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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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@cloudystar we have two physical tanks, a dex tank, an off tank, and a summoner whose summon will be her tank. We got a lot of tanking,surprisingly.

We don't have a lot of dps now that I look at our little character list. And we have even less utility/support
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by cloudystar
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cloudystar The Roleplaying Roleplayer of Roles

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we have a TON OF DPS, trust me... @vietmyke
and one physical tank says he's going to be the offensive tank...im the defensive one...
but...so many tanks all of a sudden...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Also, only a few of us have actually been accepted, were still waiting on GM to approve/shoot down our ideas - I don't even remember where my character sheet is in this massive jumble of posts

Also, shootout to @NarcissisticPotato for doing the lord's work and keeping tabs on all of our character sheets.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by cloudystar
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cloudystar The Roleplaying Roleplayer of Roles

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lol you really want meat....good thing my guy cooks

yes...we should really praise him or her XD
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ookawa
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Ookawa The professional non-professional

Member Seen 9 mos ago

nice character!

Thanksies :3 ^.^
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Honestly... It might be easier for us to break into several parties, especially with the number of characters we have.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by cloudystar
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cloudystar The Roleplaying Roleplayer of Roles

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aww...less ingredients for my guy
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

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It'll be useless eventually because when the OOC goes up, everyone will just put their characters into the tab but thanks for the thanks! c:

Also you'll never figure me out! :P

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by cloudystar
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cloudystar The Roleplaying Roleplayer of Roles

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...do you like potatoes fried or mashed?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jedly
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Jedly Espresso Drinker

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Reposting Marionette here with character pic updates to her IRL side and skills. Almost 12 here and I'm crapped out, gonna pass out. >_>. How many players are we up to now roughly?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by cloudystar
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cloudystar The Roleplaying Roleplayer of Roles

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

still here and so far looks nice
think around...12-15 players, a majority fighter (damage dealers), handful of mages, and fewer rogues and trickster...so yeah
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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@Jabber Done.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jabber
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@Apokalipse Everything checks out, so let’s go to Mouette’s Skills.
For [Flaking Strikes], do you want bonus damage be based on percentage or a fixed amount? Just depends on when you want the in-game spike to occur. With [Poisining], sorry but this woul require a reagent to perform. Poisoning is OP in my book. If you don’t to require a reagent, you can make this into an active spell that grants Mouette a self-buff that allows him to poison targets with his attacks for a certain duration or set number of attacks. I suppose [Pickpocketing] is fine.

@Jedly@Savo@Lord Zee Pending review since your sheets are still a works in progress.

@PyroDash888 That’s a might nice image that you used.

Anyway, [Trapping] is fine. For Poison Arrow, choose between the DOT and CC for now. Just improve it once it gets more levels. Four times the damage is too high for [Ambush Stance]; you can start with two times the damage. I know its kind of low, but I’m assuming the first attack could be stacked with an active skill, elemental advantage, and possibly a critical blow. We can talk about increasing the multiplier and how it scales ones she gets more levels into it. Also, add some quivers to you inventory. The sample is good, no problems seen.

@vietmyke As for Callum, everything seems fine. Now let’s talk about his skills. [Endurance] is fine, but given how buffs it provides, each will be relatively lower as compared to skills that would solely focus on a single aspect; from what I see, it improves resistance to staggering, defense in general, and defense against physical attacks. I suggest maybe just phrase it as a flat damage reduction skill with resistane to staggering. If you want to make it specific to physical attacks, then go for it. I’ll give you the numbers later. [Revitalizing Light] is kind of too powerful since it scales so well. I’ll lower the percentage and just scale it better when he gets levels into it. Honestly, I kind of prefer this character, but Allune does provide more utility and variety to the player pool.

Accepted Characters.

My brain is malfunctioning and farting all around. I’ll get back to you guys (@Assallya@cloudystar@NarcissisticPotato@demonspade64) in a while.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ookawa
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Ookawa The professional non-professional

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Aye aye, capt'n. And thanks :P

Gonna repost for ease.

Everything checks out now?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Personally I'm all for permadeath (or some penalty for dying), gives the RP a feel of weight; running head first guns blazing again and again can only be so interesting. Plus actual character deaths do provide good plot elements.

In regards to permadeath, I find there's pros and cons to both sides of the argument. With permadeath, our characters would be considerably more cautious about a number of things. It raises the possibility of player killing which, although SAO doesn't touch upon it a lot, would have to be met with harsh justice which would be interesting to see playing it. Y'know, gritty and shit.

Non permadeath, on the other hand, makes death a bad idea but not an irreversible one. It has some meaning in that you could be watching your friends slowly slip further and further away from reality. It's a bit more intelligent and long-lasting but it obviously wouldn't carry such an emotional punch; a la Moonlit Black Cats.

Ultimately, however, as Jabber mentioned, we're having more of a focus on Log Horizon than SAO. Plus it could be said that unlike the creator showing up in Ep1 of SAO and telling them that if they die in the game, they die in real life, the Dark Lord did not mention death at all. I reckon we're going for non-permadeath then.

I completely agree with Echoes regarding this.

I also bolded points of emphasis per my perspective.

.HACK, Sword Art Online, Overlord, and Log Horizon all appropriately define the framework of life & death within their frameworks a little differently— but all of them have point. The whole aspect of “if you die in the game, you die in reality” is a lot more significantly interesting to me and once realized by the players would actually create anxiety, paranoia, and dread. I think it is certainly more interesting than countless respawning. Death needs to have weight and danger— and ultimately I think Sword Art Online’s system is better than Log Horizon’s in this aspect (and probably this aspect alone). I would advocate for death having weight, meaning, and harshness to go alongside the RP’s themes.

Remember, just because the ‘Dark Lord’ didn’t explain to us how death works doesn’t mean it is one system or another— it just means whatever it is, it will be a surprise and that surprise puts people on edge and people on edge do stupid things.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ookawa
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Ookawa The professional non-professional

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<Snipped quote by ClocktowerEchos>
<Snipped quote by NarcissisticPotato>
I completely agree with Echoes regarding this.

I also bolded points of emphasis per my perspective.

.HACK, Sword Art Online, Overlord, and Log Horizon all appropriately define the framework of life & death within their frameworks a little differently— but all of them have point. The whole aspect of “if you die in the game, you die in reality” is a lot more significantly interesting to me and once realized by the players would actually create anxiety, paranoia, and dread. I think it is certainly more interesting than countless respawning. Death needs to have weight and danger— and ultimately I think Sword Art Online’s system is better than Log Horizon’s in this aspect (and probably this aspect alone). I would advocate for death having weight, meaning, and harshness to go alongside the RP’s themes.

Remember, just because the ‘Dark Lord’ didn’t explain to us how death works doesn’t mean it is one system or another— it just means whatever it is, it will be a surprise and that surprise puts people on edge and people on edge do stupid things.

Well, yeah. If you're happy with a rapidly diminishing playerbase. And with only few "active" players, because why would you go out and risk your life when you can just happily chill somewhere safe, possibly in the low level zones when you're higher level, simply farming the low level mobs that pose no significant threat to you.
Or you have suicides...

I see why you would want such a thing, if you also like zombie apocalypse stuff, which I don't.

Whereas having a respawn system, with some penalties applied to it, like losing all your equipment, money and some experience points, would enable the players to form alliances to try and better their world. Of course there are the "bully" players, too. But that is one of the challenges one needs to overcome.
And it might even result in player alliance vs player alliance wars.

From my point of view, SAO does a pretty terrible job at conveying how a permadeath system in what is basically a game, which is made for you to die in, much more easily than in real life, at least, effects human psyche. Especially when a good part of the playerbase is underage. It would certainly create a "Walking Dead"-esque environment, which you could escape from by just not risking it.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Well, yeah. If you're happy with a rapidly diminishing playerbase.

In terms of the RP’s playerbase— we’re likely to have drops, and having this mechanic would help the GM manage such things instead of character’s disappearing and having no imperative effect on the characters or the plot.

I see why you would want such a thing, if you also like zombie apocalypse stuff, which I don't.

My desire for it has nothing to do with my preference for survival horror as a genre— it has everything to do with my preference for dynamic character development, tension, conflict, and intrigue.

Whereas having a respawn system, with some penalties applied to it, like losing all your equipment, money and some experience points, would enable the players to form alliances to try and better their world. Of course there are the "bully" players, too. But that is one of the challenges one needs to overcome.

And it might even result in player alliance vs player alliance wars.

A respawn system without penalty or weight would be depthless, in my opinion, and I think I speak for the sentiment suggested by McHaggis and ClocktowerEchoes with that being a bad idea. A depthless story is not really one that is engaging or interesting. This is all presumption since the GM hasn’t made a stance on it yet, of course.

From my point of view, SAO does a pretty terrible job at conveying how a permadeath system in what is basically a game, which is made for you to die in, much more easily than in real life, at least, effects human psyche. Especially when a good part of the playerbase is underage. It would certainly create a "Walking Dead"-esque environment, which you could escape from by just not risking it.

I do not disagree that SAO has issues and properly conveying it, but that doesn’t mean this RP has to replicate those issues. Though I entirely disagree that the situation would equate to “not risking yourself” when much of the inspiration to escape by completing the game makes that sentiment moot. While some individuals would crumble in their despair or fear and hide, this would not be the case for the entire population on the server(s).
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Either way... you are dying. Don't forget there also is an atrophication angle. A human being can only lie in a bed for approximately five weeks before they start to experience organ failure.

In order to avoid this a registered nurse has to feed you intravenously, to massage your muscles regularly and roll you over every few hours.

Once you finally succeed at logging out you have months of rehabilitation ahead of you and that's assuming you even have insurance and can afford such treatments.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ookawa
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Ookawa The professional non-professional

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<Snipped quote by PyroDash888>
In terms of the RP’s playerbase— we’re likely to have drops, and having this mechanic would help the GM manage such things instead of character’s disappearing and having no imperative effect on the characters or the plot.

I was not talking about RP players here. More about the general playerbase. Cities become wastelands because nobody lives in them anymore and the more players die the harder the "endgame content" becomes, no?
Also... I have no idea why even somebody would do such a thing as to kill players IRL when they are killed in game. Makes no sense to me. Maybe the standard answer to that question. "Because he is evil". I dunno, I'd find it tricky to find a proper reason, but this is of course a weak argument against this.

And what do you mean, there can't be any depth without consequences? Of course there can! Even with consequences SAO was as deep as a dried up lake in the desert, whereas Log Horizon had that depth. A meaning.
You'd just have to search the meaning for everybody's existence in the world somewhere else than it just being "a fight for survival", which in itself is pretty shallow, too...

Still, I realize I am fighting a lost cause here. No matter what I try to say, it won't sway anybody, I guess.
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