Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scoundrel
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Scoundrel potentially demented

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Richard Fowl

Richard has always proved that his exceptional display of observation was something to be regarded above others. Never in the years of his academic prosperity showed a lackluster manifestation of his skills and talents let alone failure to attain notable achievements. It was either learn and be better or fail and become no one. The latter was somehow, a concept he more often embraced than the former as his pessimism was the sole foundation of his strengths. A paradox as it seemed, but it gave him a great deal of accomplishments the more he became drawn to it. It cemented a transparency towards realism, ushering a snippet of his conviction from the falseness everyone kept on clinging. There were times when it plunged him into a looping contradiction, unknowing that this quality alone could be one unyielding disadvantage.

So much for observation skills, this wasn't the finest of his demonstrations. Richard felt the strains of his embarrassment flushing within his pale and frosty skin. Following a sudden suspicion kept him from blaming anything other than his unawareness and as well, cornered him to a near dead end where his pretentious reasoning deemed far from saving his wits. Even so, the serene eloquence lacing within the bounds of the blonde's cadence was enough to bring Richard back in his own comfort. The girl may sounded curiously nettled but seeing her that way only lifted Richard's uncanny confidence.

"Excuse my unawareness, dear lovely damsel." He paused both his words and his tracks as he carefully patched his phlegmatic composure. "I believe my sense of direction is rather frail against this vast and interwoven maze. Plus, the continual, bone-chilling downpour has partly drowned my mind into an insidious coil."

Idiot! That's because you're wearing a sweatshirt. None could've contradicted himself more than the impudent howls of his thoughts.

Richard cleared his throat, an attempt he'd often make just to buy time for his mind to develop the appropriate words. Apparently, he felt it was far from being out of his control. With years spent on speaking publicly from scholastic competitions, improvising was but a matter of an effortless endeavor.

"Invading your privacy is far from being an intention of mine. I've spent the entirety of my youth presenting an unbiased practice of respect and there wasn't a single day I've recalled to employ any barbaric means to get one's attention. I sympathize with one's opinion and I would never pillage them." If he could've smirked anytime, he would've gladly did it. However, the charisma he was trying to portray held him back. Perhaps it would be best to express it once the blonde would turn to her blind side.

"I apologize once more. I admit it is a fault of mine for not mustering my composure and it's outright pitiful of me to take the blame on a lifeless being such as this weather. Perhaps if there's anything I can do to deserve your forgiveness, I would definitely grant it with all of my nobility."

With that, Richard strove to lift yet another smile, gesturing a distinctive nod to project what his words pertained.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tokara
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Tokara Constantly disappearing

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Copen was a little overjoyed when the girl was receptive to his advance. He was an excitable fellow, and new friends were no reason for sombreness. He peered at the photos on the small screen, cupping his hand around it so that they were more clear. She was pretty good at it, he supposed - but he didn't know that much about photograph, to be honest. He straightened, nodding at her explanation. The boy flashed his signature grin, voice a little louder than most people's.

"Ah, ja? I like your photos!" he said. "They are good. It's nice to meet you, Wendy. I am Copen." Instinctively, he started to offer his hand to her as he'd been brought up to do - but then hesitated. Guys at least tried to return a firm handshake. Girls probably wouldn't expect such a strong grip. He awkwardly closed his hand into a fist, putting it back by his side. "I came here by myself," he continued, feeling a little guilty about being so rude.

A sudden retching caught his attention. His expression changing to that of curiosity and concern, he peered around Wendy and toward the figure - a boy, seemingly Mexican or something. He wasn't looking too great. Copen had a soft heart, and he frowned as he took a step forward.

"Hey, are you okay? I can help you back inside, or call somebody..."

@Heathen @Mr Allen J
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Verminlord
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Chloe Knight

"You look cold, yeah? Go ahead, wear it for now. Just... be careful with it."

Chloe actually felt slightly overwhelmed by the offer. She knew it was stupid, after all he was just offering his coat to a cold looking girl. Still, it had taken all afternoon to get nice and toasty after arriving in this frozen wasteland and the ice powered girl had ruined it. She wasn't mad at her or anything but at the time it was just so frustrating it almost made her want to cry. She thought it was probably difficult for others to appreciate how hard it is to get comfortable when you couldn't control your own temperature without outside help. Coats and jumpers were useless since she didn't produce any heat for them to trap and her bed had been freezing every night until her parents had got her the electric blankets. As a result she had become quite used to the feeling of her body slowing down and becoming numb with cold, though being used to it didn't make it any more pleasant, in-

She was spacing out again.

Acting fast as to not lose any more of the precious body heat left on the coat, Chloe reached out and gently pulled the valuable looking coat on. It was far to large for her, but the feeling of the warmth was worth its weight in gold.

"Thank you, really. I can't warm up properly unless I get the heat from somewhere else, so coats usually don't help me" Chloe's expression was thankful, but soon a wry smile appeared "One of the many joys of having snake themed powers"

@spoopy scary
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Damian Alexander Ahote Mallory

Alex was still in the inner cabin, hardly even noticing the cold snap due to him using the comfort mode on his Porta-Shield(which he really needed to find a better name for). There was also the fact that he was on his own personal laptop attempting to slay a monstrous Randy Savage Dragon in Skyrim, and getting his ass royally handed to him because the damn thing had an annoying large health bar. He let out a few muttered curses as he frantically tapped away at the keyboard, before finally throwing his hands up with a loud shout as he struck the killing blow with barely any health to spare.

"Haha, take that ya stupid little bitch. God, I hate damage sponge enemies but they're so satisfying to kill." Alex then quickly saved his game, having had enough if it for now, as well as feeling like he should socialize a bit with other people. Closing his laptop, he put it in his shoulder bag, stretched in his seat for a bit, before getting up and leaving the little area to go outside. The brisk air felt bracing, even if he couldn't feel the full effects of it, plus there was something about the movement of the ship and the smell of the sea that was just so enjoyable. Every time he took a step, he couldn't help but feel a smile pull at his face as the ground moved beneath him. This had been his first time ever on a boat, and he'd been terrified of clutching the side and hurling over the edge as his body revolted against the idea of standing on a moving surface like this, but he felt perfectly fine. Dressed in a light winter long-sleeve jacket, black jeans, and sneakers, he couldn't help but feel a little guilty as he looked at all of the much more heavier-dressed people shiver and shake as they try to warm themselves up.

Walking through the sea of chilled souls, he spotted a lone figure near the back of the back of the vessel, staring out into the ocean . . . and obviously catching her death of cold since age was wearing nothing but a skirt and a light jacket. Of course, being the kind of person he was as well as the sin of a doctor, he couldn't just leave her like that, even if she looked like the type that preferred to be alone. With that firey red hair and(as he noticed upon approach), seemingly permanent scowl on her face, she looked like the punk version of tinker bell. I hope to god she isn't a telepath, or she might punch me in the balls for that thought. He shivered in fear at the thought, praying a silent prayer of protection before he took the final steps, leaning next to her on the railing.

"You're probably going to catch your death out here if that's how you plan to dress while you're here. Luckily for you, I'm basically Q in that I've got a bunch of nifty gadgets, including this little beauty right here," Alex gave the fiery haired girl a showman's grin as he pulled out a somewhat bulky looking device that seemed designed to clip on to one's belt or waistband from his backpack. It was another version of the Porta-Shield, except this one was just for comfort. He had made sure to carry two extras in case anything happened to his arm while they were here, cause without his dad, it's deadweight, and dragging around a useless piece of freezing cold metal was a situation he wanted to avoid. "Just clip it on, press the button and cold will be a thing of the past. Though just to let you know, it runs on your Meta-human energy, so you'll feel an ever so slight bit of fatigue, though given the curcunstances, you'll hardly notice. You can even keep it indefinitely if you want, as I can always make more if I need to. . . and have the time of course. Oh, my bad, I forgot to introduced myself."

Alex brought his bandaged hand down on his forehead in a face palm , to curse himself mentally for his own forgetfulness and lack of manners, only to curse himself a lot more verbally as he was painful reminded that his hand wasn't made if flesh and blood, the muted clang of flesh-covered bone against metal merely cementing his stupidity. Once he finished with a short but intense bout of cursing, he cleared his throat while still gingerly holding his head, a look if slight embarrassment as he continued to talk. "Name's Damian Alexander-Ahote Mallort, but that's a mouthful, so just call me Alex. . . and if we could just pretend what just happened, . . . never happened at all, that'd be awesome."

@Mr Allen J
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Melissa Wright

Melissa was slightly taken aback by Pinks' teeth but didn't let it show on her expression, was she seriously trying to threaten her on a cruise liner above the ocean? Well, Pink had no way of knowing what Melissa's powers were nor did she have any way of knowing what Pink's was. For all she knew Pink could control the water to, it'd make sense given the..fishy..features. She smirked when she told her to call her Pink, she could see why. Hell if she hadn't of told her her name Melissa would have either called her Shark or Pink, it was a toss up between the two, honestly.

"I can see why they do." She remarked, glancing over the womans hair. She wondered momentarily why exactly people would want to dye their hair such an absurd color, especially a metahuman. Or maybe it was her natural color? She just saw a man with a freaking flaming hunk of wood for an arm so a half shark half woman with natural pink hair wouldn't be too far fetched. She then asked why exactly she was here, which illicited a groan from her."Tch, nah. I'm only here because my dumb sister got us found out by accidentally cutting a guy up. I mean, sure it'd of been found out that I accidentally almost drowned someone eventually, but someone cutting someone up with their skin kiinda tipped NEST off more." She replied, sighing.

"If I had my way I'd be back home, I was doing just fine learning how to control myself alone. But noo, big sis has to freak over one accident.." She continued before pausing to glance off across at the academy slowly coming into view. "What about you? Eat someone or something?" She asked.
@Mr Allen J


Maria Wright

Maria stood at the back of the top deck for a while longer, thinking about what awaited her and her sister in the academy and wondering if she could truely trust the people she was about to be forced to live with. She came to the conclusion that NEST wouldn't have let any truely dangerous and uncontrollable individuals have the option of the academy, so there wasn't really much to worry about. Though, she couldn't help but shake the feeling that something was wrong. Pushing the thought aside she noticed the academy drawing ever closer, she decided she'd have plenty of time to converse with the other students later and that she might as well go ahead and pack up their things. God knows Melissa would never do it and she really didn't want them to be the last ones off the boat.

Sighing she walked down to the middle deck their cabin was on, passing by someone puking in a garbage can and resisting the urge to do so herself at the sight of it. She understood he couldn't help it, but seriously if you get seasick stay in your cabin, ain't nobody that wants to see you puke your guts out. Ignoring the scene she went into hers and her sisters cabin and set to work packing their things back up as well as enjoying the warmth of the room.

Serena Jones

Serena yawned leaning up out of her bed, rather than freeze her ass off like the majority of the students had opted to do, she decided to take a nap most of the way to the island and hope when she woke up that they were either there or hope she overslept. Much to her dismay neither option had presented itself. Hopping out of bed she grabbed her cap and coat, placing her cap on her head and shrugging her coat on. Sure, the coat might not exactly be the warmest or the thickest, but from what she saw she was one of the few sensibly dressed passengers. A lot of them had on short skirts and tops, like really, who the hell wears that to Alaska? Idiots, she summarized, idiots and simpletons.

Grudgingly she left the warm confines of her cabin to be greeted by piercing cold wind and someone hovering over a trash can puking. Niiice. She said nothing and simply shuffled past them, nearly getting knocked over by some huge musclebound Russian man."Watch where the hell you're going, thanks." She told him before shoving past, not caring about getting a response.

For now, she simply walked around the ship in silence, looking at all the people she'd be going to the academy with and silently making fun of the morons in short skirts and thin clothes. Did people even realize Alaska was a cold state? Did they even pay attention the slightest bit in school? Apparently not. She couldn't help but wonder how many of the students would be in the sick bay when they arrived from the flu, pneumonia, and other cold related diseases.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Spoopy Scary
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Spoopy Scary ☠️🌸soft grunge🌸☠️

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Andrea Pasternack


Andrea faced her, shall we say, "new-found acquaintance" rather stunned and perhaps even a little bit appalled. This is not to see that she found his manners any less appealing, but his demeanor was at least off-putting. Like a blast from the past, straight out of the 1700s or something. She caught herself staring with her jaw slightly dropped and quickly recomposed herself. Now embarrassed with herself, she combed her hair through her fingers at the back of her head was scratching at her scalp behind her ear.

'It's okay, it's okay. This is no big deal, right?. I don't have to call security just yet, I don't think. He hasn't done anything wrong yet. Yet. Yet...'

"Oh!" Andrea exclaimed perhaps a bit dramatically as she leaned onto her door. Perhaps attempting to portray herself being comfortable and okay a touch too hard that she made it obvious. "Yeah, pfft, no big deal, right? Besides, I don't think you'd be too interested in stealing some girl's college homework, right? Hehe, yeah, go figure!"

Stanford law, no less. It definitely wasn't a fun way to kill yourself.

'Slick as ice, Andrea. Slick as ice.'

"Anywho..." She began to say awkwardly. A moment of silence dragged out couple seconds longer. She stuck her hand out. "My name is Andrea!"

Her hand felt stiff at the thought of touching this guy's hands. Did he he wash them at all? He didn't look too clean. Oh gosh, she really hoped he washes his hands.

Abraham Gene

@Verminlord@Maxx@He Who Walks Behind who ever the fuck else

Snake-themed powers.

The first of all the girls he could talk to, and it was Lord Voldemort's daughter. Except instead of not having a nose, her ass was just as lacking.

"Oh, yeah? Not a problem, ma'am." Abe said enthusiastically. He rubbed his arms with his hands. A flannel and a leather jacket didn't do much to ward off the Alaskan cold as all three layers could. You'd think that someone with snake powers would have the self-preservation to be a little more innovative! Like putting those hand-warmer packets all over their body, beneath the layers of clothing. His eyes trailed back to the crowd former a little further down the boat. Looked like they planned on starting a party. Abe didn't want to be the guy being seen stuck around just one person. He needed a name around these parts, because money alone meant nothing. He was being completely selfish here, but he could think of a couple o' ways to appeal to Chloe.

"Well since neither of know anybody else around here," Abraham started, "how 'bout I help the both of us with that, eh? C'mon, I know how to play the game. Their body heat or whatever will help too, I bet!"

Without even waiting for Chloe's response, he stuck two of his fingers in his mouth and whistled, letting a sharp screech rip through the air.

"Yo!" Abe yelled, cupping his hands in front of his mouth. "What do you lot say about partyin' up? How about it!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Luminous Beings
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Luminous Beings Not Greg.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Maxx
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Maxx Jamming

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Max Hernandez

Max Hernandez sat in a leather office chair in his staff office in the Academy's Administration Wing. He was leaning back in his chair, reading a book of poems by Emily Dickinson which he had pulled off of his bookshelf a few minutes before. The bookshelf was a funny-looking thing, made of a sleek grey metal wire and filled to bursting with books, folders, and stray pieces of paper. Organized chaos, as Max called it, which was difficult for anyone without extrasensory perception to search their way through. The office was the definition of organized chaos, with filing cabinets filled to bursting, desk drawers crammed with a hodgepodge of everything from snack bars to case studies, and a corkboard covered in crooked papers. A garden box filled with cacti sat by the window on a shelving unit covered in bags of desert soil and fertilizer. The only organized thing in the room was the top of Max's metal desk, which contained only an iMac, a keyboard, a mouse, and a Keurig.

Max sighed and placed the book on the desk. Emily Dickinson was hardly his cup of tea (poetry really wasn't his cup of tea in general), but he was so incredibly bored that he felt his only options were to read a book or shoot himself. He instinctively felt for his gun, a Glock 17, in his jacket pocket, and then, smirking, leaned forwards in his chair. He looked out of the window: it was hardly four o'clock, but it was already nighttime. Oh, how he hated Alaska. He stood up from his chair and turned the grow light suspended above his garden box on. He had always loved cacti. Like him, they were thorny and self-sufficient.

From the floor-to-ceiling window of his office, he could see the grey ocean stretching out endlessly towards the horizon, and the sun dousing itself beneath its waves. If he looked quite hard, he could make out a small icy island or two floating amongst the grey abyss. Ice floes bobbed with the waves, keeping their heads above the water like people lost at sea. A flock of seagulls tore across the beach in a thin cloud, scavenging for food. 'Stupid birds,' Max thought. 'They'd rather freeze their asses off than fly south for the winter.' He looked down at his watch. It was just about time for the boat to dock carrying this year's load of metahumans to be trained. Sighing, he took one last drink of his coffee, tossed the styrofoam cup into the trash, and left the room, shutting the door behind him.

"Time to go get the urchins," he muttered as he walked down the hall.

Victor Calahan

Okay, now things were getting completely out of hand. Just as Victor was beginning to adjust to the number of people, another came over, this time a muscled-out jock with dreads and an aura that reeked of overconfidence. The man, who introduced himself as Abe, made Victor take a step back and look down at the ground. The one kind of person who Victor hated the most was cocky jocks. He looked at the robot cat for some kind of reassurance, but it just looked away and snuggled up to Arianna's leg as she pet it (in that moment, he wished he were the cat). He sighed and looked out towards the Academy. After a few awkward moments after Arianna's question, he turned back around.

"Richmond," Victor said, "but after a while I moved to Black Fall. Richmond's not a fun place for metas to be." He tried to keep his eyes off of Abe and towards Arianna's face. She had quite a pretty face, one that he quite enjoyed looking at. From someone nearby, he heard that they were approaching the dock.

"I think we're getting off soon," he said. "I'd, um, better go find my sister. It was nice meeting you, Ari. I'll see you around." With that, he smiled weakly, and then walked away. Anything to get away from beefcake.

Casey Calahan

"Nice to meet you, Jess," Casey said. "I'm Casey, from Black Fall. So yeah, huge-ass city girl." They shook hands. Jess' grip was surprisingly strong, Casey found. She was a charismatic-looking girl in-general, Jess was, with a spark of adventurousness in her eyes and a fairly tomboy-looking physique and fashion. She was the kind of person who Jess wanted to be friends with.

"So," Casey asked, "are you a new student or a returning one? I'm new around here. This boat ride has been absolutely crazy. I never knew there were this many different kinds of metas in the world." She tried not to talk too much, but she had so much to say. This place was chock-full of funky-looking metas of all kinds, from bird-men to giant redheaded behemoths to boys made of fire to a guy in the corner who seemed to be part...turtle? It was all so foreign, like a scene from a sci-fi movie.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 6 days ago

The boat ride finally came to a close, and the cruise ship docked at the island. A staircase was lowered for students to get off the boat. Various staff members were at the docks, shaking people's hands as they were herded inside.

Wendy Emily Lucker.

For a moment, it felt like Copen's hand would end up crushing hers. Like his grip was so strong that Wendy wondered if he knew his own strength. Fortunately, she didn't have to turn into paper to get herself out of it. He released his grip, and things got a little awkward. Fortunately, Wendy was trying her best to get past it, and salvage this. "Thank you, thank you." Wendy said, brushing strands of her unkempt hair out of the way. "I take a lot of pride in my photography." Wendy smiled, nodding her head. Just keep talking about your photos, everything will go fine. "The thing I really want to do here is take pictures of the scenery. This school is really posh, y'know? And it's Alaska in the winter, I'm going to get some really good shots." She felt like she was bragging a little too much. Suddenly, Wendy's face went red as she scrambled to think of something. He probably thinks my photography is the only interesting thing about me. The paranoid thoughts went through her head.

Fortunately, attention was taken off Wendy when a vomiting student caught the attention of Copen. Wendy let out a sigh as she composed herself. Hoping to get the best out of this situation. The student vomiting over the deck seemed to be a rough looking boy. Clearly one of the thugs that did something to get sent here. The way he reacted to the other girl offering help made Wendy a little more than hesitant to offer her helping hand. she was hoping that it wouldn't come across as apathetic - rather than afraid.

The boat came to a stop. Wendy didn't even notice they reached the island until the boat came to a stop. "Um," Wendy said, looking around as the students rushed off the boat. "Hey, it wasn't that bad." Wendy muttered underneath her breath. She turned her body towards the stairs - still looking Copen directly in the face. "Wanna come with me...?" She asked, awkwardly trying her best not to make it sound like a date or something - this was strictly platonic (She hoped - she'd rather focus on her training than a relationship!).

Jessica Sharon Rosefey Jr, & Kiri "Kai" Anaru.

For a moment, Jess was a little scared that she might break Casey's hand (Or tear her arm off) if she didn't control her strength didn't a simple handshake. I can kill her with a pluck! For a brief moment, that cool and cocky swagger vanished and her facial expression turned a little bit more awkward. It felt like a real feat that she didn't hurt the girl. She let a sigh out, and reverted back to normal. "Ah, no. New here! Dad - and NEST - thought that I could use a little training after a tiny little mishap." Jess answered, following it with a bout of awkward laughter. She shrugged. "Wish I came here sooner, though. Would have loved to come here and meet all these people! But, hey, seize the day." She said. "Uh, yeah. You can say that we're in the same boat! Ha!" She followed it up, giving Casey a cocky grin. "Can't say that I'm new to Metahumans, though. Dad and Mom were Metahumans. Hell, you can say that I got my powers from them, in fact!"

The boat finally reached the docks, and Jess smiled. She put her hat back on, and said, "Well, looks like we're here! How about the three of us..." Jess turned her head over her shoulder, and kicked the table that Kai was sleeping on. Immediately waking her up, making the living glacier look around. Then she finished, "... Go see what this Academy has to offer?"

Abigail "Pink" Vincigarru.

A minute into their conversation, and Pink is already being drowned with someone's life story!

Geez! All Pink wanted was a yes or no answer! Not her whole life story including the fact that she has a sister, and that she did some stupid shit that she couldn't care less about. Pink only seemed interested so that she can resume this conversation. If not, she would have told the red-haired brat to buzz off - before she gets the idea that they're comfy or something. Oh, the woes of superhumans. "... So you got caught by NEST." Pink snorted, laughing. "Well, sucks to be you. Heh." She said, leaning back in her chair. When Melissa asked about why she's here, she had to smile - flashing those deadly teeth of hers. "For your information, I'm here because I look like this," Pink started off, rolling her eyes up into her head. "I came here so I can find some way to go back to normal so I can fucking function in society - and the second I do, I'm outta here." She said, that's all Melissa needed to know.

Fortunately, the worst boatride of her life was coming to an end. The boat finally reached the dock - like it was propelled forward by everyone's bitching - and everyone started to get off. The second those damn stairs went down, Pink immediately grabbed her guitar and stood straight up. Shooting a cocky little grin in the direction of Melissa. "Whelp. Thanks for the chit chat, but I was just about ready to fly straight to the island if I had to spend another second on this boat." She started walking forward - extra fast so that she could make plenty of distance between herself and this kid.

"See ya!" Pink gave Melissa the peace sign as she walked off.

Diana Jolene Lucker.

The second she heard footsteps, Diana instinctively dropped the cigarette off the side of the boat. Fortunately, it was subtle enough - all she had to do was open her fingers - given that she was leaning up against the railing with her hands on it. While she loved to smoke, she wasn't going to get busted while on the way.

With that situation out of the way, Diana immediately turned around to face her new guest (Partially hoping that it was just Wendy so she can send the gal off again).

But, no. It was some other dude. She couldn't get a good idea of his height, since she was so short, everyone looked tall. But that wasn't what caught her eyes. He looked scarred as fuck, and had this weird arm. It didn't take a telepath to realize that he's been in some shit (Or had some horrible masturbation accident). The exact reason why Diana wasn't going to ask questions and scratch at old wounds. Other than that, he looked relatively average to Diana. He was lacking in the cute department, that's for sure.

Though, like some knight in shining armor, he decided to help her with her little cold predicament. She wasn't sure if he was making his move, or actually wanted to help her. Eh. Best not to think too hard into it. He certainly sounded like some meganerd (Or techie) when he pulled some little trinket, telling her that it'd keep her warm. Which immediately set off all sorts of light bulbs in Diana's head. Of course, she could just call him some sort of fedora wearing pissant that thought helping her was his one-way ticket into her cooch, and tell him to keep his shitty tech to himself. The the other hand, he was clearly a technopath, or some shithead that knew his way around technology - doesn't matter. Diana wasn't particularly super versed in the Metahuman world, but she knew that having this kid in her back pocket could be helpful in case she needed it.

Diana looked up at him, smiling. "Heh, most boys offer their coat, or something." She said, grabbing the device and looking at it. Making sure that there isn't a joy buzzer attached to it or something. He mentioned that it ran off her Metahuman energy... another thing that Diana wasn't super versed in. "Eh, I'll be fine. Not like I'll be running around in this weather." There was a part of her that was telling her not to clip this dumb thing on, and just tell him that she'll be fine.

Of course, if this was some prank, then she'd hunt his ass down, sneak into his room while he's sleeping, and shove a laptop up his ass. One thing that this stupid paper power was good for was slipping underneath doors - completely undetected. She simply clipped the device on her arm, and took in a deep breath (Preparing herself to toss this thing (and this boy) off the boat), pressing the button. She was wrapped in a shield... and just as he said, she forgotten all about the cold. That's when she forgot all about that little paranoia. "Heh, thanks bud."

Then he introduced himself. He had this long ass name that only the most try-hard parents would give their kids. For a second, she narrowed her eyes. Wondering if he comes from some rich family. "Well, I'll forget half of that, anyway." Diana joked, laughing a bit. "Name's Diana, sweetheart. Got a little sister running 'round here somewhere."

Like a stroke of luck, the boat finally docked and Diana laughed. "Oh, looks like you'll want your little trinket back." Diana said, snapping the thing off them. There better be fucking heating here, or else she's going to fucking explode. Or else smash up a few class rooms. Because fuck going to a cell, this island was like it's own version of Alcatraz. Where NEST sends all the fuck ups they don't want to deal with.

Once again, the blonde-haired girl sighed. "Alright, I'll have a chat with you later then, Alex?" She said, "Think I should get off this boat before I go crazy or somethin'."

Head Mistress

Just like that, the several-hour boat ride to the island was finally over. As the boat got closer and closer, the students could see the massive, castle-like, Academy. Surrounded by a forest that didn't look as foreboding with the snow. The boat docked, and the staircase was lowered. Several random members (And forgettable) of the staff could be seen at the bottom, giving handshakes to the students. After everyone was off the boat, the staircase was raised. Everyone was lead by the Staff Members through the school. Leading them all to the auditorium in the middle of the beautiful Garden. A stage in front of row after row of seats. Before a woman, tall, African America, had a head of short black hair, wore a pinstriped suit. She walked up to the Podium, and a sharp-dressed woman, students may recognize her as Trish O'Malley, stood next to it. Wearing a black suit with a black overcoat on it.

"Hello, hello, students new and old," The woman loudly announced into the speakers. "I am the Head Mistress of this Academy, Patricia Taylor. And on behalf of the school, I welcome you to the Academy. Here, our staff will explore your abilities and assist you in learning your true potential. You will be placed through NEST-approved training of your powers. However, we are not all about our powers. We will give you an education much like a school would. Whether you are in high-school, college, or middle school. Work with the staff, and I guarantee that you will leave here fully educated. However, I will tell you the danger you pose when you refuse to control your powers. This is not a school teaching you how to be superheroes either."

"I will inform you all of the rules that all of you will have to abide... And the punishments. Theft, destruction of property, sexual relations, possessing illegal substances is not allowed. Students are expected to be back in their rooms by 10 PM. Fighting outside the is strictly forbidden, anyone caught fighting will be immediately and harshly punished. If you are repeatably caught breaking any of these rules... The 218 has a very durable detention center where all students who don't obey our rules will be staying. And if you continue to disobey the rules, you will be expelled from the island, and that will be the end of it."

"Head to the Reception Desk, and the staff there will give you your assigned room and roommate - Along with your luggage. And if you need anything, we have a fully equipped staff that will assist you all the way. You all have the rest of the day off. You can familiarize yourselves with your fellow classmates, and the school. I suggest heading to the student lounge to unwind. Tomorrow morning, classes will begin. That is all, you are dismissed." Miranda walked off stage, followed by Trish.

The students were promptly sent back to the Reception Hall, a large room with ceramic tiling, and marble pillars. At the center of the room was a round wooden desk, with a overworked secretary behind it. Working her butt off to sort out the room mates. A line quickly formed.

Afterwards, the students were directed into the cafeteria - which had been set up hours before the newly arrived students were there. The main room was quite large, made to accommodate a larger group of people at a time. The place was absolutely cleaned to shininess. The building was filled with fancy and finely crafted tables and furniture, each with a set of utensils placed on them. On the left side of the building was where the counter was. All sorts of chefs were set up here constantly making any dish for the students. Students and teachers, of all types, were all over the place. Talking, eating, and having fun. With some of the more reclusive students away from everyone else.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tokara
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Tokara Constantly disappearing

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Well, we're here now. No more seasickness, ja?"

Copen turned away from the rough boy, nodding at her invitation. He felt slightly guilty about the boy's state, but they needed to get off this boat. He was slightly excited about what laid ahead; but also a bit apprehensive. He was scared of his own strength - he'd seen the look on Wendy's face. Hoping that this place would offer him a solution other than preventing his powers - regeneration was pretty useful after all - he walked beside Wendy off the boat. The boy didn't really see it as anything more than accompanying a stranger. A nice stranger. He stuck his hands in the pockets of the black coat he wore over his striped button-up shirt.

They were lead through into a beautiful garden, and Copen's jaw dropped slightly. He took a seat on one of the many seats at the front, composing himself as he saw the Head Mistress. She looked like a powerful woman. It was cold here, but so beautiful - he'd visited the Black Forest once, in winter. This place certainly could compete. He might feel sort of at-home here. Crossing his arms, he listened respectfully to her words. So, no sexual relations? Well, he could probably deal with that... He could be flirtatious, and he loved women, but he was mostly here to get his powers under control anyway. He'd probably only hurt a girl if he got too close.

Copen rose when she was finished, following the indicators given to them. The scents of the kitchen were glorious, and he looked at the other people inside curiously as he walked past. His purposeful stride lead him to the front of the line, and he peered down at the harassed-looking secretary. "Hello," he greeted her. With one or two words later, he was told of his room-mate and given his luggage. Copen had two large suitcases in each hand as he followed the staff member assigned to lead him. His room-mate was a boy named Victor. He called a loud, "See you later!" to Wendy before heading around a corner.

Wondering idly whether he'd get along with Victor, he beamed at the staff member as they entered the room. "Thank you!" he boomed, throwing his suitcases on the bed. The piece of furniture creaked ominously with the force of his throw, but it held true. At a second look, the frame was metal - probably a good idea. He flopped down with a soft sigh, glad to finally be at the school.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Damian Alexander-Ahote Mallory

"Yeah, well, most guy's aren't as cool as I-Shit," Alex had attempted to put his hand on the railing to strike a semi-cool pose, but his hand slipped and he ended up slamming his side into the solid rod of metal that was there to keep him safe. To his credit, he took it like a man, simply letting out a low breath as he rose back up, trying to act as if nothing had happened. When the small red head thanked him for his gesture, he gave a slight nod, not wanting to aggravate his side by actually speaking. He smiled again, this one being more genuine as he was glad to see something he invented help someone out, even if it was only for a little bit, as he was soon scrabbling to catch the complex piece of machinery as the girl tossed it to him. Signing him off with a good-bye and a promise to talk again before heading off in the direction of the other students to the school.

Alex waited a little bit till she was out of sight, then let out a long breath, feeling the anxiety flow right out of him. That had been his first conversation with someone close to his age in years, and tat had been when he was in middle school. He had been afraid that he wouldn't be able to connect with others properly due to his perceived gap in mental maturity, but it seemed that wasn't the case. Turning his eyes towards the water, he couldn't help but let his sight drift over to his prosthetic arm.

Six years . . . I still can't believe it's been so long.

Raising up the wrapped limb, he couldn't help but feel the weigh of what he'd lost way down on him. He had been robbed of his youth, of his friends, and had almost been robbed of his family if the stories of how many times his father had overworked himself over those years were even close to true. All because of some group of crazy scientist deciding they wanted to play with people's lives. He knew that he should be glad that he was even alive, and that not many people got this second chance, but every so often, he couldn't help but think of what had been done to him, and be overcome by his anger and despair. Without a word, he slammed his metal arm down on the railing, denting the metal as he looked off into the horizon.

"Huh . . . I never thought I'd miss being able to cry." He whispered to himself, shaking slightly with barely contained emotion before he swallowed it down, pushing it deep down inside of himself like he'd been doing for nearly two years now. He didn't want to deal with these thoughts right now, so he simply ignored them for now. Turning around, he joined with the last vestiges of the students walking off the boat, taking a few deep breaths in order to calm himself down, anchoring himself once again in the present. He didn't want to have a panic attack in on the first day of school, or any day for that matter, and the best way to get one was to remind himself of past events. By the time the Head Mistress began speaking, he had gained control of himself once again, taking note of everything she said with a shrug of his shoulders. It was about what he expected, they were here to help him, and if he broke the rules, they'd be the one to kick him in the ass for trying to pull any stunts while they were watching. He wasn't likely to get in much trouble as long as he kept his cool, so he was certain he had nothing to worry about in accordance to discipline.

Once they were all dismissed to the cafeteria, Alex quickly got himself one big piece of ham, a few baked potatoes, broccoli . . . and at least 5 things of ice cream. Within a half an hour minutes, it was all gone, Alex sucking off the last of the juices from his fingers as he patted his stomach, feeling very satisfied with his meal selection, especially the desert, which he thought was to die for. Once that was taken care of, he made his way to the Reception Hall, spending another few minutes in line before he was given his room number and the name of his roommate, a guy by the name Mickey Keahl. The thought of roommates caused Alex to sigh, as he knew that it'd mean having to deal with people possible gawking at his arm, and probably worse, asking him about the scars. The entire scenario was already giving him a headache.

Alex dropped by his room, throwing his stuff on a random bed he claimed as his( with a hi-tech number lock on his luggage to keep them from getting any ideas in case they were one of the delinquent types. He didn't like to think that way anoyr others before he met them, but he'd rather feel guilty for now than feel pissed off later if it actually happened. After that, he waited for a grand total of 6 minutes for jus partner to show, though he did leave a holographic note on one if the other beds. The note simply read: 'Got board, went to explore the school, see you later, -Alex.' He ended the message with a gif of him exiting out the door with a wave and the phrase "Nice to meet cha!" drop down in bright bubble letters.

Alex had left for the Student Lounge, wanting to see who else he could talk to, maybe even see that short red head chick again. She seemed nice and cu-No, nope, that thought's been shut down. I need to focus on making friends, nit getting caught up in my own damn hormones. Just be chill, be nice, and don't over-think things. With that in mind, Alex took a deep breath, than went off to mingle with the populace.

@Mr Allen J

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rori Aherne & Max Diaz

Rori felt somewhat excited as the journey ended. They were certainly looking forward to this year, and to meeting all the new students that were around. Though they were sure that quite a few around were nowhere near as happy as Rori was to be in this place.

They were quite pleased to spot a familiar face upon entering the auditorium, having worried that their cousin had somehow jumped off the ship and swam back to shore to avoid coming to the academy. They moved over to sit beside Max, earning nothing more than a glare in response as the Head Mistress began to speak.

"So what's the food like here?" Max finally spoke to her cousin as the two of them headed over to the cafeteria with the masses. She didn't look particularly pleased to be here, but the least she could do was find out what it was like.

"Very good," Rori grinned in response, before shrugging. "You'll find out for yourself if you don't want to take my word for it. This place really isn't as bad as you think it is. Though me saying that isn't going to change your mind."

"It certainly isn't." Max replied as she went to get some food. It was certainly nice to have a selection without having to cook it for herself. Her uncle was particularly useless at cooking and she, unfortunately, was not much better. The last week or so had been nice since Rori seemed to have some small amount of cooking ability. Rori didn't have much to eat at all but sat with their cousin as she ate to her heart's content.

"Thoughts?" Rori's smile was slightly teasing as Max and they both stood up.

"Adequate," Max retorted, not particularly looking to say any more. She stood in silence as the two of them waited in the queue to get their rooms. Rori talked, but it was more at Max than to her considering the eighteen year old had returned to a more grump demeanour at the thought of having to talk to someone who wasn't her cousin. It wasn't that she didn't like people in general, it was just that there were a lot of people she couldn't tolerate. Although she might find a few people that she could get along with... And there might be some who were attractive. That would certainly be nice.

"I'll show you to your room, if you want," Rori with a smile. They were always smiling, and that was beginning to get on Max's nerves just a little.

Max shook her head. "I can find my own way around. You'll find it easier to make friends without hanging round me, anyway. Try not to freak out your roommate too much by being all bird-like, yeah?" Without saying anything else Max grabbed her luggage and went off in the direction she was pretty sure led to her room.

Synnove Ovesen

Syn only paid attention to half of what the head mistress said. She was sure it wasn't very important. The rules would be easy enough to follow. It was hardly like she was a criminal. Well, she done just a little bit of hacking. But it had hardly been harmful. It had all been for her own benefit after all. She had just wanted more information on metahumans... And now she guessed she was going to get it. Just not in the way she had originally wanted to.

Feeling a bit nauseous after the boat journey she decided it was probably best to skip going to the cafeteria and instead went to collect her two rather large bags and join the queue to get her room. It was thankfully short enough at the moment because a good amount of students seemed to be eating. Soon enough she got her room and directions on how to get there.

Of course they had room mates here. Great. Well she hoped that this Casey Calahan person didn't have any problems with having a room mate who slept odd hours and didn't particularly care about how noisy she was when building things. Because Syn certainly wasn't in a hurry to change those things. She'd been forced to come to this school and she wasn't going to let it stop her from building things.

The room she ended up at was nice enough. There wasn't as much space as she would have liked but she had expected that. She put one of her suitcases, the one full of unimportant things such as clothes, at the end of the bed she had decided was going to be hers. She set the other on her bed and pulled her laptop out of it. She thankfully still had most of her files on her laptop, though NEST agents had purged anything that could aid her hacking and put some kind of software on it to prevent that happening in the future. She would get around it anyway.

She decided not to head to the student lounge. After all why would she go get to know people when she could stay in this room and program? She only hoped that her room mate wouldn't disturb her too much. That'd be a tad... annoying. But it didn't matter she could ignore her if that seemed like a good option.


Rori Aherne

Rori was a bit disappointed when Max didn't take them up on their offer. However part of what she had said was right. Rori would probably have an easy time getting along with people without an angry looking cousin hanging on their shoulder. So they set of for their room, dragging the small suitcase they had along behind them. They hardly had much to their name, still just enough clothes to get by. They didn't really see the need for much more while at this school.

The room they had been assigned was pretty similar to the one they had had last year, as would be expected of the rooms in the school. Deciding it would be good to wait for their room mate, who Rori was pretty sure was called Kiri or something similar (they'd never had the best memory), they took the time to begin unpacking the suitcase. It didn't take long at all due to the general lack of things in it. They put their violin, which had been carried separately, in a corner against the wall. Apart from a tin whistle it was the only instrument of the ones that they could play that they owned, unfortunately. But it was better than nothing.

Having finished unpacking Rori decided to wait a short while and then, if their room mate didn't show, they would head down to the student lounge.

@Mr Allen J

Max Diaz

It took Max a little longer than expected to find where her room was. Maybe she should have taken her cousin up on their offer but the constant chatter had been getting a bit to Max's head. She'd wanted some peace and quiet and she could only hope she'd get it.

She was relieved to find her room, once she reached it, was empty. It would give her a little time alone at least. She threw her suitcase against the wall, not particularly caring about its contents or bothered to unpack this. The whole having a room mate thing was infuriating. The last thing Max wanted to do was sleep in a room with someone else. Max wasn't sure that she'd be able to resist killing someone in their sleep if they annoyed her too much.

Though she guessed it could have been worse. She could have more than one room mate. She considered going down to the student lounge before realising that Rori would probably head down there. She'd wait up here for just a little bit and then probably explore.

@Mr Allen J
Hidden 9 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Luminous Beings
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Luminous Beings Not Greg.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zombiedude101
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Zombiedude101 Urban

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Rowan Campbell

These past few months had felt like some kind of dream, drifting from one point to another - and the boat trip was no exception. Rowan had spent most of the voyage in his cabin trying to figure out what kind of time this ‘academy’ held for him. All it did was give him another headache and prompt him to pop in a small dosage of painkillers he’d kept hidden in the lining of his dufflebag.

When he’d first stepped outside, the academy struck him as some kind of ancient fortress - dark, cold and foreboding - though the second of those three was probably due to the fact it was always cold up here, apparently - not helped by the fact that he’d never set foot out of Cali’ until now. For that, he was glad Mom had sent him the jacket when she heard where he was headed - his ass didn’t need to freeze any more than it already had. Before long, he was led down alongside all the other students to the auditorium to hear the Head Mistress’ speech.

Oh man, he could tell that the old man’s blood would be boiling if he saw him now - listening to one of ‘those’ types (and he wasn’t just referring to her academic position) laying down the law - but that just amused him even more. The content of the speech seemed to be the usual spiel, mind; “Welcome, my name is Jeff, you’ll be doing this soon, don’t steal or break stuff, etcetera and etcetera” - he’d all heard it before, though the one thing that did catch his attention for a moment was that note on illegal substances. Well, painkillers weren’t technically illegal, were they? At least, he needed them for a reason - not like the old man’s constant dosages of booze and amphetamines or whatever other shit he figured he could spike himself with.

‘Miss Taylor’ seemed decent enough for now - the type who’d probably seen a lot of shitty kids and was used to dragging them back to level one when things hit the fan - and at any rate he had no plans of making trouble for her or anyone else in this school - he was just going to see where this took him. Who knows, maybe he’d get along here after all?

First chance he got, he quickly dug into the cafeteria food like a starved dog - he’d not eaten much on account of not wanting to risk the seasickness - and the first thing he noticed (aside from the good food) was how clean everything was, to a level that seemed to beat the canteens he’d seen at the social services residencies that the feds had set up for kids like him. Yeah, things didn’t seem that bad after all. Of course, that thought was quickly changed not even a half-hour later, when he lined up with the others to figure out their living arrangements, only to learn who his roommates would be.

Something he’d pushed to the back of his mind sprung forward at the mention of the word - ‘roommates’. With an ‘s’. So there’d be two other people he’d have to share a living space with? The idea of sharing with one was enough of a challenge, never mind two - but he decided to shut it down for now and see what these two would be like. Copen and Victor were the names of his soon-to-be roommates, the first of which sounded like the preppy type that loved places like this whilst the other didn’t particularly strike any kind of chord with him beyond sharing a name with one of the old mans’ ‘brothers in iron’ who lacked volume control.

After about ten-fifteen minutes of aimlessly wandering through the domestic wing, searching for the right area, Rowan finally hauled his dufflebag to his dorm and after locating the correct room, he firmly twisted the handle and stepped inside. Inside were three metal-framed beds with their own respective setups for the students that would be occupying them - one had already been claimed judging by the lithe blonde flopped against the mattress with a suitcase next to him.

With an arched eyebrow and a quick survey of the room, he offered his new roommate a simple “Hey, there” as he dropped his own dufflebag besides one of the unclaimed beds, besides a window.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Maxx
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Maxx Jamming

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Max Hernandez

Max walked over to the assembly and sat down in one of the faculty seats at the front. The auditorium filled with students, some normal-looking and others malformed, though he could tell all of them were metas. He followed a few of them with his eyes: a light-skinned muscled kid with dreadlocks, a girl who contained three people (sometimes the things that he found with his ESP made him wish he was normal), a guy with an arm made of fire. He grew up in Mendel, was trained by a giant lizard man, and had worked for NEST for about five years, but sometimes he still found being in a room full of metas to be quite disorienting.

After the Headmistress gave her speech (Max got bored halfway through it and started doing a 4x4 Rubik's cube to keep himself from falling asleep), Max got up and lead some of the students to the cafeteria, where a reception was being held. Being quite hungry, he walked over to the line, took a tuna sandwich (actually, two of them because he loved tuna), poured himself a glass of hot apple cider, and sat down at an empty table at the edge of the room. It was already dark outside and the lampposts that lit the Academy walkways bloomed into light. In the distance, he saw the blue flash of one of the emergency lights. They were placed around campus where students in trouble could reach them. If a student in danger hit the big red button on the security lights, it would alert security forces to trouble. He took a drink of his cider. Thus far, everything seemed to be pretty calm. Maybe this year wouldn’t be that bad after all.

Casey Calahan

Casey followed her new friends off of the boat and to the auditorium, where they sat through a big speech by the headmistress about how if they had sex they would get disintegrated or something. She sat through the speech with her arms crossed and studied the ceiling tiles. Though she herself was not known to be a troublemaker, she hated behavior speeches. Once it was over, she shuffled out of the room and moved to the cafeteria. She turned to Jess and Kai, who she had managed not to lose in the crowd. Both of them seemed like the kinds of people Casey wanted to be friends with. Jess was a strong adventurous extrovert, and Kai was more of the bruiser-looking type. Were it not for the ice show on the boat, Casey would’ve assumed that Kai’s power was super strength. Come to think of it, however, Casey wasn’t sure of Jess’ power. She turned to Jess.

“So,” she said, “I’ve seen what Kai’s power is, but I haven’t seen yours. What’s your ability?”

Victor Calahan

Before long, Victor was herded off of the boat with the rest of the kids and shoved towards the auditorium. He walked defensively, with his arms crossed and his shoulders tucked in so as not to burn anyone bustling past. Despite his efforts, someone brushed into him and cursed as his hot arm burned them. Victor rolled his eyes and kept walking. He was used to people burning themselves on him.

He sat through the speech like everyone else, and then left as quick as he could. Unable to find any of the people he’d met on the ferry, Victor sat in the back and tried to keep to himself. Afterwards, he found himself at the reception desk, where the receptionist told him that his roommate was a man named Copen. He looked around, hoping that someone would approach him. He had absolutely no idea how to find the person and absolutely hated having to find someone in a crowd. He sat down in a chair near the receptionist’s desk and hoped someone would notice him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Tokara
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Tokara Constantly disappearing

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Copen rocketed up from his lazy position, into straight-backed sitting on the edge of the bed. Aha, here was one of his room-mates. They were three, for whatever reason. There probably hadn't been another person for one of them. Ah, no matter to him - the more, the merrier. Besides, their room was slightly larger than the others, and that suited him just fine. With a white grin, he stood up and sauntered over to his new room-mate. He was sort of normal looking. Average. Shorter than him, perhaps a little rough around the edges. He'd known that this place would be full of delinquents. But he'd reduced a man to a brain-damaged person lying in a bed. He was just as much of a delinquent as any of them.

Copen was determined to at least be on good terms with his room-mates. He offered a hand to the boy, concentrating on not having a firm grip. It would hopefully come across as normal, if a little strong. He hoped. "Hallo, I'm Copen," he greeted him. "We're meant to have another in here. Either Victor or Rowan, depending on who you are." He glanced at the door. "Perhaps they are lost..."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

MariaAnd Melissa Wright

"Cya.." Melissa mumbled as Pink walked off. At-least that trainwreck is over..stupid pink shark girl.. she though to herself, sighing as she walked back towards the cabin, taking as long as possible so as to avoid having to help her sister pack up their things. Eventually, she reached the cabin to thankfully find their things packed and Maria waiting on her. "Took you long enough, did you talk to someone?" Maria greeted, standing and tossing Melissa her suitcase. "Yea..some weird Pink haired shark girl. Pretty sure she wants to eat me now or something I dunno, you?" She replied, barely grabbing the suitcase before it greeted the floor. Maria simply shrugged, "Nah, c'mon lets go."

Melissa rolled her eyes and followed her sister off the boat, to the lecture thingy, and finally to the reception desk opting to get food later. Might as well meet their roommates, Melissa honestly hoped that she wouldn't be placed with the shark girl. She was way, way too full of herself. There was a difference between Melissas' nonchalant personality and the shark girl who thought she was overly important.

After waiting in a relatively small line Melissa found she'd be staying with someone named Chloe and Maria with someone named Andrea. Maria was going to tell her sister something, but she'd already walked off to find her room before she got the chance. Maria on the other hand opted to wait around a bit and see if Andrea would show up, having no clue if she'd been by the desk yet or not.
Melissa Wright

Eventually, Melissa found the room she was to be sharing for the next year with someone named Chloe. She had no clue who she was, but she assumed whoever came through the door next would be her. Rather than run off and socialize line she was sure her sister was doing she decided on stretching across her bed and waiting on this 'Chloe' person. She hoped she wasn't a talker, really.
Serena Jones

After a rather uneventful yet slightly informative trip around the boat it had finally docked. Serena immediately ran back to her cabin and grabbed her small green duffel bag of various assorted shit that of course included clothes and off the boat. Not really paying attention to-or caring- about the lecture she pretty much immediately went to the reception desk and got the name of the person she was going to room with and keys(going to assume they get keys?) to said room. For now, she decided on dropping off said assorted shit in their room and maybe waiting around a bit for her room mate to show.

Tossing the bag to the floor she flopped down on the end of the bed with her arms crossed, staring at the door and practically daring anyone not her room mate to enter.
@Mr Allen J
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Wendy Emily Lucker, & Diana Jolene Lucker.

The two Luckers were walking away from the scene, Diana with her arms behind her head, and Wendy holding that satchel tightly. Much of her stuff was in there.

"Hehe!" Diana laughed, looking behind her shoulder. "These fuckwits here must know that the kids are into some serious shit. Might like this island more than I thought." She laughed. Truthfully, Diana knew that, if they're throwing around rules like "no sex" or "no drugs" in these big formal ass speeches, then it's like a neon sign saying "We can't control our students". This will definitely be a good one.

"Diana..." Wendy peered over towards her sister. Giving her a worried look behind those round glasses of hers. "Don't start trouble, you know what'll happen if NEST decides to just throw you in a cell." Wendy shook her head. She had a feeling that part of this "learning experience!" will be keeping Diana out of trouble. It's obvious that she's level-headed enough to make that decision for the two of them.

"Hey now." Diana said, giving Wendy a half-smile. "I gotta get something out of this school. Might as well enjoy the like-minded individuals here."

"You could, you know, get an education." Wendy said, rolling her eyes up into her head. Well, this school was certainly was going to be an experience. "Know what? Let's just get our room mates."

They soon found themselves in the reception desk, and with one brief conversation with the receptionist, they got their room mate assignments.

"Annie Duframe?" Diana asked herself, raising her eyebrow. "Oh this will be a doozy." She shook her head, rolling her eyes up into her head. She wished that these stupid little notes told her more about her roomie. Well, she bets that's half the adventure. Give me a break. Diana thought to herself. The first problem that she had was the fact that she was sharing a room, and didn't even get a say in it. The last thing that Diana wants is some nosy-ass bitch who goes through her things - and that'll be twice as bad if the broad decides to rat her to the teachers. Worse comes to worse, then she'll have to fuck up her roomie just to put her in line.

"I got Serena Jones." Wendy said, almost like she had won something. "Don't be so bad, you haven't even met her." Wendy said, a tad bit more optimistic about meeting her new room mate.

"Ugh, don't say that." Diana let her arms drop to her sides and shook her head. "You won't even meet 'er. You'll be reading your damn books all the time. You'll probably forget that she even exists."

Wendy narrowed her eyes. She raised her finger, and retorted, "Actually! I'm going to get to know my room mate, thank you very much." She said, almost offended.

"Then why don't you stop standing here and show her?" Diana said, looking Wendy right in the eyes.

"Alright, I will." Wendy said.

The two went their separate ways, again.

Wendy Emily Lucker.

"I'll show her."

Wendy muttered underneath her breath as she pushed open the door. Ooooh. Nice little room she has here. She stepped inside and closed the door behind her. Well, it looks like her room mate got here before she did. That's when she froze for a moment. She wanted to get here before her so she can arrange the room. And try to come up with a way to break the ice (Heh). Now, the eyes are all on her, and it's up to her to handle this. "Um, hi." Wendy said, waving her hand at Serena. Who looked a lot rougher than expected. Honestly, Wendy was expecting (I.E hoping) for a room mate that's a girly girl. Now she has this. "You're Serena, right? I'm Wendy - oh, but the papers probably told you that." She said, awkwardly.

Her eyes drifted over towards her bags. Specifically the heavy couple bags of books that she brought with her. She needed a few moments as she thought of composing herself, and figuring out how to go about this. "I'm going to unpack my things real quick." She quickly walked over to her bags, and smiled when she saw that her collection of books was untouched. This place had a library, but she figured that she'd bring her own books with her. Just in case of a horrible fire (Or if Wendy gets into a fight there)!

She bent over and heaved the bag over to the room's bookshelf. She started gently placing the books into the shelf in alphabetical order. The girl also loved neatness and order above all else, and this little order she set things up into will make things waaaay easier for her room mate - in case she too is a book lover like Wendy! The prospect made Wendy excited. It took the girl some time, but she finally arranged her bookshelf. She put her hands on her hips, before smiling widely. She looked down, and realized that she hasn't even put her clothes away. Diana was right, she does have a bit of a problem. Oh. Maybe she should get to that. While she was reaching into her bag of books, she realized that she was ignoring her room mate.

"So, do you like books, too?" Wendy said. She knew that, with all the books she brought here, her love of books practically went without saying.

Diana Jolene Lucker.

Diana was the first person to reach her room. She took a look around, and figured that she'd capitalize on this as soon as possible. She quickly ran up and grabbed her bag, going through it until she pulled out a carton of cigarettes.... a couple of them. She had to quickly hide these. She didn't know if they did weekly searches - but she doubted that if they'd let her come here without properly searching her bag. Then she thought about it, and just put the cartons of cigarettes back into the bag. She slid the entire luggage bag into the far back of the closet. It'd be safe long as the bitch didn't go through her stuff... the second she finds out, she's going to give the broad a good reason to mind her business.

After that, Diana quickly went to unpacking her clothes, and putting them away. She's a con, so she didn't know whether or not someone would come by to check up on her. She had a few other things that she'd rather keep from sight, so she best look inconspicuous just in case someone comes by to check on it. It didn't take super long for Diana to get all of her clothes up on the rack. Now what? Her roomie isn't here yet, and Diana was getting bored. She honestly would rather seek someone out - the damn girl probably went off to the cafeteria herself.

Fuck it, she's done waiting.

Diana's brought her palm up to her face, and her entire hand turned into white paper. A folded piece of paper came out of her palm, and expanded just like it wasn't folded at all. It floated in the air, with sheer will. Diana put her other hand to it, and ink came out of her palm and spread it's way across the paper. Forming a message:

Heading to the cafeteria. You can find me there, and then we'll talk. Also, the bed on the right's mine.

Diana left the note on the bed on the left. With that, Diana was out the door, and heading towards the cafeteria.

Jessica Sharon Rosefey Jr, & Kiri "Kai" Anaru.
@Maxx@He Who Walks Behind

"Whaaaaaaaaaaat?" Jessica said, wide eyed, feigning wide-eyed shock in response to the speech. Even holding a hand up to her mouth. She put both hands on her hips, and hung her head downwards, shaking it. "There goes my plans for a school-wide orgy." She started laughing. Like hell they're going to really stop anyone - unless they go extra creep mode. Though, Jessica's not giving this school enough credit. For all she knows, someone's power here is to detect when underaged sex is about to go down! How unlikely that would be....

Well, Jess was going to ignore all these rules.

Literally all of them.

Almost everything about the speech went over Kiri's head, before she was concentrating on suppressing her cold aura. She looked around for a moment, and wondered who in this school she was going to meet next. She was hoping they were nice as these two, and not that Spanish boy. Though, she was getting a tad hungry. Maybe she'll go head over the cafeteria and get herself a nice meal.

The students got a move on, and so did the two.

Jessica put her arms behind her head and had a confident smile on her face. Her stomach rumbled a bit, and she looked down. "Maaaaan, wanna get some food in me. I can smell it from over here." She almost could smell the cafeteria. After she gets her room set up, and meets her room mate, she's going straight to the cafeteria to eat her little heart out. Though, before she did that, little Casey had a question for her!

“So,” she said, “I’ve seen what Kai’s power is, but I haven’t seen yours. What’s your ability?”

Ahhh, super powers. Jess never really got the opportunity to tell anyone about her powers. Usually, she controlled her strength when out in public. Almost to the extent where she was practically non-powered! Though, when she gets into a fight, she uses a little bit of her strength. Almost like tapping someone... that just so happened to knock them on their ass. Ah, Jess felt like she was getting a little off track. It was time for her to tell her power.

"Well, heh, it's nothing fancy." Jessica shrugged, giving Casey a grin. She rolled up her sleeve a bit, and exposed her muscular arm - enhanced by that power. She flexed, and veins bulged. It practically went without saying what her power was. "Super strength. I like to say I'm the female Hercules." She started laughing. "I threw a car once. Which was cool... up until someone had to fix the car. Good thing that my Dad is a mechanic." She laughed some more. She had little idea of what Casey could do - and would rather be surprised in power training. It was probably something really badass. She also took her hat off, and pointed to the horns on her forehead. "Not as cool as my first power, but I got these weird little horns, and an enhanced sense of smell."

The three walked into the reception area, and shrugged. Honestly, she was looking forward to having a room mate. In fact, she wanted three! Just so she can get to know three different people. Not that she was particularly worried about privacy. She wasn't sneaky, she has nothing to hide... well, except for that incident that lead her into this school - but, hey, that's a whole 'nother discussion. Besides, Jess would be scoping out both the boys and the girls here.

They both got their room mate assignments, with Jess being the most excited about her room mate. "Arianna Madrigal, nice name." Jess said, laughing a bit. "You two?" She asked.

"Rori Ahe..." Kai repeated the name off the paper, but she had a little bit of trouble with it. What an odd name... though, the girl could be like Kai, and be foreign. Hm... she figured that she should get to her room, and get everything unpacked. "Alright, I'm heading to my room."

"Alright, see ya Kai, I'll be at the cafeteria." Jessica said as Kai stepped off.

Now, Jessica wanted to meet this Arianna soon as possible. There was the off chance that Arianna could be in this room, or in their dorm. Only one way to find out, yeah. She waved her hand in the air, holding the papers in in it. "Hey, woohoo, Ariana Madrigal?!" She shouted, hoping to get her attention.

Kiri "Kai" Anaru.

Those two girls were certainly nice.

Even though Kiri didn't get a clear idea of them. Maybe that's because the gigantic girl was sleeping the whole time. Maybe they'll be next time... if Kai doesn't sleep through the next possible meeting. Maybe next time. For now, Kai was content with heading to her room, and meeting her room mate. Though, she had to preemptively think of ways to explain her ability, and the passive coldness she emits. Hopefully it won't bother her room mate too much. Kai barely found her room using the map that the school provided her. Though, she wasn't paying too much attention to it, and ended up walking around.

Up until she came by her room number. By sheer chance. Instead of thinking too hard into it, she simply realized that there was just another place for her to put her head down. She put her key in, and opened it, quickly realizing that her room mate gotten here before she did. Oh well, Kai takes her time, and that's how she remained so happy in life. Never rushing to get to the next point or the other. Well, Kai was going to take the exact same approach when she interacts with her room mate.

Kai slid her hands into her pockets and nodded her head. Facing her room mate down for a moment. "Hi." She said, calmly. "I'm Kai." Of course, her room mate would know that her name was Kiri, but not Kai. Since that's a nickname she gives herself.

The first thing that Kai noted was the immense height difference between the two. Kai herself had a solid foot and several inches over the girl. Though, she also noticed that the girl didn't look all that girly. Huh? She thought to herself. Once again, however, Kai chose not to think too much into it. If Rori was set up in the girl's dorm, then that must mean she must be a girl. If she wasn't, that was fine with Kai, too. She didn't get worked up over small things like that. The other thing that Kai noticed was that the girl had a touch of the beast... She wasn't versed in metahumans, but she knew of animal-metas.

However, Kai didn't realize it yet, but she was dropping the air temperature, slowly overpowering the heater in every room. "I hope we can become friends." She said. "Though, I have to tell you that I... make things very cold. I can't really help it, but I should let you know. I can find somewhere else to sleep if it's a problem."

Though, it wouldn't be a problem for Kai, since it's almost a talent that she can fall asleep in even the strangest places. One time she fell asleep on an active runway.

Not even Kai knows how that happened.

Abigail "Pink" Vincigarru.

Eh, Pink wasn't looking forward to staying in Academy Circlejerk - but, she's going have to make the most of a shitty situation.

At least until she figures out how to switch back to human form, and then she'll be happy being Pink the Mist, rather than Pink the Sharkbitch. Eurgh. The very concept of being stuck in this form, being eternally hungry for meat, disturbed her. Pink was leaving after reaching the reception room. Part of her wanted to get some food - but that's a nonissue given that her metabolism is going to be rather slow. The pains of being coldblooded in the middle of Alaska. Pink shook her head. Of all the fucking places to put a school, why the fuck did they choose Alaska?! Did they want to get close enough to fuck a polar bear? Only logic that Pink could gather.

Anyways... her room mate was some fuckwit named Max Diaz. Eh. Sounded Spanish. Pink was going to do her best to make sure that both sides are nice and friendly, though. Because, even if she didn't like her (or the entire concept of sharing rooms in the place), she's still going to be sharing a room with her... so, she'd rather just make it easier on everyone if she just makes nice. Pink opened the door, and saw that her room mate was already there. Good... This Max looked like a Pink. At least this school was smart enough to realize that they'd get along better that way. Though, she could be one of those hipster tumblr tryhards.

"Heeeeeeeeey! You're Max, right? Oh, can I call you Max?" Pink said as she stepped in, putting her guitar off to the side, and putting her full attention on Maxine. "Speaking of nicknames... I know that stupid paper listed my name as Abigail, but call me Pink." She pointed at her hair for a moment.

Trish Kaitlin O'Malley.

School was just going to be amazing this year. Trish could feel it.

She stepped into the cafeteria, and took a good look at the students. Quite a few were pouring into the room, while Trish was holding a clipboard with relevant information. Names, power, etc. Quite a few were arrested. Well, that's why she's here! To make sure they don't get arrested again (Though, that'd make her really mad if they got arrested anyway - so much time and dedication, wasted!). Trish was walking along the outskirts of the cafeteria. She spotted one of the fellow staff members - Max Hermandez. From what she remembers, they were in a... similar boat, so to speak. Both were disgraced NEST Agents sent to this school. Though, the difference probably came when Trish became a teacher, and readily accepted her new role.

Maybe she'd give him a chat. She stepped over to Max, smiling the whole way. He got himself a Tuna Sandwich... not the best food, but to each their own. "Hello Max," Trish said, as she sat across from him. "How are you? I bet you're real excited for the new school year." Trish snorted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Verminlord
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Chloe paid close attention to the headmistress. She was raised better than to ignore her like some of the others she spied doing. Honestly considering how many where here as their last chance you'd think that they would be trying harder. Wait, what was she talking about now? Training in her powers? Good. 10 PM curfew? Terrible. She normally didn't complain about the rules, but that was annoying. She was seventeen for Gods sake, how was she supposed to have some real fun stuck in her room. Oh, and now the headmistress is saying the everyone had been assigned roommates.

Chloe was lost in thought as the staff escorted them into the cafeteria, but the smell of the meat soon brought her attention back to the room. A forked tongue briefly appeared from between her lips as she tried to figure out where the best quality food was, before she realized what was happen and clamped her mouth shut. She really needed to stop losing control when food was involved, or the incident the the rabbit might be repeated.

Chloe shuddered at that memory. Never again
What was supposed to be a simple trip to the counter to grab some food was complicated when it was revealed that the chefs were making any dish the students ordered, within reason. Chloe was a bit surprised at that, but decided to take advantage. As she looked down at the pile of different meats that arrived she realized that she'd probably be skipping the next few meals. Damn Alaska and damn her coldbloodedness.


Right, the meal was delicious but its time to find her roommate. The name Melissa Wright written on the bit of paper she had been handed gave no clues as to which of the people in the sea of meta-humanity around her was her roommate. Oh, she hoped that the other girl would be interested in making friends, this was the first time Chloe has had a roommate and she wanted it to go well. There is absolutely nothing worse then getting off on the wrong foot with someone you are forced to spend time with, so plan 'Don't Say or Do Anything Stupid' is in full effect.

She quickly found her room and braced herself before entering. This is it. She stepped through the door. Her roommate was already there, laying on the bed. She looked younger than Chloe, but to her annoyance was about the same height.

"Hi there, nice to meet you" Chloe slumped onto her own bed, suddenly lost for what to say next. Quick, think!

"So, uh, are you afraid of snakes?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rori Aherne

Rori looked up from where they had been sitting as the door opened, automatically going to stand up. Well their room mate was certainly... tall. But maybe it was just Rori who was small. Or it was a bit of both. Probably a bit of both considering it was a sizeable difference between them. A smile appeared on their lips, though it was something that was often just stuck there. Rori was a surprisingly happy person.

"Nice to meet you, Kai," Rori responded cheerfully. They took a note of the nickname, discarding the name Kiri from their mind. They would be the last person to not respect what someone wanted to go by. After all they hated their birth name. Thankfully the school had them down under Rori. It often made things easier and gave them a lot less to explain. "I'm Rori, though you probably already know that since you would've got my name. I'm pretty sure that's what my name is under at least..." They shrugged as they realised they had continued without meaning to, smiling again.

It took them a while to notice how the room was growing colder, a bitter chill causing them to move over to their newly unpacked clothing and pull out a scarf to help with the warmth. Well that certainly was odd. Good thing they had plenty of warm clothes. "I'd like to become friends too. It's always nice to get on with people, and there are quite a few in the school who would rather avoid socialising." They glanced back over at Kai. "So I'm glad that you're friendly." She then shook her head slightly. "I have clothes suited to Alaska, so I can just put on a lot of layers to keep myself warm. And the feathers help with that. It would hardly be fair to kick you out of our room!" Though it was getting quite cold. But Rori was sure Kai would learn to control this more, or something, and if not they could deal with it.

Although they moved back over to pull on a hat, just in case it got even colder, Rori continued to talk. They did like talking. "How did you find the boat journey? It was quite busy, wasn't it? I'm looking forward to meeting all the new people this year." It was easy enough for them to make some kind of talk to Kai. If there was one thing Rori was good at it was being friendly.

@Mr Allen J

Max Diaz

Max decided that it was probably the best idea to give her room mate the benefit of the doubt. When the person entered the room Max's first impression wasn't bad. At least the other girl didn't look like some goody two shoes that would try and stop Max from getting into trouble. She had been worried that whoever was in charge of the rooming would try and pair those here for good, productive reasons up with those here because of stupid NEST and it's dislike for teens with powers who were also criminals.

"Yes, I'm Max, unsurprisingly. I'd rather it was Max than Maxine." Her full name was far too girly and stupid, and the only people who called her that were ignorant shits. Mostly teachers or her uncle. She looked at Pink closer again, noting the incredibly pink hair. Max wondered what the other girl would do if her hair was ever not pink. Change her nickname? Something like green didn't seem like such a good name. She noticed that Pink didn't seem to be entirely human. It didn't take long to work out what. Shark. Well that was good. Max had a better control over those kinds of powers and was unlikely to accidentally replicate Pink's. "Pink's a far better name than Abigail, so I'm quite happy to call you that." Abigail was a bit of a mouthful. Like Maxine.

Max then noted the guitar. Well... She hoped that Pink wasn't planning on playing that till insanely late hours. Max had had to deal with enough music in the week Rori had been staying around. Her cousin's instrument was far less cool, however, and she guessed a guitar wasn't too bad. A violin, however, was horrible. It was all pretentious classical music.

"So what you think this hell hole is going to be like? Apart from shit, of course, which is a bit obvious."

@Mr Allen J
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