Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
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  • Always accepting, especially humans! Gluttony, Greed, Envy and Lust are open again!
  • Currently searching for co-gms! Ask via pm!

Currently in the Underworld...

The new souls have been introduced for today, and now usual business picks up again.
The banner is back up, though slightly burnt.
Security has increased around the portal and at the underworld's gates.
A Sin has checked the portal's magic supply and it seems fine. Is the soul portal really okay?
Meanwhile, other new souls are flooding into Purgatory!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Cherrywitch
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Cherrywitch Fufufu~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Welcome to Hell!"

Those are the first words you are greeted with by a low budget paper banner with the letters splattered on lazily in black paint, and possibly some sort of cheeto dust or other food residue near the edges.

From across the way, your blurry hearing recognizes a frustrated and violent voice. Was there a fight?


Looking closer, you can make out a man with bright red hair and tan skin, teeth gritted as he shouted at a half-awake female with food crumbs on her shirt who weakly slammed a greasy paw against her hurting ear to protect her eardrums. As you listen, you realize they aren't speaking your language— yet you still understand them.
"I got hungry. It was barbecue Wednesday."

A sigh was heard from beside you, making you swing around in surprise. "And they call me the lazy one. They aren't doing anything." A kind halfsmile pulled at the person's lips, he holding out a hand. "Welcome to the Underworld."

The world after death, the Underworld. A place full of fire and what you had imagined— evil. But as you listen to Belphegor, the sin of sloth explain and answer your questions, it's hard to believe that this truly is the "hell" you grew up hearing about.

Instead, you listen to the blue haired demon answer each question with a smile, both yours and others, but every question was one you would have asked yourself.*

You fill out forms about yourself at the demon's request, handing it in on top of a huge stack that he slips into his jacket. "I'm sure Envy'll be excited about more work." He muttered to himself with a little smirk, blinking back to the group.

*View first OOC post

Belphegor Sloth

Tags: @Cat@AtomicNut@LemonadeVik@bmxbrat484@Athela@AkaiJose@Spanner@TheWindel@Fourze@Patches@Atroposer


Time wasn't really an idea in the Underworld, considering there were no sun or moon. Still, that wouldn't stop a certain someone from sleeping the day in— all 24 hours, if he could.

Whilst in his deep sleep, Belphegor groaned as he felt a sandpaper like tongue lap at his cheek, and a tiny clawed paw poke at his collar bone.

"Hmphhh... His Majesty, stoooppp."

The sin cracked open a blue eye with a huff, glaring at the calico cat on his chest, who gave a cute mew and a wave of his tail to see Sloth awake. Belphegor was usually in a sunny disposition, but could get quite grumpy when waken up from his naps... which was constantly since he's always asleep.

With a huff, the blue haired demon sat up and stretched his back, spaded tail stretching upwards too. He watched His Majesty leap down and sit, staring up at him happily. Belphegor had been yelled at countless times by his coworker, Wrath, for bringing in the souls of the stray cats into the headquarters but how could he say no to such a cute little face? Of course, "His Majesty" was only a nickname giving to the cat by Sloth due to his regal way of sitting, as he nicknamed all the strays he takes in. The Sin gave a little grin as he picked up that cat and rubbed its ears, making him purr. Glancing around, Belphegor noticed he had fallen asleep on the couch in his office. It wasn't surprising that no one woke him up to go to his room. The workers were used to the Sin sleeping wherever he pleased at whatever time, and now just sort of left him alone unless they needed him.

Suddenly, realization struck him. "Ah, I had to introduce those new souls! Damn! Thanks for waking me up, His Majesty!" Snatching an apple off the fruit bowl on his desk, Belphegor threw on a loose sweater jacket and raced out towards the portal. Hopefully he wasn't late yet!


Behind them, the sign for the underworld was already being repainted by a couple of worker demons, they slashing a line through 'hell' and writing something underneath. Belphegor scanned his eyes over the new souls curiously. Did they understand a word he said? Well, they would figure it out soon enough, and if not they could always come see him.

The Sin looked as if he had just gotten out of bed, which was accurate, but it wasn't like he didn't look far from this usually. Shaggy blue hair, tired kind eyes, slightly slouched shoulders, a white undershirt and gray sweatpants with a gray jacket. It was kinda sweet that he could walk around like he was at home, though extremely unprofessional. Wrath was going to give him an earful, that's for sure.

"Now that that's done, do you guys have more questions, or do you want to head out?" But, the demon suddenly looked distracted as he heard a purr.

Belphegor glanced down, feeling something rub against his leg, flicking his tail happily as he lifted the furry body into his folded arms. "His Majesty... You followed me? You know Satie hates ya... Here, hide in here." Belphegor whispered and let the cat into the other side of his jacket, glancing back at Wrath with a guilty pout. Maybe if he can get out of here quickly...

The sign was finished by then, and in looking up you see:

This might be a long eternity...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AkaiJose
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AkaiJose A Wandering Artist

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Prior to entry into the Underworld

"Won't you come with me, Ollie?" his sister sang at him, tugging his sleeve with her eyes wide in pleading. "I promise it won't take long! Everyone else is so busy."

Oliver really couldn't remember where everyone else in the house was at the time, but he went along with it. It was his sister asking him, after all.

They bundled into light coats and ventured outside, the house keys jangling in his pocket and a wallet securing its place in hers. It was the right amount of cold and humidity, not enough to make puffs of white clouds come from their mouths but enough to make Oliver's face feel fresh and damp. It had just rained before nightfall, so it was expected to say a little cooler the next few days, a fact that offered relief to the resident hoodie-lover. It was way better commuting to work by bike with such climate, especially at night! In fact, Oliver debated taking some time later that night to cycle along the residential street to enjoy the lifeless night.

The two walked mostly in silence. Or, at least, with him staying silent. His younger sister, Fleur, tended to interrupt the comfortable space between them with a comment, note, or a factual statement regarding the day. Sometimes, she even made a little joke that he would attempt a smirk at. She would giggle after his recognition, but she actually couldn't tell that Oliver was zoning out entirely. His mind was very gone, washed away into the night by the puddles that scattered the clean cut pavement they walked on. His sister might as well have made conversation at a zombie; Oliver's ears were so tuned out that he swore he could hear the buzzing of the moon's light (or were those streetlamps?).

They managed to make their way to the store a few streets away. The neighborhood was one they felt comfortable in; they grew up around here, after all. But on this particular night, a rather rotund older man with the stench of alcohol rolling off his person in waves, hitting the siblings' nostrils hard, proved to be a match for the thinner, lankier Ollie. His attention was zapped back to present day Earth when the man began to make a few lewd comments towards his sister, reaching out to grab her hand when she refused to acknowledge him. Brotherly instinct kicked in, turning his face a bright red with rage that matched his hair as he intercepted the hand by slapping it away.

"Keep your grubby hands off of her," he growled menacingly, surprising even himself by how threatening he made himself out to be. He'd never threatened people before; was he doing it well? He goddamn hoped so.

Within a blink of an eye, the man erupted. Not literally. But he might as well have, for he crashed and spewed onto Oliver, taking him to the ground as Fleur could only scream and watch in horror. Time passed by with achingly long strides as Oliver could do nothing but try to claw at the man's hands. But he'd lost strength, and soon he simply blinked into black.


Present, upon entry to the Underworld

His neck ached like hell, it was way too hot down wherever he was, and there was a really weird feeling weighing down his lungs that warned him that the whole scenario was likely not a dream. Who dreamt in temperature anyway?!

Oliver shook off most of the odd feelings, his hands delving into his pockets. He wanted to take off his jacket badly, but couldn't really think of a good place to put it as they were in the middle of what seemed to be lava pits. The self-proclaimed "sin", Belphegor Sloth, had told them all they needed to know, made them sign some odd papers that the red-head could only nod at, feeling obliged to fill them out despite being unsure and confused as to his situation. If it was all true and he wasn't having a wild dream, then Oliver had...


He raised his hand reluctantly, his eyebrows raised in concern. He ignored the cat with the weird name (dogs were always superior in his eyes), focusing on the sleepy-eyed man. "Question, where exactly are you taking us and how can we necessarily trust what you say? Can you physically prove that this is hell and that we are...dead?" His voice hesitated on the final word, his tongue lingering on it like some oddity, a complete impossibility. It felt wrong using it. He still felt so very much alive.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by bmxbrat484
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bmxbrat484 He/They

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Wrath was just on his way to rouse the head of the Soul Division when he saw said man slink out of his office dressed, infuriatingly so, as a slob. Smoothing his hands down his own neat, button-up shirt, the redhead began his march to yell at the lazy sin when he caught a glimpse of the new sign. Or, rather, the same damn sign with a sloppy line through it and- Wrath barely slows down as the disgusting sign catches fire, but allows himself a glance at the disgruntled workers so he would know whom to punish later for their laziness. Anyone who had been dead for any amount of time should know better than to go against Wraths direction. It would have been easier for them to just make a new sign as he had instructed them to, instead of trying to paint over the food particles. There were reasons behind why the sin wanted things done a certain way, but down here, no one seemed to care for neatness.. 'Or punctuality.'

He approached the group of new souls just in time to hear a, quite moronic in his opinion, question be asked by a man with discoloration around his throat.

"This.. Isn't... Hell." The sin seethed, teeth clenched. 'Damn it, Gluttony.' He would have to have (another) sit-down with the girl. "This is the Underworld, kid. As for proof.." Wrath shrugs, head rolling to look behind him. "Well, have you ever seen a place like this on Earth?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Atroposer
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Atroposer Papa

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Beatrice woke up. It was a simple action. In fact, she did it every morning at 10 AM exactly. Though, she couldn't help the feeling that she somehow did this simple action wrong. She rubbed her eyes sleepily and blinked as she guaged her surroundings. She was standing not in her bedroom or the hospital, but some place under ground. Fiery? She couldn't think of how to describe it. She's only seen depictions in paintings.

Hesitantly, she touched her neck where the rope had been that drug her across scorching hot pavement, tied to the hitch of a rival mob boss's car. She frowned deeply at the sign, and nearly jumped when she realized she wasn't alone. Beatrice gave a pleasant smile as she heard that she was in fact, not in hell. All her life she was certain everlasting torture was waiting for her. She hesitantly waved at what looked like another human, then grimaced at her own awkwardness and looked down at her feet.

"So... the Underworld." She spoke up, voice cracking a bit as she did. Her throat felt tight. She gave a little laugh. "It's more welcoming than I expected."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LemonadeVik
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LemonadeVik Glitchy Boi

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Thurman Douglas and Lucifer Pride

Thurman ran through the streets of the Underworld. In one hand he held his bag full of notepads, pens, and the like- he normally goes through three a week- and in his other a wrapped up raisin bagel. I'm gonna be late. I'm gonna be late- he internally screamed as he soon realized that his work suit makes for terrible running clothes. But alas he made it to the office, up the nine flights of stairs, and to his desk as the clock struck. He melted into his chair, out of breath, as he reached for his bagel- Ding.

The elevator as the other end of the hall opened. Thurman popped up as Lucifer walked. "Good morning Mr. Pride." Thurman greeted."Good morning to you as well," He returned as he made his way over to Thurman's desk. "Just one thing Thur, it is never a good thing for me to see you running to work late." The Sin said with an amused smirk as he took a bite of a piece of toast he walked in with. Thurman nodded with the "yes yes of course sir"s as Lucifer double tapped Thurman's desk, meaning "come along".

"So what is on the agenda today?" Lucifer asked as he went through the double doors to this office area. But his question was answered as he saw Wrath burning up the welcome sign through the office windows. "Thats today...this should be fun"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Current Location: Her Office

“Lucifer is correct. Improper etiquette is frowned upon. That much is certain no less here than it is in the world above us,” came a barely constrained hissing tone. Every day new souls were ferried over into the quaint little life of the Underworld. While the other Sins were tasked with tour duty and, oh Heaven forbid, fixing a damn sign, the one who had actual responsibility found the addition of new residents to be quite…irritating. Especially because she would have to be the one to ultimately file and approve their residency papers.

“At least try to be on time for your job Mr. Douglas,” said the form of Leviathan Envy. Her short stature was no less demeaning to her imposing aura and the menace in her empty, tired eyes were all but enough to squash lesser beings. “Some of us take time and care into our work so please, be mindful of your reasons for being tardy,” she continued, hazily glaring at Thurman even as Lucifer showed up.

Even if her office was located at the far side of their work space, her gaze could still be sensed before she finally, grudgingly turned back to her work. Busy as always, she turned her irritation into passion, hand slashing at the papers given to her by Belphegor’s assistants with pen in hand. Her tail was also a blur of motion, scribbling down notes and memos and all sorts of other things that needed to be signed, filtered, or simply reminded of.

“Oliver Duport…Beatrice Martin…I know that’s not everyone,” she muttered to herself. “Belphegor should have the common sense to tell them they need to rent or purchase housing lease forms. They also need to sign up for the tax system and new licenses…”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LemonadeVik
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LemonadeVik Glitchy Boi

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Thurman Douglas and Lucifer Pride

"S-sorry Ms. Envy." Thurman apologized from the other end of the room. Even with so much space between the two her voice was crystal clear and her presence more than just formidable. "Leviathan," Lucifer started, taking a seat in his desk chair, "How many souls are scheduled to come in today?" He took a bite out of his toast as he tried his best to tune out Satan's temper tantrum. Man can that Sin throw a rage. He started to boot up his computer as Thurman dug out the calendar from his bag and flipped to today's date before handing it to Lucifer.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mablesyrup
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Lisanna woke. At first, she only glanced around at the strange and distorted reality she now faced. She saw the other people and.. creatures. She only blinked. Then she licked her lips. And blinked again.

"W-whats going on?"

Shakily, she brought up her knees that still ached from being thrown around like a ragdoll. She took her time, lifting herself to her feet before examing her fellow humans. She already felt an inclination to Beatrice, taking a few steps towards her.

"But we. W-we can't be dead? I've got.. My mom, she-"

Lisanna's small hands came to her head, pulling on strands of honey hair. She shook her head slowly, not wanting to believe this or anything else. She wanted to get back. She had to but she didn't dare protest any longer. She did whatever they asked. Signed the forms, took heed of their answers and reasons. She listened but her gaze was fixated on some far off place.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Atroposer
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Atroposer Papa

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Disorienting, isn't it?" Beatrice smiled brightly at Lisanna. She held her hand out to her to shake her hand. "I'm just glad my sweater is in tact." She laughed a little. "My wife bought this for me."

Then she looked to one of the ...demons? She would assume that. "Tax system? License?" She echoed blankly before grinning lazily. "That sounds tedious, can't I just find a meadow for my soul to rot in and wait on my wife and cat?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Patches
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Patches The Man Who Sold the World

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


"More coming in today? Well people die all the time in the real world, so it makes sense." Back home, far from the meeting, "Someone lit the sign on fire... About time if you ask me." She had been sleeping since early last evening hadn't she? Time didn't quite matter though. She just hoped that the newcomers into hell would get use to living here and hopefully either stay or move on.

Standing up, the demon gave a stretch. What was on the schedule for today? A day of streaming? Going out and getting food? Did she have any meetings with people. She thought of this as she brushed out her hair and got dressed, even putting on a bit of horn polish to make them shine a bit more, the way the lights of the entertainment district hit them gave off a nice glimmer. Haha! Looking good! She remarked, looking at herself in the mirror. You may not be one of the Sins, HK, but you are the Sin of good looks~ She said, talking to herself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Spanner
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Spanner Patron Saint of spitting on the poor

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mammon Greed

"Are you truly asking her how many people died today, Lucifer? The day isn't even over and, considering how forgetful Bel has been recently, she probably doesn't even have access to the data yet" A neutral voice retorted from the entrance of the office, being immediately followed by the appearance of Mammon carrying a stack of papers that barely reached his chest, seemingly indifferent as he nonchalantly walked towards the head of the underworld. "Besides... She already does too much for a single person, asking for her to act as your Secretary is a bit too much." Mammon winked playfully, breaking the apathetic aura previously emitted by his neutral mannerisms - A part of his so well-known work mode - as he walked towards Lucifer's right side, dropping the papers on the head of state's desk.

"These are the most recent financial reports about each business housed in Asmodeus little playground, just so you know. Since you're still the head of state, you'd better check on them when you can... Just to make sure that I'm not pocketing anything." The sin playfully said, strangely deviating from his traditional work mode as he demonstrated how satisfied he was with the situation - a direct result of the conclusion expressed in his next sentence:"And, since I've already distributed the budget for the following year and solved the urgent issues related to our economy, It seems that delivering the reports is the last obligation I had before getting a well deserved vacation." He grinned, obviously delighted by the opportunity of having a vacation - even if it was completely self-decided and he clearly didn't even try to get the approval for it, merely announcing his decision - as he made his way towards the doors, already thinking about what he wanted to do in his free time - He wondered if he should go tease Leviathan for a bit? She definitely needed to relax - stopping just to throw a last shameless question."You wouldn't mind me taking away one of the other's with me, right? I'm pretty sure your Secretary can do part of the work for a single day."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Cherrywitch
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Cherrywitch Fufufu~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Belphegor Sloth

While contemplating on how to sneak his feline friend out of Wrath's line of fire, Belphegor noticed a hand raise out of the corner of his eye. Did this kid think he was in elementary? Hehe, what a sweetheart.

"Question, where exactly are you taking us and how can we necessarily trust what you say? Can you physically prove that this is hell and that we are...dead?"

The slight grin on Sloth's face fell quickly at his words, seeming shocked if not heavily confused. Did he really not trust him? For what reason did Belphegor have to lie? The sleepy Sin went to part his pouted lips to reply, when he winced at the sounds of shocked screams behind him. An exasperated look twitched the muscles in his face as he glanced back over his shoulder. The sign was burning and waving from the force of the fire, the demons working on it gazing up helplessly. He... does realize that fire resistant paper is very hard to comeby? That must've been expensive for that much and he just burned it...

Belphegor watched the uptight Sin march up to the group, deciding to take a meager side step out of his way. At least Satie wasn't yelling at him for once- poor Beezly.

"This.. Isn't... Hell. This is the Underworld, kid. As for proof.. Well, have you ever seen a place like this on Earth?"

This only made the blue haired sin pout more. The poor guy was scared, Wrath didn't have to be so blunt about it. It was no wonder he wasn't in charge of the Soul Division with that attitude.

Quietly, Belphegor stepped over to Oliver, having to kneel down due to his height. On his head appeared blueblack horns out of nowhere, curled like those of a ram. "Sadly, I don't have any flashy powers. But you can check these to see if they're real if you still don't believe me?" They were smooth and lined, surprisingly warm for what should be simple bone. As he stood back up, the tall Sin offered a bright smile as he put a sharp-nailed hand comfortingly on the human's shoulder, the horns disappearing as fast as they appeared. "I wouldn't lie to you. And don't look so worried, you're all under my care, nothing's going to hurt you down here." Except maybe Satie if he's mad... But Belphegor kept that thought to himself.

Sloth stepped back, ear pricking as he over heard: "So... the Underworld. It's more welcoming than I expected."

A hand raised up to abashedly scratch the back of his head with a shy smile. "Thank you. We try our best." The Sin paused to take a glance at his hotheaded coworker. Well, not all of them were welcoming.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LemonadeVik
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LemonadeVik Glitchy Boi

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Thurman Douglas and Lucifer Pride

Lucifer looked up to see Mammon making his way over to his desk with the stack of financial reports. Lucifer listen without saying a word, knowing it would be pointless at this point to tell him vacations are only on set days.

"Take whoever you need but make sure its work related." Lucifer said with a wave of his hand as he started to look at the schedule for today. "And while you are on your vacation please tell Satan to calm down. I honestly don't want to go down there myself again."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Matheny


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Clarence Frontwater

A booming voice lifted Clarence out of his sleep.

"-have you ever seen a place like this on Earth?"

Frontwater did a double take as the angry figure fumed; he looked like a goddamn demon.

Clarence spoke up, "Uh, yeah man. I've been to a volcano before." He glanced around, noticing three other people and a lot more... Demons?

"Man, this is one hell of a trip," Frontwater announced to no one in particular. He then fished in his pockets for his pack of half-smoked cigarettes. He felt a crushed box, it was like a frown upon his finger tips. The musician shrugged it off and proceeded to pop a bent cigarette into his mouth. Then came the realization that he was lighter-less. He raises his hand, "Anybody got a lighter?", specifically searching for the owner of the fresh fire presented in front of him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AkaiJose
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AkaiJose A Wandering Artist

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Oliver cringed away from the louder (albeit smaller) man who had popped up, getting scolded for using the wrong word for whatever they seemed to call this place. Hell, Underworld, it was all the same wasn't it? All it mattered to him was that it just wasn't Earth, it wasn't home. All he could was stare blankly at Belphegor as he knelt a little to show off his horns. They seemed real enough, by Oliver's standards, but he couldn't help but begin to drown in a rather deep lake of despair.

So what if they would be taken care of? They'd died. They had to accept that they were just souls, lingering in a fiery pit for who knew how long! Even with how hot it was, Oliver began to get chills thinking about it.

He shrugged off Belphegor's hand from his shoulder, taking a comfortable step back. "Sorry, but you could easily be lying saying you wouldn't lie," he mumbled with his eyes pointed at the ground, trying to keep his voice controlled and steady. He deepened his breathing, taking the time to listen to the voices of others. "Man, this is one hell of a trip," a nearby guy said, which seemed to sum up a lot of what Oliver himself was thinking. Emphasis on hell... he mused to himself, finally gaining some sort of semblance. Now, he lifted his sharp gaze to the demon in charge of them, awaiting whatever was to come next.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mablesyrup
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Lisanna gladly took Beatrice's hand and shook it softly. Lisanna had always had a gentle touch and being dead didn't change that. After all, why should it? She couldn't help but smile at the woman.

"It's pretty.. I like it."

She said this, glad to have such a simple and friendly interaction to distract from the impending and living hell they were experiencing. She glanced over at Clarence. For a brief moment, she reached down to her short's pockets before letting go. She used to carry a lighter for Father and for other reasons... -Father always misplaced his. But Lisanna had forgotten a lot of things that night.

Teenagers shouldn't carry lighters anyways. She told herself. Her expression faltered and her smile slipped into some forgotten place. Her gaze slumped down to the ground awaiting any instructions. Compliant as always.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Atroposer
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Atroposer Papa

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"It's pretty.. I like it." She heard the girl say.

Beatrice smiled once again at Lisanna, this time ecstatic that she was friendly. She then looked to the horns that Belphehor decided to sprout. She put a hand over her mouth, hoping to hide her surprised look. It wasn't that it was odd, it was that she was almost entirely certain he hadn't had them a moment ago?

"That's really neat." She said lightly, fighting the strong urge to reach out and touch one. She decided it would be best to hold her hands at her chest for now.

"... been to a volcano before." Beatrice paused, blinking as if she had dejá vu, before she turned her head and stared at--the--Clarence Frontwater. She tried to say hello, but she stammered out a dumb "h-here," as she palmed the lighter she had in her skirt pocket and held it out for him, staring with big, brown eyes and a fangirlish look of surprise and glee and disappointment all at once. She was kind of hoping for a sister album to Bummy--or at least a third studio album or something.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by bmxbrat484
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bmxbrat484 He/They

Member Seen 4 mos ago


"Uh, yeah man. I've been to a volcano before."

"Volcano's aren't.." Wrath cuts himself off with a heavy sigh, a hand running down his face, the other resting on his hip. He almost admired the blue haired Sin for his patience with these idiots. The ladies weren't so bad, they almost never were, but he couldn't stand the cocky arrogance of a good percentage of males that came to them. The pyro was tempted to set the mans cigarette on fire, as well as his entire head, but that was a level of petty even he wouldn't stoop down to. Plus, he could empathize with the nicotine addiction, always having a cigarette tucked neatly behind his own ear.

"But, if you cretins don't like it, try not to die next time, hmm? Less work for us.." Now that he was really looking at them, he realized that this was a young lot.

"Thank you. We try our best."

Turning to the Sin beside him, Wrath shoots him a look of exasperation. "The second you are done with them, come see me. If you're not in my office within the next two hours, Slackass, I'll drag you there by your tail. And.. Leave the grimalkin when you swing by." Wrath gave the lump in other mans jacket a pointed look, before turning on his heels and hurrying back towards his office, needing to take a well-deserved break from all the souls.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fourze
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Charles Clarkson

“Aja! I knew that they were hiding the fact that this is in fact hell!”

Charles watched the arrival of the new souls from afar using a telescope he managed to win at a raffle. Normally he would have tried to infiltrate the arriving souls and try to show them the lies of the Demons, thought this often ends in one of the sins kicking him out. The main reason he didn't infiltrate the arriving souls today is because his alarm clock didn't wake him up on time, because it had burned to ashes, like the rest of his house. Who knew that being burned alive could be so inconvenient once that he was dead.

Still he still had time to reach the entry road and try to “open the eyes" of these young souls and with Wrath leaving he had less chance of being thrown into the lava pit again. Running (and tripping) till he reached the entry road Charles sneaked into the crowd of souls as best as a flaming skull man could and raised his hand to ask a question. Not bothering to wait until Sloth noticed his raised hand, Charles began asking his question.

”Mr. Belphegor or more accurately Mr. Sloth, if this is not supposed to be the hell we were told about and it instead is some sort of underworld, why did you write hell first in the now burned sign? Did your subconscious unintentionally betrayed the secret truth of the sins and demon society?”If Charles had a face it would have a mix of a smug and inquisitive expression.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Current Location: Her Office

Leviathan opened her mouth to answer Lucifer but the words never came; probably a good thing too since it would have no doubt been some snide reply. Instead, she was interrupted by another of their happy little club, the primordial Sin of Greed itself. Or Mammon if one wanted to be casual about it. As he spoke, Leviathan found her tail to be curling unconsciously in irritation. Every day there was a new Sin that particularly annoyed her and today it looked like it was going to be Greed.

“Greed is correct. Unfortunately,” she said in a low, neutral tone to Lucifer. “Belphegor has hardly come in for a status report so I’m sure the number I have written down doesn’t match the number of people actually there right now. Furthermore, I doubt there’s only two souls today. Humans are stupid and die in the most idiotic of manners.” As she said all this, her gaze was directed to Mammon with a level stare.

Her tail flicked once when the other Sin dropped his papers on Lucifer’s desk and she would have groaned in public were she not busy with work. Because of course that buffoon would find some loophole way to give himself a free break while the rest of them, specifically her, suffered in work. What was worse was that she couldn’t really do anything about it, the stack of papers more than enough proof that Mammon had done his job.

“And just who do you intend to steal away? Better question; which position of this estate do you feel like ruining on your little vacation?” Leviathan answered to Mammon’s question with one of her own. Both her arms were crossed now while her tail continued to sign away forms and papers. “You have the excuse of finishing your duties but we hardly need to give the others any more reason to slack off.”
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