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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
‘… And then he goes ahead and gives his most precious powers, the ability to create portals, to this tiny unremarkable girl barely out of the womb! She was four years, FOUR years! And in some way, she was more worthy for the gift of transdimensional travel!? Can you believe it!?’

The green sprite that talked had an elfin appearance and butterflies spun around her agitated form. The Lesser Force Gablun the Undying placed his giant blue slimy two-fingered hand on her back, making many butterflies panic to get out of the way lest be consumed by his fingers.

‘Not Worry, Lea Keufer. Monster Sure See Reason,’ he replied to her rant. They both sat in respective chairs before an oversized counter for a supernatural bar, the chair way too big for the human-sized Lea and way too small for the whale-sized face-slime Gablun.

‘I can hope, yeah, I can hope…’ Lea stated, still annoyed and even more annoyed with the feeling of Gablun’s less-than-comforting touch on her back. Her eyes traced the scenery. It was a bar within the Overcity, where she still went occasionally on the time she could spare. Here, magical beings of all kinds came to take a pause. Lesser Forces, Gods, even Horrors occasionally prawled in to get a drink. Over the years, Lea had collected quite a few contacts. Yet she saw so few of them now, since entering the service of a horror herself.

As she watched deformed yellow ghasts greeting superhumanly buff gods decked out in weapons of the past, she decided it was time to flip to business.

‘Listen, Gablun. You remember when I helped with you with your problem with Nanaue?’

‘Remember,’ Gablun answered, in that way that made it difficult to communicate. Still, Lea knew he just skipped including the “I” in “I remember”.

‘I’m going to need to cash in that favour. Please, help me round up the individuals I wrote down on this paper,’ she said, guiding over two butterflies to drop down a paper in front of Gablun. He was still, listening.

‘My boss is preparing something big, and I really need him to succeed. As such, I need their help. Can you handle letting them know?’ Lea asked, looking over to Gablun with a serious expression. This was a gamble, she didn’t know how Gablun would react.

‘Considered,’ Gablun said, before opening his mouth, about as large as his whole body, before eating up the paper and both butterflies that were carrying it, before falling off the chair that was too small for him and slinking away.

It took a while for Lea, but she was under the impression that was a favorable reply. Okay. Over the years, she had taken time out of her schedule to help out numerous lesser as well as more powerful individuals to make sure they owed her favours, and it was time to cash them in, hopefully bolstering their numbers for the battles that came. This time, maybe Lea herself would have to fight. She could only hope Asengav saw how she worked herself for him…

She spread her wings of butterflies and flew out of the bar. She flew over the streets where creatures of all dimensions converged, and dodged what other flying beings existed within this airspace. She continued past the walls and finally out of the city. Finally, Lea headed of across the Sprawl. Such a journey would be dangerous for someone who didn’t know where they were going, but Lea had been around for longer than most. She closed her eyes, remembering her lifetime. All this time… and petty desires still gripped her. She’d made practically no progress over multiple millenia. It was unlikely anything would happen in the future.

Lea was gripped by darkness. Asengav redirected her, and as she flew through the darkness her mind was filled with the knowledge of what to tell the one she’d be meeting. For she was Lea Keufer, the “Windfall Sprite”, and she was the mouthpiece of Asengav, the one who spoke to those who couldn’t talk to Asengav directly.

The scene changed. She had passed a portal. Lea stopped, and opened her eyes.

She was now in the entryway a gothic mansion, with paintings of others of Asengav’s champions, a staircase leading to the second floor, all of it illuminated by soothing light emanating from the floor and ceiling… and Mariette arriving just outside. The mansion had a warm feeling of a pleased Horror. Tsk, she had apparently done good. Annoyed, Lea settled on the railing of the staircase, her butterflies swirling around her as she waited.

Mariette opened the door, her eyes alert as she looked around and took it all in. She was wearing a damaged dark dress, had white long hair, and was clutching a bunny. She looked too amazed with her surroundings. So childish. So inexperienced. She was not long for this world. All things that Lea would like to tell her. But, it didn’t matter. For now, Asengav’s message was all that mattered.

‘The time is coming,’ Lea called, and Mariette quickly turned to look at her. Behind her, there was a troop of Magical Girls that she had collected in her previous mission… Hmpf. Good for her. Suppose Lea had to tell the good news.

‘Can you feel Him, Mariette? Our lord was furious from his pride being sullied, and by having been denied the offering you failed to give…’ Of course she had to try scare her first. Mariette didn’t show any emotion. Lea continued. ‘But you brought vengeance on his nemesis, that miserable blood-soaked Patron, and stalled his plans for another millenium. You've also restored our lord's mirror, and amassed resources at an astounding rate. He has deemed you ready, and so he has sent me, Lea Keufer, as His messenger.’

This said, Lea hopped off from the railing, grabbing herself with magic to levitate before Mariette. Just that slight bit higher than her, just to proclaim superiority. Now to the fun part.

‘The world you’ve been assigned to will play a major part in the operation to come.’

She saw Mariette clutching her bunny a bit harder. Although her face betrayed nothing, Lea could tell the tension in the much younger being. She suppressed a smirk.

‘This is what our lord has been building up to, for a long, long time,’ Lea informed, trying to read Mariette’s expression with every word. She continued.

‘While he has especially prepared this so that in case of failure he can just try it all over again and start from scratch, he would be very disappointed to see this fail. Let’s just say that succeeding would be rather beneficial to your continued well-being…’

Mariette clutched her bunny harder, and lowered her head a fraction.

Ah, Lea thought in triumph.

So she can be frightened.

Three weeks later...

This couldn't be happening, Abigail Williams thought as she hopped from roof to roof, frantically looking over her back to see if it was still there, and using her magic to stall the best she could.

Penrose had just gotten through dealing with some crazy anti-love nut job. They should still be recovering from that. They shouldn't have known I'm here!
Her breathing grew harder as she caught a glimpse; the chase has persisted for a long time.

There shouldn't be something this terrifying here!

The goons she summoned had been slaughtered. It was almost ironic, considering how many people she had slaughtered with them. Once she saw how badly she was losing, she bolted out of there, summoning more monsters from her Patron to stall it. "Fuck! No one said anything about that thing! Screw the job, I'm never coming back here agai-"

She suddenly froze. Fear gripped her heart...it was right in front of her.


The creature didn't respond, at least now with words. It slowly began to walk towards her, bits of gore from her minions on it's face glistening in the moonlight. Suddenly, it's eyes met hers...

...and a chill gripped her very soul.

"Fuck you!" With a cry, she summoned more of her Patron's minions, and they all charged at it. Yet the creature was undeterred. The first monster leapt at the creature, only to be bisected by an ethereal sword summoned by the creature. When the next two jumped it together, the result was the same, if a bit messier. They kept blindly charging at the creature, and were mowed down like wheat in response. When they finally grew a brain a decided to attack it from multiple angles, they were rewarded with a hail mystic swords, punching through their bodies until their lives were snuffed out.

Finally, one of the larger ones arrived. It swung a fist down to crush the smaller being, but it jumped out of the way. Before the fist had even hit the floor, it followed up by leaping up at the larger being with blinding speed. A second later, it's head slid off of it's neck, while the creature landed behind it. It quickly resumed it's slow walk to her. By now, she was starting to panic.
"Stay away!" She threw a fire ball at it...only for a swing of it's sword to deflect the projectile. She threw even more, but each one was knocked away with just as little effort as the first.
With a cry of frustration she unleashed a pillar of flame. But the creature merely raised a hand, and the fire was parted by a translucent wall.

"Dammit!" by this point she realized that if she wanted to survive this encounter, she had to pull out all the stops. She tore off her necklace, and held up the jewel on it. It would take years to restore this after using it up...but it was better than dying.
"Take this!"
But jsut as she was about to complete the spell, she was interrupted; a new sword flew at her hand faster than she could react, and shattered the jewel along with mangling her hand.
She clutched her limb in agony. Pulling out a healing artifact, she was able to patch it up a little. With the pain gone, she looked up to her foe again...

...Only to find it right in front of her. Shocked and terrified, she fell on her ass. With fear making her legs freeze up, she was forced to crawl backwards to save herself.
"No...NO! Stay away from me!!!" But the creature didn't. In fact it matched it's pace with her's and stayed right in front of her, it's eyes boring a hole into her soul.

Dear god, those eyes. It was almost like they could see right through her, judging her for every life she ruined, every person she slaughtered. It felt horrible, like every inch of her was suddenly covered with the most grotesque sludge. She just wanted to curl up in a hole somewhere away from everyone. "...Is this what they felt like...before I killed them?' she thought back to her past victims, what happy memories those had once been. But now, they felt like a weight, keeping her trapped under the judging gaze of this creature...no; this demon. "Please, just let me go! I'll never hurt anyone ever again!" It was a lie, she had grown addicted to the suffering of others, she could never give it up...and the demon knew it. It raised a hand, and suddenly, it was grasping an ethereal war-hammer bigger than her.

The last thing Abigail Williams saw before dying, was the horrifying form of the demon who killed her.

Lily shot up from her bed, and then yawned, stretching her arms. She went over to the kitchen, and piled up random food on her plate.
"Man, I'm getting these scary dreams again..." She mumbled as she hopped on the couch, turned on the TV, and began eating. She then saw Alex, and realized she was wearing the hat Justine left to her as a memento. She blushed, and removed it.
"It's comfy, okay! And it looks cute. Don't judge!" She blurted out, and then changed to a news channel.
"But maybe that's causing my nightmares...It started as a nice dream, with a fluffy cute thing bouncing around...But then it turned all violent, blood everywhere! Like a bad horror movie from the last decade."

Some places are believed to be a nexus, a site where magical energies coalesce and spread out across the land. While blessed with such arcane force, they are also considered to be cursed, for they often draw in beings both good and evil, Patrons seeking power, peace, or even simple amusement for themselves. Many believe Penrose to have become such a location, especially after it was revealed as the hunting grounds of a former villain, Justine von Visceral, who crippled the local Beacon forces and caused attacks on the populace.
Three weeks have passed since that incident, and it seems peace has finally arrived as magical girls of Beacon have rebuilt their headquarters, and resumed patrolling for monster infestations.

In the Beacon HQ hangar, loud mechanical voices rung throughout the place as several magical girls toiled around a cyborg's body. "Phew! That was a doozy to install," Sylvia Starshine, the unofficial leader of the Penrose division, spoke as she wiped the sweat from her brow, and stood up to marvel at her work. "Why couldn't you ask for roller blades instead of hover boots, Penny? Aren't they still fashionable?"
"Not since the 80's, silly!" Sally Shamrock, a close friend of the two, came over with a cloth-covered basket on her forearm. "It makes one wonder. Anyway, I brought lunch!"

She lifted the cloth, and presented tasty sandwiches to everyone present, including Alicia Hayden; ever since their victory over Justine's forces, she had been commended by the Beckoners, and given the honorary title of Seraph. She had also earned an unexpected admirer in the form of a cat girl named Kimble who constantly followed after her whenever she was at the base. The feline girl purred as it bit down on the sandwich. "Nyaaa! It's so good! You're so talented, Sally!" Sally giggled in return. "Well, I just got lucky with my baking, that's all."

At the police station, Vermillion Veronica, disguised as a local officer, was handling paper work, when a shadow extended up on a wall; it was a contact from Ebon Mint. The organization used such projections commonly, and it was rare for two Ebon Mint officers to meet face to face. The shadow seemed to change shape as it gave a bow, taking on monstrous and elegant forms without pause.
"Greetings, Ebon Vampire. Excuse me for intruding unannounced; I am currently undergoing an undercover investigation, so I will be quick." The shadowy presence had a paper-shaped silhouette form on its hands. "First of all, the order to sabotage Earth Bastion came from an outside plant, who had been dealt with. You will be paid compensation for working overtime. On to another matter; two Black Coins assigned to you have been used. We have confirmed the identity of one of them as Eliza Winters. She will be assigned a mission."

The shadowy presence then threw out what seemed like a regular green bill at Veronica; both of them knew it was a secret document disguised as human money, with the hidden text was also encrypted so that only high-ranking members of Ebon Mint could read it. "The contents of the mission including target details have been included there. That leaves the only Coin left; the one that belonged to Amber Bianchi. We have confirmed the agent as deceased, yet her Coin had been used. Did she use it?" Veronica would know that depending on her answer, she would start on a path unlike ever before; one that could ultimately change Ebon Mint itself.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by FamishedPants
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FamishedPants CEO of Vanderlay Technologies

Member Seen 8 mos ago


An obnoxious, loud noise from the back of his shop startles an old man awake. He jumps to his feet, his heart racing. "What in the...?" He can't help but wonder what could have caused the commotion. He takes a moment, before looking at the clock. There are at least 30 minutes before he is open, so it shouldn't be a customer. Aside from the back of the place being employees-only, he does not unlock the front door until 5 till. He figures that if it is a person, then they must have broken in.

He grabs the bat he keeps hidden behind the counter.

The old man, Richard, slowly makes his way to the back of his shop, his bat clutched tightly. In a moment's notice, he could swing it down upon someone, easily ridding them of their consciousness. Still, his weapon does little to reassure him that things won't turn sour. A gun would provide him with a bit more comfort. But still, he continues further in. He notices that a door seems to be standing open in the back of his shop. It is not the back door, but a door leading to a small room which connects to the basement of the shop. Of course, the basement door is open. The intruder must be inside there.

He steels himself, taking a deep breath in before slowly descending the small flight of stairs. Each step he takes causes the wooden steps to moan, spiking his anxiety more than it already was. There was no way whomever, whatever was down there did not hear him approach. He had no element of surprise. In fact, it seemed to be quite the opposite. The lights in the basement aren't on, so the room is pitch-black. He momentarily feels around the wall with his free hand, searching for the switch to the light. When he finds it, he flicks it up, yet the lights do not come on. A vain attempt or two later, he comes to understand that the lightbulb must have died again. He could almost kill himself for forgetting.

I can't leave until I know there's nobody down here.

Richard was approaching his sixties. His time had come and gone, he wasn't in perfect shape like he'd once been. So the thought of having to fight some thief was not a pleasant one. But there was absolutely no way he could open shop if this place wasn't cleared out beforehand. He had a sense of pride as the owner of a small shop, he would never risk a customer's safety, so this had to be dealt with. Even in the complete darkness, he took a step forward, and that's when he suddenly noticed it:

Two glowing red orbs stood out in the pitch black! For a moment, they remained unmoving, but eventually, they had started towards him, creeping closer by the second. He wasn't sure what this was, but he attempted to ready his bat, only to almost drop it due to his sweaty palms. He panicked, and frantically tried to regain his composure and stance so he could meet these orbs head-on. It took a moment, but he finally did so, and then he looked up just in time to see...

S a m a n t h a

"Another dull day. Just how I like it."
Samantha Howard

Samantha approached the old man from the darkness, her gaze cast upwards towards him with a curious gleam to it. "Is something wrong, Mr. Davis?", she asked her employer. He wore a very complex expression but sighed in relief once he realized that she was no threat to him. Relaxing his grip on the bat, he gave a breathless laugh.

"I'm sorry, I heard something down here and thought you to be a crook!" he explained to her. Sam's features did not move, though she was confused by his reasoning. "What are you doing down here?" he asked, only to cause the young woman more confusion. Had he forgotten yet again? His old age must be catching up to him. She look backed into the pitch black basement before looking back to him.

"You asked me to help you with a few boxes." she spoke. "So I came by to do just that. You don't remember?"

He scratched his head for a moment, presumably trying to recall the conversation before his eyes opened wide in realization. "Ah, yes, that's right. I did ask you to stop by." he repeated, only to meekly add, "I suppose... I did kinda forget. Memory's not what it once was, I'm afraid." Samantha merely sighed in response. "But what was all that racket? Are you hurt?" he worried.

"I'm perfectly fine." she assured him. "You didn't change the lightbulb so I had to use that old flashlight of yours, and then that died, so I wound up accidentally spilling a box while I stumbled around in the darkness." she lied. Her expression, however, remained as unreadable as ever. And having no reason not to trust the girl, he nodded.

"That's my bad, missie. I'll have the bulb changed and that flashlight replaced before I ask you to help down here again. That's a promise." he gave her a firm pat on the shoulder. "Now, you should run along for now. Ain't no way you're gonna get much done down in the dark. And here," he pulled his wallet from his back pocket and handed her a $10 and a $5. "Here's for your trouble, consider that my apology miss. You haven't eaten yet, I take it?"

Samantha reluctantly took the cash from the old man, silently pocketing it. "No, I have not." she told him. He gave her a big smile, another pat on the back, and then shoo'd her up and out of the store. By this point, it had been close to thirty minutes since the noise startled the old man awake. He turned the sign on his door from "Closed" to "Open", and then gave a wave to Samantha. She gave a small bow and thanked him before taking off.

"I suppose I'll take his advice and get something to eat."

Samantha shared a simple relationship with Richard Davis, the owner of a small antique clock shop. Sam did not have a house, nor did she own very much of anything, really. When it came to a normal, everyday life that did not involve her true job, Samantha was just some homeless girl who helped around an old guy's shop. It was as simple as can be. She helped him with his shop when he asked, and he provided her with a meager, yet important source of income. Most people might not be happy with such a setup, but Samantha almost couldn't ask for something better. She was, surprisingly, very thankful for the opportunity. Richard was a very kind man, too. This was not the first (and perhaps not the last) time he'd gifted her with some food money because of a mistake he'd made. She couldn't tell him that darkness was no longer of worry to her, of course. But, if she were to be completely honest, he was probably the only person who'd ever shown such kindness to her.

In these past few weeks, she was beginning to experience things, feelings she'd never once experienced before. Though she was not certain if these were good or bad things.




Samantha eventually ended up in a certain themed establishment she'd met Veronica in once before. If any place was good to eat, it was probably there. She wouldn't be ordering coffee, however. She entered the Pitstop, taking note of the small number of people that were in it. It wasn't especially crowded, but Sam preferred it that way. She ordered a simple breakfast of eggs, bacon, and toast, and then began to eat.

To the public, she was nobody special. And that's exactly how she liked it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Alicia Hayden

"Sally, I'm not sure saying you 'got lucky' with your cooking is as comforting as you think it is," Alicia remarked with a grin, in between bites of the sandwiches that had been provided for those working in the hangar. Joking aside, they did taste good, and made up for the hard work that they had been doing just now.

Things had been going well since the presumed defeat of Justine. Her castle had been destroyed, her servants had been cleansed of the mental influence she held over them before being returned to their lives, and there had been no sign of her since that climactic assault upon her castle. By all accounts they had won, and Penrose was safe once again. For her role in the fighting she had gotten a new title, and wings to go with them (Not that she had them unveiled right now while she was in civilian clothes)

In spite of their success, Alicia couldn't feel entirely pleased with herself. Mariette had gotten away and there had been no sign of the prisoners she had manipulated into following her. There was also no sign of those girls who had impersonated Beacon members during the attack on the castle, Janet had gone missing once again, and rumor had it that the amount of girls serving dark forces had been growing in recent days. They may have cleared their name for what had happened to Victoria, but that felt like the only thing they got out of that whole affair. She felt foolish, and used.

For now, she relaxed and tried to put that out of her mind in the company of friends. Kimble had healed up but had proven impossible to get rid of, and just like Penny the members of Beacon had grown used to her presence. Even if she tended to stick near her most of the time.

"So Penny, how does it feel?" she asked, looking forward to seeing her mechanical friend fire up her new additions for the first time. She'd provided some assistance but had let Sylvia do most of the work due to her superior technical knowledge. With a slow day like this, there was nothing wrong with kicking back and taking it easy. You never knew how long times like these would last.

After taking another bite of the provided meal, she nodded to Sally as she hefted her sandwich. "Thank you Sally, it does taste good." A better lunch she could not ask for.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Quiet..." She sighed, furrowing her eyebrow as she looked over the landscape of Penrose from atop her lofty position. Frowning, Katarina walked away from the roof of the building and back to her little 'apartment' if one could call it that. She didn't own it, no, she was a squatter more than anything. The top floor of some janky looking apartment complex in the poorer part of Penrose. Wasn't exactly comfortable, but it worked. Most people would probably be terrified of staying in some shady looking place, but she took what she could get. Wasn't like anyone was fool enough to try anything with her anyways.

It was almost too quiet, really. Ever since that stuff with some dark magical girl a few weeks ago things had died down a bit. That was good, wasn't it? Quiet was good. Call it paranoia perhaps, but she didn't feel any more at ease. When things got quiet, that was simply because whoever was up to no good was planning something and biding their time. That's how it usually worked, didn't it?

A quiet rumble of her stomach pulled her out of her thoughts. Ah, she should probably eat breakfast. Might as well treat herself a bit. Not like she had a lot of stuff to do here anyways. Grabbing her leather jacket, she slipped on her shoes and headed down the stairs of the apartment and onto the street below.

A small girl wearing nothing but a white tanktop, black jacket, tight jeans and athletic running shoes. She was getting more than a few odd glances from people. After all, she couldn't be older than ten or eleven, right? And here she was dressing so adult like. Some people might assume the kid was up to no good, but it was difficult for anyone to approach a kid and accuse them of that, wasn't it? So most left her alone to do her own thing. Not when she had a resting bitch-face to boot.

"Yes yes, I'm eating soon calm down..." Katarina yawned, stomach growling in complaint again. Ugh, it was unfortunate she had missed out on that cleanup a few weeks ago. She could have made a serious amount of profit from that. Not that she particularly cared too much about money, but hey, heroes gotta eat too. Eventually she found her way into a small place called 'Pitstop'. Wasn't particularly crowded from the look of things. Good, less questions as to why a kid barely over the age of ten was coming in to eat alone.

Taking a seat a few tables away from a gloomy looking teenager and after a small few questions from the staff she'd successfully ordered a simple breakfast of milk, pancakes, and bacon. Hmm, maybe she could find some work today...she glanced over to the gloomy looking teenager again.

...It was probably nothing.

"It hasn't changed a bit, hehe." High above the city of Penrose, was a girl standing in mid air. One of her feet seemingly balanced on a small dark sphere, the other pressing against the back of that foot. A smirk crept across her face as she observed the bustling city of Penrose below. She heard some big kerfuffle happened here or something during her absence. Ah, how annoying that she had to go help lord Iesud with something outside the city. Oh well, at least she had been compensated for her trouble.

"Remember what you're here for, servant." A voice echoed loudly in the air around her, causing the air to vibrate and crackle with violet and red streaks of energy. "Purify these animals!"

"Of course, of course, Lord Iesud!" A smirk slowly crept across her features as she replied, holding the side of her head with one of her hands. "Ahahah, oh it shall be so much fun to return here...Oh, I wonder how dear Penny is?" She did so miss her. Now that Isana was off doing her own thing she could use a new...target of her affections. Isana shall always be number one, but what would she be if she didn't play around a bit? Fufu. She'd look her up later. Or perhaps she'd return to her love nest to find her waiting on her? Hehe, perhaps, perhaps.

The air vibrated again, a deep, rumbling roar assaulting the air around her. Ah, he was really impatient wasn't he? Not that she could really blame the crotchety old dragon. Since she had been here last, he had gotten nary a single soul to devour! They were too busy focusing on something else...an insurance policy of sorts should anything unexpected happen.

Time to get to work she supposed!

Letting the orb used as her floating perch fall from under her, Chloe fell. Large crystals began growing from her legs and lower back, the violet crystals reflecting whatever light there was and crackling lightly with movement as they grew into two, beautiful crystalline wings. Giving them a mighty flap, the girl stopped her descent right before she hit the ground.

Upon landing, she didn't give the humans around her the time of day, not even sparing them a glance as the orb fell into her hands. The dark orb pulsed with violet energy, the air around it growing colder as she placed her other hand on it. Taking a deep breath, Chloe drew upon the power of her weapon. Wispy trails of magical energy flowed from the orb, following her hand as she pulled it off from it. The magical energy began blanketing the immediate area.

A crackle of magical energy was heard, briefly flashing purple light lit up the area as a portal was forcibly linked between the mortal plane and the one of spirits. A claw like, shadowy, wispy hand seemed for pierce the air from the other side, making a long, tearing rip through the veil and tearing open the rift before pulling itself through the tear, the portal closing behind it.

"Dance, spirits! Take your anger, frustrations, and malevolent feelings out on these humans!" Chloe cackled as the process was repeated, a dozen or so more spirits manifesting upon the mortal plane in the crowd of humans. The ignorant humans, not realizing the danger didn't flee at all.

Not until the first one screamed, the claws of one spirit tearing right through their chest.

"Or feel free to take one home or something, I certainly don't care. I hear possession is quite fun!" She laughed again. Now then - relinquishing her magical girl attire, Chloe began walking away from the scene. For all intents and purposes, she'd just hopefully pass as a normal girl with slightly eccentric fashion choices by the time those so-called heroes showed up.

"...acceptable." Iesude rumbled again. "But I grow impatient, servant."

"Ah, dear...perhaps we should work on recruiting more girls, my lord?" Chloe mused. "Working alone is so tiring." Iesud didn't reply, presumably thinking on the matter or deeming it a non issue. A complicated matter that would be, and it would maybe put a kink in her own plans...but oh well. She'd deal with that when it happened. For now, Chloe simply walked down the street, away from the scene behind her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Alexander rose an eyebrow at Lily's antics "Oh trust me, you've done stranger things then wearing a hat to sleep." He then got up from his seat and added "Speaking of cute fluffy things, I need to check on Bob." He walked over to his room, and keeled down besides the cage in there "Are you still sleeping! Wow, you're a lazy bag of fuzz"

The creature in question, Bob, was a fuzzy white rabbit. He was laying on his side in a little rabbit bed, and twitched one of his front paws at Alexander

"...I am 68.45% sure that's how you rabbits flip people off, and if so, then fuck you too." He sighed "Everything I heard about rabbits said that they were a bundle of nervous energy, yet here you are; lazing about all day and everyday with no fucks to give. Although to be honest, I kind of respect that about you. I guess this what happens when a rabbit get's as close to death as you did. I mean wow, you had some pretty big chunks missing from you body, I still can't believe you managed to survive that."Alexander gave a slightly amused snort "I guess that's why I healed you; I saw a bit of myself in you. Doing your best to hang in there just to spite the world that told you to fuck off and die. You might be a lazy ass rabbit...but you've got the heart of a fighter." He opened up the cage and petted the napping rabbit. Taking a quick look at his food and water bowl, he saw they were full enough, and pulled back his hand. He closed the cage, and returned to the living room, taking back his seat. suddenly remembering something, he pulled out a metal ring with runic etchings from his pocket "almost forgot. Here, I finished it last night" He underhand tossed it to Lily.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by DracoLunaris
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DracoLunaris Multiverse tourist

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

The previous night

Atop a rolling hill overlooking the city stood a frameless door. The door, that had not been there the previous day, was as mundane as they came, made of wood cleanly painted white and featuring a small door handle of brass sat above a simple lock. At its center sat a dull iron knocker, faintly rusted. What was unusual about the door however, was the fact that it was floating a few centimeters above the ground. Up to this door runs lupa, safely out of her disguise in the rather isolated location, her dark fur letting her blend into the night. She grabs the knocker and pounds away for a few moments before stepping back when the door is opened by another Lupa.

“Hi. I found food for sticky!” the first wolf girl exclaims, holding up her hand to present a number of crickets struggling futility in between her furred fingers.

“Good. You’re just in time for dinner to” the door opener informs her, stepping aside to let her double inside, briefly revealing the interior of an apartment on the other side of the doors, where a number of other Lupas are in the middle of doting over a variety of tank held pets to the sound of a kettle boiling and the frying of what might be meat.

“Sweet.” The cricket catcher responds before dashing inside towards an un-womaned tank holding a gecko. The door clicks shut moments before she presents the lizards with its dinner.

A few minutes later the door opens once more, briefly re-revealing the room that was now devoid of Lupas save for the one that steps out of it holding a noodle pot that had had a number of chunks of a ugly grey meat added to it. She sits down on the side of the hill in the grass and looks down towards the glowing lights of her destination, one full of glamor, danger and, hopefully, monsters. Digging into the unhealthy meal she reflects upon the distance she had to travel to get here, jogging across the kilometers of country lead on by an insatiable urge born of her patron Feral that still gnaws at her while she while she sits and plans. All too soon the meal is over and, after tossing the plastic to one side, the woman steps back through the door into her magical democide.

Over the next two hours a steady stream of Lupas subsequently emerges from the door the original entered into, though it would be hard to tell they were in fact copies of her. Where as the previous set of clones, all reabsorbed so they would not miss out on dinner, had been straight up duplicates, these ones were warped beyond recognition. Chitinous shells and armor from beetles covered some of their bodies, hiding semi functiona wings, others had triple jointed legs somewhat resembling grasshoppers, others had small tentacles around their mouths and strange grey skin acros which color would briefly flicker as they all waited for their creator to finish. Occasionally one or two would dash away from the restless group and return a little later with a captured animal, such as a bluebird, cat, spider or skunk, and would re-enter the apartment, after which the subsequent clones would have some of the features of the captured creature. The mutant clones were not an ugly mess of animal parts however, as each had seemingly been sculpted in such a way that their myriad of additions fitted together to look a little like over designed magical girl costumes, at least from a distance, disguising their true monster girl forms. Each was also given some kind of mobility aid, such as wings, leaping legs, web shooters, fish tails or gecko pads, and most also had a weapon or stealth measure of some kind to help them get out of trouble if they couldn't simply outrun it.

After the last girl had been made, and the captured creatures had been safely released back into the wild, Lupa stepped outside once again, the door vanishing behind her as it shut this time, and observed the roughly 20 clones of herself assembled before her. Each had been carefully crafted by casting a myriad of Beast buffs on herself before she made the copy so that they look absolutely nothing like either her or the usual combat modded clones, hopefully ensuring that anything done to night could be associated with her once she actually got involved with the local magical girl scene. It was, perhaps, uncessicirily cautious, as Lupa was not intending to rustle any feathers with this initial scouting mission, but she could never fully trust her clones not to get into trouble.

Lupa, looking plain before he myriad of minions, took a few moments to address herself before they set off.

“Alright girls, you know the drill. All we want to do is get a lay of the land, so no picking fights and or spooking the normal people. I want to know monster hotspots, what mythical creatures are here and where and who the local magical girls patrol and if they are hostile. We need to know where we might be able to safely open our door, where we can get a local map or a free meal, where there's entrances to the overcity, who might live in it here and who is dangerous or helpful, where we can hide, where we can nick some easy money from or get a temp job, where we can get some human disguises for you lot, where the parks and streams are and anything else we can sue to keep Feral calm and fed and ourselves happy. Also, maybe we could try and make some friends this time? Anyway, we all got that?” there was a general corus of enthusiastic affirmation from her other selves who had all been raring to go since they were made “Alright then, let's get to it. Wolf pack, move out!”

A series of howls broke the evening quite atop that lonely hill overlooking the city, a corus joined unnervingly by that ancient hungering thing inside that lived inside Lupa, and then in an instant they were all gone, the only evidence of the packs prior presence a discarded noodle cup and a bunch of disgruntled animals.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 40 min ago

“Wow, Mary, didn’t know you were a fencer! Never struck me as the type, you know? But I guess the whole hidden depths thing you got going on is pretty deep!”


“You thinking of setting up a club at the college about it though? Like, doesn’t really sound like either fencing or European history, yeah? And I’m sure you’d get way more interested parties if you do that think where you wear full armor, then remove it, and it turns out that you had a sexy swimsuit underneath!”

“That’s…going to chaff.”

“And then all the others will go ‘woah, who’s this hotty! I didn’t know she wore things other than boring ol’ sweaters and sweatpants’ and suddenly you catch the eye of that British dude you’re always sneaking glances at. Cole, was it?”

“I-it’s not like that…”

“Geez, what is it like then, Mary? For what other reason would a fair maiden like you, the princess of the engineering club, shoot bedroom eyes in the direction of that handsome foreign noble every class? Oh, the amore in your eyes, the blossoming of the rose~! How lovely it must be, to be young and free, beautiful and pure~!”


As the two followed the flow of the crowd through the typical Penrose morning rush, Amaryllis pursed her lips, wondering how exactly she had been dragged into this situation to begin with. The woman beside her, Aurora Mackenzie from Penrose Technical’s Accounting course, certainly didn’t fit the definition of an accountant, and it was only extra bothersome that she imprinted herself upon a fellow student immediately afterwards. With a white blouse and a black, lacy bra underneath, as well as a pencil skirt and stockings, Aurora looked more like a hot teacher than a student, her pink highlights bobbing up and down as she strutted through with a Louis Vuitton bag slung on her shoulder. In comparison, Amaryllis’s outfit was so much more simple and drab, her clothes just a pair of non-descript, gray sweatclothes, while her shoes were running shoes and her fat backpack threatened to clobber people beside her whenever she had to turn around.

It was nothing but pure regret, really, that she had taken this particular route. If this was Aurora’s normal path, the shy magical-girl-in-hiding was definitely going to have to find a detour next time, especially cause taking the subway was a horrible, terrible mistake when the metal detectors went off and that asshole of a cop stopped her for carrying her sword in her bag. Yeah, THAT was what messed everything up to begin with.

Ughhhhhhh, and now she needed to come up with a way to explain that she was monitoring Cole from metalworks because he might actually maybe possibly be a gremlin constructing illegal weapons during off-hours at the shop…without coming off as insane and stalkerish as well.

In the back of her mind, her Patron clicked, tapping at the inside of her skull with soft pains, but a good few months had made her more or less accustomed to the pain of communication. Cole was nearby then, huh? Meant it was time to get the helllll out of this area, without seeming rude either. Amaryllis restrained her urge to let out a sigh, instead turning to Aurora with an awkward, hesitant half-smile as she prepared to lie about a whole truc-


Red on the chest. Red on the face. Red on the lips. Red in the scream, shaking into her spine as the claws of an ephemeral spirit sprouted from Aurora’s chest. Warm. The flesh and blood that splattered on Amaryllis was warm enough to burn. Three stakes of agony shook hesitance out of her, and with a wordless cry, a steel chain burst from her left hand, wrapping around the scepter and flinging it a block away. Already, more screams were bursting out, the flow of the crowd shifting to cacophony. The image of the demon-scepter burst into her mind, followed by twelve taps against her index fingers, and then a thirteenth on her middle fingers. She wasn’t watching, but her Patron was, formless and ever-present despite being sealed in her backpack.

But she had no time to fight, not when the woman who had just been talking to her was entering a state of shock, bleeding profusely from her chest. No time to transform, no time to wait for an ambulance, no time to even shift locations. Against the panicked crowds, Amaryllis could only kneel down, pressing her own body against Aurora’s as her chain slipped into the backpack, pulling out the amethyst-encrusted rosary, already thrumming with magic, already burning with molten iron.

Torn flesh folded back, but the blood could not be restored, and she pushed away instead, half-dragging, half-carrying the limp body into a neglected alleyway before dropping her there. Blood. She was breathing shallowly, but at this point, the Healing Artifact granted to her by the Sword couldn’t guarantee anything else.

The fear was palatable, the tension and uncertainty a felt blanket against her consciousness.

Amaryllis closed her eyes.

A thirteenth tap on her middle fingers.

A magical girl had done this, not just a monster.

First, she got held up by that dumbass cop. Then, she gets interrogated by someone who thinks she has ANY interest in a body-snatching gremlin. And now? This shit? For no reason other than to fuck with her day even more?

The indigo haired girl took a breath. A deep breath.

Steadied herself. Dropped her backpack. Drew her sword.


That was the promise she made, because today…

"𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔪𝔬𝔬𝔫, 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔤𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔢 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔭𝔢𝔱𝔞𝔩𝔰.
𝔘𝔫𝔡𝔢𝔯𝔫𝔢𝔞𝔱𝔥 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔤𝔩𝔬𝔯𝔶 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔳𝔢𝔫𝔰, ℑ 𝔤𝔞𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔪 𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔭𝔯𝔢𝔰𝔢𝔫𝔱 𝔪𝔶𝔰𝔢𝔩𝔣.
𝔄𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔶𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔰 𝔈𝔳𝔢𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰, 𝔎𝔫𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 ℜ𝔬𝔰𝔢!
𝔐𝔞𝔶 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔣𝔩𝔬𝔴𝔢𝔯 𝔬𝔣 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔟𝔢 𝔯𝔢𝔣𝔩𝔢𝔠𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔫 𝔪𝔶 𝔰𝔦𝔩𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔩𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱!"

...she had some weeds to pull.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Shifter_Master
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Shifter_Master Atrast Nal Tunsha

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


In the garage of Beacon’s Penrose HQ sat something that a month ago would have been deemed impossible. A Monstergirl was currently laying down on one of the workbenches, her eyes closed as various members of Beacon milled around waiting to hear if their hard work had been successful or if there was still more to do. A large grin spread across the monsters face and rather than the fear and suspicion that would be normal her smile was met by grins and smirks of the various Beaconites around her. “All systems are green ladies” Penny called out letting everyone know that the work had been completed correctly.

"Phew! That was a doozy to install," Sylvia Starshine spoke as she wiped the sweat from her brow, and stood up to marvel at her work. "Why couldn't you ask for roller blades instead of hover boots, Penny? Aren't they still fashionable?"

“And let the salvage from a Sky Engine just go to waste? Not happening” Penny replied as she moved to sit up and get herself back to normal. The last few weeks had been a pleasant, if odd, time for the mechanical girl. She had spent a lot of her time helping Beacon build its HQ back up, and when not here fixing things she was off at her Lair cleaning out the memories of Thalia and the rest of the trash that build up from living in a scrap heap. Or retooling herself, which she had done a fair amount of as a way to work through the heart break she had gone through a month ago.

She had completed most of her upgrade herself and had laid the ground work for the latest installation when an offhand comment during the time she was helping Sylvia rearrange the garage had the mechanic offer her assistance. Still even with the help of the members of Beacon it had taken a good few hours to install everything correctly, and the truth about just how much of Penny was no longer flesh and blood was made much more apparent to everyone to helped or watched as Penny had been right alongside the people helping her out even though that meant she was completely separated from the lower half of her body for most of it.

Now though Penny was once again in whole and she felt all the better for it, there was something about being able to actively work on her body that was both relaxing and exhilarating in ways she couldn’t put in to words for people, likely because most people couldn’t take off a limb to poke around at its insides.

Moving off a distance Penny pulled her hair back in to a loose ponytail before triggered the thrusters that they had just installed and was instantly lifted off the ground a few inches. She could easily tell that these thrusters would never be strong enough to grant her flight, but that was never the goal. “They feel Just as I hopped” Penny answered Alicia as she slid around the room to get comfortable with the sensation before turning them off and walking over to grab a sandwich.

“Hard to put in to words though” She added after taking a large bite of the offered food, hardly noticing the taste as she had an incredibly skewed sense of taste due to her physiology “I can still feel the ground below me, I’m thinking it’s feedback from the geomagnetic field, which makes sense as that’s what I’m tapping for these to work in the first place.” She explained as she read through the diagnostics reports of her new parts that scrolled past her eyes. “Still wish I had more of that flight engine, I would love to start working on making Jetpack with it.”

As she was reading over her diagnostics, she noticed an errant magical surge had been recorded coming from one of the compartments in her legs and her left hand drifted towards the compartment before she remembered what was there. An ordinary looking key that had been gifted to Penny when she first arrived in Penrose, one that had been given to her by a friend she wasn’t sure if she would see again: Chloe.

‘Could she be back in town?’ Penny wondered for a moment before setting the thought aside. She doubted the rest of Beacon would be happy to hear about a dark magical girl showing up in town, plus she had no proof if that was the case or not. ‘I’ll try the key later and see if it works again’ she decided before finishing off her sandwich.

“So, what next on the agenda?” She would ask the group at large as she reached for another sandwich.


Off in another section of the renewed Beacon Headquarters there would be a soft alarm as a voice would call out from a PA system “Inbound teleportation. Please clear the landing area” a few members of Beacon would stop to witness the new arrival, but for the most part it was business as usual.

The landing area was a roped off platform that could hold a maximum of eight people comfortably, and in the center of the platform a small mote of light could be seen fading in to view. The tiny mote of light rapidly grew into the shape of a kid and with a flash and utterly unremarkable kid was standing in the center of the platform.

He quickly moved off the landing pad before taking a look around at the other people in the area. He was dressed in what looked to be a private school uniform, and had messy short brown hair and light brown eyes. He seemed to be the type of person, who would end up being lost in a sea of people purely due to lacking anything outstanding about him.

“Heyooo” He said in greeting “Names Kyle, anyone know where the cafeteria is? I had to skip breakfast to make it here on time” The boy asked as she scratched his cheek grinning sheepishly.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

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Veronica was not startled by the messenger's sudden appearance. She listened to him speak while looking over the document in her possession. It sounded like another victory for Ebon mint. The plant being dealt with, and overtime pay coming in was sure to make anyone smile. But all she had to go on was the words of the messenger. As someone who dealt with truth and lies as much as Veronica had, the word of a stranger was seldom reassuring. That wasn't to say she didn't trust he was Ebon mint. The encrypted document was proof that this thing was sent by another officer. What Veronica was unsure of was what was if she was intentionally being put in the dark. People in Veronica's position were equally dangerous and useful to the mint. The order to blow up one of her own agents ships could have been an attempt by the organization to weaken her forces. The Ebon mint had created a system where most of the agents would remain in debt forever. Perhaps Veronica never really escaped that system, and all officers risked having their agents taken out by “plants.” It was troubling that the mint had conducted an investigation on a mission she was in charge of. The fact that she was hearing about it now meant that something was up.

“That is good news. You may tell who it concerns that I will have a report ready momentarily.” She pushed aside a stack of papers to access a laptop. “One of my agents will deliver it when it's done. You are dismissed.” Veronica had started typing before the messenger excused himself.

It is as you surmised, Amber Bianchi used the coin. Agent Samantha Howard was able to confirm she was locked in combat with a monster girl. Amber Bianchi must have realized she was outmatched, and simply used the coin too late. Unfortunately, Justine's castle has been demolished, and Samantha Howard was found unconscious in our world, outside of the over city. So her body is either under several tons of rubble, or has sunk to the depths of the ocean. This has made recovering her body and knowing for sure impossible. However, all of the other magical girls involved with the raid have been accounted for, and none of them used the coin. The only logical conclusion is that Amber Bianchi used the coin. Eliza Winters will be given her mission promptly. I do not often have faith in monster girls, but I feel like this one may be worth both coins.

That was a lie. Of course, the truth was far too strange to believe. The idea that a familiar could use a black coin and transform into a dark magical girl was nothing short of fiction. There were very few people who witnessed it happen, and they were either people who were under Veronica's direct control or sources that were unreliable to the mint. She was sure the truth would come out eventually. But for now it was too soon. Veronica would need to confirm a few things before she shared any more information with the mint. But all of this was secondary. Veronica had other things to do at the moment. One of which was getting to the Pitstop so that she could talk to her agents.

“Sue Fang” was what the name plate on her locker read. But that was going to change today. The oriental girl stood in front of it with a bottle of white out in one hand, and a brush in the other. With a few careful strokes, the “e” at the end of her name disappeared.

Su Fang (pronounced “s-oo fong”) was “Sue's” real name. As a familiar serving the magical girl pirate Amber Bianchi, Su had allowed Amber to spell her name as “Sue” whenever it came up. There wasn't really a point behind it, Amber had just always assumed that was how it was spelled. But with her death, and Su's change from familiar into magical girl, She had to start taking the roll of a real person instead of a pet. Sue the familiar had to go away, and Su fang the hotel manager had to take her place.

While Su was undergoing a lot of changes in her life, her patron: Boteg the golden dragon, was making the transition as easy as possible. He had purchased the golden trove apartment complex. This was both to give Su a cover as a real person, but also to give Boteg free reign over his lair. He had been living at the golden trove for quite some time, but only recently decided to spend a part of his fortune on actually acquiring it. He did not actually make an appearance obviously. That was why he put Su in charge of running the place. Not that she knew the first thing about running a hotel. But Amber was a hardware store manager, so she did learn a few things about working with groups of people. At present, the hotel was making money, and no one seemed upset about the recent takeover. When people did ask who Boteg was, Su simply responded that he was her father. No one disbelieved her yet.

”Uhh... Oh Amber...”

Su was a mess the first week into her new life. Originally she was going to try and take Amber's place as “Sky Captain,” but that wasn't working. No one could replace Shining Scale. It wasn't until Su decided to become “Sky Dragon” that her emotional stability started to return. She had finally gotten to the point where she could say her name without feeling the need to cry.

"Su!" a girl called out.

”Wha?” Su was currently in the employee break room, but a familiar voice was calling out to her from one of the hotel rooms.

"Su! I'm in big trouble! Hurry up!"

The voice sounded urgent, so Su screwed the cap on the white out and ran out of the break room. She was able to follow the voice a few rooms down to one of the apartment rooms. The door was open the lights were on, and she was still calling.

"Su! Please tell me it's you! S-Save me!"

The voice was getting more urgent. Su followed the voice into one of the bathrooms. There was a tub with the shower curtain drawn. But they were transparent, and Sue could see someone, or something laying down in the tub. The hotel manager was starting to suspect a trap, or something of the magic variety. Without hesitation, she threw back the shower curtain and looked into the tub. But what she saw shocked her.

"Su! You've got to get these snakes off of me!"

Sure enough, laying in the tub was what appeared to be a girl in an Arabian dancer's outfit covered in four large pythons. The number four was very important, because Su knew this particular magical girl's abilities well. She could transform her limbs into virtually any creature she could think of. So by laying in the tub, she was able to create the illusion of being attacked by snakes. But this was only because the snakes were so large and filled the tub so completely that it looked like they were burying her limbs. Even if there was a fifth snake in there, she was perfectly capable of growing a tail and turning that into a snake too.

”Damn it Mika!” Su backed away from the tub and ran her hand over her face. The next thing she did was shut the hotel room door, and the bathroom door. ”I am trying to work here! If someone came in here and saw you-” Su stopped herself from continuing, realizing how pointless it was.

"Huh?" Mika tipped her head. "I thought this was really funny! I'm sorry if I made you upset." She continued to lay very still as the snakes slithered around. "I heard you say her name again, so I thought this might cheer you up." As a beast girl, she had very keen hearing.

Su leaned over the edge of the tub.”And what makes you think this would cheer me up?”

"Well." Mika sighed. "When I got on your computer the other day and looked through your search history-"

”Stop.” Su placed a hand on her forehead. ”You... You wanted to locate a pizza joint didn't you?”

"That only took a few seconds."

She tightened her grip on the side of the tub.”And you didn't think that you might be invading my privacy?”

"It's like I told you when we first met, I like people. I want to know more about them. That includes you." She smiled. "I didn't wipe the search history. If you'd like, you can take a look at some of the stuff I looked at. It would be a fun way to learn about each other if we shared the computer like this."

Su groaned. ”Alright, I think you have too much free time on your hands. You need to be more productive.” She stood up and folded her arms. ”You need to do something productive. You're not going to snoop around here any longer.”

Mika stood up, and her limbs turned back to normal. "Can't I just do magical girl stuff?"

”You need a cover.” Su looked directly into Mika's eyes as she said this. ”It'll make it harder for evil magical girls to find you. So even if you wanted to do 'magical stuff' all day, you'd still need some type of cover.”

"Hmmm..." Mika rubbed her chin. "I think you're right. You know all sorts of people, and that could be useful. But I don't have any friends other than you.” Su closed her eyes at being mentioned as a friend, but Mika continued. "Well, I know most becon girls go to school, and I know you're kind of avoiding them. I also think dressing up as a maid and cleaning the hotel with you all day would be fun." She started to pace back and forth. "But if I did go to school, I could spy on bacon for you."

”You mean Beacon, right?”

"Bacon is a better name." The girl continued to hum to herself as she thought of what to do. "Actually, if you needed my help the next time Boteg gets spooked, I'd have to leave school. That would be a bit of a bummer." She shrugged. "I guess I'll do the maid thing as a part time job. I'm not sure if it's my style."

Sue nodded. ”That works, but I don't want to see you around here on your down time. Not unless it's time to eat.”

"Okay~" Mika nodded with her whole body. "So, do I just pick up a broom or?"

”Actually, I'd like you to go to the Pitstop.” Su moved away from the tub. ”Veronica's been trying to limit the amount of time I spend there, so it would be benificial if you could go there in my place. She knows who you are, so she'll square you away as soon as you get there.”

"Sounds easy enough." In a flash of light, Mika came out of her costume and was her normal self. "I'll see you in a bit."

Sue sighed before closing the door behind her.

Sky Scare. A voice boomed in Su's head. Art thou prepared to hear of me plans for thy future?

Sue nodded. ”Thank you for being patient with me. I am ready.”

Tonya had her eyes closed. The shower sprinkled her face with warm water. Droplets ran over the curves of her marble white flesh, washing the sweat from her work out down the drain. The last of the suds swirrled around the drain before slipping through its chrome grill. Many magical girls had become lax with their newfound bodies. Yes, they had to slay monsters, but the rest of their lives were totally taken care of. Magic kept their bodies healthy, regardless of how little time they spent at the gym. But Tonya found that there were certain mental benefits to working out. It just made her feel normal, and got her out of the mindset of someone who became accustom to just fighting monsters and enjoying movies. The mundane parts of life had value too.

After drying off, Tonya approached her spool of fate divining silk and turned it in her hand. Images flashed across her mind. Her spool had warned her of a slaughter, one that she wasn't suppose to do anything about. Many innocents would die, and yet, she was required to assist the assassin with their escape. Her patron never gave her a reason for anything, that was always for fate to know and her to find out. But apparently they played a role in things later, and it wouldn't do for them to die so suddenly.

Sometimes, her job was just the worst.

After getting dressed, she prepared for conflict.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 1 day ago

These last several weeks had been hard. Everything the magical girl thought she had, whether given, chosen, or forced on her had been lost. Even her own appearance had been drastically altered by her last patron. Though thankfully many of the negative effects had been left behind when she rejected Father. The action did however leave her alone in a city of magical beings that could very well be hostile to her.

Having been picked up by the Ebon Mint there was a brief interrogation. However it quickly became clear that Janet didn't have that much insight into Justine or her whereabouts. A pawn is was the girl had been. And while Justine seemed to have had plans for Janet there must have not been time to put them into action. And not really wanting anything to do with the Mint, Janet declined any assistance from them.

Now though there were rumors going around that the Beacon were doing something unheard of. accepting monster girls amoung them. Selectively at least. She'd missed the details since she had been abducted and was actively fighting against them. But there was a chance that at the very least she wouldn't be killed on sight. Having been on the run before though you can't just hope people would just forget. If nothing else she had been controlled to do the awful things she had. And now was the time to face that hurdle.

When you body is made of water it can make slinking around the city rather easy. Most pipes underground were hidden and allowed access to almost every facility. Not that Janet really wanted to but she had to get close enough to the Beacon HQ to talk to someone. Knowing her target well allowed her Absolute Direction to point her where she needed to go. Out of sight she put her plan into action. It wasn't anything big, she just had to speak with someone. With her sound manipulation she generated what sounded like her voice in Alicia's ear. "Alicia... it's me, Janet. I need your help."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Annabelle Irons

The poorest section of town, dirty alleys, run-down buildings, but still it had the cheapest rent for apartments. That was nice. Regardless, instead of a low-rent apartment here, or a better one in the nice parts of the city of Penrose, Soth had guided her here. Here to set up base in an old building, a former school that had been replaced with a newer one on the better side of town. Place some sigils here, place some sigils there, draw this pentagram here, a diagram there of something else, write a bit in blood on the walls in an alien language. Boom, her patron had total influence over this old school building from the tip of the roof down to the bottom of the basement. Even a bit on the grounds of the school outside of the building. It had taken a few days for him to toy with what he could do there, but in his usual fashion he had fashioned the school into a base without making it look any different from the outside.

Inside, one of the first floor classroom had been converted into a proper bedroom/living room as Annabelle had gone out to buy furniture and such. Couches, giant bed, cozy sheets, a fridge, carpets placed on the floor, the works so to say that with some nudging here and there include free satellite TV with rather good reception here due to her patron's advice. Some minions were kept manning the cafeteria, others were repairing the place inside to a proper stable state and reinforcing it with magic and magic circles and sigils and even other physical materials. Many minions were left merely prowling the halls at her patron's command, or even worked installed washing machines or such in the basement that had been salvaged and restored by magic from elsewhere. All this after the building had been brought under his influence. Regardless, from the outside it would remain the appearance of a harmless, abandoned building.

It had taken days after arriving here to get this far, but he base was as good as ready by now. Albeit, now was her first mission from her patron in this new city, at least following this initial one of "secure a base of operations in the manner i will instruct you in". The school being the base after that first mission upon getting here to Penrose had been ironic, but now there was something going on. Something....exciting~

'Annabelle, there are some spirits amok in the city. I am sending you the coordinates mentally, since this new domicile of yours has become my domain. Destroy as many as you can, so that i may acquire their essence. But seek to minimize the human lives lost if you tear the spirits out of them. I'd prefer you not to be hunted so soon after arrival.'

"Kay' boss. I'll see what i can get, haha," Annabelle said in return to her patron's voice as it echoed into her head and a slightly errie smile came to her face, having been lying back on her new couch and watching the latest Food Channel shows.

Jumping up, the mind-bent magical girl felt the rush of blood from her head, giving a light giggle at the sensation.

"Enter the Void, and let darkness descend from the heavens.”

In an instant darkness, deep, seemingly endless darkness had wrapped her body in it like a cocoon, before removing itself and leaving her standing there in her transformed state. Though her eerie smile had shifted to a Cheshire grin that almost seemed to stretch from ear to ear. Finally. There was something to do. There was some things to go kill, or some enemies to fight, she didn't much care so along as she finally got to so something else after all these days of sitting about. Not that she hadn't needed a break, though, but all play and no work made the free time more boring to her. Though she could always raid the cafeteria again for food. Maybe that triple-decker "Kitchen Sink" burger she'd seen today could be made there, since the place had been restocked by her patron. Ooh, that could work nicely.

Blitzing out of her room and down the hall at speed, Annabelle burst out from the back double doors before taking off towards the scene. Ah, spirits again, eh? This would be interesting. Most interesting. Though what would a being who was the Void itself want with the energy of spirits? Meh, wasn't her time to ask questions or such, really.

Nina Kujo and Alice Honorsby

"Yare yare, daze. Alice, Someone's gone out of their way to unleash spirits on people? What a waste of time, a call for attention by some brat," the slightly annoyed but disinterested tone of Nina Kujo rang out as she sat at the dinner table of her and Alice's apartment.

Alice had been looking out of the window of their rather high-floored apartment using her rifle and mainly its scope, the apartment having been procured by the two girls' Patron and being bigger than anything "past her" had seen during a trip to Japan. It was comfortable, but at times boring. Having just arrived in this city yesterday, it had taken a little bit to fill up things here and the fridge at that. Annoying, but at least breakfast today had been nice. Eggs and bacon, bit of soy sauce on them. She'd told Alice to come eat, but the other girl had kept looking out the window. Perhaps old habits died hard?

But Alice had told her something interesting as she had been observing a few places. Something about a magical girl, the unleashing of spirits.

"You're right, but the local girls might take actions sooner than later. We could always pick off a few, get a bit of payment afterwords," the red-headed magical girl said, already in her form by this point due to having had to be in it to use her rifle, lightly adjusting her rifle's position in the process and the scope as if it was nothing but an everyday habit, "I can hit em' from ere', but you might wanna get close for the action. Ey, punchy?"

"Oi, for now let's just look and see if others show up. If no one does i'll get out there. Such a bother," the white-haired girl said, taking another bite of bacon and soy-sauce coated scrambled eggs as she kept to her seat.

"Hi bother, i'm dad," Alice said, a smirk coming to her lips as an annoying sigh reached her ears, "Look, i'll tell ya if it gets worse, ok? Just bring my breakfast over here......please? Extra pepper on top."

Alice could tell Nina was rolling her eyes right now, but kept silent as a small grin came to her face when the sounds of a chair being pushed back and the clink of plates and scooping of food came to her ears. She didn't have to look to know what Nina was doing, but she was thankful the other girl was willing to bring the breakfast over. If push came to shove Nina would step up to the plate without a doubt to save the people. She'd seen it more times than not, so many by now it was like the two could read each others' minds. Haha.

But jumping in on this new turf, and not knowing the locals here yet, that was scary. Some magical girls were...terribly territorial, and some could be just happy for the added help. Some Patrons didn't like it, some did. And many a thing in-between could also be the case. She was used to how things worked, so much so it was almost scary. She hadn't been seven anymore for a very long time, and thinking about it that could be rather scary....if one took to thinking too hard on it anywho.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FamishedPants
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FamishedPants CEO of Vanderlay Technologies

Member Seen 8 mos ago

S a m a n t h a

"My peace... it's gone."
Samantha Howard

Samantha was not one to stand out in a crowd. It was something she had worked on for quite some time, after all. She never wore colors that drew attention, she never raised her voice, and she always tried to make it through life without unnecessary conflict. That is why she was successful at her job. People who do not see her coming do not get to see her leave, as they die before they can even comprehend what has happened. That is the sort of perfect job Sam had done in the past. And the present. Sure, there was a bit of a losing streak when it came to the whole incident with Justine, but that was merely because Sam was not suited for team efforts. Her skill set was one of stealth and elimination, not... whatever that commotion had been.

She still got a headache thinking about it and how embarrassing it had been to need to be picked up by her employer! If there was one person in the world she did not want to show weakness in front of, it was Vermillion Veronica. Though she had a feeling it wasn't because Veronica was her boss...

Digression aside, Sam ate her food pondering what she should do in this situation. As a master of blending in, she had always been a bit disappointed with how Magical Girls typically stood out. Sure, some had abilities that could help them hide - she had gained such an ability rather recently as a matter of fact - but most seemed not to understand basic "rules" when it came to stealth and infiltration.

Take the Magical Girl who had just walked in, for example.

Not even for the slightest nanosecond was Sam under the impression that she was anything but. For you see, she had come to notice a trend among magical girls, and that was that they were all often physically younger than she was. They all also seemed to enjoy wearing things that stood out or acting in strange ways. Were they all looking for fights? The majority of them couldn't actually be declaring their magical abilities so flamboyantly on accident, could they? Dark colors, nothing exotic, head low, voice soft. She almost wanted to give this young girl a few tips, but the one thing Sam couldn't tell about this Magical Girl was whether or not she'd come here by coincidence or if she had some beef with her. It was a flip of the coin, really.

She mentally sighed.

Hah... why am I so unfortunate?

While outwardly, Samantha did not even seem to notice the girl occasionally stealing glances at her, she internally cursed this cruel world for its injustice. Hostile or not, for whatever reason, Magical Girls always seemed to attract trouble. Even had this girl no intentions of starting crap, Sam instinctively knew that crap was going to start regardless. It was basically a guarantee, of which little exist in life.

"Sir," she raised her hand, calling over her waiter. "Could I get my bill, please?"

She had managed to finish her food without incident, but if she stayed too long things were bound to get hairy. She was privy to this sort of thing. So, after a few seconds of waiting for the waiter to come back, she paid her bill. She only had to shell out around 9 bucks, which meant she had 6 left. That could pay for her dinner if she didn't go ham. "Thank you, sir." Politely, she got up to leave the Pitstop. No way in hell was she going to let this Magical Girl ruin her peaceful day. She opened the door to leave.

"AHHHHHHHH, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!" a panicked man whose expression told Sam that he'd just seen a ghost quickly shouted at her before running off. There were a few others also running away from the direction the man came.

She didn't immediately react. There was a moment of silence and no movement. During this time, a few customers had their phones go off. And after that?

"Something's going on just a bit up the road!"

"Some kind of attack, apparently! My friend said someone died!"

"We gotta get out of here!"

Panic. More panic. The nice, calm, and most importantly, quiet, atmosphere had evaporated in the span of a few seconds.

Sam audibly sighed, before turning to look at the Magical Girl. It was doubtful that anything the girl had seen up to that point could compare to even half the power of the glare Samantha shot her as if this situation was her fault solely. After doing so, Samantha left the Pitstop. She wasn't sure if she should head towards the danger, to exact revenge, or away from it, in order to reobtain her peace. But either way, she wasn't particularly in a hurry. What had taken could never be truly replaced.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DarkwolfX37
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Shion glanced at a distant hill from her now usual spot on the highest building in Penrose. Her recent additions to the roof included a camping tent and a spyglass which she grabbed and raised to her eye. According to one of her copies, there was a new magical... something going on near her. Through the telescope she saw a group of monsters split at an alarming speed, but without seeing anything resembling a magical girl, she lacked interest in it. If they were a big problem then Ko would probably have them on her list of 'Things that need to be dealt with,' but without that incentive she'd leave them alone if they didn't cause any trouble for her personally.

\\\Visual lost on magical entities< Loud howling heard before disappearance< Group or sponsor likely canine in nature< Suggest commencing monthly sweep early< Thoughts?<

Once again the main Shion looked at her phone. Canine? They had looked more insectoid than mammalian. She wished that her copy had managed to get a picture, but she took the advice her other self gave and sent out a message to meet up with the rest of her. She'd reabsorb them then send them back out to scout the city again, the second time she's done so since moving to Penrose.

Summer North finally arrived at Penrose's train station, several bags of luggage and a particularly special handbag her only possessions. Her 'parents' would be arriving three days later and she had instructions to stay at a specific hotel until they arrived and could rent something for the three of them. She wrapped a small jeweled pendant around her right wrist, a simple and minor catalyst for her divination, and went to drop off her things at the hotel.

\\\Everyone in position? Start with a regular sweep then check all abandoned buildings in your area. I want full coverage now that we're set up here.

Shion sent the message from her laptop, a new acquisition that she'd managed to get by dipping into the savings she had been keeping. Luckily for her she'd found the perfect program for building maps, which combined with world maps and her own hand-made map of Penrose she now knew about most locations in the city, if only superficially. Public records gave her access to a few blueprints of some buildings and simply exploring public buildings and businesses to the extent that her copies could resulted in a rather full folder of internal maps as well, often including important information such as security camera placement. She'd avoided condemned areas until now for fear of coming across other magical entities that may be hostile, but she figured she'd have to check eventually anyway.

Slowly, her copies spread out over Penrose, making sure to check every building they had legal access to and some they didn't. Rather quickly one reported back.

\\\Likely base detected at scrapyard$ Tripwire found$

The copy in question sent the message and stepped over the tripwire only to accidently step on one she didn't see, causing a pile of sharp metal to fall on her and destroy her. Luckily for Shion, no body or items were left behind.

Shortly after, a new message appeared.

\\\Sigil of some sort detected at the old school@ Half(?) is visible through top floor window@ Picture attached@ Suggest asking Ko when she next visits@ Avoiding entry and continuing sweep@

A sigil, now that was interesting. The implications of a Horror of some sort living nearby were unfortunate, but not necessarily horrid, ironically. Perhaps it would be willing to part with some coins for help with its goals... She'd weigh her options once she learned what it was.

Luckily Summer's superiors had told her the way to the new HQ before she left, so she quickly left the hotel and began on her way to meet her new allies. Finally, she arrived at the entrance to Beacon HQ and met with the guards. A wave of the pendant on her wrist was enough to trigger her divination, confirming that they were in fact magical and therefor this was likely to be the right place.

"Hello~" she said as she got their attention. "I'm new in town but I'm supposed to be here." She then addressed the guards by their names, asking "can you tell me where to go to get introductions and all that taken care of? I also need to contact my Beckoner once I've met with one here."

\\\Attack on civilians& Appears to be the work of a spirit-based sponsor& Ghost-like monsters& Picture attached& Will send video then proceed with sweep once attack is dealt with& Video incoming&

Shion clicked on the video stream her copy was sending, ready to watch and wait for some magical girl to show herself on the scene. A much better decision in her mind than trying to rush over to help by herself.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Majoraa
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Majoraa yeh

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"So why are we here again?"

"Ms. Veronica wanted to meet us here."


On the roof of the Pitstop sat Eliza Winters, in her new "disguised" form. Next to her was her owl familiar, Theresa. "I'm hungry." Eliza spoke up, letting her hat rest on her lap. "Why don't you eat what's in your backpack?" the familiar asked. "I wanna wait till the red lady gets here to order something." The witch kicked her legs back and forth in the air in thought. "Any sign of Anaya?" she asked Theresa, who shifted into her human form. "No. Maura said that she helped Anaya escape Justine's castle before it was destroyed, but she hasn't been seen since." she explained, earning a sigh from Eliza. "I just hope she didn't turn out to be a bad guy. That'd be bullshit to me." the witch chuckled.

"I'm still suprised Maura took me using the black coin well."

"Yeah. To think Su was able to turn human with the coin, if I had known better..." Theresa trailed off, looking over to the witch who appeared confused at first, then had realization strike. "Oh hell no! You're not killing me too!! Considering it's too late now that I've become a public enemy." Eliza exclaimed, shuffling away from the familiar. "Heavens no! I'd never do that! Maura would have my head if I harmed her apprentice." Theresa reassured the witch.

Suddenly, panic had interrupted the two's conversation, as civilians fleed from the scene of a monster attack. "Oh no..." Eliza facepalmed, putting her hat back on her head as she stood up and grabbed her things. "Think we should go investigate?" Theresa turned back into her bird form and flew onto her shoulder. "I dunno. If Veronica doesn't arrive soon we might as well be fashionably late." Eliza shrugged, before making her way down to the ground and entering the diner.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

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The shower water was still dripping off of her abbs when Tonya arrived at the site of the monsters. It had been a while since she had seen a magical attack put against a bunch of civilians, and it was just a disgusting as the last one she witnessed. Only there was, admittedly, a part of Tonya that actively craved this type of destruction. The same part of her that craved the fall of super powers like Beacon would also enjoy the fall of societies and civilization. It wasn't a part of herself that she liked, but it was there. Though after spending so many years with it, she could safely separate her dark mutations from herself.

Proof of this came from the fact that no one in this incident had actually died. Or at least, not as many as there could have. The specters seemed just as happy to kill Tonya's illusionary civilians over real ones, which she tried to keep hidden from view. The temptation was to fight back, but Fate still required her to remain unseen. So she would wait for others to mop up.


Mika's clothes didn't stand out too much in her human guise. As far as teenage girls went, her black t-shirt and denim pants were common choices. It was her actions that made people look at her. Things like skipping and singing in public. Her irresistible urge to pet nearly every “doggie” that passed by. Even at crosswalks, she would ask people questions while waiting for the light to change colors. Mika wasn't typically this loud, but she was feeling very happy. Being able to help out a friend always put her in a good mood.

As Mika neared the Pitstop, she could see a girl with a scarf leaving. There was nothing particularly interesting about the woman. She looked like any normal woman you might find walking around at this hour. But what stood out to Mika was her look of crushing disappointment. It was a strong contrast from the people who were running around like chickens. She wasn't giving into the fear everyone else had. The only conclusion Mika could come to was that she had resigned herself to whatever terrible thing everyone else was trying to avoid. She approached the scarf girl and folded her arms behind her back.

"Hey there, miss!" Mika stopped in front of her. "You look kind of down. Did you want to run with everyone else?"

“Predators don't run from what scares them.”


Veronica looked like she went to the same clothing outlet as Samantha. Dark colors, and a scarf. But a bit of her yellow waitress outfit was sticking out around the coller of her outfit. She really went the extra length to make sure she fit whatever character she was trying to portray.

"I actually understand that analogy!" Mika giggled and smiled.

“Sam, Mika, let us discuss things over a scone.”

"Oh, Uhh." It must have clicked for Mika what was going on, because she quieted right down. As a group, they walked back into the Pitstop. Veronica waved Eliza and Theresa over to her position as the group of five walked into the back. Once there, Veronica opened a door to the same pocket dimension she had used previously to talk with Samantha in private. Once everyone was inside, she shut the door.

“Where do I begin?” Without warning, Veronica brought the back of her hand across Theresa and Eliza's faces, causing their heads to snap to one side. The pain was sharp, but would subside quickly without any lasting damage. Veronica remained calm, and showed no signs of anger or annoyance. “'Su' and 'coin' are two words I never want to hear in the same sentence.” It would appear Veronica was able to hear their roof top conversation. She rubbed the back of her hand while distancing herself from everyone. “Especially in a mint hot spot like this one. I was just informed that the mission to destroy Amber's ship came from a plant. At this time, we cannot freely share information with Ebon Mint, as there could be more such 'plants.' The ability to transform familiars into magical girls is something we don't want falling into the wrong hands. At this time, Su is the only familiar to ever undergo such a transformation. And that is a secret that I want kept between all of us for as long as possible.” Veronica folded her arms behind her back. “Sam, Eliza, I am sure you know each other a bit by now. As you were both raiding Justine's castle. The young girl beside you is Mika Sarraf. She isn't mint, but she works for Boteg, and by extension, Su fang. To minimize Su's direct contact with the mint, Mika will be coming to the Pitstop every morning to collect breakfast for her employer. If you need to relay anything to Su directly, you can do it through Mika.”

Mika saluted. "I won't let you guys down!" She did her best to look as serious as possible, but over inflated her cheeks.

“It should be obvious at this point, but I want you to have as little direct contact with Su as possible. And do remember that Mika isn't a true mint agent. She is not required to help you with any of your mint related objectives, nor do I want her to. She is strictly a means of conveying messages to Su.” She locked eyes with Mika. “How is she adjusting?”

"She's still broken up about Amber." Mika sighed. "But I haven't seen her cry for a week or so."

“At this time, I just want her to get adjusted to her new life. She has no other orders.” Veronica pointed at the door. “You are dismissed. Order her breakfast and deliver it to her.”


Once Mika left, Veronica returned her gaze to Eliza. “You've been given a mission from mint directly. It it was one of Amber's old missions that she was unable to complete.” She presented Eliza with some documents. “Shion and Makoto are two magical girls who have been abusing the debt system placed on the black coins. Their swift deaths are highly desired by the mint.” She tapped Makoto's documents. “Unfortunately, Makoto seems to have dropped off the radar, but we still suspect Shion of being inside the city. You are to capture her for interrogation, as she will likely know where Makoto is hiding. She is quite reclusive, and is known to spy on people using her doubles. Tracking her down will not be an easy task... but you will find her.” A black inky portal appeared behind Veronica's head, and she pulled a green ribbon out of it. Veronica then started to tie it around one of Eliza's locks. “This bow will let you talk to me regardless of where you are, so long as you squeeze it in your hand. You will use it to notify me of Shion's capture, and update me on any of your mission objectives.” Veronica adjusted the ribbon before taking a step back. “You may also use it to request help, but such help will increase your already sizable debt. But do what is required to complete the mission as you see fit.”

Veronica turned to look at Samantha.“You may or may not know about Chloe. She's not one of my agents.” Veronica approached her with a different set of documents. “She dissipated from Penrose rather suddenly, and has decided to show up again at a very unusual time. It lines up too perfectly with this investigation falling into my lap. She is also the one who is causing the attacks you undoubtedly heard about. Even if she's doing her patron's bidding, I am unsure if her presence is in the mints favor.” Veronica handed Samantha the documents. “You will track her down and figure out why she is here. I want to know why she left, why she returned, and if she still holds her allegiance to mint above all else. I will tell you what to do with her after you report back to me.”

With everything set up, Veronica took a step back and folded her arms. “I am normally not so transparent with our dealings, but in our current state, I do not believe we have a choice. In the event that you two need help, you can rely on each other if the situation calls for it. But remember that hiding the fact that you are both connected by the coin becomes harder every time you do so. Requesting help directly from me is the safest way to get assistance.” Veronica looked between the two of them again. “I believe that is everything for now. Unless you have any questions, you are dismissed.”

The sewers were far from a pleasant place to be. There was almost no light, it smelled horrible, and there were all manner of vermin moving about. It was hardly a place for a human, and no one really entered the sewers unless they absolutely had to.

A woman in white was laying on the floor, groaning in anguish. She was asleep, but her mind was being harrowed by nightmares and hexes. So many that even her spark was losing against them all. Her arms twitched, but a stranger held a tight grip on the winged woman. Regina Bates was not going to let her go until she was done with her. Fortunately for her prey, that wouldn't be much longer.

Regina released the woman with a gasp. Her body was covered in sweat, and she could barely muster the strength to open her eyes. While the room was completely dark, shadows didn't impede her ability to see. She took ragged breaths while her eyes searched for her brother.

Elroy approached the girl in white and picked up her head. He then held his hand in front of her face. "How many fingers do I have up? HOW MANY FINGERS DO I HAVE UP!?!" Of course it was impossible for her to tell. It was dark, and she could not see.

”Elroy? Is that you?”

"Yea, I'm Elroy. And guess what?" He pulled her face closer to his own. "You're the forth girl from Beacon that we've successfully captured! That's right, we took you and three of your friends and brainwashed 'em with my sister's magic. Now we're going to force you to serve us like the royalty we are! You're going to wash our underwear, cook us food, and buy me a computer with your life savings because I have poor financial skills!"

”Oh Elroy...?” She embraced the boy. ”You always knew just what to say to make me feel better. I'm so glad to have you by my side.”
The incubus raised an eyebrow before looking back at his sister. "Looks like you did it again Regina! I think this is your best one yet."

Regina had just managed to sit upright. "I'd appreciate it if you didn't tease them. While I know they'll never turn on us, it doesn't hurt to make sure they continue to respect us." Little of what Elroy said was true, but the part about brainwashing beacon girls was correct. Regina was preparing an army. She had been kidnapping Beacon girls and slowly corrupting their minds with her psychic powers. The spark that they had made the process very slow and time consuming. It took several days just to do one girl, and Regina could focus her power on nothing else for the full duration. She would be locked in a trance like state as she attempted to do battle with the spark. It was difficult to do at first, and Regina's early attempts were not always successful. But she had fallen into a rhythm and had yet to fail after figuring out how to warp the mind of the first girl. Even so, it was a very taxing process, and Regina had decided to give herself a full day to recover after converting a girl.

"So it's breakfast time. Maybe we could go get ourselves something to eat?"

"I'd also like to keep up appearances with Shannon if she's around." she sighed. ”We've been kind of avoiding her."

Elroy looked in the direction of the brainwashed girls. "Gee, I wonder why?"

Regina groaned and stood up. ”Well, we should probably see her. I'm not sure how much longer we're going to keep this army we're building a secret anyway. Getting food for two people is one thing, but now we number six."

"The only reason why we've been able to lay low for this long is because we can control our auras now. Which kinda sucks because I liked getting sucked into trouble." He snorted. "Anyway, wherever you go, I'll follow. So lead the way."

The watress served Katarina's order before quickly running into the back room. However, she noticed a girl was sitting across from her. Older in appearance, if not a bit thinner. She was laying her head on the table. "Mmmmmmmm, looks good!" Mika folded her arms under her chin. "I ordered my boss some food, but I should probably order that for myself." After admiring the food for a few more seconds, she looked up at Katarina. "By the way, what's your name? You look a little young to be eating out by yourself. Does your mom or dad work here?" Mika seemed to be oblivious to the panic spreading in the diner.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


As she waited for her food, Katarina simply watched out the window, occasionally casting glances at the gloomy girl in the room. Something just didn't seem right about her, and while she trusted her gut it wasn't good to cause a scene. Besides, she was hungry and interrupting her meal was not something she wanted to end up doing. Well, whatever. She'd just make a mental note of the girl and keep an eye on her for later. Literally. As soon as she was done, she was going back to her usual over watch of the city. Couldn't be too careless. She could see things others could not, after all.

Her food was soon brought to her...but it seemed like an annoyance had decided to sit across from her.

"Haaaa?" Katarina grabbed a piece of bacon, raising an eyebrow at this new girl. Why was she being bothered? She didn't want to be bothered. She tried to make a point of giving that impression at all times. "I could say the same to you, twerp." She replied grumpily, nabbing the bacon, glancing back out the window, taking note of the panic.


What was going on now? She was trying to eat, damn it. She let her guard down for a second and it seemed someone was stirring up trouble. At least it didn't seem like that gloomy girl caused it, judging from the glare she was getting...which she happily returned. Humph. Well, whatever. She should figure out what was going on. Standing up and making an effort to pull the collar on her leather jacket up, Katarina placed money on the table and took one last bite of the waffle before taking the milk carton with her.

"Ugh, all I wanted was something to eat..." She sighed again, stuffing her hands in her pockets as she walked out of the diner, ignoring the panicking masses. No rest for the wicked it seemed.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 15 days ago

TL;DR nothing that's actually relevant to anyone, confirming they exist, heh

She walked down the streets, idly putting one leg in front of another. This idle action, called “walking”... she had to do it so rarely. Yet, she enjoyed it. At least, she used to.

She was in the midst of the city, a simple blonde-haired girl wearing glasses and casual clothes, eyeing the buildings and people walking by with a lonely expression. This used to be relaxing, simply walking along the streets with nothing to do. It used to be releasing, the thought that for right now, nothing could stop her from just taking a walk. It was a pause from her otherwise stressful life of hunting her patron's goals and her many sleepless nights. Now… now this didn’t help.

There was a pressure in her chest, a tension which just wouldn’t go away. Ever since Lea had delivered the news, ever since then, she’d known her existence here was fleeting. Soon enough, she would never be able to walk these streets again. Soon enough, she’d get too busy, and wouldn’t have the time to take these leisurely walks anymore. This could very well be the last time she could wander the streets like this. It was in her best interest to make the most of it.

Yet she couldn’t. It didn’t help. How… troublesome of it.

The arcade. She walked by the arcade again. There were lights inside, instruments of entertainment lighting up and playing sounds. Once upon a time, she had wanted to go in there, to experience the things like any other girl, but at the time she didn’t have money. Money was inconsequential to the goals of her patron, everything she needed was already provided. Now, she had more money than she knew what to do with… and she no longer felt like going in.

Her awareness flickered, hearing noises in the distance. She turned her eyes to the horizon, and images flickered over the insides of her glasses as she viewed what was going on from a distance. Spirits. There were spirits attacking the public. She sighed. Couldn’t they take a break for just a couple seconds? Okay, so there had in fact been a break, but it really didn’t feel like it, ESPECIALLY when it happened during HER break. She clicked her tongue.

Her phone started ringing. She had one now, because she had been forced to learn how to use one. She already knew what it was about. “Don’t get that close to danger when untransformed”... right? She already knew, but of course, that simply wasn’t enough of a comfort to warrant not calling about the danger. That… that was one of the reasons why she couldn’t relax. It wasn’t as if she was truly disconnected even when she went out like this anymore. She was always on call, even when having “free-time”...

She reached into the pocket, lifted out her phone, confirmed who it was from and then cancelled the call. With a small sigh, she turned and wandered away from the incident. She imagined the protectors of the town would be on it, soon. You know, sometimes she could imagine being a Puchuu girl must be really nice. That mental satisfaction they get for saving people… it sounded fairly appealing to her from here. All she got in return for her continued success was not dying a horrible death. Hah.

Still, she would serve Asengav to her dying breath. For so was her compulsion. Affirming this to herself, Mariette turned and walked down the streets of Penrose, in a direction away from the conflict that was occurring, soon to vanish from the streets altogether.

Eli sat, a transformed harpy made out of slime, inside a lonely room with a whole lot of papers, several open books and using the fluid in her wing to snap a coin into the air so she could catch it again when it came down. There had been a LOT of strange artifacts mixed in with Justine’s treasures and there were several tomes which the rest had brought from the library which were her job to examine. Mariette might seem like the calm and focused girl, but book smart she was not, and as such it was up to Eli to do the actual research and get up to date with all the details while Mariette played leadership. So she worked on, not having fingers when doing academic work not actually being a problem.

While Mariette occasionally went out to relax, Eli honestly found it more relaxing to do work. There were lots of girls to keep track of, lots of items to identify, lots of plans to potentially make… and it helped take her mind off the coin which she was tossing up into the air occasionally, playing with it. Mariette and Eli had both been given a Platinum Coin from their patron for their services. Mariette had immediately put it aside to spend later in case she found need for additional power, currently she felt she didn’t require it. To Eli, however, the coin carried the potential of possibly resurrecting her older twin sister. … And that brought back all the ill feelings she thought she had gotten over with Caroline’s defeat.

Of course, Deni coming back would make her happy… but did she REALLY want to bring Deni back to this? That which they were now planning? … Eli caught the coin again in her wing, the coin slowing down as it passed through her fluids and then lightly spun down on the table to lie there for a bit. Eli sat back, and felt the remorse. There was a battle within her. Bring Deni back to this battle, and nothing would have changed. Yet bringing Deni back… could lead to her just being slain again, in the events that would come in the not-too-distant future. In the end, Eli wasn’t sure that was for the best. She decided to let the coin rest for now, getting up to move to the next room in the mansion, she wasn’t getting more research done now.

Besides, she had other duties. It wasn’t like anyone else was keeping the place clean around here. As she no longer had to scout as much, she had taken up the duty to act maid and make sure the mansion which was Mariette’s interdimensional apartment continued to be welcoming for their guests…
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Izurich
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Izurich 7/8 Weeb

Member Seen 5 mos ago

A few days ago. Somewhere on the open seas...

The storm raged on. Thunder and lightning conspiring with the heavy rain and strong winds, creating a terrible symphony of Mother Nature’s wrath. Woe to all sailors caught within the turbulent waves. Alas, a medium-sized vessel could be seen rocking here and there, her crew currently being tossed against the cabin walls. Why would they deserve this?

Well, considering this particular vessel were carrying illegal goods to the United States, perhaps Uncle Sam convinced Poseidon to enact divine retribution. Pirates and Smugglers didn’t deserve to live after all. However, one could just say they were shit out of luck.


”My Huntress, it looks like you have found yourself in quite a pickle~”

”Well, it is indeed so, Mistress.” A muffled girlish voice came from behind the pile of stolen cargo, echoing ominously within the storage hull. ”I had thought it’d be simple, just hitch a ride across the Atlantic, arrive at North America, go to Penrose, my next hunting ground. Sigh... why does everything have to be so complicated?”

”Now, now, a good huntress knows when to adapt, and besides...”

”Yes, Mistress. These sailors will not survive the storm anyway...” A creeping taint, akin to shadows had they could move on their own, began to spread around the hold. ”Let’s have a little meal~” Ah well, it looked like she’d have to continue by herself. Sigh... right, time to eat up for the journey ahead.


Present Time. Penrose, United States.

Perched on top one of the many rooftops around the block, a blonde young girl dressed in a casual goth-loli outfit looked down upon the commotion below. Slitted reptile-like red eyes narrowing in mixed concern and thought. ”Mistress, it looks like something or someone just unsleashed their spirit minions upon these humans...”

”Oh my~ just look at them, how despicable, how deplorable. They... they are wasting food, ‘my’ food! At the very least, they could have eaten them, use them, something. Not leave those precious morsels out there to rot... haaaa... I didn’t come to this realm to watch food being needlessly wasted with abandon.” The exasperation in her Mistress’ voice was obvious, Noir could sense the seething anger just beneath her elegant exterior. To be honest, she shared her sentiment. These individuals who kill for no reason at all, they sickened her. There was nothing to be gained from a mindless massacre.

”Good thing I’m here then, Mistress.” A fanged grin curled from the corner of her small lips, ”Let’s harvest them for ourselves.” With a mental permission from Mistress Hazak, the blonde leapt forward from her perch then spread her oversized chiropteran wings.

”Most excellent, my Huntress, but always be prepared for rivals claiming our meal~“

Landing on the streets near the concentration of massacred civilians, Noir’s presence alone was enough to unnerve the rampaging spirits, the Horror that was Hazak sent them fleeing away from the location, their genodical duties forgotten.

Her signature Effluvium began to spread from her body, spreading in the form of creeping shadows, enshrouding the general area in darkness, blocking sight and sound with a dome of tangible darkness. Having exerted her dominion over the bodies, Noir began feeding immediately, her shadows wrapping around each body like a cocoon, absorbing them into her. Once she was done, there’d be nothing left of them except for whatever clothes they wore, not even a speck of blood or a strand of hair.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 40 min ago


The moon shone, and she stood alone, bathed in fluorescent fire.

Her arms raised towards Diana, entwining in an infinite spiral, caressing the face of the heavens even as slender fingers grasped nothing. The maiden and the moon, separated by the vastness of distance.

But the Heavenly Muses, faceless and flowing, saw the offering and took it, nine celestial flowers twirling around her as moonlight bent and twirled, as her earthly garments dissolved into Edenic dress.

𝔖𝔥𝔢 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔩𝔡 𝔫𝔬𝔱 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔠𝔥 𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔟𝔢𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔡.
𝔖𝔥𝔢 𝔰𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔩𝔡 𝔫𝔬𝔱 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔠𝔥 𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔟𝔢𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔡.
𝔖𝔥𝔢 𝔴𝔬𝔲𝔩𝔡 𝔫𝔬𝔱 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔠𝔥 𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔟𝔢𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔡.

And yet, each step upon the moonrose staircase cast more light upon the starless void.

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔰𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔨 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔰𝔨.
𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔤𝔩𝔬𝔯𝔶 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔨𝔞𝔩𝔢𝔦𝔡𝔬𝔰𝔠𝔬𝔭𝔢.
𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔲𝔫𝔦𝔬𝔫 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰.

She twirled at the insufficient peak, the Edenic fabric dissolving in starfire. Her arms unravelled like the blooming of a rose, and sparkling sand, lunar dust, fell from the moon, sifting through the gaps of her cupped hands.

The staircase shattered and, arching her back against the tyranny of gravity, she fell into a garden of roses, iron vines tearing into flesh.

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔪𝔬𝔬𝔫.
𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔯𝔢𝔟𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔥 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔪𝔞𝔦𝔡𝔢𝔫.
𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔟𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔦𝔰𝔪 𝔬𝔣 𝔯𝔲𝔰𝔱 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔯𝔬𝔰𝔢.

From the rose garden, the maiden knight resurfaced, clad in Silverlight and Starspace.

✦【I】 【A】【M】 【R】【E】【B】【O】【R】【N】✦

In the shadow of the alleyway, she sparkled, but in the light of the sun, she shone.

A jeweled rosary hung from a lacy collar. A sapphire rose bloomed opposite of her heart. A living sword in one hand, a living chain in another.

And her midnight eyes, burning every bright.

She breathed. She lunged.

The sword flashed and tore out the ethereal heart of a spirit, dispersing it in an instant. The dancer pivoted, coiled, and sprung out, another flicker ending another grudge. Fake flowers bloomed, drawing the attention of all, and within that moment of misdirection, her chains flared out, ivy-metal wrapping around more spirits and pulling them in.

One. Two. Three. Four.

Ectoplasm dripped onto the silvered blade, and she flicked it away with heroic disdain, her long hair billowing in a wind of her own making.

That picture-perfect pose was held for three seconds, but before the extermination could continue, a sharp pain drive itself into her mind, her nameless Patron alerting her of the presence of another. A scraping of a file against her ring finger: the descent of a monster girl, clad in Darkness and bearing the wings of a bat.

In the breadth of a second, the spirits dispersed, scrambling in different directions and leaving the bloodied and broken to their misery and their cries.

In the breadth of a second, those cries were silenced by the living shadows that surrounded them, sealing them all in black coffins.

In the breadth of a second, Amaryllis felt the creeping of decay and death, as the sword in her grasp hummed like a tuning fork.

Anticipation? Anxiety? It mattered not. That monster was an enemy.

The streets were silent now except for the cries of distant sirens, rusted petals dancing like falling leaves. A flourish of silver, a click of her heels, and the Knight of Rose straightened her back, offhand placed against her lower back as she leveled the point of her beloved rapier onto the newcomer.

“Art thou the villain of this tragedy? Nay, but thou art equally as foul, a vulture that would rob the bereaved of even a body to bury, a hyena that would deny the injured their opportunity to seize another day.”

If this was a moonlit night, she’d be in perfect form, but the radiance of sunshine reflecting off her mirror-polished blade was beautiful as well.

“Cease and desist thy plundering, wretched thief, lest the only mark you leave upon this world be the rust upon my sword.”

That alien tongue rasped against her spine.

Her Patron offered five seconds for an answer.

Amaryllis will give her three.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

‘Oh, c’mon. It can’t possibly be THAT terrible!’

‘It’ll be terrible. Believe me. I shouldn’t be here.’

Two tiny girls were walking down the busy streets of Penrose. One was eight, the other twelve. The twelve year old was Josefin Hermansson, a girl with short dirty-blonde hair, colorful skirt, white shirt and a red backpack on her back. She was shining with excitement. The eight year old was Taihei Kumi, who was shorter, with shoulder-length blue hair tied into twin-tails, a white shirt with a blue skirt, and an expression like all hope had been drained out of the world.

‘You’ll do fine! You took over the whole place in your last mission, correct?’ Josefin encouraged.

‘Yeah. My enemies swarmed me at a bad time and I was almost killed. This time, the objective will be much more fragile,’ Taihei said, in a soft and unhopeful tone.

‘Ah, geesh! I’ll teach you to enjoy life yet! Hey, I’ll invite you to see my family next time we have time!’

‘No. You don’t want me anywhere near your family. Terrible things happen to those around me.’

Josefin frowned at her travelling companion. She was aware of Asengav’s influence could have negative consequences, but the effect on Taihei was the worst she had ever seen. If she could ever find a way out of this - Josefin winced at the pain in her head at that thought - she’d save Taihei first.

‘Anyways! We’ll start our journey of making you happy by arriving in time!’ Josefin claimed. However, at this time, Taihei had suddenly stopped, lifted a stone from her pocket to inspect. She stared at it for numerous seconds, before sighing, dropping the stone back into her pocket and then lifting her phone to type something. Josefin looked on with a confused expression.

‘... What are you writing?’

‘That the “Artificer” and the “Pilferer” will be arriving late.’

‘But, uh, we’re perfectly on time.’

‘Remember to act scared.’

‘… Huh?’

Then police sirens appeared heading rapidly in their direction. Josefin was turning to look with an alarmed expression while Taihei just stared blankly ahead. Suddenly the window right next to them cracked open, and two adult men exited the jewelry store with bags over their shoulders.


‘Damn it, grab hostages! These two will do!’

‘Wah-!’ Josefin’s eyes widened as she was suddenly grabbed and had a gun pointed at her head, and the same with Taihei, who was just looking done with the situation. A van suddenly drove in front of them, door opening to show more crooks, the front pointed away from the direction they were walking.

‘SEE!? WE’VE GOT HOSTAGES!’ The crook holding the currently expressionless Taihei shouted at the police while the two girls were being thrown into the van.

‘Seriously!?’ Josefin exclaimed, looking around, suddenly realizing. ‘No, wait! You’re driving the wrong way!’ She started trying to flail.

‘Quiet down,’ Taihei urged, rolling with it. ‘We’ll find a proper opportunity.’

‘Shut it, you two! One more word and I’ll shoot you somewhere that hurts!’

‘Waaaa… I don’t believe this…’

And with that, the two agents of Asengav were kidnapped by common crooks and thrown into the back of a van and would be driving away from the police in the absolute opposite direction of where they were going. It would be several hours before they got an opportunity to transform and disable their kidnappers, so for now they had to bide their time.

Somewhere, watching the event through a camera, a mysterious girl with multiple cellphones at her desk, facepalmed in irritation.

Lily pouted at first, but then her eyes lighted up at the the mention of Bob.
"Aaahh! Fuzzy Bob!" She screamed, and turned to lean over the back of the couch to catch a glimpse of the fluffy bunny. Ever since Alex obtained the pet, she has fawned over and given it a lot of attention, perhaps even at the expense of Alex himself at some points.
"Who's a litle floof? Yes youu are!"
She squeed when the bunny waved his arm, and Lily waved back with a giggle. Then, she puffed her cheeks at Alex' reaction.
"Oh come on, Alex! That was obviously him saying 'Good morning'!" She said, imitating a deep voice, making rabbit ears out of her hands.

While Alex checked up on Bob, Lily turned back to look at the news; she looked concerned when it reported about a jewelry store robbery, followed by the disappearance of two girls who were last seen in the vicinity, concluding with an assumption that the robbers took the girls as hostages.
"A kidnapping! Alex, we have a crime on our hands!" She jumped up and pointed towards the balcony with bravado. She kept the pose for a while, and then looked back.
"Alex, this is when you ans-Whoah!"

Lily caught the tiny metallic object in her hands with a bit of a stumble, and looked at it in wonder.
"Ooh, shiny! Wat is it, some kind of-Kiyah!" She froze, her tongue unable to form words. Her body trembled, and a bright red covered her face.

Oh no, he's done it...AN ENGAGEMENT RING!

Lily looked at Alex, and tried to say something. Instead of words, a strange, high-pitched shriek came out.

We h-haven't even started dating yet, and already he's p-pro-propo-AHH! What should I answer? I don't want to hurt his feelings!

She took a deep breath, about to say something else when the reporter interrupted their regular broadcast with breaking news. Lily used that as an excuse, and turned to look at the TV.

"Reports live on the scene indicate mass hysteria developing on the scene. witnesses report seeing monsters on the scene, while experts claim the the phenomenon is caused by hallucinogenics released by terrorists..."

Lily then took off at a run, and opened the balcony windows.
"Th-There's monsters to defeat, and civilians to rescue! Let's go!" She held her hand out in a dramatic pose.

"Let my spirit gallop across the field of clouds, and strike my foes down with thunderous applause!"

She glowed yellow, and with a crackle of electricity, transformed. Unlike the sequence from before, this time it looked different, with an emphasis on the motorcycle's parts forming from electricity and joining together under her. By the end of it, she posed while sitting on the motorcycle, a little yellow scarf around her neck and waving in the breeze...Until Lily noticed it, and ripped it off. "I don't like scarves, Ixion! Stop trying to make me wear one! Anyway, hop on! We got some baddies to bash!"

Sally cocked her head to the side, and blinked.
"Huh? It's not?" She pondered, her rabbit-ear accessories now drooping down the side of her head. Kimble giggled, and clung to Alicia's leg like an attention-seeking pet. "It's cause Sally's so lucky, right?" Sylvia simply shook her head. "It's always the same with her." She gave a friendly little punch at Penny's shoulder, and smirked. "R&D still needs to wrangle out a few kinks with the flight module before you can use it. But hey, at least you got these new toys to play with. Be sure to write a report on their performance the next time you come back from field work, so we'll know how to improve them," she said with a big smile on her face. "Anyway, you guys can relax for now. I have some reports I need filed, and-"

At that moment, a Beckoner appeared to her, and whispered something in her ear. "Alright, let her in and guide her to the hangar. Might as well get her working right away," she spoke back, not trying to hide the conversation unlike the Patron, who frowned before disappearing in a tiny cloud of glitter. A few minutes later, Summer found her way through the entrance hall, and then a left turn to the hangar, where Sylvia waited for her with a hand on her hip. "Greetings, Summer North. We're glad to have you here. I'm Sylvia Starshine, and I run the place, kind of. You've already met with your Beckoner, right? If not, you can apply for one at the Human Resources office. It's upstairs from here, a left turn, a right, past the Hall of Divine Judgement, then another right, an at the end of the corridor next to the water cooler." Sally greeted Kyle with a wave. "Here, have a sandwich!"

A Beckoner then appeared, unusual in appearance compared to the others; it was a tiny winged brown bear with beady black eyes and a strange, constant smile on it's face. "Oh, not to worry. I have decided to become the chosen's guide, hmm~" the Beckoner spoke, in a stilted, breathy tone. Sylvia simply stared, but shook her head. "Geez. Well, that makes things easier." She gestured to behind her. "From now on, you'll be reporting to the 'Seraph', Alicia Hayden. She'll teach you how we operate. Anyway, I got some important business to take care of. Later." And with that Sylvia walked off, leaving the rest behind. Sally blinked. "Well, nice to meet you, ehe!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Lily's reaction to the ring wasn't what he expected 'I guess she's just really excited to have a magic ring.' Then the report on the attack came on the TV. Alexander sighed and shook his head in frustration

"Guess things couldn't stay peaceful forever, huh" Alexander got up and muttered his transformation phrase under his breath. When the light caused by his transformation faded, he was in his costume. Not wasting any time, he hopped on the back of Lily's motorcycle "Alright, let's ride. I want to get this over with."
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