Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by luna558
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luna558 The spam queen that's obsessed with TV shows.

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@Hazy Vescalla quickly ran over to her side of the controls.
This pilot may not be the smoothest but at least she knows how to get me a shot
When she saw the plasma being shot at the thrusters Vescalla knew she should hit elsewhere, so she looked for the deck, she wanted to cause more panic on the ship so that the boarding party would have a much easier time once they actually got on board.
"Alright ye got this. Aim. No, ye not aiming, alright now fire!"
Who was she talking to? Herself. Most likely.
But she is crazy so it may be voices that only she can hear.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by StormHeart
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StormHeart Mother of all Dragons

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Alexandra was in shock of how damaged the Merchant was, but hey, at least she can do something to kill time. She then noticed another person at the engineering bay. The first thought that crossed her mind was I wonder if I could steal something from that guy. Then again, can you really steal something from a cyborg? Doesn't matter. As long as the guy doesn't interrupt her, she'll be fine.

She decided to work on the shield generators. Maybe she might be able to get them working again, but whoever damaged the coils obviously didn't know how much this would affect the generators badly. Oh well, it's time to do what she did best. Fix things.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kessir Tarkin
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@Lurking Shadow@Warborn123@Elevation@tal0n

Rama looked over at the man that called himself William as he readied his sword and shield for the fight ahead. This one thinks he's a night, hope his armour is up to date and upgraded to handle potential devastating weaponry. He thought to himself, but shrugged and felt that seeing the man in action is a better way of understanding what he is capable of. He then turned when he heard a voice coming from behind him.

"We should do what the Captain ordered and take live prisoners, including the captain."

"Ah, you are right droid, the captain does want some hostages. Good thing there will be others, the grunts at the front won't be missed or cared for so they can be taken care of William and Traveler and if you get there first, let us know so we don't go in blasting and hit you by accident. The immediate crew that is with the captain on their ship it should be enough to gain some leverage, if anything we can find out more about what we are up against. And seeing as our captain has such good negotiating skills I feel that they will be meeting an end soon enough as well." He replied back to her and the others.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silvir
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Ranna’s helmet sensors twitched in annoyance. Why question the captain like that? A group works better in unison and right now when they are on their first mission that is most important. Luckily some spoke reason the group.
She nodded at Rama’s words, that was reasonable and within parameters she could live with. Prioritize core crew capture, the rest was expendable. “Sounds reasonable let’s just avoid being savages on this trip. Such a start would just leave a bad taste in my mouth and besides” She looked around at the group. “Wouldn’t it be better to get a grip at everyone’s roles now before we run right into the fire any moment now?” Ranna patted her own chest. “personally I excel at support and cyberwarfare you can count in intelligence and co-ordination to but that is stretching it” Hopefully that would lead the conversation to a more constructive subjects.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sazama
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Sazama Soft Apocalypse

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Scrap made sure to stay out of anyone's way, especially those who had more knowledge on ship engines than she did. Yet she couldn't help but be amazed by what she saw in the engineering room. Adjusting to this new life was going to be hard, but lucky for her, she's a fast learner. The older girl was already working on something and looked to not be bothered. But there was one particular large cyborg looking dude that had a good grasp about what needed to be done. Scrap wanted to help the best that she can though only knowledge she had concerning ship engines and shield generators were the highly damaged/old ones that were thrown away in the Junkyard. It might prove useful but she highly doubted it.

Scrap shyly walks up to the big cyborg figure, trying her best to hide the fact that she lacks any actual social skills behind her oversized hoodie.
"Uh anything I can help with? B-besides the complex engine stuff? I'm more of a robotics and gadgets kind of person." Scrap sheepishly asks all while keeping a good distance between her and the other engineer.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

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The Cyborg was working hard on the bad engine, re routing pipes and wires from one part to another, prioritizing efficiency modules over safety ones. “Sara start telling some of these drones to retrieve parts from the cargo bay if they can find them” Some basic drones, they are more annoying than anything if they don't have anything to do. why the captain kept so many was beyond him but at least he can make use of them later when they are not in a fire fight.

Between the rewiring and replacing small parts the drones were retrieving for him he had barely noticed the small voice near him. Looking up at the girl from his perch on top of the engine, he could see the girl was small perhaps even a child couldn't be more than 16 years old. She had a few mechanical implants and what looked like an old style arm and leg as well as part of her skull it seemed. The parts on her head did not seem embedded, if they were her baggy clothing was hiding that fact from him.

He didn't stop working on the engine from where he was at and didn't look away as he spoke to her. “Well the Engines and shields take priority but if you are not comfortable with that... then I guess you can reprogram some of these robots that aren't doing anything useful to repair specific things or maintain Components throughout the lower decks. You and those bots could probably fix the components down there anyways, your small enough to fit.” His Computer generated voice carried a little way through the bay as he finished installing another component to the second engine. “Just don't go around any of the generator turbines with that baggy hoodie, it's a real pain in the ass to get pieces of people out of those things.”

A warning notification popped up on his heads up display, “Boss we need more fuel, we won't be able to make the jump out of here if we can't get any fuel from the other ship” Sara chimed in once again, “I know, time to give the boarding team a shopping list.” He paused from his work for a moment and sat up, “Sara patch me through to any of the boarding team that have comms.” a small acknowledgment sound chimed in before he could hear some boarding crew on comms.

“OI! Listen up Boarding crew this is engineering and I got a shopping list for you.” He paused for a moment to make sure they were listening, “I don't care who gets it but currently we do not have enough fuel to jump out of system and away from the imperial enforcement ships on their way here.” Again another pause as he made a quick calculation on fuel, “We need at least 3 fuel cells, they are about 4 foot long cylinders that are about 2 feet across and they should be glowing a reddish orange. They weigh about 30 lbs. each and should be marked in red. The other thing we need are new shield coils and we need at least 2 of those any other engine parts are welcome. All of which you should be able to find in their engineering bay.” again he paused before continuing his work, “also be advised Sara has picked up a lot of traffic from imperial satellites and communications, they know we are here and are launching their fleet as we speak. Good hunting.” Victor Broke radio comms and continued to work on the engine which was now operating at 35% from 25%.
(Mentioned for the above paragraph/shopping list@Silvir@Kessir Tarkin@Lurking Shadow@Warborn123@Elevation@tal0n@The Jest)

The high stress working conditions were quite comforting to Victor, he had always strived in them. It also allowed him an excuse to not be very talkative and instead work on what ever it was he was doing. It's not that he didn't like talking to others he just wasn't very good at it and seemed to come off as weird or strange. He took notice of the other girl that seemed to be working on the shield generators, “Oi! Girl I recommend focusing on the damaged ones before moving onto the broken ones.” He wasn't meaning to be bossy but he was the only one giving orders and by what he saw out of these two, he simply did not believe they had more experience than him.

@KimmiNinja @StormHeart
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Elevation
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Conrad looked up as the voice from one of the engineers came through the coms asking the boarders to pickup a few items they needed for needed repairs. "Well I'll go after the fuel cells and shield coils. I'm just going to need one to two others who aren't too caught up in their egos to come help me out." He looked at the others in the boarding area waiting to see who else would go with him.
@Silvir @Kessir Tarkin @StormHeart @Lurking Shadow @Warborn123 @tal0n
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tal0n


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@Silvir @Kessir Tarkin @StormHeart @Lurking Shadow @Warborn123 @Elevation

Reina turns to Ranna to respond, a fist clenching at Ramas comment.
"I am skiled at front line combat, defending allies and controlling the battlefield." she says to Ranna @Silvir. She then turns to Rama and says, in an irritated manner "I am NOT a droid." This is said with somewhat more emotion and emphasis than the previous statements.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bishop


Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Aye aye captain!"- Gold responded as he got ready to go with the boarding party. He would stay back and let the others do the fighting this time. He was only here for gathering supplies, no need to get his hands dirty.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Warborn123
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Warborn123 That really quiet guy everyone forgets about

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@Elevation I'll go with you William said to Conrad as he heard the shopping list the border's needed to get, he frowned under his helmet, he'd much perfer to go after the captain of the ship, it would be glorious. but alias William knew that without the supplies they need his honor wouldn't matter much because they'd be too deceased.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Windstormugly
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The Jest
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@Windstormugly @luna558 @Warborn123 @Hazy @Lurking Shadow @StormHeart @Atroposer @Kessir Tarkin @Kimmininja @Elevation @ReusableSword @BKburke @Bishop @Silvir @Tal0n

Typhon- Boarding party

"Hmph, She can have it; I'm more the Captain's guardian than his first mate, only reason I'm taking on that role is because I'm the last one left who can. ...Frankly, I prefer to be forging in an armory anyways." Arms said in response, continuing after his previous scoff, as he stood by in wait for the tube to complete its connection to the merchant ship. He listened to everyone of these boarding folk talking among themselves about how they feel about the Captain and his orders, amused at what he was hearing. It's very clear by just listening to them that they don't have the slightest clue what they're getting themselves into under Arron's authority.

"You're not wrong, kid...Free-ranged thought and open minds are the reason we have an army of drones but still need a bunch like you. The lot of you are free to use any means necessary at your discretion to get the job done. However, that 'cell' has the right idea: How you fulfill your orders is up to you, so long as you follow those orders. The Captain often doesn't like it when people decide to go against the objectives he gives out. When he says he wants them alive if necessary, he really means 'don't fucking kill them unless you don't have any other option'. Don't worry about why he wants them alive, you'll find that out soon enough, just focus on the fact that he does, and that he won't like it if there's no survivors." Arms explained to William. He heard Rama, Ranna, and the others explain the same thing, making him sigh with relief. At least not all members of the boarding party are kill-crazy. Not every occasion of piracy, after all, needs for people to die...just most of them.

Then in comes the "Shopping List" from Jar regarding what's needed. Conrad seemed to have volunteered to get it, which would be a good idea, if Asugan didn't blast out the Thrusters of the Merchant ship. While it's likely that the thrusters wouldn't have much impact on the merchant outside of stopping it dead, which was fine since the plan was blowing it up anyways, The thrusters are connected to the engines in the engine room of the ship. Meaning the engine room of the merchant ship is damaged at best, and at worst, has a potential hull breach. He then heard Reina irritated say to Rama how she's not a droid. ...Which made Arms have an idea.

"Hopefully you can survive hull breaches like one though...Kid, I'm gonna need you to hold off on doing that, unless that armor's REAL Air-tight. Reina will go with Conrad to get those things Victor mentioned. If the attack on the thrusters caused any holes into space, you might the only we can send to collect what's needed. In which, Conrad will provide cover fire. Everyone else collects what they need, and provide cover for Gold. Remember, take as many back to the Typhon alive as you can. As for me, I'm simply coming here as an observer of your skills. I won't be providing much assistance therefore; Captain's orders. ...That said, The least I could do is give you guys an easy start." He said as the tube began to connect to the ship, the electric pulse from it causing the Merchant's ship to open up its door and stay open.

As soon as the Typhon's airlock opened up, Arms took the lead, expecting the boarding party to immediately follow suit. A few merchants began firing their way, to prevent them from getting onto the ship, but Arms blocked out some of the blasts heading directly for him by shielding himself with his arms. He made a quick jump forward, landing in the airlock of the Merchant ship, immediately smacking the merchant to the right of them to the wall with his arm while smacking the merchant to the left of them with his tail near simultaneously, with enough force to knock them both out, and continuing into the ship itself. He could tell just by looking at it that this ship's hallway was nowhere near as impressive as the Typhon's feeling a little more tight-spaced in comparison. With that in mind, he immediately moved out of the way so that everyone else in the Boarding party could enter.

Once everyone was on board the merchant ship, Arms opened up a panel on the back of his right wrist and pushed a button, delivering a signal directly to the captain's control area, the electric pulse of the tube stopping and causing the ship's airlock door to close as it should, disconnecting the tube and reeling back to the Typhon so that the pilot has the free range to keep the ship alive from the now-oncoming fighter ships after it.

"Alright, it's time for the lot of you to earn your keep. This airlock door is our way out, and as such needs to be guarded. I'll be the one to do this. The rest of you split into groups. Group A will go around the ship, capturing or killing when necessary its crew while pillaging whatever you find. Group B will escort the chef to the kitchen and medical area of the ship to get whatever we need from it. Group C will go to the Engineering deck to collect what Victor asked us for. Group C is Conrad and Reina, Group B is Ranna and Tserv, Group A is everyone else. Unfortunately we don't have time for a Q&A session nor a debate about this. So get moving!" Arms said to them.


Typhon- Bridge

Arron simply sat on his chair, as everyone else got to work, watching as the Imperial Fighters began their assault on his ship. Needless to say, it seems this was so far the right kind of crew. He could tell off the bat that Pain was a bitch, but hot damn, her skills are definitely not to be questioned. It's been some time since this fine ship flew like this. Hook and Scots were doing good too, with Hook in particular aiming for the Thrusters on the Merchant ship, keeping the ship in one piece while making it unable to go anywhere.

"Clever shooting you two, this'll make this much easier a time now!" He said as the ship connected to the Merchant ship. Eventually he got a signal from Arms that everyone was now in the Merchant ship. Using the control panel on his chair, he reeled in the connecting tube that kept the ship from moving.

"Alrighty maties...We can actually move again, though bear in mind what Jar reported. Now... target those fighters, and raise hell upon them!" Arron yelled out with a smile, pointing towards the ships that were firing on the Typhon.


Merchant Ship

They're coming in from the Air-lock!

Dammit, we can't close this thing!

Don't worry about closing it, just fire at them!

What the hell!? Gah!


Those were the last messages the Captain heard from the two guarding the air-lock that Arms knocked out. He looked down to the ground contemplating this horrible situation.

"...Damn Pirates. I should have known that fucking brat was a pirate!" He said to himself. He then pushed a button on his control console.

"Attention all personnel, the Pirate scum has entered our ship. Find and destroy them immediately." The Captain said. As ordered, the rest of the crew of the ship armed themselves, attempting the approach of "The best defense is a good offense" by heading straight towards the enemy with an intent to shoot to kill.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by StormHeart
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StormHeart Mother of all Dragons

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Alexandra groaned at the cyborg. Maybe it was a good idea to steal from the cyborg. "Listen, I've been in engineering school for a tiresome eight years, and literally read every single book about engineering. I think I'll be okay." She said as she tinkered with the broken generators. She would've worded it more nicely, but A) He interrupted her while she was working, so she was cranky, and B) She just didn't care.

She also noticed a younger engineer, but she noticed that she was keeping her distance while standing next to the robot. Well, I can take a hint. I'll not talk to her right now.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Elevation
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As the airlock the huge first mate rushed in and knocked the two guards out with one swift movement. 'Wow I wouldn't want to get in his way' Conrad thought to himself. The crew filled into the merchant ship and started breaking off into their teams.

"Alright it's time to see what you're made of Droid." He said to Reina with a smirk before turning and heading down the hall towards the engine room to collect the fuel cells, shield coils, and possible any engineers he found there that he deemed valuable.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sazama
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Scrap nods her head and goes off to find any robots in need of reprogramming. She decided to listen to what the cyborg said about the components in the lower decks and prepare some of the bots to help her out. After toying around and figuring out the mechanics and software, she turns to the other two engineers win the bay and hurridly shouts,
"I'm off to the lower decks, I-I'll be sure to fix whatever I can!" she then scurries along to the lower deck to fix whatever is needed down there with 2-3 small bots following her.

Down in the lower decks it was just as the cyborg predicted. Lots of tiny tight spaces, but she was just the right size to fit through. Just for caution, Scrap removed her hoodie- revealing her tiny & bony frame. With the tool bag she came with, Scrap climbs throughout the lower deck fixing up any kinks, cracks, or mishaps that's to be had with the help of the bots she reprogrammed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Atroposer
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@luna558 @Hazy

Telasie went dead silent, something rare and something of a blessing for those around her. She shifted around for a moment before she managed to get her feet out of her sandals, preferring to be barefoot. She wiggled her toes awkwardly before a wicked grin cracked across her lips. "They're working on the engines." She decided, glancing at the wheel and sorely missing a control panel. Still, this was a bit more fun, but she would never admit to that lunatic child that she had to call a Captain. She felt as the ship disconnected from the merchants and eagerly jolted out of place, just in time to avoid what would have been a particularly damaging shot.

A maniacal cackle broke from her as she looked up at the fighter ships surrounding them. She, again, would never admit it, but she was beginning to like the Captain quite a bit. He might not have been sane, but he wasn't annoyingly cautious as the people she worked with previously were.

"Red," She looked at the strangely colored hair of the human, though instead of calling her 'gunner' or 'lady', she addressed her by the oddity of hair color. Telasie had already nicknamed the other 'Handsome', though only in her head. She didn't finish that thought, instead she aimed the ship into what looked like the worst possible place for it to be, however on Vescalla's end of things, her next shot could very possibly take out the pilot on one ship, or the canons on the other. On the other hand, Asugan was in a bit of a blind spot. Now that he had proven his ability and wit to Telasie, she wanted to test Vescalla. Should they both prove competent, then this would be an easy job. Should one prove less than the other, well...

She didn't think the Captain would take too kindly to her killing any of the other crew, or maiming, but she would certainly pilot and favor one side of the ship, which would eventually get annoying.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silvir
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The sensors flicked as Ranna tilted her head listening to the instructions. "Copy that performing escort duty, configuring for support and protect mode" She interacted with the S.W.A.T unit on her arm for a moment and soon a ball formed hovering near her with parts rotating around it.
Around her the air shimmered slightly before settling again. "Mind if i go first for a moment?" She asked heading down the corridor tossing a pulsating cube ahead of the group. "Trying to map the nearby area till we get to a command console of some sort." The girl let out a loud yelp as the air bristled near her head, a force field taking the impact and lighting up visibly for a moment. The sphere instantly glowed red and sent a screeching line of red light down the corridor in response. "never mind!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lurking Shadow
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Lurking Shadow Yithian Archivist

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Traveler observed as the reptilian organism pacified the two unfortunate guards, noting that his movements were with the speed and skill of a veteran. Clearly someone it would not want to draw the ire of.

Traveler followed suit with everyone else onto the merchant vessel before the doors closed behind them. This may make it difficult to return... unless taking this ship is part of the plan Traveler thought while splitting into the smaller groups. It's orders, to pillage and pacify the crew. looking in one direction, it saw ventilation covers toward the ceiling, but not too high up to reach.

"This cell will move through vents and look for the captain, pacifying targets along the way." Traveler said as its form stretched and distorted, eventually losing all resemblance to that of a human. Choosing the guise of its 'in-between' form, resembling a black slime with no discernible features, Travler oozed through the small slits of the vent, losing its senses as they were absorbed into its form. Instead, it had to rely by feeling the environment and the subtle vibrations of movement to construct a map of the area. To its left, a constant low vibration suggesting a fan in the distance. To its right, intermittent loud vibrations suggesting a conversation from what it presumes to be a group of merchants. Prey. Should try to avoid killing. One dead won't hurt... for sustenance... Traveler thought before moving towards the source.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by luna558
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luna558 The spam queen that's obsessed with TV shows.

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@AtroposerWhen Vescalla heard the nickname she hadn't heard since high school she immediately glanced over at the pilot. Very quickly realizing that she had signaled an opportunity to take out a ship's cannons or the pilot of one she chose to take out the cannons.
Best to not get shot right now She thought as she took fire at the ships cannons.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Warborn123
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Warborn123 That really quiet guy everyone forgets about

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William flew through the airlock, bashing into a guard with his shield and sending the guard crashing to the ground sound asleep, William already disliked killing so Arms telling him not to kill was redundant, yet William felt oddly drawn to combat, yet he had both liked and disliked it, he enjoyed the thrill of the kill rushing through his veins, but hated the "Kill" part of it.

He wasted no time preparing for the next fight, Let's do this!, FOR HONOR AND GLORY! he shouted as he charged across a hallway, his shield ready to block whatever firepower the merchants had.
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