Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Having finished his lunch, Jacob got up and brought his tray to the rest of the dirty ones but not before dumping his cutlery and plates off with the others. Jacob still felt really hungry which was becoming more and more of an issue lately. Jacob had stopped growing about two years ago so he knew it wasn't him just being a 'growing boy' or anything but lately he'd been wanting to eat more than he should, and he knew he shouldn't be eating a lot due to his mutant ability.

Jacob was headed back to his dorm to hang out due to him having a spare in his schedule due to him being in a transitional phase between going from training class to art class. Training was way to much work for Jacob and art seemed a lot better suited for his powers. As he walked down the hallway he saw another student that he didn't recognize from around the school. At first Jacob just observed him while he debated whether to go up and introduce himself. Eventually though he worked up the nerve and approached the teen in the suit and glasses.

"Hey, are you a new student here?" Jacob asked out right. He'd rather embarrass himself a little upfront rather than get talking to the guy and ask him later only to find out he's been going here for the past two years.

"I'm Jacob by the way, Jacob Grendurr." he said holding out his hand for an introductory hand-shake.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Calabon2437


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Finding the math room with a few quick questions to other students, Nate steps in to the class and notes where Pete sits, Always glad to see a familiar face. Looking around quickly to ensure no one seems overly aggressive, Nate spots the teacher and heads over to greet him.
"Mr Langer, hi, my name's Nate, I was hoping to have a spot in your class." Feeling a bit out of sorts, unsure how things are supposed to go in a public areana.

Several wrong turns and a helping hand or two, Nate finds himself at the professors door. "To knock, or not to knock, That is the question." Nate mumbles to him self, then knowing that the professor can and is probably reading his mind asks in his head, "Hey prof, where do i go to train with Mrs Darkholme?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Almosegosum
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Almosegosum The New

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Christopher Harris

Christopher turned to the other and noted the hand. He took it cordially, making sure to grip it firmly as his father droned into him. "Christopher Harris - Charmed." He almost cringed at the practiced response. He noted the name a moment later - "I am new here - We seem to be slumming together - if I recall correctly. I was just on my way to the room now." He looked over the young man, he looked reserved enough - the whole nice quiet, guy that lives next door you see in films. Not that Christopher had any experience with those things. Their neighbors were ancient snobs that had terrible taste in their classical music. Perhaps he could be a friend... no. It would be naive to wish such things now. Too many things were unknown. He doubted the young man would want to be friends with him in any case. They wont have anything in common. Nice guy and discredited failed snob. Oil and water. Wont work. He offered a cordial smile nonetheless.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Heidi nodded as Shawn left for lunch. "See you at training," she called after him. Once he was out of sight and earshot, she chuckled to herself. To be too busy focused on talking to not see where you were. It was that kind of clear focus that Heidi was actually slightly jealous of. Usually, everything was clear to her, but whenever social interaction came about, suddenly everything became a complicated mess. Today had gone very well, though. She might have even made some friends!

She headed up to her room. Training was next, which meant physical exertion and risk of injury. Of course, no matter how hard Heidi had exerted herself, she'd never been injured as a result of it. A few bruises inflicted by others but that was about the extent of it. She took off her thick cardigan, underneath which she was wearing a white vest, because she knew today was training day. She began her stretches by warming up her legs, she she began her various reps, squats, sit-ups and a two minute plank. Then she moved onto her arms; push-ups, pull-ups on the vertical bar her room had installed, and finished it all off with more arm stretches. 'That should do until my gym session tomorrow', she thought.

She picked up the cardigan, and then looked at herself in the mirror. She was lean for a girl her age and size. Not quite 'muscular' but far closer to it than was typical. That's why she liked to wear loose and baggy clothing. Seeming more unusual than normal was not something she particularly wanted to do. She also noted that her hair was dishevelled and the sweat had worn down her makeup a little. She looked at the clock. She still had time to fix it if she was fast.


Heidi, cardigan back on and makeup reapplied, made her way towards the Danger Room.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

His lunch didn't take too terribly long to finish. He was running a little late with having been distracted from the conversation with Heidi. She was pretty smart, and didn't give herself enough credit. He knew a few shy people back Home, and she was leagues further along than they were, smart brain or not.

He rushed back to him room to change into something a little more comfortable. Of course he still took all of the necessary precautions, anti-static bracelet and something to ground it with, but he changed out his gloves for some arm wrappings. Keeping his hands still and from breaking upon punching things. It was also a big help that the gauze itself was not conductive. He probably could just ask Jacob to help him out with some wrappings, but he didn't want to be too much of a bother on him.

Looking in his mirror, he realized that he looked like some sort of adventurer, a treasure hunter maybe with an estranged family and a knack for finding trouble in the uncharted regions of the world. It sounded like a video game plot if he were being honest, which wasn't too bad.

The Danger Room was down below. Miss Darkholme usually held P.E. down there, but every once and a while she'd bring them topside to work out in the fresh air. At least he was recharged and ready for whatever she'd throw at them.

Nate. The board had talked about him before, and the staff talked about him as well. He could be such an over-achiever with his ability to replicate and split himself into multiple bodies, but he was still young. He was awful young to be joining a geometry class, but Rurik was not going to deny him the right to learn.

"Of course, of course. Have a seat, the class will be starting soon." His accent was rather thick, but had been edged away after so many years in America. He could speak much better English than Peter could, but at least they had another language to resort to if the boy was having trouble.

"To knock, or not to knock? That is the question."

Professor Xavier could hear the faint mumblings of Jake from his vast telepathy. Words like that also existed within the mind, playing aloud as he spoke themHe smiled. The boy had potential, as did everyone else at the school. Like some, he seemed naturally inclined to be apart of something bigger. The lack of family and living status made those like Jake a little more open to joining the X-Men, or any of the number of teams that the school housed.

"You need only knock, and my door is open for you." Xavier spoke back with his telepathy. "And Miss Darkholme will be down stairs, in the danger room. Would you like for me to accompany you there?"

"Well, I can surely say that you haven't changed a bit, Blake." Emma Frost cast a ghost of a smile to the man sitting across from her. The two sat on the courtyard, a small tray of food and tea lay on the table. "Though, I guess you can say that I haven't much either." The chuckle she let out was dry and hollow, wistful, and almost filled with some sort of empathy.

"You're an old friend, Emma." Booker scratched his chin. The last time the two had spoke in person, he had just started growing out his hair and beard. Now he looked like a mountain man, but she saw something that apparently hadn't changed. If anyone didn't change, if had to have been her. She still looks like the tail end of someone's twenties. Maybe all of that corporate power allowed her to get something to appear so long. Maybe just natural longevity. "Granting you audience with Xavier wasn't too hard. He was a bit surprised when I told him that you were still alive and thriving." His hand reached for the cup of tea, fingers wrapping around it to pull the cup to his face. Earl Grey. It was her choice to use that tea, and he wasn't going to argue. "However, I'm going to have to ask some things of you in exchange."

She didn't bother reading his mind. She'd simply hear it in a second, and Booker knew how to use words well. "I can only assume its something to do with that... what did you call it? The New, New Mutants?"

He shook his head, a smile spreading over his features. "No." He Laughed. "The name doesn't matter, but at least you're on track. There's also a girl I want you to talk to."

"A girl?" She raised an eye brow at the man who was quite a bit younger than herself. "I'm not manipulating a poor girl for you to have your way with, Blake. I thought I knew you." She feigned a huff of dismissal, turning her head away while letting a small smile curve at the edge of her lips.

Once more, he shook his head. "No, no. She's a student with a bad past. Xavier let me see her life from her eyes, and she's not going to open up to me. She needs a woman, someone like you, or maybe Raven, to talk to her. She's showing a little progress, but without you, I won't be getting much further."

Now she laughed freely. "Of course! Just convince some past flings to talk to a girl for you so she'll be more receptive to you!"

"No, it's not-"

"You know I'm only kidding, Blake. Once we come back, I'll see what I can do."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Samuel Andersmith

Combat Training, the place was the one Samuel Andersmith was going to. This young man a second year student of Professor Xavier's school for gifted humans or rather a school for mutants. Samuel or Sam is a mutant himself with his own mutation that landed him in the school. Sam was heading to one of his favorite classes. He likes to show off when ever he can, and combat training was just a place he could show off. Samuel was wonder what kind of training would it be today what forms of combat or what will they actually be doing.

Samuel makes it to the class room then enters quickly and quietly. Whatever they were doing he was ready he was pretty confident that he do anything the teacher threw at him. Samuel wonder who else had combat training at this time as well and if he would be put up against one of the other students or something else. Well he might just find out soon, he just might as well wait for the class to start. Samuel just was going to wait for the teacher in charge tell the class what they are doing.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Tatiana finished with her demonstration from the previous class went to the nurses off to pick up her daily dose of human blood. Which was medically necessary if she was going to combat training, Tatiana's favorite class. After she drank her medicine she always liked to try and guess the blood type, 85% of the time she was right. "AB-, do wish you would get some O- that has the sweetest taste." She rushed off to the Danger Room at top speed forcing herself past groups in her way.

Rose Mary was sitting in the back of math class. She didn't much care for it, as she has said numerous times to the people in charge trying to get out of it, each time a failure. Sometimes she didn't even listen in she zoned out thinking about absolutely nothing. Her mind would go completely blank. Today was one of those days, except she was thinking of talking to Darkholme about becoming an X-Man. Which got her thinking why the name was so gender specific in the politically correct atmosphere now a days. Which made her remember some of the ways the 'milenials' and the morons in charge of colleges/universities try to improve the language by removing gender specific words. She liked that Xavier didn't fall into that stupidity. She just wished his power wasn't so creepy and personally invasive, she didn't feel like she could truly be herself that she had to be constantly on guard from having thoughts that would get her in trouble. That made her despise Xavier and all Telepaths.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Griffin took over as they headed to combat training. He was looking forward improving his fighting skills. He had learned to fight the hard way. His creation had been painful and messy. He could defend himself against attacks for the most part but he was still too easily overpowered for his comfort and he wasn't sure that he could defend someone else. He had never started a fight so he had no idea if attacking was different from defending. He imagined that it would be.

He didn't know what to expect from the class so he had asked Zack to be ready to go to there lockdown area. His brother was happy about the suggestion but agreed. Zack didn't handle violence well. Since they didn't know what to expect it was better for them to be prepared for the worse.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


"Well its a pleasure to meet you Mr.Harris-Chamred. Is that hyphenated?" Jacob said as an attempt at a joke. At the mention of their new rooming arrangements, Jacob's eyes widened a little bit. He didn't know how he felt about having a dorm-mate. On the one hand it'd probably be nice to have some one to talk to on a more regular basis but there was always the chance that he might be a prude and have an issue with Jacob making his silk into clothes. Regardlessly, Jacob figured that he'd just have to deal with it. "I'm on my way back to my- our room myself! I was just gonna hang out for a bit but I could help ya move in if you need help with that." Jacob offered in an attempt to start things off on a good note with his new dorm-mate.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Almosegosum
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Almosegosum The New

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Christopher Harris

Christopher started walking in the general direction of the room, and smiled slightly at the other's joke. "No, that would not be necessary - The help is bringing it over later and they will make sure everything is delivered where it is to be. As for the name... no - If anything where to be hyphenated with that name it'd never be something as... meek as 'charmed'. (He guffawed lightly) I was wondering about whether or not there was a music room... I would hate to get out of practice - and if there is none, I will have to practice in our's. You won't mind, would you?" He stopped in front of the door he assumed to be theirs and looked at the other?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


"Honestly, I don't know if there's a music room. I mostly stick to places I know around here and don't explore this place a whole lot. As for playin' in the room, I'm perfectly fine with it... As long as your good at it that is." Jacob said with a small chuckle. He then opened the door to their room which Christopher had correctly assumed was the right one. The room was littered somewhat with Jacob's Silk clothing but other than that it was relatively tidy still with his plants happily growing by the window "So this is our room, sorry for the bit of the mess. I'll get that all cleaned up ASAP so your- er help have room for your stuff." Jacob said, he wasn't used to saying help as a noun and it honestly felt a little awkward to say it, as if he were calling something by the wrong name. Jacob began cleaning his clothes off the floor and stuffing them under his bed. He didn't bother with his closet as he knew that it was filled to the brim with other similar articles of clothing. "So what kind of powers do you have? You a telepath or something? Oh! Can you turn into living metal! I saw a guy with powers like that today already." Jacob asked curiously.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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GrizzTheMauler a real bear

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Chrys leaves for the cafeteria to get some grub before dropping his bag in his dorm room. As he walks he mindlessly spins a pencil in his hand. As he's been here he's noticed his powers getting stronger, his ability to shift things requiring less effort, the focus needed didn't change, in fact if he tried harder shifting moving objects was easier and he was learning to change the direction of the object, mid-shift.

For Chrys, his whole goal was to become stronger, to follow his late father's footsteps and help those who couldn't help themselves. He touches the dogtags that hang around his neck, remembering the whishes of his father. To become part of something greater than himself. With this thought he enters the commons of the dorm, preparing to shift out to the Training Room.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Calabon2437


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Thanks teach." Nate smiles and moves to sit next to Pete. This should be fun. Thanks to his parents genes and vocation, Nate's mind was always hungering for more. "Hey Pete, hows life?" Nate asks as he sits down.

"Thanks prof, that would be great." Nate answers, knocking on the door. "I may have a sharp mind, but it tends to get me lost from time to time. Plus anything you can tell me about the training we are going to do, plus how you cope with all the minds at once, how you look at the world so nicely when so many are against us, etc...." Nate trails off not sure if he should go on. A dark feeling starts in his gut as he thinks of how his parents would have loved being here.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 10 days ago

Amber eyes opened, as she listened to the squirrels hurl their insults at the intruding threat. It was very well for them this form was far too heavy for the branches they preferred. Ayita wasn't aboving giving them a good scare by biting a few tails. Heaving her tiger self to her feet- paws, she corrected herself. The young mutant frowned at the book and discarded shoes. Nosing both towards the satchel, it took her a bit to work the book and sandals in their proper place. More than once, she mistakenly used claws instead of simply gripping. Flexing a paw several times she worked the claws in and out of their sheaths. Wondering in the strength she felt in the corded muscle under her fur. Lean due to youth she had yet to reach her full growth, but still she was close to the size of a adult. Chuckling, it came out as a chuff, she picked up the bag in her fangs.

Trotting back towards the manor, she chuffed her laugh as she leap over a bench easily. Her legs stumbled every so often, and Ayita stepped on her own tail much to her dismay. Prowling through the manor, she was keen to stay out of sight of others. Lest they panic at the fact a tiger was roaming about. Mutants or no, she wasn't keen on being shrieked at. Her nose twitched at a different scent, and a well spoken voice. Spotting 'Hive' and a unfamiliar face enter a room, Ayita decided to poke her striped nose into things. Moving with a hunter's grace she moved to pause just behind the unfamiliar youth. Listening to Hive quiz him about his powers. He must be new, if he was so unknown. Giving a grumbling growling at this new development, but gave a louder one that was a tad more pointed to warn this youth to not back up. Lest he trip and fall on her.

@rocketrobie2 @Almosegosum
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

So many people were eager for class, it was rather interesting, Raven thought. Never had she seen to many young minds ready to get beaten the tar out of in her Combat Training class. It was an optional class, normally taken by those who wanted to make a difference by becoming X-Men. She also had a basic training class as well, just for those that wanted a little more protection in a world that still wasn't completely accepting of mutants. But right now, it was Combat Training. Time for the heroes-to-be to show her what they had been working on since the day before.

Heidi, Shawn, Samuel, Tatiana, and Chrys all regular stars of her class. They all performed well, but she wanted to start implementing some changes before the new year. She only had a little more than a month until 'Holiday' Break, and she wanted them to be ready for what she was going to throw at them in the second semester.

Shawn had just arrived in the Danger Room, cutting it a little closer than normal, but he was just as ready as everyone else was.

Of course, she couldn't forget Zack and Griffin, Jean-Paul's nephew. He was going to be joining the class as well. A telepathic note from Charles also alerted her of another one, Nate, on his way. They school was easy to start whenever, so it wasn't that big of a deal that Nate and Yeti were starting up most of their things only now.

She waited patiently for them all to arrive before she started to speak. Though she was not in her Official X-Men uniform, she was dressed for light hand-to-hand combat. She hardly aged after all of these years, and she was just as fit as she was back in the seventies.

"Alright, everyone. Before we get started today, I'm going to take this time to remind you all that just because December is getting closer, it is absolutely no excuse to start rushing things so that you'll have as much free time as possible. If you're in any clubs, affiliated with any Staff-Teams, then your break is already looking a little packed, sorry." She didn't sound all that sorry. She paced across the danger room floor, looking at the teens before her. She couldn't exactly introduce Zack and Griffin. That was their own case to talk as freely or as little about as they wanted, and truth be told, she didn't know what much about the incoming Nate. "We do have some new arrivals in the class, though. A little introduction from them and what they can do, then we'll get cracking."

Charles smiled. It was understandable that a mind could wander. He surely knew that after all of this time. He rolled out on his wheelchair past his desk and over to the door. "Well, Nate. Your training will be overseen by Miss Darkholme. Mystique, if you know her better by that alias. You'll be sparring with your classmates, fighting robotic opposition, and Miss Darkholme and our resident mechanic Forge will make sure that everything coming your way is designed to help you in areas where you may fall a little flat, as well as sharpen the skills that you use the best."

He did his best to explain everything as the two traveled through the halls and through an elevator in the far back of the school. Only those with clearance were allowed downstairs at all, but even then you'd need additional clearance to access any of the rooms. Students usually only needed the danger room, but many of the teachers also slept down stairs. Not to mention the hangar, the war room, and various other rooms that only official X-men were allowed to enter. With forge helping, it was rather easy to install biometric scanners, of whatever he called them, so that the door need only look at you and judge if you are supposed to be there or not.

"As for my powers." The elevator door closed, leaving Charles and Nate in the pristine white box. "It's taken decades of training to hear only my own voice. Like any mutation, the only thing keeping you from progressing is the belief that your own body is beyond your control. You need only have willpower and patience to accomplish anything, Nate."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Griffin frowned. He looked to Zack for help. He was not a social person. He had no real social skills. Zack moved from the back of their mind to stand beside him. His brother placed his hand on his should to reassure him. It was good not to be alone. He took a deep breath. He was not looking forward to this. How did he explained their unique situation?"I am called Griffin. My brother and I are new here. We can transform into a yeti or Bigfoot depending on how describe. We can also fly. We have no official fight training but we are not strangers to fighting." He hoped that explanation wasn't too confusing. It was the best that he could do. He wasn't ready to allow Zack to take over long enough to better. Nor around people who were better trained then they were.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Almosegosum
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Almosegosum The New

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@rocketrobie2 @LadyRunic

Christopher Harris

Christopher had been about to answer his roommate when he heard the growl from behind him. Almost instinctively he jumped into the air - re-orienting himself so that the wall furthest away from the sound behind him became the direction he was gravitating towards. Now, almost against the roof, and horizontal to the ground, he looked down where he saw the beast which had entered the room. His head flicked towards the other boy, but he found that he was very much paralyzed with fear.

Behind his wide, panicked eyes memories from when he was younger flooded back over his consciousness - for his fifteenth birthday - his father taking him to a game reserve... being given a gun. Being directed towards a lion. Not wanting to shoot it, where it lay in a drug induced haze. His father insisting that it was tradition in their family. The rangers taunting and aggravating the animal until it started running towards him. His father screaming at him to shoot it. His father's proud smile as he washed blood off of his hands later that afternoon...

The objects in the room began to vibrate, and some of the lighter things began floating upwards, the smallest making small orbits around the larger ones. His eyes never left the beast, and his mind kept screaming - this is not a lion, this is not a lion, this is not a lion... but the panic and short breaths he took did not seem to allow him to clear his brain enough for him to consider that this was school full of mutants and that one of them might be able to turn into animals.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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GrizzTheMauler a real bear

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Chrys feels his pencil begin to start moving. To him the air begins to feel light and he turns looking and spots Christopher having a panic attack. He calmly shifts over to the area.

"Christopher, you need to focus on your breathing. Take a deep breath and count to five, then release on another count of five. Just go slow and focus on me, friend. It's going to be okay." Chrys looks around for anything that could have spooked Christopher and spots the tiger. 'He got scared from that... He can't stop looking at it...' He turns back to Christopher. "Hey, want to go to a more calming place? If you need to, just take my hand." Chrys extends his left hand, using his rather large frame to block the tiger from the startled Christopher's view.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Calabon2437


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"I guess your power was overwhelming to begin with." Nate muses. "It should be a great time prof. I can"t wait to see everyone in action." He pauses, a far off look in his eyes and mumbles, "So much potential, it's too bad they couldn't have been here to help reduce the self doubt."
"Sorry prof, thanks for the tour." Nate says.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Almosegosum
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Almosegosum The New

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Christopher Harris

Christopher's eyes flew to the young man in front of him - seeing the other's concern and offer at help. Immediately, almost as if it were real - he felt a wack across the back of his head, and he could hear his older brother's voice in his head - 'pull yourself together, retard! If you are going to be pathetic, do so when you are alone!'. He could feel the sneer grow on his face, as he looked the other in the eye.

"No thank you (he took a deep breath, and began lowering to the ground) I don't need you help. A slight over reaction at best." As he said that he touched down on the ground and straightened his tie.

Looking at the others in the room, his mind raced - years of maintaining image taking over. Step one - if humiliated, direct focus towards others and point out their flaws so as to distract from your own. Grandmother was always to generous with her advice. He could feel the sneer finally forming entirely, and being joined by a disapproving scowl.

"This had better not be something that happens often. I was assured this would be a quality establishment, and I shan't humor pests... or the fleas they carry." He lifted his nose and pointed his chin in the Tiger's direction. "furthermore, I was told this room was only for two people - and while I do have to share with one, I demand a modicum of privacy - and thus would not want the rabble (He turned his gaze to the man who teleported into the room, clearly what his parents would consider an undesirable) barging in without due notice!"

As he said all of this, he could feel the nails of his fingers digging into his palms, desperately trying to keep the trained responses at bay. The effort at trying to remove his continued scowl had him clenching his teeth, probably making him look even angrier.
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