Reginald Keystone

Location: Athribis
Skills: N/A
Skills: N/A
"Distraction, you say?" inquired Reginald, his voice hushed in such a way as if to indicate that they were discussing something scandalous. An adventurous twinkle might be glimpsed in his eyes as he regarded the possibilities abound with potential to distract. He might consider something as mundane as throwing a nearby cat into the face of the local constabulary, though that might bring with it the promise of a footrace through the ruins wherein the winner gets nothing - but the loser gets arrested. Sure, he could get out again with a couple of well-placed phone calls, but not soon enough to continue on the journey with the rest of his Fellowship (plus their new, helpful friends). Ah, distractions... Shooting someone was right out. That was a proper distraction only when one was at war with the people they were trying to distract as a whole. And it was quite final. The cat idea was better.
Reginald gave Belladonna a knowing look and craned his neck down to attempt to locate a spare cat or two, but was stopped prematurely by the sudden assumption that J.C. was taking the reins with the whole distraction game. Well, all for the best, really. A person in charge of a such a feat is best being younger and fleeter of foot; while the Lord Major might be able to do many of the things he could as a younger man, the bare truth of it was that he simply could not keep up the kind of pace necessary to ensure a clean getaway with the reliability of his former years. "Ah yes. Very good, then. Quite. Well ladies and gentleman, when in Athribis, do as the Athribians." Reginald rested his hand on the hilt of his sabre in a casual manner and began to follow the willowy, dark Bella to places elsewhere.
Haring Reddish

Location: Benha (Boat -> Boat's Infirmary)
Skills: N/A
Skills: N/A
The apology from the Captain about the state of confusion from his last exchange was, to Reddish's mind, highly unnecessary. One who knew the inner workings of the Corporal's mind might be inclined to say that the man lied in a state of near constant confusion. A little bit more from the outside wouldn't upset the apple cart of his psyche too horribly much. "Oh, think nothing of it, good sir! Nothing at all! Why, it does my heart good to see a man in a position of authority (such as yourself, wot wot) take a measured exception to protocol in the name of compassion. I applaud you, Captain. Indeed, sir." He turned to Josephine, making sure that the handkerchief was still maintained with pressure upon her facial wound. He made it a point to lock eyes with her and give a showing of moving his eyes around, as if searching the area for something, followed by a conspiratorial wink at the young starlet. "Salt of the earth, that Captain, yes?" he inquired.
To be fair, Reddish was highly concerned with the physical health of his companion. It was a tragedy on a personal level, not to mention a loss to the silver screen. Additionally, insomuch as he was bound by orders to the Lord Major, he was also acting as the public escort to Josephine and as such, felt responsible for her well-being. But an opportunity like this, that was paid for with blood no less, it would be neglectful not to take advantage. Nothing too invasive or obvious, just a steady sensory sweep of the area around them as the pair followed the Captain onward and upward. Sporadically, he said warm, reassuring things to Josephine, such as "Just you hang on, madame," and "I hear wonderful things about these ship's surgeons. Marvelous, really," or even, "A lady of your standing, Miss Clarke? You shall make that mark a fashion statement, I'm positive!" But just the once.
Once they entered the Infirmary, Reddish made sure to stay out of the way of the professionals at work, namely the Doc and the Captain. He gave a quick "at attention" stance as the Captain passed by him, moving further out of his way in the process, but did not give his general salute owing to the fact that the man was not active military nor in his personal food chain. Respect to station was warranted, however. So far as to what happened, "Cultural disagreement with the locals, Mr. Doctor, sir! If the lady wishes to provide detail, that is her affair. I am overly grateful that you can see to her, my good man. Credit to your profession, you are!"