@Aewin @Sigil @Plasma @ProPro @Charnobylisk @Nallore @Garden Gnome Okay, now that we have posts being put up, gonna throw more at you.
Those in Newnan that want to go on runs, contact Sigil with which group of his you want to go with. Chose based on group leader, not which group you may or may not run into. Make it make sense.
As each group is ready to go, go ahead and head out. Mostly looking for pairs but a runs group can have up to three total heading out.
Groups dealing with Walkers - soon as there is as post for each member in the group I will post a "world" post for you to let you know what is going down.
From here on out - there will be a 1 in 20 chance for each character outside of the walls to either be bit or to out right die via the dice gods. If you Come up with a death/bite - you will have a 50/50 chance for either. If it turns out to be a bite there will be a 2 in 3 chance for the bite to be located in a place okay for amputation.
Also, weather will come into play. So dice rolls will be made for the possibilities of storms, floods, tornadoes and more.
Brace yourselves folks. Shits about to get serious.