Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BasedWindu


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Gang Orca's piercing gaze met his. Kazama's eyes shone with both anticipation and fear. His classmates' Quirks were interesting, but some required refinement. He pushed that thought out his head. Due to their builds, Kazama noticed that a fair amount of them had martial arts training. But how well that training paired with their Quirks was something he'd have to find out.

Selena. Andrew.

Their Quirks stood out as the most flexible offensively. Kazama knew to keep an eye on them. His fighter's spirit wanted to spar with everyone in the room. However, now wasnt the time for forging rivalries. He needed to excel. To show Gang Orca that he had the potential to be a great Hero, despite his family name.

He approached the front of the class and bowed to his peers.

"I'm Kazama. Kazama Jinnouichi. You guys might have heard of my mom, Sakurafubuki. The Villainess."

Some of the heads in the room looked at him confused. Some wide-eyed with nervousness, and others without a single care. Good. He could build his own name here. He noticed Gang Orca tense slightly.

It was time to start.

"My Quirk is Aura Chroma. I can control the elements of nature; fire, wind, water, lightning, you name it."

His classmates sat in silence.

"Chikara," he uttered, lighting his body ablaze to emphasize his point.

After a moment, he exhaled.

"Jiyū," he breathed.

He then commanded the wind to disperse the flames. His classmates looked on in awe and apprehension.

"I cant control Ice, Lightning, Metal, or Light during the day. Those are the Jinnouichi Dusk Forms. I also have an issue projecting anything past 3 meters, so close up fighting works best for me."

Gang Orca grunted. Kazama's gaze met his.

"Your mother, the Villainess? And you wish to be a Hero?"

Kazama grinned widely.

"More than anything."

Gang Orca grunted again. Kazama turned his attention to his classmates. Some seemed impressed, others couldn't care less. That was fine enough to him. He exhaled once more, accidentally sending a gust outward and pushing the front row of chairs back slightly. His fighter's spirit roared inside.

"And if any of you want a lesson in Jinnouichi Style Karate, I'll be more than happy to oblige," he stated, letting an ominous dark aura flow from his body.

That was when more eyes lit up. Not out of fear, but out of anticipation of a challenge. Kazama smiled. That reaction was more like it. Kazama was sure of it then; this class would be the perfect place to challenge himself and excel past his limits, and his classmates would be there to support him. He felt the same. He would exercise his duty as a Hero and prop up his classmates when they needed him. They would grow together and he would make genuine friends. As he made his way back to his seat, he could feel the eyes on him, even Gang Orca's.

Kazama slightly slumped in his seat.

"Maybe challenging the whole room to a fight was a bad idea," he thought.

Next time, he would just let his Quirk do the talking. Seeing as the physical pre-test was next, he was certain that "next time" would be soon.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Crystalmushroom
Avatar of Crystalmushroom


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The adrenaline was surging into his face as he sprinted into the threshold of the school. Luckily, he had done all his dreaming off what his day would be like already. The friends that he would make, the acceptance by his peers, maybe a strength competition medal on the first day. All wild dreams of course, but they were his. Now, he had to deal with the hard reality of being late on his first day of school.

"The one freaking day MY ALARM DON'T GO OFF!"

Later, he would find out that his little sister

His body charged as fast as it could to the classroom. Luckily, there were no body in the halls as he ran.

"The train was so full this morning too. If I didn’t miss the first one, I would’ve been better off.”

He could hear his family just scolding him in the imaginary world.

“You barely got into the school, Now this?!” His father would say. His mother would hold her head as she shook her head. His older sister would point and laugh in her hero suit. How he hated all of them.

When he rounded the corner, He saw a kid in the hallway with buckets of water in his hands. He slowed his run to a depressed slumped march. His uniform was barely able to fit as he hunched and walked over.

“I guess they could have kicked us out completely.” Hiroki joked when he was close enough to the curly hair kid. He grabbed another set of buckets and headed to the restroom. ”I guess I know some worst pains then this.”

After filling both buckets, He took his stand next to the other kid.

“I’m Hiroki Yawaraka. Support class, who might you be?” Hiroki gave a friendly grin down to his classmate. Hiroki knew he could be intimidating since he was 6’5, still growing, and the body of a tank. The last thing he needed was someone scared of him because of his size.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by MoMochas


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Tokiko squirmed in her seat a little. It was time for introductions. Rather than be nervous, Tokiko was excited.

This is my big high school debut! I'm at UA! Yay!

Tokiko hadn't worked out this morning, opting to get her uniform perfect and plan out how she would introduce herself. Rather than wear the uniform's jacket, she opted for a vest. While she did put on her skirt, she opted to put some bicycle shorts on under them, for comfort.

She sat down in the front row, towards the middle. Another student sat down near her. She didn't look over at the person but started to hear some heavy breathing.

Is someone having an asthma attack or som- WAIT! It's that dude from the test! He was breathing hard over that one hero lady!

She frowned and looked away.

I-is he breathing hard over me? He's looking at me strangely... Is he having a medical emergency? Is it a cry for help? I'm not a medical professional!

She shook her head.

Don't think about it Toki. Focus on what you have to do.

There seemed to be a pause in the students introducing themselves. Tokiko rubbed her hands together, grinning.

Yes...now it's my time to shine.

She went to the front of the class and puffed out her chest.

And here we...go!

"My name is Tokiko Chronos and I..." She yanked her eyepatch off dramatically, "...Can see into the future. And I see..." She scanned the room and smirked. "...That no one has any questions for me. At least in not the next 30 seconds."

Tokiko looked at her classmates with a knowing smile, and the mist off of her eye swirled wildly.

"For my hero gear, I asked for some tech to help with my movement, a visor to cover my left eye that can also be dimmed, a wearable clock to put some throwing weapons in or that can be used as a weapon itself, and gauntlets with spikes and retractable claws." She said, hitting her fist into her palm. It made a loud smack sound. Some students looked a little uncomfortable.

"It's to climb walls, of course. Definitely not to punch people with. Oh, and some reinforced shoes too." She said with a grin, scratching the back of her head.

"Either way, I have spent a great deal of time training my body to keep up with the students here..." she said, glancing over at Kazama. "So I'm looking forward to the experience. Also..." She paused, winking at one of her classmates, "I can see into the immediate future, provided my inaction, Selena."

She scooped up the eyepatch she tossed into the floor and sat back down.

Nailed it.

Tokiko settled back into her seat and heard heavy breathing near her still. She sighed.

I can't just tell him to stop breathing...Hm...I've got it!

She reached into her bag and began to pull out a tan trenchcoat. Her eye flashed a little brighter.

I'll just put this over my arms and...What the- IT MAKES IT WORSE! HOW!?

She let the trenchcoat go, with a disgusted sigh.

I need to find another seat...

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KoyukixHoshina


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Selena watched as the rest of her classmates introduced themselves and their quirks. Quite a few of them were interesting and others actually caused her to raise her eyebrow. Now she was glad she had come here! She actually felt a small twinge when Kazama introduced himself. She understood the struggle he was having. After all, her mother's side of the family were primarily villains. The only reason it wasn't obvious yet was because of the different last names.

Raising an eyebrow at Tokiko's ability, she raised her hand before turning to look at the other girl.

"Chronos-san, with your quirk, do you only see the immediate future or those with the highest likelihood of coming to fruition?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Bigblack1394


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

A young man sits in front of a laptop tapping away at something.
"Ugh these codes are too easy" says the young lad. "Cloud!" shouts out a girl.
"Hell you want Trinkett." Says Cloud looking at the ceiling.

"Its time to pick a unlucky student to slip up." Says Trinkett.
Cloud gets up and walks with Trinkett to the twins lab within UA.

When they entered the lab they saw another young man sitting amongst photos.
"What cooking Tailer?" Cloud reaches out for a dap up.
"Not much brotha man."completing the dap up.

"So y'all know the rules it can only be one." Says Trinkett.

Trailer threw multiple knives at the photos.

"Damn she looked so happy oh well if she dies she dies" says Trinkett
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by J0shdking


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Breathing heavily Herito sits at his desk grinning excitedly as he analyzes he fellow classmates.

“ Selena what a pretty girl I see her quirk matches her features well. Her potential is very high but the strain it takes on her can be fatal in battle.

Kazama seems a bit more mature and comfortable with his quirk now. It’s been a few years since I’ve seen him glad he’s getting out from under her shadow.

Yin and her rifts would be great for ambushes and rescues but I wonder just how many ppl can she actually fit in her rifts.

Bubble girl ain’t to shabby either with enough training on her lungs she could possibly have a nearly impenetrable defense.

Those to shadow users are kinda useless while the sun is out it’s like they’re vampires I guess they could have someone conjure up clouds or carry some sunblock or a transforming cloak that grows bigger”

As tokiko was showing off her quirk she immediately catches Herito’s attention. “ well well looks like the one I truly have to watch out for is eyepatch. Not only is she physically fit looks like she has a precognition type quirk, those things can be tricky to fight against especially if they play mind games saying they can read your thoughts. Oh what lovely classmates I’ve been blessed with I can hardly control my excitement.”

Just then tokiko pulls out a tan trench coat 🧥 to cover her head. Herito immediately notices it and begins to breath even harder.
“Oh my so she the one that I left it with the other night wait did she just drop it. Oh that’s right she can see the future I wonder if I’m gonna do something to creep her out I guess I’ll try and calm down now.

Taking a hentai mag out his bag while covering it up with a science book he preceded to calm himself til his name was called

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Crystalmushroom
Avatar of Crystalmushroom


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Gang Orca sat patiently as he waited for his next student to introduce themselves. He was very impressed with the new crop of students before him. They would definitely make great heroes down the line.The plethora of powers that would be great offense and defense peaked his interest. Maybe this teaching position would prove to be worthwhile. He smirked under his collar and tie at the thought of seeing this children in their prime.

Quietly, he sent out sound waves to locate the students outside the class. The water buckets helped to “see” them better. If only there were able to introduce themselves properly to the class. Unfortunately, rules are rules.

“Two students in the hall. Judging from the sonar, It is probably Mr. Yawaraka and Mr. Sosa. Hopefully, they’ll learn from their lesson.” Orca Pondered to himself.

He was told that his day was to be pretty uniform. No unexpected actions, but that wasn’t exactly true. While waiting For Ms. Rocket to introduce herself, Mr Jinnouichi took the opportunity instead. He wouldn’t fault the young man, She was daydreaming or got a hefty case of the nerves probably. Heroes are the ones that charge in first without thinking, so he wouldn’t douse that flame

After that introduction, he again waited for Ms. Rocket. Again, Surprised that Ms. Chronos took the opportunity to introduce herself.

“Such a proactive group. I like it.” Orca again in his thoughts as he folded his arms and listened intently.

“Ah, she must have known that her fellow student was still nervous or would delay. Very impressive.” He brought his nail to his temple. “Must think of a way to deter that before any major events in the class. Wouldn’t want her to premonition her way out of it.”

To the class, he looked as though he was angrily in thought.

“Well class, I do love when people take the initiative, but please allow Ms. Rocket a chance.” Orca stated sternly with a gleaming glare. “Do you understand?”

After all, rules were still rules.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by reggierocket711


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Seeing as there's no assigned seating Reggie took a seat next to the windiws. She was a bit of a dreamer herself. The bell rung and we began introductions.

"My name is Reggie Rocket, and my hero name is Ar3temis. My power is the intelligence and speed similar to that of a super computer. Im also skilled in self defense and hand to hand combat. I love food, anime, manga, video games and Japanese culture. To be short I am an Otaku. Mock, disgrace, or compare any of my hobbies to that of hentai and I'll kill you where you stand", Reggie stated with threatening aura about her. She took her hobbies very seriously.

With that she sat down and went back to day dreaming about how she planned to spend the rest of her day once classes were over.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AyeYoWorm


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

“Okay so let’s go over this.”

-We have Gale, a great value version of me. I can only guess he would be support and be in the back for rescues and stuff.

-Then we have bubble girl Alexa. Enough said about that. She could be helpful.

-Then there was Yin. Another supporter. Portals and all that jazz. It’s cool.

-Selina the imagination girl. It sounds good on paper. I should spar with her to really understand her abilities.

-Kazama has the potential to support me if he could block out the sun or if he turns and becomes a villain he’ll be tough to beat.

-Tokiko huh....... I bet in the future she’ll be able to see far into the future and be able to change the scope of a battle. Definitely someone who I wanna befriend.

As Andrew was thinking about everyone who has been to introduce he noticed something weird. He looks over to we’re Tokiko is seating and next to her was some kid who was acting weird.

“Wtf is he doing? Wtf is he looking at?”

Andrew starts to look a little harder and sees what the student was looking at.

“Is he deadass? Ain’t no way my mans is choking his chicken? Not seating so close to the front.”

Andrew gets the idea 💡 and it might be snitching but you can’t be doing that in class.


Everyone one in the class put eyes 👀 on the male student while gang orca looks death upon the student.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by J0shdking


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Upon hearing the false allegations Herito snapped.. a malicious aura begins seep from his body and his bloodlust fills the air of the class. Realizing it was his turn for introductions, Herito closed his science book with his hentai mag secretly sealed away in the seams.
Taking a deep breath to calm himself down he stood up out his chair and pointed at andrew shouting “you ass gurgling 5th rate sidekick with a subpar quirk ability you have some nerve. I could and should kill you rn, but I’m trying really hard not to.”

Herito then walked to the front of the class bowed, and began to introduce himself.

“First off I want to sincerely apologize to you sir orca and my fellow classmates excluding sir snitch a lot for my crude outburst. Hello everyone my name Herito Tokai. My quirk is called mad scientist, it’s mostly cytokinesis, but since I don’t have enough time to explain it probably would be better to show you instead. Hey you eye patch Chan you will be perfect for this live experiment.”

Herito ask tokiko come up to the front of the class and hands her a small jagged dagger hidden from under the sleeve of his shirt. “Now I want you to stab me as hard as you can please don’t hold back I’ll be alright. If you don’t believe me use your quirk beforehand but don’t say anything please
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MoMochas


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sometimes reality is stranger than fiction...

While Tokiko was surprised at the set of events that happened, on some level she also wasn't.

That's why he was breathing all hard...hentai. He was reading hentai in the front row, right next to me. Gross...

She watched as an image of Herito yelling at Andrew swirled in her left eye.

...What a temper...

Eventually, he went in front of the class and bowed, introducing himself. Her eye flashed again.

Why is he looking at me? Great, he's now pointing at me...and handing me a knife.

"Hey you! Eyepatch-chan! You will be perfect for this live experiment."

Eyepatch-chan? Really?

Tokiko sighed and got up.

"Now I want you to stab me as hard as you can please don’t hold back I’ll be alright. If you don’t believe me use your quirk beforehand but don’t say anything please," he mumbled to her.

Sure enough, she was handed a small jagged dagger. She looked at it, and then Herito, then at the dagger again.

This doesn't feel very plus ultra...

Tokiko gulped. Her left eye saw him standing there, fine, but...she couldn't really see what would happen if she stabbed him.

This REALLY doesn't feel plus ultra...I mean he's weird and breathes hard, but this is...intense.

She rolled the dagger around in her hand and looked at Herito.

Well um...Here goes!

Tokiko closed her eyes and thrust the knife forward.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Krewsial


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Gale watched the other introductions equally amazed at the Quirks of his classmates. Such talented individuals and he had the chance to study alongside them and possible work with them as heroes in the future.

Andrew calling out the heavy breather, Herito, brought his attention back to class. He turned around in his seat to watch the events unfold. Fortunately, Tokiko was closer to Herito. He breathed a sigh of relief.

'At least it ain't me.' He thought to himself.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by J0shdking


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Tokiko gulped as She rolled the dagger around in her hand and looked at Herito.

Well um...Here goes!

Tokiko closed her eyes and thrust the knife forward.

With a wide smile on Herito face the dagger struck its mark going smoothly through his shoulder.

Ahhhh well damn your stronger then I thought now try taking the blade out, but before you do that open your eye and check the wound. As you can see I’m perfectly fine.

With most of the students in awe at how Herito isn’t hurt but also how isn’t he in any pain with a dagger protruding out from his shoulder like nothing happened

Then slowly pulling the blade out his shoulder the class see that his wound is healing almost instantly as he removes the jagged dagger. Next he make the bloody dagger float in the palm of his hand and jojo poses. Right as jojo pose the blood on the blade vanished and he puts it away.

Thank you for being apart of this live experiment Eyepatch Chan. Now for my uniform I already made it and if it’s ok I’ll send the schematics to the hero association so they won’t feel left out.

What created was a light weight bodysuit
layered with diamond mesh a utility belt for multiple vials.

Now I’ll go take my seat

As he head back to his seat he whispered to tokiko thanks for helping. Then he sneakily slid a note to alexa that said take a look at your book.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AyeYoWorm


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

“🤭🤭🤭🤭 Did this perv bastard just come at me sideways?!?!?!”

Andrew and the rest of the class was in shock and awe after herito outburst. Andrew’s anger started to boil over as his shadow started to whip into a frenzy. Gale from his seat felt a chill go up his spine. Andrew gets up from outta his seat as tokiko grabs the knife from Herito shoulder and he was perfectly fine. Pulls out his boa staffs and walks towards the front of the class.

“HERITO!!!!!!! You perverted bastard!!!! You got some nerve calling me out and you say you can kill me. I dare you to try it I’ll drop you were you stand and dissecting myself. So if you really want this smoke step up and get knock down.”

Andrew still walking up to then is stopped by Gale and Alexa. Alexa being the student she is was trying to De-escalate the situation while gale is trying to hold Andrew back.

Gang orca staring death daggers at everyone and everyone return to there seats.

“This isn’t over”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MoMochas


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Tokiko kept her eyes shut, preparing for the worst.

Will I have to be a villain for stabbing someone? I don't want to go to jail...

She nervously opened her right eye and found that Herito was...not dying at least. He looked a little surprised at the wound.

"Ahhhh well damn your stronger then I thought. Now, try taking the blade out, but before you do that open your eye and check the wound. As you can see I’m perfectly fine."

...Oh thank God, I'm not villain material.

She stood nearby and watched as he showed off his quirk, and explained it. Tokiko was still in a daze from stabbing Herito.

Who just asks a random classmate to stab them? And...why did I go along with it? Sheesh...

She put on her eyepatch and rubbed her temple.

I haven't even had lunch, and I'm tired.

"Thank you for being apart of this live experiment Eyepatch Chan. Now-"

I hope that nickname doesn't stick...

She sat down at her desk, and Herito then sat down at his desk as well. He thanked her again. She sighed, frowning.

"You're welcome...but don't expect me to do something like that again." She whispered back. "I'm...not really comfortable stabbing people. Even if I can see the future."

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Crystalmushroom
Avatar of Crystalmushroom


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Very well. That seems to be most of the introductions for today.” Orca spoke in a patient tone.

“Except for those two students outside.” He thought to himself then shook his large head.

Just as he was going to call the last student up, He heard a sudden outburst from Mr. Wormley. Of course it caught him by surprise, but the reason for it was worse. Orca got up from his seat with urgency. Not exactly understanding every manor of phrase the american said, but he could get the gist of it. Automatically, He was in kill mode. The red glare returned instinctually.

“Calm down. They are still youths.” He echoed in his head.

Just as he took a moment to center himself, The student in question erupted was well. He needed to get a handle on the class.

“I would advise -” Orca was cut off by the boy’s apology. His eyes narrowed, but he would allow the student to continue. For the moment, anyway.

After a moment of his introduction, a groan had leaked out from Orca.

“A volunteer...Really? Some of these students are more interested in showmanship.” Again, another thought that pinged around in his head. “Well, at least Ms. Chronos can tell what is about to happen before it happens.”

His mind was a little more at ease. Until the blade was shown to the class by Mr. Tokai.

“Why do you have a blade with you?” His voice was a quiet rage.

The student seemed to ignore it as he handed it to his classmate. Another layer of rage stacked itself in his head. The sheer disrespect he was receiving at this moment. Had they not notice he was their teacher? This was not very hero-like behavior indeed.

“This student really just revealed that he wants to have his classmate stab him. In front of me?!” Another heavy bar of anger stacked itself, but this one was more like a cement block. Again, He tried to calm himself by slowly filling his lungs. Mr Wormley’s second outburst added another two bars as well. He would deal with these two students after this was done.

“Finally, he’s finished.” Orca impatiently thought
**Alexa was shocked by the events that transpired in class. The strange kid who she traded backpacks with. The grimey feeling of shame returned when she noticed him.

“Just great! He’s in the same class!” She thought to herself and let out a sigh. There goes her normal school year.

Of course she didn’t expect to throw herself in the front of the class during the presentation a moment later.

“Um guys let’s not fight. Please settle down. We are in class. Please stop.” It made her feel a little better that Gale was up there with her helping. She wasn’t sure if she would have to use her barrier as she tried to keep Andrew back.

Luckily, it was cleared up pretty quickly by the raging aura that the teacher gave off.**

Unlike the previous introductions, Orca was tanned like a leather hide. He wanted to bash a couple of heads, but they were his students. As he took a moment before he spoke, Orca gave his suit jacket a thorough tug.

“It is very nice to have the honor of being an educator to such an eclectic group of students.” His words were as pleasant as he could, but he was seething. “It is now time for everyone to enjoy their lunches. I would suggest you all go to the cafeteria now.

Orca turned his back to the class and grabbed a marker. Without applying to much force, he opened it, then wrote two names on the board.

“Class, one more thing. Mr. Wormley and Mr Tokei, please stay behind for a moment while the rest of the class goes to lunch.” Orca remained in his position. ”You’re free to go. Tell the two gentlemen in the hall the same.”

He knew the class would be a tad surprised that he knew how many people were in the hall, but that was for another time.

**Finally, she could at least throw the first part of the day out of her head. So many interesting classmates. Of course, she hoped everyone would get along at the end of the day. She went to close her notebook, but she felt a strange thickness in it. What was it? She searched through the pages, then happened across a thick book.

“What...Is...Th-?!” She whispered until she noticed what it was. “Oh no…”

Her heart raced a little as she saw the cover. Her cheeks were bright red. Her eyes snaked over to Herito. She knew it was him. Of course, he wouldn’t let her live this down. She would of course read it. Her young body squirmed at the thought.

“Calm down Alexa. Not here. You’ll read it later.” Her mind raced. “Think of the Capybaras.”

Quickly after being dismissed, she packed up her things quickly and thoroughly. No way that she could leave things out for people to see. Once she was done, she sped out the door. Her eyes caught a glimpse of the huge arm when she left the class. Her attention was drawn to the owner of it. He was handsome and looked like the type of guys she loved in action movies. A hard gulp preceded her talking.

“Umm Mr. Orca said... w-we can go to lunch now...You two are dismissed too.” Alexa lingered for a moment then started to speed walk away.**

After all the class had left the class, Orca tossed the marker in his hand.

“Please stand up from your desks, gentlemen.”

He awaited for them to comply with the order. Next, he pumped out his echo location to the level where a person would feel immobilized. The soundwaves would bounce over and over through the two young mens’ bodies.

“You two have no idea how much you disrupted this class.” Orca slowly turned around with red glare in his eye. His left hand reached up and loosened his tie. His mouth was fully exposed now. “ Mr Wormley, I’ll start with you.”

Orca’s mouth widened and he was fully enraged now.

“You are not in america anymore. YOU CAN’T SAY WHATEVER YOU WANT WHENEVER YOU WANT!” Orca’s voice was loud and he was sure it hurt to hear. He had to make sure these two would never do this again in his class.


He rattled on about respect and what a disappointment they were for acting in such a way in class. Basically, all the stresses from the first half of the class were gone. After a few moment, he was finished with his rant.

1x Like Like
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AyeYoWorm


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

“I’m not in America anymore huh....”

Andrew sore walking to lunch after being reprimanded by gang orca thinking about the physical test that’s coming up.

“I know I can hold my own but I know there’ll be some kind of team test. I should start making friends but 🙄🙄🙄 I’ll cross that road when I get there.”

Andrew goes in line and get a bowl of Spicy Umami Miso Ramen 🍜 (Chicken and miso broth with ground pork, green onions, bean sprouts, bok choy, garlic oil, and egg yolk) with karrage Bao and a melon creamy soda. He took his tray to the window seat in the lunchroom were he could see everyone entering and exiting the room and no one can speak up behind him.

“It’s better than the Ramen that old lady Mary makes. Okay now let’s see who’s all in here. Gale and Alexa seating next to each other. Yin seating close by. Herito being a bum and a creep seating close to tokiko who’s seating off towards the door, kazuma just seating there in deep though, and then there’s Selena. 🤔🤔🤔 she looks nice the way the sun light hits her locks and .......... 🤐 let me stop I didn’t come here for all that. Can’t make the same mistake dad did. Can’t get distracted.”

Andrew finish his lunch and gets up and proceeds to place his tray down and go outside to the training area. As he was leaving he felt the eyes of someone looking at him in passing. Trying to calm down he ignored the feeling and kept walking.

“We’ll finish this soon. I guarantee you that.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
Avatar of Eviledd1984

Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

Member Seen 37 min ago


Naoto Higashikata was brought into the class room by a teacher who assured him that he shouldn't be nervous. When in fact he was far form nervous, The feeling he had was excitement because he would be meeting new and interesting people. Naoto gave his usual introduction to when he was lead into a new classroom or meeting new people, Talking mostly about himself and what he likes/dislikes or some of his hobbies. Although he thought he was boring his classmates with these mundane details, He himself did not mind giving out such information as he hoped that people could connect with him.

After he had introduced himself he took a seat somewhere and was listening to the lesson that was being taught. After that it was time for lunch which was Naoto favorite time of the school periods. He loved to converse and make friends with the other supers here. After lunch he went to the training ground following behind a American, He found this to be quite interesting since he thought most of the students here were Japanese. However it seems this was more international school.

"Hello, My name is Naoto what is your name?" He said in a quite cheerful tone of voice, Watching him for a moment and what he would do while he trained. "Hi do you like my suit, It's quite nifty if you don't mind me saying. It helps with my quirk, Do you wanna guess what it is?" He asked being quite chatty this afternoon.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AyeYoWorm


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Andrew as he was walking to the training grounds he felt as if someone was following him.

“.......hello?!?!? Maybe I’m tripping. Okay time to get focused. No more playing around.

Andrew starts to meditate and focus his power into a single point and from there condense it into a sphere the size of a golf ball. Then he would expand it as wide and as big as he could make it. 10x10 was the max he could stretch it out in the day time.

“Okay I think that’s enough for right now. Time for a few laps around the track, cool down, shower, and back to class.”

Andre does 5 lap in about 25 minutes. Half a mile in 5 minutes seems slow to him.

“Damn I need to do better. That’s to damn slow. Tokiko could probably to that in 10. Not good enough.”

Just as Andrew was finishing up getting ready to hit the showers a student he didn’t recognize appeared in front of him. He introduced himself as Naoto. He has his hero suit which indeed looked like a regular suit. He appeared to be older (probably a 3rd year student)

“Ummmm 🤨 it’s a cool suit dude. No I do not wanna guess your quirk cause I gotta get back to class.”

With that Andrew quickly ran to the locker room to freshen up and change so he could get back to class before gang orca locked him out.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

Member Seen 37 min ago


Naoto was as bit disappointed that the other student did not want to guess his quirk, Although he seemed quite distracted by other things. This was not going to deter his efforts to let the other student guess his quirk. Slowly following the American student into the locker room hiding in one of the locker's room, Using his quirk to contort his body to fit into locker. Waiting for a moment starting to make banging noises with his knuckles rapping against inside of the locker.

It was unconventional but it was going to get to be entertaining to him, And also he was going to make quite a impression.

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