Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Matheny


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Clarence Frontwater

With a cock of an eyebrow, Frontwater reached out and pulled the lighter away from Beatrice's finger tips, slowly, cautiously.

"So, I'm as much of a famous tool on this heroin trip as any other, he said, with a scowl and a flick of a light upon the end of his cigarette. Clarence absentmindedly pocketed the lighter.

He heard someone ask a question, but he didn't care enough to search for the curious party. The vocalist had curiosities of his own. Ignoring the previously mentioned question, Clarence called out "Hey! I think I'm in the wrong place... I'm an atheist... I'm supposed to be floating in a pit of nothingness currently." He laughed to himself. Why was this heroin trying to teach him some moral lesson about hell? What in the hell else was in that heroin??

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Cherrywitch
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Cherrywitch Fufufu~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Belphegor Sloth

The tailed Sin flinched at the sudden way Oliver pulled away from him, eyes widening slightly. He, almost looked hurt by the accusation. Belphegor was always known to be easily hurt, since he was always so open to everyone. That's why when people, especially the humans he worked so hard for, jump away from him like he's some monster... A sad expression fell over his face, but he just glanced away towards a random spot on the ground. He always got at least one human like this, and every time it stung him.

Out of his daze, Sloth picked up the familiar constantly irritated tone of Wrath speaking pointedly at him like always. "The second you are done with them, come see me. If you're not in my office within the next two hours, Slackass, I'll drag you there by your tail. And.. Leave the grimalkin when you swing by."

Hm? Why should I...? he's only going to yell at me about this and that. But I suppose I have to go. Especially since last time he practically ripped my tail off when I skipped. Almost as if expecting Satan to do so at that very moment, Belphegor clutched his spaded tail to his chest protectively, simply watching him leave. A demon's tail was as sensitive as a cat's- grabbing it too roughly was extremely painful. Still, Belphegor wasn't too scared. At least I'll be able to tease him a bit. That's always good fun.

The humans had begun to murmur among themselves, making Belphegor think it was a good time to lead them out and into the underworld. Envy would probably make them sign a bunch of weird papers anyway. But just as he was about to get their attention, a voice rang out. It seemed it was proceeded by a waving palm, but the owner didn't even allow Sloth to notice it before crying out his question.

”Mr. Belphegor or more accurately Mr. Sloth, if this is not supposed to be the hell we were told about and it instead is some sort of underworld, why did you write hell first in the now burned sign? Did your subconscious unintentionally betrayed the secret truth of the sins and demon society?”

Belphegor stared blankly at the burning skull speaking to him. He wasn't quite listening before was he...? "Hell was originally the most well known name for the Underworld, and because of that the angels have it a bad reputation on Earth. We only changed the name because the old one has a bad connotation." He stated simply, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Hadn't he seen this spirit before...? Well, he wouldn't remember.

"Alright everyone, please follow me. I'll be taking you to the HQ. Each Sin would most likely like to speak with you, I only introduce you generally. Shall we?" The blue haired Sin turned away, hands calmly in his jacket pockets. His Majesty had clambered out of his hiding spot inside the tall man's jacket, instead taking a comfortable place draped over one of Belphegor's shoulders- of course, Sloth didn't mind a bit.

The group walked through the bright city streets of the Entertainment district, it lively and filled with laughter and chatting. Humans and demons were mingling, shopping, and just relaxing peacefully. "Please stay close. It's easy to get lost." A couple of souls with a childish appearance called out to the male, with names like "Big Brother!" and "Bellfry!" The blue haired Sin gave a kind smile and a simple wave to them, who giggled and waved back excitedly in return.

They finally came upon a giant building, in an old gothic style made out of deep red and black marble. His Majesty leaped down from Belphegor's shoulder and strutted away proudly, as if not wanting to get his friend in trouble.
Inside, it was warm and cozy, already very home like. "I suppose I should show you to Levi first. Just a warning... there might be a lot of paperwork." He gave the new souls a nervous glance, guiding them to Leviathan's office.

Belphegor knocked twice, quietly opening the door just a crack. "Um... L- I mean, Ms. Envy?" It was funny. He would easily annoy the most violent and easily angered Sin without an issue, but when it came to Leviathan he acted quite politely. She was just downright terrifying. The sleepy blue eyes glanced around at the group of their leader, Lucifer, and Mammon. "Oh... I brought the new group, but I'll come back later if you're busy..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Spanner
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Spanner Patron Saint of spitting on the poor

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mammon Greed

"Oh. Now that's a good question" Mammon's grim widened considerably, clearly satisfied with Leviathan's initiative to ask him about who he planned to take with him for a little while - after all, it was the perfect opportunity to demonstrate the flawless justificative he made in the instant he decided to use his well deserved vacation to tease her - visibly enjoying himself as he started to make his way towards her office, conveniently ignoring the need to receive a confirmation from Lucifer.

"I actually had quite the trouble with making this decision, you see?" he nonchalantly approached her desk, making his way through the unsettling number of documents that covered the room as he approached his fellow sin. "I mean, being the reasonable person that I am, I know pretty well that we aren't supposed to slack off when considering how much work we already have to do in a daily basis and how doing so would make this already unhealthy quantity even more alarming. That being said, I believe that overworking ourselves would be even more prejudicial to the underworld, thus I came to the conclusion we should logically take periodic vacations to avoid having to deal with such issues." He explained while taking one of the piles of documents positioned directly besides the sin and relocating it to clean a spot for him to sit in the desk before progressing with his not-so-convincing speech."With that in mind, I started considering who I should take to test the verisimilitude of my conclusion. To start with, I naturally started to observate the sins to conclude which would take the most benefit from such an opportunity, and after a some serious investigation I concluded that... We actually don't have that many sins in need of a vacation." He dramatically paused his speech to glance at Leviathan, as if to confirm that she was still paying attention to his bullshit."I mean, amongst the sins Asmodeus, Beelzebub and Belphegor are already relaxed to the point where their working doesn't even count as a burden" He stoped for a moment to momentanuously turn his head towards Belphegor - who conveniently entered with his newcomers in the middle of his speech - throwing a glance towards the other sin that clearly meant something along the lines of "don't you dare to spoil my amusement" before continuing "Satan is so freaking naturally nervous that he already counts as a lost cause - and thus wouldn't be fit as a test subject - and Lucifer not only can't take a vacation - as his responsibilities as a head of state require his constant presence - but also counts with the help of a relatively competent assistant - considerably reducing his burden" He once more stoped, showing a smile that almost looked innocent as he finally voiced his conclusion: "And finally, Leviathan - You - is always so dedicated to working in despite of not showing any particular trait that makes you immune to the burden brought by such a massive amount of work that you can only be regarded as the perfect subject to prove my theory. You're the only one yhat I can possibly take with me that can effectively make this vacation profitable for the underworld... That is, if you accept going to a date with me for the sake of our beloved realm." He finished with such an eloquence that it almost looked like he had absolute faith in what he said - a clear bullshit, as he honestly didn't believe that his crazy speech made in the spur of the moment would effectively manage to convince Envy, as he effectively concentrated more in taking some amusement from the situation and hopefully impress some of the newcomers that came with Sloth in the process. Well, he wouldn't complain if it actually worked though... A date with a cute girl isn't something he could possibly reject.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CyanideSweetie
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CyanideSweetie Guns Hidden Under Our Petticoats

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


You ever have a dream that you're falling and you wake up trying to catch yourself?

Well that's what Cinder was experiencing. Except she couldn't wake up, mostly due to the fact that she wasn't dreaming.  

She was fucking dying. 
- - - - - - - - -
Cinder gasped awake jumping to her feet. The movement felt just wrong and sent her stomach twisting. 
She glanced around, it seemed like she was in some sort of fiery pit, and as far as she could tell,  she was alone.  She noticed multiple foot prints in the sand around her,  they all converge to a spot and took off in a single direction.  Cinder didn't know where the hell she was but she knew she didn't want to be wherever it was alone. 

She went to walk forwards, following the trail but her body mived backwards instead.  " What the fuck!" she said loudly. Glancing down at herself her heart skipped a beat. " What the fuck!" she squealed. Where were her feet? More importantly were were her boobs?!?

It was then that she noticed something strange,  well more strange.  She forced her arms to move and they slowly, awkwardly lifted to front of her tutu.  Sure enough she stared down at her black tight clad ass. " I'd know that booty anywhere. " she muttered to herself.  She took a shaky breathe and bright her hands up to her neck. Feeling the bunched up skin she grabbed her head and made a quick jerk. Her head twisted back into place,  she glanced down anf gave her boobs a reassuring pat, with a relieved sigh. She stated walking, glad it actually worked this time.

One thing was for sure.  She was deader than a fucking door knob. And by the looks of this place she didn't qualify for heaven,  no surprise there. But why was she alone? " Hello?!" she called out, " I'm lost with nowhere to go! " she shouted, only slightly sarcastic.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by bmxbrat484
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bmxbrat484 He/They

Member Seen 4 mos ago


On his way back to his office, one of the worker demons stopped him to ask what they should do about the sign, or more precisely, the lack there-of. He gave the soul an exasperated look, opening his mouth to yell at the man. However, the said soul went from looking timid and scared to confused and curious as he looked over the Sins shoulder. Satan turned to follow his gaze, seeing a young woman crumpled on the ground behind him. "Well shit.." he muttered to himself, then turned back to the soul. "I'll ask Sloth later today, he's in charge of the welcoming committee. You lot, get back to whatever the fuck you were doing before this."

With that, he strode to the lone soul, watching as she combobulated herself again. An eyebrow rose delicately as he observed her, waiting for her to finish yelling out. " I'm lost with nowhere to go! "

"If you have nowhere to go, you can hardly be considered lost, can you?" He inquires cooly, one tanned hand on his hip. "However, you wouldn't be stuck by yourself if you weren't late." Not that he thought it was her fault, of course, but it was aggravating all the same. The issue of a late soul was something he would definitely have to bring up next meeting, as it provided a major security risk to the underworld. "No matter, I suppose I can escort you, if to just ensure that you're accounted for." Satan turned his back on the female, motioning for her to follow. "Oh, I'm Satan, by the way. Satan Wrath."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AkaiJose
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AkaiJose A Wandering Artist

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Angels, huh? Yet still haven't seen them... Oliver thought in disbelief, his head shaking slightly side to side. What had he gotten himself into this time? He died and managed to go to Hell-slash-the "Underworld" and had to be guided by so-called demons. There was a heaven! Angels lived there! Was it better than in this fiery pit, or was it worse? His head throbbed even with thinking about it all.

Nonetheless, he allowed himself to walk behind Belphegor, despite not getting off on a good note with the Sin. He couldn't bring himself to trust the people and beings around him, but it seemed he would have to stick with them for now until he could leave or find someplace secluded to sort his thoughts out. He spaced out a little as they walked through the city, gazing at the lights and buildings in a very dulled sense of awe. Oliver wasn't sure how he felt about being dead; he supposed he would be sad, but he felt a little detached from the living world and couldn't bring himself to feel that remorse. It seemed that life in the Underworld would be more laid back and exciting, but Oliver wasn't sure how to make that fresh start again. He had died so suddenly and had barely made his own life back home.

They came upon headquarters, a building in stark contrast to the bright lights of the entertainment district. He came to like it a lot more, as the entertainment district seemed to noisy and chaotic for his liking. The Sin cracked open a door and peered inside, and Oliver took a peek too out of mild curiosity. Inside, he spotted three other people having a chat. Or at least, one was giving some sort of long speech to the woman about the personalities of their co-workers... until he asked her out.

"Is this a joke?" Oliver managed to grumble under his breath. "All that to just ask her on a date? Just make it short and sweet and ask her out." He couldn't believe it. Did they actually do any work? He could guess that Envy was a workaholic who took things way too seriously, but the rest? He wasn't too sure. Even though he hated the fact time was so wasted in just asking for a date, he continued to watch, hoping to see a reaction from Envy herself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LemonadeVik
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LemonadeVik Glitchy Boi

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Thurman Douglas and Lucifer Pride

"Just don't burn anything else down, we don't need an Underworld full of flaming signs." Lucifer said to Mammon. "But be back when the tour gets here, you aren't going to miss another round." Thurman, while Lucifer was trying his best to sway the Sin from leaving so soon, walked over to his own desk to grab his desk chair and rolled it over to Lucifer's desk, grabbed one of the financial papers from the stack, and started through the paper work.

"Do you have your speech ready for today's tour?" Thurman asked as he checked the box at the bottom of the page before going onto the next. "I will just reuse what I said last time."

"Are you sure?" "Positive."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Atroposer
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Atroposer Papa

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Beatrice, despite her better sense, was confused and beyond herself with wonder. She looked at the demons with some sort of childlike awe. The whole situation was hilarious to her. "Is there an afterlife mafia I can drive for? I've never paid taxes, and I'd like to keep my streak going." She said casually, occasionally looking at the other humans and trying to figure out how they all died. She was sure who she was addressing, as they all seemed to be able to answer her questions. Though, she was beginning to like Belphegor, and she certainly enjoyed Oliver's commentary. Her big eyes wandered around again. This was all too much for her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Current Location: Her Office

Leviathan continued to stare down Mammon, oh so eager to hear what kind of stupid ploy he had to explain his ludicrous rationale this time. But alas, time did not stop to appease to the ramblings of a mad fool and before any of them could stop him, Belphegor appeared with the new group of humans following in suit behind him. Leviathan met his quivering voice with a neutral stare and said, “Come in Belphegor and pay no heed to Mammon’s delusions. As always, he's trying to claim some noteworthy but impossible possession.”

Only then did she realize that Mammon was actually in the middle of one of his speeches. So with an internal sigh, she held a hand towards Belphegor’s group to hold them up while she entertained the other Sin. And when all was said and done, Leviathan was left giving Mammon her usual gaze of apathy; the only inkling of emotion being presented was that of a raised eye.

“Yes, who am I to combat such logic from a madman? Only, there is one very fatal flaw in your reasoning Mammon Greed,” she said, tearing her gaze away and this time signing some forms with pen in hand. “We Sins do not require the same levels of nourishment, sleep, or even pleasures as regular humans or even Demons. In fact, it can be said that we are able to function at our tasks without interference from outside sources. So no, I don’t really see why I need to accompany you on your vacation.”

A few papers scribbled about later and she looked back up at the Sin. “But I’ll give you some effort for at least amusing me in these past two minutes. If you can provide a better, more realistic offer than I will consider your proposition,” she said, eyes sharply flicking at the young man closest to the door. “Ah, you must be the first human brought before me. Step forward so I can assign to you your legal documents and other necessities,” she called out to Oliver before glancing at Beatrice.

“If you want to start a mafia, you need to sign the papers." A thud on the table. "All of them.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by CyanideSweetie
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CyanideSweetie Guns Hidden Under Our Petticoats

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Interacting with>> @bmxbrat484

Cinder mimicked his pose, propping her hands on her hips. Tilting her head she smiled,"Destination is irrelevant, if you don't know where you are then are you not, in fact, lost?"

Still scowling at her he said,"However, you wouldn't be stuck by yourself if you weren't late."

"Late?," she huffed. "It is impossible to be late for your own death. You die when you die and that's exactly when you are supposed to die!" She stomped her foot. "If you have a problem with it, take it up with gravity. I fell as fast as I was going to fall." She scowled as he started walking, gesturing her on.

She grumbled under her breath at him, and then he introduced himself. She snorted trying to keep her laughter in. This short stop was Satan? boy did the people up stairs have it wrong! "Hail Satan!" She crowed loudly making the Hitler salute at him. She skipped up to his side," So, Mr. King of Hell, do you normally greet your condemned souls at the gate?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by bmxbrat484
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bmxbrat484 He/They

Member Seen 4 mos ago


"Hail Satan!"

Satan rolled his eyes at the gesture, cursing his luck. Of course he would get the one snarky bitch. Although, he didn't quite mind her attitude as much as he had the males. "I'm not the fucking 'King' down here, sweetheart, just head of Security and Militant forces. This isn't the Hell you were taught in Church, either. There are 7 'Sins', and we all run the Underworld equally. At least, in theory. Usually Belphegor is in charge of getting new souls acquainted, and you should have been held until tomorrow during the scheduled time.."

Wrath reaches into his pocket for his packet of cigarettes, taking one and slipping it between his lips. "It's a rarity that a soul slips through at an undesignated time.. I will say, though, it's a relief that you're well aware of your death.. Suicide? Or was your fall really just that high?" He offers the girl a cigarette, his own lighting as if of it's own volition. He was shit at small talk, and he didn't even know why he was attempting it, but the walk to Envys office was long enough that he figured he could try. Anyways, he liked her spirit.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Cherrywitch
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Cherrywitch Fufufu~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Belphegor Sloth

Hesitantly, Belphegor went to place one of his bare feet forward into the room, but quickly withdrew it like a scorched puppy. Not only did he receive a somewhat threatening glare, which from experience with Satie was benign, but the simple hand gesture to halt from Leviathan was what made him pull back with fright. She was terrifying.

The lazy sin flicked his tail before finally curling it around his sweatpant-clad thigh absentmindedly. He was only half listening to Greed's drawn out speech, more waiting for it to be over than anything. Was he really trying to get a vacation? Belphegor had to hand it to his coworker, he had guts to walk up to Leviathan requesting that. Sloth leaned against the door post with folded arms, vaguely covering a yawn until he heard:

"That is, if you accept going to a date with me for the sake of our beloved realm."

Mid yawn, Belphegor snapped down his teeth in shock, effectively sinking his fangs into his tongue. Sloth muffled a yelp, childishly holding the injured muscle between his index and thumb with a quiet whimper. Was Mammon out of his mind? Not only was it a futile attempt, but now Envy would surely be angry-!

Or, not?

Well, she seemed perfectly fine with it. Of course, Belphegor wasn't expecting her to attack anyone, but at least show some anger at that request? But, maybe he was wrong about that too.

The blue haired male went to gently nudge Oliver forward when Leviathan requested him, but paused as he remembered the human throwing his hand off of him earlier, like he was diseased. Belphegor flinched, slowly withdrawing with a saddened look. The only thing he really cared about was protecting these humans, and yet...

"Sh-she's requesting you." He barely spoke loud enough to hear, refusing to look up from his crossed clawed feet. Belphegor really seemed personally hurt.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mablesyrup
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Lisanna managed to keep herself completely silent as she half-listened to the Sins, Demons, and Humans. She evidently seemed more interested in her surroundings, poking her head about Envy's office. She hadn't expected the afterworld to be like this, in fact, she wasn't even sure what to expect. Darkness? Nothingness? Though this definitely wasn't the case. She remained silent for a very long time before finally chiming, soft and gentle,

"Um.. I don't want to join the mafia.. or pay taxes.. or get a house. I-I don't know how to do.. any of that."

She shook her head slowly, stroking some stray hair behind her ear. Her blue eyes dilated. She spoke again, to all of them who were near.

"I need to go home now. Because.. Because I have things there that I need to do."

It was a foolish statement. Childish and trifle but that was in fact what she wanted- no. What she needed. She had so many more things she had to do and how could she do so if she was dead? She had only had a taste of life. Despite her usual self, she didn't feel like complying to this new reality just yet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Atroposer
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Atroposer Papa

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Beatrice stared at Envy, then at the stack of papers. She pursed her lips, giving it genuine thought before shaking her head. "I'm not the type to lead, so... I guess I'll just do something else." She scratched the back of her head, deep in thought. A mafia probably wouldn't work in the afterlife anyway. There's not threat of death and without that...

"Hey, are you alright?" Beatrice said quietly, touching Lisanna's shoulder. "It's okay, none of us probably want to be dead. Well, maybe some people want to, but hey! Look on the bright side!" Beatrice smiled widely, eyes searching the room for the bright side. She coughed a little, hoping someone would chime in with what exactly the 'bright side' was. She certainly wasn't seeing it. As much as she loved and trusted her wife, Diane was in no way fit to be a single mother. Beatrice grimaced and avoided Lisanna's eyes now that she failed to find an optimistic out take.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fourze
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Hell was originally the most well-known name for the Underworld, and because of that, the Angels have it a bad reputation on Earth. We only changed the name because the old one has a bad connotation."

"Hmm" Charles briefly pondered the answer, it seemed sincere and innocent, but no! Things couldn't be that simple as a human, or more accurately demon resources publicity stunt."That can't be al-" before he could finish his argument the crowd of souls started moving towards the HQ, with Charles falling over and trampled by unaware souls. The good things about being a skeleton meant that you didn't have that many body parts to lose, and after removing the dust from his coat and checking that there wasn't anything missing Charles followed the crowd from behind into the HQ since he had nothing better to do.

It seemed that they were going to meet Envy first, Charles remembered the extraordinary amounts of paperwork he needed to fill for his first house, and for the repairs when it burned down for the first time. Reminiscing about the past, Charles remembered that he should probably report the fire to his house and ask for the paperwork. As much as he disliked participating in the bureaucracy of this place, he had no ability to build a house for himself and as such he was a slave to the system. If anything he should be grateful that he didn't have to eat and drink in this hell or he would have to take a normal job instead of the occasional odd job he takes to pay for many things he breaks. Placing himself in the last place of the line, Charles began waiting patiently by humming a catchy tune he heard when he was alive.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Spanner
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Spanner Patron Saint of spitting on the poor

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mammon Greed

Mammon nonchalantly stretched his arms as he listened to newcomers, lazily leaning against the documents that covered Envy's table as he adjusted his position, stopping just to frown a little as his enhanced senses faintly detected the "advice" given by the human boy.Wish I could do that, Boy. It's a shame that Levi isn't exactly an emotional person... He couldn't stop himself from laughing inwardly at the image tho, as he found the thought of seeing a flustered Leviathan extremely amusing - albeit improbable - enough to make his interest in the humans seemingly die as he once more turned his gaze towards Leviathan, listening to her answer and possibly imagining how cute her flustered face would be."We don't? Seriously?" He asked, his face demonstrating his obvious - and completely fake - surprise for a second before he suddenly nodded, his expression changing to demonstrate concordance."Now that I think about It, last time I ate something or slept was around 3 weeks ago. A normal person would be totally dead by now." He said with a grim, conveniently adjusting the tone of his voice to make it clearly audible for the humans, as if giving a hint about how they couldn't apply their common sense in the underworld - an almost helpful tip, at least for his standards.

"Oh. Really?" He asked as soon as Envy voiced her willingness to hear him as long as he seriously gave her an offer, involuntarily showing a genuine half-smile - far from the usual amused grins previously demonstrated - before regaining his composure, turning his face towards the group of humans brought by Sloth as he tried to hide the satisfaction brought by the unexpected answer.

"Very well, since I've managed to get such a rare opportunity I could as well make a serious proposal" He finally spoke after a few seconds of thought, his demeanor instantly changing to the more serious, almost emotionless behaviour he demonstrates when working - a clear sign of his decision to take things seriously - as he turned to once more face Leviathan."Since I have no hope of appealing to emotion, I could as well follow your ways when asking your for a date... If you accept to come with me for a single date - just for today - I'll take care of 15% of your daily work for the next week." He voiced the offer in a business-like manner, directly looking into Leviathan's eyes as he tried to convey his seriousness."It won't directly impact my efficiency in my own work since I've already managed to organize our funds in a way that the economy could run smoothly even without my help for at least a few days and will considerably improve your efficiency as I'm definitely one of the more competent sins and - considering that I'm not Lucifer - this is definitely not my pride speaking for me." He stated in a serious tone, clearly confident about his own capacities."In the end, I'll get my date and you'll get a competent helping hand, all of that while improving the inner working of the underworld. It's profitable for the underworld and satisfies all the involved parties."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CyanideSweetie
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CyanideSweetie Guns Hidden Under Our Petticoats

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Cinder nodded her head back and forth as he explained this unexpected kind of hell. "I'm familiar with the Seven 'Deadly' Sins. I guess it does make sense to have more than one person in charge down here. " she said glancing around. This place was massive! Though she could see figures moving around in the distance they all seemed to keep their distance. She grinned, well she was walking with 'Wrath' after all. And she guessed some people couldn't handle a little additude. She was not most people.

"Eh, the schedule isn't my fucking problem."she raised an eyebrow at his question. Gesturing down at her clothing she remarked," Yes. I committed suicide in a fucking tutu. Come on, sweet cheeks, you are smarter than that! Im a- well I was a tightrope walker." She crossed her ankles and pinched the edges of her tutu in a mock curtsy, "I was quite the shit, I assure you." she shrugged, standing back up and continuing to follow him " at least I was until my rope snapped. Kind of hard not to realize you're dead when the last thing you remember is falling and you wake up with your head on backwards. It wasn't exactly fucking rocket science."

Cinder was surprised that she was actually enjoying the conversation. Back at the circus people usually only approached her if they wanted to bone her, or if they were going to harass her because they were jealous of her headlining show. That whole 'family' scenario media slapped on circuses was a load of crock , it was show business pure and simple and if you weren't the best you were replaceable. But Satan was surprisingly easy to talk to, she tried not to laugh out loud at her train of thought.

She took the cigarette, frowning at it. "These things will kill you, you know? " she winked at him, putting it in her mouth and extending her neck towards him for a light.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by bmxbrat484
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bmxbrat484 He/They

Member Seen 4 mos ago


"If you don't watch it, I'll have you assigned to the Administration department and the schedule will become your problem." His tone had shifted and become almost teasing, causing the 'threat' to fall flat. It was an empty threat anyways, as anyone who'd been around for any length of time would know that he could only request individuals be assigned to his division. "Well, if you were such a fucking star, you could prove it and apply to the Entertainment division. They have a few stunt shows, mostly comprised of new souls that end up deciding to be reincarnated, so they're always open and accepting. There's only one demon that I can think of off the top of my head, she's a juggler.. Annoying little shit, but good at what she does."

Satan was kind of hoping she would take a job in the entertainment district, she was obviously well suited for it. She wouldn't take shit from hecklers, that was certain. If she did decide to continue with her human career, Satan just might find himself taking the patrols down in that area every now and then.

Rather than using his powers to light it, Satan stopped and leaned forward, his nose an inch away from the girls as he used the embers on his cigarette to light hers. "Yeah, I wish they would. You'll understand when you meet the others." Satan looked up at the tall building in front of them, slipping his pack back into his pocket. "Which, will be sooner than I'd like, it seems. Leviathan Envy is one of the two Sins I respect down here, as she takes her job quite seriously, and I can only ask that you respect her as well. Also my boss, Lucifer Pride, is someone not to trifle with. You'll notice that his secretary has quite the thing for the Head of State, and it's quite annoying." Satan switches his attention back to the girl, taking a long drag off his cigarette. "You ready to start your sentence?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AkaiJose
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AkaiJose A Wandering Artist

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Envy's reaction was... less than thrilling, to say the least. But what was Oliver expecting, someone with a wild personality like Wrath? He wasn't quite sure, but he didn't seem to want to cross her either. At her call, he stepped through the doorway while giving side-eyed glances at Greed, trying to gauge his own thoughts. He looked down finally at the desk, at the papers he needed to sign. He was dumbfounded at the sheer number, but he was starting to feel a lot less surprised at the odd flow of things here. He couldn't be surprised any longer by anything.

"If you accept to come with me for a single date - just for today - I'll take care of 15% of your daily work for the next week."

Except that.

Oliver found himself snickering under his breath has his hand scribbled his signature with a flourish. "That's definitely a more logical approach, but it comes across as more of a trade than anything. Does she even need your help if she's a workaholic?" He looked over his shoulder at Greed, wondering why he was so eager for his date. "I think she'd rather go on a date with her paperwork than anyone else."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Current Location: Her Office

Leviathan nodded, switching out the stack of papers meant for Beatrice in turn for…yet another stack of papers. She still needed to sign for residency, license, and other essentials. While she motioned Beatrice towards the nearest pen, she simultaneously sorted through the sheets Oliver was signing with her tail. A quick glance behind Sloth revealed the line swiftly forming and her ever present frown deepened further. This was going to take a while.

“Please make three lines. One for renting a house, one for purchasing a house, and one for alternative living quarters,” she called out to the humans. That should have organized things a bit more, and she chose to ignore Lisanna’s statements and subsequent breakdown. She had no time for people who couldn’t accept their own deaths so as far as she was concerned, Lisanna could get to the back of the line.

As she continued working with Oliver, she took note of a brand-new speech being cooked up by Mammon. Because of course he would leap at the chance of redeeming himself in her eyes the moment she made the possibility a…well, a possibility. In hindsight, she regretted giving him mercy and held in another sigh. Well, at least this would be entertaining to listen to while she worked.

“Sign here…here…yes, thank you for stating the obvious Mammon,” Leviathan said between scribbles of her own pen at work. The pause in his voice was acknowledged by a twitch of her tail though, an indication that she was listening to the new proposal he offered to her. She disliked having to split her focus between his rambling and getting this paperwork done but such was the sacrifice of trying to appease both the humans and her fellow Sin from ticking her off further.

Though that problem was ultimately resolved because Mammon took it upon himself to look right into her eyes. Well, at least now she could focus on something completely, though it being Mammon was less than cherished. “..…..” Leviathan stared into his orbs, two sights of neutrality meeting, though one was greatly more apathetic than the other. A few moments passed before…

“…very well then. I can’t deny that your offer isn’t cost effective,” she said in her usual tone, ripping her sight away and back to the paperwork. “You can start your services by reducing the workload right now. As an extra incentive, the faster we get done with processing these new citizens the quicker you can have your date,” she said, finishing up Oliver’s papers and handing him the finalized documents.

“I can pretend he’s paperwork by stapling a restraining order to his face,” she said in response to the human’s quip.
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