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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

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Eilidh Chiron

Eilidh thanked Isabella and examined the weapons. She picked the smallest bow and the largest sword, and as many arrows as would fit in a quiver. Armed and in a jovial mood, she engaged in conversation as sang a few Centaur folk songs. The first hour was pleasant travelling, but Eilidh spotted the Hell Knights before the coach did and stopped smiling. Her eyes went narrow, her brow focused and both hands rested on her sword, one at the hilt and one at the pommel, as she trotted besides the coach, not hiding her prescence but letting it be known that this party was under her protection. She leaned in to answer Isabella's question.

"Nothing we can do to avoid them now. They've likely seen us. We will just have to let them approach and then play it by ear."

If Eilidh said she'd rather not fight them, she'd be lying. Centaurs lived for the thrill of hunting and combat, and even now, the adrenaline was pumping through her veins. Even if they let them past peacefully, Eilidh would have to try very hard to stop herself from picking a swordfight.

Luckily, she didn't have to worry about that as the moment they saw her, they readied their lances and charged. A man on horseback is a pale imitation of a Centaur, and she would be happy to show them what the real thing looked like. The humans in the coach looked on as the stoic, friendly Centaur who not long ago was singing to them, now had a bloodthirsty smile on her face, had drawn her sword, and holding it in both hands and pointing it like a lance, charged at the Hell Knight who was charging at her. With one powerful last-minute swing of her sword, she knocked the lance away from her, then twisted her arms to change the direction of the sword mid swing, and stab the blade right towards the Knight's neck, in between the helmet and the shoulder guard.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Maria had to think for a moment thinking of what she can do in this situation, "Will i be alone if i do take this quest?" She asked the guild master. Two fingers rubbing up against her plump lips feeling nervous doing something by herself, Thinking to herself of the other quests that were on the board she could take.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Last night was...well, awkward to say the least. Magnus lacked the words to properly respond to Freyr. It was...frankly a bit cowardly of himself to avoid confronting Marxello by running to see how Freyr was doing, even if it was because he considered him a friend. That night, Magnus would turn in his bed again and again, before eventually falling off and just about falling through the floor from his weight. A rude awakening for whoever roomed next to him, but he promptly apologized and got back to sleeping after smacking his face against Jotun Baal hard enough to knock himself out. Magnus was...well, desperate for sleep that night.

Unfortunately that also meant that he had one monster of a headache in the morning to contend with. Luckily he didn't cut himself on the axe lying on his stomach waking up, his body stiff from the awkward position he'd slumped into. Running his fingers through his shaggy silver mane, Magnus got himself woken up enough to step out and down to the first floor. It seemed that several had already decided on their job for the day, leaving Magnus relatively few options. He couldn't mix herbs, wasn't fashionable given that he seemed to be allergic to shirts, and the business with Eros sounded fine, but...Neil's warning had him very worried. Opting to play it safer rather than rush off to go and meet some sketchy religious folk, he just stayed behind and took a seat at a table, the chairs just about breaking under his weight. Propping his chin up on the palm of his right hand, Magnus felt bad that yesterday was a flop financially, but maybe if he could find some wild game later...boars might be able to supplement their supplies temporarily.

What caught Magnus' attention besides the surly dwarven carpenters was the new addition to the guild; she seemed...exceptionally fluffy. But hey, she seemed friendly enough. Walking over, Magnus was glad that these squeaky floorboards would get fixed up, his gait kinda making it sound like a ship at sea. Once he was close however, he looked down at her and scratched the back of his head. "Hello, um...welcome to the guild. I'm Magnus and uh...i-its good to meet you." he said, bowing his head with some dangerously pointy horns at a dangerously close, but not pokey distance. Turning to Bart, he kinda shrunk back a bit. "S-Sorry about yesterday...and today. No jobs really seem to need me so...I-I'll just stay and watch the dwarves."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 8 days ago


Unexpectedly, Neil decided go acompany him to Ambran to see the apothecary. Neil's words made Freyr think a bit more about humans... He wondered... Did he really hated the human race as a whole, due to their self destructive ways and their greed? Did Freyr only liked a few humans because they were less... 'humans' than the others? Because they acted more like Vieras and other monsters that lived in harmony with the forest? Or did Freyr only hate certain types of humans, those who could be defined as 'bad'...? Truth be told, the line between those two options was beginning to become blurred, as the vast majority of the humans he met acted the same way... Almost like if it was a disease of some sorts...

"So uhh, do you mind telling me about Vieras? I really would like to know about your kind. It's... It's obvious that you're not- you're not the run-of-the-mill kind of monsters." He asked, after they were walking for a bit. It was an interesting question, Vieras were in fact very different from other demi-humans...

"Vieras have... very deep conections to the natural world. Not only physical, but magical as well. We live secluded inside our gigantic forests, serving as guardians of that sacred place. Most Vieras lives and dies inside the forest. They do have the choice of leaving the forest, but if they ever leave... they will not be allowed to come back. If they do, they will be treated as outcasts, and immediately escorted out of the forest." Freyr said, with his eyes lost on the horizon as he talked, lost in his memories as he talked about his race.

"As I said before, vieras have a deep connection to the nature and the magic that naturally flows through the world... When a Viera is exposed to a perturbation to the flow of magic, it will feel it on his own being. And if its intense enough... They will be sent into a frenzy state, becoming several times stronger, faster, more lethal, being capable of even tearing apart metal shackles with our own strength. But while lost on this frenzied, feral state, we will not distinguish friend from foe, instead attacking everyone on sight as long as it is not another Viera." He continued.

"Vieras are already a warrior race, being extremely adept at fighting, especially while inside a forest. When our enemies try to ouse the only thing that would counter our martial prowess, magic, they quickly learn that it wasn't a good idea. Due to those things, the Vieras are the sole sovereigns and absolute guardians of the forest we live in. It's the sole reason why humans never invaded our forests, and the reason why the rest of the world knows little about our kind. But this same curiosity towards our kind have already lead to some cruel acts the humans did to some of us... I've already seen humans purposely provoking the frenzied state we call 'Mist Frenzy', certain that they could beat us, in a foolish bravado, only to have their bodies torn broken and torn by an innocent Viera, sometimes a woman or even a child... I don't need to tell you the mental scars that followed these things..." He said, still looking to the horizon.

"About centaurs... Our kind normally doesn't have much contact with them, because they mainly live on the plains, and we live on dense forests. But the few occasions we met, they quickly were seen as allies, due to their respect towards nature and their unwavering honor. A centaur's vow is something that is not easily broken. Their trust means a lot." He said, looking to the boy as he said that.

"They are fierce companions, loyal friends and very valorous allies. They will never betray you, but they expect you to do the same to them. They can be frightening opponents as well." He continued, remembering the few times he met some of the centaurs, usually in the borders of the forest.


Bast Ragoczy

As the scene unfolded, Bast simply stood still, watching the boy's actions. The path he walks, is his to choose... Bast can only advice him about which steps to give. He wouldn't interfere, even if his steps only led him to his death... After all, it was his own choice.
Bast watched, with a chuckle and a cruel smile on his face as the boy lost his calm, crying in anger.

After he accepted Araghast's offer to a duel, he turned his head to talk to Bast. Those words were his last words. Bast couldn't do anything as Araghast's hands wrapped around the boy's throat, breaking his neck.

"Tsk..." Bast said, turning his head in disappointment and disgust after seeing such dishonorable display.
"I guess I was expecting too much from just a boy..." He said, nodding his hear in disappointment.

"Hmm? And who might you be?" Araghast said, after a while.

"His lack of patience and foolish actions only led him to an early demise... Me? I'm Bast Ragoczy. And who I am? I'm just a man with secrets." He said, with his characteristic devilish smile and doing a flourished greeting.

"The boy was young and foolish, but his words carried a bit of truth in it... Would you mind telling me your reasons for what you did to Boreal Port?" He asked, resting his hands on top of his cane.

"I'm not here to judge, mind you. I just seek... something interesting to do... Will you entertain me?" He asked, with a chuckle.

"It was a pretty... disappointing duel, if I should say... It was incredibly lackluster... Would you mind showing your warriors how a proper fencing match should look? No strings attached. I've heard that sometimes, its best to let your sword do the talking, am I right? And what method would be better to test one's resolve and goals, if not by a friendly duel? 'Men lie, but the sword always tells the truth', Am I right? Isn't that what the warriors usually say?" He asked, lightly tapping his fingers on his cane.

"But I'm not a swordsman, as you can see... So I thought about it... What could be more interesting than both a verbal fencing match and an actual fencing match at the same time?" He said, waiting for the warlord's answer.

"You surely are an experienced swordsman, right? There is only one rule to this duel: no blood shall be drawn. I will stop my attacks before hitting you, and I expect you to do the same. We are both gentlemen, right?" He asked, with a enigmatic smile.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 4 days ago

Love Your Neighbor
~@Silver Carrot~

Your attack was successful! The Hell Knight had his neck sliced before he realized it. But the fight was not over.

The other Hell Knight reacted by pulling out a horn and blowing it. It was clear to you that he just alerted or called his allies wherever they were. You probably do not want to be lingering in that area any longer yet you had a fight on your hands since the Hell Knight was still there and ready to fight. You would need to end this quickly.

The remaining Hell Knight charged forth after putting away the horn. As he approached you, he threw his lance at you which was not hard to evade but he likely expected that as he then unsheathed his sword to enter in a melee fight with you. Locking your swords for a brief moment, you realize that this Hell Knight was no pushover in combat. You will need to attempt something creative to break your opponent's defense.

But whatever it is, you need to do it quickly. You already hear the faint sound of hooves in the distance.


"Will i be alone if i do take this quest?"
Maria Falena

"Y-Yeah. Sorry I can't come with, I have Dwarves to supervise here." Bart replied with a sheepish smile. "If you'd like, you can invite Magnus here but it doesn't look like he wants to travel today."

"I'm sure you can do it, Maria. It doesn't look hard or dangerous. Just do your best, alright?"

Laying The Foundations
~@The Irish Tree~

"S-Sorry about yesterday...and today. No jobs really seem to need me so...I-I'll just stay and watch the dwarves."
Magnus Eissenhoef

"Really? I mean sure but don't sell yourself short, Magnus." Bart replied. "Just because your main attribute is strength doesn't mean that that is all there is to you."

"Well, looks like I'll be joining you since I need to be present when this thing happens. I mean, I'm the guild master after all and I figure that it's me that the Dwarves are going to approach if they have any questions regarding what they should do to the building." Bart said. "I've already told the Dwarves what they should do but since you're here, I'd like to know what you think..."

Bart then explained to you that the left hall of the first hall would be the dining area for the guild. The northern half would be the kitchen would be cooked while the southern half would be where the guild dines. The chairs you brought back made the Dwarves' job a bit easier. Meanwhile, the right hall would be some sort of lounge where the guild members can hang back and just enjoy silence. However, the Dwarves raised the question if the entire hall should just be a lounge. The forge and armory that was in the north area of the first floor was to be repaired as is.

Bart continued that the second floor would be where the guild's quarters were. Currently, Bart had it divided by twelve, six on each side. The rooms were not small but not large either though they could be made roomier if they would be further divided. However, Bart had future guild members in mind when he made that decision.

And that was the general plan. "So what do you say, Magnus? Do you have any suggestions or any rooms you want to add? The Dwarves said they could if we asked."

Herbal Medicine
~@13org (FYR)~

"Whoa, so like, you're like... protectors of the forest, right? That's awesome." Neil gave a compliment. "But you go crazy when exposed to magic... Well, you won't be sensing any magic from me, I assure you."

You reach Ambran by midday. The town was extravagant, one more boon from becoming a full-fledged city. Wagons hauled cargo to and from the city and lots of stores lined the sides of the streets. It was clear the town was some sort of trading hub. The people were mostly human though there were some who hid in hoods while others simply looked off.

Neil asked for the client and the two of you were pointed to an apothecary away from the streets, away from where all the people were. While it was not hidden, the medicinal store was definitely not within the way of a passerby. But you were there for the quest and with a knock, Neil entered the establishment with you following close behind. "Hello?"

"Ah, welcome!" A friendly voice greeted you. "May I help you?"

Neil answered. "Oh, we're from the guild. We're here to help a Mister Darren?"

"Oh. Oh!" A man appeared. Middle-aged yet cheerful as a child. Bespectacled and wearing the robes of a humble alchemist. "Darren would be me and I've concocted a carriage straight to heaven!" He exclaimed.

"...That the Alchemist Guild made illegal!" He added as he produced an incense burner. "This is what I'm talking about." He referred to the object or whatever that was inside. "It's called 'Huwana'. I make it myself. No paranoia, no weirdness. A ticket to paradise. Its fumes relieves pain and gives a sense of peace which could be great for those camps where all the wounded soldiers go."

"Here, why don't you just experience it yourself?" Darren then lit the incense burner and the smoke began to fill the room but the fragrance had yet to enter your nose. "Oh, ah, do you have any questions? Like, are you following so far?"

~@13org (BST)~

"The boy was young and foolish, but his words carried a bit of truth in it... Would you mind telling me your reasons for what you did to Boreal Port?"
Bast Ragoczy

"Hmmm... That place is still standing? I'm surprised." Araghast remarked before answering. "Well, first of all... I am a Warlord! I am supposed to be on a battlefield, slaughtering the enemies of Varjo and bringing glory to King Joshua and dread to his foes! Not wasting away, babysitting a backwater port! So I took what little wealth that place had and left it to the vultures. Seems they missed their mark though."

...We are both gentlemen, right?"
Bast Ragoczy

Araghast silently listened to the rest of your words. ""...You talk too much." The Warlord then turned around and gave one single order. "Kill him."

The Varjan Warriors in the camp gave one united war cry before charging at you. From where you were standing, it was impossible to measure just how many there were but it felt like a horde had collapsed upon you. But it was not the time to be filled with awe, your life was in danger and it was time to act.

Right now, there was a Varjan Warrior about to swing his two-handed axe at you. The move was predictable but you noticed that two Warriors with swords and shields were coming and will be in range in about a moment.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Eilidh Chiron

The moment Eilidh heard the horn, she slapped the side of the carriage twice and cantered to the driver's window. "Make haste to our destination without me momentarily! I will catch up after I have dispatched of this other knight before backup arrives!" Without waiting for a response, she wheeled back around to face the knight, sword held steady. As the knight charged, she charged to meet him, banked to the left to avoid his thrown lance without breaking her stride, and when they reached one another their swords clashed with a loud, ringing clang. Eilidh noted his strength and speed with a sword, but far from being worried, was pleased she was fighting a worthy opponent. Still, time was of the essence and the situation was too urgent for a true battle of honor.

Any any other time, she would have abhorred the idea of fighting dirty, but she had made a pledge to protect the party she had sent a head, and backup was arriving soon. Her honor to that pledge overrides her honor to her opponents. With a particularly strong swipe, she knocked the foe's blade away at the cost of not being able to deal any blows herself until they had both recovered their stances, however, she took one hand away from her sword and used it to pull her ceremonial dress aside, fully revealing her...sizable assets. With the Hell Knight most definitely distracted, even for a split second, She jabbed her sword single-handedly up into his neck, killing him instantly. Righting her askew dress to regain her modesty, she galloped back to the carriage as fast as her legs could take her, and as she did so, she sheathed her sword and readied her bow with an arrow. The backup would be arriving soon.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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@PaulHaynek@The Irish Tree

Maria was looking over towards the large Minotaur with a nervous look on her face, She felt afraid to be around people and especially men who seem to oggle her curvy body. "Well i would not mind someone else accompany me...or i could help here if you like" She said in a shy tone of voice figdeting with the edges of her shelve, She did want to seem like she was trying to skip out of the quests she loved questing it gave her a good excuse to find different kinds of plants to collect. Also she wanted to impress Bart so that he would be happy with her and have her around in the guild.

"I mean i can go do that quest...I just.." She stopped herself form finishing her sentence, Now rubbing the fluffy part of her body feeling more nervous. She didn't want to tell him she was afraid to go alone because she usually was in groups during all of the quest she was apart of.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Magnus felt unsurprised by the insect girls reaction...Minotaurs were kind of scary, after all. But what did surprise him was Bart telling him to value himself for more than his muscles. Frankly, that was a bit surprising...he'd thought the only reason Bart would have had him come would be as hired muscle, but this was a pleasant finding at the very least. Regardless, he had a job to do in watching the dwarves alongside Bart...and thinking of any necessary additions to be made.

Overall, the selections on repairs made sounded very sound, Magnus' mind pondering what else the right hall where the lounge would be could need. "...Maybe some sort of bookshelf? I'd imagine a quiet place like a lounge would be great for reading." he suggested, before saying: "Maybe...if we had people be roommates, then we could save more space by just putting two beds in one room?" as a suggestion. Magnus was quite used to bunking with other people, since despite living in a labyrinth, actual rooms were hard to come by. At one point in time, he'd bunked with four of his sisters...and kind of functioned as a second bed. Being huge had its own disadvantages, sadly.

@PaulHaynek, @Eviledd1984
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 4 days ago

Love Your Neighbor
~@Silver Carrot~

The Hell Knight was surprised by your bold and sudden unveiling of your body while the middle of a fight and was rightly taken down when you took advantage of the distraction.

You caught up with the wagon with Isabella riding it as fast as she could. "Ah, Miss Centaur! I am glad you are safe!" She said before looking back and seeing something very worrying. "More of them!" She cried. There were about four Hell Knights closing the distance and more following behind them. "It's an entire troop of them!" Isabella added.

"Miss Centaur, I'm afraid you will have to fight some more until we reach the river. They will probably break off then because they will be too far from the Varjan lands." Isabella said. "Otherwise, you will have to let me ride on you so we can speed it to the river so you don't have to fight."

Laying The Foundations
~@The Irish Tree~

"...Maybe some sort of bookshelf? I'd imagine a quiet place like a lounge would be great for reading. Maybe...if we had people be roommates, then we could save more space by just putting two beds in one room?"
Magnus Eissenheoff

"A bookshelf huh? Not a bad idea." Bart replied to your first suggestion before addressing the second. "And two people in one room... I don't know about that. Once we really take off, we may be having a lot of possessions so it'd be a hassle to put them in a shared room. Still, we could if the other guys want it."

"Oh, I just remembered! We'd need a stables too. We'll need that for our horses." Bart had a realization. "And there's Eilidh too. Do you think she would be alright bunking in the second floor or do you think she would want a room for herself in the ground floor?"

"Oh man, so many things to think about." Bart let out a small whine. "But hey, at least we won't be sleeping in the tents this night. We'll be sleeping in true bedrooms this night."


"I mean i can go do that quest...I just.."
Maria Falena

Bart sighed. "Alright, I'll go with you."

"I'm supposed to be supervising the Dwarves as they build since I'm the guild master but I think I can leave that to Magnus. I'll just have to leave him some instructions." He said before scratching the back of his head. "Well, I'm not a girl but I'm pretty confident in my fashion sense. Though, I hope the client is alright with that."

"We can take our wagon to Tulisan Forest. We'll be cutting it close to Order territory but I'm sure it will be fine." Bart added. "I mean, if you're still up for the quest. Do you have any second thoughts?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Eilidh Chiron

Eilidh blushed profusely at Isabella's request, and shook her head. "I would not leave your companions behind unguarded, even if you are my mission. They may not be shown mercy. Besides, Centaurs are not Horses. We do not let humans ride upon us for multiple reasons. It is not offensive, though it is taboo, as it has...romantic connotations, shall we say. Fear not. I will hold them off from alongside you!"

With that said, Eilidh, still galloping forward parallel to the coach, Spun her human half round at the waist and readied her bow, aiming it at the closest knight. She refused to fire at the horse. It was not attacking her. It was just moving as it was told to. There would be no honor in killing the human by killing the horse. She instead fired right at the knight's helmeted face in the hope that if he didn't die, he'd at least flinch.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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The mothwoman was nervous rubbing the fluffy part of her body, Feeling like she said something wrong wanting to prove herself to the human. "You don't have to come with me...I can do this by myself" She said in a soft tone of voice looking up at Bart. In her mind she felt that Bart was disappointed with her for asking for help.

"I want to prove myself to you" She said softly looking down at her feet.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 4 days ago

Love Your Neighbor
~@Silver Carrot~

You made your choice. You decided to hold off the oncoming Hell Knights to buy time for Isabella's wagon to get away.

The arrow you fired was blocked by the Hell Knight's plated arm. Your attack made the chasing Hell Knights ride faster, catching up with you in a matter of seconds, before you could nock another arrow on your bow. The first Hell Knight to reach you thrust forward his devilish lance. It was not hard to evade or parry it but a moment after, there was another Hell Knight doing battle with you. He also had a lance and wasted no moment in using it against you.

Fighting two riders, it was only a matter of time before one of them succeeded in getting a hit in. Their thrusts were getting better and you already have received multiple scrapes to your equine half. However, the bridge was in sight, you only need to dispatch these two before the rest are dissuaded from chasing you any further.

The Dragon's Dressmaker

"You don't have to come with me...I can do this by myself. I want to prove myself to you"
Maria Falena

Bart grinned. "Now that's the spirit! Go get 'em, Maria!" He gave you a thumbs-up before you departed for Tulisan Forest.

Please now follow the posts of @The Irish Tree who shall be GMing this quest


Due to an important matter, you were forced away from the guild. Ultimately, you decided to return to resume your duty to the guild.

Upon arrival, you found that the guild building was in the process of being repaired by short, stout and bearded people. You would know them as the Dwarves, particularly non-monster ones. It was a mystery to you why they were there getting the guild headquarters back into shape but it was doubtless that you and your fellow guildmates were going to be using the building by the end of the day.

You were spotted by a familiar, orange-haired man. "Oh! Hey there!" He greeted you. You recognize him as Bartholomew Barker, the one who invited you in this fledgling guild. "Wait, I know you. You're uhh... something related to being hurt... Dupain! Yes, you're Arletta Dupain, right?" He continued. "Welcome to the guild! Well... I guess welcome back. I heard that you got here before and just didn't come back. Mind telling me what happened?"

"Anyway, Neil managed to get some Dwarves to get repairing our building. He said it was the reward for a quest that he and Anitta did. Haven't seen the latter return though." He said. "Well again, welcome back. Do you want to rest for the day or are you read to tackle a request?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Arletta Dupain~

The sounds of hooves moving swiftly across the ground, the white steed carrying its rider swiftly across the road. Heh, she hadn't actually ridden a horse in so long - not since she left her old life behind her. Was a nice break from walking everywhere, and let her make some excellent time returning to the guild. It'd have put her in a good mood, feeling the wind rushing through her hair again, if it wasn't for the reason she had to take a leave from the guild to start with. Now? She just felt...nothing? Rather empty, really. A little frustrated.

But well, she should have expected her past to catch up with her sooner or later. It was dealt with for now though, so nothing to worry about for the immediate future at least. With a little luck...it'd have been permanently dealt with.

Soon enough, she had arrived at the guild hall. She pulled the reigns on the horse, coming to a halt in front of it. Her eyes widened at the sight of it, now that she was able to take in the sight...well, the others at the guild had been fairly busy, hadn't they? She felt a tad bit bad about having to leave so suddenly, but it couldn't be helped. It wasn't a matter she could have ignored, even if she had wanted too.

Arletta hopped off her steed, giving the horse an affectionate pat on the nose before heading indoors, and was immediately greeted by Bart.

"Ah-!" She gave the human a somewhat deadpan expression as he likened her last name to something she'd rather not be associated with. She had to resist the urge to slap him - there were more important subjects at hand. "...please for your personal health and my sanity do not do that again." She deadpanned, before shifting to a friendly, though somewhat tired smile. "It's been awhile. I apologize for leaving so suddenly, but..." She fidgeted, glancing to the side and shifting her weight from one foot to the other, as if uncomfortable about the subject. It seemed likely, though the Dullahan didn't seem to be one to do such a thing upon first impression. "I...it was a personal matter. It shall have no bearing on my ability or the guild." She sighed, shaking her head.

She glanced around the guildhall, construction seemed to be going well! Dwarves were excellent craftsmen in her experience, though she had limited experience with them in her slightly longer than average life.

"Regardless, you've been busy! This place looks much better already! You have plans to add a sparring arena or some sort of training facilities, I hope?" She grinned, offering a little personal suggestion before moving onto the current topic. "Uhm, but if a quest is available I would gladly take it." If anything, she just wanted busy work to keep herself busy.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Eilidh Chiron

When the Hell Knight blocked her shaky, fast shot, Eilidh cursed to herself. She was galloping too fast to aim as well as she was capable of, and both knights were closing in. She didn't have time to aim another shot before two lance attacks were thrown at her. On, she asily avoided, but the other caught her side and ripped away a large portion of her skirt, as well as leaving a bleeding wound on her side. She swiftly sheathed the bow and drew her sword, and wheeled around to face the knights, leaving the side of the coach, which should now make it to the bridge and away from the jurisdiction of the Hell Knights as long as she dealt with these two quickly and then retreated herself, before backup arrived. She was in pain from the cut and the various smaller cuts and scrapes to her horse half, but her injury wouldn't hinder her, and the pain only served to get her mad and pump her up.

She held the sword up and roared out another war cry before charging them both at the same time. If they were still using slow lances, the strong warrior before them would be able to get inside their defences with fast swipes. If they'd switched to swords, their reach has now lessened and she'd have gotten close to them both before melee began. She swung her sword in a wide arc, parrying the weapons of both knights at once, then tried to stab at the first knight before he'd recovered.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

The Dragon's Dressmaker


The road leading to the Southeastern beyond Tunisian Forest was clearly in disrepair, easily notable from the loose stones that paved it, as well as the overgrowth starting to rip into the delicate stone flesh of the paved pathway before Maria. It was clear enough to see that wherever this road had lead before, it was not a path still traveled by men and monster alike. The air started to grow colder the further South she traveled, given the Coldstep Pass being just a few miles away. However, one could not lose heart as an adventurer, and with her first job riding on the line, one could assume that Maria wanted to make a good first impression.

What lied before Maria however was not so much a forest as it was a massive bank of fog with a scarcely visible treeline standing tall overhead. The fog was sparse at first, but venturing deeper would only get one lost in the thick vapors. Just when it seemed likely that turning back from a wild goose chase was a better choice, two glowing amber eyes glowed like lantern lights through the bank, the soft sounds of breathing visible beyond. This was no spook or bugs in the shape of eyes; be it man or monster, something was watching Maria closely, and not caring if she was looking. Actually, it did care, it wanted her attention and as such snapped its fingers twice. Suddenly,
a woman's voice rang out: "You...if you are the one sent by Bart, then take my hand. The Fog does not receive visitors, save for those blessed by its Guardian. Have you the courage to step forward? And the requested...je ne sais quoi?" Her words demanded response, in a tone that sounded dignified and reserved. Judging from the way the eyes were bounding up and down, Maria could assume she was getting a look in. "Very...fluffy. But I suppose not tacky. You will have to do...if you choose to come. Are you...all that they have sent?" her voice rang out once more, the woman extending her hand, covered in scales black as night, and her fingers formed in the shape of monstrous claws, long and sharp as daggers.

Sensing that it might be a bit much to be told to hold hands with a knife-handed monster, said knife-handed monster suddenly pulled its hand back, eyes vanishing for a moment before they suddenly shone once more, a length of rope being held out for Maria. "I do not want you to hurt yourself. One who chooses to aid deserves no harm." The air seemed to get a bit lighter, the slight angle of tilt the eyes now possessed suggesting whatever this woman looked like, she was tilting her head in a mix of curiosity and anticipation. "Long have I watched over this land, but you are the first of your kind that I have ever seen...unless you are merely a very oddly accessorized human."

Magnus' ears perked up as he heard someone just arrive, yet having been a...like, three days ago acquaintance. Arletta had returned, and the Minotaur who had worked with her on his first quest swiftly rose to his feet, striding over with a smile on his face. He seemed really happy to see her, despite the somewhat...nonexistant terms on which they parted. Magnus however had never stopped worrying about his temmate, and as such went over and gave her the most potentially fatal friendly hug in existence, which wasn't as bad as it could have been. "Arletta! I was so worried when you and the others just...dissapeared!" he said, letting her down after he realized that he was like... almost twice her size and almost thrice her weight. "...S-Sorry." he said, taking a step back to give her personal space once more, and to collect himself.

"Where did you and Liliana and Gor? I went to um...take care of that job and you and they all were just...gone. S-Sorry, I gave the reward money to Bart, but I promise I'll make it up to you sometime!" Magnus blurted out, hurriedly bowing his head to apologize to the female knight before him. He'd long since wondered if his previous companions were okay, and now was the only time he felt he'd get an honest to goodness answer on that question. Raising his head back up, but still slouching a bit in his stance, Magnus scratched the back of his silvery mane and made it kind of obvious that he was anticipating her answer. It seemed he really had worried for her, Liliana, and Gor this whole time, even if it had kind of been an incredibly abrupt splitting of the party into...Magnus by himself and them going off on their own to do something. Hopefully, Arletta wasn't super mad about being hugged like a teddy bear.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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@The Irish Tree

Maria was making her way though the forest feeling deep in her heart scared, Both form the growing mist surrounding her and the noises spooking her out of her fluffy body. Putting her hand on the hilt of her rapier in case she runs into a creature, She was luckily skilled with her weapon and is not afraid to use said weapon on a foe. Seeing the eyes staring at her and seeing whatever it was speaking to her. "I am the only one...that was sent by Mr.Bart..." She said looking at the clawed hand with hesitation in her eyes. "And are you the..person i am suppose to meet?" She asked the voice wondering if the owner was friend or foe.

Her hand tightening around the hilt of her rapier seeing the rope coming out of the mist, With the mist rolling around almost enveloping herself.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 4 days ago

Love Your Neighbor
~@Silver Carrot~

Their lances were parried and before they could recover, one of them was felled by your sword. He fell in a way that made his horse swerve to the side, crashing into the other Hell Knight. The unlucky tumble sent the horses to the ground along with their riders. You were well far away when the remaining alive Hell Knight got up. He no longer gave chase for he knew it was folly to do so.

The other Hell Knights slowed to a stop as they watched you galloped away, simply staring at you behind their dark helmets. Nevertheless, you and your client have successfully escaped Varjo. You catch up with Isabella's wagon which now maintained a decent pace. The girl herself appeared to be still in shock but she soon smiled when she noticed you.

"That was a close one." Isabella sighed as she drove the carriage. "I hoped we would not encounter any soldiers but in these turbulent time, I suppose it was inevitable." She remarked. "Thank you. For risking your life for a commoner like me. I admit the reward might not be much. Varjans no longer use gold as currency, you see, so we do not collect much of it. We mostly use food and water to buy things so please understand if the gold does not cover your services."

Noticing that you had received a bit of wounds and scratches, she immediately spoke. "Miss Centaur, you are hurt?!"

Laying The Foundations
~@The Irish Tree~

"Hey uhh, let me just interrupt you two for a bit, okay?" Bart then produced the mission board and handed it to Arletta. "Here are the available missions for today, Arletta." He then continued. "I'll just check the Dwarves inside, okay? See you guys later."

-----MAIN QUESTS-----


Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

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Eilidh Chiron

The Centaur grinned as she was given praise as she returned to the coach's side. "I also care not for gold, though the Guild will appreciate it. For me, a word of thanks and the pleasure of a day of travel, conversation and combat is enough. And I do not believe in differences of birth determining a person's worth. A person's worth is determined by their actions and their skill."

She then looked down when Isabella drew attention to the fact that she was hurt. It actually took Eilidh by surprise. She had forgotten she had been hit. Quickly composing herself, she laughed it off. "This? This is nothing. A touch of self-care and healing herbs should restore me to health!"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Arletta Dupain~

@PaulHaynek@The Irish Tree

"Bwuh?! Magnus?!" Arletta was taken completely by surprised by the bear hug from the Minotaur. It was a good thing she wasn't human and could take a violet hug. Even so, she couldn't help but to feel a bit more at ease by the Minotaur's affection. The dullahan laughed softly as she was released and put down. After running her hand along the silver collar she wore on her neck and adjusting her head slightly, she responded.

"I truly am sorry for disappearing like that so suddenly." She replied with a sigh. "Just...I received a letter from a friend of mine. She's a...mage of sorts, so I'm not surprised she found me so easily. To put bluntly I had to help her with a personal matter and it wasn't something I could just leave. I...admittedly made a rather hasty exit." She gave Magnus a smile. "It's taken care of now though, so no need to worry. I can't say for Liliana and Gor...but just from briefly knowing Liliana she wasn't exactly the most sociable sort. I'm not surprised she wouldn't just up and leave without a word...and perhaps Gor just found herself a new master?" Speculation wasn't going to get them anywhere though, and Bart seemed to have a thing for her to do.

"Ah! Thank you Bart." She said, taking the request board, quickly taking a look over the quests. Well, Magnus seemed to have the Dwarves covered. He seemed like he could handle that well enough himself. Besides, she wanted to keep moving, if just to keep her mind off things. So that left the Dress Maker and the Guard Duty. Considering the fact she never had an eye for fashion even when alive - preferring armor and other things - she doubted she'd be of any help there. Guard Duty though? That was something she was extremely familiar with. She did that a lot, before becoming a Dullahan.

"Hm...I think you've got things covered here well enough, Magnus?" She gave a friendly grin to the Minotaur.
"Guard duty is something I'm fairly familiar with, so I think I'll be taking that one."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 8 days ago


The trip to Ambran was calm and without any noteworthy incident. Neil was indeed a pure and kind boy, he was a good company. His naivety and always cheerful behavior were really refreshing.

Ambran was... a bit different than Freyr had expected... It was a very extravagant town, not just a village. In fact, it could be said that it was almost a city. Merchants, wagons, shops... The almost-city was teeming with people, both buying and selling. Most of them were humans, and only very, very few demi-humans.

The apothecary they were going to see wasn't exactly in the middle of Ambran, not even in one of its more bust streets, instead it was out of the way, not exactly hidden, but it was highly improbable that anyone would pass by the apothecary unless it was specifically searching for it.

After knocking, a cheerful, middle aged alchemist greeted them. The man had almost an juvenile air to his cheerfulness. His smile and his eyes, shining with excitement contrasted with the glasses the man wore. After Neil saying they were from the guild, the alchemist presented himself as Darren.

Darren then proceeded to talk about his discovery, showing them an incense burner with something inside. He seemed to be incredibly excited and confident about his discovery, claiming that his 'Huwana' would make pain go away and bring an incredible sensation of peace, going as far as to describe it as a 'ticket to heaven'.

He seemed to be eager to show them its effects, as he immediately lit the incense burner, letting its fumes fill the room.

"Oh, ah, do you have any questions? Like, are you following so far?" Darren asked, after he lit the incense burner.

"Mr. Darren, right? The only question I have is why the alchemist guild would make such thing illegal. I know a lot about herbs and even poisons, but that is as far as my knowledge goes. This... 'Huwana' Is basically a painkiller, right? Would it be asking too much to know what its made of?" Freyr asked, waiting to smell the fumes.

Darren seemed to have the best intentions, judging by his cheerful smile and his eagerness to show his discovery, so Freyr wasn't that preoccupied that those fumes could be poisonous or make them sleep. Freyr would be able to smell it and even distinguish some ingredients with his enhanced senses. If Darren accepted to tell them what it was made of, Freyr could know if it was safe or not. It was a gamble, but he had no reason to not trust Darren. The man was so happy with his discovery and eager to show them...


Bast Ragoczy

Bast silently listened as Araghast spoke about his reasons... which were exactly as he expected. Without any compassion or mercy, Araghast simply stole everything from Boreal Port, destroyed it and left its survivors and what left from the small city to rot...
He claimed that as a warlord, he should be slaughtering the enemies of Varjo, and bringing glory to the king... But everything he shown until now was just meaningless murder and bloodshed.

Bast really expected he would accept the duel, after all, he was a warlord, and his ego should be quite big judging by the way he spoke acted and the armor he was wearing. But Araghast's next words would soon make Bast's smile to disappear, giving place to a neutral, but surprisingly cold expression.

"...You talk too much." Araghast said, turning his back to Bast, issuing a last order before walking away.

"Kill him."

The warriors immediately surrounded Bast, rushing towards him like beasts, wielding swords, shields and axes. Their number was simply too much to count. Their enraged cries were just like a beast. A warrior wielding a two-handed axe was already close to Bast, and ready to swing that weighty, ungraceful lump of steel towards Bast. The movement was slow and easy to predict, but the other warriors would soon be attacking him.

"Disappointing..." Bast said, raising his cane without even unsheathing it, and with a swift and graceful movement, making the warrior's axe touch the side of his cane as Bast inclined it, redirecting the heavy axe and making it hit the ground as he spun behind the warrior and gave him a slight poke with the end of his cane, taking advantage of his failed charge and putting just enough force to make him lose his balance.

"I see... You are nothing more than uncivilized, ungraceful, barbaric beasts... It seems it was just a waste of time to try and talk with you..." Bast said, unsheathing his cane sword, and making a fluid movement with the sword, almost like if he was conducting an orchestra. Cards started to appear from under his cloak surrounding him in an aura of rapidly spinning cards. The cards cut the air with an incredible speed, making an eerie sound resonate through the camp.

It was beautiful and terrifying at the same time, the cards circled around Bast making waves and beautiful fluid movement, protecting Bast and preventing anyone to get nearby without getting shred by the cards as he continued moving the sword in graceful movements, with the cane part of the sword on the ground.

"Uncivilized beasts like you don't deserve any mercy or compassion. I am against meaningless bloodshed, but I will open an exception today. I will take one life, and one life only in exchange for the boy's life. Honestly, I couldn't care less for Boreal Port. But I took a liking to the boy. I was having such fun seeing his reactions... I was really looking forward the expression he would make after killing a person..." Bast said, making a card appear on his hand and throwing on the warrior with the axe. As soon as the card left his hand, it would start burning with a blue fire. Upon touching the warrior, he would immediately combust in extremely hot flames.

"Hm... I guess that isn't enough of a warning..." Bast said, making some of the cards form a cage around the warrior, encasing him inside a circle of cards.

"This stench... I guess its only fitting to beasts such as yourselves... May this show you to not underestimate me." Bast said, snapping his fingers, making the cards start to glow with the same blue flame, sending torrents of fire inside, hitting the poor warrior.

"Retreat at once. I wish not to partake on your petty squabbles and your barbaric, meaningless bloodshed. Continue, and you I shall repay you in the same coin." Bast said, still with his sword unsheathed forming a protective aura around him. Fighting against all those people at once would be problematic... If that wasn't enough to scare the warriors away, he might have to use his Mystic Tarot Deck...

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