These insects were really starting to wear thin on the patience of the water kingdom. The king wanted nothing more than to rip these bags of human meat to nothing more than shreds, to shreds you say? The king was rather remised about his attack not landing. He merely scraped the surface of the petite girl’s body, only tearing a hole in her uniform and leaving her hip and waist a bloody mess. The scent of iron absorbed through his permeable skin and empowered him more. The size of his body and muscles seemed to expand and grow larger all throughout his body. It seemed as though blood made him stronger and allowed him to heal wounds as well. It was no wonder that he was able to move so fast in the waters since he ate that fat sack of worthless trash known as the Akimichi.
Having missed his opportunity to end the life of another, he was susceptible, a position the king rarely found himself in. The young kunoichi lunged several smoke bombs at the king that he could simply only watch with his eyes as they exploded within his vision. His senses were kicked into overdrive he could feel himself in a trapped position and needed to reset before he would take any more damage, the girl charged her arrows while the fox made its move. Distracted by the genjutsu and the flurry of bubbles escaping the air tank that once stored life for the young fox, he was caught off guard by the assault of explosive tags. A small furry, albeit wet and soggy, paw kicked off of his snout, his mind putting the pieces together too slowly for him to react. Even when he did try to react his sense had been thrown out of whack, he was in an inverted world where every moment he made was contrary to what his mind had wanted.
A clever band of pups that seemed only to enrage the king in his own proper home, they would not live to see the rest of their lives he was sure of it. The king let go of the canister and shut his mouth and swallowed the tags as fast as he could, it seemed his stomach was just as tough as his skin was. After all he did just swallow an electrical bomb prior from the young kunoichi. The tags did as they were intended and detonated within the deep sea kings body. Almost comically his stomach expanded outwards as if he swallowed an entire hot air balloon. His skin clawed outwards so desperately wanting to erupt and release the gas and pressure inside assaulting his insides. And in and instant he shrunk back down to size as a bellowing smoke escaped his nostrils and mouth. What kind of monster could survive such an attack unscathed? The smoke was quickly followed en route by an explosion of blood escaping his mouth, nose, eyes, and ears; basically every orifice had been penetrated with the black oozing blood.
Before they could land the final blow the undead army assumed an almost impregnable defense for any oncoming attacks as the king rushed towards the clam the queen was hiding recluse in. The king saw the black boy murdering her two prized eels with nothing more than a translucent box, had he focused on coordinating his attacks with the two others the king would surely be dead. With him preoccupied with the undead clawing at him and his skin being torn open, the scent of blood once again drove the king crazy. In his feeble state the king in a last ditch effort pierced the clam and grabbed the queen out of her protective bubble. It was no love tap for he had firmly wrapped his gargantuan hand around her pretty little neck. With no hesitation he snapped her neck which let out a massive shockwave. The buildings around them started to collapse as if they were made of straw, the army disintegrated into sand, while the naiads seemed to spontaneously erupt. The ninja would be pushed away with untamable force, but not before witnessing the next atrocity.

The king unphased by the shockwave bit the head of the queen and pulled, her head and spine being perfectly and cleanly ripped from her lifeless body. Spitting the head out like a cork, he raised the queens open neck and poured her sweet life essence into his monstrous gullet. Her blood was thick and rich, it escaped the sides of his mouth and dribbled down to his chest and onto the floor staying the precious brown sand black. With every swallow and resetting of his Adams apple the kings body healed and expanded to greater widths and size. He drained her like a juice box before thrown her shriveled up body aside. The area was clear there was nothing left besides the two forces and the lifeless water and shifting sands. The deep sea kings killing intent jumped at the group almost devouring them right there, this wasn’t the same monster they had first laid eyes on, he was something else. In an instant he was gone, the team would only hear a static noise or boom, but that was already too slow. First was the fox, a punch so lethal it aimed to vaporize the fox. Another static noise, over head the young kunoichi his fist wrapped together raining down on her from above. Lastly one more sonic blur before he was sending a flurry of fists that seemed to number in the hundreds at the young black ninja. This was true fear.
Gisho Omawarisan/Shinko
With the tests finishing it was a matter time for all the teams would make their way to the forest of death. Shinko seemingly appeared in front of all the completed teams and idle at the entrance of the teams who had not yet completed their exam just yet. Regardless this was the time for him to introduce the rules of the second exam. For those who haven’t finished yet the message would be played on loop until they were able to grasp their next scenario. Shinko was a man of few words and to hear his voice was a blessing, which would not change today. He unraveled a scroll and weaved a singular hand seal before dropping the scroll. A plume of smoke appeared before it was whisked away and an image of the Hokage was replaced. “Congratulations on the teams for making it past the first exam. There’s no time for celebrations just yet, for the next part of the exam will be starting as soon as you have sought aid and the remaining teams all gather. For the next part of these exams you will be going up against each other. That’s right, the friends you forged and the teammates you bonded with may now be your number one enemy.”
“For this exam you will all become an army of one as you face off against your peers. The objective of the game is quite simple. Each of you was given a scroll when we first met, your goal is to take the scroll of any ninja you encounter and return it to the exit by the times limit. If you are not in possession of two scrolls by the end of the exam or unable to make it to the exit you will be eliminated. Fret not for if you fail here you will still have the results from the first exam to weigh in your favor, likewise for those who pass this exam will have their first exam results evaluated together. Oh and before I leave you to your own devices, there will be a free scroll in the middle of the forest of death with no strings attached. Whoever takes that scroll will not have to worry about finding a suitable opponent, but I expect you won’t be alone in that endeavor. Good Luck, and make your villages proud! Ginsho out! Damn how do I turn this thing off?! Shinko! Damn it now I’m making a fool of mys—“ End of transmission. Shinko bowed before disappearing for the teams who had already completed their exams and heard the message.
Shizuka Ichimi

Konohagakure | Chūnin | Breezy-nin
TIME: Present Day - Morning | LOCATION: Forest of Death | INTERACTION: @LadyinInk@Altered Tundra@Reflection
His eyes never left the girl, she was his first and last priority, they had made it this far and his ever growing will to protect this girl was still unwavering, even if Shizuka didn’t know exactly why. She ripped the mask off of her face, but before he could even stumble forward to shield her cloudy eyes she already pried them away with her own. Feeling a little useless, Shizuka rocked backwards once more in unison with her hands falling back down as she got accustomed to the cruel sun that kissed them all after being exposed to utter darkness for the most part. ”How long were they down there for? Was time different on the surface?” Yet he was thrusted out of his mind once more in favor of the girl wanting his company. His arm was tugged along with his body that seemed to fall quite weightlessly, arms wrapped around him and embraced him tightly. Shizuka thrown aback soon wafted in the sweet smell of lavender, his shock quickly disappeared and was replaced with warmth and happiness, the outside world suddenly vanishing only to be replaced with a serene array of falling cherry blossoms.
Without thinking he reciprocated the hug by pulling her in towards him and wrapping his arms around her, his head resting atop of hers as a smile formed around his face. "Thank you...." resonated through his ears, Shizuka couldn’t help but let tears form once more and escape down the sides of his eyes, it seemed as though he was quite useful in some respects, he wasn’t a complete failure. The embrace ending quite abruptly but practically sent Shizuka back to his normal demeanor. Shizuka turned to face Kurin who quickly approached. His arm was extended with open palm in hand, a quick flash back replaced kurin with the image of his father with the same gesture the first time Shizuka had completed his training. With the next instant the image faded and Kurin once again stood in front of him. Lowering his head and laughing with a large exhale, Shizuka stood and met the gesture. His hand gripped the boys forearm attempting to avoid any burns as he gave him a very deep handshake. “I’m still the leader than write stick boy?” Shizuka laughed.
Jakuuna had seemingly bet left out to dry by Kurin as he completely ignored the boy’s plea for companionship with his head instead of their seared arms. Shizuka walked over and head-butted the young thunder god almost knocking him over, he more or less would recoil in pain. Shizuka reverted back to his quirky absent minded persona. Not knowing his own strength or perceptive of social queues would make up for this gigantic head-butt that left the wind seeker unshaken. Before Shizuka could get another word in the appearance of the Hokage’s bodyguard was suddenly felt and with it an important message regarding the next examination. Shizuka listened to his words with great care and grimaced at their current predicament, they were at quite the disadvantage, save for himself. Hopefully the other teams were just as injured or worse, but the chances were far too unlikely. Turning his head back to the rather ever growing beauty in his mind, Shizuka seemed to fret most about her condition. ”If worse comes to worse I’ll just give her my scroll and wait till next year, sorry mom, dad.” and with a breeze of leaves Shinko was gone. “So what’s the plan now? We only have moments before it starts.” Shizuka quick on the offensive.
The group of uchiha plus senna had made their way down the path less traveled. However it seemed in his over analysis of the situation and his own hubris, Kyo had led them down the wrong path. It seemed as though the obvious path was the path they should have taken for the scroll and the passing of the examination, instead they were met swiftly by an army of jonin proctors. The proctors were quite hostile rather fast, the main proctor dropping his flag for a kunai instead with a small congregation appearing behind him all with mimicked hand seals. Kyo grinded his teeth together an audible clench could be heard along with an enraged tsk from frustration. If it wasn’t heard it most certainly would be felt amongst the squad, with senna being the first to feel it, she looked at kyo worried almost as if she wanted to reach out to him, but she had to be strong aswell.
The tornado died out and it seemed their situation was growing dire by the second. They were at quite the gruesome number disadvantage and despite being a 4 man cell consisting of 3 uchiha they would still be no match for 17 jonin that had been working as one. They not so much as issued a warning but instigated battle without thought. Kyo’s eyes and mind worked into overdrive trying to perceive their current situation and find their best route of action. Without second guessing Kyo sprang into action “Kuro Raiton no Yoroi (Black Lightning Release Armour) black lightning enveloping the young shinobi’s body speeding up his neural synapses reaction time and physical prowess. With the combination of the Sharingan and BLRA Kyo was seemingly untouchable. Time slowed down around the bombardment of air bullets aimed at his team. Weaving the necessary hand seals kyo reacted accordingly, “Jigokuchitai no Jutsu (Hellzone Technique)”
Kyo’s leg smashed itself into the ground creating an upheaval of earth and black lightning that swallowed the skies. Leaving nothing but a massive hole in the ground meters in front of him. The lightning and earth would serve as means to intercept and destroy the air bullets and snap at the jonin, while the hole would by them cover and time to escape. Kyo turned and quickly grabbed senna, thrusting her over his shoulder alleviating both hands to grab the two uchiha. With incredible speed he exited the scene behind them now and aimed to run all the way to the ends of the opposite set of tracks, this was his mistake he had to reap what he had sown.