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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kangutso
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Kangutso The High Dracomancer

Member Seen 3 mos ago


CLANG, CLANG, CLANG... The hammer struck hot metal several times, then is was returned to the hot forge to heat. Then once more it was brought to an anvil and the hammer hit again, and again, shaping the metal with each stike. Then a chill blew down his spine, which was odd when working at a forge. He shook himself to clear it, only for a large shadow to be cast on him and a sense of dread to take hold. He turned to see lightning in a dark cloud rush at him and-

Reoth snapped awake at the loud crash outside, eyes suddenly wide with terror and being unable to move from the shock of being awoken by... this. The voice boomed outside, and his limbs felt stiff when he tried to move them, to get up and go see just what was happening, but the system message told him clearly that he wouldn't be able to. He was overwhelmed, and felt the strength leaking from his muscles from stamina loss. Then there was a loud explosion, distant but still close enough to be clearly heard.

"If next you pray... pray for swift death."

Then there was a snap and crackle, and the sense of dread left him. His body felt limp and numb, and rather than get up to speak to the others allowed himself to drift back to sleep, right as he heard shouting and angry comments outside. It wasn't a heavy sleep, as he was woken up soon after as something else happened outside. Rather than get up or even lift his head this time, he simply listened as he no longer felt that prior sense of terror or dread.

He watched as Ash picked up her crystal and... swallowed it? Huh... Anyways, he watched her moved to the entrance to observe what he himself was listening to. And couldn't help but raise whatever counted as eyebrows for a lizard. Did a bunch of goblins just ask -no- beg Digbie to become their leader? Well that was a sudden turn of events. Also, it seemed the explosion he heard during that terrifying event was a mountain having been exploded so... Yeah, don't pray to the demon king. He probably never would have done so in the first place, but he was guaranteed not to now.

Upon Ash's return to her spot in the cave Reoth finally stood, gave himself a good stretch in the hopes waking himself up fully, and crawled over to her. "So... what was that crystal and did you actually eat it?" A pause before he spoke again, "Another extra question... Did Digbie just get offered a position of power?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Torrent watched the goblins leave, a little smug at having been mistaken for a demon or something. She really was one with the shadows at this point, wasn't she? Her stealth skills were getting better, stronger.

She was getting better, stronger.

While the others started to separate, going about their own business, Torrent took the moment to slither away. She followed Digby stealthily for a few minutes before becoming bored, and turned her attention to roaming in an ever wider circle around their camp. Any plants she found she used her plant analysis on, utilizing her other analysis skills if it seemed like there was something magical or different about the plant, and ate what she could to fill herself up.

From there, she thought.

Her attempt at combining spells just hadn't worked out right. But if she had had a way to cast them together, but still separate, things might've gone better. But she'd need, what, another head or something to even do that. How did one even manage something like that?

She certainly didn't know, at least not at the moment, so she instead turned her attention towards something she could do.

"I hope I've pleased you," she said quietly while she rested. Her eyes were on her shadow as she spoke. She needed to know if it had been a trick of her mind or if there had been a sign of something watching. "A sign would be nice. I want to prove myself to you, being of Shadows. But how, I wonder..."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Ardur The Mighty Hipixie
Lets see what this new form can do. > well screw you too guy /// Adventuring day 4 // Afternoon / Location - cave

Undead always had to be troublesome, what was the saying in all those zombie movies and comics again? Go for the head? These thoughts and questions going through his head while he clutched the broken pixies head in his hand. Its knowing jaws and mangled face facing him.

Then he seemed to be enveloped in a black smoke for a moment. After a split-second of confusion, Ardur caught a glimpse of the other pixie chanting something with black blood pooling out of its mouth. Then the system notice sprung into his mind warning him of his imminent bad luck.

You have been Cursed! The next attack against you will be more effective!

Then a motion came at him from the corner of his eye. He could see it, that gnarled stick, as it and the skeleton holding it came at him. Yet his movements felt slow almost as if his body wasn’t reacting as quickly as it normally did to his orders.

Then he felt it, a hard blunt force to his side as the stick made impact. It didn’t make him falter to the ground but it definitely pushed him and definitely hurt. “Son of a bitch that hurts!” crushing the skull of the pixie in his hand from the pain he grimaced. Asura was quickly going after the skeleton with the stick, but he could see the others picking up stones.

Dropping what was left of the pixie in his hands, Ardur then fly’s up slightly before attempting to smash the other pixie that cursed him with his feet. Just like he did to the lizard before. Only this time he was aiming for the pixies chest and head. The rage inside him was slowly starting to come back to life.


Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Ash, Digbie, Mourningstar, Oberon, Reoth, Torrent

Digbie's Tremor Sense told him that the goblins were soon gone and away for real and true, leaving the group safe for the moment. If the greenskins could be trusted, this bought them another day at least from that particular hindrance.

The Earthy Magical Demiblin began to follow the little mole's trail he found, soon wandering further away from the stream. The Rubber Frog watched him go with a croak. Soon he was out of sight of the camp, though probably not out of shouting distance. As he left Rock Spires behind him to mark his path, however, he only managed to leave three of them before he felt that familiar emptiness in the pit of his being.

You have no MP remaining.

Stone-Hardened Variance boost! Mystic Variance boost!
Skill Rank Up: Rock Spire I > Rock Spire II! (1.5 > 2.1)
MP Cost increased. Number of Spires per spell increased to 3. Each spire does the same amount of damage and has the same range as before.

He still had his Earth Vein and Meditate skills, of course, but if he were out here all alone at some point recovering mana like that might be risky...

The molerun looked like it led around and to the west, with a slight southern bend. He wasn't going back towards the cave, but he also wasn't heading straight up the slopes of the mountains either...

In the distance, a Pixie seemed to be fluttering among the treetops. Right now it wasn't hostile, but it seemed to be eyeing Digbie warily...

Meanwhile, Oberon demonstrated his spells for Ash while she attempted to use her improvised vision-alteration again. As her eyes glowed softly Ash slowly began to see the shapes Oberon created in a different light. Rather than the semi-transparent, bright "energy," she now saw...static? Or something like it. Only occasionally would it flicker throughout the shape, and the aura around Oberon's hands as he manipulated his magic. And just like an old fashioned television, what she saw seemed to be made of thousands upon thousands of tiny squares.

It became especially notable, however, when Oberon created his cube for the second time and tried to refine the shape even further. Yes, there were numerous "squares" making up the entire shape--but at the vertices of Oberon's cube, several of these squares overlapped to make another cube. These shapes were so small that up until now, Ash had only caught glimpses of them. Even now, to see these "larger," compound squares took a significant effort, straining her eyes as if she were trying to see something far too small for the naked eyes. The last thing she saw, before she had to blink and lost her focus, was that the tiny cubes at the vertex of each Mana Shape were connected to each other, like points on a mathematical graph, by a line...except that line oscillated like a sinusoidal image, or an EKG, or a--

When she blinked, the image disappeared. Oberon, too, decided to stop showing off his magic and instead headed for the trees.

You are experiencing Fast Skill Progress.

As the Sprite made his way to the tree top, he basked in the sun and looked around for any sign of the Broken Tower Tribe's home. And sure enough he soon found it--however, it wasn't stretching into the sky above the trees. He only saw it when he looked down, in more detail at the lands immediately surrounding them. From their encampment there was the stream heading off to the east, and further north--along that path they decided not to take because of the growling probably-badger in its den--he soon began to see places where the forest had once been cleared. Old tree stumps lay within holes in the canopy, and the clear ground had regrown grass and low brush. But there were signs, here and there, of something else. Gravel that had once covered a path. Wooden poles that once held up shingles of fired clay. Whatever "tower" had been here had fallen long ago, scattering its debris among the forest and leaving only the sturdiest walls around its base standing.

Oberon couldn't see enough details from this distance and through the trees to know much more than that--there was a ruin of some kind over there, not as far from their camp as they were from Crispy's cave, but still quite the distance. His eyes hurt and teared up after only a few moments of looking, due to the strain of observing something so far away.

After this he sat down to recover his Mana, and with two skills applied towards the purpose this was soon accomplished. Then he began his latest experiment. When his orb was formed, trying to keep it from becoming the Light Ring spell as he channeled the element into it caused it to pulse and wriggle as if it were an egg about to hatch. As he began to chant, light around the orb grew bright--and then, without Oberon's bidding, two light rings formed around the orb's middle. But these didn't seem the same as the spell--they weren't as broad and didn't crackle with the same energy. They orbited the sphere like the rings of a planet. And with each line of his chant they grew brighter.

Lines like the spokes of a wheel began to pierce the rings from outside, reaching into the center of the empty space between the innermost ring and the orb. But they never touched the orb itself, only pointed at it like the needles of a compass while their other ends extended outwards like the rays of the sun.

After speaking of a vessel, two lines had appeared. Speaking of life, Oberon witnessed two more. Speaking of will, he saw the final two--all six spaced out with mathematic perfection. And as he poured more energy into it, the light grew brighter, and two new lines started to form as the rings began to spin, repositioning themselves to fit the new spokes--

Spell cast canceled due to lack of MP.
You have overdrawn your MP.
You are experiencing Mana Burn. Natural MP Recovery decreased by 50%. External MP Recovery decreased by 25%.
You have no MP Remaining.

Skill Gain: Spell Chant I!
Magic is the unison of Nature, Spirit, and Will. Language is the expression of Will. Using personalized language as an aid in manipulating one's energy is the first step to conceptualization and understanding of what Magic truly is. Using a previously existing Spell Skill as the Base, you may enact one (1) alteration of the spell's typical qualities. --You possess the skill Focus, which allows a spell to increase either its power or range in return for increased MP cost of 50% of its initial value and delayed casting time of 30 seconds.-- Spell Chants will also delay casting time by a default of 10 seconds, as any chant shorter than this will be ineffective. --Skill Synergy between this skill and Focus will allow you to alter Power/Range + One (1) other spell quality, which may include Power or Range a second time.-- The more complex the chant, the greater the alteration, but also the greater the increase to MP cost; by default the spell's cost is increased by a further 50% of its initial value.

Skill Gain: Focus I!
By spending at least 30 seconds focusing before using an offensive Skill or Spell, you can increase its damage. At this rank it is comparable to increasing the power by one rank (eg Mana Orb I to Mana Orb II) while also increasing the MP cost by half again (spend 1.5x Mana Orb I's cost).

The orb exploded, or perhaps the better term would be shattered. With a sound like intense microphone feedback and a splitting headache, as well as a sudden rush of fatigue, Oberon saw his spell dissipate into myriad sparks like a firecracker had gone off in his face. Other than that, there were no harmful effects of the failed spell...He had, at the least, been doing something, and had gained some skills from it.

Back down on the ground, while Reoth questioned Ash about her experiments Torrent followed Digbie for a few moments, then branched off to wander about the camp. The Rubber Frog further down the stream finally decided it had seen enough of these newcomers, and hopped away into some bushes when the Lesserwurm seemed to be getting close. But Torrent only seemed interested in the local plantlife at the moment.

She soon came upon a bush full of Green Argeps, around a dozen bunches of unripe berries hanging from its branches. If she had ever spoken with Oberon or Ash about their own travels she might have learned the locations of a few Kele patches, Blue Argep Bushes, and Topapo plants, but in the area she chose to search she only found the green ones...until she caught the smell.

Whatever it was, it smelled like delicious, cooked meat. But she couldn't see any smoke from a fire, or hear the sounds of cooking on metal tools or the sizzling of an oiled pan. But that smell was practically mouth watering.

If she followed it, moving under the noon day sun as her shadow got smaller, she would soon find herself looking at a bright red, flowering plant. Its pink petals were very thick, almost fleshy, and at its center there was a leathery ball of some sort that looked the same color and texture as a fresh-grilled steak. A bunch of green, bushy leaves sprouted from its base, but they had prickles like some kind of holly plant, apparently to protect that strong-scented flower head. It seemed to have put out runners of some kind, bright red vines that were easy to see with little buds along their length.

You used Plant Analysis I!
---Green Argep---
A sweet fruit that some would describe as a berry, since it is smaller and grows in bunches. Green Argeps are not ripe and the body of the fruit has not fully developed; it has a bitter, acidic taste that will turn sweet later on. The leaves of the Argep bush are sometimes used to brew tea and the fruit itself can be fermented even when unripe.
---Blood Snare Plant---
A large plant that, for some strange reason, forms its flowers and many other parts from tissue very similar to flesh rather than wood or greenery. Perhaps being made of the muscular substance is why its vines are so strong. It is a carnivorous plant, lashing out at prey, but it has very little stamina. It thus waits for a chance to surprise the unwary herbivore, but otherwise displays no intelligence.
---Analysis Complete!---

Ardur, Asura, Momma Slime

Inspire I's effects have worn off.

This Command is already Active.

Command [Form Party] acknowledged.
You are already in a Party with Adult_Slime_123 [Mother/Momma Slime] and Ardur. You have not established a special connection with Ardur; his Status (such as HP Warning) cannot be shared at this time. Some forms of Experience are being shared.

You have no Stamina remaining. HP Drain is active again.

Ardur was struck hard by the stick-wielding Skeleblin, after two more of the bony monsters had joined the fray. The buff Hipixie crushed the remains of one Zombie Pixie just as Asura surged into the skeleton that had attacked him with a powerful Smash, shattering several of its ribs and knocking it to the ground. Momma Slime followed up her original attack on the jawless Skeleblin as it and the other undead it had crashed into tried to disentangle from each other. She rolled into a tight ball and bowled into both of them. The one with a broken jaw had the rest of its cranium smashed under her weight against the rocks on the ground, and the other was tackled hard enough to crack several bones. It fought back with a flurry of punches, but they seemed to be leaving only the barest of marks on Momma Slime's blue body.

As Ardur flew up he managed to evade a thrown rock from one of the necomer Skeleblins, and he drop kicked the second Zombie Pixie just as it too was trying to fly up after him. With his increased strength and the force of gravity, this blow was devastating to a normal, frail pixie's body. Its neck and spine were crushed under Ardur's feet, and its dead body ruptured against the ground to spill stinking viscera everywhere. But then a second stone hurtled through the air, striking Ardur hard in the head. Blood spilled down across the edge of one eye as he stumbled backwards.


Asura circled to intercept the Dire Rat, and slammed another Smash into its jaw as it opened up to try and bite him. He felt bones and teeth breaking as the creature was tossed to one side, but where a normal creature might react in shock to the pain or even give up the fight and retreat, this monster only continued to move with jerky, mechanical motions. The purple light in its eyes was still bright. Despite that strong blow, Asura could feel his HP lowering again.

Momma Slime used another 'mash of her own, crushing her second Skeleblin of the battle. But the one Asura had knocked down was getting back up, gnarled club still held at the ready. The two that were throwing rocks at Ardur were gathering up more ammunition. The Dire Rat was still alive. Coming from the direction of Jason's cave was a Slime with a purple, glowing core like a lava lamp. From a mound of dirt on the other side of the pool, a Zombie Pixie began digging its way free. The flickering lights of Ghost Wisps shone in the distance as they approached, preparing their crackling orbs...

Suddenly, from the pool, a surge of water rose up. It was not like an ocean tide or a white water current, but still it washed over the edges of the rocky bank. It swept across the battlefield with purpose, taking the feet out from under the Skeleblins and forcing the Rat and Slime to back off. Strangely the water parted completely around Ardur, Momma Slime, and Asura--and a soft blue light beckoned to them from the center of the water. A sword, somehow floating with blade upright, listed in the ebb and flow.

"Cursed Souls, hear me! There is no Mana nor sustenance here! Even with Asteria's gift, I have little Mana--Flee, and I will hold them a short moment!"

Asteria, Ed, Mother Rat

Jezee quickly hurried away from the rats, sobbing and scared. She left a distinct trail as she ran through the long grass without any heed for brambles or brush. The two rats moved away much less perceptibly, ignoring the various flowers and plants for now as they continued southward. The plains seemed much less vast up close, but only because their vision was much more limited. In the thick of the grass, Asteria and Mother Rat might as well have been in the thick of a jungle. Without jumping, only Ed could naturally see over the tall plant stalks. It was a good thing that he kept low, as his blue head would no doubt stand out like a sore thumb among the sea of green.

While Asteria took stock of their position, Ed had to put much more effort into being stealthy because of his size and the fact that, unlike Asteria, he couldn't use his tail as well. With Asteria's sharpened senses, she determined that save for Jezee now crashing away far in the distance, it seemed they were alone. Mother Rat seemed to think the same, as she stopped alongside the others and began pawing and licking at her fur to remove bits of bramble.

You used Mana Sense I!
You can feel Nature Mana all around you. There is some Wind mana in this area as well. This feeling is pleasant and natural. There are no exceedingly strong magical energies.

You used Mana Drain I!
You have absorbed a small amount of MP from plantlife around you.

Skill Gain: Alert I!
Skill Gain: Alert I! (0.9 > 1.0)!
Though this skill is limited by the strength of your senses, and does not sharpen your senses on its own, it allows you to become more aware of your surroundings. Without conscious effort, you will pick up on signs in your environment more easily, especially if they present some form of danger to you. Essentially this is an anti-ambush skill.

While Asteria tried to restore her MP, both through calm, relaxing meditation and by using her Mana Drain on the flowers around her, she could feel the energy ever so slightly trickling back. After Undine had drained her completely she never had fully recovered, and while it wasn't hindering her as much as Stamina or HP loss it was notably refreshing to have this energy back.

Ed, meanwhile, observed his Gnarled Stick not with any kind of analysis skill, but simply his enhanced vision. With his Beast Senses at the second rank, however, this did give him a significant amount of information. The stick's "handle" had a slight curve to it. Self-evidently, the stick would thus generate more force if swung in a fashion following this natural curve, like the edge of a scimitar or katana. He could see some cracks near the knotty end of the cudgel, so he would know to try and align the weapon's head to not put as much pressure on that piece. He could also see that the stick was very dry, so it would be a good idea to keep it away from fire. When he had held the stick in his mouth earlier he had gained a sense for its balance, feeling its weight on either side of his jaw, and now that he had it in his hand he found himself getting a feel for the same thing, the leverage his grip had on it...It felt like something just sort of clicked, as he turned the stick in his grasp.

Skill Rank Up: Muffle I > Muffle II! (1.9 > 2.0)
You are now even more effective at remaining unseen passively. Activating this skill by using Stamina will noticeably reduce, but not eliminate, the sounds of your movement.

Skill Gain: Use Light Equipment (0.9 > -- )
The use of small tools, and lighter forms of armor, weaponry, and other items.

Mother Rat alerted the duo with a sudden squeak, however, as she pawed at something on the ground. She moved in rapid circles around it, sniffing and huffing as the hair on the back of her neck rose. If Asteria or Ed looked, they would immediately see what was wrong.

Not too far ahead of them, in a trail of bent grass that looked fairly recent, a footprint made its mark upon a patch of bare earth. It was somewhat deep and well defined--and human-sized. It was solid and had a distinct shape toward the heel, and a pointed toe. A boot of some sort, reminiscent of cowboy boots or other leather footwear from their home world. The deep print and the size implied someone fairly tall and heavy...maybe a man? And near it a set of smaller, softer prints--someone smaller, wearing some kind of shoe that wasn't quite so rigid. They probably had to jog along to keep up with the larger being's stride--a child? Or maybe some smaller race of being?

The tracks were heading towards the northwest--perhaps towards the cave, but more likely towards the mountains. They seemed to be making a long arc, if the grass trail in either direction was to be trusted...


Though Danny wanted to ask the system how close he was to his next level, as he thought about this he was still levitating further away from the Slimes--who were also retreating, having given up on their meal. Almost as soon as he had asked the question, the notice popped up.
LEVEL UP! Your combined experiences and survival have culminated in new power! You are now Level 5! Your Max HP has increased (this will not heal your current HP)! You gain Skill Points to distribute as you please!

Unspent Skill Points: 9

Current Skills:
Mana Orb II (2.45)
Lesser Force II (2.25)
Levitation (--)
Monster Analysis II (2.25)
Meditate I (1.2)
Mana Shape I (1.2)
Aqua Sphere I (1.1)
Magic Analysis I (1.1)
Mana Dart I (1.05)
Plant Analysis (0.8)
Blunt Resistance (0.4)
Mana Strike (0.5)
Focus (0.8)
Faster (0.9)
Mana Shell (0.1)
Point Strike (0.8)
Suppress Presence (0.6)
Muffle (0.5)
Spell Cancel (0.1)
Aqua Stream (0.1)
Magic Dash (0.2)
Spell Chant (0.1)
Material Analysis (0.2)
Mana Drain (0.1)

YOUR BODY IS BEGINNING TO CHANGE! You are undergoing Transformation! Based on your life experiences, your ability to survive, and the strength of your will, new paths have appeared! Choose carefully--there is no going back! WARNING. THIS PROCESS WILL LEAVE YOU TEMPORARILY VULNERABLE.

OPTIONS (* Indicates Suitability):
*(Adult) Wisp - More magical manifestation than biological creatures, Wisps nonetheless possess physical bodies. Their ability to cast spells from range makes them a foe that should not be underestimated by the novice. Wisps are magically oriented monsters, normally possessing two spells.
  • Slight increase to all Base Stats
  • Increase HP
  • Increase Potential

(Immature) Pyrofly - This creature is similar to a large Wisp, however it appears as if its entire body has been set alight. These flames do not cause it harm, however; rather, it thrives on both warmth and ambient flame mana, and is always attracted to sources of these things. It is often energetic and volatile, but tends to have a short life-span not only due to its high energy expenditure, but also its vulnerability to things like water and cold.
  • Increase MP
  • Increase Fireball (reduced)
  • Increase Fire Affinity (reduced)

(Immature) Bubble - This creature is similar to a large Wisp, however it appears as if its entire body has been caught in a bubble of frothy liquid. This liquid somehow stays suspended around its body. It is often calm and non-hostile, but tends to find its way into things it shouldn't, like various containers humans use to store foodstuffs. It is resistant to Fire magic, yet remains vulnerable to both extremes of temperature.
  • Increase MP
  • Increase Aqua Sphere (reduced)
  • Increase Water Affinity (reduced)

**(Immature) Poltergeist - This monster is still fueled by Magic, but its hold on the physical world has become stronger. Though its chubby, infantile body isn't particularly large, its grasping limbs, levitation ability, and its manipulation magic make it quite the prankster. However, its defensive abilities don't grow as fast as some other species. For the already physically frail mage-types, this can be a dangerous weakness.
  • Gain Arms w/Hands, Legs w/Feet, Head w/Eyes and Mouth
  • Increase base power-stats (reduced)
  • Increase Lesser Force (reduced)

When he flew into the dust from the Mana Crystals, Danny felt some of his MP being restored, but not nearly as much as he would have gotten from a Crystal. He would still need to Meditate if he wanted to recover--or perhaps leave the cave entirely. It didn't look like there was going to be anything left here soon...could it have something to do with that Core back at Jason's cave? Then again, even if he left the safety of the cave, at this point he had no idea if there would be Mana Crystals outside. As he also had no real way to recover his HP at this point except perhaps by sleeping, he was left with a tough decision...


As Jason's immaterial body passed over the Fanged Lizard eggs, with a flex of his will he felt the sensation of food and drink as if he were eating at the table. The gray colored pinpricks within the shells shivered, then dissipated like mist within Jason's ectoplasmic form just like food within his membrane had digested. Though there was a moment of what could only be called "resistance," it was no more than the wriggling of a fresh grub before one bites down.

Though each egg was only a fifth the size of the soul within the rat, Jason ate all ten of them. There was an unwhole feeling, as if he were biting into a piece of bread with part of the dough missing due to an air bubble during baking. Maybe that was his Mana Disorder--even external sources of Mana were reduced in their effectiveness until he could figure out a way to overcome it. Still, he could feel Mana--so much more strongly than before--surging through his being.

Now he attacked the Rat--he wanted its Mana, but not its soul. As he collided with the body, the Dire Rat gave a startled squeak. Its fur bristled and its flesh pimpled with goosebumps as if an arctic wind blew against it, and it whirled. Its purple eyes finally seemed to "see" Jason, and the creature snarled but was unable to disentangle itself from Jason's own "body" as it thrashed and bucked. He could feel a small amount of MP coming back--but he was starting to lose it just as fast.

The purple light within the rat "touched" him.

The world flashed black and gray again. Jason and the Rat were both frozen in time. A misty figure struggled to take shape, screaming and thrashing in rage. It crashed against the Rat's body from the inside, striking at the parts of Jason that were wrapped around the rodent. Jason saw a face snarling in front of his own. That bitchy goblin he had impaled.

Jason's own hand reached out instinctively, ike swatting a bug that has landed on your shoulder before you're even sure what that prickling sensation on your shirt is. It grabbed the goblin by her scrawny neck and squeezed tight.

"End it! Eat! Can't drain, kill, eat!"

The world flashed back to normal and Jason's will was his own again. The Rat was starting to run now, and he found it growing exceedingly difficult to "hold" on. His MP was still dropping and recovering at a balanced rate, but he was less than halfway "full" at the moment...

Orchid's Tribe

Sqwal held the club in both hands like a bat, while Bigs wrapped his sling around his arm and switched to using his shield and spear. Both of them followed Orchid warily, and Crispy went out in front. He kept his body turned, as much to assist with crouching and moving through the long grass stealthily as it was to keep anything from hitting his injured arm. With Orchid in the middle, she was well protected--but if something came at them, she might also have trouble getting around the bodies of the other goblins in order to address the threat...

"Yargh, gerroff gerrof!" Sqwal cried out, beating at himself as black smoke suddenly blossomed around him. Bigs held up his shield just as the same smoke erupted from the wicker object. As Orchid and Crispy turned, two large black cats lunged from the grass--an ambush!

Bigs had one of the better Wicker Shields Orchid had crafted, and it had held up well even through the raid in the cave. But when one cat's claws struck it as the black smoke billowed--without any visible flame--from its weave, she heard the shield cracking. Sqwal swung his club wildly, and the cat halted its charge and nimbly danced out of the way. Its two differenly colored eyes gleamed, almost like the damn thing was smirking...
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
Avatar of Gardevoiran

Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Welp, there went that idea. Hopefully he'd still be okay finding his way back. As long as he followed the stream he'd be fine, anyway.

Oh dear, he was already out of Mana? Rock Spire certainly had a large cost to it, but hey, he got the skill up out of using it, too, so that was pretty good. He just needed to recover some magic so he wouldn't be caught vulnerable to the world. It wasn't a super big risk, but with that pixie over there being shifty, he couldn't take many chances. Speaking of that Pixie... "It's alright! I'm not gonna hurt'cha!" he called to the pixie before sitting down near some plants and looking at them.

The world had elements aligned to it, right? It's how Digbie got his Stone-Hardened variant and Mystic variant, so there could be a possibility that there was a Natural Element. Maybe there was, and he heard about it, but he didn't remember. All he knew was that it might be really beneficial for him to invest some time into studying these plants, maybe figuring out if they could help him unlock some more potential. Probably not, unless he channeled a Mana Orb through the plants, but it was worth a shot.

Digbie studied the plants in front of him with both {Plant Analysis} and {Magic Analysis} before remembering the shadow on his face. He still had that flower from when he evolved. It seemed to grow back pretty easily, actually. Maybe it had some magical properties to it, as well? Figuring it was worth a shot, Digbie used {Plant Analysis} and {Magic Analysis} on it as well, seeing what he could figure out.

After all that, he gazed back towards the Mole Run. He'd keep going down that path, but he wanted to make sure he'd survive the trail first.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Danny was surprised by the system message about him leveling up and being ready to evolve. He didn't do too well with the absorption of the mana dust though and that caused him to make up his mind. It was about time for him to leave the cave, if he was right about the mana crystals being responsible for the growth of the herbs then it was even more so. He felt bad about ignoring Jason's order to go to the core but he was in no shape to fight anyway. Instead he headed towards the cave entrance in hopes of finding a hole in the wall or ceiling where he could sleep and hopefully heal a little.

On his way there he decided to allocate his skill points and consider his evolution options. "No point in wasting of points on plant analysis but despite the cost I want Blunt Resistance." "Okay six points into Blunt Resistance, two into Focus and the last one into Faster."

Once he arrived at the entrance he started looking for a place to sleep, if he is able to find something inside he will use otherwise he will look outside for something suitable.

Now that he had a restingplace it was time to go over his evolutions. "While it would get me Fireball the short lifespan makes the Pyrofly unsuited for me. The poltergeist on the other hand has seriously weak defense but gets me limbs and more power." Hoping he wouldn't regret his choice he made his decision. "I'm going with the Poltergeist."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Temporary Campsite~

Ash watched intently as Oberon cast his magic - finally seeing the fruits of her labor, as one might say. Static? Instead of the vague energy she saw earlier, it was nothing but static, and as Oberon continued it flickered around the shape and the energy surrounding Oberon's magic. It was made up of countless tiny squares - and it became even more obvious when he created the cube for the second time. It was like looking into some sort of complex computer diagram. The shapes were so incredibly small, that even the larger ones took significant effort. However, she did pick up something useful. At the vertex of each cube, it seemed to mimic a graph, oscillating indefinitely. Yes, this was perfect, if she could just find a way to manipulate this -

She had to blink, the image disappearing entirely.

You are experiencing Fast Skill Progress.

Well that was proof she was doing something correctly. The Pygmy drake closed her eyes, taking a moment to rest them. Eyestrain was annoying, and she'd like to have to not do the whole glasses thing this life.

"Ah...Reoth." Ash greeted the other lizard with a studious expression as he asked his question. "You aren't aware? Fanged Lizards and Pygmy drakes apparently have a throat pouch they can use to store items. I figure storing the Mana Crystal there was safer than in the bag. Less chances of someone stealing it or it getting crushed...plus, if I feel as though if I need a quick boost to MP I can simply use it from there." Casting a glance towards Digbie she frowned lightly. "And I believe he did. I'm honestly not sure I wish to get involved with goblins again, but I am willing to see what becomes of this." Turning and heading back to the cave, Ash continued. "Is there something you need? If not then I am rather busy, but feel free to tag along."

She returned to the shelter, reclaiming the stick she had been using earlier for tail exercises. She'd return to her mana seeing experiments shortly. For now, she wrapped her tail around the stick once more and attempted to train her tail muscles. Maybe she could use it while trying to teach Reoth, if he was interested.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 36 min ago

Asura growled when he felt his health draining again, still slowly but it would be enough in the end to kill him if he wasn't wary. The rat he struck was getting back up, zombies tended to be health type tanks. Skeletons were the types to actually use equipment. So as it started to come closer he used another Smash. Coming in from the top to completely crush its skull. He was holding back as much energy as he couldwithout ruining the effects of Smash.

System, any new skills? He questioned within his mind. He was trying his damnedest to find out how to get Better at this point. "Fall back, there's too many. Focus completely on dodging." Asura said as he moved. He could still attack since he had no front, back, or sides, really. Still he kept an eye out. As he moved though he splatted an Herb on Ardur's arm so he could use it. He didn't know how much damage a pixie could take, even an evolved one, and the flier was manaless.

Once they seemed to be moving something interesting happened. Floating sword, moving water sweeping the undead away a bit, and then a voice. "Yup, do what the floating sword says. We'll come back when fully rested. Maybe we'll bring in the last of those goblins to help with this mess..." Asura stated, moving with a bit more speed but not so fast that he'd leave Mother Slime or Ardur behind.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Guy0fV4lor
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Guy0fV4lor Retaker of The Holy Land

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Though it felt good to have mana back once again, and to be freed from the pull of the other side, the fact that his attempts to drain the rat's mana merely broke even was quite frustrating. However, this had perhaps given him better insight on how the assimilation function of the dungeon worked, as it seemed to be shuffling the souls of dead creatures into bodies that were not theirs. Right now, if he were to disengage from the dire rat, it would no doubt come after him, and he'd have no way to fight back. Unless.......

Jason looked back at his body; the dire rat was getting further and further from his corpse, and his only means of fighting back. If he was going to possess his own corpse, he needed to stun the rat while he closed the distance. Suddenly, an idea came into being. It was risky, but it just might work!

Activating [Transparency I] on the tip of a pseudopod, Jason clipped the ethereal tendril directly into the rat's head, and deactivated the skill. Wincing in pain at the backlash, Jason launched himself toward his body without a moment to waste. Attempting to sweep up as much of his spilled fluids back into the gash of his membrane as he could whilst entering his hollow shell.

With all his will, Jason tried to puppeteer his former body, attempting to take a defensive position in anticipation of the rat's counterattack.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 21 days ago

Orchid and her entourage marched briskly following the trail of the rats. Fortunately they didn’t seem very subtle, at the very least Jezee’s sluggish footsteps made it easy for Orchid to know where she went. However she didn’t drop her guard for a second, and when Sqwal ended up getting attacked by something Orchid was not the least bit surprised. They were going fairly deep into the forest now so it’s only a matter of time before there was more random encounters.

Turning to face the new enemy, they appeared to be some sort of big black cat, like a puma or a mountain lion. Orchid remembered hearing about them in her human life though only her father ever had to deal with them personally. And somehow Orchid doubts these magic cats are anything like normal mountain lions. First thing Orchid did was use her Mobster Analyze on them to get some intel, then she started doling out orders.

”Divide em up! Crispy, help out the other two with one of these cats. I’ll take care of the other one.”

Orchid went to the black cat attacking Sqwal, knowing he won’t be able to defend himself as well as Bigg’s could. Sqwal was flailing so Orchid couldn't just walk past him, but it also meant that the black cat who was attacking him backed off. Orchid barked orders at Squal as she stood behind him. ”Sqwal, stick with Bigg’s and Crispy! I got this one.”

Orchid would have her sharp club parallel to her hip, held at a somewhat low angle. If the cat tried to pounce at Sqwal she could easily jab her club at the beast to intercept. Orchid could do the same if it just came straight at Orchid. Her other arm with the vambrace was held up close to her head, in case something tried to strike her from a blind spot. Orchid’s tactic beyond just intercepting the black cat would be slicing up its legs, just like how she fought Crispy. Only instead of bit and powerful swings she’ll whittle then down with weaker but faster and more accurate swipes and smacks. She’ll even use Smash to make her jabs do more damage than they would’ve normally.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Skill Rank Up: Muffle I > Muffle II! (1.9 > 2.0)
You are now even more effective at remaining unseen passively. Activating this skill by using Stamina will noticeably reduce, but not eliminate, the sounds of your movement.

Skill Gain: Use Light Equipment (0.9 > -- )
The use of small tools, and lighter forms of armor, weaponry, and other items.

'Huh...nice.' Ed comments to the system notification that popped into his mind, before returning his focus on the bludgeon he held before himself. 'I suppose that means I can use this stick more effectively now, as both tool and weapon then.' The young ratman then attempted to twirl the stick around his fingers but a sudden squeak from Mother Rat distracted him and inadvertently caused the stick to lightly bop him on his snout. "Ack! Shit..." Ed rubbed his snout, a slight frown adorning his face. Though the stick did not have any significant force behind the swing, the accident itself was more damaging to his pride rather than his snout. Looking to where Mother Rat was, Ed was confused by the elder dire rat's actions. Running in circles rapidly as well as sniffing and huffing around something.

He didn't see what she was so aggravated about at first but, after scooting a little closer to where she was, Ed's eyes widened as he saw the footprint accompanied by a smaller set of footprints. By the looks of it, it came from a large person wearing boots of some sort if the size, shape, and the imprint alone could attest to that. The other was significantly smaller and seemed to have difficulty keeping up with whatever caused the boot prints. Though both were heading to where Ed and the others came from. "It would be wise that we should not try to look for whoever made these tracks." He comments to Asteria. "Though I suppose there is some merit to following the tracks. To see and know where they came from might be useful to us and who knows, maybe we can find a road or something by backtracking them?"

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Ardur The Mighty Hipixie
well screw you too guy > Monty python "Run away!" /// Adventuring day 4 // Afternoon / Location - cave

This frame definitely could take more of a beating then his last one. However, he still wasn’t anywhere close to being a tank. Maybe a glass cannon but not a tank. The last few hits hurt and now he had to worry about not getting hit again and blood in his eye.

After stopping the head of the pixie he had just crushed to be sure that it was dead, Ardur lunged back to his friendly slimes. The situation was deteriorating quickly. Undead reinforcements were coming in quickly, wisps crackling with energy fluttered towards them from the ceiling, more undead seemed to be rising from the ground, and to top it all off another large slime with the same crystal structures in its body like Jason had was making its way toward them.

Ardur heard Asura call for them to fall back as they were all clearly outnumbered and being overwhelmed. The Hipixie hesitated to move for a moment. Trying to get a good grasp of what was coming for them and how many they would need to deal with. Then suddenly without warning the water from the nearby pool rose and flowed between them and the undead. The sudden influx of water was followed by a voice and then a sword floating past them. He barley noticed that the slime applied some healing herbs to him.

It told them to run while it distracted their pursuers. Even through his sore injuries and bleeding head wound the mighty Hipixie still tried to reach out for the sword in an attempt to take it with them as they fled. Not the most well thought out plan but he was suffering from a head injury and somethings seemed a little fuzzy. The need to run wasn’t one of those things.

Only attempting to grab the sword once, Ardur took off toward the entrance. Running and at the same time using his wings in an attempt to move just that much quicker along the ground toward the entrance and hopefully safety. He didn’t care about what was outside of the cave or how the goblins would react to them but it was better than dying in here like Jason.


Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Spell cast canceled due to lack of MP.
You have overdrawn your MP.
You are experiencing Mana Burn. Natural MP Recovery decreased by 50%. External MP Recovery decreased by 25%.
You have no MP Remaining.

Oberon fell back onto the tree branch as the orb shattered, the spell breaking apart in his hands and disappearing as he was hit by a sudden wave of fatigue and yet another headache. It would seem that he was a little too early to try something like that yet; he’d had a feeling it was ambitious to try and create an elemental when he was still a relatively weak being in this world, but he just couldn’t help but want to try and put his ideas into practise.

And it had been working for a moment there, he was sure of it. The rings around the orb and the spokes, the spinning, not to mention the fact that the entire structure had gotten more complex with each passing word. His chant had been doing something, his spell had been doing something, but he’d run out of mana before he could finish. He would have to wait until he reached a higher level and increased his mana reserves before he tried again, or perhaps find a way to restore his mana as he was performing the ritual; he just wished he knew how close he had been at the end.

When the spell had broken apart a number of system messages had appeared in front of his eyes, which he focused on now. He had two new skills, which was useful; first he has the Spell Chant skill that he was trying to emulate alongside a skill that let him focus in order to increase the power of a spell. Both skills would certainly be useful, especially Spell Chant, but at their current level they took far too long to use, especially Focus; 30 seconds to empower a spell was ridiculous just to save a little mana, in fact he could probably restore the extra mana it would cost to use the higher level version of a spell in less time. Spell Chant was better and let him modify more than just the power of a spell; at 10 seconds it still wasn’t useable in combat but it would be very interesting to see what kind of modifications he could create with it.

The other message informed him that he had a status called Mana Burn. It wasn’t surprising given just how much power he had poured into that experiment that he would suffer some backlash from it. The fact his mana regeneration was slowed by the effect was a pain, and he could guess that the best way to recover from it was to not use any mana as well meaning he was all but done with experiments for the day. At the moment the Sprite was tired enough that this thought didn’t bother him overly much; right now all he wanted to do was sleep anyway.

He wanted to fall asleep right where he was, laying down on the branch of a tree high above the forest floor and with the sun shining directly onto him, but the idea of being exposed to anything and everything that could fly but a damper on that. He picked himself up and began flying back down to the ground, descending one branch at a time lest his tired wings give out on him. Once he was back on solid ground he headed straight for the shelter, passing by Ash and Reoth before finding the place he had slept the night before and collapsing.

Before he passed out he wanted to check one thing however. If he had been on the right track with his experiment then he should have something to show for it in his skills, even if it was still incomplete. "Open Skills tab.”

Once he had read over the information the system gave him, Oberon fell asleep.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by SilverPaw
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago


Asteria ignored Ed's antics in favour of frowning after the goblin that left them not that long ago and the trail she’d left that lead almost directly to them. She arose from her contemplation at Mother Rat’s squeak and noted the tracks signifying a pair of humans or similar humanoid beings having passed through the plain. The tracks lead northwest, either toward the cave or the mountains. Asteria tilted her head at Ed’s suggestion, and whispered a reply “No, let’s avoid following any humans for now. Jezee wasn’t exactly subtle when she left, so…I believe heading further south and covering up our tracks is still the best idea. We can research where those two went to or came from later. Even if we found a road right now, visibility isn’t an advantage to us just yet, I dare say.”

That said, she brushed against Mother Rat to thank her and nudged her into following once again as she proceeded to stealthily and dexterously lead the trio south, relying both on the new passive alert skill and her trusty beast senses to listen for any disturbances. She glanced back at Ed to reassure herself he’d was willing to follow just as stealthily as he had before. After that one look, however, Asteria kept her attention on moving forward, diverting a slight tendril of concentration on trying to keep up Mana Drain to get whatever nature and/or wind mana she could from the environment. This time, she intended to proceed as far as they could get unless something prevented them from doing so. It went without saying that if any of the trio of Dire Rats sensed a danger and alerted the rest to it, as Mother Rat had done with the tracks.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Ash, Oberon, Reoth, Torrent

Minor Heal III (3.0)
Lesser Flight II (2.6)
Shield IV (4.006125)
Magic Analysis IV (4.1875)
Mana Orb II (2.525)
Mana Shape II (2.7)
Lesser Status Heal (1.2)
Mana Dart I (1.5)
Alert I (1.55)
Monster Analysis II (2.45)
Meditation III (3.02625)
Light Ring I (1.25)
Gather Light I (1.65)
Fireball I (1.5)
Plant Analysis I (1.0)
Material Analysis I (1.0)
Sacred Ground I (1.0)
Mana Slice I (1.0)
Overwork I (1.75)
Keen Sight (1.05)
Minor Heal All I (1.0)
Spiritual Awareness I (1.0)
Minor Regeneration I (1.0)
Spell Chant I (1.1)
Focus I (1.0)
Mental Resistance II (2.25)
Sensory Resistance I (1.0)
Wall (0.1)
Faster (0.4)
Charisma (0.9)
Light Affinity (0.8)
Fire Resistance (0.2)
Spell Cancel (0.1)
Mana Puppet (0.5)

Ash would find that, though the depletion of her Stamina from earlier made it somewhat more tiring to exercise (even compared to her former life, where as a scientist she likely hadn't been fond of physical exertion), she was beginning to get a feel for her scorpion-like tail in this evolved form. As a Fanged Lizard her tail hadn't been that long, and had been positioned differently. This one still felt rather stiff, but for the basic up-and-down curling motion it seemed well suited. The stinger wasn't as flexible as the rest of the limb, however--it felt more like a long fingernail than a finger. Still, some results were better than nothing. [[Free to interact with Reoth and co. in between updates, points are adding up in the background but as of yet there wasn't a big breakthrough.]]


You used Plant Analysis I! You used Magic Analysis I!
---Green Argep---
A sweet fruit that some would describe as a berry, since it is smaller and grows in bunches. Green Argeps are not ripe and the body of the fruit has not fully developed; it has a bitter, acidic taste that will turn sweet later on. The leaves of the Argep bush are sometimes used to brew tea and the fruit itself can be fermented even when unripe. It has no real magical properties that you can discern.
---Blessed White Yill Flower---
The White Yill is a species of yill flower, a common variety of blooming flowers that grow in many habitats. While often considered pleasing to look at, it doesn't have much use. It is perennial, and its seeds ripen towards the end of summer. It normally has no magical properties to speak of, but does have a higher capacity than other plants to absorb mana. Thus it can easily be made to conduct mana or take on magic properties, so Yill flowers sometimes change into other Magical Plants depending on their environments. This one has been Blessed. It may ward against misfortune or provide needed guidance to those in need of forgiveness.
---Analysis Complete!---

Digbie's analysis skills weren't very high rank yet, so they didn't tell him much. The Pixie that had been observing him now flew off into the forest, either to get away from a potential predator or simply to do its own thing. It had stopped to listen for a moment when Digbie spoke, but whether or not it really understood him was anyone's guess. His Earth Vein ability had fully restored his MP after several minutes--it seemed sitting down helped, as more of his body was in contact with the ground. Still, Rock Spire could only be cast three times before he ran out of MP at his current level--would he continue to use it to leave himself a trail to follow back, or was there a better way?

Following the mole run, Digbie would soon come to the edge of the woods. From here, the trees had thinned almost to nothing and the brushy forest floor gave way completely to rocks and packed earth. Before him, the slopes of the mountain rose to crags and cracked ledges--and he could see great mounds of dirt where the last vestiges of that avalanche had finally settled. The mole's tunnel went towards a break in the rocks, however--a narrow series of slopes, perhaps where some kind of wild goat or other skilled climber made its way up the walls where other creatures would have to find another way. Digbie could see a tall cleft between two great rocks...but nothing within it save darkness. Did he dare risk squeezing into such a space with no idea what might await him? Did he dare venture up into the mountains among that loose gravel? Did he dare leave the cover of the trees and expose himself to whatever other creatures might be lurking about?

Only he could decide.

Ardur, Asura, Momma Slime

Though he lost another chunk of HP to the drain, Asura Smashed into the Zombie Rat's head from behind. The undead rodent seemed pretty sturdy--certainly more so than a normal Dire Rat--but Asura had gotten stronger compared to his first battles in the cave. He managed to drive the creature's skull into the dirt, cracking it open like a melon. The rat spasmed once, then went still.

Developing Skill: Focus (0.2)

Ardur stomped the helpless Zombie Pixie to a pulp, then seemed dazed for a moment as the talking sword saved them. When Asura applied a healing herb to his arm, some of the pain simply radiating through him seemed to subside--but he hadn't eaten the Herb, and thus it didn't seem he was getting the full effect from it yet. If he did so, however, it would fully restore his HP as told by the System. Regardless, he listened to both Asura and the sword and took flight. On his way over the pool, he reached out to try and grab the sword--but an invisible force pushed him back and urged him on his way.

"You have no Mana, and though you are strong I am not a weapon you can wield. Go." spoke that soft voice. "But...if you must return...bring a Hero with you!"

Momma Slime whopped another Skeleblin head over heels, then bundled herself up into a tight ball and rolled quickly after the others. Behind them, bones rattled angrily and a few Mana Orbs shot overhead, missing them by a fair margin. But the pursuit of the undead didn't last long. The sword rose up above the pool, and floated under its own power much like a Wisp. Though it didn't summon any more waves, a thin stream of water wrapped around its edges before it spun in place. As if an invisble hand held it, the blade lashed out, and the water followed along its trail like a whip. In one long arc, it sliced a Skeleblin and a Zombie Pixie in two--the skeleton at the base of its spine, and the Pixie right below the shoulders. The Undead drew back, wary of this more powerful opponent, and the sword began to sink back into the water. It stopped before the tip of its blade could disappear beneath the surface...but every time a monster dared to approach or try to pursue, the sword rose up a little higher. When they retreated, so too did it delve deeper. An uneasy standoff bought Asura, Ardur, and Momma Slime enough time to head towards the exit...

Asteria, Ed, Mother Rat

As the Rat Party elected to ignore the tracks and continue moving south, even choosing to ignore the various flowers and plants they had found, they found their path unimpeded for some time. Moving through the grassy plains for Asteria and Mother Rat was an experience akin to pushing their way through the Amazon Jungle--these stalks of grass blocked their vision entirely, and the way forward could only be found by ducking under or squeezing between the various shades of greenery. For Ed it was a little easier, but as he tried to follow the lead of the other two and keep himself unseen, he too was quite limited in his perception of their true surroundings. Only the walls of vegetation in front of them could be seen.

Asteria could feel her Mana slowly returning, however her Mana Drain seemed less and less effective the more she split her focus between searching for danger and finding an effective route across the terrain. At the same time, trying to keep her Mana Drain active meant she didn't have her fullest focus on paying attention to their surroundings--maybe that was why she only felt an Alert at the very last moment.

From under their very feet a large, reddish body burst out of the earth, tossing dirt and pebbles about! It slammed into Mother Rat from the underside, knocking her over into the grass--its snapping mandibles and flailing legs immediately reminded the other two rats of that eternal pest from their own world, the fire ant. But this one was easily as tall as the Dire Rats, and twice as long. As it pulled itself from the ground, lunging at Mother Rat, the bulbous stinger at the end of its body twitched...!


Danny settled onto a ledge just over the cave's entrance, giving him a clear view at the back of anything that might come through the "doorway" from above. He made the decisions regarding his skill points, then settled down to rest as he pondered his evolution.

"I'm going with the Poltergeist."

As soon as he spoke the words, sleep fell on him like a physical blow. No one else saw the little Wisp hiding among the nooks and crannies as he fell unconscious. But Danny...Danny could see EVERYTHING.

Not in crystal clarity, of course. But he drifted upwards, out of his body, rising high enough that he could look out across the cave. He could see the pool where Asura, Ardur, and Momma Slime fled the undead hordes the core was gathering, and the strange floating sword that fought those same hordes. He could see the Core itself, nestled inside Jason's Cave in the enormous Source Crystal--the green surface which had now become spiderwebbed by pulsing lines of blood red. In the distance, he could even see...something misty white, taking the form of a spherical creature with a pointy, almost hat-like projection atop it. It almost looked like Jason.

He suddenly felt the Core pulling at him, like a strong ocean current. But this was not the same pull Jason must have felt--this was the inevitable slide of the fish down the whale's gaping maw. This was the pull of annihalation. The only, instinctual, deeply driven response to this pull was to flee--and Danny was close to the exit of the cave. His spirit had only inches to go before he felt something give way, a barrier within the dungeon...

Now he saw a deep forest, and gently rising cliffs growing ever steeper until they became mountains to the immediate west. Down below him, atop the hill and rocky outcrops that formed the roof of the cave, he saw something shining...Steel. He saw steel, reflecting the glint of the sun. And wearing that steel, two humans--actual, living, real humans! They were crouched behind a large stone, one larger and one smaller, a child. Both carried weapons, and the adult wore full armor like a gallant knight. This one suddenly seemed to become aware of something, looking all around him...then right at Danny.

But he did not seem to see the Wisp, not truly. He kept looking about--like a person who knows something is there, but cannot see it.

Danny rose higher, drifting through clouds that stretched over the cave and further beyond, over curling smoke trails and unnaturally shaped structures of wood and stone that could only be civilization. Somewhere to the east, a large body of water sat glimmering with the last rays of the setting sun.

He rose higher. To the south, deserts and canyons, windstorms sweeping over the dunes. Further to the east, a bright light cutting a path to safety for those in need of guidance. Over the mountains, to the southwest, a grand city stretching for miles. Still in the west, but far further north, a tower like a mighty tree reaching up to the heavens with roots stretching deep, deep into the earth. So far to the east that it became west again, a lonely, cold, desolate island where red lightning split the sky. Further beyond that, marshlands and mountains and untamed, wild lands.

He rose higher. A world, a planet, rotated thousands of miles an hour, yet from this distance appeared as no more than a soap bubble, as if it would pop if he but brushed a fingertip against it. The city lured him, cried out for him. The island's red skies held him in sway.

Then he began to plummet earthward...


When Jason attempted to phase into the Dire Rat, it felt like trying to shove a fist through gelatin. But nonetheless his etheral body pushed through the flesh of the creature, leaving no wound and drawing no blood. When he deactivated the skill, however, both he and the rat were repelled from each other like powerful magnets of the same polarity. Jason, being an African Warlord, probably would not be familiar with the comparison--but such a sensation might be best described as "a Bethesda glitch IRL." He heard the rat screech in pain and saw its body writhing for a moment. Though there was still no blood, the creature moved in a drunken fashion that implied a severe blow to the head. It would take it some time to recover--but instead of chasing after it, Jason had another priority.

Trying to "sweep up" the remains of his former bile and ooze back into the membrane was...less than effective. He simply passed through the majority of the material, and what little he could "touch" would soon fall through him as well. Unlike a Wisp, he didn't seem to have the ability to physically move things yet. When he entered the deflated membrane of his own corpse, the sensation was different from entering the rat. Instead of pushing through jello, this was more akin to...pudding, perhaps. Or such a thing as "thick" water.

But as he tried to move his body again, to bind again the spirit and the flesh...nothing. No spark, no return to sensation, not even an error message from the System.


Oh, there it was.

The Dire Rat managed to get to its feet, shaking its head. Once more it turned its nose back towards the Core...If Jason hurried he might catch it, but did using more Stamina in this form mean using MP as well? Could he find more Lizard eggs or some other easier targets for soul-snacking here in the nesting area? Could he reach the exit of the cave before his MP ran out?

"Eating soul, same as eating flesh and bone! When yas eat meat, it stops bein' meat, but it don't stop BEIN'! An' whens ya die, or poop, everyting still dere! Aminals, Monstahs, Gobs and everyting else--moves like watah! Dries up, rains down, over and over! NOW EAT BEFORE YAS STOPS BEIN' YOU!"

Orchid's Tribe

You used Monster Analysis I!
---Hex Cat---
A cat of dark hues, with stiff fur atop its head that comes to a point. This fur, and the shape of its ears, give it the impression of wearing a witch's hat. It's known as an unlucky omen among most races.
---Analysis Complete!---

As Orchid shouted orders, Bigs lowered himself behind his shield and jabbed with his spear. He wasn't fast enough to hit the cat, but it had to stay light on its feet to dodge and couldn't find an opening to attack. Just as it landed after evading a thrust, a Fireball arched over Bigs from behind and came down on top of the creature--Crispy had timed it well, and the Rank II spell exploded like a small firework on impact. The Hex Cat yowled in pain as the flames consumed its furry body, and it hurled itself to the ground and began rolling--but now the grass around it was catching fire as well...

"I ain'ts a-scared!" Sqwal protested, lunging at the cat and swinging his club again. It easily dodged him, and its other eye started to glimmer as it raised one paw to bat him. But with a crackle of red energy at the tip of her weapon, Orchid shot forward and jabbed the cat hard in the side. It screeched and turned a side-flip in mid-air as she knocked it away, once more landing gingerly. It turned that eye on her now--and Orchid felt a sudden drowsiness come over her. Her limbs felt heavy--but it was only for a moment, then she seemed to be able to shake it off. In that moment of daze, however, the cat had lunged at Sqwal again. This time it ducked his club and pounced, putting its forefeet on his shoulders and driving him down. It was posed atop him, ready to tear out his throat with its teeth--
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Digbie stood at brushy edge of the woods, gazing at the cracks within the mountain crags and getting a little worried. His MP was fully recovered, sure, but he was a little worried he'd lose the way and not remember where to go. Quickly, he pulled his Curved Rock out and started to drag it along behind him. The path in the dirt should stay for a little while, allowing him to simply follow that back to where he needed to go in order to find the stream and reunite with his friends. He still had to get back to them, anyhow, since they only had a day before the Goblins returned.

When he got to where he stopped again, he stared longingly at the darkness in the cleft. He felt like that's where he needed to go, but he was still afraid of what would be there if it wasn't where he was headed. Since he had a moment to stop, he did think about his next steps forward.

He organized his thoughts, before cracking his knuckles and speaking aloud to himself (and any gods that were watching). "Earth God? Digbie again... uh... am I heading along the right path to where you want me to go?" Once his question was over, he approached the darkness carefully before placing his hand on the ground and cranking out a {Tremor Sense III}, checking if the path was safe for him to go through and if there were any baddies on the other side.

After both of those things were over, he raised his hands up close to the Blessed White Yill in his hair, and he channeled a Mana Orb right near the bulb of the plant. Just close enough for experimentation, but far enough to keep the Yill safe in his hair. He wanted to keep that flower safe in his hair, as it was the closest thing he had to a spirit guide right now.

If all went well with the cave, he was ready to go in.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Danny didn't know for his what had been going on during the dream while his body changed but the feeling of the dungeon core trying to suck him in, whether it was imaginary or not, on top of everything else going on in the cave had convinced him it was time to leave. Seeing humans was also pretty huge but less pressing at the moment. Despite really wishing that Jason or at least someone else was coming with him he would have to manage on his own for now.

As the former Wisp floated down from his restingspot he inspected his new body. Having limbs again was nice if they were a lot shorter than what he had before and should allow him to create skills that didn't need any MP, his former body's dependency on mana really proved to a weakness after all.

When Danny touched the ground he took a deep breath and walked out of the cave. He had an idea to at least get some new skills in a way that hopefully wasn't too dangerous. He looked around for a tree with moss covering it's bark at around the height of his arms, on the way both doing his best to analyze any plants he passed and pay attention to his surroundings after all if there was a multitasking skill he really needed to get it.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Temporary Campsite~

At least she was making some progress.

The stamina drain from earlier was making it slightly difficult, but she did seem to be getting somewhere. Unfamiliar as exercising was, she seemed to be getting the hang of it fairly quickly. Dropping the stick, she attempted to coil her tail around it, positioning the stick straight. Still, doing this alone wasn't going to be getting her swift progress in the grand scheme of things. Ugh, she should find a way to multitask easier. Perhaps there was a way she could do something similar to a computer - have two processors for computing and thinking, essentially.


For now, she turned back to her earlier experiment with the magic. Still exercising her tail, Ash raised a claw, forming an orb of magic just over it. Secondly, she attempted to direct another flow of magic towards her eyes once more in an effort to try and perform two spells at once, and see if she could potentially interact with whatever those squares she had seen earlier. If she could perfect this and understand the structure of magic itself, then she could effectively change it to whatever she wanted with a little trial and error.

Science after all, was basically just that. Trial, error, writing down results and changing a variable until you achieved your desired end.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The recent upgrade of his sneaking skill aided him greatly in keeping out of sight, but it did little for him to keep track of the two visually. To be expected from keeping such a low stance in a field of grass almost as tall as he was. Ed realized that sight alone would do poorly in his attempts to not loose the two adult dire rats. Instead of relying only on sight, he opted to use smell and hearing to know where the two were. A few moments pass without issue, but as soon as Ed got more relaxed and used to moving around the tall grass, he felt a tremor.

The blue ratman was not given a moment to think about what caused the tremor as a red carapace burst from the earth and slammed into the elder dire rat. Ed jumped back in reaction to the sudden attack but soon saw the creature that ambushed them. It looked similarly to a fire ant but was as big as Asteria or Mother Rat and twice as long. It had just knocked the elder dire rat over, but was already dead set on attacking her again, if its twitching stinger on its abdomen was any sign. In smaller sizes, the bites or stings of a fire ant would be a mere annoyance. But in this case, a bite or a sting from this monster would likely prove fatal. If the blood loss will not get you, the venom will. If Ed wanted to intervene, he needed to make a quick and decisive strike against the ambushing foe.

Ed got up on from the ground and, in a span of a heartbeat, lunged at the abnormally large ant. It was not going to harm Mother Rat if he had something to do to prevent it. Gripping the gnarled stick over his head with both his hands he focused everything his body had to physically offer into the downward strike aimed at the massive bug. Billions of neurons in his brain fired instructions to his body's muscles, primarily in his arm and core, to exert as much force possible into the swing. His aggressive emotions and desire to leave the bug as a chunky smear on the ground caused the System to activate [Rabid Fit I] by reaction. Not even his mana reserves were left untouched. All the mana contained in his body, negligible as the amount may be, was redirected and compressed into his arms just as he swung down. It was as if his body complied to his desire to use everything it had in the attack. It was unknown if imbuing his arms with mana were to contribute something positive to Ed or contribute anything at all, but one thing was quite clear. If Ed were to land the blow, the ant would be royally fucked.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 36 min ago

Asura's Smash finally rekilled the dire rat. Whatever had killed it had simply left a corpse behind, but the slime was never so wasteful. He slurped over the corpse, uncaring that it was rotting, and started to focus on digesting it. He was trying to forcefully channel what he digested directly into Stamina to get that up and going again. That hit point drain could kindly fuck off. He knew he'd be moving slower but that sword...water...spirit thing was keeping the undead at bay.

System, what is Focus. Analyze unavailable skill Focus. He thought as he moved away from the undead and towards the exit. A small retreat until they were all ready to get going again. The sword spoke, but it was to Ardur, so he ignored it for the most part. It was demanding a Hero...which meant they should bury the damn thing. But only after they destroyed all the undead and that core. Especially the core since that was probably what was doing this strange call.

"If we have to we'll just sprint past the goblins. But I'd like to stay just inside the cave. Outside of their sight and outside of the undeads vision. I'll make a wall or something for some protection if I have to. But I have no Stamina again." He said as they moved. He made sure Mother Slime was close by, even falling back some so she could be ahead of him.
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