@TheWindel & @McFazzer

"When the night falls
the boundary is pierced
and beyond it
lies a world of red."
Mysterious occurrences have been happening through the city. Rumors tell about queer looking creatures stalking the shadows, people disappearing from the streets during the night, crime syndicates so powerful that the law can't even touch them and much, much more.
The common men dismiss such tales as nothing but urban legends, fabrications of the collective sub-consciousness of all who inhabit this sprawling jungle of concrete and steel.
However, there are few who know the truth that lies beyond every corner, within the back alleys where the light never shines and above the rooftops where the wind howls fiercely. These persons are know as Chasers, men and women of every age and path in life that always have at least two things in common.
First, they all know that the world is much more than the eye meets, that the supernatural beings wait inside every shadow, waiting to prey on the unwary. And second, somehow everyone of them has seen what lies beyond this world, the other side of reality that is best left unknown to the everyday men, this other world is know as... The Crimson Sky.
The Crimson Sky
All Chasers know of the Crimson Sky, in fact the ability to get in and out of there is the first and foremost difference between a normal human and a Chaser, and most of them gained their other abilities when they were sent there by accident, or dragged there by one of the Crimson Sky's inhabitants.
Entering and leaving the Crimson Sky can only be done during the night, for those who know how to do it, it is just a matter of crossing the right street or turning a in the correct direction corner. However, the easy with which it's done, meaning the number of places where the crossing can be done, varies with the phases of the moon, being much harder on new moon and almost childishly easy on the full moon nights.
The Crimson Sky is home to a number of different creatures that the Chasers dubbed Youkai for easy of reference. Some of them are friendly, some indifferent, but the great majority are nothing but predators always seeking their next meal.
Welcome to the world of Chasers: Boundary of the Crimson Sky. This is a world of rooftop jumping action, supernatural beings hunting and eldritch mysteries stalking behind every corner.
Your character is a Chaser, a human with supernatural powers/skills that allow them to bring the fight back to the dwellers of the Crimson Sky.
• No Godmoding, Mary Sues, Drama Queens and such.
• No OOC fighting.
• Post your Character Sheets on the OOC, for evaluation.
• Be reasonable when fighting IC (no auto hitting/ infinite dodging, no killing/ harming someone else's character without their permission and all that).
• Be cordial. Respect other people and you will be treated equally, not and we will have to ask you to leave, kindly.
• Please respect all of the GMs. We should be the final arbiters of any dispute.
• Follow the Guild's rules for content/language. Take any improper material to PMs, please.
• Keep your IC posts at a minimum length of one paragraph and please try to write as well as you can. We know that English is not everyone's main language, but that's no excuse to being negligent.
• Although there is no strict posting order, please do not spam posts. Wait at least until two people have gone before you before posting again.
• If you're going to leave for an extended period of time, or drop the RP, please let us know. We might be become a little sad because of it but we will respect your choice, but leaving without prior notice causes unneeded distress for all the other players.
• Everyone will be allowed a maximum of 1 character.
• And finally... Have fun! Because that's what we are here for, right?
Character Sheet
Name: Your character's name.
Title: Every Chaser is known by a unique title (usually related to their powers), put some creativity here.
Gender: Your character's gender.
Age: Your character's age.
Height: Your character's height.
Weight: Your character's weight.
Appearance: Your character's appearance, an image (anime pictures only, please), description, or both are all welcome.
Personality: Between one and three paragraphs is an acceptable size.
Short Bio: Same as above.
Powers: Every Chaser has a more or less unique set of of powers (usually, related to a theme), be creative here as well.
Weapons: Your character's most important weapons.
Equipment: Your character's most important non-weapon equipment. Characters can have at most one Treasure.
Other: Anything not covered above.