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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sophia Harris

location: Building 1 (Infirmary) -> Building 5 (Fabrication) -> Building E (Sophia & Niesha's Apartment)

Sophia smiled at Niesha getting the prosthetic was something that she really needed it would make her life so much easier than doing everything with one hand or having to rely on an extra set of hands to help her. Sophia looked at Niesha for a moment seeing her getting flustered after her kiss, which was always adorable to her. Sophia then nodded towards Niesha as she followed her lead, the last month just seeing the four walls in the infirmary was all that she could see. Sophia saw Richard walking by towards Zoie's place, she never really spoke to him during the month since she had been in Newnan.

He didn't bother her, and she didn't bother him at least for now Sophia continued to follow behind Niesha until they were finally at the fabrication building. She walked over towards one part of the room seeing a clipboard on the wall with a sheet of paper on it which was something she remembered back in the old days before the world ended. If there was a shipment for new parts of equipment it was always signed off by someone, she saw the pencil attached to it by a string Sophia signed off with her name along with Niesha's she put the time as well as what it was as under oil waste.

"Lets head back and get changed." Sophia said with a soft smile as she started to turn back out of the building and started to head up the street she walked along the sidewalk along Gilbert Street and past the Infirmary. She turned up along Lagrange Street, Sophia would smile softly and wave to some of the people going on about their duties for the evening. Then they were back in their assigned building, she headed into their room. "You should take your shower first." Sophia said with a soft smile as she moved about the room it was the second time being in the apartment after being discharged from the infirmary. It actually felt good to share a room with someone that she cared about, Sophia looked towards Niesha giving her a soft smile as she went towards one of the dressers and started to search for a clean set of clothes.

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

Meghna gave Tatiana a quick nod she was glad that she agreed, she didn't want to see anyone getting hurt tonight for the simple show that they were going to perform. Meg looked between Jack and Tati they were certainly the cute couple she couldn't help but get the feeling that Jack was always the class clown back in school and laughed softly towards him. She was happy that the two of them were really happy together it seemed like the two of them hit it off really well.

Meg started to wonder when the two of them actually wanted their wedding to start, of course they would need to talk about it with Ashton still. Maybe either tonight or tomorrow if everything wasn't busy they would discuss the wedding plans, for now she just wanted to make sure that their performance went off without a hitch. "So what are all of you going to do after the performance?" Meghna asked looking between the three of them.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Heard County High School - Infirmary

Raymond watched as Astrid made her way towards the other side of the room he hadn't seen a phone that actually worked in what felt like years really. He turned his head over slowly seeing Tiffany making her way into the room he gave her a smile as she went over towards his side. He reached out for her hand again, Ray was just glad to see that she was still there he hoped that the guy on the other end of the phone would allow her to come. "Welcome back, glad to see you are still alright." Raymond said softly when he started to hear the kid that was laid next to him on the other bed coughing. He did feel really bad for the kid Ray didn't know how long he was out there Ray groaned slightly in pain as he felt a slight surge of pain go through him.

He wasn't sure how far Newnan was from here, or if he would survive the trip he did start bleeding again and Ray wasn't sure how much blood he lost today. Ray then turned towards Astrid again grateful for the help both from Beni and the people from Franklin and Newnan for helping him. He ran into his fair share of bad groups that would do anything to survive these two in his book were alright with him though.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Ash Holloway

Location: Building 1, Infirmary

Ash listened to Astrid's assessment of the medical situation, breathing a deep sigh. He didn't know if Newnan had the resources for all of this, but what kind of a person turns away children? Especially when it was confirmed by the mere suggestion of bringing them over, that their Infirmary was better equipped to handle their care. The potential of Newnan was vast. It had far grander potential to provide food, shelter, and medical care than it did, for a far greater number of people than lived there currently. But that was potential. The settlement wasn't there yet. For now, they had what they had.

But that couldn't be who they were. Three years living in Hell hadn't soured him to the mission, at least not yet. He responded to Astrid back through the satellite phone, "Hold on."

"Beni, if I may interrupt?" Ash said in a tone implying that his interruption was anything but a request, "You have children, injured and sick in your settlement. Astrid tells me you have little means to care for them. If you would, tell your men to help Astrid ready them for transport." Again, in a firm but polite tone that was clearly meant as an insistence, not a plea.

"Astrid? Hand the phone to whomever is in charge over there. And tell Bridgette to stop harassing the natives." It was just a guess, but an educated one.

The Captain, as he was clearly acting in the manner one should in the situation, handed Beni his own sat phone and immediately grabbed the radio from his belt. "Meghna, Sally... I need one of in the Mess Hall. Prep something for a child suffering from malnutrition - very thin oatmeal, maybe with peanut butter or honey, something drinkable with high calories. Broth maybe, if we have any. Have it warm and ready at the Infirmary in short order."

Ash, during his time as a Combat Engineer, did a great deal of work with his teams building up developing communities in hotter and sandier locales than Newnan. He had seen the face of true hunger, and what the relief workers did to alleviate their suffering. IV fluids and nutrients for those near death, clear and thick liquids to help get the stomach working again. Small amounts to start. If they rejected one, step back to another. It wasn't so much of a skill as it was a protocol.

Whether or not this would ingratiate himself and Newnan to their new guest, he honestly didn't care at this point. Ash wanted to make allies of these people, certainly, but the priorities had just shifted to doing the right thing, away from getting a trade/militant partner. Ash looked at Beni expectantly as he waited for word back over his walkie.

The Great Bazhooli

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

"No no, Mr. Jack, Tatiana. Great Bazhooli does not mean in show direct, but in part of." He could tell that he was making no appreciable sense, so tried a different tactic. "Like eh, how you say... Stage Manager? You handle prop, yes? Toss to us vhen ve need. Get place ready, maybe announce? Come, ve make proper Ringmaster of you, da?" The motivations of The Great Bazhooli were twofold: First, he didn't want to be the big-armed Russian guy taking away the attention of the petite ballerina from her new fiancee, and Secondly, he just didn't want the guy to feel left out. In his old life, keeping a close-knit community was key to their survival and prosperity. Things like jealousy could strain that.

Naturally, his people rarely encountered the same kind of jealousy, but for their own reasons. Many would call it a question of morality; unless you were with a family inside of the Circus, a more easygoing, bohemian lifestyle was adopted. Or to put it differently - the unmarried, and sometimes even the married, had few qualms on the subject of the free and easy dealings of acquaintanceship bouncy-bouncy. But The Great Bazhooli knew full well that not everyone felt the same way.

He wanted to be a friend, not a rival, nor give the appearance of impropriety. Especially in this time of humanity's trials where small offenses could get you shot. Getting shot and pissing people off were not on his "To Do" list for the day. Instead, he changed his focus to the dark-complected lady who was curious about their plans afterwards.

"Do not know, pretty lady. New here. Maybe you show me? Have not seen sights yet."

Bridgette Vinters

Location: (outside of) Heard County High School, Franklin

The sardonic chatter pouring out of Bridgette's new acquaintance and former piñata impersonator brought the barest of grins to her face. Despite being in perfect touch with her emotions, she felt the need to stifle any mirth at the verbal rasping of the man with the rifle on the other side of the chainlink fence. Probably not the best plan ever, but mildly entertaining nonetheless. Somewhere in the weighted dialogue, the woman dropped what Bridgette thought was a name. She was focusing her attention on the entrance Astrid had disappeared into, waiting for her to return, as well as the people in her immediate vicinity. She wasn't trusting this Franklin community, less so than when she first rode up on Newnan. Even then, admittance was an act of desperation as they had someone wounded with them (via lumberjack amputation) and a megahorde of Biters were a half hour behind them, closing the gap with glacial certainty.

But she was certain that the new girl had said her name. "Tryke?" she questioned aloud, never taking her eyes off of her surroundings. It had just occurred to Bridgette that this was the first time she had heard her name. Seems like the kind of thing she would ask. "I think we've got one of those fuckers back home. Can Am, reverse trike. I was thinking of giving her a ride - hear they're easy to work on." She still kept her gaze forward, but this time one might tell that she was stifling back a snorting laugh. "Oh, not that I'd know. I'm a horsey girl all the way."

"And what in miserable, fuck-covered hell is keeping Astrid? This was supposed to be a pickup! Not Crumpets n'Fucking Tea!"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Oliver @Nallore @Morose @FantasyChic @Rivaan @Sigil Astrid looked down at Ciel as he finally spoke and gave a slight smirk. Lyon glanced up as she asked to bring more of them with her back to Newnan. He wasn't exactly glad about the idea but if it meant they survived he wouldn't argue. Granted he wasn't able to answer Astrid and over the phone the new guy Ash he hadn't met yet Ed was being his usual self it seemed and went to slip out of the ER. Rising calmly from his place he drew his pistol and pointed it at Ed. "Si vous voulez mourir, faites un autre pas." Astrid glanced calmly over towards the man the gun was pointed at. "One minute Ash," she said into the phone. Beni, took the phone from Ash, about to talk to Lyon or at least he was thinking that was what was about to happen. He heard Lyon's voice and then Astrid and grumbled. In the meantime Sana had checked on the truck and headed back into the school to give Lyon an update and let him know that the truck would be ready in a few minutes. Turning the corner she spotted Ed about to step out of the ER and then heard Lyon. "Whoa, c'est bon. Il vient m'aider avec le camion," she said stepping in front of Ed and putting herself between Ed and Lyon. Lyon eyed her for a moment before dropping his aim. He didn't know what she was up to but he was putting his trust in her, he had no reason not to.

Grabbing Ed by the arm she pulled him out of the Er and away from the kids and Ray. Opening a door to a class room and shoving him into it before stepping in behind him and slamming the door shut. Once they were alone her fist connected with his jaw. "Toujours me faire mentir pour sauver votre cul Ă  nouveau et je vais crĂąne vous fuck avec une flĂšche," she spat as she glared at him. "Je ne sais pas ce que votre jeu est, mais vous ne durerez pas longtemps dans ce monde si vous ne pensez pas sur vous-mĂȘme. Vous voulez savoir pourquoi? Parce que si tout le monde faisait ça, alors personne ne serait Ă  la recherche de vous. Vous voulez partir, je vous escorterai. Si vous voulez rester alors j'ai votre dos et vous avez le mien. Entendu?"

Astrid slowly handed over the phone to Lyon and he began speaking to Beni. Before long the two had worked it out that the kids would be coming with Ray to Newnan for medical care. Handing the phone back to Astrid he waited for Beni to hand it back over to Ash on the other end. "Sounds like it is taken care of Ash, I will be returning with the injured, Bridgette, and one we picked up on the road unaffiliated with the group. Engineer, she might be useful."

Back in Newnan Froggy looks over to Ash and tells him he needs more hands in here until Astrid gets back. He tells Ash that he needs Neisha to come and give a hand, she is the only other in Newnan currently with at least some medical training and knows the medicines. Beni looks around and rubs his face before sitting back down.

@Nallore @Caits - You two are good and clear to do whatever for now. The show won't be for a while and things are clam in the town. Keep an eye out for Ash contacting Neisha but for now, enjoy a post or two down time.

@Nallore @Sigil @Morose - Tatiana smiled at Bahzooli and nods. "Da! Jack vonderful at helping, alvays finds vhat needed and quick, very quick," she says letting out a sigh of relief. Looking over at Meg she got a bit nervous. "I to good at much, I vant teach, if can. Think people vant learn dance?" she answered, granted she wasn't exactly sure what Meg was asking or getting at but she answered as best she could. Leaning against Jack she glanced around the room, seems things were working out well. Food, a home, a show, a chance to teach, and now she was engaged. It was a damn good day even during the best of times, during the end of the world, it was the BEST DAY EVER!

@Morose @Sigil - Marx watched Sana head back into the school and then glanced over as the new woman finally said her name. Smirking somewhat at Bridgette's comment. "Tasty," he said in reference to the crumpets and tea and oddly sounding like an Australian talking Kangaroo when he said it. Looking back over towards Tryke his brows furrowed. About to tell her about his hand? Since when? "No, I wasn't," he said coolly as his hands gripped his rifle. "But hey, since you asked so nicely. I got burned," he said flatly before rolling his eyes. The truck was pulled up to the front of the school by other members of Franklin. One remained in the truck while two others headed inside to let Lyon know they were ready whenever they were. "Looks like you will be leaving soon," he said in the same flat cool tone.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


building Five, Fabrication----> Building E, Sophia and niesha's apartment.

Niesha watched Sophia sign them in, glad to be rid of the grease, she waited for Sophia, before following after her, back towards their apartment. Niesha was grateful to be in their semblance of home, and she took off her shoes before entering, not wanting to drag in muck. She'd clean them later. Gathering some clothes, Niesha glanced towards Sophia, hesitating. She realisd that they could be there all night, arguing over who should have a shower first.

Hurrying into the shower, Niesha cleaned as much of the grease and gunk off as she could, feeling much better for it as she dried and dressed, coming out to let Sophia have a shower, Niesha ran her fingers through her wet hair, glad to have the mess off her. Knowing they'd have to have their clothes washed, because they were a resource unable to be thrown away. Grease Stains were a heck of a lot better then blood stains. Which the clothes had today, anyway.

Now that they were home, and getting clean, she really didn't want to go out again, but Niesha would, for Sophia. Aside from the fact, she wanted Sophia to be happy, she knew that Sophia had been stuck in the infirmary without much outside stimulus. Going to the play with her would be good. "Your turn"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tiffany Lyle

Heard County High School - Infirmary

She smiled at Ray, thankful that he seemed all right, but he appeared weaker. She wondered if they were just putting off the inevitable. If moving him to this new place would in any way help, she would be willing to offer assistance. Especially if the children would be going too. They needed care as well. She scanned the room and things seemed to be going all right for the moment. She hoped they would be moving soon.

She squeezed Ray's hand, hoping to offer some kind of assurance to him. "We should be leaving soon, I imagine. You feel up for a trip?" He had little choice in the matter. It was either stay here with limited supplies or go to a settlement that seemed much better off. But she wasn't going ot move him if he didn't want to actually go. It wasn't her decision.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Location - Franklin, Heard County High School

Ciel still lay pale and listless, unable to so much as move his hand. Starvation and dehydration had sapped all of his energy, and though he was likely going to make it if he got the treatment he required, he felt as though he were on the verge of death. Still, he remained locked in an uncomfortable state of consciousness, forced to listen silently as the others in the room prepared to transport the sick and injured to Newnan.

He wasn't even really sure how long the trip from Franklin to Newnan would be. If it was longer than he anticipated, he'd likely expire on the way over, as would the man with the missing leg. The broken leg kid would almost certainly survive, though that injury of his was likely causing him a lot of pain. Ciel lay as still as the dead, his eyes only partially open as he surveyed the busy infirmary. He'd already committed all the faces to memory, though he still only knew a few of the names that went along with them. He really wasn't looking forward to moving, feeling like any change of position at all would make him start vomiting again.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✹Krakoan Princess✹

Member Seen 4 days ago

Jack Hudson

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

Him, a ringmaster? Jack tried to imagine it, and the only problem he was his accent. But he supposed, as long as they didn't have too many R's for him to say, it'd work. He was able to memorize the Miranda warning for his job, so he doubted that lines would be too much of an issue...But would he embarrass Tatiana? He wasn't entirely kidding when he said he couldn't just stop being goofy.

His record was ten minutes with a straight face. Sutton had timed him, back when he was first transferred to Chicago. But with the world the way it was, perhaps his record had improved...But with Tatiana around, he wasn't sure he could go a minute without smiling like an idiot still. She was just too amazing.

"Alright, I can do that," Jack agreed. "Just don't ask me to say 'pahk the caah in hahvahd yahd' or anything like that, if you want people to understand," he finished, joking a bit. Meg's question made him stop to think a bit. He had been doing police work for ages, always looking out for people and protecting. Security seemed to be an obvious thing for him to do.

But there was a small part of him that wanted to try something new. "Maybe I'll learn to be a bakah, up to almost anything," Jack answered, an honest smile on his face. As long as Tatiana was happy, he didn't much care what he did.

Édouard Riviere

Location: The Infirmary ---> Abandoned Classroom (Franklin)

Édouard groaned slightly, seeing as Amelia pointed the finger at him, and Lyon, in turn, aimed his weapon. He was tempted to take another step, out of sheer laziness. The entire world seemed to hate him, anyways. Gone were the days when he was the shit. He wasn't a big deal anymore--his short time in Franklin had taught him that. And quickly, he was turning tired and bitter. Why not just go out now, and end things before they got all the more depressing? At least in death, the temptress could not seduce him any further.

"Tu penses que je me sens concernĂ© par toi, eh, AmĂ©lie?" Édouard asked, rolling his eyes. "Le monde est indiffĂ©rent!" he threw his hands up slightly, laughing painfully. He was about to take a step, when Sana emerged, and frantically made his excuses. He turned slightly, his face clearly covered in confusion, and then she led him into the empty classroom.

"Pourquoi?!" Édouard screamed, rubbing his jaw after her explosive punch. Yeah, she definitely was a temptress. "Dites la vĂ©ritĂ©--pouquoi est-ce que tu te sens concernĂ© par moi?" Édouard asked, his eyebrows furrowed as he listened to her. On the one hand, he was tempted to leave, to say goodbye to Franklin...But did this woman actually care about him? She had just decked him, and now, she was saying she had his back? Why did she care? What reason did she have?

He couldn't recall the last time anyone did care about him, either.

Tryke Lockley

Location: Franklin

Perhaps if this were an alternate universe, one where Tryke had met Marx and Bridgette under different circumstances, their remarks would have bothered her. Instead, with Marx's angst filled comments, his explanation about his burn, she felt mostly indifferent. The only thing that she cared to think about was that his hand, from what she could tell, was not functioning properly. And robotics happened to be her area of expertise.

"You want a new hand?" Tryke asked. The parts would be difficult to come by, perhaps even impossible to find, but resourcefulness was her strong suit. "It'd not be nearly as nice as Skywalker's, but I can fashion something together if you're interested. Won't be perfect--you'll shake like Strange--but useable." Of course, the help of a biomedical engineer would have been nice as well--she wasn't even certain she could get the nervous system to respond to robotics. Electrical impulses, as far as Tryke could recall, had been the most they could do before the world went to shit. Osseointegration had never been done to its logical extreme.

But Tryke enjoyed a challenge. No matter how long it would take or how impossible it appeared. It'd keep her mind busy. Her eyes flickered over to the truck, and Tryke smiled a bit at Bridgette's comment. Yeah, she knew that her name was a bit much sometimes. Her parents hadn't exactly thought naming her through very carefully. "Tryke's a nickname. Trillium Brite is the actual first name my parents assumed would be a fantastic idea to give their only daughter."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sophia Harris

location: Building E (Sophia & Niesha's Apartment)

Sophia smiled as she watched Niesha heading into the bathroom then a few seconds later she could hear the shower going on, once she had finished picking up a clean set of clothes she laid it down onto the table that was in the room. It still felt a little bit weird to actually be in home like this. After spending about three years half of that time finding a tree to climb up in and sleep in there so that she wouldn't get caught by any walkers. The other times if she was lucky she would have found a building, and did the long process of clearing it alone before finally sleeping.

She turned her head as she heard the shower turning off and a few seconds later Niesha came out, Sophia approached Niesha and leaned forward giving her love a gentle loving kiss on her cheek she grabbed the clean set of clothes from the table. "I'll be out in like five minutes." Sophia said with a smile as she made her way into the bathroom and closed the door behind her she laid the clean set of clothes on the sink then started stripping down. Sophia turned to look at herself in the mirror then over towards her stump wondering what her life would have been like before the world fell to ruin.

Sophia shook her head and quickly turned on the shower, despite the things that had happened to her she was happy to be with Niesha as Sophia started to wash her hair and face getting all of the grease and grime off of her. Once she was satisfied Sophia got out of the shower it felt great to have an actual shower for once. She grabbed a towel and started drying herself off and started putting on the clean set of clothes she had grabbed she saw Niesha still there and smiled softly at her. "So what shall we do now?"

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center) -> Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Meghna looked towards Bazhooli as he suggested a job for Jack but it was really up for him to decide if he wanted to be apart of it or not Meg ran a hand through her hair as she relaxed in her seat then turned her attention to Tatiana asking if she could possibly teach ballet to the people. She did like the idea only if everyone did actually want to do it or not she could spread the word for lessons for those who wanted it. "I could pull some strings and set up times for you to teach dancing for anyone who wants to take it." Meghna gave Tati a soft smile then looked at Bazhooli. "Of course I can show you around, tomorrow I could show you around Newnan does that sound good?"

Meghna then heard her radio going off it was Ashton's voice asking for some special food to be made Meg then grabbed the radio and stood up. "Making my way to the Mess Hall now." Meghna looked at the three people and gave them a quick smile. "Duty calls, i'll be back i'll send Ms. Sally over to watch over things." Meg left the Rec Center and started making her way towards the Mess Hall she could see Sally there and smiled at the older woman.

"Ash needs us to make some wet food, thick and thin for someone coming in." Meg said as she made her way into the kitchen and started searching around the cabinets pulling out some cans of broth and oatmeal and whatever else that could help.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Heard County High School - Infirmary

Raymond felt Tiffany's hand squeezing his, he gave her a soft smile and nodded slightly he wasn't sure if the drive would make things worse than they already are for him. "Ready as i'll ever be." Raymond said coughing slightly and groaned in pain he watched as Ed started to leave the room, and Lyon taking out his handgun to follow after the weird French brat. Raymond just laid there he didn't want to move around anymore than he wanted. He moved to much earlier and that caused his bleeding to start again which did make him feel worse than he did before.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 17 min ago

Amelia Payne

Location: Heard County High School

Amelia couldn’t help but frown at Ed’s words. ‘ Doesn’t care about me?’ She though, confused at his reaction. Well it was all fine and dandy, but she cared about him... Cared about his actions and stupidity and how it could affect her imminent future. Ed was a dangerous element that needed complete control over him in order to be kept in check least he decided to do something that causes massive amounts of deaths.

Just as it seemed Lyon might shoot him finally, Sana appeared and saved ‘poor’ cabbage. This was not something Amelia expected to happen, but then again not everyone shared her objective opinion of Ed. Seems like she was not going to be sleeping easily still. Ed was still around and he could still cause harm to her both intentionally and unintentionally.

 he’s lucky after all
” She mumbled, wondering why the other woman had decided to kind of
sort of
in a way save him.

On a side note though it seemed the wounded were going to be transported to Newnan pretty darn soon. In a way the girl supposed they were quite lucky. That place sounded like a lot better organized and stocked settlement. Which made sense considering according to her new friends that they settled here only a while ago.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Ash Holloway

Location: Building 1, Infirmary

Astrid's words came through the phone, loud and clear. One wounded, two kids (one with painful malnutrition), herself, Bridgette, and a mystery Engineer. "Understood. I'll have an appropriate Welcome Party waiting at the gate."

In the back of his own mind, Ash mused that he was, a great deal of the time, merely a person who passes information along from one source to another. In its own way, that was a form of leadership; allowing those with the skills and observations room enough to do what they did best. But it can lead to people thinking of him as a paper tiger - all threat and bluster, but ultimately unable to effect the results desired. The man himself knew differently, but sometimes, just sometimes he felt that the occasional example must be made for others to understand this, as well. A few incidents recently had him thinking it was high time for just that. But those incidents were relatively minor. Maybe a "wait and see" approach over the next stretch was appropriate. Before he reminded others. Ash was not power hungry, but he knew others outside of their walls were. His desire was to maintain discipline. Newnan was not a commune. It was a group of survivors, three years into an honest-to-God Apocalypse. The key word: Survivors.

Ash's head hurt. He rubbed his temples as best he could while still holding the satellite phone. Maybe he was taking his fleeting thoughts a little too seriously. The world outside was damned serious, no doubt. But his people meant well. The vast majority, anyway.

Taking Froggy's advice, Ash put a broad frequency range to his radio. Breathing a heavy sigh, he announced to anyone with their own walkie, "The next person who sees Neisha, send her to the Infirmary." He really hoped this wouldn't lead to more difficulty. Especially while they were entertaining guests.

The Great Bazhooli

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

Bazhooli nodded happily at Tatiana. He thought teaching dance was a fine idea. It was so much better to keep the arts alive than to totally forsake it for mere survival. His own art may very well die with him, unless he trained a replacement or raised an heir. A similar feeling must be within the ballerina. Teach others, be a vessel for your art. Who knows? Maybe he should, too. But none of this would be a possibility, at least for him, unless that guy in charge finally got finished being important and gave him that entrance interview.

"Nyet, Jack. Ve do not need the parking of cars in Harvard yards. Is okay. Is simple: Ve get routine down (this is hard part), ve tell you what we do, you tell audience, you make sure we get vhat ve need. You feel more comfortable, maybe again, there is room for, eh... panache? Da! Panache! But for now, back to practice." The Great Bazhooli resumed tossing bowling pins in the air, taking a step or two away from those around him for both his and their safety.

He did notice the acceptance of his request, concerning giving him a tour of Newnan proper, from Meghna. She also carried a radio - Bazhooli assumed that it meant she was important somehow. So, an important Newnanite was going to show him around, tomorrow it seemed. There were worse plans to have.

Bridgette Vinters

Location: (outside of) Heard County High School, Franklin

The second the truck began to pull around, Bridgette threw on her "ignore" switch and proceeded to block out any further communication from the other side of the fence. Crispy Michael Jackson wasn't going to shoot them, had apparently seen a movie that involved the mention of Crumpets, so that was ...recent... But now the prospect of completing their mission and getting back home safely, with the sick and wounded in tow, was paramount. Bridgette didn't particularly like the fact that Astrid went into the building by herself, and doubted that she would have known if anything amiss were to have occurred anyway. Moreover, if she did, the most she could likely do about it, from her vantage, was kill off a few people before succumbing to gunfire herself.

For these reasons, Bridgette felt herself become particularly vigilant, tensing as if planning to receive attack, eyes scanning for the arrival of her battle-sister from inside of the building. She reined Cadence around to face the truck, allowing him to take a couple of clopping hoofbeats toward it. "Alright, Trillium, we're a bout ready to book, I fucking well hope, so let's... wait a sec, Trillium Brite? Ow, girl. I'm sorry. Don't worry, we'll get you nice and hammered later. Nowish, time to put on bitch faces and run escort."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Building E, Sophia and niesha's apartment.

Niesha sat down on a chair as Sophia went into the bathroom, lightly touching her lips when she was alone, letting out a soft sigh. She dropped her hands onto the table, and rested her head on them. She was so weary, she felt like the day had been going on forever. It didn't seem possible that Astrid had wheeled Sophia in just that morning. It had certainly been the most demanding day she had had in the commuity so far.

Her thoughts went to the little girl, and the raccoon. She smiled to herself. Children, while alien to Niesha, were really what they had to fight for. And if a raccoon could survive, even now...she wondered for a brief moment where it had run off to. Such a small creature to cause such trouble. Her thoughts trailed to the dead teen, and she realised she still hadn't learned his name. Sick on that thought, Niesha shifted, sitting up. she swallowed, still disturbed by what she had had to do. Perhaps the only thiing she missed from before was the medical treatment they had lost.

Shaking slightly, she rose, running a hand through her still wet hair, and glancing over as Sophia came out, and at her question, Niesha frowned, "Ah. I should go and make sure I wiped the counter down in the kitchen-we don't need the food spiked with medicine" She said, her mind weary, she couldn't quite recall if she had cleaned everything thoroughly after making the medications, but it was better to be safe then sorry and to check. "I'm sorry, its been a long day..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Oliver @Nallore @FantasyChic @Rivaan @Sigil - Astrid let the scene unfold before her and just ignored it. It was under control, whatever the hell it was and she wasn't about to be stuck there poking her nose into shit that didn't concern her. She had been sent there to help people needing medical attention, that was all she was going to get involved with while she was there. "On our away," she said before hanging up the phone and slipping it back into her bag. Turning she looked at Lyon. "Move the children first, then the adult. He needs as little movement as possible. We will need blankets and pillows to try to pad the back of the truck during the move. They will be returned once they are unloaded safely in Newnan." It was all she said as she moved to unlock the tables and start pushing Ciel out of the make shift infirmary. Lyon nodded and followed suit. "Anyone with free hands, lend them to us, we need to work quickly," he said before moving to get the other child. It was time to get a move on. Mike nodded and looked over at Amelia. "Help me get the blankets and pillows please," he asked her before heading down the halls to the room they were using to stock pile what little they had.

@Morose - Sana looked at Ed as if he had just asked the most ludicrous question on Earth. Shaking her head she pinched the bridge of her nose as she took a breath, this man was thick skulled. Looking over to him she shrugged a bit. "Pourquoi ne le ferais-je pas?" she asked him. "Pourquoi quelqu'un at-il besoin d'une raison de prendre soin d'une autre personne? Pourquoi ne puis-je pas commencer par m'occuper d'une personne que j'ai rencontrée parce qu'elle est humaine? Je vais cesser de prendre soin quand vous me donner une raison de ne pas, jusqu'à ce que vous aurez juste à traiter avec moi donner une merde si vous la vie ou mourir." It was that simple to Sana. You cared about people until they forced you to not. You trusted them on some level until they broke it. It wasn't perhaps the wisest way to go about thing in this day and age but she felt it was needed. There was enough people not giving two shits about anyone else, someone had to give a damn. Hearing the commotion outside of the door she peeked out to see Beni pushing the boy down the hall, it seemed things were under way. "Ok, allez-y et pour l'amour de Dieu, ne commencez rien."

@Nallore @Caits - Miss Sally gets to work with Meg until the word comes in that they need Neisha in the Infirmary. "Well that wasn't expected," she laughs before looking over to Meg and excusing herself to go find the girl. It takes her a bit to finally figure out she isn't anywhere, people pointing eventually to the main apartment building. Nodding she heads off and goes up to the door knocking lightly as she stands there looking around. "Neisha, Doc needs you in the infirmary, Ash's orders," she calls out from the other side of the door, not wanting to just step in without being welcomed in.

@Nallore @Sigil @Morose - "Da, Jack make excellent Ringmaster! He know how to entertain!" Tatiana giggled as she looked up at Jack before giving him a sweet kiss on the cheek. "You be, hov you say.. like Casey Kasem?" she asked, not sure if she got the right reference but she hoped she had remembered it correctly from listening to American Radio stations and watching TV on New Years Eves past. Looking over towards Meg as she excused herself she nodded and told her goodbye, adding in a be safe for good measure before turning her attention back to Jack. "You do vonderful, I knov. Everyone vant to see my Jack, make everyone laugh, make happy. Like me." Biting her bottom lip she stepped back some and motioned that she was going to get to work with Bahzooli with the routine. Looking over at the man juggling she waved lightly to get his attention without interrupting too much before she started dancing again and waiting for his cues.

@Morose @Sigil - Marx looked over towards Tryke and nearly busted a gut laughing at her offer. A tear rolling down his cheek as she tried to contain himself. Shaking his head after a minute he took a large breath and looked over to her smiling way to broadly for the moment. Had his cheese slipped off it's cracker? "Sorry to disappoint you but that won't be needed," he said as he slung his rifle over his shoulder and slowly started to pull the glove off. Underneath was something one might not expect (other than Morose because she probably saw this coming) - the hand wasn't burned. It wasn't there. Well it was there but in a much different way. The fingers were worn out silicon over a metallic and wired structure. Rolling up his sleeve partly he showed where the prosthetic ended on his forearm and the burn marks began. Holding his hand he out winked at her. "Shit happens, luckily for me, this happened before the entire world went to shit," he said as he took her hand and the fingers closed in before he gave her a firm hand shake.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✹Krakoan Princess✹

Member Seen 4 days ago

Jack Hudson

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

Jack nodded, accepting that it was the best for him to keep things simple. Bazhooli and Tatiana were the real show, at the end of the day. As she compared him to Casey Kasem, Jack got a slightly different reference. He recognized the name was the famous voice actor for Shaggy for Scooby Doo. Winking at Tatiana a bit, he nodded, waving at Meg as she left, and Tatiana went back to her dance.

"Everyone's gonna be there to see you, solovey," Jack added. "Harrison Ford could be announcing and you'd still be the highlight."

"And Bazhooli too," Jack added, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly. "He's the stah too."

Édouard Riviere

Location: Abandoned Classroom (Franklin)

Édouard frowned, as if Sana had started explaining multivariable calculus to him in Greek. He scratched his head a bit, mulling over the words she said. It reminded him a bit of a book he had started reading as a child--before Alisanne took it from him. She and Darcey had torn out the pages for some game they never let him join in on. He shut his eyes for a moment, mentally rewinding everything Sana had told him.

"Alors...Tu n'essaies pas de me sĂ©duire?" Édouard asked, rocking back on his feet a bit. The notion that Sana didn't have some sort of end game was foreign to him. Everyone in his life had always wanted something. Those who served his family did so because they wanted money, and they wanted to please Édouard in order to get that. The women he slept with--they had done that because of his last name, not because of him.

For someone to care about him because he was human...It was such a novel notion. He glanced away from Sana, as to hide the tears softly streaming down his face. Édouard never knew that perhaps that was all he wanted in life--not sex, drugs, or adventure. Perhaps it was human company, perhaps it was someone to care...

...Of course, he also briefly considered whether he had been drugged, and that was why he was acting so delusional.

Tryke Lockley

Location: Franklin

"Please don't call me that," Tryke said, with a bit of a grimace. Her parents hadn't been sensible when naming her--but with the nickname she went by, the apple didn't fall far from the tree. There had been some mild teasing, especially at undergrad, as a mechanical engineering student went by Tryke--but for the most part, it was the Sci-Fi nerds that were the worst. They pestered her constantly about her parents' franchise, constantly on Tryke's last nerve. "Tryke, please--or Trill. That works too."

Tryke raised an eyebrow as Marx doubled over with laughter, looking like he lost all sense that he had. She bit her lip, tempted to get on her bike, and leave. Assholes who chuckled at her when she offered help--she didn't need to waste her time with them. From the way people were talking, there seemed to be a million settlements around here anyways. There was Viking Land and Michael Jackson land--it was some twisted and messed up Disney Theme Park, as far as Tryke was concerned.

"Someone's short circuiting," Tryke muttered under her breath, painfully aware of the pun, but not walking away from it, either. As Marx removed his glove, her anger vanished, seeing the glorious construction of wires and metals. For 2007, it was cutting edge technology, the only options allowed to humans. Her colleagues at CalTech had discussed the ramifications of it, some of the nerdier ones saying they were one step closer to having Iron Man. From what she could recall, the technology worked by an electronic sensor that detected muscle contractions.

"How're you doing on the upkeep of it?" Tryke asked, showing no qualms as she shook his hand. "This isn't cheap. You probably actually are Michael Jackson, to afford this," she joked, but she continued to examine the hand, sweeping over it. She imagined it could have been customized for increased strength, but too much and the user themselves would be harmed. She glanced back up at Marx, and realized her interest in the robotic limb must have been a bit odd. "Sorry about that. Professional interest."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sophia Harris

location: Building E (Sophia & Niesha's Apartment) -> Building 1 (Infirmary)

Sophia moved over and sat down next to Niesha at the table seeing that Niesha looked pretty worn out, or there was something on her mind as she reached over with her right hand Sophia gently rested it on top of Niesha's. "It has been a pretty long day." She said as she leaned over brushing a wet strand of hair out of Niesha's face, Sophia then leaned back in the seat looking around the room for a moment. It felt like it was a lifetime ago when she was living with someone that she loved, Sophia sighed softly and shook her head before turning her attention back towards Niesha.

"Is something on your mind?" Sophia asked, she just wanted to make sure that her love was alright the shooting did rattle her as well she felt helpless earlier. Then Sophia heard a knocking on the door and then Miss Sally's voice on the other end, she looked towards Niesha when Sally mentioned Ashton's orders for her to be in the infirmary. "Be there in five minutes." Sophia called out as she turned towards Niesha. "I wonder what the bossman wants, I can walk over there with you and then I can clean up the mess in the kitchen for you." Sophia did remember that she and Victor butted heads with each other the moment they got into Newnan.

"Lets get you over there then." Sophia got up from her seat and started making her way towards the door while she looked over at Niesha wondering what would happen in there. She opened the door seeing Ms. Sally there Sophia gave a soft smile at the older woman, and started making her way towards the Infirmary with Niesha. As much as Sophia just wanted to spend the evening with Niesha they needed her in there for some reason. "Just ya know follow orders and do what your told and i'm sure it will be okay in there."

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall) -> Building 1 (Infirmary)

Meghna looked towards Ms. Sally and gave the woman a smile and nod as she went back to her duty with prepping up the food, she started pouring the broth into a cooking pot. She started up the stove and watched as it started to heat up, while that was boiling up Meg quickly went and started making the oatmeal mixing it up in some milk. She made sure that the oatmeal was nice and thick, Meg made her way back towards the pot of broth and started to stir it making sure that the heat was evenly spread.

Meghna went to grab some cups filling them with water in case they needed just some water, once that the oatmeal and broth were all finished Meg started grab some bowls and some spoons from the nearby drawers and cabinets. Meg poured them into several bowls in case they needed some extras. She spotted someone who was finishing up their meal and waved him over. "Grab that cart please." Meg ordered as she grabbed a few trays Meghna grabbed her radio to radio in Ashton. "I have the stuff you need making my way over there now." Meghna then made sure she put some plates over to make sure none of the broth or oatmeal spilled over.

Once everything was put onto the cart Meghna thanked the man as she started to roll off the cart out of the Mess Hall and towards the infirmary. Meg could see Niesha and Sophia there she smiled at the two women before pushing it into the Infirmary doors seeing Ashton, Victor and the new guy. "The stuff you requested, made some extras if you need more."

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Heard County High School - Infirmary

Raymond turned his head slowly to look up at Astrid as she put the Sat phone back into her bag and watched as the woman started giving orders, and one by one Ciel and the other child were pushed out of the room first. Raymond closed his eyes for a moment as he tried his best to relax and remain calm. But the pain was getting to be a little to much, he then opened them looking up at Tiffany as he still held onto her hand. "Thanks again, for everything.." Raymond said softly.

He wasn't sure if he would survive the night let alone the drive to Newnan, he didn't even know how far it actually was from here. Since he was being taken along with the two kids, Raymond was worried about dying and turning. It was something he didn't want to see happen if the bleeding started up again he wasn't sure if he could live through anymore blood loss.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Location - Franklin, Heard County High School

Though Ciel remained still as he was moved out of the room, inside his head his mind was swarmed with anxiety about what they might run into on the trip over, what Newnan would even be like, what would happen if the bleeding man expired on the way there and turned while he and the other kid were still trapped inside the back of the truck. Ciel knew neither of them were in any condition to fend off a walker, missing a leg or no. Ciel wasn't even currently in possession of the rifle he'd brought in, or his pack of supplies which included his inhaler among other things. He hoped someone would take those things with them to Newnan, because he'd certainly need them later if he was going to be of any use to the group.

He opened his eyes up, watching the scenery change from the bloodied infirmary to the long, empty hall. How he was going to get down the stairs, he didn't want to think about. But then again, there were countless things about this situation that were far more worrisome. Even though he wasn't moving much himself, the bed being pushed and jostled around rekindled his nausea, and that, along with his consistent anxiety, were what prevented him from getting any rest on the trip up. He decided that if he made it to Newnan, he'd have ample opportunity to recover there.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Building E, Sophia and niesha's apartment.----> building one, the infirmary

Niesha shook he head, "Its okay. I was just thinking...about everything" Which didn' narrow it down, yet Niesha had always had troubles with her own emotions, and putting them into words. She couldn't...figure out how to say what she wanted, whichwas a little frustrating, and she glanced away, letting out a slow breath. It was something she was trying to work on now, but it wasn't easy.

At the knock on he door and the call from Miss Sally, Niesha blinked. The doctor wanted her? In the infirmary? What sort of twisted joke was this? What had happened now, and was it really bad enough that the doctor was enlisting her services? Because it certainly had to be bad, if she was needed. She was well aware that that would be the only way she got into the infirmary, even begrudgeningly. she swallowed, running a hand through her wet hair again, wishing it was dry. With no choice, Niesha sweeped her hair up, and tied it back with a strip of ribbon, grimacing at the thought that her shoes were still covered in grime. She glanced down atherself, but there really wasn't much she could do about her clothes. Her thoughts already going to what might be needed, she took mental stock of what she'dmade, and what the infirmary had.

She glanced to Sophia, feeling guilty "I'm sorry, this day has just been so hectic, I wanted to spend more time with you...but..." Duty calls. it always seemed to. She drew in a deep breath, gathering her courrage. She swallowed again, and drew herself up to her full height as she followed Sophia out. She could do this. She wouldn't be the hysterical girl she had been that first night. "I'll try my best" She promised, yet Niesha was aware that in a life and death situation, you couldn't just sit around and wait for orders. Sometimes she just had to act. Stopping at the doors to the infirmary, she hesitated. Part of her didn't want to go in there.

"Okay...I'll see you later" She hesitated for a second, and leaned up slightly, to give Sophia a quick kiss. She headed in, flicking a quick glance about her. "Um. You wanted me?" She asked, hating the slight uncertainity in her voice.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tiffany Lyle

Heard County High School - Infirmary

She watched the others prepare to transport the kids over. Soon they would be taking her and Ray with them. She was both relieved and worried. It seemed like this new place was better equipped to help them, but was it safe to be moving Ray around so much? She wasn't sure, but it seemed that movement triggered his wound. She hoped someone with medical knowledge was coming with them, just in case.

This also made her think that Ray may not survive the travel. What then? They would have to either put him down before he goes or do it shortly after, in case he starts attacking. She didn't know if she could do it. It was easy taking care of the walkers she didn't know personally, but she gradually grew close to Ray and she knew that if it came to it, she would struggle to end him, walker or not. She would do her best, of course, especially if it was his wish. She prayed that he survived the trip.

She patted his hand as he thanked her. She, again, thought it was weird that he was thanking her for cutting off his leg, but perhaps he was thankful that she was here at all with him. She nodded, "You're welcome," was all she said as she prepared to help them transport the injured.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Amelia Payne

Location: Heard County High School

Things were moving rather quickly, but Amelia was glad that Raymond and the children were at least going to get better conditions of living from now on. It really did make the world seem impossible to safe when children were forced into dying conditions. Even in the ancient history while there were still diseases and famine, it was just the effect of luck and nature mostly. Now with all the dead roaming the Earth, to see children be in such condition really put thing into bad perspective, but at least it seemed there were still people out there that held to their code of morality even in the end of days.

“Right away
” Amelia replied to Mike’s request and quickly followed after him. She was gladly going to help with this. It just felt right and she did feel rather comfortable with him around. Luckily blankets and pillows were rather weightless things so the two of them could more than easily carry the needed amount." I'm glad the littles ones will get better chances of survival soon. It makes me feel depressed seeing children in such a bad health."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Ash Holloway

Location: Building 1, Infirmary

Ash drew himself up straight at Niesha's entrance. True, she was summoned by the Doctor, but that didn't erase the drama that occurred the last time those two shared the room in which they all now stood. Obviously, this fit the bill perfectly for extenuating circumstances. Now, they had company. And were about to receive medical emergencies in the next half hour to hour. But to begin, introductions were called for.

"Beni, this is Niesha. She handles quite a bit of our pharma fabrication. Niesha, this is Beni. He's the frontman for another group nearby. We will be taking in some people in need of medical attention, one with an unresolved amputation. Our medic is on scene presently, but Froggy needs someone assisting here, setting up for their arrival. That's assisting, ma'am." Ash gave her a knowing look, turning to ensure that Beni couldn't see the nonverbal exchange. He wasn't present for the noise that followed her arrival; his priorities that day took him elsewhere in Newnan. But he got reports later. Staff meetings with the Doc that showed bias, but brought up issues.

He continued quietly, "This is an opportunity, Niesha. You know the meds here and where they're stored. I know you'll do a good job. Make things easier for the Doc." Ash took a step back, nodding to Beni and Froggy. "We're good to get started. Prepare to receive casualties."

The Great Bazhooli

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

"Da, stars, Mr. Jack. No one is star by self. Takes people, yes?" Bazhooli was half talking, half shouting as he continued juggling three bowling pins in rapid rotation. "Little Tatiana is right - you have happy aura vith you. And funny accent. I do not judge; makes you memorable. Memorable is good. Just make with the right talk, you vill be perfect."

The Great Bazhooli gave two quick whistles to gain Tatiana's attention, and bobbed his head backward twice to indicate that he was ready for another pin. He then continued to address Jack. "Vork vith vhat you know, nice and loud. Here, now. Simple stuff, da? Ladies, Gentlemen, presenting blah blah blah and Direct from Mother Russia/St. Petersburg, performing Apocalypse Vorld Tour, blah. More corn & cheese, better - not take for serious. Make laugh with vords. Charm audience. Try it here, loud. Put us in better showman moods. Handle details later."

Bridgette Vinters

Location: (outside of) Heard County High School, Franklin

Bridgette was aware, if only in her periphery, that her use of the girl's proper name gave her some measure of discomfort. Granted, the attention of the tall, moderately vulgar woman was trained mainly on the happenings farther down, involving the truck and (hopefully soon) the injured guy being moved into it. Nevertheless, her less sophisticated, brasher leanings seemed to have hit a nerve with the low-hanging fruit she acquired just earlier. Ordinarily not the type to overly give a rat's hindquarters about hurting people's feelings, she reserved the brunt of her rough, sandpapery dialogue for those more familiar with her. People who knew she was a hardass. People like Astrid, Ash, Bryn, Zoie; half the people back in Newnan.

There wasn't worry of leaving a good impression, not in the least. She just didn't want the woman to break down and cry. At least not until they were better acquainted. People got odd psychological complexes because of stuff like that. For all she knew, deep down inside, this Trillium chick was just as rough and sarcastic as she was. But pushing it right at that moment wasn't the right decision. It wasn't her fault that her parents decided to make her life difficult, intentionally, from birth. Hell, that was a name that promoted violence. Ok, time to make this right.

Bridgette exhaled quickly and quietly, trying to shunt the baser aspects of her personality to the side. She put on a smile, an actually warm one, and turned around to give encouragement to her new acquaintance. The sight she turned back around to witness ended that. Quickly.

"Hey, cheer up, Tryke. It's not your fault that SWEET ODIN'S NUTSACK!" Any previous thoughts were dashed aside by the impromptu scene from Terminator II she walked into halfway through. "Holy shit, guy! You got feeling in that thing? I bet you give yourself one hell of a "Stranger", huh? Hey! Hey! Do they make those for women? You know, buzzzzzzzzzz knowwhatImean? Something with a clutch and three speeds? Slow, Medium, and Who Needs A Man?"

While certainly very interested in the goings on of the previously very uninteresting Marx, Bridgette wasn't shirking her duties elsewhere. But damn, that was something new.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Morose @Sigil - "No, no member of the Jackson Five. I was in the designing process of the I-Limb during my graduate studies at Georgia Tech for Prosthetic Engineering. Lost the hand when I was 8, reason I chose the field I did. Upkeeps a bitch, why I keep it gloved. Less chances of it getting mucked up at a Walker, and no worries. I was the same way the first time I saw it completed," he laughed before looking over to Bridgette and cracking up with laughter. "Damn woman, you have that hard a time getting laid right now? Seriously, would think you could scare any man into submission," he taunted her before looking over as the group started moving the injured out of the school and towards the truck.

@Oliver @Nallore @FantasyChic @Rivaan @Sigil @Morose - Astrid and Lyon made quick work to get everyone outside, waiting for Mike and Amelia to get outside with the pillows and blankets, laying them out in the bed of the truck before moving each of the patients into it. Lyon holding his hand out for Tiffany to climb in and get seated next to Ray once he was situated. Astrid climbed into the back and glanced around as Lyon whistled and waved the trio at the gate over. "Marx, you're going to Newnan, they need your help with," he said before pointing towards Ray. Marx nodded and ran over, looking at the leg for a minute before Astrid spoke up. "Can you ride?" she asked pointing to Edgar. He cocked a brow and nodded. "Good, you ride him. Names Edgar, cause him harm and you die, by her spear," she said pointing to Bridgette.

@Morose - Sana cocked her head around to Ed slowly as he asked her if she wasn't trying to seduce him. She nearly doubled over in laughter but the look on his features stopped her. He looked genuinely confused. As if it was beyond him that someone wouldn't be trying to trick him or use him. Slinging her cross bow over her shoulder she shut the door again and took a breath as she stepped over to Ed. Shaking her head slightly as she did and reaching out, resting her hand on his shoulder. "Vous séduire? Non, je n'essaie pas de vous séduire. Je vous aiderai, oui. Soyez là pour vous, oui. Obtenez votre aide, oui. Essayez de vous mettre au lit, non." Sighing she shook her head once again and pulled him in slightly, giving him a gentle and friendly hug, nothing more and nothing less before she stepped back and over to the door. Glancing over her shoulder she smiled slightly as she opened the door. "Alors, vous allez rester? Ou vais-je vous escorter jusqu'à la porte pour partir?"

@Caits @Nallore @Sigil - Over in the infirmary things are about as tense as would be expected considering the fact that Neisha hadn't been allowed in the place with Froggy in there in some time other than a quick run in and run out. Froggy gave Neisha a quick nod before he went back to work and Beni smiled at the girl. "Right, I have one man who just lost a leg out in the woods, a child with severe malnutrition - both were found today so we don't know anything about them other than they need help and we can't provide it. The third is an orphan who has been with us for six months, apparently he pulled what any little boy does when playing outside, broke his leg in a hole in the yard basically. Compound fracture." Froggy looked up and then over to Neisha, asking her to get together pain meds, antibiotics, and so forth that she could scavenge from what resources they had (med listings are in the original ooc)

@Sigil @Morose - Tatiana smiled as she lofted over another pin or two over towards Bahzooli before looking back over to Jack. "Star only as bright as light shine on it, you shine brighter than anyone my Jack," she said with a giggle before she got back to her dance, glancing between Jack and Bahzooli between her movements and waiting to catch and loft as needed for the show, moving the pins in her hands as she danced when she had them and turning up the dance even more before once she no longer had a pin in her hands to slow it down so people would focus more on Bahzooli when he was in the middle of his more indepth movements.
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