
Kaylee Everose
The Sluagh was pulled into the Astral Plane. No trace was left in the Material Plane as Aya activated her power. Looking around the sluagh laughed. It was as if things from all around had laughed with it. A multitude of laughter from hisses to brays to laughter that seemed to imitate the tinkling of chimes or bells. “Child you have no idea what you have just done.”
The Sluagh gripped Aya by the upper arms and shook her roughly in frustration. “Killing you would be a mercy so I won’t. I will however take you with me. Well you in this form. Let’s see how far you can travel.” It released her left arm and looking around and pointed at a far off bright glowing pulsing light. It smirked. “Perfect it has begun. That is where we’re going come on.” It started to drag Aya by the arm in the rough direction of Nocturne.The act of pulling the monster with her was… different, somehow. Like it took more effort, like its soul was somehow
heavier, somehow harder to manipulate. Aya gasped in the Astral Plane, feeling lighter, more steady, the moment they materialized. Gone was the pain and weariness of the Material Plane. But then the reality of her situation came crashing down on her. The Sluagh was here. With her. It was completely gone from the Material Plane.
It worked. Then, a more terrifying thought:
It’s real.It dragged her, holding her arm in a monstrous grip, away from her body. The echoes of hissing and laughter sounded around her. There were lights in the distance. This world wasn’t only hers anymore. Fear shot through her, icy and numbing.
Her right hand shot up to the Sluagh’s ineffectively fumbling and pulling, trying to get it to let go of her. She had to get free. She couldn’t go back to her body if it was still touching her, or it would just rematerialize with her. Aya tried to pull with her arm, but even here she was small and
“Let me go!” she said in a scared voice.
It shook her roughly laughing. “Yes so you can run off and warn the other fools. Let you go.” It mocked her and giggled evilly that sound enough to raise the instinctual awareness of flight in small animals. “As if you can persuade me to actually let you go. Pathetic. Come along we have a long way to go ahead of us before we reach our destination.” Aya didn’t stop her useless pulling or twisting.
“Wh -- why are you here? What are you?”The Sluagh stopped and regarded the girl as if she were stupid. “Part of the Wild Hunt. A scout. Are you seriously that ignorant? You use a word like Sluagh and you don’t know what it really means.” It shook its head and snarled. “I am the one that stands in the shadows of this plane with my brethren and snatch wayward souls for the joy of it. Sometimes we are called to find someone. Uná is to be found. So we pursue. Careful you don’t ask too many questions. You may not like the answers.”Aya stopped trying to break free as the Sluagh rounded on her, snarling and mocking.
Wild Hunt. That phrase struck a chord somewhere in her memory, either a TV show or a fairy tale… It was some European story. But Aya couldn’t remember much more than that. But what had that other Uná said? The Tuatha da…
“This is about her parents,” Aya managed to say.
The Sluagh looked at Aya with a little bit of respect, small as it was. “Might be some hope for you yet girl.” The Sluagh looked back over at the light that they were following. Pulling Aya along but not as roughly as it had been.‘Gentle’ for an enormous monster was still hard and demanding for something Aya’s size. She jolted forward, pulled along by the Sluagh. She… she was stuck. She couldn’t overpower it. She couldn’t stop it. She couldn’t escape. Her mind spun. She had to do…
something. But what could
she do?
“Why?” she said before her mind could catch up with her words.
“What’s so important about them?” At the very least she could keep it talking… get as much information as she could. To do what with, she didn’t know. But if she managed to survive this then it would… come in handy?
The Sluagh laughed and stopped turning to fully face her. “She is to be brought back to take her rightful place in court.”Aya was jolted to a stop by the Sluagh.
...Excuse me? “The… court,” she repeated. Her mind stretched back to that conversation with Uná.
“The fairy court.” She pressed her lips together, looking up at the monster.
“What if she doesn’t want to go?”The Sluagh laughed. “She has no choice. You really have no idea who she is or what she is. It would be good for you if you let her go. Better if you convinced her it was her own idea. You ask too many questions girl.” It shook Aya and pulled her toward the beacon. Getting closer, the Sluagh’s grip loosened fractionaly. There wasn’t anything that the girl had done that was threatening and leverage was always good. She seemed to know Uná.Meanwhile in the Material Plane
Kaylee looked at all the kids.
“Fine. No one tell me. But I know Aya is using her power and if any of you move before I get her back here I will have all of you doing an essay on the drinking age. Also it will be twice as long as the one you will be writing for me currently.”Kaylee sat down and closed her eyes and stepped into the Astral Plane.
Astral Plane
Kaylee opened her eyes and looked around.
Is that a gateway? In the club? Oh God it is...What happened here? Where is Aya? What is that? A Beacon?She didn’t see Aya. Concentrating she felt Aya quite some distance from the club.
“Great...what is going on?” Kaylee stood and large white wings burst from her back. They began to flap and she took off toward where she felt Aya’s pull. Strangely it was in the same direction as the beacon.
Kaylee's control was such that she could drive and use her power at the same time. Honed over years of manipulation the only thing that gave her away was the fact that her pupils swallowed up her eyes. White knuckling the car steering wheel she and shuffling kids into the back and front.
Aya gave a small intake of breath the moment she felt Professor Everose’s presence on the Astral Plane. She bit her lip. The professor… she’d know what to do, right? If Aya could just keep the Sluagh from reaching Uná in time for the professor to reach them...
“She won't go with you,” Aya said before she could think twice.
The Sluagh gave a dismissive snort. “The choice is not hers.” It didn't even look at Aya, just continued its lumbering march forward.Aya pressed her lips together and soldiered on.
“It is,” she said. Aya pulled back on her arm, trying to get its attention.
“If she doesn't want to go, then we... we'll stop you.” Her voice was less confident than she'd hoped.
The Sluagh looked back down at her, though it didn't slow. “You?”It said the word with such derision, such
disbelief, that Aya couldn't help but agree with it. She clenched her fist.
“Us.”The Sluagh raised its gruesome face to the sky and barked out a laugh. Finally it stopped walking. Tightening its grip, it pulled her arm up, lifting her in the air like a doll until her face was even with its pink eyes. Its tongue flicked over its yellow teeth, each one as long as Aya's fingers. “You are nothing.” Its voice rasped and rattled like the growl of a predator. “Then what are you?” Her voice was soft but she saw the Sluagh's crimson pupils shrink and grow at her words. The clawed grip around her wrist began to tighten even more.
Distract it, give the professor time...“You're here,” Aya said, forcing strength into her voice,
“because of me. Because I put you here.” The edges of its mouth drew back, baring more and more of its teeth.
“Why are you still here?... Why haven't you gone back yet?”In a flash there was a hand at her throat in an iron grip as the other released her arm. Aya gasped, hands moving to clutch uselessly at the Sluagh. She didn't need to breathe, not on the Astral Plane, but she couldn't help the feeling of her own fragile mortality as she felt claws prick at her pulse point.
The Sluagh raised her even higher, straightening to its full height. There was a dangerous growl in the back of its throat. “Tell me, girl,” it said, peering up at her as she struggled in its grasp. “Where are we? Do you understand this realm?” It raised its free hand, all sickly skin and wicked claws. “Have you felt pain here?” It smiled at her as her eyes widened. Then it plunged its hand into her stomach.Aya screamed.
It was like fire -- like
poison consuming her from the inside out, ripping her apart, and stitching her together. She couldn't see. She couldn't think. She hadn't even known it was
possible to feel pain in the Astral Realm. Her very marrow was magma, splintering her bones apart and flash boiling her blood. It all came from the monster's claws in her body, the
intrusion --
The Sluagh ripped its hand away and Aya let out a choked sob, though no tears ran down her face. Her vision was foggy, spots of white taking it all up and making it hard to focus. But through it all, the red gaze of the Sluagh was unmistakable. It laughed and the whole realm seemed to laugh with it. Its grip at her throat tightened and it said something. Aya couldn't hear it though, around the ringing in her ears. The white spots slowly started to fade. The Sluagh spoke again, raising its hand. It was going to strike again.
Aya squeezed her eyes shut, letting out a desperate sound as she struggled in its grip. She couldn't go through that again, that terrible searing pain. Half delirious, she opened her eyes again to look at it through the fog, fighting with all the strength she had left. But it wasn't enough. It was
nothing.Aya wanted to die -- to never feel pain again. She wanted her
father, she wanted to be strong enough to fight back, to not be helpless, to be
normal again. She wanted this monster to let her go, to stop hurting her and leave her friends alone, to go away
go away goawaygoawaygoaway --
Kaylee flew through the Astral Plane, pushing herself faster when she heard Aya's scream. Their figures in the distance grew larger and more distinct and Kaylee pushed herself, white wings flapping in the windless air. She saw the Sluagh raise its arm again. Her eyes widened.
“No!--”The Sluagh's hand drove forward. But the moment before its claws pierced Aya's body, something happened. The pinpricks of light that made up the Astral Plane's starry lanscape all suddenly swelled, growing in size and brightness until they were blinding.
Kaylee, the Sluagh, and Aya were all thrown from the plane, forced back to wherever they'd come from. The stars dimmed again. The Astral Plane was empty.