Name: Xerxes Kaveh
Title(s): The Mage Who Stole the Sun, Shah (King) Xerxes
Gender: Male
Age: 321 - Grew up during the Safavid dynasty
Alignment: ???
Rank: ---
Objective for the Grail: Xerxes has no real goals for the grail, but rather just be help others. After all, he's a healer, not a fighter.
Command Seal: Command Seal
Personality: Selfish. Narcissistic. Self-Absorbed. These are just some of the words used to describe Xerxes by the people who know him. But there is another thing. Charisma. He manages the rare task of being able to control others, and gather followers. In a way, his idealogies are simple, and can be seen as a means of evening the playing field of magecraft. To take from the rich, and give to the poor? Classic philosophy. The problem? It's all just greed, and he's part of the poor he's giving to. And he'll always be poor as long as it justifies taking more and more.
Bio: In the mid 1500's, the Safavid Dynasty was young. The royals needed to ensure their power, and sought out mages to do so. They turned to the Kaveh, a magical family who for a long period had been involved in preserving the dead. It was on the day of this agreement for the Kaveh to become deeply entwined with the Safavid Dynasty that a boy was born into the family. His name would be Xerxes, after the famous king of the land of Persia.
Xerxes grew up in the family's strict beliefs. That they would live to themselves, and would never leave the caverns they called home. The only time Xerxes saw the outside world as a child was when his father was called to the king, and he brought his son with him. By the time he was 20, he had seen the world outside his family's caverns only three times. The second and third were for the times the royal family called upon a healer. By a time, his skill had become greater than his fathers and mothers, and he already began to be seeking more out of life. Why should he, with all his talent be forever trapped in this miserable state. To be buried and hidden from the world because of some silly traditions?
From there, his history is unknown.
Number of Magic Circuits: B
Quality of Magic Circuits: B
Elemental Affinity: Void / Origin: Growth
Xerxes learned many of the basics of alchemy and magecraft at a young age. Primarily curses against enemies of the regal families. In a regard though, he has access to all schools of magecraft, through his own magecraft coming from his family line.
There was a time when those in his family were considered the closest to the Root. It was said that to preserve bodies forever, the Kaveh would use a plant that was the accumulation of all healing magecraft. The plant was an artificial recreation of the mystical plant Haoma. Utilizing the healing and preserving powers of this plant, it became possible for those of the Kaveh to preserve life, wash away poison, and heal disease. The secret to create this mythical curing plant is held deeply by the Kaveh people, and is never shared with outsiders, as one mix up could turn it into a plant of death.
Utilizing his knowledge of the plant and all the knowledge that came with it, he would leave his family to find his own path. The plant's chemicals allowed him to extend his life well beyond what was natural, and to heal nearly fatal wounds in a time thought unprecedented.
Even without the Haoma, Xerxes possesses such a healing power that he can heal a person who is dying of a nearly fatal wound. As long as he can reach a person before death, he can stabilize them. To heal a person in critical condition would take him a week to stabilize, but even then they would never be perfectly the same ever again.
Crest: As a man from Persia, they never embraced the magic crests of other magical families. As a result, he does not possess one, nor has any in his family. Thus, if he were to make one, he would be the first of his family to do so.
Outside of the mystic codes, Xerxes still possesses access to the family herb, the Haoma. He can grind it into a elixer, which can heal others from death, and extend the lives of others.
راد بردگان Rod of Slaves - One of the first, and most valuable Mystic Codes that Xerxes got his hands on. A sacred relic used by some of the earliest kings of Persia. This item's unique ability grants the holder the power to control people's minds, turning them into the owner's mind slaves. By extension, it is also capable of mind manipulation, allowing the owner to telepathically communicate with others, look into their memories, trick their minds into believing what the Rod's owner wants them to, even knock people unconscious, and leave a portion of the owner's mind in the people that he has controlled.
Despite all the inherit power the rod holds over others, any modern day Magus should still be able to protect themselves mentally from the power of the rod. They would need to preform a MAN check, but it's not a particularly harsh one. Anybody who is not trained in magus skills though? Complete pawns.
زندگی شاد The Living Shard - A strange mystic code, that is contained in a jar. It can only be stopped by the magus who opened the jar, and the jar itself produces a field around the user that protects them from the mystical code itself.
Inside this small hand-sized jar is a black crystal. Said to have been unearthed in ancient persia in a place touched by the root, many have speculated it could be a form of magic in its own. Or the result of a magic. The living shard engulfed an entire village before a way to stop it was discovered, and it was sealed inside this very jar.
The shard itself consumes everything. Like a rapidly growing fungus, it will begin to spread outwards from its source. Rapidly growing as thick black crystals ripple across the ground, and thicker black diamonds grow up from there. The crystal will grow constantly by consuming magical energy around it, and will include any organic or inorganic matter in its devouring feast. Any human not protected by the pot that this shard is housed in will be devoured. Stripped to bones as the living shard feasts on them. The shard will leave a crystal statue, that resembles their last expression before they were frozen over.
When done, the mage holding the jar need only place it against the living shard, and it will all retract into the object, sealed again until next use.
جام جمشید Cup of Jamshid - The Cup of Jamshid is a legendary treasure, and one that Xerxes spent many years procuring for himself. Or maybe this is not the real cup, but an artifical one based off the original concept. Either way, the Cup of Jamshid is Xerxes most useful trinkets for the upcoming war.
When liquid fills the cup, it is said that the user can gaze into it, and it will reveal all things to him. In this particular case the gaze is focused on the grail war, and through it the Cup can spy on other masters. Giving Xerxes absolute knowledge of where other masters lay. But, even the cup has limits. He must know the name of the person he seeks, and the more he knows about them the more powerful his scrying becomes. Scrying can be done on the city as a whole otherwise, so even major events will be known.
If possible, possessing a strand of hair, or something of personal value to the person he seeks will increase the power of his scrying even farther. So that nothing can effect his ability to gaze upon them.
Despite all the inherit power the rod holds over others, any modern day Magus should still be able to protect themselves mentally from the power of the rod. They would need to preform a MAN check, but it's not a particularly harsh one. Anybody who is not trained in magus skills though? Complete pawns.
زندگی شاد The Living Shard - A strange mystic code, that is contained in a jar. It can only be stopped by the magus who opened the jar, and the jar itself produces a field around the user that protects them from the mystical code itself.
Inside this small hand-sized jar is a black crystal. Said to have been unearthed in ancient persia in a place touched by the root, many have speculated it could be a form of magic in its own. Or the result of a magic. The living shard engulfed an entire village before a way to stop it was discovered, and it was sealed inside this very jar.
The shard itself consumes everything. Like a rapidly growing fungus, it will begin to spread outwards from its source. Rapidly growing as thick black crystals ripple across the ground, and thicker black diamonds grow up from there. The crystal will grow constantly by consuming magical energy around it, and will include any organic or inorganic matter in its devouring feast. Any human not protected by the pot that this shard is housed in will be devoured. Stripped to bones as the living shard feasts on them. The shard will leave a crystal statue, that resembles their last expression before they were frozen over.
When done, the mage holding the jar need only place it against the living shard, and it will all retract into the object, sealed again until next use.
جام جمشید Cup of Jamshid - The Cup of Jamshid is a legendary treasure, and one that Xerxes spent many years procuring for himself. Or maybe this is not the real cup, but an artifical one based off the original concept. Either way, the Cup of Jamshid is Xerxes most useful trinkets for the upcoming war.
When liquid fills the cup, it is said that the user can gaze into it, and it will reveal all things to him. In this particular case the gaze is focused on the grail war, and through it the Cup can spy on other masters. Giving Xerxes absolute knowledge of where other masters lay. But, even the cup has limits. He must know the name of the person he seeks, and the more he knows about them the more powerful his scrying becomes. Scrying can be done on the city as a whole otherwise, so even major events will be known.
If possible, possessing a strand of hair, or something of personal value to the person he seeks will increase the power of his scrying even farther. So that nothing can effect his ability to gaze upon them.
Exceptional Benefit:
گردن کارون Amulet of Karun - One of the Karun Treasures, the amulet is more of a trinket worn always around the neck of Xerxes. A crystallization of curses that he had collected and placed into such a treasure. The amulet's power is such that it makes for the most powerful Mystic Code in Xerxes possession, and one that never leaves his person.
The curses of this mystic code are ones related to violent and unhappy deaths. The gems draw in curses, so if one is directed at Xerxes, the amulet will take the curse and place it in one of four gems that is slotted into it. A collection of curses so powerful, that at this point Xerxes only think of what he desires and it will be cast upon his enemies.
One curse in particular that Xerxes calls upon regularly, is a cursed flame. The cursed flames ignite on the target of Xerxes' gaze. As long as he has his target in sight, the flames will burn. Should he lose his focus on the target, the fires will cease, and the curse will be need to done once more.
Another powerful curse is the curse of plague. Taking on a visual form of smoke and ash, the curse will latch onto others around the caster, and will sear into their body. The curse is such that even a great mage will be unable to remove it, and may suffer for a lifetime.
The curses can vary from simple curses of pain, to outright devastating curses of death.
Curses include temporary blindness, Weakness of the body that can cause a man to collapse, sickness that can linger until lifted by the caster, hallucinations, and even some that can induce a heart attack in others.
He carries a bag of roughly 20 gems already filled with curses, and 30 that aren't.
آفتاب The Sun - The mystical sun in the sky above was once viewed as a disc. A golden disc and orb that would be placed in the sky by some divine being, and stolen so that night would come by another. Every day this cycle would continue, and this concept was placed into the most powerful of mystic codes. Some of the greatest minds of the Clocktower came together in the mid 1600's to create a powerful mystical code that they believed would be unstoppable. But one day after completion, it was stolen by one of the twelve who constructed it.
The sun was stolen by Xerxes, who became the Magus who stole the Sun. The Sun is disc that fits in the palm of the hand. Once a magical charge is directed through it, the sun rises and begins to spin. Once it has begun spinning, it is a self sustaining mystical code that is controlled by the man who's magical signature created it. As one of the twelve who oversaw its development, and the only survivor, that man is Xerxes.
The Sun emits a bright light once it activates. The mage's own mind acts as a way for the sun to determine friend from foe. Those who are foe at set a blaze for as long as they stand in the rays of the sun. Any part of their body that the light of the Sun strikes will begin to burn, and they will be struck again and again until finally there is only ash. Those viewed as friend shall bask in the lovely blaze of the sun. Any wound that is seen by the sun will begin to knit itself together.
Like the sun in our own sky, the sun of Xerxes is almighty.
The curses of this mystic code are ones related to violent and unhappy deaths. The gems draw in curses, so if one is directed at Xerxes, the amulet will take the curse and place it in one of four gems that is slotted into it. A collection of curses so powerful, that at this point Xerxes only think of what he desires and it will be cast upon his enemies.
One curse in particular that Xerxes calls upon regularly, is a cursed flame. The cursed flames ignite on the target of Xerxes' gaze. As long as he has his target in sight, the flames will burn. Should he lose his focus on the target, the fires will cease, and the curse will be need to done once more.
Another powerful curse is the curse of plague. Taking on a visual form of smoke and ash, the curse will latch onto others around the caster, and will sear into their body. The curse is such that even a great mage will be unable to remove it, and may suffer for a lifetime.
The curses can vary from simple curses of pain, to outright devastating curses of death.
Curses include temporary blindness, Weakness of the body that can cause a man to collapse, sickness that can linger until lifted by the caster, hallucinations, and even some that can induce a heart attack in others.
He carries a bag of roughly 20 gems already filled with curses, and 30 that aren't.
آفتاب The Sun - The mystical sun in the sky above was once viewed as a disc. A golden disc and orb that would be placed in the sky by some divine being, and stolen so that night would come by another. Every day this cycle would continue, and this concept was placed into the most powerful of mystic codes. Some of the greatest minds of the Clocktower came together in the mid 1600's to create a powerful mystical code that they believed would be unstoppable. But one day after completion, it was stolen by one of the twelve who constructed it.
The sun was stolen by Xerxes, who became the Magus who stole the Sun. The Sun is disc that fits in the palm of the hand. Once a magical charge is directed through it, the sun rises and begins to spin. Once it has begun spinning, it is a self sustaining mystical code that is controlled by the man who's magical signature created it. As one of the twelve who oversaw its development, and the only survivor, that man is Xerxes.
The Sun emits a bright light once it activates. The mage's own mind acts as a way for the sun to determine friend from foe. Those who are foe at set a blaze for as long as they stand in the rays of the sun. Any part of their body that the light of the Sun strikes will begin to burn, and they will be struck again and again until finally there is only ash. Those viewed as friend shall bask in the lovely blaze of the sun. Any wound that is seen by the sun will begin to knit itself together.
Like the sun in our own sky, the sun of Xerxes is almighty.
Second Owner - Xerxes owns land in Persia. A powerful land on a Layline that he secured many years ago. His servant was summoned there.