Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@liferusherGo ahead and add her to the Character Thread. She's approved. She'll be in Second Party. You can post at your leisure.


GM Mass PM,

Hey all, GMs online for a few minutes. I'm feeling dead from training. It sucks because I'm just getting back to shower and go right to bed to wake up and do it all over again. But this will be my last time tomorrow. Thank goodness. But yes, I'll be here to manage things a bit and maybe get a post out if I don't pass out first. I'm just catching up on the OOC and IC.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'm giving you guys an opportunity to do some party-chatting and stuff like that. My next post will begin with handing out the quests. My thoughts so far:

The Fat King - Party 1.
Bridge Rat Infestation - Party 2.
Stolen Daughter - Alexander.

I'll rewrite the quest text to suit Seth's way of speaking. If you really think that the parties should switch tasks tell me why and I promise I will read and at least consider it.
@Legion02 If you want to go with party 2, could you please tell me how Alexander would respond to Seth as he gives the quest? That way I can get it all into my next post so you don't have to write a whole post around the action of saying "I'd rather not" and then wait for me and/or the leader of Party 2 to reply before we can get on with it.

You need to read the fine print on the quests.

The Fat King only requires 3 people

Bridge Rat Infestation will involve the whole guild.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


GM Mass PM,

When you all decide on your party leaders, let me know so that I can update the OOC. The Party Leader will rotate each mission, so don't get used to it. Everyone will have a chance to be a leader because it may become necessary to learn it in the cases you have quests with 1-3 people and not the full party.

Also, never mind. I took care of the Party Leader stuff and updated the OP.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

[quote=@Holy Soldier]

GM Mass PM,

All right; so I'm dead tired and won't have a chance to post tonight. I'm going to bed. If I get released from training early tomorrow, then maybe I'll have time to write here but who knows? I'll definitely try and keep everyone managed during my busy days. :)

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ashevelendar
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Ashevelendar Linde Service Desk

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I'm also with Keith :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Character Name: Luanne Lockheart

Alias: The Bulldozer

Age: 29

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Height: 7''

Weight: 125

Hair Color: Waist length honey blonde held in a tight braid.

Eye Color: Soft purple

Level: 1

Class: Berserker (Tank spec)

1. [Heavy charge] - Like the name suggests, Dozer gains a burst of movement speed and charges in the intended direction. Anything caught in her path will be thrown aside and take damage, enemies caught directly in her path (limit: 1) are forced along with her until she stops or hits terrain, dealing more damage. This ability also breaks through doors or walls. (wooden doors/walls at the moment)
2. [Shield rush] - Similar to [Heavy Charge], [Shield Rush] puts Dozer into a short thrust forward with her shield leading, Stunning nearby targets and knocking them away a short distance. During the attack animation, Dozer blocks all frontal attacks. Thanks to its short cooldown it is used frequently to disorient enemy positioning.
3. (Unlocked at level 2) [Frenzied Regeneration] - Passive ability - Every time Dozer takes damage she activates a passive healing effect that stacks on itself depending on how many times struck, healing for a percentage of the damage up to a maximum of 5 stacks (current 5%hp/second @ 5stacks) every 3 seconds.
4. (unlocked at level 5) [Warpath] - Passive ability - Friendly units that follow behind Dozer receive the buff [On a Warpath!] Increasing damage dealt and attack speed by 10% (@lvl 1) for the next 10 seconds. Cannot receive [On a Warpath!] more than once every 25 seconds.

Skills: These abilities have nothing to do with combat. They're utility skills that may be necessary for the survival of the group. Characters get two for now.
1. Cooking - The art of turning raw materials into food-related character buffs (+stam, +endurance, +Agil)
2. JewelCrafting - An iron hoop, a piece of bone, a snaggletooth, or even a real diamond. All can be turned into stat-boosting equipment with the proper know how.

Weapon: Simple Round steel shield and a heavy Warhammer

Personality: Obnoxiously flirty and crude to an extreme and constantly tries to swindle gold and help from players caught by the hypnotic sway of Dozers hips and the bounce of her cleavage. Her clothing is just a testament to the scam of looking as eye catching as possible. But that isn't to say that she isn't a powerful fighter or capable tank! Utilizing a series of crude taunts and obscene gestures, such as shaking her rear or spitting on an enemy, Dozer takes a great deal of pleasure making enemies and players alike practically froth at the mouth trying to kill her.

When not in moments of subjective abuse or demeaning behavior she can be surprisingly intelligent in her own right. Clever to a fault, even if acting like a total bimbo.

Quirks: Obsessive about her looks. Loves fawning over 'little brothers and sisters' (To which anybody shorter than her is referred to). Flaunts her body too much.
Likes: Jewels. Gems. Gold. Rare items. Gifts!
Dislikes: People taller than her. Women dressed in overly erotic clothing (ironic, no?). Not being talked to at large gatherings (sometimes.) Monsters that just. WONT. DIE!!
Inventory: Empty (This will be empty for now. We’ll earn items through the game.)

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Halvtand
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Halvtand The Voice of Reason

Member Seen 1 yr ago

You need to read the fine print on the quests.

The Fat King only requires 3 people

Bridge Rat Infestation will involve the whole guild.

I read the fine print on the quests very carefully. As you can see above the amount of people needed are expressed clearly in number of party members. As we have three parties and three quests I tried to get the best assignment to the most proper party. Surely, that a quest requires a certain number of party members, means that this is the minimum amount, not the maximum. If not, please be more clear with the instructions in the future.
If you meant guild members instead of party members, it is an oversight and one of yours.
If you did mean guild members you've actively started a game where either all are pushed into the same quest, or not even half are given a task while the others wait.

As a player (and many times a GM) there are a few things I find unacceptable from the GM. One is being ignored, which has happened on three counts before the game even started despite use of the mentioning system. Another is being corrected for doing the correct thing based on the information provided.
I do not have a habit of abandoning games, quite the opposite, I often do more than my share. Do consider my words carefully.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@HalvtandIf you had done the right thing, then I would have never said anything to you. I told you where you needed to focus, and instead of a "okay" I get this childish talk-back as though I'm talking to a teenager and I might be idk. This site has no age restriction.

But guy, if you can't handle being corrected by "anyone" is more like it and you don't like how I run things, then the door is right there. The fact you are raising drama over nothing is ridiculous, and it makes me think about how things will go in the future with you if you are going to keep getting upset anytime someone corrects you.

The quest clearly says how many party members are needed, and if you even read the mass PMs I put out, I addressed already that not everyone will quest from the get-go. But really because the Rat King quest involves the entire guild, everyone will be questing except for those players assigned to the quests that require 1-3 party members. Those people will be handling those quests.

But really man, if you are going to try and put a negative umbrella over my game because I am telling you to pay attention so that you can properly know how to assign folks to quests, then leave because there is too much of that childish shit on this site.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Character Name: Luanne Lockheart

Alias: The Bulldozer

Age: 29

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Height: 7''

Weight: 125

Hair Color: Waist length honey blonde held in a tight braid.

Eye Color: Soft purple

Level: 1

Class: Berserker (Tank spec)

1. [Heavy charge] - Like the name suggests, Dozer gains a burst of movement speed and charges in the intended direction. Anything caught in her path will be thrown aside and take damage, enemies caught directly in her path (limit: 1) are forced along with her until she stops or hits terrain, dealing more damage. This ability also breaks through doors or walls. (wooden doors/walls at the moment)
2. [Shield rush] - Similar to [Heavy Charge], [Shield Rush] puts Dozer into a short thrust forward with her shield leading, Stunning nearby targets and knocking them away a short distance. During the attack animation, Dozer blocks all frontal attacks. Thanks to its short cooldown it is used frequently to disorient enemy positioning.

Skills: These abilities have nothing to do with combat. They're utility skills that may be necessary for the survival of the group. Characters get two for now.
1. [Frenzied Regeneration] - Passive ability - Every time Dozer takes damage she activates a passive healing effect that stacks on itself depending on how many times struck, healing for a percentage of the damage up to a maximum of 5 stacks (current 5%hp/second @ 5stacks) every 3 seconds.
2. [Warpath] - Passive ability - Friendly units that follow behind Dozer receive the buff [On a Warpath!] Increasing damage dealt and attack speed by 10% (@lvl 1) for the next 10 seconds. Cannot receive [On a Warpath!] more than once every 25 seconds.

Weapon: Simple Round steel shield and a heavy Warhammer

Personality: Obnoxiously flirty and crude to an extreme and constantly tries to swindle gold and help from players caught by the hypnotic sway of Dozers hips and the bounce of her cleavage. Her clothing is just a testament to the scam of looking as eye catching as possible. But that isn't to say that she isn't a powerful fighter or capable tank! Utilizing a series of crude taunts and obscene gestures, such as shaking her rear or spitting on an enemy, Dozer takes a great deal of pleasure making enemies and players alike practically froth at the mouth trying to kill her.

When not in moments of subjective abuse or demeaning behavior she can be surprisingly intelligent in her own right. Clever to a fault, even if acting like a total bimbo.

Quirks: Obsessive about her looks. Loves fawning over 'little brothers and sisters' (To which anybody shorter than her is referred to). Flaunts her body too much.
Likes: Jewels. Gems. Gold. Rare items. Gifts!
Dislikes: People taller than her. Women dressed in overly erotic clothing (ironic, no?). Not being talked to at large gatherings (sometimes.) Monsters that just. WONT. DIE!!
Inventory: Empty (This will be empty for now. We’ll earn items through the game.)

The abilities in the "Skills" section are non-combat, so if she likes cooking, wood-carving, fishing, etc. These are utility skills that can be helpful for the group.

Make those changes and resend it to me. I'll be in a no cell phone environment so you may have to wait until I finish training for me to approve her.

This is my last day so I'll be a little more active because the next days will be me moving to greener pastures.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Halvtand
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Halvtand The Voice of Reason

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Holy SoldierCheers, mate.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Holy Soldier

With all due respect, I believe the point that our guild leader was attempting to make is that there doesn't seem to be two quests designed for two groups. We have a mission for one team, one for a solo and one that requires everyone.

Doesn't really leave team 2 with a lot to do; either it would be to dangerous for us to go without team 1 or it would simply be overkill.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Bright_OpsAre you saying that you feel the teams are weak and imbalanced? Because the quests were originally designed for a 1 six person team. We obviously have more than six people now, but by completing one quest, more unlock. But if you have a concern, put it forward because I am not seeing it.

We just started this game, teams are just being assigned quests, and already people are talking about it before it has even begun.

I was trying to give the guild leader a purpose because it would be pointless for a guild leader to exist if the GM made all the IC-admin decisions and not the guild leader. It takes cooperation between the GL and the GM to make it work, and if I got a GL who can't cooperate or who wants to whine and fuss about nothing, then I don't want him. Because that will just create drama for no reason. I don't want to have drama for every single thing that happens.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Halvtand Edited it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


GM Mass PM,

Hey all, I am almost online. I'm just getting back from training. I will assign the quests until we have a vote for the next guild leader. I may actually consider either Reavus and Gwendolyn since they were second and third in the voting. So it'll be a vote between those two.

But that will be when I get home, which should be in...30 min. Hopefully less.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Holy Soldier

This isn't a personal attack against you or anything. I'm also not saying that the teams are unbalanced. It's more a point of asking what you mean by difficultly 'everyone' do you mean the whole guild or just a single party?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Bright_OpsI never took it as a personal attack. Everyone means everyone. I cannot do anything for people who over-think things. Do not over-think. It is exactly what it says.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Holy Soldier

Okay... that makes sense. It does kind of mean that if the guild leader decides to split people up to tackle the other quests, Team 2 is kind of on its own for now...

Permission to take Team 2 on something of a training/team building exercise? A chance to get to know each other and all that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Bright_OpsEveryone is going to be doing the Rat King Quest. Team 2 will not have time to do such things. I will say this again. The only people who will not be in the Rat King quest are the people in the King's quest and the Stolen Daughter.

If anyone else is still extremely confused on how this is all going to go down, please let me know.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Holy Soldier

Oh! Sorry, when you said 'Everyone' I thought you meant everyone as in all the parties instead of everyone who wasn't already in a mission.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


GM Mass PM,

All right; so I'm finally online. I'm going to break the quests down using a randomizer. Of course, First Party gets priority. Since I believe the First Party tank has left the game, that opens his slot up to the tank of Second Party. This will move Shama Molokai to First Party and when @Zelosse gets Lockheart all edited and such, then she'll be the second party tank. I apologize to @Legion02 because poor Salzar is still alone in Third Party lol, but I'm certain that it won't be for long.

But yes, I'll have the Quest Roster posted here in a few minutes to give everyone a mental picture of how this is all going to go, which will hopefully, fix any confusion.

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