How does she look @Nallore?

Character Quote: "You can't buy love, but you can pay dearly for it."
Name: Athanasia Theroux
Aliases: Ash, Athana/Athania, Theroux
Age: 10
Birthday: August 27
Ethnicity: Swedish
Birth Place: Delphi, Greece
Godly Parent: Hades
Cabin Number: Hades Cabin
How Many Years At Camp: Over a year
Gender: Female
Occupation At Camp: Camper
Languages: Ancient Greek, Swedish, English
Height: 4 foot 5 inches
Weight: 60 pounds
Body Type: Slim
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Pale blonde
Skin Tone: Pale white
Personal Style: Athanasia, or Ash if one is familiar enough with her, is a lady of quality. She enjoys a good taste in fashion and while perhaps not the favorite person of her mother's husband- her step-father- Ash does live a comfortable life. This is relevant in her taste for dresses of a Lolita sort as she considers the current trend 'too bland' for her cuteness. Wearing reasonable skirts and, only if she must, adorable pants with equally adorable shoes. She has a arrayed a collect of purloined and carefully cared for attire. Something Athanasia is very protective over as getting replacements are not easy. Especially replaces of her many, and very different, hats and her teddybear purse. A gift from her mother.
Sexuality: Demisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: Athanasia can be termed in one word as adorable. She's the 'Little Lady' of the party, the type that can smile and charm. A bright and friendly person, that people feel comfortable telling their problems to despite her age. In part this is due to her persistence to 'help' and in part to the fact she is very honest and considerate. But that is merely a mask of sorts, yet friends will still come to her to cry on her shoulder and speak of their woes. Something they can do safely as Athanasia has never broken her given word. No matter what may come because of that. Breaking her word is akin to a mortal sin in Athanasia's point of her view. It would break all the reputation she's built up and her image of being the perfect little daughter. Mind you, she's ten.
Perhaps because of this she wears a very different face in her more private life away from the public eye. In private she is a vengeful spirit that wields her sharp tongue and wicked humor to great effect against any slight to her or those close to her. It is not something she reveals to many. Her sharp temper and pride are a bold streak across her young mind while her quieter and softer affections are her mask, the true affection is far more genuine. She cares deeply for those who can accept her her and embraces those rare few she lets in so far that they can see the flaws and cracks within Ash's battered heart. For all her smiles and sharp temper (the latter when pushed), Athanasia is a very delicate person at times who does need the quiet affection and companionship of good company of friends to be her cornerstone rather than her being theirs. Though she is often wary of people, fearing rejection. Either due to her tastes, her status, her Father's identity or failing to be perfect.
Habits: She has a habit of pouting when thinking or troubled and pulling her lower lip. She also has a horrible habit of giving elaborated sighs of 'Oh, La!'. Her other favorite saying is a sweet and venomous 'Kiss, kiss' and have it mean someone should go shove a knife up their butt.
Hobbies: She enjoys drawing, listening to music, collecting Lolita, tea time and taking long walks about to random places to sketch the scenery. Though, dancing and fencing come in shortly after that.
Demigod Abilities:
General Skills: (What does he or she know, must fit in within what the character knows)
Combat Skills: (Must fit what your character knows)
Magic Item: (It can be something like Percy's Riptide, Annabeth's invisibility cap, ect)
What Do They Carry On Them:
This includes your clothing, jewelry, your wallet, your id, your keys; cash (denote which country), a picture, lighter, cigarettes, weapons you may carry, shoes, purse, bag, pistol and so forth. If it is not listed you are not carrying it. Again, keep it grounded in the real world. Limited to spots provided.
Possessions In Cabin:
(What Does he or she keep at their assigned cabin, anything from weapons, trophies they have take while on quests, and any other personal possessions they have.)
It began in Delhi, Greece with the wail of a small child. Born in the archaeology camp there, for her mother was a foolhardy woman who loved her work a bit too much. Ryssa Theroux had always loved ancient history and even written a good few papers on the subject. The only problem was a lack of funding, so she had married into money. A wealthy man who fell for the tall and fair haired Swedish woman. Athanasia did not understand this, nor does she still. Her first memories were of travelling with her mother during the long summer months to the different archaeology camps she would go and examine. Though she never really fit in there, Athanasia had a strong respect for the history the places held and a fascination with the dead. Something that horrified her mother and many others. During the school year when her mother turned the lecturing and working from her desk, Athanasia met and entertained the 'Important Guests'. People who were business partners of her parents. It was at five years old Athanasia noticed something odd. Her Papa never smiled or really paid much attention aside when these 'Important Guests' came and never smiled at her aside from then. Knowing better than to lie to her child (for when she once did to replace a lost teddy bear, Athanasia had rejected the bear for a solid two months and had refused to speak to her mother), Ryssa settled for as much of the truth as she could give Athanasia.
Her 'Papa' was not her true father at all, but this strange and unknown 'Father' was far away and very busy. Athanasia had not known what her mother meant fully but that she was trying to explain something without delving too much. Her mother had explained to the small child that this was a secret that she must tell no one. Well! Athanasia was very good at keeping secrets, so she took on this challenge. She also was used to being told no or half of the truth, so the child took to listening at door and sneaking about the house like a ghost. She learned that her 'Papa' was hurt by her being around so she often made herself scarce to the man when she was not needed to entertain 'Important Guests' and let them comment about how darling and charming she was. Things that only resolved that little girl notion if she was perfect then she would not hurt him so much! When she heard him complain she was too perfect, that little vengeful nature shaped a grudge as she had been doing it for him and held it close. If being perfect bugged him, well then she would be all she could be and as perfect as she could be! He was the one who was never satisfied. Her mother insisted that Athanasia learn how to fight and tumble. The former she hated but was diligent on, learning karate and in her later years fencing when she commented to her mother how graceful they were. For the young half-blood already was dancing in a effort to be 'perfect' and 'charming'. The latter she learned with delight for tumbling about felt like she was flying and it was relaxing to the young-er Athanasia.
When she was seven, Athanasia had traveled with her mother to the city of New Orleans, and gotten horribly lost in the massive Saint Louis Cemetery to her mother's horror when Ryssa turned to find her child no longer there. She was found hours later near midnight sitting in one of the oldest sections. Athanasia said that her friends were playing so she had gone to listen to them. Which was written off as childish foolishness. Her mother knew the truth however. Taking Athanasia aside during that night in their hotel room, her mother informed the child of her unnamed father, Hades. Oh, Athanasia knew of the Greek Gods. Her mother was a historian after all. But Hades? Her father? Athanasia had taken three months to come to terms with it and by then she was eight. Deciding at the end of the day it didn't really matter as Hades was not here. She planted her feet and set her course to being perfect and the person she had always tried to be. Though she admitted to her mother that she would have to learn a lot more to be all she could be much to the woman's amusement. The words that she did not need to be perfect fell on her spine of iron and slid away. There was a grudge to be had against her father, but Athanasia carefully held it in check. Unsure what to make of Hades even when she met this unknown 'Father'. He gifted her with the Mávro Triantáfyllo, her sword. Something which confused her even further, though she strives for the Lord of the Dead's approval.
How Long Have They Been At Camp Half-Blood:
Athanasia came to Camp Half-Blood after a particularly bad experience with a monster. Had it not been for the self-defense lessons her mother had insisted that she take, Ash would most likely have been in deeper trouble. Constant horrors stalking her in the middle of the night, which irritated her Papa's temper and weakened her mother's pleas, developed into a full blown run for freedom from some unknown terror that Athanasia has shoved to the back of her mind. Finding the house in utter ruins and a small Athanasia curled up in her mother's small study gripping the old skull her mother had been studying with a strange boy in their house. It was one thing for a girl to have such a horrifying nightmare, but clutching a skull and a house torn to shreds? Athanasia's step father had had enough. The boy turned out to be Ryland Astrapi, the half-blood Son of Zeus and left with her paternal cousin to travel to the camp with a tearful farewell by her mother. It's been a bit over a year since and the fright of that night has only sharpened Athanasia's hatred for the monsters who would kill, harm or hunt her. Though she misses her mother terribly she does understand this is what is best for her. Which is what her mother wants. Her relationship with Ry developed from there into a sibling like relationship, though she does maintain a teeny-tiny bit of hero worship to him which she covers with snippy comments.
Theme Song:
Extra Information: Egyptian Mythology, Set, Post
I agree to follow the rules for this RP and understand that if I do not follow the rules, the GM or Co-GM may kick me out of this roleplay.
Athanasia Theroux

Character Quote: "You can't buy love, but you can pay dearly for it."
Character Summary
Name: Athanasia Theroux
Aliases: Ash, Athana/Athania, Theroux
Age: 10
Birthday: August 27
Ethnicity: Swedish
Birth Place: Delphi, Greece
Godly Parent: Hades
Cabin Number: Hades Cabin
How Many Years At Camp: Over a year
Gender: Female
Occupation At Camp: Camper
Languages: Ancient Greek, Swedish, English
Height: 4 foot 5 inches
Weight: 60 pounds
Body Type: Slim
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Pale blonde
Skin Tone: Pale white
Personal Style: Athanasia, or Ash if one is familiar enough with her, is a lady of quality. She enjoys a good taste in fashion and while perhaps not the favorite person of her mother's husband- her step-father- Ash does live a comfortable life. This is relevant in her taste for dresses of a Lolita sort as she considers the current trend 'too bland' for her cuteness. Wearing reasonable skirts and, only if she must, adorable pants with equally adorable shoes. She has a arrayed a collect of purloined and carefully cared for attire. Something Athanasia is very protective over as getting replacements are not easy. Especially replaces of her many, and very different, hats and her teddybear purse. A gift from her mother.
Cunning * Vengeful * Passionate * Cruel * Perfectionist * Sharp
Sexuality: Demisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: Athanasia can be termed in one word as adorable. She's the 'Little Lady' of the party, the type that can smile and charm. A bright and friendly person, that people feel comfortable telling their problems to despite her age. In part this is due to her persistence to 'help' and in part to the fact she is very honest and considerate. But that is merely a mask of sorts, yet friends will still come to her to cry on her shoulder and speak of their woes. Something they can do safely as Athanasia has never broken her given word. No matter what may come because of that. Breaking her word is akin to a mortal sin in Athanasia's point of her view. It would break all the reputation she's built up and her image of being the perfect little daughter. Mind you, she's ten.
Perhaps because of this she wears a very different face in her more private life away from the public eye. In private she is a vengeful spirit that wields her sharp tongue and wicked humor to great effect against any slight to her or those close to her. It is not something she reveals to many. Her sharp temper and pride are a bold streak across her young mind while her quieter and softer affections are her mask, the true affection is far more genuine. She cares deeply for those who can accept her her and embraces those rare few she lets in so far that they can see the flaws and cracks within Ash's battered heart. For all her smiles and sharp temper (the latter when pushed), Athanasia is a very delicate person at times who does need the quiet affection and companionship of good company of friends to be her cornerstone rather than her being theirs. Though she is often wary of people, fearing rejection. Either due to her tastes, her status, her Father's identity or failing to be perfect.
Habits: She has a habit of pouting when thinking or troubled and pulling her lower lip. She also has a horrible habit of giving elaborated sighs of 'Oh, La!'. Her other favorite saying is a sweet and venomous 'Kiss, kiss' and have it mean someone should go shove a knife up their butt.
Hobbies: She enjoys drawing, listening to music, collecting Lolita, tea time and taking long walks about to random places to sketch the scenery. Though, dancing and fencing come in shortly after that.
- Breaking her word or being 'lesser' than what she could be
- Chimera
- Causing a friend's death
- Drawing
- Nighttime
- Cats
- 'Discussing' (Her form of verbally sparring)
- Skulls (Not that she will admit this openly)
- Music
- Monkeys
- People who break their word
- Those who talk down to her
- Early mornings
- Getting dirty
- Her eyes
Demigod Abilities:
- Necromancy - As the daughter of Hades she can summon the dead, or their remains, to aid her as well speak to them. However, this makes her sensitive to when someone is dying and she often fears that she could inadvertently speed up someone's death when they are on the threshold. So she will often flee from an dying ally rather than help them.
- Umbrakensis - Control over shadows and the ability to travel through them. It is this skill she hones far more regularly than her Necromancy powers. It is on her long walks in private when she works these powers and pushes them to do more and do better. Constantly unsatisfied with her abilities and constantly degrades them and herself privately.
General Skills: (What does he or she know, must fit in within what the character knows)
- Sketching
- Dancing
- Sneaking about
- Charismatic
- Archaeology - Namely the study of bones and human anatomy
- Acrobatics
Combat Skills: (Must fit what your character knows)
- Beginner Archery
- Fencing
- Martial Arts
- Dodging
Magic Item: (It can be something like Percy's Riptide, Annabeth's invisibility cap, ect)
- Black Rose - It is described as being lighter than a broadsword, but double edged like one. Made from Stygian Iron The hilt was studded with pale gems and was topped by a green crystal. It can drain away a beings essence- life. Turning the opponent into a corpse Athanasia can use as a support. It's a bit big but she's growing into it. A gift from Hades.
- Chatters the Skull - A chattering,talking skull her powers accidentally brought about. He can't really do anything other than talk and observe the world about him. As well as move his jaw, thus gaining the name Chatter. Quiet often the unwilling participant to many of Athanasia's tea times.
What Do They Carry On Them:
This includes your clothing, jewelry, your wallet, your id, your keys; cash (denote which country), a picture, lighter, cigarettes, weapons you may carry, shoes, purse, bag, pistol and so forth. If it is not listed you are not carrying it. Again, keep it grounded in the real world. Limited to spots provided.
- Clothing - A dress generally (Or skirt with a matching blouse), with shorts, a hat, gloves on her person somewhere and generally a few sections of jewelry. Ash can be found wearing either MaryJane and some form of stockings or sandals.
- Stuffed Teddy Bear Back Pace -
- A sketchpad and pencils (with sharpeners)
- 10 dollars US, 100 Swedish krona, and 30 drachma in a skill emblazoned wallet
- A parasol to match her clothing
- Several packages of candy
- A teacup (metal)
- Several Handkerchiefs
- A MP3 player
- Several bags of tea
Possessions In Cabin:
(What Does he or she keep at their assigned cabin, anything from weapons, trophies they have take while on quests, and any other personal possessions they have.)
- A tea set
- A picture of her mother and 'Papa' (Thought its often sitting under the tea set.)
- Her other sets of Clothing
- A fencing sword
- A small practice naginata
- Several books about the human skeleton
- Several notebooks filled with sketchs
- A journal
- A world Atlas with pictures of where her mother has been.
- A small army of health and beauty products
- A large baseball bat
It began in Delhi, Greece with the wail of a small child. Born in the archaeology camp there, for her mother was a foolhardy woman who loved her work a bit too much. Ryssa Theroux had always loved ancient history and even written a good few papers on the subject. The only problem was a lack of funding, so she had married into money. A wealthy man who fell for the tall and fair haired Swedish woman. Athanasia did not understand this, nor does she still. Her first memories were of travelling with her mother during the long summer months to the different archaeology camps she would go and examine. Though she never really fit in there, Athanasia had a strong respect for the history the places held and a fascination with the dead. Something that horrified her mother and many others. During the school year when her mother turned the lecturing and working from her desk, Athanasia met and entertained the 'Important Guests'. People who were business partners of her parents. It was at five years old Athanasia noticed something odd. Her Papa never smiled or really paid much attention aside when these 'Important Guests' came and never smiled at her aside from then. Knowing better than to lie to her child (for when she once did to replace a lost teddy bear, Athanasia had rejected the bear for a solid two months and had refused to speak to her mother), Ryssa settled for as much of the truth as she could give Athanasia.
Her 'Papa' was not her true father at all, but this strange and unknown 'Father' was far away and very busy. Athanasia had not known what her mother meant fully but that she was trying to explain something without delving too much. Her mother had explained to the small child that this was a secret that she must tell no one. Well! Athanasia was very good at keeping secrets, so she took on this challenge. She also was used to being told no or half of the truth, so the child took to listening at door and sneaking about the house like a ghost. She learned that her 'Papa' was hurt by her being around so she often made herself scarce to the man when she was not needed to entertain 'Important Guests' and let them comment about how darling and charming she was. Things that only resolved that little girl notion if she was perfect then she would not hurt him so much! When she heard him complain she was too perfect, that little vengeful nature shaped a grudge as she had been doing it for him and held it close. If being perfect bugged him, well then she would be all she could be and as perfect as she could be! He was the one who was never satisfied. Her mother insisted that Athanasia learn how to fight and tumble. The former she hated but was diligent on, learning karate and in her later years fencing when she commented to her mother how graceful they were. For the young half-blood already was dancing in a effort to be 'perfect' and 'charming'. The latter she learned with delight for tumbling about felt like she was flying and it was relaxing to the young-er Athanasia.
When she was seven, Athanasia had traveled with her mother to the city of New Orleans, and gotten horribly lost in the massive Saint Louis Cemetery to her mother's horror when Ryssa turned to find her child no longer there. She was found hours later near midnight sitting in one of the oldest sections. Athanasia said that her friends were playing so she had gone to listen to them. Which was written off as childish foolishness. Her mother knew the truth however. Taking Athanasia aside during that night in their hotel room, her mother informed the child of her unnamed father, Hades. Oh, Athanasia knew of the Greek Gods. Her mother was a historian after all. But Hades? Her father? Athanasia had taken three months to come to terms with it and by then she was eight. Deciding at the end of the day it didn't really matter as Hades was not here. She planted her feet and set her course to being perfect and the person she had always tried to be. Though she admitted to her mother that she would have to learn a lot more to be all she could be much to the woman's amusement. The words that she did not need to be perfect fell on her spine of iron and slid away. There was a grudge to be had against her father, but Athanasia carefully held it in check. Unsure what to make of Hades even when she met this unknown 'Father'. He gifted her with the Mávro Triantáfyllo, her sword. Something which confused her even further, though she strives for the Lord of the Dead's approval.
How Long Have They Been At Camp Half-Blood:
Athanasia came to Camp Half-Blood after a particularly bad experience with a monster. Had it not been for the self-defense lessons her mother had insisted that she take, Ash would most likely have been in deeper trouble. Constant horrors stalking her in the middle of the night, which irritated her Papa's temper and weakened her mother's pleas, developed into a full blown run for freedom from some unknown terror that Athanasia has shoved to the back of her mind. Finding the house in utter ruins and a small Athanasia curled up in her mother's small study gripping the old skull her mother had been studying with a strange boy in their house. It was one thing for a girl to have such a horrifying nightmare, but clutching a skull and a house torn to shreds? Athanasia's step father had had enough. The boy turned out to be Ryland Astrapi, the half-blood Son of Zeus and left with her paternal cousin to travel to the camp with a tearful farewell by her mother. It's been a bit over a year since and the fright of that night has only sharpened Athanasia's hatred for the monsters who would kill, harm or hunt her. Though she misses her mother terribly she does understand this is what is best for her. Which is what her mother wants. Her relationship with Ry developed from there into a sibling like relationship, though she does maintain a teeny-tiny bit of hero worship to him which she covers with snippy comments.
Additional Information
Theme Song:
Extra Information: Egyptian Mythology, Set, Post
I agree to follow the rules for this RP and understand that if I do not follow the rules, the GM or Co-GM may kick me out of this roleplay.