"Welcome to Hell!"Those are the first words you are greeted with by a low budget paper banner with the letters splattered on lazily in black paint, and possibly some sort of cheeto dust or other food residue near the edges.
From across the way, your blurry hearing recognizes a frustrated and violent voice. Was there a fight?
"YOU DAMN SLOOOBBB! I TOLD YOU TO CHANGE THE DAMN SIGN DAYS AGO! EARTH RECOGNIZES 'HELL' AS A BAD THING, YOU GLUTTONOUS PIG!!!"Looking closer, you can make out a man with bright red hair and tan skin, teeth gritted as he shouted at a half-awake female with food crumbs on her shirt who weakly slammed a greasy paw against her hurting ear to protect her eardrums. As you listen, you realize they aren't speaking your language— yet you still understand them.
"I got hungry. It was barbecue Wednesday.""LIKE YOU NEED IT!!"A sigh was heard from beside you, making you swing around in surprise.
"And they call me the lazy one. They aren't doing anything." A kind halfsmile pulled at the person's lips, he holding out a hand.
"Welcome to the Underworld."
The world after death, the Underworld. A place full of fire and what you had imagined— evil. But as you listen to Belphegor, the sin of sloth explain and answer your questions, it's hard to believe that this truly is the "hell" you grew up hearing about.
Instead, you listen to the blue haired demon answer each question with a smile, both yours and others, but every question was one you would have asked yourself.*
You fill out forms about yourself at the demon's request, handing it in on top of a huge stack that he slips into his jacket.
"I'm sure Envy'll be excited about more work." He muttered to himself with a little smirk, blinking back to the group.
*View first OOC post
Belphegor Sloth
Tags: @Cat@AtomicNut@LemonadeVik@bmxbrat484@Athela@AkaiJose@Spanner@TheWindel@Fourze@Patches@Atroposer~Earlier~
Time wasn't really an idea in the Underworld, considering there were no sun or moon. Still, that wouldn't stop a certain someone from sleeping the day in— all 24 hours, if he could.
Whilst in his deep sleep, Belphegor groaned as he felt a sandpaper like tongue lap at his cheek, and a tiny clawed paw poke at his collar bone.
"Hmphhh... His Majesty, stoooppp."The sin cracked open a blue eye with a huff, glaring at the calico cat on his chest, who gave a cute
mew and a wave of his tail to see Sloth awake. Belphegor was usually in a sunny disposition, but could get quite grumpy when waken up from his naps... which was constantly since he's always asleep.
With a huff, the blue haired demon sat up and stretched his back, spaded tail stretching upwards too. He watched His Majesty leap down and sit, staring up at him happily. Belphegor had been yelled at countless times by his coworker, Wrath, for bringing in the souls of the stray cats into the headquarters but how could he say no to such a cute little face? Of course, "His Majesty" was only a nickname giving to the cat by Sloth due to his regal way of sitting, as he nicknamed all the strays he takes in. The Sin gave a little grin as he picked up that cat and rubbed its ears, making him purr. Glancing around, Belphegor noticed he had fallen asleep on the couch in his office. It wasn't surprising that no one woke him up to go to his room. The workers were used to the Sin sleeping wherever he pleased at whatever time, and now just sort of left him alone unless they needed him.
Suddenly, realization struck him.
"Ah, I had to introduce those new souls! Damn! Thanks for waking me up, His Majesty!" Snatching an apple off the fruit bowl on his desk, Belphegor threw on a loose sweater jacket and raced out towards the portal. Hopefully he wasn't late yet!
Behind them, the sign for the underworld was already being repainted by a couple of worker demons, they slashing a line through 'hell' and writing something underneath. Belphegor scanned his eyes over the new souls curiously. Did they understand a word he said? Well, they would figure it out soon enough, and if not they could always come see him.
The Sin looked as if he had just gotten out of bed, which was accurate, but it wasn't like he didn't look far from this usually. Shaggy blue hair, tired kind eyes, slightly slouched shoulders, a white undershirt and gray sweatpants with a gray jacket. It was kinda sweet that he could walk around like he was at home, though extremely unprofessional. Wrath was going to give him an earful, that's for sure.
"Now that that's done, do you guys have more questions, or do you want to head out?" But, the demon suddenly looked distracted as he heard a purr.
Belphegor glanced down, feeling something rub against his leg, flicking his tail happily as he lifted the furry body into his folded arms.
"His Majesty... You followed me? You know Satie hates ya... Here, hide in here." Belphegor whispered and let the cat into the other side of his jacket, glancing back at Wrath with a guilty pout. Maybe if he can get out of here quickly...
The sign was finished by then, and in looking up you see:

This might be a long eternity...