Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

List of Characters

I The Magician - Tomoda Nakamichi (@HereComesTheSnow)
II The High Priestess - Senhime Honda (@Suku)
III The Empress - Kimiko Saitou (@Plank Sinatra)
IV The Emperor - Kaede Yamamoto (@Zenphilvian)
V The Hierophant -
VI The Lovers - Hitomi Fukushima (@Write)
VII The Chariot -
VIII Strength - Daisuke Miyamoto (@Krayzikk)
IX The Hermit - Sakura Maeda (@chukklehed)
X Wheel of Fortune - Jinayah Ifriti/Jin Takahashi (@Mistress Dizzy)
XI Justice -
XII The Hanged Man -
XIII Death -
XIV Temperance -
XV The Devil - Rena Tatsuya (@demonspade64)
XVI The Tower -
XVII The Star -
XVIII The Moon - Akihito Irimi (@banjoanjo)
XIX The Sun - California Roll (@Ayazi)
XX Judgement -

After obtaining approval from the GM in the OOC, post your profiles here.

NPC Masterpost
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by banjoanjo
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banjoanjo Still likes pistachios

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Name: Akihito Irimi (彰人 入り身)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Arcana: Moon
Equipment: Backpack with school supplies, sketchbook, knuckledusters (flashy enough to scare away any potential threats)

Skills: Conflict resolution, fighting dirty, above average reflexes, artistic ability gained from years of practice

Appearance: Nice enough face to pass as good-looking, an endearing bed head he doesn’t bother styling before school, prefers loose baggy clothes with sleeves just a tad too long as they enhance his carefree image (and hide his toned body). A young man of average height, with a frame that, upon first glance, does not look built for fighting.

Personality: Akihito is a fairly pleasant fellow and well liked by those who know him. His laidback and gullible seeming façade hides a cunning schemer. Akihito would rather talk himself out of a situation than engage in physical conflict, but if worst comes to worst he has no qualms about using every single dishonourable tactic in the book (yes, he actually has a collection of dirty fighting strategies, complete with cheesy overextended titles). If pushed too far, Aki will display a desperation and intensity that would surprise even the cruelest of foes. Incredibly loyal to friends and family, his devious psyche stems from his fear of losing everything and everyone he loves. Even his seemingly breezy temperament and art skills are just a ploy to fit in at school. Despite all this, Akihito is still just a teenager who wants a decent life and genuinely cares for his friends. Just make sure not to get on his bad side.

Biography: Born the youngest of four, Akihito had already had his fair share of the “survival of the fittest” mentality before misfortune befell his family. His father was laid off from his office job when Aki was nine, which forced the Irimi clan to move to the shadier side of Shikatsu. A pacifist at heart, he was not fit for the more hands-on children at his new school and would often return home with torn books and a bruised face. His high school aged sister finally had enough of this and decided to help him put that big brain of his to use. He learnt to outwit the bullies and embarrassed them enough to leave him alone. Unfortunately he had not learnt to shut his mouth and soon his various observations about classmates and curt wit would have him ostracized. By the time middle school came around, he was determined to correct this. Armed with a carefree smile and a cute jumper he borrowed from his sister, Aki soon became a well known figure around the school, adored by his teachers, the girls, but unfortunately not the jealous boys. Aki would have to learn to fight efficiently and in a way that would preserve his image. And so the present Akihito Irimi emerged.

Name: Metis
Appearance: A regal looking purple humanoid crowned with a golden helm and cloak. She is armed with a halberd.
-Reflects: None
-Absorbs: Wind
-Void: None
-Resist: Force
-Weak: Fire
Abilities: Cruel Attack, Garu
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Name: Jinayah Ifriti/Jin Takahashi
Age: 16
Gender: Nonbinary
Arcana: Fortune
Equipment: Starts with a slingshot and BBs, moves onto a modern sling with cherry bombs, then acid bombs
-miniature tool kit
-motorcycle riding jacket, boots and helmet
-a worn deck of playing cards
-energy/protein bars

+Jin is excellent at math, seeming to have an innate talent for it, and can do high level calculus and trig in their head (also due to the dyslexia)
+Jin has almost impeccable aim, due to their ability to calculate almost instantaneously the velocity and force that they need to hit their target.
+Jin could probably become a licensed mechanic tomorrow; if given time and tools they can fix anything with an engine or moving parts. Part of this talent is due to research and experience, the other due to pure inside knowledge – they were born to fix machines. There's a job waiting for them after graduation at a local mechanic shop.
+Jin was a pickpocket for several years of their upbringing. They do not do so anymore (to anyone's knowledge) but still has nimble hands and the eyes of a trained thief.

-Jin has difficulty reading due to dyslexia that affects how they perceive letters and kanji.
-Jin also deals with bouts of insomnia that last for a few days to (at the very worst) nearly 2 weeks. They go from irritable, to clumsy, and then start having small periods of unconsciousness. The last time it got bad, Jin had to be hospitalized and medicated.
-Jin is not trusting by any sense, and that can get them into needless trouble.


5 feet tall, warm brown skin, black hair worn short. Likes to wear T-shirts with math jokes, and is rarely seen in public without their chest binder. The only time they don't wear it is to sleep, bathe, and when working in the garage, where the chest restriction gets in the way of their work.

Personality: In a society based on politeness and sameness, Jin stands out like a shark in a school of tuna. While Jin can play polite, they choose not to most of the time- there's a chip on their shoulder the size of a steel beam. Jin says what they're thinking, and really doesn't care who they bother or offend. However, in a rather ironic way, Jin's sharp and abrasive nature is a bit of a fake persona. Having lost too many people in their young life already, and feeling like an eternal outsider in Japan, Jin has given up on having friends and making connections. You can't lose what you don't have, right?

If anyone was bold and patient enough to keep on pressing at Jin's walls, they'd find a loyal friend and a true defender. Jin will fight to care for their friends- even if that's a fistfight. To the meek, they're a guardian. To the strong, they're a wingman. To the average.... they're probably rather encouraging, if not a little sharp-tongued. There are soft points to Jin as well; if someone is bullied or mocked for being different, Jin will be the first to step to that person's defense. Despite Jin's size, they fight like their life depends on it, even if the situation doesn't merit that level of violence.

Biography: Jin's mother, Yumiko Takahashi, emigrated to America as a young adult. After completing college, she worked as a court clerk, stenographer, and translator. She met Jin's father, Richard Ifriti, who was a detective that would often come in to testify on cases. They hit in off and fell in love, marrying and having a daughter, Jinayah. Jin had a happy life until about the age of five. Unfortunately, everything went sideways in Jin's life. A violent career criminal that Richard had put away nearly ten years ago escaped from prison. His first act was to seek out the detective who he considered responsible for ruining his life. Due to a heavy snowstorm in the area, the Ifriti family didn't get the warning until it was far too late. Richard and Yumiko were both shot and killed, and Jin only survived because the criminal didn't realize she existed. Due to the violent nature of her parents' murders, Jin fled the house and lived on the streets for many years, learning to pickpockets, steal and con for her survival. It took authorities several years to track Jin down again. By that time, Jin was ten, and the only relatives remaining to care for her were Yumiko's family in Japan.

Jin was bundled up and shipped off to Japan within a year. While Yumiko's brother and wife weren't against taking in their niece, they were a little unprepared for the task of raising Jin. Being homeless had formed a cold, hard shell around the child. Being half black and half Japanese, being strange and a poor speaker all served to make Jin quickly outcast in school. Add to that the fact that Jin had no problem with getting into fights and shoplifting convenience stores, and Jin was marked as a delinquient and a troublemaker before even reaching middle school.

In a matter completely separated from her traumatic youth, as Jin aged, she discovered that she didn't really too much like a girl. While it took quite a bit of time, research and argument to come to an understanding, they soon came to understand words like 'nonbinary' and 'gender neutral'. Though it took Jin's uncle and aunt a while longer to come to terms with the idea of Jin's identity, they became unflinchingly supportive, even helping to petition the school to allow Jin to wear a male student uniform. Jin stopped dressing in feminine clothing in middle school. Cutting off their hair, buying a binder to flatten their breasts, and dropping female pronouns entirely, Jin found a peace within their identity- not as a girl, and not really a boy either.

By the time they enrolled in Uchima Senior High, Jin was no longer apologizing for who they were in any case. They were fighting anyone who tried to force them to fit in a box. Jin quickly earned a semi-legendary status as a criminal and a bad boy, getting a lot of attention. Despite getting into trouble for more than one scuffle after school, Jin's grades remain constant and their conduct just short of disobeying rules directly. Despite some continued trouble with reading assignments, and atrocious handwriting, Jin's math and science scores are among the highest in the school. Their academic performance isn't even close to allowing their expulsion without putting the school in a nasty light and causing a lot of scandal. So, the school deals with Jin, and Jin deals with the school. Everyone is clearly waiting until the day Jin graduates and is free.

Name: Clotho
Appearance: vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/megamiten..
Abilities: Garu
Single Shot
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name:Senhime Honda
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Arcana: Priestess
Equipment:Flower hair clip, good luck charm, Naginata (weapon once the shadows are introduced)
Skills: Flower arranging, Tea ceremony, Naginatajutsu
Senhime is of short height reaching five feet in total, Beyond that she tends to favor Kimono's and simple clothing rather than anything she is never seen without her flower hair clip.

Personality: She is very shy and demure but holds a iron will when it comes down to matters she cares about. While she is susceptible to praise and words of kindness as she has been known to blush and stutter in those situations. She is unwilling to let circumstances hurt the ones she cares about or distract her from her goals or missions.

Biography: Senhime grew up a sheltered life as the only daughter to her overly traditional parents she grew up learning things that was considered needed. This of course included "lady" like activities from hosting a tea ceremony to Flower arranging. Once she started school her life was pretty much the same though due to her upbringing and the sheer volumn of people she was overwhelmed but she refused to let it get to her as she was raised to not let distractions bother her. As she grew older one thing remained from both students and the teachers they grew to know her as a "yamato nadeshiko".

Name: Oichi
Arcana: Priestess

Reflects: Dark
Absorbs: None
Void: None
Resist: Light
Weak: Fire
Mudo, Dia, Recarm
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Sakura Maeda
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Arcana: Hermit
Equipment: Nothing
Skills: Archery, Animal Husbandry, Swimming, Track, and Blending In

Personality: Sakura is shy and doesn't like to stand out, but also hates when she doesn't excel at everything she does. Somehow she balances these two extremes, being incredibly skilled at sports and still managing to avoid attention. She has trouble making friends, but those she does have she holds close.

Biography: Sakura lives alone in an apartment paid for by her father. While she is technically the next of kin to a highly successful businessman, because of their strained relationship she's hardly ever mentioned. She tried to run away from home, but her father found her and instead of making her come back, she was told to stay in Shikatsu. He paid for her apartment and made sure she went to a good school before cutting off almost all ties to her.

Name: Inari

Reflects: None
Absorbs: Fire
Void: None
Resist: None
Weak: Dark

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Inkd Bull
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Inkd Bull Mess with the bull... / you get the horns

Banned Seen 5 yrs ago

Name:Reiji Takahashi

-Bracelet set (Right wrist)
-Sport watch (Left Wrist)
-Bokken Katana(Wooden Katana)(Primary Weapon)
-Katana (Will only be used if he is absolutely forced to in battle. Otherwise he fights with his Bokken)
Skills:Lying/Deception, Strategizing, Swordfighting/Kendo, Brawling, Drawing, Painting, Playing piano, Cooking/Baking

Personality:Reiji is a young man torn between two worlds. On the inside he is bright and quite talented. There isn't much that he wouldn't do for the people that he cares for. He's very ambitious and a firm believer of the old saying "You can do anything you set your mind to". This usually leads to some risk-taking. He's also courteous and optimistic. Though these are all things that (for now) only his immediate family now about him. On the outside, Reiji wears the mask of a macho-man, a mischief, a rebel without a cause and he's surrounded himself with like-minded individuals. Does this mean that sometimes he has to do things that he rather wouldn't? Absolutely and you wouldn't tell he was faking it either. From bullying to skipping school and fighting out in the streets, he's done it all. He's that kid that you give your lunch money too. He's the reason you don't go down that certain alley or take that short cut home. Does he enjoy doing these things? Absolutely not, but it must be done for his brothers protection and well-being.

Bio: Reiji was birthed as the older of twins; by ten minutes. At the time, their family was struggling to keep their business running. Any money they had was used to fuel their fathers alcoholism as he tried to drink the problems away. Of course, some people knew about the daily struggles within the family and didn't know how to keep their mouths shut. Eventually word would leak from adults to eavesdropping children. These children would then bully the twins. Their family name was insulted and they were once the kids getting beat up for their lunch money. This was until Reiji grew tired of getting pushed around. Not to mention his brother was weaker in will and strength. He never could stand up for himself. Reiji used this as fuel for the fire and made himself strong enough for the both of them. The same kids that beat on them, he beat back until they would eventually fear him. Everybody would know not to mess with him and if a single hair was touched on his brother... lord be with that child. Throughout the years, things eventually took a turn for the best for their family. Their business flourished and things within the family were better than ever. Regardless, Reiji felt as though he still needed to be the person he was on the outside, to keep he's reputation. It was that "Don't let the enemy see you be weak" kind of deal. His family begged him to stop, knowing that he was capable of so much more, but he didn't listen. So many fights and mischievous deeds later, he was eventually expelled from his school. It was no simple task, but Reiji has now been transeferred to Uchima Senior High. He's a fresh face and lives by himself in an apartment, paid for by his family.

Name:Wu Kong

-Void: Gun, Light
-Resist: Strike, fire
-Weak: Ice, Electricity

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Name: Rena Tatsuya

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Arcana: Devil

Equipment: handbag, Hidden taser, Katana Blade

Skills: Kendo, Judo, Getting inside someone head, gamblingBetting, ManipulationNegotiation, Criminal thinkingStreet smarts.


Personality: Rena is both friendly, well matter, and brave, yet at the same time devious and mischievous. Though she good to those close to her she can be a real troublemaker at times. being the daughter of a yakuza clan leader, she is not above blackmailing and violence yet tries to limit how much she does it in order to control her morally. She also has a sadistic side hidden away that few people ever get to see.

Biography: Rena is the daughter of a wealthy and high-ranking Yakuza clan that mainly operates around the Chūbu region. know During the early stages of her, Rena had trouble making friend due to both her dark impulses and family's hesitate, however in time she was able to control those impulses in order to blend in with the rest of the students.

Name: Bast
-Resist: Darkness.
-Weak: Electricity(Couldn't think of anything clever as a weakness)
Abilities: Cleaver,Mudo
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Plank Sinatra
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Plank Sinatra the reaper won't come when you're ready for him

Member Seen 10 days ago

Name: Saitou Kimiko
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Arcana: The Empress
Equipment: Though Kimiko can rarely be found without a pack of bubblegum at her disposal, bubblegum is not an effective tool in combat. Nothing she carries, in fact, could be considered weaponry - save for perhaps a pair of drumsticks that would, again, prove inefficient.
Skills: A talented musician (drums) and, by extension, drumstick twirler. A trivia nerd through and through. Though lacking in physical combat skills or training herself, she's got a mean sucker punch or quick genital annihilation strike if jumped. She's also very observant, as you'd expect from someone who grew up in her household. Very difficult to lie to.

A girl of gracile build who stands at 1.65 meters, Kimiko's attractive looks are tempered either by the ruffled look of her uniform or her plain fashion stylings when lounging around the house or shopping. Despite her good posture and ready, polite smile, her lax demeanor and "ayy fam just toss yourself on my body, clothing" sense of dress makes her look more scruffy-cute than a bombshell.
Personality: Saitou Kimiko could aptly be described as quiet, dreamy, and perhaps even aloof. While not completely inaccurate on the last count, this sense of detachment from those around her is more due to inquisitive glares and contemplative silences, broken only by the most left-field of questions. ("You're hungry too, right?" is a personal favorite of hers.) Despite her bizarre colloquialisms, those who can focus her find her to be a gifted conversationalist and tireless listener. She does her best to be helpful and attentive to the needs of others, but observes so much so often that she will sometimes lose track of her current goal, and must be kept from going wayward by her friends. Given her silences and finely honed skill of reading people, she doesn't have much of a tolerance for dishonesty, but will let most white lies slide unless they hurt those close to her.
Biography: Kimiko was raised to be open-minded - raised by a pair of small-town private detectives and raised up in a lifestyle that could be considered middle-class by a slight stretch of the imagination, her foster family's entire lifestyle depended on the uncanny ability to resist drawing their own conclusions and follow whatever zany conclusion a case's evidence could lead them to. This insight was instilled into Kimiko as she grew older and began attending school. By the time she had grown old enough to attend high school, her personality had been permanently cast in a state of quiet, quirky stasis. For her American mother, a quiet woman herself, this was perfectly natural - and indeed, preferred. Her partner, a more rambunctious sort, the idea of breaking Kimiko out of the shell they had accidentally created for her was an appealing one.

So four years ago, they moved into a homey, quiet little part of Shikatsu, where Saitou Kimiko had all she ever really needed - people to watch, a McDonald's to stop by after classes, and a school to attend. She made a small smattering of friends that she loosely keeps in touch with before her parents helped her arrange to attend Uchima Senior High.

Which had an even better McDonald's nearby. And more friends.

These are positive changes.

Name: Kaguya-hime

-Reflects: Strike
-Absorbs: -
-Void: -
-Resist: Light
-Weak: Fire
Marin Karin
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 29 days ago

"Sis, cover your ears."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zenphilvian
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Kaede Yamamoto
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Arcana: Emperor
Equipment: Shoulder bag for carrying things (notebook, health items, etc.), Swiss Army knife (all occasions), and a one-handed sword (once the whole battle thing gets going)
Skills: Very good at memorizing and remembering things, an eye for detail, and has fencing experience.
Appearance: Short dark brown hair with a small hair clip, light blue eyes, glasses with rectangular black frames, slightly shorter than average height, and a slender build. Overall, a neat, put-together appearance.
Personality: Very controlling, a bit OCD, safety-oriented (so a bit of a buzzkill), but has a flair for the dramatic, and when he's with people he's comfortable with, has a tendency to ramble on the oddest tangents. Movie and play buff (specially Shakespeare), and the kind of guy who needs his coffee with exactly one teaspoon of milk and two sugars in the morning before he can function.
Biography: He grew and had a very normal childhood with his family until during a school play, his little sister died (the hairclip was hers) to a stage accident (and a very shoddy roof), and shortly thereafter, his parents divorced. His mother remarried and he hasn't seen her in years, since he lives with his father in a small apartment. Currently, he's the president of the drama club.

Name: Oberon
- Zio
- Media
Block: Electricity
Weak: Wind
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rosalite
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Name: Minori Koizumi
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Arcana: Lovers
- Pink Messenger Bag
- Key Necklace
- A pair of Tessen. They're linked to one another by a thin black cord that spans about 4 feet across. The tessen themselves are the size of average folding fans. (Primary weapon(s))
- Watercolour painting
- Floral arrangement (works for her mother's flower store)
- Flower language (as a direct result of the above)
- Perceptive, at least in terms of others' emotional states (especially if their feelings are driven by insecurity as hers are)


Minori's appearance has changed more within the past year than it has throughout her whole life. A personal decision led her to bleach her brown hair, dying it a pale--but still undoubtedly flashy--pink that fades to blonde. Similarly, she chose to cover up the natural green of her eyes in favour of lavender colour contacts. The cutesy braids and ribbons that she had once liked to style her hair with have been discarded, with simple side ponytails taking their place. All in all, the sixteen year old looks far more vibrant and confident than she once did--or so she hopes, anyways.

Stature-wise, Minori stands at an unimpressive 5'3" which she sometimes tries to accommodate for by wearing heels. She's slender in figure and pale, a clear indication that she isn't used to heavy labour or any sort of athletics. Her clothing preferences revolve around dresses and skirts, leaning moreso to styles that could be considered "mature" and "elegant" over cute ones.

Personality: Bubbly, bright, and friendly, Minori gives off the impression of being a social butterfly. She makes an effort to reach out to everyone who crosses her path, paying little to no mind to matters such as social standing or other potential barriers. She appears to be at her happiest when she is surrounded by many people, and can be unrelentingly stubborn when it comes to approaching and befriending others.

Unfortunately, the majority of the relationships that Minori forms are rather shallow. They are friends in that they are a familiar, friendly face that she can talk to if they happen to share a class or run into on another, but it rarely extends beyond that. This inability to form deep, meaningful bonds lies more with Minori than it does the other person, and spawns primarily from her own self-esteem issues.

For all the confidence and elegance that she tries to exude, she is in fact a rather awkward and timid individual. Her feelings of self-worth are heavily linked to how she thinks others perceive her and as a result, her personality and mannerisms have shifted to assimilate to how she thinks the other people would like her to act. However, this personality is but a mask--it sits only on the surface, but does not penetrate and change who Minori is at her core. It is for that reason that she tries to keep people at a friendly distance lest they get too close and discover that she is not, in fact, as poised and put-together as she seems.

In reality, Minori's "flawed" self--really, her real, natural self--is not that much different from any other teenage girl. She is still warm and compassionate, albeit far more soft-spoken than her facade. There is a hint of awkwardness in the way she carries herself and she appears to be far more easily embarrassed by things, though the latter can be attributed to the fact that she simply suppresses or brushes off said embarrassment when acting as her more upbeat counterpart. Her original personality was the base in which her "new" personality was built upon, and while there are some prominent differences, those who truly get to know her may find that it's not as drastic of a change as Minori would think.

Minori was born into a family of three that consisted of her mother, her father, and a sister--Natsumi--who was 7 years her elder. She had a content childhood, but she had always been a rather quiet child; she was skittish and shy in contrast to her much more outgoing sister. Those who met the siblings always praised Natsumi more than they did her, complimenting her on her clever wit and sociability while Minori was simply looked upon as being "sweet"; she didn't really mind though, content with hiding behind the sister whom she loved with all her heart.

This continued on until she was fifteen. Throughout the years, very little changed, with the only exception that Natsumi's beauty had been brought into the circle of praise as well. She had grown up beautifully, gone to a top school, and found a lovely boyfriend. Since they were so close, Minori was incredibly happy for her, up until the point where she found out that her sister was getting married and that they planned to move elsewhere after the wedding.

All of a sudden, Minori had lost that protective "shield". She was pulled out of her sister's shadow and thrown into the light. As soon as her sister moved away, her parents'--particular her mother's--attention soon turned on her. While there was never any doubt that they loved both of their daughters, it had always been clear that Natsumi had been her mother's princess--the favourite. This had never bothered Minori before, but now that she was the only one living at home, her mother began to pay more attention to her.

And it wasn't all good. Although it probably wasn't meant to be malicious, her mother frequently compared her to Natsumi. Why was she inside tinkering on the piano when she could be out with friends, like how her sister used to spend her Saturdays? Why couldn't she greet the customers at the store more brightly like how Natsumi used to? Why wasn't she more outgoing, more fashionable, more--

She got offhanded comments from the people who visited their flower shop as well, mostly little things like how they missed her sister, or how she "didn't really look like Natsumi". They were all innocent little comments--harmless, really--but each of them created cracks in her self-esteem on top of the much bigger ones that her mother inadvertently made.

And so when she turned sixteen, she decided to change it all to become more like the daughter that people seemed to want her to be. She found it to be a struggle at first, and upon looking in the mirror one morning, she realized that it was her appearance that was the problem; people who had known her for years had trouble associating her gentle, girlish appearance with anything but the shy girl that she had always been, and this included Minori herself. It was for that reason that she decided to go for a full makeover, going so far as to buy herself a new wardrobe.

The pink hair and lavender contacts somehow made her feel stronger, more confident. Although people were surprised at first, they seemed to take quickly to the change, which only served as positive reinforcement for the girl. Needless to say, Minori relies heavily on her new look and refuses to be anywhere--even at home with her parents--without it.

Name: Ao Bing

-Reflects: --
-Absorbs: Ice
-Void: --
-Resist: Strike
-Weak: Electric

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HereComesTheSnow
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HereComesTheSnow dehydration expert

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Name: Tomoda “Aloha-kun” Nakamichi

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Arcana: Magician

Equipment: One strong-looking Nine-Iron, a rosary, more eyewear than you’d ever believe necessary (mainly triangular shades), the Necronomicon and other such Grimoires, a Japanese-to-English dictionary.

Skills: Greco-Roman wrestling, whiz with a golf club, knowledge of the paranormal and supernatural, knowledge of anime and internet culture, bit of a sneakster, bit of a trickster, most casually optimistic guy ever. Girl-crazy smartass.

Appearance: Standing tall and lanky for a Japanese teenager at 5’10, Tomoda is most immediately recognizable in a crowd by his never-buttoned Hawaiian shirt, his obscenely cool triangular shades, and his wild, bleached blonde hair and chin scruff. Always wearing a cheshire, shark-toothed smile and waltzing around town with his hands in the pockets of his cargo shorts, he is the epitome of carefree in body language and demeanor, with the brown eyes hidden behind the eyepieces always either gleaming with humor or an insidious plot to do something dumb and rope his friends into it.

Personality: In case you couldn’t tell yet, he is defined by his carefree disposition and whimsical actions. Nakamichi’s both a willful idiot and a wise guy, always acting as if he’s at play even in the most dire of situations. Not to be written off as a simple bellend, however, he’s quite adept at thinking on his feet and balancing himself no matter how shaky the ground he and the gang are standing on gets. Openly friendly and good-natured, he’s the type of guy who is enjoying his youth wholeheartedly. His interests are a big part of who he is, and he’s never one to shy away from talking about them. Especially if the interest in question is girls. Hates goodbyes.

Biography: Born into a fairly normal life, Tomoda was an only child with few real sibling figures, or for a good while, friends. As such, he was left to marinate in the things he found interesting, which happened to be fantastical stories of the arcane, paranormal, and supernatural right up until about his second year of middle school. At that point a drastic paradigm shift occurred, and the formerly nameless face in the crowd became gregarious in the extreme, eventually leading to the brazen boy we all know today. His family owns and runs the local mini golf course, and he’s going to get a part-time job there soonish. So he says, anyway, “because girls like a working man”.


Name: Jack o’ Lantern (Pyro Jack)


-Absorbs: Fire
-Void: None
-Resist: None
-Weak: Ice
Abilities: Agi
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Onarax
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Onarax Sleepy

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Claud Albert Hamilton

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Arcana: Tower

Equipment: A dufflebag he generally leaves at home, and a shoulder bag in which he carries his standard school items.

Skills: Claud has been groomed to be both quick in mind and body. Fairly intelligent, Claud has consistently been at the top in academic pursuits and is able to adapt quickly to most situations. His body has been trained to be rather fit, and he has a basic knowledge of self defense and spear use.

Appearance: Claud possesses long, straight black hair that falls to around his shoulders, while not messy it is obvious that Claud pays little mind to status of his hair. He has piercing green eyes, that are always taking in the details around him, and a somewhat pointed chin. Overall his features tend to possess a downplayed sense of regality. He is rather tall, around 190 cm, and has lean muscles that, while not overly defined, will be noticed upon closer inspection, especially if he is not wearing anything over them.

In terms of clothing, Claud tends to wear casual clothes such as jeans and shirts. He also has a tendency of wearing a light jacket over his shirt. His appearance often appears to be rather disheveled. Obviously at Uchima he wears the standard uniform, and surprisingly buttons it up all the way. Although, apart from the uniform, the rest of his appearance remains disheveled.

Personality: Claud is rather introspective, preferring to keep to himself and merely observe others. Constantly being at the forefront of attention all his life has led him to despise the attention and left much preferring solitude. Despite this, there are times when he feels rather lonely, as he lacks the ability to truly connect with any of his peers. At nearly all times Claud feels like an observer looking in on his life and the lives of others.

Despite his introspective nature, Claud was still groomed to be an eloquent speaker. He is capable of communicating with others with ease, just much prefers to avoid it. He is intelligent and possesses a cool head at most times. Claud possesses a strong moral character and refuses to back down in the face of what he sees as injustice, feeling a responsibility to help others.

However Claud can be late to act in nearly any situation outside of an injustice, particularly those involving himself. In addition once he perceives an injustice, he can be adamantly stubborn and make wrong calls. His secrecy regarding his life and solitude tends to paint an air of aloofness that often leaves him alone and without any allies.

Biography: Claud has always been placed under heavy expectations and responsibilities. His parents told him that he was to always strive for excellence and nothing less was allowed. Be that in his grades or self defense training or whatever he chose to invest his time in, he had to be on top and he had to be exceptional. While this may have been hard on the young boy, it was understandable, as his family is long line of nobles originating in Northern Ireland. It was Claud’s birthright to inherit this position one day.

For Claud’s family, it was their duty to lead the lower classes into the future. Their duty as nobles was to shine as a beacon of greatness and to illustrate their merit at every turn. As nobles, others would always follow their example, and as such they needed to make it an example worth following. Being good at something wasn’t enough, one had to be the best at it.

However for Claud, such expectations were burdensome and difficult. He had little desire to excel at everything, or even inherit his birthright. For Claud such things were accompanied by too many hardships and disappointments. Truth be a told, a part of Claud was jealous of those who grew up in typical familial relations, instead of his overbearing and yet simultaneously distant parents. Parents who never seemed to be around, but were constantly telling him how he should best live his life.

Yet despite his slight jealousy, Claud knew he could never live in such a setting. It was too foreign and unnatural for a boy who had grown up never knowing anything else. Hence his jealousy became more akin to an appreciation rather than a deep seated desire or longing. An appreciation that has carried on into the present.

Claud’s early years consisted mostly of tutoring and self studying as he was thought at home. During these years, in addition to basic schooling, he learned a variety of self defense tactics and developed a proficiency for spears and other polearms. That said his inability to properly commit himself led to this training having less of impact.

When Claud was eight, his parents enrolled him in a prestigious school in the U.K. It was here that Claud first began having daily interactions with other peers of his age. It was a pleasant experience for the young boy, but it turned out to be a short lived experience. His status as a noble and the consistency of his high end performances, quickly led to the rest of his class deferring extra respect towards Claud.

For Claud, who just wished to be on a similar level as others, this was troublesome to say the least. He knew he would stand out one day, but for now he just wanted to enjoy his childhood years. However short they may be.

Thus, less than a year later, Claud approached his parents with a proposition: He wanted to study abroad. After presenting the case to his parents, saying things like it’d be a good experience for him to see the world, and that he’d be able to learn many new languages and cultures unavailable at home, his parents reluctantly consented.

Claud stayed in many places, first living with servants as his caretakers but eventually transitioned to living on his own. He was glad to be away from his responsibilities and the pressure he faced daily, and in hopes of maintaining it he told no one of his background. In order to appease his parents Claud didn’t join any activities or sports, so that none of those records would have to be sent back, instead he just consistently remained at the top academically.

Uchima Senior High is simply the latest school that Claud has chosen to study at, and he does feel a little trepidation with the fact that this will be one of his last stops. As he's lived in Japan a few years before, he does have a proficiency in the language by now. As is par for the course, his nobility status has been withheld from the school.


Name: Cú Chulainn


-Resist: Pierce, Zio
-Weak: Mudo

Torrent Shot
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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DJAtomika Second to Most

Member Seen 26 days ago

Name: Matsumoto Hantaru
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Arcana: Justice
Equipment: Brown leather sling bag, pocket diary, pen, wristwatch. Main weapon type is blunt clubs, but he starts off with an aluminium baseball bat.
Skills: Deduction, observation, sarcasm, wit, athletics.
Matsumoto stands about 1.69m tall, weighing a paltry 68 kilograms. With a head of short, scruffy brown hair and equally brown eyes, he isn't one that impresses many. His chin is sharp and his nose is long and thin, with pursed thin lips. He regularly dresses in a medium length, high collar black duster over his school uniform, and when he doesn't have his coat on he drapes it on his shoulders like a cape or over his forearm. When not in his uniform, he prefers to wear an untucked white collared shirt with the sleeves rolled up, watch on one wrist and a black-and-white striped wristband on the other, with black jeans and boots.

Personality: Matsumoto is headstrong and brave, loyal to a fault and unerringly blunt. He will often make very blunt jokes that usually don't hurt but are very cringe worthy or groan inducing. These include dad jokes and puns. He often doesn't hesitate to point out someone's flaws, but almost immediately follows those up with compliments or encouragement to get better.

Biography: Matsumoto isn't exactly what you'd call a good student, but he isn't a delinquent either. He just has problems studying. If he really puts his effort into it, he can lose himself in his textbooks, but the results just don't reflect how much he tries.

He had a simple, normal childhood. Mom and dad managed a small ramen shop in the city while he studied and helped at the shop when he was free. From young, he'd built a good sense of independence, and it extended into his school life. But his studying problems ailed him no matter how much he tried. And he did try a lot.

However, what he could focus on were stories. Give him a detective novel and he'd lose himself in it for hours until the book was done. His parents noticed, of course, and together they helped him come up with a system. If he treated his textbooks like a mystery novel and his tests as mysteries, he found that he could focus better.

Of course, all this rubbed off on his style of dress and personality, building who he is today. He is a member of the literature and soccer clubs and a budding academic in his class.

Name: Castiel
Appearance: The angel Castiel is one of the middle tier angels, and as such sports a similar appearance. In comparison to his summoner, he stands at least nine feet tall from head to toe. A pair of bright white wings extend from his back, and his eyes are bound by a blindfold. In addition, he sports a stark white shirt, black pants and boots. Two belts wrap around his waist and a pair of unused suspenders hang from his belt. A dark blue scarf is wrapped around his neck, concealing the lower half of his head. On his head sits a halo, broken at the front. His weapon is a long iron bar with a mace head at the end.
- Hama
- Dia
- Cleave
- Strong: Physical
- Immune: Light (hama)
- Weak: Darkness (mudo), Fire (agi)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Conflagration

Conflagration I'm burnin' up here!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Name: Hitoshi Katsu

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Arcana: Judgement

- Fist Wraps (and fist weapons in general.),
- Smooth Stone (a large-ish, smooth pebble kept in a pocket. No real function.)
- Black Jacket (Its a jacket and it's black.)
- Sash (a loose fitting sash of light, vibrant red material. Worn like a belt over other clothing. Not part of his day to day attire naturally.)

Skills: Extremely calm and level headed, able to tackle stressful or just plain weird situations without panicing. High pain tolerance and physical strength. A rational and logical problem solver.

Tall and cold of expression, Hitoshi is an imposing figure who stands slightly above the average height of his classmates. While his height helps balance our his physically large build, he is still noticeably bulky - particually around the shoulders.

His features are strong and pronounced - with a distinctive jaw and brow. His expression tends to be thoughtful and unassuming, though this is simply his resting face - it has no bearing on whether or not he is actually contemplating anything. Hitoshi has narrow, steel-grey eyes with a slight blue hue, and his hair is a charcoal black - roughly cut to fall almost to his shoulders. This falls naturally into a swept back position, which is fine as far as Hitoshi is concerned.

He tends to dress in a rather conservative manner, favouring a 'signature' simple black jacket over whatever he is wearing for the day - which usually consists of simple shirts and trousers rather than the more comfortable t-shirts and jeans he wore as a youth. Despite his beat attempts however, he never quite manages to look neat and tidy - it is always quite evident that he is trying to dress in a way which isn't quite natural to him.

Should a dangerous situation arise, Hitoshi will also don a vibrant red sash around his waist - with the intention of making himself more visible to both his friends and his enemies. This is a memento from his unruly days where he learned to fight - brawling on the streets. He also wears fist wraps in such situations - but is not above wielding any other weapons that he can get hold of.

Quiet and collected, Hitoshi is a reserved student who consistently achieves good - though not exeptional - grades.

While it might not be initially evident, he is actually quite sociable despite his appearance: his infrequent speech stems from over thinking and self censoring his words rather than any attempt to distance himself from others. Hitoshi knows that it is easy to cause offence with careless words, so always chooses what he percieves to be the most effective way to communicate.

He is very forward with providing his opinions, but always strives to do so in a way that avoids conflict.

Hitoshi will always try to find a way out of a situation before it escalates into something more serious - having had significant anger issues earlier in life has led to him fearing the consequences of losing his temper. He is not afraid to be the first to attack however, if he feels that violence would be the best way to diffuse a situation.

In order to deal with the stress that he bottles up, he has a nervous habit of needing to handle something - anything - to keep himself occupied. He tends to keep some kind of trinket in his pocket for this purpose, the most recent being a smooth, flat stone.

Hitoshi grew up in a fractured household. With an abusive father figure, he quickly learned that violence was an easy solution to most problems that life through his way and came to embrace that fact - using it as a defence mechanism to cope with any and every stressful situation that life threw at him. He was an intelligent enough child, but his lack of motivation and drive to tackle problems that could not be solved by attacking them did him no favors in his early school years.

As he grew, Hitoshi became a problem child of sorts - aggressive and hostile to pretty much anyone that crossed his path. He found himself in trouble with the law on more than one occasion and as a result began to gain a bad reputation. Naturally, this only served to fuel his dislike of others and his violent streak. After all, if he was going to be judged to be 'the bad kid' then he might as well live up to the name. After finding himself on the losing side of a number of fights he instigated, he began brawling in a back-ally gathering - determined to become stronger and stronger until he could not be beat.

It was when he was fifteen that the incident occurred. Furious at some trivial insult, the boy lashed out at his brother and caused some serious harm: going as far as to hospitalise his own family. It was a stark wake up call for Hitoshi - who finally saw what he had become.

From that day onward, he changed. He forced himself to bottle up the anger that he felt inside: dreading what he might do to other people - or himself - if he continued down that same path of destruction. He began to focus on his studies and adopted a life of calm, calculated consideration - focusing his frustration, anger and rage into more productive outlets such as keeping fit and learning skills he missed out on in previous years. He began to judge himself - and whether fairly or not, he could not forgive himself for what he had done.

It is not the true face of Hitoshi Katsu, but it is the only one he dares to show the world.


Name: Morrigan


-Resist: Strike, Slash, Pierce (Phys)
-Weak: Hama

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ayazi
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aurrorian
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Aurrorian I Spam XD Alot

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zobozun
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Hoshizora Aiko
Age: 16
Gender: F
Arcana: Death
Equipment: Booster bike, school things, color contacts, makeup, cellphone, schoolbag, purse, mallet, five-inch nails, laptop, a picture-locket

Skills: Light motorcycle license, biking, making straw dolls, cursing, studying, putting on a brave face, making excuses, oddly-detailed knowledge of local shrines and their daily schedules, excellent balance, broad knowledge of supernatural trivia, fitting into small spaces, faking emotional responses, staying up late, avoiding people, being fashionable, very flexible, skills and build as an amateur gymnast, swinging a mallet


Personality: A seething cauldron of anger and spite wrapped in a candy shell, Aiko puts on a brave face and does her best to seem sunny and inoffensive. To the school at large, she's a model student who is always willing to help out if you need her- though she seems to have an unusually-large number of vaguely-defined after-school appointments and activities. She also has an odd tendency to refer to herself in third person when flustered, and shies away from physical contact. Outside of those minor quirks, her personality comes across as a pleasant sort of blur that's not quite memorable enough to register, kind of like a UPS worker. The few people who have attempted to get close to her would likely describe her personality as "artificial", "a little off", or "conflicted", but none of them would be able to pinpoint why, exactly, she gave them such a feeling.

Once upon a time, there lived two little girls. the first girl was shy, gloomy, and most of all, dark. Everything about the first girl was dark- her eyes, her hair, her clothes, and her thoughts were all an inky black. the second girl was bright: Her hair was bright, her eyes were bright, her clothes were bright, and when she smiled it would light up the room like the summer sun.

One day, when the dark girl was playing in the corner, the bright girl came to see her. The dark girl thought this was strange, because the other children did not want to play with her. The other children liked to call the dark girl names and take her things because she was gloomy and quiet. Blinded by the other girl's brightness, the dark girl fled.

Undaunted, the bright girl found the dark girl the next day, and the dark girl fled. This happened for many days, until one day the dark girl had enough. She lashed out at the bright girl, and asked the bright girl what she wanted. The bright girl only smiled, and said:

Because I want to be your friend.

This is how the dark girl made her first and only friend in the whole wide world.

Over the years, the dark girl and the bright girl became the best of friends. Because the dark girl was so gloomy, she could not make any other friends, but this was fine. As long as she had the bright girl, she could face anything. They were inseperable.

Then, one day, the bright girl had an accident. The dark girl was overcome with grief. the dark girl wondered why she had not died, instead. The dark girl wondered why, of all the people in this world, the bright girl had to have her life cut short. The dark girl looked around her, and saw only people that took their lives for granted. The dark girl grew to hate these people. Slowly, the dark girl came to hate the world.

The dark girl studied the supernatural, seeking a way to bring the bright girl back. All the while, her tangled-up insides rotted and festered, until there was nothing left but anger and spite. One day, the dark girl found the answer she had been looking for. However, the magic came at a terrible price: To perform it, one had to give up their existence, and lock themselves away where nobody would ever find them. Desperate, the dark girl used the magic and locked herself away, so that the bright girl could come back to this world.

Now, the girl has moved to a new prefecture, and found a new school. Perhaps she will even find a new self? Only time will tell.

Name: Doppelganger
-Reflects: Slash, Strike, Pierce
-Weak: Light, Dark
Abilities/Skills: Zan, Makajam
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by finalends


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

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