Location;; The Main Hall → Briefly the Pink Cabin → The Oak Tree behind the Pink Cabins, a bit on the outskirts.
Interacting With;; In person: Brother Bear NOPE. (@HushedWhispers)
Mention of Hana (@Fabricant451) & text mssg at the end
Text message at the end to Adielle (@Altered Tundra) and Jess (@Undine)
In person: Big bottom teammate (Quick chat) (@Dirty Pretty Lies)
Holden (@HalfOfLancelot)
Interacting With;; In person: Brother Bear NOPE. (@HushedWhispers)
Mention of Hana (@Fabricant451) & text mssg at the end
Text message at the end to Adielle (@Altered Tundra) and Jess (@Undine)
In person: Big bottom teammate (Quick chat) (@Dirty Pretty Lies)
Holden (@HalfOfLancelot)
Sunken ship. Sunken heart. Her life fleeting the moment she realized her grave mistake. With wide eyes, her lips slightly ajar, Nessarose stared at Nathan with a feeling of disbelief. Shaking legs. Racing beat in her chest. The parched earth inside her mouth as she took a step back from his intensity. Scared and afraid, but still captivated. Tears wanted to well up in her eyes but she swallowed her emotions in and listened to his melodious voice. Get a grip! Don't make him think you're a weirdo... but you are a weirdo... shut up.
As he introduced himself, she took his hand and felt the firmness of his grip and the roughness of skin. Don't you dare blush. Trying to remember the feeling of his touch, she mustered up words in response, surprisingly coming off bubbly and energetic, revealing no form of weakness (yet), "Oh! I'm so sorry. You're right, I thought you were Nicholas. He was one of my first friends here." Trying to keep her train of thought, she lowly muttered, "I didn't mean to interrupt anything." Her chestnut orbs watched as he checked his phone while she spoke, saddened that he wasn't even taking her in.
With a faux smile, the young girl continued, cheery as ever, "I'm Nessa. Nessarose. Delighted to make your acquaintance, Nathan." Although her face had a smile, her eyes reflected her inner emotions of humiliation and anxiety. She came off strangely polite, not wanting to offend him anymore than she probably already did. Taking a deep breath in, the small girl attempted to make her retreat, "I guess I'll go catch him. Here, have this." She handed him a dandelion as an offering of forgiveness, "Maybe, make a wish and it'll come true? It's silly but who knows what this summer will bring, right? I'm sorry again... Um...so yeah, see you." Turning around and feeling her legs move on it's own, she tried to pick up her speed, not wanting to look at his reaction of utter disdain or disgust.
Her phone vibrated a couple of times, but she decided to check it later. Noticing Hana, Nessa hid behind a crowd of people, not in the mood to hangout or change attire. Nathan probably could see her hiding behind strangers just so she wasn't seen by the dominant queen. Her opportunity came when everyone's attention went towards Jackson's loud self. Looking down to the floor, she walked passed Hana, who wasn't looking in her direction. Ness' natural water mist and river moss scent trailed off her as she held her breath in, nervously.
The moment she stepped out the door she ran like the wind, hoping that her Pink sister didn't catch sight of her. Hell, she hoped none of her Pink sisters saw her or bear witnessed to the unfolding of her impending doom. Don't get her wrong, she truly liked them. Her mind was not mentally prepared to handle them, is all.
Nessa charged to the place that she would always know where to find: the large oak tree. Coming to a halt when she saw an unfamiliar Latina shaking her bottom in the Pink cabin, the door wide open, Nessa stared in awe and lost her original train of thought. Poking her head in the door, the adorable girl smiled, "Hey! Looks like our beds are near each other. I'm Nessa! Mind teaching me some of your dance moves later?" If this woman was on her team and knew how to dance that good, maybe she could teach her how to impress Nate? After Fiorella responded, the squirrel minded girl swiftly dismissed herself, making sure her voice was heard over the music, "Check out the Main Hall! There's a bunch of people I bet would love to meet you. I can't talk right now... I have somewhere to be. See you at intros!"
Heading to the outskirts of camp, running, running as fast as her little body can, she finally made it to her destination. Not searching for Holden nor thinking about him in this moment, her knees dropped to the ground. Her face planted itself in the grass as she rolled around in complete and utter shame. After tossing and turning for a long moment, taking in the nature around her, she laid on her back and stared at the tree leaves and the light blue sky. Her gaze followed a branch until it stumbled upon the man hanging on it, "Oh, hi Holden."
Picking herself up and brushing the mess off her button up shirt, her hat had fallen off during her release of emotions. Looking up toward Holden, the girl smiled, "Have you ever embarrassed yourself so much you just wanted to die? Yeah, that was me, happy first day of camp!"
As Nessa climbed to her spot, her rant took flight, like she usually would do last year, "Some twins are really hard to tell apart. You know how I'm all friendly and happy to see my friends, right? Well, I thought Nicholas was in the Main Hall." She stopped for a moment as she situated herself on a branch. Her branch.
"I gave him a warm hug and then DOOOOOOOOOOOOM." Covering her face as it flushed with pink, she added, muffling her voice, "...He was so uninterested in me. I'm dull, aren't I? I mean, compared to other girls. There was this sexy Spanish lady in the Cabin. My butt is nothing compared to her's." Bringing her hands down, she rested her head on the tree trunk and stared out at the vast beauty of the world, "Nathan will remember me forever as that weirdo who hugged the wrong person."
Maybe she should check her phone to not make anyone worry about her whereabouts? Sighing to herself, she looked toward the man and apologized, "Sorry for the rudeness, I just don't want anyone to be suspicious or anything. I got a couple of texts while I was dying, so I need to take care of that, I guess." Nessa was extremely considerate when it came to her phone.
To: Hanabanana
Did you know sunshine is the best medicine? Get your vitamin D!
To: Girlateers<3
Hey!!! You're a diamond, dear. No one can break you! I'm like a star. Always at your side whether night or day! :D Miss you both xoxo.
Quickly, she sent Adielle and Jess a picture of herself sticking out her tongue, crossing her eyes, and showing the leaves behind her to hint that she was indeed at camp.
Putting her phone back away, Nessa sighed once more, "Where were we? Oh yeah, me being a fool!"

Location;; The Main Hall
Interacting With;; In person: Oliver (@foxygen), Ariel (@HaleyTheRandom), Eli & Mention of Jackson (@Altered Tundra)
Interacting With;; In person: Oliver (@foxygen), Ariel (@HaleyTheRandom), Eli & Mention of Jackson (@Altered Tundra)
Aisling watched the boy carefully and silently as he reacted to her with an automatic defense mechanism. Her eyes never wavered from his, intimidating but reassuring in the sense that she was purely paying attention to him. She was able to catch sight of his tight grasp on the delicate flower. While they walked, she observed his posture, his attitude, his voice, and other little things. A smirk fell on her face when he mentioned "wishing". Sweet sentiment. It felt like only yesterday when she was in a similar position, though less introverted-- far more verbal in a bitter sense.
Taking her seat, not on the couch but on a bench by a nearby table, Ash put one leg over it and straddled the chair. Patting the open space in front of her for Oli to sit beside her, she looked toward their teammates, trying to pin their current moods down.
Nothing out of the ordinary, that was always nice.
Taking it upon herself, Ash introduced them, "These two have been here for 2 years. Eli and Ariel. If you want to know more deats, just ask them. They aren't too terrible once you get to know them. Sometimes." A light chuckle slipped out of her lips, as she winked at the troublemakers that loved to test her patience.
Once Oliver took his seat, she commented on his absentminded thought, "My wish was to make a friend my first day. Someone who would make my days here worth waking up to. He's not here yet, but since day 1, Ghost, or well Alex, has dealt with a lot of my shit, good and bad." Resting her chin on her hand, she carefully watched the youngest of Team Grey. With slight annoyance, she added, "Welcome to Camp Liberty. The clique-camp of the century. All of us here..." Her gaze met with Eli's, then Ariel's, then back to Oli's, "We're the in-betweens. The ones that others hesitate to approach because they don't understand what they see. 'A mystery'." Rolling her eyes at the obvious stereotypes in this camp, she wondered if her talking eased his nervousness or made it worse.
Suddenly, Jackson came in yelling at the front. Bringing her voice a little low, only directing her next words to Oliver, Ash commented on the loud man, "That's Jackson, a hothead and a fool. Be careful around him, he doesn't think before he does something. His heart is in the right place... but he's impulsive as fuck. He and Eli got in a 'disagreement' last year..." A sudden thought popped in her head, "Oh! That reminds me." Taking off her backpack, the woman grabbed her notebook and scribbled her digits on it. Ripping the paper out, she handed it to the youngster.
"I'm here if you need someone. If you get lost, if you don't feel well, or if you're uncomfortable. Anything really. Call me and I'll be there in a heartbeat." Her honesty was straight to the point, extremely forward, and unbelievably genuine. There was no trickery in her expression that had softened after their introductions. She wanted to come off as someone who would be there for him if he needed it.
Feeling her phone vibrate, she decided to silence it and check her messages later. Right now, she wanted to spend time with her teammates.