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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Name: Kerylun
Level: 1
Race: Gargoyle
Class: Archer
Date/Time: Day 2? / Morning
Location: The Fat King's Castle - Yew Tree Court
Tagging: @Cyrania @Ashevelendar

"Why not search for this nasty passages ? If there's a secret opening hidden being a painting, a mirror, a bookshelf or a hatch in the floor I could find it by stomping on or excessively leaning against it. Purely accidentally, of couse." The gargoyle smirked up to both his pointy ears. "Officially none of this should be there, so noone can really accuse me of something, can he ? Once we've discovered one entrance we can reveal the entire network. The architect of those secret passages would have been rather stupid not to connect all of them to each other."

Slowly, the giant creature started thudding along. "I have to agree, let's go. The most dangerous time for the two lads and ladies is while we're not present at all. Gwen ? Just tell me when you need a lift."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyrania
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Name: Gwendolyn
Level: 1
Race: Elf
Class: White Mage
Date/Time: Day 2? / Morning
Location: The Fat King's Castle - Yew Tree Court (Moving towards royal quarters)
Tagging: @Fetzen @Ashevelendar

Gwen chuckled at the image of the "accident-prone" gargoyle falling into suddenly revealed passages , then whispered as she walked, "Go ahead and do that while I investigate the servants. The passages would be here from the days when sieges were common and the royal family might need an escape out of the castle, so be careful of what could be in there beside impostors. Try to stay within hollering range though in case you need assistance, I could probably sneak away easily enough. What animal sound can you make? That could be our signal. Also, as you go about your 'accidental' discoveries, please don't break anything too expensive. The king might take all damages out of our reward."

Then the elf turned to Shama, "Any more thoughts? What animal sounds can you do? If the king keeps you and the other royals in the castle, a signal for if anything goes wrong on your end would be a good idea."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ashevelendar
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Ashevelendar Linde Service Desk

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Shama Molokai
Level: 1
Race: Orc
Class: Knight
Date/Time: Day 2 ? / Morning
Location: The Fat King's Castle - Yew Tree Court
Tagging: -

Shama nodded each time Gwen finished a sentence. "[color=yellow] Everything sounds good. I'll try to teach the royals a few moves with a dagger. That may save their lives if I am preoccupied with other dangers. About those secret passages , I'll look for them. I was thinking to keep both royals near me the whole time. Maybe even lock us three in a room with no windows , block the door and then wait. If any secret passages open , I'll see it / hear it open before they kidnap the royals.
Animal sounds ? I know how to make a wolf sound. A howl of death. I call it War Cry. It will be loud enough for you two to hear it , believe me. I was thinking. What if I prepare a poison that will make both royals sleep ? They would be harder to move but easier to protect without them moving too much. How does that sound Gwen , Kerylun ?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Name: Kerylun
Level: 1
Race: Gargoyle
Class: Archer
Date/Time: Day 2? / Morning
Location: The Fat King's Castle - Yew Tree Court
Tagging: @Cyrania @Ashevelendar

Kerylun turned his attention towards the Orcish woman and slightly cleared his throat. It was a purely artificial move, there wasn't anything real actually clogging his windpipe. "Erm... Let them both sleep ? What should be the benefit of this ? If they're crazy maniacs that are addicted with peril or a super annoying combination of gossipy persons, maybe, but otherwise I don't see any real use in such a move that would compensate the risks. Are you sure you could move them on your own if it should become necessary ? What if one of them is a huge, fat, chunky bastard ?" The gargoyle spoke out this words after having reassured himself that noone he considered dangerous with regard to this was listening. "As for a sound... erm... I'm not good at imitating animals. However the top level of an usual belltower is quite accessible from outside so the sound is not impeded. If there's a hidden signal that should be heard in a very large area and I'm still able to fly, I should be able to toll the bells manually."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyrania
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Name: Gwendolyn
Level: 1
Race: Elf
Class: White Mage
Date/Time: Day 2? / Morning
Location: The Fat King's Castle - Yew Tree Court (Moving towards royal quarters)
Tagging: @Fetzen @Ashevelendar

"OK then, any summons for help will be heard by every servant and clearly be a signal. Probably should keep those to major emergencies then. A gaggle of curious or panicked servants have never worsened a problem or hidden a spy before." Gwen replied, her snarkiness laid on thick. Then she shrugged, "Maybe we can figure out signals less alarming later. On the potion idea, I agree with Kerylun. I think the royals would be more use awake myself. Only use the sleeping potion if they get over-hysterical and won't calm down. Otherwise, try to use them on any infiltrators you apprehend, we do need some alive to question. And if that's all, we should meet up with the royals." Then with a flourish of her cape, Gwendolyn walked towards the king's presence chamber with her teammates hopefully behind her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Bridge Rat Infestation


From left to right: Willards (mini-bosses); Plague Rats (minions); Rat King (Boss)


  • Work as a unit to kill all the Willards to reveal the location of the Rat King.
  • Discover where the Rat King is hiding.
  • Save as many innocents as you can.
  • Destroy the Rat King and save Bridegwater.


The rules are simple. Everyone is free to destroy as many rat minions as you want. I did not set a specific number to rat minions because regardless if I did with how many people are in this game, people will wind up killing 100+ if not 1,000+ rats any way.

1. Mini Boss & Boss. The GM will reveal when a Willard has appeared and control the Willard. You may notice the behavior of the rats change when the Willard is present.
2. The Rat King. The Rat King won't appear until all of his officers are destroyed, ie. the Willards. It is unknown how many Willards there are. Basically, as many as the GM sees fit to create the right amount of drama. Currently, the Rat King's presence is unknown.
3. Civilians. The GM may manifest an innocent. You do not create innocents to save. The GM will. If a team ignores saving a civilian or fails to save the civilian from the rats, then it may bring about a consequence that may not affect the current mission, but the story and how the NPCs perceive the heroes.
4. Read these rules. Some of you may need to read this slowly, thoroughly and more than once. These rules are here for you to refer back to. If you follow these rules, then there won't be any problems and you will enjoy a fun scenario. Be advised that more rules may be added.

Outside the tavern there were several Bridgewater natives running in mass from the east. The sound that bombarded the tavern was complete terror that caused even the windows to shake. No had to climb onto the back of a wagon to avoid being ran over by panicked citizens.

Rats in the market!

They're eating everything! Even people!

The dragon stroked his chin until he felt the wagon jerk, causing him to briefly lose his balance. He flailed his arms until he regained it and glared at the humans fighting and clawing for a seat at the reins.

"You crazy meatbags," No growled. He then marched over to the two men fighting and gave them a boot to their frightened foreheads. "If you're not driving this wagon into battle, then you don't deserve to flee with it! Piss off before I roast you alive!"

The men whimpered and fled when they saw the tails of fire leak from between No's jagged teeth. The barbarian propped his foot on the coach's stoop and yelled at the tavern, "You guys done having tea parties in there? If you're not out here in 30 secs, then I'm leaving without you!"

He then grumbled to himself, "Not like I need their slow asses any way."

He then forgot to mention, as he made sure to do so with a pleased (self-pat) smile: "I got us a riiiide~"

No fell into his imagination as he peered down at the rickety wagon and the old and patchy horse. He imagined a chariot and the horse to be several years younger and in its prime.

"This will be the chariot that will make my new legend!" he declared with a grin. "I will ride into battle, trampling all in my path! Ride until this old horse dies on its last, sprinting breath!"

It sounded epic at least.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Fat King

Other Aids


  • Protect the Queen and Princess.
  • Discover who the Bridge Lord impostors are.
  • Apprehend or kill if necessary the Bridge Lord impostors.


1. Servants. This scenario is mostly challenging because the players do not know who is the impostor and who isn't. Unfortunately, there isn't that much action in this scenario. This scenario challenges the psychology and the characters' abilities to discern friend from foe. Players can utilize NPC servants if necessary for their posts, but there will be servants who play a key role in the scenario controlled by the GM.
2. Decisions. The decisions your characters make in this scenario can dramatically effect the game. The correct decisions are not going to be revealed or given to you, so you'll have to do your best. Whatever happens happens.
3. Explore. Feel free to explore the castle. Characters may uncover clues.
4. Bridge Lords. The Bridge Lords are aware that the king hired some mercenaries to protect his castle and family. They know who you are, but you don't know who they are. Be careful traversing the castle alone, they may take advantage of an opportunity to catch your character off guard and end his/her life.
5. Read the rules. Some of you may need to read this slowly, thoroughly and more than once. These rules are here for you to refer back to. If you follow these rules, then there won't be any problems and you will enjoy a fun scenario. Be advised that more rules may be added.

There were thick smells of roasted meat, baked bread, and pungent spices warming the air with a delicious aroma. There was the clatter of plates and chime of glasses as the servants prepared The Great Hall for dinner, briskly moving in and out of the kitchen. There were several platters covered beneath silver lids decorating a table with a crimson tablecloth. A line of silverware was being laid out starting at the plate and branching outwards. The cloth napkins were being arranged into fancy fan-like patterns within a golden bangle.

The queen and the princess were to be down soon to have dinner, but there was more than one plate on the table. Even the guests had a seat waiting for them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Stolen Daughter

Image update! See below!

The imp glanced up at Alexander, stroking his beard with the same love one might stroke a cat with. He squinted his red greedy eyes in a contemplative manner as he Hmmmed audibly.

"An' what does a young lad like ye be needin' wit' rump root? Gotta case of t'e piles so soon in ye age?" the imp asked. He then glanced down at the various roots and herbs he had spread across his rug. He glanced right at the fat brown root but made no motion to pick it up. His eyes flicked back up to the sorcerer as he asked, seemingly hinting at nothing:

"Ye gettin' it fo' ye Pa?"


Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Trickster


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Katherine
Level: 1
Race: Kitsune
Class: Warrior
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: Right outside the Greased Oak Tavern
Mentioned: @Holy Soldier @Bright_Ops


The man completely ignored her greetings, but Katherine didn't mind. Her attention had already shifted to the man who whistled for attention inside the tavern. She closed her eyes so she could better focus on her hearing. Her ears twitched as she honed in on the sound of his voice, and she listened.

Alright people, we've got a plan of attack.

This was an invaluable hunting skill she had picked up in the wild. Listening to her prey's heavy breathing as it ran for its life, the sound of fallen leaves and small branches crunching underneath its feet, all the while filtering out any noise that wasn't of immediate concern to her. Tracking down her prey was more about listening than it was about chasing it.

As the man continued talking, the noise outside increased. She slowed down her breathing and started filtering out the noise around her. Overlapping chatter, laughter, footsteps all around, the screams of sheer horror coming from the east.

Wait, what...? Her eyes snapped open to the sight of a sea of people fleeing en masse from the east.

Rats in the market!

They're eating everything! Even people!

Those better be some bigass rats. Half of her was concerned about the damage these rats were causing. The other half was imagining the feast they would make. She licked her lips, anticipating breakfast.

The man from before climbed onto the back of a wagon to protect himself against the oncoming crowd. Brave man. She thought, almost sarcastically. Impulsive, probably not the brightest, but brave nonetheless. Figuring it would provide more protection than a wagon, she grabbed her spear and scurried inside the tavern. She could hear him from inside the tavern fighting off the crowd.

If you're not driving this wagon into battle, then you don't deserve to flee with it! Piss off before I roast you alive!

You're expecting to drive a wagon through a massive crowd of panicked, fleeing people? She sighed and shook her head silently. Definitely not the brightest. She was, however, impressed that the men who attempted to climb on the wagon, scared for their lives as they were, actually took his words to heart and fled from him. Sure, from what she had seen of the man, he looked intimidating, but was he that intimidating?

You guys done having tea parties in there? If you're not out here in 30 secs, then I'm leaving without you!

She walked silently towards the group of people on the meeting spot she assumed to be the rest of the party. Impulsive, hotheaded, boastful, impatient-

I got us a riiiide~

... and a complete idiot. She smiled deviously. I'm going to have fun with this guy. She turned her attention to the rest of the party, speaking to no one in particular. "He really is going to try to drive that thing through a massive crowd of people, isn't he?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Name: Keith
Level: 1
Race: Human
Class: Warlock
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: The Meeting Spot in the main lounge of the Greased Oak/Bridge Rat Infestation/Out the front of the Greased Oak.
Tagging: @liferusher@JackalopeLove@Raizin@Ayemdar@Vec@Zelosse@Trickster@knighthawk@Zelosse@liferusher@Holy Soldier

With the plan outlined and people getting their wits together, Keith glanced over at the two women that had offered him their services... on the field the battle. The fact that one of them was in a very interesting position did catch his attention, but he reacted to it as if it was a common sight for him to see... He had seen quite a lot of different things after all. "If you're able to kill vermin you're both more then qualified to come with. If you can do so without dying painfully is what I consider an optional bonus." He answered with a surprisingly high amount of cheer. Dark humor was good humor after all.

"You guys done having tea parties in there? If you're not out here in 30 secs, then I'm leaving without you!"

Sighing a little as the yell from the apron wearing fool managed to be heard over the classic sounds of 'Help us!', 'We're being eaten alive!' ect, Kieth let out a whistle as he simply said "You all heard the dumb ass. You have thirty seconds to be out the door people." With nothing more to say, Keith rolled his shoulders before walking towards the door and stepping outside, waiting to see who would follow him.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Cyrania
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Name: Gwendolyn
Level: 1
Race: Elf
Class: White Mage
Date/Time: Day 2? / Morning
Location: The Fat King's Castle - Great Hall
Tagging: @Fetzen @Ashevelendar

It wasn't until they reached the great hall that Gwendolyn realized something, "Oh that's right. The king's gone already. Why have I've been so stupid as to forget that? Maybe I thought that the king hadn't gone on his trip yet, so... Ugh, focus on the now. Looks like we'll have to rely on plan B." Then Gwen sat down at one of the empty seats, hoping that one of the royal pair would be able to scream if were apprehended down the stairs and with her hood still up to obscure her face. If she was to successfully infiltrate the servants, she would have to be as unrecognizable as possible. And judging from the servants visible, the simplest way would be to pass herself off as a human.

The elf then glanced at the offered food and pondered, "What's the chance of this being poisoned? Always a small chance, though a deadly poison would be unlikely. Their stated purpose is to rob and kidnap and for those types, murder is usually reserved for people who severely threaten their operation, which we haven't become...yet. Sleeping potion is another matter. They would certainly get the royals that way, though they probably haven't had enough time yet to find all the major treasures. Shama said she could make a sleeping potion, maybe she would know of a way to detect and/or neutralize them." Her eyes swept the room, looking for any suspicious signs. Seeing none within whisper-hearing range, Gwen leaned towards Shama and whispered, "You said you know something about sleeping potions, right? Can you also detect them if they were inserted in food or drink?" As she waited for a response, her eyes kept flicking about the room, looking for anything that would mark someone a potential suspect.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 5 days ago

The gargoyle scanned the hall they were in. What a magnificent castle this king had! Kerylun could not help himself but wonder how the gargoyles here would look like if there were any. Normally these statues were used to drain water from roofs or the like, but the more modern alternative was to use nothing but extensive pipework. Unlike Gwendolyn who appeared to be quite fond of her hood - at this point he had no idea if this could be considered inpolite along members of the higher classes or not, so he didn't say anything -, he did hardly make any effort to conceal who he was. To his defense it should probably be added that trying to hide was a bit difficult for someone who was close to 10 feet and putting half a ton on the red carpet. Of course, he could have started acting as a statue right here, right now, but that would have required him to take off his clothes first. Now that would be offensive! But interestingly only as long as his transition to a statue was not completed. After this, it would suddenly be okay again. Human society... strange things were happening...

Kerylun leaned down towards the elf so he could speak to her by whispering. "Erm... Do you think these chairs are suitable for me ? I don't want to break something before our business here has even started." On the other hand... the chairs had been placed there for the guests. That food looked delicious, but the gargoyle was aware that poisoning was yet another threat to add to their list. "We should seek the queen's and the princess' cooperation and perhaps let them exchange plates with others and then extract some probes. I doubt that everyone would be poisoned."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Level: 1
Race: Human
Class: Archer
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: Main hall of the Greased Oak
@Bright_Ops@Zelosse@Trickster@Holy Soldier

"Ugggh, heavy..."

Chino had been comfortably seated untill now but this meat had just ruined it all! Chino her neck made weird noises and they weren't good ones. She might die the coming minute, well there went her unfaithful life. She didn't even experience her first kiss or get kids yet! She was still so young to die.

"You're breaking my neck meat."

Chino dropped her head forwards to escape from the two balls behind her. She stood on the ground now looking quite disgusted by the woman who tried to kill her. She took her coffee and took a sip. It was sweet enough luckily. She didn't want anyone to take her as unprofessional after having seen her falter by coffee.

The man spoke back, if they were able to kill stuff they would be kindly invited with him and the others. So meat was new to this tavern too? Chino gave him a small smile and a nod to accept on coming with him. From outside they could all hear someone yelling at them. They would get their buts kicked if they didn't come quick. Chino gulped her coffee down with a disgusted expression and rose her hand in the air as she let out a for others high pitched voice.

"Okay okay!~"

Chino stepped outside and watched the maid dragon standing on his cart. Another girl was right besides her commenting on how he was gonna drive the cart through the citizen they were suppose to safe.

"I bet he is the type to kill the ones we are helping instead of the enemy by accident."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ayemdar
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Raven
Level: 1
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Assassin
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: Outside the Greased Oak Tavern/ The wagon
Mentioned: @Holy Soldier @Bright_Ops @liferusher @Trickster

Raven heard the chaos coming from outside the tavern. Even with all the noise, she could hear No's boasting. Then Keith said, You all heard the dumb ass. You have thirty seconds to be out the door people. Raven chuckled and walked outside to the wagon, with a pep in her step. She ached to kill, and didn't really care what.

I bet he is the type to kill the ones we are helping instead of the enemy by accident. Raven looked around to find a small girl. Raven couldn't help but laugh at the child coming along. "Sweetie, it wouldn't be an accident if he did. Or for most of us, I bet." Raven spoke condescendingly to Chino. She gave the girl a smirk and turned away like there were many more important things for Raven to focus on. She figured she'd have to be saving the girl's ass at some point, even though it probably wouldn't be worth it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Trickster


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Katherine
Level: 1
Race: Kitsune
Class: Warrior
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Tagging: @bright_Ops @liferusher
Mentioned: @Ayemdar @Holy Soldier

You all heard the dumb ass. You have thirty seconds to be out the door people.

"And we're actually going with it..." Katherine sighed and followed the man she now assumed to be the party leader, since he seemed to be the only one giving orders around. "At least we do agree he's a dumb ass"

I bet he is the type to kill the ones we are helping instead of the enemy by accident.

Sweetie, it wouldn't be an accident if he did. Or for most of us, I bet.

Her ears fluttered as she heard the exchange over the noise outside. She Chuckled at the half-elf's response. Oh I like her already. "You do realize the animal we're relying on for transport is notorious for losing its shit to crowds and loud noises, right?" She chimed in. "That's what my concern is. As for the people he might 'accidentally' kill on the way if he actually gets this thing moving, well..." She turned her head to the human girl with the bow and grinned, showing off her fangs. "Those are just free meals."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 27 days ago

Name: Snoh Bhaal
Level: 1
Race: Tiefling
Class: Hexblade
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: The Meeting Spot in the main lounge of the Greased Oak/Bridge Rat Infestation
Tagging: @JackalopeLove@Raizin@Ayemdar@Vec@Zelosse@Trickster@Bright_Ops@Zelosse@Holy Soldier
Mention: @liferusher

Snoh looked around as he was summarily ignored and shook his head. But at least he likes the men to women ratio of the group. Not just in a sexist way but the number of comfortable female adventurers, but mostly in the sexist way of watching jiggly bits for the next few hours. Then stupidity rang out for all to hear as he made the hectic even worse, but everyone else was in agreement so he decided to try and do his best and set the example.

"I bet he is the type to kill the ones we are helping instead of the enemy by accident."

Sweetie, it wouldn't be an accident if he did. Or for most of us, I bet.

[size=1]As for the people he might 'accidentally' kill on the way if he actually gets this thing moving, well... Those are just free meals."[/size]

He rolled his eyes and grabbed an apple off the table as they all filed out. He fell in line beside the youngest looking in the group, offering her the apple as he summoned his tower shield with the sheathed sword placed in the curve of the protective steel. "If you are afraid of him accidentally harming you in his blind actions, let me know." With that, he exited out and took a defensive stance without drawing his weapon to keep his hand free.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Level: 1
Race: Human
Class: Archer
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: Main hall of the Greased Oak
@Bright_Ops@Zelosse@Trickster@Holy Soldier@Ayemdar@knighthawk

"I don't know if I should be worried now or not hehe."

Chino placed her hand on the back of her head and lightly moved it up and down as she let out an awkward chuckle. The girl that spoke to her turned away from her, Chino gazed at her for a moment and turned her head back to No again before someone else spoke which made her turn her head again.

Something about the animals in front of the car going rampant if they were to go off to the disaster area. Chino wasn't really concerned about it though. She trusted them to keep their composer and bring them towards where they were suppose to go. The commented on what Chino had said earlier. Chino bluntly watched the girl speak. Was she serious? Naaa she couldn't be, she was a cute foxxy, how could she eat people!

"You make it sound like it is a good thing foxxy-chan~"

She immediately felt her presence become smaller when the next person was to arrive outside. It felt like an earthquake to her each time he made a step. He stopped next to her with Chino still gazing at him in wonder. He's soo talll

The man gave her an apple for what she didn't know but she still appreciated it. She looked at the apple for a moment and back at the man.

"You are very kind. I'll rely on you when I have too sir."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Name: Alexander Salzar
Level: 1
Race: Human
Class: Sorcerer
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: Bridgewater - Market - Imp's stand
Tagging: @Holy Soldier
Mentioned: -

It seemed like the imp liked to make a little joke. Or did he insult Alexander by his case of the piles? No, a merchant would never insult his client, would he? Bad for business. A quick glance over the wares told Alex that the imp had quite a few herbs. He recognized only a few, but enough to know that the imp knew what he was selling. The motion told Alex that the root was what he asked for. It looked utterly disgusting. “Didn’t know merchants asked questions when selling their goods. Especially an imp.” He said back to the imp, keeping his tone flat. “What is it to you for whom I get it?”

The presence of the root was a certainty troubling thing, Alex now realized. The girl must have seen it too and bought it. Did he have more than one? The rug didn’t betray that he carried duplicates. Maybe it was time to prod a little more: “Actually, I might also need some fairy stool. Two or three of ‘em, maybe.” The stool was a base ingredient in Alex’s drug potion. But he had no intention to actually buy anything. If he had more than one stool, he could also have more than one root. Which means the girl bought the root and got snatched on her way back. If there’s only one root then something must have happened with the imp.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyrania
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Name: Gwendolyn
Level: 1
Race: Elf
Class: White Mage
Date/Time: Day 2? / Morning
Location: The Fat King's Castle - Great Hall
Tagging: @Fetzen @Ashevelendar

"You're probably right, " Gwendolyn replied to Kerylun after an examination of the chairs. "I don't think these chairs can support your weight. Sorry." The elf felt bad now for having sat down so quickly before her teammates had, but it would draw too much attention if she got up now. So she answered the gargoyle's second question, "We could just taste some of their food before they eat, draw straws to see who tastes or I could just do that. Though, since the threat was about kidnapping, the royals are probably not going to be deadly poisoned, merely introduced a sleeping draught." Then she looked towards her plate, "Our food, however, might be. Killing any defenders would help ensue success. I can cure poison, but we have to realize that it was eaten first and I can't resurrect the dead if we discover too late."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Bridge Rat Infestation


From left to right: Willards (mini-bosses); Plague Rats (minions); Rat King (Boss)


  • Work as a unit to kill all the Willards to reveal the location of the Rat King.
  • Discover where the Rat King is hiding.
  • Save as many innocents as you can.
  • Destroy the Rat King and save Bridegwater.


The rules are simple. Everyone is free to destroy as many rat minions as you want. I did not set a specific number to rat minions because regardless if I did with how many people are in this game, people will wind up killing 100+ if not 1,000+ rats any way.

1. Mini Boss & Boss. The GM will reveal when a Willard has appeared and control the Willard. You may notice the behavior of the rats change when the Willard is present.
2. The Rat King. The Rat King won't appear until all of his officers are destroyed, ie. the Willards. It is unknown how many Willards there are. Basically, as many as the GM sees fit to create the right amount of drama. Currently, the Rat King's presence is unknown.
3. Civilians. The GM may manifest an innocent. You do not create innocents to save. The GM will. If a team ignores saving a civilian or fails to save the civilian from the rats, then it may bring about a consequence that may not affect the current mission, but the story and how the NPCs perceive the heroes.
4. Read these rules. Some of you may need to read this slowly, thoroughly and more than once. These rules are here for you to refer back to. If you follow these rules, then there won't be any problems and you will enjoy a fun scenario. Be advised that more rules may be added.

There were swarms of rats, about the size of medium-sized dogs, devouring the produce, bread, and even linens of the markets that once breathed with fine incense, spices, and exotic foods. The market that was once full of laughter, music, and performers was now full of vermin and pestilence. The stench of death and feces was thick, and to top it off, the pungent smell of fire. A home was on fire. The occupants had set it ablaze to keep the rats out, preferring to burn rather than be devoured. The Bridgewater guards that tried to rescue them were eaten alive as quickly as chicken in a lake full of piranhas - not even the bones were left. On the ground there lie only armor. Glorious loot for any thief desperate and greedy enough to snatch it up, and also a quick ticket to the afterlife for the rats guarded it like dragons.

A child opened the windows of his home, pushing them open to present his face darkened by the ash the fire carried. He hopelessly rubbed at his burning eyes. The cool night air on his skin gave him some hope of surviving, but death was a choice he wasn't ready to make. His parents had so easily given up their lives and burned and tried to take him with them. Crying, he hung out the window from his two-story home calling into the night for anyone who could save him from his aberration.

"Help! (cough) (cough) Help! I don't want to burn!" he screamed. His life couldn't end like this. (Civilian 1)

A woman had attempted to flee in one of the row boats just off the North Canal and headed toward the Bridgewater Isle. The rats followed, swimming efficiently like dark crocodiles in the water. Weeping and panting erratically in her panic, the woman rowed as fast as she could, but the wicked creatures were gaining.

"Damn the devil for havin' these creatures swim after me! Get away!" she screamed at them. She was prepared to dive into the water and swim to the bottom if she had to, but the creatures in the canal were just as ominous as the rats. (Civilian 2)

If the rats were allowed to continue their feast, then their infection would spread.

Three turns until the rats spread into The Square if they aren't stopped.
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