S T A R C I T Y, C A L I F O R N I A:
M O N D A Y, J U L Y 3 0T H, 2 0 1 8 - 1 0 : 2 8 p m | T H E G L A D E S
”June, I’m going to need you to calm down.” Blake ordered with a lowered voice as he held out one hand in front of him while extending his other in a non-threatening gesture as he froze in place. “I don’t want to hurt you, I’m here to help.”
The woman suddenly chuckled, her laughter steadily escalating until suddenly she stopped, glaring at Blake, a wicked grin plastered on her face. Shaking her head, she spoke in a chiding manner, her voice ringing out melodically.
“June isn’t here anymore.” She smiled wider. “Only me.”
Before Blake had a chance to react, the woman in front of him changed into the Enchantress. Attacking him, Blake covered his face as he felt himself fly across the room, colliding with the wall opposite Amora as a shower of newspaper clippings and printouts around him. Scrambling to get on even ground with the Enchantress, Blake didn’t have time to retaliate before he was picked up again, tossed around the apartment like a ragdoll. Drywall dust and mold covered his body as he found himself entangled in police tape as the cold night air held him in its chilling grip. Sailing through the previously broken window, Blake plummeted towards the ground only to have his fall broken by a parked car, the vehicle crushing beneath the weight of his impact.
The sound of screeching tires echoed in Blake’s ringing ears as a car came to a sudden stop, the lone occupant climbing out of the the vehicle as she ran over towards Blake. Pausing, she took a look at the man, her head quickly turning to look towards the fifth story window she had just seen him fall from, before she looked back at Blake surprised to see the man freely breathing.
“Uhh, you alright?” The woman asked. It was the only thing she could think to ask, even if it was just playing for time.
The crumpled metal and bent frame had conformed to the shape of Blake’s body as he sat up to free himself from the mangled vehicle. Nodding towards the woman in acknowledgment, Blake slid off of the vehicle as he stood. The pair now gathering several other bystanders as they looked on in astonishment as Blake walked away from the ruined vehicle uninjured.
“I’m good, ma’am,” Blake answered emphasizing his gratitude with another nod of his head as he put two fingers to his brow before continuing, “Appreciate you asking, though you may want to get clear of here, pretty sure we have a rogue metahuman up there.” He lied while pulling his cell phone from his jeans, tilting it away from the woman as he feigned dialing. Holding the device up to his ear, Blake waited for what he assumed was the appropriate time for ‘emergency services’ to answer before speaking again.
“Yes, there’s a rogue metahuman at the Owenstead Apartments.” He nodded, the corner of his eye watching the woman but she didn’t appear to be in any hurry to leave. “Police are on their way? Okay, I understand, ma’am, I’ll wait on the line.” He added remembering his previous call to Marville’s emergency services from two days ago.
“I’m sorry, ma’am,” Blake stated as he pressed the phone to his cheek, leaning towards the woman who had checked on him. “I’m going to get clear while I wait for the police, I suggest you all do the same.” He added, extending the warning to the gathered crowd.
Surveying the scene from above, Amora snarled as she watched Thor shrug off the fall as the Son of Odin gathered yet another crowd of admirers. It was of no consequence to her though, as nothing was going to stop her from killing the Thunderer this time, her host had gone silent, defeated by her own desperation leaving Amora to freely control this new body.
Stepping out the broken window, Amora spread her arms, her descent slowed as she floated towards the ground. Landing softly, Amora didn’t miss a step as she casually strolled towards her foe, raising a hand as she dismissed the woman beside him with a wave of green energy before addressing the man she knew only as Thor.
“You and I have unfinished business, your father took away my life, so I’m going to take away yours and this time I will not be interrupted.”
“No!” Blake cried as the blonde woman was sent backwards, screams echoing his ears from the other bystanders as Blake reacted. Overhead the clouds began to block out the stars as storm clouds moved in, thunder rumbling as Blake’s eyes crackled with blue sparks. Moving in the blink of an eye, Blake caught the woman, placing her on the ground before spinning around to move her out of the way of a retaliatory attack.
“I would have to suggest again that you get clear.” He repeated through gritted teeth as he addressed the woman. She nodded her head in hurried agreement as a satisfied Blake turned around to face Amora.
”Wait, what are you going to do?” The woman asked, pausing to watch Blake. ”Who are you?”
“You don’t know me,” Blake said to the blonde woman before turning to face the Enchantress, “But it’s time for me to introduce myself.” He stated as a bolt of lightning arced through the sky before plummeting towards him. Just as it was about to strike, the Enchantress delivered a blow, sending Blake careening across the street as he collided with the lid of a dumpster before falling inside.
We do not require a lightning strike to summon our armor.
“That,” Blake groaned as he sat up. “Would have been good to know.” He retorted before climbing out of the dumpster, relinquishing control to Thor as his clothing began to change. The leather jacket and jeans ensemble was quickly replaced with Thor’s Asgardian armor, the scale like armor coating his sleeves as his chest was encased in the finest cuirass the Royal Armorer had to offer the Throne when Thor had served his father. The flowing crimson cape billowed behind Thor as he walked out of the alley, his outfit and demeanor providing a stark contrast to the modern slum that was Star City’s Glades.
“Amora!” Thor yelled as the blonde woman turned to look at him, people on either side of the street staring as they gazed upon Thor’s attire. “My father is not to blame for your misfortune. You have no quarrel with the people of Midgard.” Thunder boomed as rain poured down on the street driving the bystanders indoors. Illuminated windows were quickly filled with watchers as the Sorceress and the God of Thunder faced off outside.
“No!” She screamed back. “Were it not for the desires of men, I would have been the Maiden Goddess, I would have been revered by the people of Asgard instead of reviled like the town whore!” She annunciated her words with a blast of magic, the flash of green traveling towards Thor. Quickly spreading his arms, a wave of lightning countered the magic, the two energies canceling each other out. Standing defiantly against her attacks, Thor continued to attempt to reason with the enraged sorceress.
“Your sister betrayed you, Amora. Lorelei lied to gain an advantage, she had you framed and then Loki used you. He took your pain and made you into a weapon, further turning you against the Allfather until you were cast out.”
Overheard, the steady whirl of a propeller drowned out Amora’s angered screams as the media arrived to broadcast the conflict. Barrage after barrage of magic came towards Thor as the God of Thunder used his newfound speed to evade her attacks, slowly closing the distance between himself and the Enchantress.
In the sky above, a camera pointed towards the ground as another focused in on the face of a young news anchor. Checking her reflection one last time, as she pulled on the straps of her push up bra, spreading the lapels of her jacket before looking at her make-up one last time as the crew behind her counted her in.
“And you’re live in three… two…. one!” The crewman said from behind the anchor as the pilot steadied the helicopter as the anchor began to speak into the camera.
“My name is Susan Williams of Channel 52 News and I am coming to you live from Star City, where we interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you an urgent news alert. Two metahumans are currently in the middle of an all-out brawl outside of the Owenstead Apartment building in the heart of the Glades. Citizens are encouraged to evacuate the area immediately. Emergency services are standing by but are unable to directly interfere. S.H.I.E.L.D. has been contacted and asked to intervene, but there is no E.T.A. as of now.”
The broadcast could be heard all around Thor on the street below as nearly every television and radio were tuned to Star City’s first full-blown superhero encounter. Susan’s voice was as clear as day as Thor and Amora paced back and forth in the middle of the street.
Thor had managed to evade each of Amora’s attacks thus far, but he had yet to land one of his own as the pair dodged and parried the other’s blows. Thinking he was finally a move ahead, Thor was caught off guard as Amora suddenly changed the rules of the game. Turning away from Thor, Amora spread her arms before flying into the air. Multiplying her image, Thor quickly found himself surrounded as numerous Enchantresses appeared above the street. Bracing for the worst, Thor realized too late that he was not the intended target as the real Enchantress turned towards the sky.
A brilliant flash of green struck the helicopter overhead, the news anchor screaming as the chopper began to rapidly descend towards the ground. The broadcast went dark as Amora taunted Thor, her doppelgangers turning on the Asgardian as he tried to escape their grasp.
“What will you do, oh Thunderer?” She asked mockingly. “You can’t save them and keep me at bay. Before this fight is through, I will teach you the feeling of helplessness, I will make you feel what your father made me feel.” She paused as her hands began to glow. “And then, and only then, do you have my permission to die!”
Summoning lightning from the sky, Thor destroyed several of the Enchantress’ doppelgangers as he moved to stop the falling helicopter. Calling upon the winds of the storm, Thor guided the current between the buildings as he sent the strong gusts upwards, slowly the descent of the chopper while he fended off several more of Amora’s illusions. Leaping into the air, Thor ran along the wall of the nearby apartment building before pushing off as he spun through the air, lightning emitting from his body before he landed a lightning laden blow against Amora.
Crying out as the Thor struck her, Amora found herself falling towards the ground as pain gripped her chest. Colliding with the ground, Amora tumbled backwards as she tried to slow herself, wrapping her arms around her chest as she looked down. The amulet was damaged, hairline cracks were creeping across the surface of the gem as they ominously glowed in the night. Slowing the damage with an annoyed wave of her hand, Amora growled to herself as she watched Thor catch the helicopter before slowly placing the vehicle on the ground.
“Enough of this!” She yelled, her voice frustrated and strained. “You die now!” Amora cried as she extended her arms, deadly arcane arrows flew forth towards Thor.
“If you will not listen to reason, then I appeal to June Moon.” Thor replied as he rendered Amora’s attack null with a wall of lightning as he continued to walk forward. “Fight for your body, cast out this witch who has insulated your right to live.”
“I told you before, Thor.” Amora replied as she moved her arms in a circular manner. “The girl is dead.”
Suddenly a streak of brown appeared in Amora’s hair as the sorceress’ eyes went wide. Waving a hand, she dismissed the discolouration as it returned to blonde, resuming her spell only to stumble forward as pain shot through her abdomen. Clutching her stomach, Amora suddenly fell to her knees as vomit spewed forth from her mouth.
“You… bitch…” June’s voice came from Amora’s mouth as Amora tried to stand again, Thor coming closer with each step.
“Enough of this!” Amora roared as she floated to her feet, arms spread as her hands began to glow. "Time for you to perish at my hand!”
As he came closer, Thor could see the damage to the necklace, an idea sprouting in his head as he began to move faster. Amora’s eyes went wide as Thor came closer and closer with each powerful stride. Her spell suddenly fizzling out as Amora felt June fighting to hold her still.
“No!” She cried out. “Not again!”
Thor’s hand became wrapped in lightning as he leaped into the air, bringing his fist down on the amulet as he guided a blinding blue bolt directly to its center. The amulet shattered as the Enchantress’ screams rang in Thor’s ears. The woman was thrown backwards by the amulet’s sudden explosion, Amora disappearing as June returned to her body. Fragmented gemstone flew through the air as Thor moved to protect the girl, rushing forward to catch her before she hit the ground.
Physically, she was mostly unharmed. Several lacerations from the fragmented shards dotted her exposed skin, the worst of which was a large gash running the entire length of her left hand. Mentally, Thor was not sure how she would cope given the stress and strain Amora’s possession likely had on her. June’s eyes slowly fluttered open as Thor helped her stand, a hand reaching up as she touched his cheek, looking at him in utter disbelief.
“You’re...you’re actually real.”
The moment wasn’t meant to last however as blinding floodlights shone down from above the city’s skyline, the silhouette of a large aircraft casting its long shadow over Star City. Turning to June, Thor urged the girl to leave as he spoke.
“You have done no wrong this day, but they will not understand that. Go forth and be free, June Moon.” Thor motioned the thunder rolled overhead, lightning flashes covering June’s escape as she scrambled down the back alleys of the Glades, clutching her hand tightly as she ran.
Turning back to the situation at hand, Thor looked towards the sky as the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents descended from the helicarrier above, their weapons trained on the Asgardian as he smiled innocently at the laser sights illuminating his chest.
“Thor of Asgard.” A woman’s voice rang out from the middle of the street as Thor looked towards the source of the voice. His eyes meeting those of a dark-skinned woman as she stepped forward, her badge proudly on display in her outstretched hand.
“By the authority of S.H.I.E.L.D., I hereby order you to stand down and submit yourself to our custody.”
The woman suddenly chuckled, her laughter steadily escalating until suddenly she stopped, glaring at Blake, a wicked grin plastered on her face. Shaking her head, she spoke in a chiding manner, her voice ringing out melodically.
“June isn’t here anymore.” She smiled wider. “Only me.”
Before Blake had a chance to react, the woman in front of him changed into the Enchantress. Attacking him, Blake covered his face as he felt himself fly across the room, colliding with the wall opposite Amora as a shower of newspaper clippings and printouts around him. Scrambling to get on even ground with the Enchantress, Blake didn’t have time to retaliate before he was picked up again, tossed around the apartment like a ragdoll. Drywall dust and mold covered his body as he found himself entangled in police tape as the cold night air held him in its chilling grip. Sailing through the previously broken window, Blake plummeted towards the ground only to have his fall broken by a parked car, the vehicle crushing beneath the weight of his impact.
The sound of screeching tires echoed in Blake’s ringing ears as a car came to a sudden stop, the lone occupant climbing out of the the vehicle as she ran over towards Blake. Pausing, she took a look at the man, her head quickly turning to look towards the fifth story window she had just seen him fall from, before she looked back at Blake surprised to see the man freely breathing.
“Uhh, you alright?” The woman asked. It was the only thing she could think to ask, even if it was just playing for time.
The crumpled metal and bent frame had conformed to the shape of Blake’s body as he sat up to free himself from the mangled vehicle. Nodding towards the woman in acknowledgment, Blake slid off of the vehicle as he stood. The pair now gathering several other bystanders as they looked on in astonishment as Blake walked away from the ruined vehicle uninjured.
“I’m good, ma’am,” Blake answered emphasizing his gratitude with another nod of his head as he put two fingers to his brow before continuing, “Appreciate you asking, though you may want to get clear of here, pretty sure we have a rogue metahuman up there.” He lied while pulling his cell phone from his jeans, tilting it away from the woman as he feigned dialing. Holding the device up to his ear, Blake waited for what he assumed was the appropriate time for ‘emergency services’ to answer before speaking again.
“Yes, there’s a rogue metahuman at the Owenstead Apartments.” He nodded, the corner of his eye watching the woman but she didn’t appear to be in any hurry to leave. “Police are on their way? Okay, I understand, ma’am, I’ll wait on the line.” He added remembering his previous call to Marville’s emergency services from two days ago.
“I’m sorry, ma’am,” Blake stated as he pressed the phone to his cheek, leaning towards the woman who had checked on him. “I’m going to get clear while I wait for the police, I suggest you all do the same.” He added, extending the warning to the gathered crowd.
Surveying the scene from above, Amora snarled as she watched Thor shrug off the fall as the Son of Odin gathered yet another crowd of admirers. It was of no consequence to her though, as nothing was going to stop her from killing the Thunderer this time, her host had gone silent, defeated by her own desperation leaving Amora to freely control this new body.
Stepping out the broken window, Amora spread her arms, her descent slowed as she floated towards the ground. Landing softly, Amora didn’t miss a step as she casually strolled towards her foe, raising a hand as she dismissed the woman beside him with a wave of green energy before addressing the man she knew only as Thor.
“You and I have unfinished business, your father took away my life, so I’m going to take away yours and this time I will not be interrupted.”
“No!” Blake cried as the blonde woman was sent backwards, screams echoing his ears from the other bystanders as Blake reacted. Overhead the clouds began to block out the stars as storm clouds moved in, thunder rumbling as Blake’s eyes crackled with blue sparks. Moving in the blink of an eye, Blake caught the woman, placing her on the ground before spinning around to move her out of the way of a retaliatory attack.
“I would have to suggest again that you get clear.” He repeated through gritted teeth as he addressed the woman. She nodded her head in hurried agreement as a satisfied Blake turned around to face Amora.
”Wait, what are you going to do?” The woman asked, pausing to watch Blake. ”Who are you?”
“You don’t know me,” Blake said to the blonde woman before turning to face the Enchantress, “But it’s time for me to introduce myself.” He stated as a bolt of lightning arced through the sky before plummeting towards him. Just as it was about to strike, the Enchantress delivered a blow, sending Blake careening across the street as he collided with the lid of a dumpster before falling inside.
We do not require a lightning strike to summon our armor.
“That,” Blake groaned as he sat up. “Would have been good to know.” He retorted before climbing out of the dumpster, relinquishing control to Thor as his clothing began to change. The leather jacket and jeans ensemble was quickly replaced with Thor’s Asgardian armor, the scale like armor coating his sleeves as his chest was encased in the finest cuirass the Royal Armorer had to offer the Throne when Thor had served his father. The flowing crimson cape billowed behind Thor as he walked out of the alley, his outfit and demeanor providing a stark contrast to the modern slum that was Star City’s Glades.
“Amora!” Thor yelled as the blonde woman turned to look at him, people on either side of the street staring as they gazed upon Thor’s attire. “My father is not to blame for your misfortune. You have no quarrel with the people of Midgard.” Thunder boomed as rain poured down on the street driving the bystanders indoors. Illuminated windows were quickly filled with watchers as the Sorceress and the God of Thunder faced off outside.
“No!” She screamed back. “Were it not for the desires of men, I would have been the Maiden Goddess, I would have been revered by the people of Asgard instead of reviled like the town whore!” She annunciated her words with a blast of magic, the flash of green traveling towards Thor. Quickly spreading his arms, a wave of lightning countered the magic, the two energies canceling each other out. Standing defiantly against her attacks, Thor continued to attempt to reason with the enraged sorceress.
“Your sister betrayed you, Amora. Lorelei lied to gain an advantage, she had you framed and then Loki used you. He took your pain and made you into a weapon, further turning you against the Allfather until you were cast out.”
Overheard, the steady whirl of a propeller drowned out Amora’s angered screams as the media arrived to broadcast the conflict. Barrage after barrage of magic came towards Thor as the God of Thunder used his newfound speed to evade her attacks, slowly closing the distance between himself and the Enchantress.
In the sky above, a camera pointed towards the ground as another focused in on the face of a young news anchor. Checking her reflection one last time, as she pulled on the straps of her push up bra, spreading the lapels of her jacket before looking at her make-up one last time as the crew behind her counted her in.
“And you’re live in three… two…. one!” The crewman said from behind the anchor as the pilot steadied the helicopter as the anchor began to speak into the camera.
“My name is Susan Williams of Channel 52 News and I am coming to you live from Star City, where we interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you an urgent news alert. Two metahumans are currently in the middle of an all-out brawl outside of the Owenstead Apartment building in the heart of the Glades. Citizens are encouraged to evacuate the area immediately. Emergency services are standing by but are unable to directly interfere. S.H.I.E.L.D. has been contacted and asked to intervene, but there is no E.T.A. as of now.”
The broadcast could be heard all around Thor on the street below as nearly every television and radio were tuned to Star City’s first full-blown superhero encounter. Susan’s voice was as clear as day as Thor and Amora paced back and forth in the middle of the street.
Thor had managed to evade each of Amora’s attacks thus far, but he had yet to land one of his own as the pair dodged and parried the other’s blows. Thinking he was finally a move ahead, Thor was caught off guard as Amora suddenly changed the rules of the game. Turning away from Thor, Amora spread her arms before flying into the air. Multiplying her image, Thor quickly found himself surrounded as numerous Enchantresses appeared above the street. Bracing for the worst, Thor realized too late that he was not the intended target as the real Enchantress turned towards the sky.
A brilliant flash of green struck the helicopter overhead, the news anchor screaming as the chopper began to rapidly descend towards the ground. The broadcast went dark as Amora taunted Thor, her doppelgangers turning on the Asgardian as he tried to escape their grasp.
“What will you do, oh Thunderer?” She asked mockingly. “You can’t save them and keep me at bay. Before this fight is through, I will teach you the feeling of helplessness, I will make you feel what your father made me feel.” She paused as her hands began to glow. “And then, and only then, do you have my permission to die!”
Summoning lightning from the sky, Thor destroyed several of the Enchantress’ doppelgangers as he moved to stop the falling helicopter. Calling upon the winds of the storm, Thor guided the current between the buildings as he sent the strong gusts upwards, slowly the descent of the chopper while he fended off several more of Amora’s illusions. Leaping into the air, Thor ran along the wall of the nearby apartment building before pushing off as he spun through the air, lightning emitting from his body before he landed a lightning laden blow against Amora.
Crying out as the Thor struck her, Amora found herself falling towards the ground as pain gripped her chest. Colliding with the ground, Amora tumbled backwards as she tried to slow herself, wrapping her arms around her chest as she looked down. The amulet was damaged, hairline cracks were creeping across the surface of the gem as they ominously glowed in the night. Slowing the damage with an annoyed wave of her hand, Amora growled to herself as she watched Thor catch the helicopter before slowly placing the vehicle on the ground.
“Enough of this!” She yelled, her voice frustrated and strained. “You die now!” Amora cried as she extended her arms, deadly arcane arrows flew forth towards Thor.
“If you will not listen to reason, then I appeal to June Moon.” Thor replied as he rendered Amora’s attack null with a wall of lightning as he continued to walk forward. “Fight for your body, cast out this witch who has insulated your right to live.”
“I told you before, Thor.” Amora replied as she moved her arms in a circular manner. “The girl is dead.”
Suddenly a streak of brown appeared in Amora’s hair as the sorceress’ eyes went wide. Waving a hand, she dismissed the discolouration as it returned to blonde, resuming her spell only to stumble forward as pain shot through her abdomen. Clutching her stomach, Amora suddenly fell to her knees as vomit spewed forth from her mouth.
“You… bitch…” June’s voice came from Amora’s mouth as Amora tried to stand again, Thor coming closer with each step.
“Enough of this!” Amora roared as she floated to her feet, arms spread as her hands began to glow. "Time for you to perish at my hand!”
As he came closer, Thor could see the damage to the necklace, an idea sprouting in his head as he began to move faster. Amora’s eyes went wide as Thor came closer and closer with each powerful stride. Her spell suddenly fizzling out as Amora felt June fighting to hold her still.
“No!” She cried out. “Not again!”
Thor’s hand became wrapped in lightning as he leaped into the air, bringing his fist down on the amulet as he guided a blinding blue bolt directly to its center. The amulet shattered as the Enchantress’ screams rang in Thor’s ears. The woman was thrown backwards by the amulet’s sudden explosion, Amora disappearing as June returned to her body. Fragmented gemstone flew through the air as Thor moved to protect the girl, rushing forward to catch her before she hit the ground.
Physically, she was mostly unharmed. Several lacerations from the fragmented shards dotted her exposed skin, the worst of which was a large gash running the entire length of her left hand. Mentally, Thor was not sure how she would cope given the stress and strain Amora’s possession likely had on her. June’s eyes slowly fluttered open as Thor helped her stand, a hand reaching up as she touched his cheek, looking at him in utter disbelief.
“You’re...you’re actually real.”
The moment wasn’t meant to last however as blinding floodlights shone down from above the city’s skyline, the silhouette of a large aircraft casting its long shadow over Star City. Turning to June, Thor urged the girl to leave as he spoke.
“You have done no wrong this day, but they will not understand that. Go forth and be free, June Moon.” Thor motioned the thunder rolled overhead, lightning flashes covering June’s escape as she scrambled down the back alleys of the Glades, clutching her hand tightly as she ran.
Turning back to the situation at hand, Thor looked towards the sky as the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents descended from the helicarrier above, their weapons trained on the Asgardian as he smiled innocently at the laser sights illuminating his chest.
“Thor of Asgard.” A woman’s voice rang out from the middle of the street as Thor looked towards the source of the voice. His eyes meeting those of a dark-skinned woman as she stepped forward, her badge proudly on display in her outstretched hand.
“By the authority of S.H.I.E.L.D., I hereby order you to stand down and submit yourself to our custody.”