
Location: Justice Memorial
Lucas was snapped rather suddenly back awake the second he heard Dr. Chang's voice. His gaze locked onto her for a few moments as he listened to her. Lucas had been making such an effort to tune himself out of what had been happening, out of the fear of the worst, that it really did take him a moment or two to fully grasp what she was telling him. He probably looked like an idiot, staring at her blankly for a few moments as she smiled down at him, letting him know that his girlfriend had survived when all the odds were against her. Even when she pushed open the door and he could see Risa being wheeled off, he sat there, still taking it in.
Even when he did fully understand the situation, he didn't say anything, he didn't even think to. In a second he was on his feet, sprinting off down the hall after Risa. Dr. Chang kept the door open as he bolted through it before making her way down the hall to get some much needed coffee. He was overjoyed, in fact, overjoyed was an understatement, Lucas couldn't begin to describe how he felt in that moment, he'd essentially conceded that the worst would happen, that he would lose the woman he loved, but it was not to be, and Lucas could not have been happier. Watching as they wheeled her into a room, he slowed down as he got to the door and moved inside, finally letting himself calm down a bit as he saw her laying there.
Risa, despite everything, looked good. They had her partially sitting up with the bed elevated and one could think that she had been doing nothing more than enjoying a peaceful sleep with pleasant dreams. In a way she had been. The orderly and nurse moved out of the room once she was situated and closed the door behind them. They had done their job and Dr. Chang would be in later to check up on Miss Couri's recovery. Moving over, Lucas smiled widely as he pulled up a chair to sit right beside her, reaching up and gently taking her hand. He made sure to cover the ring, he figured she'd feel it but he wanted to actually say something before she saw it, not that he figured it would affect the outcome, but he felt it was just right and, as Amy had said, less likely to make her die of shock as a result.
Time passed as the monitors beeped with each beating of Risa's heart while she lay there, as if to be a constant reminder that she was indeed alive. Eventually a soft sigh came from her lips as she began to stir, her head falling to the side much in the same way it always did when she woke up. Gradually her eyes opened, looking around the room slowly until they fell onto Lucas and a gentle dreamy smile came to her lips. She was still dealing with the effects of the anesthesia, as well as the pain medications that were pumping through her veins. Her fingers curled around his palm as he held her hand but she was still too far dazed to even realize there was a ring on her finger right then.
"Hey, I didn't know hospitals employed such dashing doctors."Lucas smirked as he heard the words, and rather suddenly something happened which was so uncommon, even Risa had only seen it from time to time. He started to cry. They weren't tears of sadness, but tears of joy, Lucas essentially laughing as he reached up with his free hand to wipe the tears away. Just hearing that words, hearing her joke around was enough to let him know for sure that she was going to be okay. It washed away in an instant all the fear which had built up inside of him as he sighed, watching her closely with a grin.
"I'll kick your ass if you tell anyone about this." He smirked, wiping away the last of his tears as he began to calm down and gather himself, clearing his throat.
What the shit... Risa thought to herself as she witnessed Lucas break down the way he did. He wasn't a crier, neither was she. They both prided themselves in their ability to hold back the tears. They joked about it. Sure they both had cried in front of the other from time to time but it was a damn rare event. Had she really been that injured? That it would bring him to tears to see her speaking? She felt like apologizing for scaring him that much but then his mouth over-road the moment and she smirked.
"Yeah, well you'd better make sure I'm laid up like this, cause it'd be the only time you'd have a chance at winning," she stated smugly as she stuck her tongue out at him.
Reaching up, he set both of his hands on top of her own, eyes locking on hers. He knew she was dazed, tired, but he didn't want to wait at all, he'd waited long enough and he had almost lost her, he'd be damned if that happened again.
"Risa..." The tone in his voice was different to how it usually was, it was serious, scared almost.
Risa perked a brow at the sudden change in his voice, this was even more rare. The man was rarely serious and never scared; a look of worry washed over her features.
"Lucas... what's wrong?" she asked a bit nervously as she tried to sit up a little more.
"...I've been putting this off a long time, much longer than I should have. I kept thinking 'when's going to be the best time' or, how you'd react or a hundred other things which I used as excuses. I waited so long that I almost lost you, and that would have destroyed me." He watched her closely, pausing for a moment. Swallowing hard, Risa bit her bottom lip nervously, her eyes filling more and more with worry as each word left his mouth.
"I'm not going to wait any longer, I need to ask - will you marry me?" He gave her a classic, goofy smile as he pulled his hand away revealing the ring on her finger.
Risa froze, her eyes washing away of fret and going into complete, utter shock as the question came out.
"Wh...what?" she stuttered out, wondering just how drugged she was right then. Then her eyes spotted the ring as he moved his hand. She gasped out loud, then squealed, then screamed.
"Oh my God!" Lunging forward despite the surgery, the iv's, everything; wrapping her arms around him. She was shaking from sheer adrenaline that suddenly was coursing through her veins.
"Yes! I'm not wearing a dress, but yes!"Lucas couldn't help but laugh as she threw herself toward him and wrapped her arms around him. Part of him wanted to scold her for doing so immediately after her life-threatening surgery, but he was just as overjoyed with the situation as she was. After long enough waiting, the two were engaged, he couldn't have cared less about anything else in that instance.
"Really? 'i'm not wearing a dress' is how you answer that?" He laughed, he shouldn't have expected anything less, and in fact, he'd have probably been disappointed if he hadn't gotten a remark like that. Slowly, he peeled himself away from the embrace, planting a gentle kiss on her lips as he did so, sitting back up straight as he watched her.
"Try not to strain yourself too much, alright? I don't want you breaking any stitches before we even start planning."Pulsing her lips against his Risa smiled up at him, running her fingers along the back of his neck.
"Did you really expect any different?" she asked as she cocked a brow.
"No, I suppose not." Lucas said plainly, a soft smile resting on his lips. She was about to sit back when the door opened and she heard someone clearing their throat. Turning her head slightly she spotted Dr. Chang standing there with her arms crossed.
"Hey, lay the fuck back down," she barked and Risa gave Lucas a look that could only be construed as
oh fuck, I'm in trouble. What's new? Shrugging she laid back down as Amy walked over and check the vitals and monitors. "Seems like you are feeling better but you have to rest now. No fucking him until those stitches I put in come out got it? I mean it damn it, that's some of my best handy work and I won't have you marring it up just because he liked it so much he put a ring on it." Lucas scrunched up his mouth slightly, it was relatively clear the man had a snarky comment on hand, but he was holding it in for now, the doctor had saved Risa's life, he wanted to avoid annoying her as much as possible, a true sign of respect, in Lucas' books.
"She'll behave, Doc - i'll make sure of it." He gave Chang a nod, looking toward Risa with a wink. He was content enough with things as they were, the engagement was more than enough for him, and to finally have it out of the way was perfect. Settling back in his seat, he watched Risa quietly, a smile on his face as he let Amy do what she needed to.