whistled 3 times and then stopped. Almost like a signal. The feeling of being followed gradually subsided as did the smell of wet dog. Perhaps the girl had a hidden companion. But why hide a dog? She would have to be careful.

Kyato then drew her attention. Damn, she'd thought he was long gone.

"Hello, Seto Kyato...Is Seto your first name or surname?" she asked, slightly confused as she was not used to people giving her their full name, and too unfamiliar with those ones to know which she should call him by.

"Titan? I didn't know him by that name, but I suppose that would be a reasonable description of him" she said with a chuckle. Upon seeing his outstretched hand, the events of her meeting Rafael repeated themselves and she stared at the hand awkwardly, not accepting it.

"I'm sorry, I don't really do hand shakes. I hope you won't take it personally." she said slowly and carefully, watching for his reaction.

"Are you related to that girl and her friends?" she asked, trying to remember their names. She'd forgotten already. The girl was...Assina? Akkina? Probably the latter.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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@JG " No, I just helped them out, only one time" Kyato said while smiling lightly and he noticed that she didn't take his hand, he soon put it by his side, he didn't mind that she declined his hand and then leaned against a wall where he could have some semblance of relaxation "If you are up for having another weapon, I can give you a upgrade to the weapon, that is poorly concealed on your bodice. Seto is my first name, that's why my businesses are named Kyato Corp, Kyato is my last name" He corrected her and then looked at her again.

@WittyWolf Philomel nodded to Raphael and then drew the two swords he had and then waited for the enemies that were soon arriving at this location "I hope you are ready to get blood on your body, we've got company, reinforcements are here" He said and then pointed to them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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@GingerBoi123 "Yeah, thank you so much Randy" Akkina said and then looked at Randy weakly, and then smiled "Who is the new kid. I don't recognize him" She said about Philomel and stretched out her body and looked at Titan, "You caused this" She spat out to him, She was very angry at him, but then again, he helped her out, he was a confusing sort of fellow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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@The Slenderman Randy got confused at Akkina when she said she doesn't recognize him. "Uhhh, okay then. Look we gotta get to Kyato Corp." He said, he hten looked around. "It's just uhh, how do we do it?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Titan sighed, wondering if this young man even knew who he was if he knew his name. With the narrow passageway from the room he fired one round from the double barrel shotgun. The slug was the size of a medium sized dog. The sound was deafening, the sound reverberating against the rock walls as if the entire building was a tuning fork. It was lucky for Titan that he wore earplugs to any fight. It was unfortunate for Philomel that he didn't. The remainder of the guards scattered and fled, figuring if their employer wasn't dead, they would be.

"Like that Randall. Like that." Titan sighed. The rounds were expensive, they were lucky the giant had paid himself well. "Now pick her up and let's get out of here. Unless you like that bed, Akkina. We can arrange a permanent stay, maybe then you might show some gratitude." He hooked the gun onto his back once again. "I feel like I've done more than enough to make up for sin you think I've committed. I did a job, nothing more, nothing less." With that, Titan walked down the passageway and into the shadows beyond, not to be seen again by the group.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

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@WittyWolf Philomel not being part of the group, saw Raphael walk away down the passageway and into the shadows. Philomel immediately ran after him, he was going to get to know more than just his name when he found him, after all Raphael was famous for his business path, he seen Titan and walked towards his side, but he kept his footsteps quiet, so the only way that he could noctice Philomel is by looking at his side, if he didn't look to the side, then Philomel would cough to get his attention.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@GingerBoi123 Akkina nodded to Randy and smiled, then began to walk with him. After picking up the Durandal, then looked at Philomel walking away with Titan, She didn't recognize Philomel, but she swore that she knew him from somewhere, She couldn't quite put her finger on it though
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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@The SlendermanRandy looked down the corridors. "What way do we go?" He asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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@GingerBoi123 Akkina shook her head slightly and slowly realized that Silas was not here "We have to get him back, we have to get Silas.. please" She cried out lightly and looked at Randy almost breaking down
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