Zin Parallex

After finding out Vesta's whereabouts, Zin decided that she'd need to join her in battle and unfurled wings to fly, when the green scaled dragon woman flexed all of the muscles in her legs, got into a half crouched like position, she leaped up in the air a couple inches and held out her arms in front of her, then like most things that are up in the air, she landed on the ground, hard. The Dragon woman landed face first into the ground with her tail up in the air, she pulled herself off the ground and noticed she bloodied her own nose, she wiped her nose ketchup onto her scales." Damn it, I need to assist Vesta and make sure she's safe." The dragon woman dusted herself off." I'll need to learn how to use my wings."
Looking back up to the mansion, Zin got an idea on how she could teach herself how to fly, she charged herself past Vivi nearly knocking the small Celestia down and her maid before rushing into the mansion and climbing up almost over of dozens of stairs, when she met the roof barbarian dragon unfurled her wings once again in an almost majestic manner, the idea of getting hurt from doing this wasn't in her mind, and if it was, it was far from the first thoughts in her skull, getting to Vesta was the only thought she had in the front of her head and flying was probably the fastest way for her to get to the silver haired woman. Zin Threw herself off the roof with her wings out behind her thinking that she would fly this time, and when she began to quickly glide, she started to believe that she was doing it, but when she got low to the ground with her gut and breast being dragged across the ground before she landed this time a lot less rough than last time.
When the Dragon woman stood up, her coat burst at the seems and fell off her, but she wasn't focused on her clothing at the moment, Zin was thinking about why she didn't fly this time, she only flew for a couple meters before she was forced down to the ground, she put a scale covered hand onto her chin and thought about it for a while then snapped her fingers and got it. She rushed back to the mansion and rushed to the roof a second time, she had it this time she knew she was going to get it this time, she had a plan and was gonna go through with it.
Zin leaped up onto the ledge and this time she dived straight downwards and landed straight into a tree instead of luckily just slamming straight into the ground and giving the Celestia's one less headache, Zin laid tangled up in the tree's branches and leaves, as she broke the branches and pulled herself out of the tree and fell to the ground, she went back to her thinking pose from when she first glided off the roof." I did it before, but how do I keep myself in the air?" She asked herself as a bird fluttered down on the ground in front of her, as the bird chirped and flapped it's wings Zin got it and snapped her clawed fingers." That's it, I've got it."
The dragon threw herself down at the bird and caught it in her clawed hands." I'll eat the birds and harness their energy and skills, when I eat enough of them, I'll finally get it." She ate the bird whole and coughed up some of the poor creature's feathers." Now for more."
Just like that Zin began a sort of crusade against the birds around the Celestia mansion, like a starving cat preying on mice, the dragon woman hunted them down and pounced on them with no mercy and ate them whole, with the thought of gaining the ability to fly in the front of her thoughts. On occasions she would be caught by Vivi with a bird in the hand and squatting in a bush or coughing up feathers like the cat who just ate the canary, but like the dragon she was in most of those occasions she'd just stare down the smaller Celestia and look her in the eye as she would just consume the birds around them. At the end of the day, Zin would keep throwing herself off the top of the mansion only to glide or land head first into a tree, with each fall to the ground making her more dedicated to her crusade against the birds.
Only when it felt like weeks, probably 4 if Zin was keeping count, of shoveling birds into her gullet and giving herself over to gravity many times, Zin finally, got it down, she understood how to fly. The Dragon woman got onto the roof once more, this time knowing she won't eat dirt and gravel this time around, Zin got a running start before jumping off the roof and extending her wings, once she was in the air, she began moving them up and down using the muscles in her back and chest to move them up and down in a manner similar to the birds she hunted down and ate, knowing Zin she probably will never figure out that she learned how to do this by just chasing the birds down and copying their wing patters as they flew away, no to Zin she believes that she gained this ability through eating small helpless creatures, probably for the best people keep their tiny pets away from her.
Once Zin's feet met the ground, she smiled at knowing she could, do what she was going to do, whatever it was again, during all that time of bird hunting and devouring Zin forgot what she was doing it for. Feeling as if someone else would know, Zin charged into Vivi's room and shook Vivi asking her what she was doing it for only for Vivi to feel confused and tell the dragon being that she didn't know before Zin let her go and tried to put her memories together and it came back to Vesta, when Vivi mentioned that Vesta would be returning the next day Zin wondered how long had she been throwing herself off the roof, and hunting down birds.
When she was told that Vesta would be returning, Zin just left the younger Celestia alone before thinking about Vesta's reaction to her new form, Zin looked down to herself, looking at the scales on her body and certain places and figured Vesta would probably attack her on sight thinking that she's a monster of some sorts. Zin began to prowl around the mansion and looked for something that could cover her entire body, something similar to a cloak or some sort of wrap, after she got through watching a couple maids dust and clean a reading room with the rectangles that people stare into called books, Zin didn't really care about them and thought of them as a waste of time, she then left the two to their duties and went on to what looked like a room where more of the maids were cleaning clothes and folding them.
The moment the maids noticed Zin they visibly tensed up as Zin began messing up a stack of nicely folded up clothes and ruined their hard work, when Zin found what looked like an oversized cloak she took it with her before leaving the maids to clean up her mess. As the next day came Zin put on the cloak and did her best to keep her wings folded down into her back to make herself look like a normal human so when Vesta would arrive, she could see her without a rock hitting her in the face or getting crushed by a boulder.
Once Zin laid eyes on Vesta passing through the mansion's gates, Zin instantly rushed her with her cloak just flying off her, She jumped ready to pounce on Vesta." Vesta!" She shouted to the top of her lungs.