Roy Kusayanagi
The girls giggled as Mako hopped the desk and ran off to have lunch with the man who gave her that rose. Tempted to go follow, but Eva said quickly,
“I need to use the restroom really quick.” She said in a small voice, turning her wheelchair towards the direction of the nearest one. “You can go on ahead!”
Emma shook her head,
“Nope I’m coming with you.” Handing the bag she carried to Mia, “
We’ll catch up.” Before following her twin sister.
“Alrrrrrighty! Ill see you guys there!” She said as she popped from existence with a big grin on her face. Wanting to see who the soon to be lucky guy was.
Roy put his hoodie back on as he left the training facility, he’d rather not have people see the bruises and blows that he received in the fight. The boy pulled his hood over his head as he made his way back to the the dorms...well that was the plan before the thought of the others seeing his bruises and battered appearance came to mind.
Roy took a hard left towards the main building, pulling the strings on his hoodie to cover his face so hard to the point that it was difficult for himself to see things. Surely he would garner the attention of a few students and faculty but he didn’t mind as long as it meant he could avoid speaking on the event that happened not too long ago.
The boy quickly ducked into the boys bathroom, ripping the hood off his head as he assessed the damage on his body. There was a few cuts on his check as well as a bit of dried blood on his chin and around corner of his lips. Roy grabbed a handful of water and splashed his face, washing away all the blood. The water that went down the drain was tainted a light pink before becoming clear, signaling that the boys face was clear. The blonde grabbed some paper towels and dried his face while patting the areas that had been injured.
He took another look of himself in the mirror making sure they he was somewhat presentable before leaving the bathroom. As he did so he noticed a cold damp feeling on his wrists, the boy looked down to see what it was only to find everyone's worst nightmare when washing their hands with a long sleeved apparel, their sleeves getting wet. As he checked both the sleeves of his hoodie, he was too distracted to notice that he was about to run into a girl in a wheelchair. Luckily he caught it last second and made a quick juke to the right. Managing to get out the way just in time, well at least his body did. As for his foot….
Shit shit shitEva let out a squeak of fear as a boy suddenly appeared out in front of her from the boys bathroom expecting to run into him, but he managed to get out of the w---no never mind. She put her hands over her mouth and said,
“OIMSOSORRY are you ok?” She said looking up to the blonde hair boy.
“I-i-i-i wasn’t paying attention.”“You can be so dangerous on that chair Eva.” she bopped her on the head. Emma chuckled. She thought the whole situation was funny. Cute boy gets ran over by girl in wheelchair.
Roy hopped on his decent foot a few times before kneeling down and rubbing his shoe.
“No no it’s my fault, I should’ve been watching where I was going, I definitely deserved it.” The boy said grunting in pain before standing up,
“I’ll be fine just got to walk it off” he said giving a painful smile to the girl in the wheelchair. As he got a good look at her his smile became a bit more inviting. The girl before him was gorgeous, the boy turned to his left to look at the girl standing next to her, his smile growing even more as he found a girl equally as gorgeous.
Hehe twins“You two don’t attend Komei academy do you? I feel as though we would have already met if you did, then again I could be wrong” Roy said, his tone changing as he tried to make the best out of this moment.
Eva groaned slightly as he said he would be fine, just to walk it off. Giving her a painful smile. Which honestly made her feel worse. But he did smile more genuinely after that. Asking if they attended the academy. Both the girls giggled in almost unison. Shaking their heads.
“Nope! We are just visiting some friends and family.” Emma said, She didn’t want to ruin it by saying they were still middle schoolers. It always ruined things when they said that to a cute older guy. She placed her hands behind her back and leaned forward.
“Unless you saw us somewhere else?” She cocked her head to the side.
“This is our first time here.” She grinned.
Eva looked at his face and saw some marks. Pointing to her own face, because its rude to point at others… She asked,
“Are you ok?” Indicating his cuts on his cheeks
They seemed like nice girls, but then again thinking that way can get you into some bad situations. When they said they were visiting family he wondered who. “That’s makes sense, if I had seen either of you girls somewhere I’d have definitely known.” He said chuckling, that was when Eva pointed out the cuts on his cheek in which Roy hesitated for a bit. He would have wished to not talk about the wound he received from the earlier altercation.
“Oh this? I’ve gotten pretty used to getting injured like this, I’m in the hero course so expecting not to get hurt would be naive.” He chuckled nervously as he was thankful that they couldn’t see ALL the injuries that he has.
“You two said you were visiting a few people, I might know them. I could help you find them if you’d like.” “Ooooooh” Eva said, She nodded, He was alot like Jett, who would shrug off a lot of the injuries he got like that. Having the same mentality. Still she didn't like it though.
Emma smiled,
“Ooooh thats sooo cool! You must be really strong to be in the hero course.” she said with a flirty voice. she put her hands behind her and bent forward with a big grin. Putting her best flirty smile on. There wasn’t many blonde boys in Japan. Well and foreign guys as well. So instantly he was muuuuch cuter than 90 percent of the guys here.
Eva giggles.
“Oh yeah we came here with our other sister to visit our friend who is like family. She’s in the hero course too! In A:1!” Roy chuckled at her comment about him being really strong, he wasn’t quite used to receiving compliments like that yet but it did feel good that his hard work was being noticed somewhat.
“You’ll just have to find that out for yourself” he said flirting right back. He then turned to the girl in the wheelchair who said they were visiting someone in class 1-A with their other sister, his eyes lit up a bit,flashing yellow out of curiosity.
“Well if their in 1-A I definitely know them, what’s their name?” Emma blushes and giggled. More than she should have. Going on full gal mode.
“Oh do you?” They both thought this was going to be good. Jett finding out they were flirty with his classmate? This is even better. It always riled Jett up when there was a boy flirting with his little sisters.
Annoying sometimes but funny most of the time.
“Oh reallly?! A-1? That’s amazing!” Emma said and Eva nodded.
“You must be really really good then! Her name is Yukari! Cute little girl who is the best hugger? She came to live with us for a bit before school. She is like another big sister to us.” Eva then asked,
“do you know where she is at?”Roy’s smile faded away once the twins told them whom they were visiting, flashbacks of what had transpired in the training rooms quickly spoiled his mood. He stared off to the side dejected and ashamed of what he put the poor girl through.
“Oh...I see you guys are friends with Yukari. I actually have to go see her as well…” he wondered if they would hate him once they found out that he caused their friend so much grief.
“They’re probably at the dormitories right now, I could take you there if you’d like” he said halfway turning before stopping.“Oh I didn’t get neither of your names yet.”Both tilted their head when they noticed his smile go away. Confused clearly, wondering what they said that would cause that. Emma then said,
“Oh good. Yes if you can take us that would be great! Also, I’m Emma,” She then placed a hand on her sisters head.
“And this is Eva.” She smiled big as to hope to get him to smile again.
“What about you? Whats your name?”“You both can call me Roy.” the boy said before opening the door that lead towards the dormitory, he looked back at the girls clearly avoiding eye contact.
“Right this way" the boy said holding the door open for the ladies.