Name: Adam Philip Appearance: Imagine Bryan Cranston in Breaking Bad. Now, age him back 10 years. To top this off, give him a white beard and a wig. This is what Adam Philip looks like Personality: Adam Philip has one driving force in his life: hatred. But not of people. No, of magnets. So, he's pretty laid back. Pretty sure you could shoot him and he wouldn't care. That's just theorizing. Biography: Adam's whole family was slaughtered in front of his eyes at a young age. Not by a murderer, but by modern art. It was Thanksgiving, and the whole Philip's family was at little Adam's house. Then, his cousin's boyfriend sealed their fate. After installing a modern art piece utilizing magnets in the house as an early Christmas gift, the knives spilled out of the cupboard and murdered everyone except Adam, who was in the bathroom at the time. He believes the magnets to be at fault, and has dedicate his life to eradicating Earth's magnetic field. That is why he established this lab. However, nobody knows this as they would stop him if they did. Items: Nuclear Keychain: Opens any door in the lab "Totally Legal" Cigarette: Pretty sure this is weed but I'm not sure.
Name: Mari Suya Appearance: Emo, hot, extremely skinny, has large breasts. Interesting Physical Traits: She has bright white angel wings and extremely rare rainbow hair.
Personality: Mari Suya can be summarized as being kind, cold, uncaring, friendly, shy, energetic, outgoing, timid, and insane. Mari has a bad temper and she will become very angry if someone makes her mad, so people should beware. Quite frankly, Mari is a very strange and unstable individual overall.
History: Life has not exactly been easy for poor Mari Suya. Born to a vampire-witch-wolf-angel and a demon-neko-fairy-dragon, Mari Suya developed the traits from both of her parents and was scorned by both of their respectable tribes due to being a child born from a forbidden love affair. This scorn would become so powerful that a war would be started over the girl and her house would be burnt in the process with her parents still trapped inside. Fleeing from her terrible situation, Mari Suya found herself stuck with her flourishing powers and with nowhere to go, wound up at APTLLFTS, but not before fulfilling her destiny of becoming a rock star and magical girl. Also, her boyfriend was killed too.
Items: She has locket that was a gift from her mother. She doesn't what's inside.
Name: Denzel 'Denny' Milford Appearance:Clicky. Usually seen wearing a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up (usually has a stain or two), a polka-dot tie and tousled hair. His appearance always looks like he just woke up and threw on whatever was closest to him, no matter if it was dirty or not. Some might even wonder if he ever wears new clothes. Personality: Denny is a rather stupid and dopey guy. He knows literally NOTHING about science and most other subjects, instead relying on other people or sheer luck to help him. However, he is known to, at times, have brilliant breakthroughs entirely on accident, such as solving a dispute by making an offhand comment that's only loosely related to the topic. He also plays a mean flute. A regular idiot savant. History: A dimwitted and simple-minded man, Denny doesn't really understand the science. He is on a quest to understand the science and, rather than get someone to teach him the science or read about it, he decided to get a job that he is in no way qualified to have. I did say he was a rather ditzy fellow, didn't I? Anyhow, he got the job for some reason and now he has to do work that he doesn't understand at all. But at least he has an opportunity to learn the science now, so yay! Items: Nothing but his clothing, a watch and a flute.
Personality:"I am the doctor, the surgeon, the man behind the mask, the man behind the curtain, a diamond in the rough, a pearl wrought from the beach of scientific discovery. I am confidence, I am intelligence, I am mastery and diligence. I am Argent McAllister, and you will bow before me." History: Argent grew up in a family of wealth, his mother an experienced doctor and surgeon, his father a scientist, and his two much older siblings, Galliger and Katherine McAllister having taken up their own pursuits, with the former becoming a master among architects and craftsmen, and his sister leading the world of fine art and music it was said that he was simply DESTINED for greatness.
They were right.
Of course, despite their correctness, Argent has been reduced to working at some back alley establishment. Adam Phillips something or other, he thinks it was called. He didn't bother to remember the name, because it wouldn't have it for long. But yeah, due to his absolutely shitstock attitude every other lab in the world has refused to employ him.
They're going to regret it though.
Capabilities: Argent is not just a savant, but he is an outright super genius, with a mind capable of capturing the very essence of any task, no matter how advanced, nor how menial. He is knowledgeable in all sciences of note and he is also a powerful alchemist.
He plays a mean fiddle too.
He's got dextrous hands, sufficient muscle and bodily awareness and control that he could extricate a needle from a haystack, without touching the hay. He's got 2000/2000 vision, allowing him to see literally anything, but he does have some weaknesses.
Firstly, he's literally allergic to the idea of stupidity, so much so that being around it can cause a severe allergic reaction that could render him immobile for weeks. He's also a conceited asshole with practically no empathy. Blame it on his parents for raising him to disregard feelings in favor of cold logic and facts, resulting in a total lack of normal human empathy and the development of HIGHLY sociopathic and narcissistic tendencies. Seriously, don't get on his bad side.
Personality: Driven by curiosity but deterred by short attention spans, Dawn has an impulsive habit for taking an immediate interest in anything aesthetically pleasing before abandoning it completely in a matter of minutes. Dawn regularly enjoys solitude and doesn't mind social interaction, though the latter is questionable to most in that a normal conversation with Dawn includes verbal abuse. Dawn has demonstrated several instances of theft, but refuses to admit being a kleptomaniac. Most are put off by Dawn's perpetual smirk, slight monotone speech, and unpredictable behavior.
Interesting Physical Traits: Pale white complexion, black irises, *smug*
Name: H.A.T v1 but he's known to his colleagues as HAT. It stands for Human Augmentation Technology version 1.0.
Personality: Being a robot, he's extremely intelligent. He knows every single thing that any man has written down. Because of this, he can be serious often. However, also due to the fact that he knows everything, he has a tendency to goof off. He feels every emotion that humans do but he can "shut them down" so to speak.
History: He was created by APTLLFTS as a prototype for artificial intelligence. He was made to be everything. A super-genius, super-weapon, and super-awesome. As of now, he hasn't lived up to any of that.
Interesting Physical Traits: His feet function as jet boots, his vision has x-ray, and he's super strong.
"Making the Impossible happen through Improbable means."
Worogoro is without a doubt one of the finest minds of the Ork race. Considering the average brain of the Ork species this can either be quiet impressive or quiet underwhelming depending on your stance of Greenskins. To put it bluntly, Worogoro is an Ork who gives zero shits about everything: zero shits on time, zero shits on budgetary concerns, zero shits on morally ethical practices, zero shits on how many people behind him want coffee and, being and Ork, zero shits on the common laws of reality. Shit works because he thinks it will work to some degree and should his faith waver, it may not work. Good thing Worogoro is stubborn and head strong then.
The guy is also quite racist towards anything not Orkoid stating that other races are "weak grotz" or "too unorky". In his eyes, green is best and orks are green meaning orks are bestest. And whenever given a chance, he will try to demonstrate either by attempting to beat the shit out of the other person or trying to out smart them (this has as unpredictable results as you can guess). Should he fail in this endenver, he will simply resort to this quote and way or thinking:
Orkses is never defeated in battle. If we win we win, if we die we die fighting so it don't count. If we runs for it we don't die neither, cos we can come back for annuver go, see!
If you couldn't also tell, Worogoro has quite the cockney orky accent.
Something something dem 'umies... something something WAAGGHHHH!!! God'unta... something something Christmas music... something something tellyporta... something something MAH SQUIG... something something da mekboy zogged up... something something more Christmass music... something something hot tub... something something DEM 'UMIES... something something WWAAAAGGGHHHHH!!!... something something time kevin spacey kontinumum... something something stoopid grotz... something something APTLLFTS?... something something meth?... something something WOROGORO GONNA WOROGORO... something something WAAGGGHHHHHH!!!.... something something kolateral damage?... something something Worogoro will make a new tellyporta wile workin' for da big bosses at ap-tea-liftz... something something aleast I still gotz mah squigger... something something orkz is best... something something Worogoro gonna Worogoro without Worogoroing too much
Interesting Physical Traits:
He's big, he's green, he's an ork in 'eavy powa arma. Figure it out.
Ork toolz, his Squig "Mista Cuddly Chompa", Ork "brainz", half a dead grot and a "kustom killy shoota" (read: a handmade machine gun which functions perfectly despite lacking a firing mechanism and a trigger and also no less than 5 bayonets)
Personality: Amadeus is a friendly kind of guy, even if he isn't the most formal or work-appropriate. He's always up for a conversation about the game last night, how the big corporations are watching everything we do, or how cool jazz is.
That is, when he isn't going through one of his flashback episodes to his time on the USG Jerusalem. The things he's seen are things that no man should have to experience, let alone reexperience. And so, to survive, he has learned to 'switch on' those same instincts that lead him through those perilous 2 years. Anything that moves becomes a threat, ripe for dismantling and stomping. But sometimes it turns on without his input.
At least he's on meds now.
History: When the rescue teams recovered him, Amadeus was a shivering pile of frayed nerves and rampant panic. The research station he was posted on, the USG Jerusalem, was only supposed to be a 6 week deal after all. So after drifting through space in a biological and mechanical hell of his own making for 2 years, it was understandable if he was shooting everything that moved and stamping it to paste and/or parts. It's just to be sure, after all. He has to be sure.
He is noted as being a fantastic researcher and test assistant. Partially due to his Doctorates in the fields of Robotics and Engineering and partially because of his tendency to survive drastic conditions despite all the odds against him. He'll go through hell and back for a friend, then the next day he'll be leaning over your workstation, asking how the wife and kids are.
Interesting Physical Traits: Always wears his internals, never removes his mask, several bionic and cybernetic implants such as a CommLink and and ID Chip.
Items: Atmospheric regulatory internals (oxygen, air filters, etc), EVA auxiliaries (boot jets, pressure regulation suit), several flavors of Jolly Rancher on hand at times and a refitted industrial multi-tool with functions altered to be more combat-ready.
Personality Maya has been driven absolutely mad by the vast amount of experimentation performed on her; her muffled laughter announces her presence, and a trail of destruction is always left in her wake - if something exists, it must be destroyed, like she.
History Maya used to be a normal and happy high schooler, until she was reported missing late in her first semester. She supposed that she'd just be forgotten, as she wasn't at the school long enough to be cared enough.
She ended up in the APTLLFTS laboratory, where she was brutally tested on. At first she screamed and resisted, but after one particular gruelling torture session experiment, Maya just... broke. She'd lost all of her humanity and sanity.
After an incident where she attempted to eat her handler's arm (she managed to get away with three of his fingers), Maya is required to be gagged at all times. Of course, Maya wouldn't settle for cloth in her mouth, so she stole a gas mask from one of the experimentation chambers; no-one quite knew how she got it, as it was in a restricted area to begin with. No staff member has tried to take it back since the first person who did got mauled by the insane girl and spent the next 3 months in ICU.
Perhaps, maybe one day, her sanity could be restored...
Interesting Physical Traits * Maya still wears her school uniform, which is now soaked in the blood of many staff members. * Maya is covered in scars, and her eyes are forever blood-shot. * Under her mask, she has jagged teeth.
Items * Her gasmask (worn) * Broken handcuffs (worn)
Name: Grand Duchess Eliana Elatir, IMIA (Imperial Minister of Intergalactic Affairs), SDMI (Supreme Doctor of Medical Intervention)
A diminutive fairy-like creature, Eliana stands a mere three inches tall. She has a vaguely humanoid shape, though is especially slender and is quite pale. She has three fingers on each hand. Also, she has a mostly humanoid face structure, though her eyes are very large in her face and milky turquoise, and phosphoresce in the dark. She has a long, glossy sheet of white, semi-translucent hair, which seems to act similarly to fiber-optic threads in the dark and lights up in various shades of blue and green. Her teeth are pearly white and rather pointed, almost like fangs. Most notably she has a pair of fine, almost-translucent wings that have more of these fiber-optic strands woven through them. In addition to being pretty they also give her the power of flight.
Personality: Quite serious and devoted to her task, Eliana is the ideal specimen of her species. She does have a sense of humor, of sorts... but it is snarky, exceedingly cynical, and dark at the best of times. She is a little bit… off her rocker. Not as in crazy but… her sense of right and wrong is very, very warped. So long as she sees an experiment to be beneficial to the “universal understanding” she will go through with it at any cost.
Eliana never expected to wind up in this particular facility. She hails from the planet of Imperia, the capital of the now intergalactic Deminutian Consortium. She was always somewhat of a prodigy among her people, for all that she was legally considered a dwarf which led to a lot of others looking down on her research. But nevertheless, Eliana proved them all wrong. With her groundbreaking genetic research, she was able to modify the native creature Puffsprites to produce a powerful, nearly universal neurotoxin and secrete it in their saliva.
She bred massive colonies of this small, seemingly harmless creature. Around this time other Deminutian researchers had invented wormhole travel, and so Eliana took her army of fluffy, toxic almost-Deminutians to the farthest reaches of the galaxy – then the universe - reducing hundreds of great alien civilizations to mindless drones. See, this neurotoxin, while a full dose could kill even the largest creatures they ever encountered, repeated smaller doses would gradually tame even the most hostile of creatures and leave them as docile as dormice.
When she returned back to Imperia, the Grand Emperor himself was there to welcome her back. He bestowed titles upon her, giving her large holdings of fertile land, (Deminutia was, you see, still a feudal society despite their massive technological prowess) the title of Grand Duchess, and two appointments to his cabinet, as his Imperial Minister of Intergalactic Affairs (well, obviously, you’d want the one who controlled the neurotoxin to be firmly on your side and in charge of managing the people she’d brainwashed!) and his Supreme Doctor of Medical Intervention.
A few years later, after Deminutia had become a solidly intergalactic power, the still-barely-adolescent (for Deminutians live for hundreds, or even upwards of a thousand, years) Eliana was given word of a rich land full of people. She boarded her space pod, loaded her army of Puffsprites into other pods, and was launched towards Earth. But something went wrong in the wormholes, her other pods were blown away. She appeared… in the middle of APTLLFTS, with only Aeona, her personal companion, and no good explanation for what had happened.
But here she has remained. She could always have Aeona (the “queen” of the flight of Puffsprites, and therefore the queen of all the enslaved people) call the armies of ten thousand other races down on Earth to free her, but for now, she remains entertained by this hilariously sorrowful excuse for a laboratory.
Interesting Physical Traits: Hello, she’s like… three inches tall? Also bioluminescent. And has really sharp teeth.
Items: Aeona (Formerly known as Test Subject A-1).
Aeona is a puffsprite, a small, barely-humanoid creature. They stand about half an inch tall when full grown, are translucent white in appearance and the entirety of their bodies phosphoresce blue at night. Puffsprites have six arms (well, four “arms” and two “legs” but the distinction is primarily in function, rather than form), and pale faces devoid of any features save for a tiny mouth with a row of fangs and two massive, glowy blue eyes. In lieu of hair they sprout long tendrils reminiscent of the wisps on cotton fluffs that allow them to launch themselves through the air and “swim” like jellyfish. They are sentient, but not exactly sapient – while they are capable of speech their vocalization patterns are reminiscent of those of toddlers or young schoolchildren (that is, usually mostly coherent but exceedingly simple. A Puffsprite can learn more complex language over time but will quickly forget (i.e within the space of a day) if not prompted to remember.) But they are fiercely loyal to their Deminutian overlords, a fact ensured by a few mild doses of the same neurotoxin they carry.
A shocking array of scalpels and needles that seem like they might be too big for her to carry but she uses them deftly.. She's almost gotten the hang of using human-sized lab equipment.
Appearance: Clicky! Cute. Fuzzy. Small. Contains a surprisingly large amount of teeth. An orange tag in his ear has been half chewed off.
Interesting Physical Traits: Remarkably difficult to break. Hypoallergenic.
Personality: Alarmingly curious. If it is closed, it must be opened. If looks like food, it should be tasted. If it can be poked, prodded, nibbled, so it must be. Has a very loose and flexible understanding of what constitutes "personal space". Collects things that are interesting, although the criteria that defines whether or not something is "interesting" changes fairly often. Goes from fast asleep to frenzied and back again very quickly.
History: "Thanks for turning up to my presentation, folks. Really appreciate it. Anyway, me and Bannon, we've been cooking up something special these past few months. Now, I know there's been set-backs, and costs too, but once you see what we've produced, you'll know it's worth the effort. The perfect pet for the coming winter holiday season! No allergic reactions, so little Timmy doesn't have to spend his Christmas morning sneezing and snuffling. Can survive a fall of seventy five yards, so Mom won't have to drive out to the store and buy a new one. Spliced some homing pigeon in there, so if little Timmy gets kidnapped while walking it, it'll come right back home. It's got rudimentary language skills, it can eat just about anything and the focus group we kidnapped responded well to the colour choice and the promise of a phone-call to their loved ones. Ladies, gentlemen, fellow colleagues and what appear to be members of an armed gang associated with a local animal rights organisation that are presently trying to kick down the door, I give you... the future of pets!" - The final words of "Doctor" Higgins.
The product of an ill-conceived attempt to break into both the biological weapons and toy market a few years back, Rex is now all that remains of the project. Having survived the rigorous processes set out in the first edition of the Hazardous Materials Dispoal Manual ("Have you tried flushing it down the toilet? What about feeding it to the garbage disposal? Okay, um, just... leave it on the side of the road?"), courtesy of the resilience that would have surely made the project popular with distracted parents and dictators looking for super-soldiers alike, Rex was granted "Honorary Employee Status" as a test subject. Plus, somebody made him a little lab coat, and that's bloody adorable.
Items: A litte lab coat, with "Rex" stitched on to the pocket. A half chewed tag in his ear.
Names: Eve Tyler Age: Whenever a clone is created, the age of said clone can be decided, issues can happen when the clone is created above the age of forty. The original is sixty years old. Appearance: Though their hair is actually dull green. Personalities: They seem pretty sane, but this is compared to everyone else in the building. A little too trusting though intelligent, and lack common sense. Their stories are rather boring, and their social skills are almost nonexistent. The only one who has a very different personality besides the original is one called 'Old Eve'.
Name: 'Old Eve' age:? appearance: she looks like an eighty year old version of any of the Eves. personality: She demands that others respect her as a "fragile old lady", though she is anything but that. She can zoom about the place at inhuman speeds, and wack thing with surprising strength using her cane. She likes insulting the youth of today, and gossiping, as well as belittling other peoples lifestyles. Unlike all the other Eves, she is not very intelligent. Actually she's to the point of being kinda dumb. History: They tried to make a ninety year old Eve for an experiment that needed some one of an older age group, but the incubator was not made to make older clones, and the result was a freak of nature. The Eve was used in the experiment, and surprisingly survived. After this, she became a freeloader in the building. People naturally didn't like her personality, so they would perform "experiments" which very thinly hide that they were just attempts to kill her. After that didn't work they actually did research based on the question, "can 'Old Eve' die".
The original Eve Tyler has intelligence to match Argent McAllister, and is prominent in the history of scientific discovery. She specializes in biology, but has made breakthroughs in other branches of science. She is famous for her advances in cloning, allowing clones to live as long as non-clones, if not longer. The clones were first intended to help her with her research, but as they were just as intelligent as her, they did their own thing and were making scientific discoveries as fast as she was. Being narcissistic, and having always thought herself the best, she did not take well to her knew competition. She modified the template that was based on her DNA and neural engrams, so that they would become “Less charismatic” versions of her. These were great at doing the job of assisting, and continued to serve her until she went into retirement at the age of 55. She then donated most of her clones and the incubator to ‘Adam Philip's Totally Legit Laboratory for the Science’ as it was her starting place (and they really needed the help). The clones are mostly used more as tools then people, and have a wide verity of uses. They rarely start their own projects, and when they do, it’s almost always something to restore the building (this usually ends up destroying the whole building, or large portions of it, but they somehow manage to return the building to its previous state, if not with a new scar, rather quickly, and in a way that leaves people wondering how it was done). Their main job is assisting the other scientists with research (even though they are actually more intelligent than half of them), and doing most of the maintenance jobs. They are commonly used as test subjects and have a high mortality rate (except ‘Old Eve’ who is almost as unkillable as Rex).
Eve Tyler created a multi purpose tool with the name Eve Tyler, it is usefull for cleaning, assiting reasearch, and preforming experiments on.
Interesting Physical Traits: Large glasses. And the fact it’s a group of clones is pretty interesting. Items: they all have a device that can do an untold number of things, for example, clean up the miniature black holes that sometimes pop up, fix frayed ends of time lines, and restore the building when it’s destroyed. Other characters are free to use them as much, and for whatever they want.
"Hey...Is it normal to feel excrutiating abominal pain everything you realize you're alive? No? Ohh... Is this quote getting too long? Ohh... sigh."
Personality: This sad monstrosity is awkward, glum, and gloomy. He’s overly disappointed with everything, to the point others can feel dismal as well. Bobular constantly groans or moans, anguished by the daily excruciation he undergoes due to being alive... He sure is a depressing sight. Pretty ugly too. Yeesh... Well, he is also pretty loyal to the laboratory. Really obedient and devoted... But yeesh. He’s such a bummer to be around...
History: There are reasons you don’t blend wheat grass, super glue, crushed skeletal remains, and dark matter together. Because you get this miserable buffoon.
Bobular was the product of one of the lab’s “top-notch” “scientific” experiments. Well really, it was really just an excuse to shove random shit in a blender and have an experience to laugh about later on. The experiment somehow created life instead, giving birth to this sappy mess, Bobular, the sentient compilation of junk.
Bobular has always been a nuisance at the lab. His whining, depressing aura, and general ugliness has forced lab employees to perform multiple attempts to murder, torture, and disintegrate the abomination. Despite all attempts, the wretched being somehow always manages reappear and return to the lab completely undamaged.
No one is really sure what to do with Bobular. He’s been accepted as a natural part of the lab, and is normally just ignored or used as a testing dummy due to his regenerative abilities/immortality. He’s pretty much a part of the team.
Interesting Physical Traits: He’s a green hairy blob. That’s interesting right? pitiful shrug
Items: Bobular has an assortment of objects floating within his wheatgrass sludge. Nails, temporal rifts, batteries, nachos, whatever you can think of, you can find inside him... IF you’re brave enough to put your hand in his moist fluids…
"I...hate...everything about Jews!"~Three Days Grace
Appearance: Of German decent, his hair is midnight black, oftentimes with a blue streak in it resembling the unshed tears within his darkened soul. His never-ending sadness has aged his face, though in reality he is only 22. He can’t grow a full stache (just another reason to be depressed).
Personality: An overdramatic king of the nacht, no one understands him and no one ever will (especially his mom, she is essentially dead to him). Known for his speaking, his useless information ranges from politics, to human rights, to deep meaningful quotes about how every human is insignificant in this world and should just give up now. Adolfo is stubborn, threatening to play Sudoku if he doesn’t get his way (it is best to ignore this as he is just gunning for attention). He always has headphones in his ears, usually listening to My Chemical Romance, whilst thinking of ways to apply it to those he hates. Prefers to be alone when practicing his science. Hiltliair uses art as a means of emotional release.
History: Long story short, Aldofo was your average awkward teen until his soul was crushed by his high school art teacher. The professor, a fan of the modern style, did not approve of the student's abstract project under a claim of it not being "politically correct".
Unable to accept the embarrassment of this rejection, the boy became an emotional mess with an emphasis on destroying his blonde-haired, blue-eyed professor. For the next three years Adolfo waited for his opportunity to take his revenge, finally succeeding while the two were away at a summer camp...the rest is history. Unfortunately, the void of darkness could not be sated until the Professor's legacy was also obliterated. After discovering Adam's mutual hatred of the modern arts Adolfo joined APTLLFTS.
Other: Instead of waving hello, Adolfo sticks his arm straight out in greeting. German phrases can slip into his sentences. He also has an issue with flashbacks that make it seem like he is from another time.
"Yes! Water! I prefer mine from the glaciers of rogunja! If you have none of that left, please give me Florkalsnep Juice"
"bendy straws?! This technology has been lost to my people for generations"
Name: Though his real name is Landar fjorkelsh, he goes by the name of Reginald Baxter, but messes up on that a lot. Appearance: but with a pair of Groucho glasses on and the clothing of a scientist on. Personality: Landar is extremely uptight, attempting so desperately to act like a normal human, which he totally is trust me, totally. He is very mysterious in his history and his past, but despite this is extremely pompous, loud and rash. Despite totally 100% being human, he tends to act as if he doesn't know much about the world he is living in as well. Landar does not understand people's sexual restraints, ideals of public decency and what personal space is. He tends to just do what feels right. History: Once an intergalactic spy, Landar ruined any possibility of having a good reputation when he went absolutely apeshit on a species he was supposed to investigate for possible diplomacy after he found all they ate was cereal with no milk. After this, he spiraled out of favor in his job with more and more failed missions. Despite this, he worked hard to show his worth, though never did manage. Because they knew he would never give up but would keep messing up, his boss sent him to earth in order to investigate. The race had very little care for earth anymore, having stolen enough cows and other animals, as well as done test on humans, and had a new livestock of cows for themselves. There was no loss with him there, as the earth had little they needed, but there was a possibility for gain. Taking over the life of a young man who had applied to the APTLLFTS and was accepted. Landar is trying to get any new technology and information he can for his Boss, all while personally trying to adapt. Interesting Physical Traits: Other than being gray, with pure black, huge eyes, and being impossibly skinny, on occasion Landar can move up the skin on his forehead to present a third eye. He also only has three fingers and toes. Items: The Techno-dating scanner: A hand held device that scans a piece of technology for how long ago something similar was made in martial colonies.