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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Sophia Harris

location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Sophia turned her head when she saw both Niesha and Meg had come back and smiled at the two women seeing that they had gotten what she had asked for. "It's fine couldn't do much anyway." She said as she took the tube and set it down at the counter next to her. "So next step is to remove the piping, and then clean the whole thing thoroughly and make sure that there isn't any grease in it. If there is a little hint of grease the seal wont hold." Sophia said as she got down and looked at the system once more before turning her attention towards Meg. "I'll need a bin of some kind and some tools as well."

She looked over at Niesha for a moment. "I'll need your help with taking the pipes off once Meg finds the tools that I need." Sophia said as she grabbed the mop and got it out of the way from Meg and everyone else. A few seconds later Meg came back with what she needed she gave her a smile and nod. "Thanks Meg we got it from here." Sophia said as she searched through the tool box and pulled out a pipe wrench and moved towards one of the pipes resting it against her lap and started to adjust it to fit the pipe.

She waved Niesha over to her once she was there Sophia instructed her how to remove the pipe she looked at Niesha and gave the woman a soft smile as she watched Niesha do it. She was grateful for her help as Sophia leaned forward and gave her a gentle loving kiss on Niesha's cheek. "Thank you again for helping me out with this." Sophia said again.

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall) -> Building 7 (Rec Center)

Meghna nodded as she headed back towards the supply building and grabbed what Sophia had instructed as she grabbed a tool box as well as a large bin to dump the grease into. Once she had came back with the stuff that she needed she watched as the two women quickly got to work on their task. "I'll leave you two ladies to it then." Meghna said, seeing as this was pretty much out of her league. Meg decided to head back towards the Rec Center to see how everyone was doing. As Meg gave a quick smile and wave at the two women she headed out of the mess hall.

The smell was getting to her anyway and she couldn't stand it as Meg walked back she opened the door to the rec center seeing that everyone was still there including a new face which was Kris. She smiled towards the younger girl and wave as she looked towards Tatiana Jack and Bazhooli. "So how are you boys doing in here?" Meghna asked as she moved over and leaned up against one of the chairs that she had set up earlier.

Kristina Smith

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

As Kristina turned her head she looked over towards Jack and Bazhooli she raised an eyebrow slightly hearing something about strippers, but she didn't know much of what was the conversation between them and she probably didn't really want to know what it was really about. She turned around when she heard the door opening again and saw that it was Tatiana, Kristina smiled and waved at the Russian girl. [color=cyan["Hi there."[/color] Kristina said with a friendly smile. Kristina propped her sore ankle onto one of the seats next to her as she turned her head once more seeing Meghna coming in as well and waved towards her friend.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


building two

Niesha really had no idea what she was doing and she just hoped she wasn't screwing the whole thing up even worse then it already was. She followed Sophia's instructions, nervously doing her best, she tried to let her mind go blank, to let Sophia's instructions be all that there was. Which was going well, until Sophia kissed her cheek, causing Niesha's cheeks to blush and for her to become even more flustered then she already was.

It really was such a simple thing to get flustered about.

And yet...she couldn't help it. The casual, loving gesture threw her off, She swallowed around a sudden dry mouth, and tried to get back to the task at hand. "Anytime" She said softly as she carefully removed the pipe, starting to clean it, her thoughts drifted towards what they would do if it couldn't be fixed. When it couldn't be fixed. Would it be possible to replace the part?

"Now what?" She asked softly, looking to Sophia quickly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tiffany Lyle

Heard County High School - Infirmiry -> Cafeteria

Again she was sent on a fetch quest. The need for fluids was evident, though, so she didn't mind the trip. Plus, this time she had company. Mike and the girl she rode in the truck with on the way over here, Amelia. She didn't know either of these two, but you found that when faced with the apocalypse, you get to know each other quite well in a short amount of time. Mike held the door open for them, so she smiled and walked towards the cafeteria, hoping she remembered where it was.

She looked over her two companions. Both seemed no worse for wear despite the situation. She wondered what their stories were. Should she ask? Was it ok to? She didn't want to rock the boat when she had food, water, and shelter after a long trek of having almost none of that. She remembered finding the water in that town and thanking her lucky stars she did. She then remembered that she saved the water! Perhaps this community could use that extra water she had. Where did she leave her pack again?

Did they take her pack? She didn't remember. She remembered they said she could keep her things, but did she still give it away? Was it with Ray in the room? She assumed she left it there, she'd have to tell Lyon or whoever was in charge that she had some extra water to give, in case they needed it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Ash Holloway

Location: Building 1, Infirmary

Upon hearing Beni's assessment of the Valkyries, as they had come to be known around Newnan (among other, more provocative titles), Ash nodded in agreement. Reserved and Colorful." he mused. "Again, you have a very diplomatic way of describing those two. They're good people, no doubt. Just sometimes, they try my damned patience. But they're good at what they do. Loyal. Trustworthy. And the both of them are brutal, unforgiving fighters. In another life..."

Ash stopped himself. In that moment, he realize the error or his statement. "No, they're suited to this life. Theme might have been different, but those women are impressive. I just wish they'd work on their people skills."

Introductions in the Infirmary done with, Ash was surprised when Froggy pulled him aside, worried about the safety of his friend and Medic, Astrid. "She'll be fine; Bridgette's with her." Ash paused, putting on a very surprised look. He never thought, under any circumstances, that he'd utter those words aloud. Trying to suppress his shock, he continued, "They traded hostages with us. It was Astrid's plan, actually. I guess Bridgette felt the same as you."

Ash nodded back to their guest and the armed escort. "The girls can take care of themselves. If this other group tries anything, we have their leader at gunpoint. I guarantee it won't be fast and easy. Let's wait and see. Meantime, maybe we can help each other."

Bridgette Vinters

Location: (at the side of) Franklin Rd/Hwy 34, headed west

Woman hanging from tree: Check
Secluded section of road: Check
Armed escort she didn't fully trust: Check
Horse: Check
Battle Sister: Check
Quiet section of woodland: (a little too quiet): Check
Big, shiny weapons: Check and Check

Good! Everything complete. This was the makings of one hell of a party. Or ambush. Probably both. Either way, Bridgette approached the scene with cautious haste. And a spear. Big one. The conversation with the lady on the end of the rope was somewhat productive. It revealed that she was alive and conscious, capable of not only speech, but irritation. Hey, AND profanity! Bonus!

Bridgette was careful to keep a good chunk of her awareness focused outward as she spoke to the rope-lady. "Dunno there, chicky. We've already got an Engineer. And a construction foreman. And some guy my sister fucked that works as a handyman. Be seeing you."

She turned her horse around and took a tentative pace or two away from the situation. Partly because she wanted to see Astrid's reaction, or any nonverbal cue to something she may have missed. But yes, partly because she wanted to mess with the girl check for the young lady's natural reaction. She turned back around, addressing the woman again. "On the other hand, I could use a date to the Prom, if you're into it..." she began in an only half-joking manner. "Ok, you've gone and talked me into it."

"Dekk meg, søs."1 intoned Bridgette, back over her shoulder. Then back to the woman, "Alright, hold onto me. You'll be safe(ish) with us, but feel free to fuck right off if you've got somewhere to be. Try anything, you're going to wish we goddamned left you here. Cool?"

Bridgette had already begun to swing her spear. The rope didn't stand a chance.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Oliver @FantasyChic @Nallore @Morose @Rivaan - Mike ends up leading the girls over to the cafeteria and back into the kitchen area. "Sorry, I didn't get your name, I'm Mike," he says towards Tiffany giving her a slight smile before he turns to the staff in the kitchen and explains why they are there. "Oh sure, have at it, we are done for the day, you know where every thing is," one of them says before clearing out of the way for Mike, Amelia, and Tiffany. "So, how are you two liking Franklin so far?" he asks as he starts pulling out packets of dried soup mixes trying to find just a basic broth one. Lyon stays over by Ciel and smiles at the boy slightly as he pulls the covers up over him. "Just rest, we will get you food that is easy on your stomach soon enough and once Medic is back he can have a look at you and we can get some vitamins into that IV of yours," he says before pulling up a chair and sitting down next to the bed. "Want a story?" he asks. Sana chuckles some what looking over at Lyon playing the fatherly role before cocking a brow towards Ed and shaking her head some. "There is always hope. We don't give up as long as he doesn't," she says quickly as she gets to work on adding more bandages carefully between moving Eds hand away from the stump and back on it for more pressure. "You wouldn't want me to give up if it were you in my care would you?" she asks as she rests her hand on his shoulder for a moment.

@Nallore @Caits - Things seem to be going swimmingly, well not really. The grease is causing a rather large mess but eventually it is cleaned up and cleared out of the grease trap. That smell though, people are going to need one hell of a shower once everything is said and done with it. Sophia will know how to apply the rubber cement, attach the pieces, and how long it will need to set (overnight at least), before the station can be used again. Bridgette will probably be able to fashion a more permanent solution but she will need to take a better look at it. That is once Neisha and Sophia find Ash to speak to him and are made aware that Bridgette has left the town for now. After that, the grease will need to be disposed of - again will need to speak to Ash about where to do that.

@Sigil @Morose @Nallore - Tatiana took a deep breath and walked back over to Jack and Bahzooli, slipping her arms around his waist and resting her head on his chest as she did so. Looking over towards Meg, she winked a bit to her and then placed her finger to her own lips and made a "shh" pout with them. She didn't want Jack to know what the two had spoken about. If it didn't work out she didn't want him to be let down and if it did she wanted it to be a surprise. Sighing slightly she looked up at the two men and bit her bottom lip. "Vill you tvo be vorking together?" she asked, wanting to know just what she needed to do to get ready herself for this evening.

@Sigil - Victor seems content with the explanation and nods before going back over to Beni. Sitting down the two get to discussing the medications and what is fair trade between the two. There is a little banter between them as Beni picks up on the doctors french accent; telling him of his friend that is from France. The two seem alright with each other and an agreement was eventually reached but it was dependent on just how much was used to save the person that was to be transported.

@Sigil @Morose - Astrid looks over towards Bridgette as she speaks to Tryke. She should have expected as much from her sister in arm, a small smirk coming to her lips, just standing there and waiting. Pulling back on the reigns she trotted Edgar back a few paces as Bridgette swung and the rope was cut. Moving with a swift kick into her horses flanks to catch the girl bent over in her saddle in front of her. Sighing slightly as she looked over towards Bridgette and then Medic. "Do you have somewhere to be?" she asked as she leaned back in her saddle a bit. Turning she looked over towards Bridgette and smirked a bit. "Or do you prefer to ride with Bridgette?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Amelia Payne

Location: Heard County High School

“Alright...” Amelia replied quietly to Lyon as they were given a rather simple, but very important task here. They needed to bring the clear fluids over fast.” Thank you, Mike.” She eventually said as he held the door for Tiffany and her to pass. It was rather gentlemanly of him actually. Heck back before all the zombie nonsense broke loose, she couldn't actually recall a boy ever doing that for her. Then again back then( and now to a point) she was rather overly shy and quiet so never really had much of social life.

After Mike introduced himself to Tiffany, Amelia realized that she too hadn't actually properly introduced to the other girl too. So after Mike did so, she walked over and reached an arm for a handshake.” Hey we traveled together earlier, but we never really properly introduced...” Amelia said with a small smile.” My name is Amelia, nice meet you.” She said, fidgetting just slightly out of the struggle to keep the eye contact despite her shyness.

“It's nice...” She replied to Mike's question.” People are nice and friendly unlike the settlement I was in the past.” Those weren't exactly the best of memories, but now it made her feel nice that she had a nice place to compare it to.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Location - Franklin, Heard County High School

Ciel hesitated for a moment when someone asked if he wanted a story. His parents never read to him, and his tutors stopped doing so after he turned 7 or so. So it had been a long time since someone had offered him something like this. Though usually he did his best to act older than he really was, this time he let himself act his age and nodded yes. Besides, it would keep him from falling asleep and give him something to focus on other than the stabbing pain in his stomach, his dry throat and the tube in his arm.

The boy opened his glassy blue eyes, shifting his left arm as if to try and prop himself up only to realize he had nowhere near enough energy to do so. He lifted his head a bit off the bed to get a better look at the man he know recognized was Lyon. He was actually starting to trust these people a lot faster than he would have if he hadn't come to them in need of urgent medical attention.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Sophia Harris

location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Sophia looked toward Niesha as she watched her remove the trap from the piping, once that was done she pulled it out and then got up as she started to clean off the grease residue on the sides and bottom of the trap itself. She couldn't help but smile seeing Niesha getting flustered over the kiss which was always cute to see. "Hand me the tube of rubber cement." Sophia asked as she flipped the trap so that the outside was facing the ceiling. "We then just apply the stuff where the leak is at." She told Niesha as she started to apply it to the small hole.

She then flipped it back over and applied it to the other side making sure that both sides were effectively sealed off, it was a temporary fix until someone could get a better look at the thing. "Just gotta let this thing set over night and then put it back together in the morning." Sophia then turned her head to look at the large bin that now contained the grease in the trap, she knew that it couldn't simply be dumped anywhere and usually grease was recycled for other uses. "I guess we look for Ashton and see where he wants the grease at."

She went over groaning slightly as she tried to lift it up and motioned for Niesha to help her with it, once she did Sophia headed out through the kitchen the smell was nasty she would definitely need a shower after this. She looked towards Miss Sally before asking maybe she knew where the captain was currently and also to tell her what was with the grease trap. "So we managed to clean it up and seal it off, its just a temporary fix for now and just needs to set overnight. Niesha and I can come back tomorrow morning and put the thing back together. Also i'm not sure where to take the grease and was wondering if you knew where Ashton is right now?" Sophia asked.

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

Meghna looked towards Tatiana and smiled at her giving her friend a quick nod, she wont tell Jack it was just between the two of them for now at least. She went to sit down next to Kristina and looked at the younger girl wrapping her arm over the younger girl and leaned back it will be a good night for everyone in Newnan. Also she would have to bring up the wedding with Ashton for Jack and Tatiana, also plan that run to the bridal store just outside of the walls.

"You should probably get all the practice in soon, once everyone has finished eating they will be coming here shortly." Meghna said as she looked towards Jack and Bazhooli for a moment. "Is there anything that I can get the two of you?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


building two

Niesha did all that was asked of her, but she decided she never wanted to see or touch grease again, the stuff just seemed to get everywhere, and she was sure that by now she was covered in grease, and all she waned was a shower. She grimaced as they seemed to finish what was a temporary fix, she rose, and figuring her clothes were a mess anyway, she wiped her palms on her pants, knowing she'd wash them and wear them anyway. She helped to move the grease bin, struggling a little under the weight, Niesha knew she wasn't truly physically strong, and her somewhat short height made it a little difficult to carry it with Sophia.

She did her best, by now simply ignoring the smell-there couldn't be anything done about it yet, after all. She listened as Sophia spoke, wearily standing there, her mind a curious blank. The day had just been so long...Niesha suppressed a yawn, and tried to look like she wasn't tired, that she was eager to get the job done.

She waited for Miss Sally's response, shifting slightly to take more of the weight of the grease, figuring it couldn't be easy to carry it for Sophia with only one hand.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Jack Hudson

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

Would they be performing together? Jack pondered, imagining what he could possibly perform. He remembered one of his favorite songs, and a mischievous grin appeared on his face. Oh yes, there was something that he could do, with his amazing skills....

On the other hand, maybe it wasn't the best idea...

"Up to Bazhooli," Jack replied simply, keeping the small fantasy to himself.

Édouard Riviere

Location: The Infirmary (Franklin)

Tentatrice, allumeuse, aguicheuse, séductrice! As Sana placed her hand on Édouard's shoulder, he finally realized what was going on. It was a classic trick--he was certain of it, despite never having heard of it before. Lyon would beat him down and make him grovel at Sana's feet for forgiveness. He would break him and she would put him back together. Standing up a little straighter, Édouard made a silent vow not to fall prey to Sana's womanly wiles. She was extraordinarily beautiful...C'est un piége!

However, he didn't protest as she moved his hand around, continuing to push pressure on Ray's stump. He couldn't care less about Ray's life, to be truthful. Who was Ray to him? If Ray died, the world wouldn't be the least bit different for Édouard. In fact, it might have been better. He wouldn't have to be holding a stump, and there'd be more rations for the rest of them. It'd also keep him safe from Sana's wanton behavior, and the cruel plot of that bastard Lyon!

"Mai si," Édouard protested, refusing to look Sana in the eyes. Elle est sorcière. He didn't dare fall under any sort of spell that Lyon had encouraged her to cast on him. Perhaps she was the omen of doom and destruction. Of course, Édouard didn't remember that from the stories he had been frightened with as a kid...but it didn't matter. He had already decided on what was true. Facts didn't matter much at that point. "Si je vais mourir, fais rien."

Did he mean that? Of course not. He would want to cling to life. But, he didn't dare allow Sana to enchant him any further. He had figured out Lyon's cruel plot. It all made sense--there was no other reason for her to keep touching his shoulder!

Tryke Lockley

Location: the Woods

Tryke rolled her eyes. She couldn't help it. There were thousands of engineers in the world, that was true--but none of them had her skill. It was a vain notion, but Tryke had a natural talent for machines, any sort of repair work, and any sort of design. Her parents had joked with her that if she had been born into the universe of sci-fi, she would have bested Scottie in Star Trek. For her nerdy parents, it was about the highest praise they ever gave to their dear Trillium Brite.

Whoever you've got, I'm better, Tryke had to stop herself from saying. She had to not be her obnoxious and arrogant self, just as long as she was still dangling by her ankle in the tree. Her vanity couldn't condemn her to death--she wasn't stupid. But it seemed her self restraint had been for nothing. The blonde woman turned her horse around and started to leave. Like a character on the office, Tryke made her best are you fucking kidding me face, entirely without thinking about it.

"Proms aren't my thing," Tryke replied, a bit surprised that the woman turned back around. However, since the other two hadn't left, it wasn't that much of a shock. "Girls are though," she finished up with a shrug. She couldn't help but smirk slightly, but once Bridgette said that they would cut her down, her eyes lit up with pure joy. Finally, the world decided to stop fucking her over!

"Perfecto," Tryke agreed, her stomach dropping slightly as she was both cut down, and unceremoniously plopped down onto the horse. It wasn't the most pleasant experience she had ever had--but it beat being walker bait for much longer. "I've got my bike, not leaving her behind," Tryke explained, picking herself up, as she walked a few paces and carefully uncovered her bike and other supplies from her hiding spot.

"You know what? I don't have any shit better to do. And if your other engineer is a mechie, that'd be cool to talk with them," Tryke said, righting her bike. "Mind if I tag along? Not into prom, but other shit is cool."
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

The Great Bazhooli

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

No strippers? It seemed downright UnAmerican. But perhaps Jack had a point; The Great Bazhooli was very new here. Jack was new here too, but perhaps the man knew a couple of things that he did not. Honestly, Bazhooli was rather interested in attempting to get the entire, classic interpretation of the "Bachelor Party" together, so it became the slightest bit depressing for him to have his efforts curtailed. Then he realized the simple truth of the matter, being that this was not his party, and these people were probably not as colorful as his native clan. This was for Comrade Jack. Jack's party. And as Best Man, it was his responsibility to attempt to make something memorable for the Groom-to-be, on terms as close to his as possible.

Bazhooli pondered over this thought inwardly, even as he hurled a series of bowling pins into the air with the intent of catching them a second later and stylishly tossing them back upward again. "Spasibo, spasibo!"1 he exclaimed cheerfully as the Massachusetts native tossed one pin, then the other at his hands. Bazhooli faltered just a hair as he incorporated them into the revolving wooden pins. Whether it was his own fault for lack of strenuous practice on the skill lately, or the error of the untrained man tossing him pins was immaterial. Doing this a few more times would work out any minor mishaps like this. Not that it was a mishap, so much. Just the tiniest sliver embarrassing that he had to take a hand out of the rhythm for a millisecond to adjust. If nothing else, the Russian Circus was demanding in terms of acceptable deviation from perfection.

"Very nice, Jack. Smooth. Maybe ve try again, please? Hold on..." Keeping the pins going, he ejected two of them from the rotation fairly fluidly. Were he passing them off to another trained juggler, the toss would have looked a little different, a touch flashier and spinny. But Bazhooli suspected that his new friend had zero training in the skill, so it was a flat, soft hurl, both times around.

He continued jugging just the three, switching from a full cascade back to the typical, one pin in the air at a time style of juggling common across the globe. It was about this time that Meg neared the two. In his concentration to get the transition correct (and hopefully knock some dust off of his skills juggling things that were not sharp), The Great Bazhooli may have waited a little longer than was polite to answer Meg.

"Sorry! Very sorry, little Meg. Doing vell, very vell. Am not needing anything right now..." he trailed off for a moment, "...but time to practice, and plan for show."

The other other new person, Tatiana, had her own query, followed up by Jack. The petite ballerina displayed some curiosity as to her intended's role in the actual performance, the follow-up putting the decision squarely on Bazhooli. Truth was, he hadn't actually thought that far forward on what role, if any, Jack would have in the performance, nor precisely what they would be doing. It obviously would involve juggling and dancing, but aside from that it, like his pins, were up in the air. Moreover, the odd Cossack didn't want to make any promises that didn't work out, nor exclude anyone from being a part of the festivities. Especially if it might drive a wedge between a new, young couple.

"Vould love help! But for now, Jack just helps me practice. Maybe ve sit down, set up show. Talk about how ve put talents together, da?"

Bridgette Vinters

Location: (at the side of) Franklin Rd/Hwy 34, headed west (hopefully soon)

Bridgette's mood lightened, if only incrementally. She was still dead certain that something had to be going on nearby in the woods, and now that the damsel had been undistressed (and hadn't attacked them), she was anxious to leave before any potential ambush got sprung. It had already not been the best of days, overall. She didn't want to end it by being dead. Trusting Astrid to continue watching her back, the taller Valkyrie kept her gave outward, ready to transition from spear to sawed-off if needed. Absently, she motioned to herself and her battle sister, intoning, "That's Astrid. I'm Bridgette. We need to get out of here."

Still, she gave minor contemplation to the words of their latest personnel acquisition. "Well, aren't you the sweet-talker? I'll admit, first impression says you've got potential, even if you're not the horsey, stababitch type. Hurry your ass up, though. We've gotta ride. Some fucker's hurt real bad, and we're playing ambulance."

Bridgette backed Cadence up slowly as the new girl got her stuff together. It was her hope that this woman was legit, the last thing she wanted to do was bring someone compromising into their home. Of course, if it worked out okay, it would be nice having another member of the Girls' Club, particularly if she could handle herself in a scrap. Or for other, carnally selfish reasons. They had gotten lucky in that regard with their friend and roommate Bryn, a person of similar moral leanings and refinement. Fingers crossed. It was technically secondary to their overall mission of survival and building up the Newnan community, but the modern day shieldmaiden would feel at least a little depressed otherwise.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tiffany Lyle

Heard County High School - Infirmiry -> Cafeteria

The girl finally greeted herself and Tiffany returned her smile, "My name is Tiffany. Nice to meet you as well." It was nice to hear pleasantries like this, especially given the current predicament. She remembered her time at the school and how downhill it went and how fast. So far, this school seemed better than that, though she was unsure how long they were set up here.

"The school seems to be handling things well. I like the set-up you all have here. How long have you guys been going on like this?" She hoped her question didn't seem rude, but if the school was up and running for a while, it meant they had a well-oiled machine at work and that was definitely needed to survive this. Though they needed to scavenge and trade to get supplies, she still considered it a far cry better than running around outside. She wondered about that other settlement they mentioned before. They traded supplies back and forth, meaning they had things the school did not and vice versa. She wondered why they didn't just combine their efforts, but it may not be that simple. Her curiosity grew more, but she also wanted to get back to Ray as soon as possible.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Oliver @Nallore @Morose - Lyon smiled towards the child as he nodded and got comfortable as he laced his fingers together and rested his hands in his lap. Looking up for a moment as if in thought before his smile grew and he looked back towards Ciel. "Once upon a time there was a man by the name of Rollo. He was a Viking who sought to be a great man among his people as all Vikings did back in those days. He was among the Vikings that ransacked Paris, a city rich in wealth, power, and influence. It was a time that would change his life forever. After the siege he conquered northern parts of France. The people of France became scared, afraid that with the Vikings have a strong settlement on their soil it would only be time before the country was over run with more. That there would be more sieges, more raids, more death. That everything they held dear would fade; poof!" Lyon said sitting there. "Rollo was strong, imposing. People feared him. Like me," Lyon chuckled as he patted his chest and then shook his head with a grin on his lips. "But you see not everything was as it seemed. Rollo was strong but he was stronger here than here," he added, pointing to his head first and then squeezing his arm. "Rollo became friends with a King in England, and the people of France, he converted. He never gave up and was eventually named the Duke of Rouen, with a son there to continue his line. He ruled his people fairly, kept them safe, helped to stop invasions. A simple Viking, ruthless, blood thirsty, learned that it took more than making people fear him to be worthy of ruling them," Lyon said, weaving the tale of the first ruler of Normany, the Count of Rouen.

Sana listened, rolling her eyes slightly as she listened to Lyon before looking towards Ed as he told her to do nothing if he was dying. Her brow cocking slightly as he spoke. "Vous ne voulez pas dire que," she said in disbelief as she finished up patching Ray;s leg as best she could. Finishing up she pulled Ed's hands away and handed him a damp clean rag to wash the flood from his fingers before she turned as Lyon spun his tale to Ciel as a father would any son at bed time. Shaking her head she looked over towards the door as a figure came in. He was tall, darker hair with bright eyes, wearing a worn leather coat and gloves. The man smiled over towards Sana and slipped to her side, an arm sliding around her as he hugged her. Sana beamed as she returned the hug. "Marx! Did everything go alright?" she asked and he nodded. "Seems you all got busy," Marx stated looking around at the new comers.

"Yes but we are managing until Medic get back," Sana said releasing him from the hug. "Alright, I am just checking in with Lyon since Beni isn't here. I need to go check in with supply. See you at dinner?" he asked. Lyon nodded as he kept telling the story to Ciel, acknowledging the check in. Sana smiled. "Of course," she said as she cleaned her hands off with a spare rag. Stopping the story for a moment Lyon looked over towards Sana. "Go ahead and get some food, bring me back something," he said before looking back at Ciel. "Now, where was I. Oh yes. I remember. You see, what Rollo did back then affected a country for a thousand years to come and still affects us today. Even here, right now," he said as he leaned up acting as if he was telling the boy a great secret. "You see, his decedent is still ensuring everything possible is done to keep people alive," he said grinning before he his eyes motioned over towards Sana as the new man kissed her cheek and Lead her from the room. "Cette petite colombe est la comtesse de Rouen," he said with a wink.

@FantasyChic @Rivaan - Mike smiles and gets to work on making broths while the girls get to know each other. A few minutes later, Sana and Marx coming in to search for food. "Glad you made it back," Mike says before turning his attention to the girls. "Oh, this is Sana and Marx, they are pretty much head of security and runs around here when Beni and Lyon are busy," he said. Sana and Marx smile at them. "Hello," Sana said. Mike shrugs as he watches MArx start rumaging for something to eat. "Oh, we have only been here a few weeks. We seem to stay on the move," Mike said, answering the question from earlier.

@Nallore @Caits - Everything seems to be holding for now. Miss Sally looks over towards the girls and thinks for a minute. "Well he was going to see Astrid out at the gate and then I think he was going over to Froggy to talk about some sort of medical trade. Least that is what I think I heard. Might want to try over at the infirmary, if he isn't there could always try over at the Horde Buster in the shop area or at the distillery," Miss Sally said before standing up from her spot and going over to check on the kitchen and straighten up a bit.

@Sigil @Morose @Nallore - Tatiana nods a bit. "Then I go practice, maybe see inspiration? Have good balance, know knife a little," she said before giving Jack a kiss on the cheek and going back over to the Cd player, turning on the music and taking pointe. Turning she began to dance, moving from one move to the other with ease. It took more endurance than it used to but she had made it a habit to practice each evening no matter what since everything happened. It was the only thing over the years that helped her maintain her sanity. It kept her grounded. Turning as she danced she noticed the pins in Bahzoolis hands and had an idea. Stopping she rushed back over to them. "U menya yest' mysl'," she said as she took two of the pins.

Moving back over to an open spot on the floor, she began to dance around, using the pins as extensions of her arms. "Poymayte, zhonglirovat', bros'te nazad,"
she said before releasing one in Bahzooli's direction before she turned on pointe again and then let the other one leave her fingers as it was tossed to him as well. She kept dancing and then stopped in mid move, looking at Bahzooli as her hand reached out as if waiting for him.

@Sigil @Morose - Astrid shrugged a bit and let Tryke get her bike (Anyone want a peanut?) Turning Edgar around she looked at Medic. "Alright let's go," Medic said, not wanting to argue and just get on their way. "We will introduce you when we are done," Astrid said before trotting Edgar back up to the road. Once everyone was ready, they continued on their way. Astrid falling back some and letting the Franklin people take the lead. Her eyes darting towards the woods on each side of the road to make sure no one else was back there and following them. They were about half way to Franklin and didn't need anymore delays.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Amelia Payne

Location: Heard County High School

Well things went nice so far. Tiffany seemed like a nice person too! It made Amelia feel quite a lot better and more comfortable.” Let me help you with that.” Finally she said to Mike as she wanted to help him with the broth preparation. Luckily it was packed dry mixes. She remembered the last time she tried to make broth from well chicken manually…. Needless to say it took some fiddling around with it until it was done. The dried soup mixes were a lot faster albeit probably not as healthy as a proper soup.

When Sana and Marx arrived at the kitchen, Amelia looked at them. She slightly smiled when Mike introduced them.” Hi, nice to meet you two. I’m Amelia.” She quietly said, her eyes focusing back on the broth out of general shyness again.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Location - Franklin, Heard County High School

Ciel listened to the story without saying a word, trying to focus on the tale as much as possible to avoid slipping into unconsciousness. However, despite his best efforts, his vision started to swim and blur out of focus and he couldn't even keep his head up. He was still in some amount of pain, but he mostly just felt lightheaded and disoriented and knew that it would only get worse if he let himself lose track of time. He started counting the seconds that went by in his head, but still tried to pay some attention to Lyon's story. It seemed to be rather ad-lib, but he quite enjoyed it. As aforementioned, it had been many a year since he'd last been told any stories.

He silently watched the IV tube drip clear fluid into his arm. Though he frequented the hospital due to his asthma and allergies, he'd never had to be put on IV before and the concept was rather foreign to him. He knew what it was for and all, but he'd only ever heard of these things, never actually seen one, let alone been attached to one. He continued to listen quietly to the story until his eyelids fell shut and he drifted off into an uneasy sleep.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Sophia Harris

location: Building 2 (Mess Hall) -> Building 1 (Infirmary)

"Thank you Miss Sally." Sophia said with a soft smile grateful for the help where Ashton was currently, she looked towards Niesha and smiled at her for a moment before leading the way out of the Mess Hall she closed her eyes and took in a deep breath of fresh air which was way better than the foul smelling old grease. "After this I think i'll go and take a nice long shower." Sophia said as she walked across the street and made her way towards the center of town once they were there Sophia started to set the container of grease just outside of the building she didn't want to spill any of it accidentally inside of the building thinking it would be safer outside.

"I'll be right back and ask." As far as she knew from what Miss Sally said Ashton was most likely here as she entered the building Sophia approached the entrance to the infirmary and gave the door a quick knock as she poked her head inside seeing Froggy and Beni in the room. "Sorry for interrupting I wanted to ask Ashton something is he in here?" Sophia asked as she looked around the room, it felt a little bit weird being back in the room again since it was sort of her home there for the last month.

"We had a leak with the grease trap in the kitchen Niesha and I managed to put a temporary fix on it, we got a bin of the old grease and just wondering where to put it."

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

As Meghna sat there she watched as Tatiana moved towards the CD player and turned it on the whole room was filled with some music, she was glad that Zoie had agreed to let her borrow the CD player for the evening for the show. She started to watch as Tatiana started her dance and moved about the area gracefully. Meg thought for a moment for maybe even setting up some ballet lessons for the people in Newnan just for more recreation. Another thing to bring up with Ashton and to simply try and bring back a little normalcy to the community since things happened last month the people needed a little bit of fun.

Meg watched as Tatiana went towards Bazhooli and Jack taking the two pins from them and then went back to continue her dance, then Tatiana tossed the two pins at Bazhooli to catch and then throw back which would look really impressive to the others she thought.

Kristina Smith

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

Kristina watched Tatiana as she went and started her practice and leaned forward she was interested, it reminded her when she used to act back in high school for her plays. She grew up wanting to be an actress and wanted to go to a performing arts school before things went to hell. If things didn't end she would have finished high school and even make it to the school that she wanted, Kris sighed slightly for a moment maybe she could learn something after her ankle healed up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


building two(mess hall)--->building one (infirmary)

Niesha stayed outside the building, leaning her small frame against the wall, she rested her head back, closing her eyes. She drew in a breath and let it out slowly, waiting for Sophia to come back out. She pushed off the wall after a moment, and stretched out her arms, legs and back, grimacing as she could still smell the grease on herself.

She supposed it was better then blood and guts. But not much better. She leaned back again, looking up at the sky and breathing in the fresh air there, thoughtful for a time. It was quite amazing that after everything, it was still the same sky. It seemed that the way the world was, how changed it was...that the sky should be different. Yet it was constant. Never changing.

She smiled slightly, looking down and glancing around the area. The best trait of humans was their ability to maintain hope. She glanced to the infirmary door, where Sophia had disappeared. And maybe you needed to show that despite everything, you did have hope. Her smile disappeared, a somewhat serious expression falling over her face.

She waited, because something's were worth waiting for.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Jack Hudson

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

Jack wasn't too certain what Bazhooli and Tatiana were saying. It was hard for him to be able to learn Russian while fighting for his life, so his skills were subpar at best. He understood pretty much the words Tatiana had taught him, the pet names and such they exchanged on a daily basis. However, Bazhooli did him the great mercy of using English, releasing him from having to help with the show that night. As his mind flickered back to his brief fantasy, he couldn't help but think it was still a very good idea for him not to join in with the festivities.

"Looking bettah than evah," Jack complimented, watching as Tatiana filled the room with music, and more importantly, with her grace. Her beauty was awe inspiring, and he watched, his eyebrows raising slightly as he caught Tatiana's idea. It would be an interesting combination between the pair, and Jack continued to watch his love as she danced.

Putting his hands together, he gave a huge clap to Tatiana already, whistling at bit at her each and every move. It might have been slightly obnoxious of him, but he practically couldn't help himself. She looked amazing, with the light in her eyes as she danced around the room.

Édouard Riviere

Location: The Infirmary (Franklin)

"Si," Édouard insisted. He meant everything he had ever said--except for the things he hadn't meant. It was a bit of a complicated process, a practice in hypocrisy, but it all worked out for him. She pulled his hands away from the bloody stump, pressing a rag into them. Raising an eyebrow at her, Édouard was tempted to throw the rag in her face--he couldn't be bought! He wouldn't suffer her womanly wiles! He was a Rivere! He was descended from the great Dorian Riviere, the man who returned from the dead! (Though, really, it turned out he wasn't dead in the first place...it was a minor detail).

And as if confirming his suspicions, a piece of man meat entered the infirmary. Édouard rolled his eyes, seeing the latest slave to Sana's charms. The man put an arm around her, the pair of them speaking in English, and Édouard wanted to gag. He glanced down at Ray, throwing him a look of exasperation, as if Ray too found Sana to be a repulsive sexual creature. And of course, the helpless sap kissed her on the cheek, and the pair of them left the room, a horrifying and gruesome sight.

"Quoi? Elle est comtesse?" Édouard asked, his face filled with disbelief. He then let out a little laugh. He had heard about the countess from time to time, mostly just her name. He never had seen a photograph of her face. His sister, Alisanne, had explained that the countess was a coward, hiding from her enemies. It was nothing a Riviere would ever do--aside from the great Dorian, who essentially, did exactly that...Again, another minor detail.

"Je la plains," he muttered with a bit of a laugh, shaking his head as he wiped the blood off of his fingers. It was too neat as well, too neat and tidy. The more information he learned, the less he believed. He had already decided she was a temptress--nothing more, nothing less.

To think otherwise was pure folly.

Tryke Lockley

Location: the Woods

Astrid and Bridgette. Bridgette and Astrid? She wasn't sure which one rolled off the tongue better, but with the names and the horses, Tryke smelled some flavor of fangirl. They could have been really into the old school Thor comics, maybe they fancied themselves to be Vikings out of time, she wasn't certain. But having grown up going from convention to convention, she felt the two of them wouldn't be out of place there. They were out of time, out of their natural context.

"I'm more of a set you on fire type of girl," Tryke joked, her tone fairly even and steady. Her baseball bat was reserved with smashing walkers to pieces, scattering their grey matter across the ground. But her homemade flamethrower, a glorified lighter and an aerosol can? That was for people. It tended to frighten them, and if they still didn't get it, she'd pretend there was a bomb inside of her bag. That had tended to do the trick, with the few run-ins she had had over the last three years.

Walking her bike to the road, as the horsewomen and the man started off, Tryke followed them. She didn't wear a helmet--if she died from a motorcycle crash, she considered that to be a victory within itself. With her bandana keeping most of her hair down, she still felt the slight tickle of the wind as she rode. And while Tryke realized she hadn't introduced herself, she wasn't too troubled about it.

People tended not to believe you when you said your name was Tryke Lockley. And it wasn't like her full name was any better. Still, playing ambulance? Had she stumbled upon some lost dregs of civilization? Had the apocalypse ended and been replaced with a Viking reenactment, complete with motorcycles? What the hell was going on anymore? For all she knew, she'd run into some asshat with a robotic arm at this point.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tiffany Lyle

Heard County High School - Infirmiry -> Cafeteria

Only a few weeks? That surprised her quite a bit. She imagined that a set-up like this would have taken months to form and get situated. Perhaps there was more to this place than first appearances led her to believe. She would have to investigate further, especially if she wanted to stay here. She didn't want another school to go down like last time.

She smiled at the new introductions, but didn't bother to introduce herself. She figured if she were to stay here for a bit, she'd meet everyone and that would be that. Until then, her primary concern was Ray and helping the sick. She helped Amelia and Mike with the preparations, but she was about as useful in the kitchen as she was in the infirmary.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

The Great Bazhooli

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

Tatiana's idea wasn't exactly reinventing the Big Top, but it had a fair amount of merit. And it was better than anything he had planned at the moment. The Great Bazhooli took the moment to absorb everything going on in front of him; the music and dancing, odd implementation of bowling pins, the quiet withdrawal of Jack. It had been some time since the odd man had heard music. Some time indeed. It seemed to enrapture him. The Great Bazhooli had a quiet fondness for music, one that had not had proper indulgence as of late. It rendered him speechless, mostly for the reason that he did not want to miss a note or interrupt others if hey felt the same way about the blissful sounds filling the room.

His hands still worked the pins into the air. No sense dropping them now, it would only interrupt the music. Plus, it seemed that Tatiana had an idea he could work with. Bazhooli gave two quick nods, accepting each of the pins that she had launched into his growing arc of muscle propelled, asymmetrical wooden weights. He watched her twirl and dance for a moment more, and then fully picked up on the plan - and proceeded to lob two back in her direction with soft tosses. Slow at first, until he could be sure how the young ballerina could handle them.

It wasn't a full act, but it was a hell of a start.

Bridgette Vinters

Location: Franklin Rd/Hwy 34, headed west

Delay over. The piñata turned back into a girl who happened to have a bike nearby, prompting a series of trivial questions to leap to Bridgette's mind that were likely best left unanswered. Probably ever. But knowing her, the tall brawler would likely pop a few of them off after a drink or three. Her predictability to some situations was unpredictable. Or the reciprocal of that; her unpredictability was rather predictable, situation permitting. At the moment though, bigger issues at hand.

Bridgette noticed Astrid scanning their surroundings, much as she had done earlier. So, she shifted her priority to the new girl. Just in case. Generally loud and vulgar, the blonde Valkyrie had fallen into a sort of observant silence. Part of her still expected some kind of chicanery. When the piñata lady informed her of a proclivity for the use of fire, Bridgette smiled. In part to be polite(ish) and outgoing, but mostly because she wanted their new guest to get the last word and settle into the short trip ahead. As they got back underway, she reigned Cadence back to come up alongside Astrid toward the rear. She gave her an inquisitive look, then nodded her head toward the new girl. While vocal discourse would have been difficult, given the circumstances, she did manage to communicate her feelings of confusion about the entire situation by mouthing a single, protracted word: "Wuzzafuck?"

Ash Holloway

Location: Building 1, Infirmary

When Ash noticed Sophia entering the Infirmary, he gave a sharp glance upward. He hadn't expected to see the woman back in Medical, but it looked like she was on a mission. As long as she was keeping busy with her own duties (but wasn't pushing herself or her injury too hard), the good Captain was fine with the unexpected visit. Considering the medicinal horse trading going on in the Infirmary, Ash decided to step away and to the side of the conversation going on between Beni and their own Doc Froggy, addressing Sophia in quietish ones.

If either of the other two men were trying to listen, they would have fairly easily heard Ashton speaking to Sophia. His voice did tend to carry; a product of years and years of making one's self plainly audible for enlisted men. Unless making a point to whisper or otherwise be sneaky, the man could be heard, generally.

"Fabrication, Sophia. Have someone set it up at the Fabrication building, we'll take it from there." The concept of reusing cooking oil aside, there was potential in setting up biodiesel, if only in limited application. Also, the solids would make for excellent additions to the pig feed. It did always amaze the man what those animals could consume without falling ill. But that was a concern for a different time. "If everything works out okay, we should be able to blend it utility alcohol for a decent heating fuel come winter. Among other uses. Meantime, Fabrication."
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