Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Wyandotte County Lake Park
Demetri stared at the screen as he was halted just in time to not call his parents. There seemed to be quite a few rules to this whole ordeal and he was beginning to wonder if they would just give him a book he could brush up on to know the do’s and don’t’s of being a Demi-god. He began to type out a text to his mum, thinking about asking Aster to take a selfie with him and then promptly realising that it might take years before an approved one finally came about, so he thought better of it. Instead he took a picture of himself with the woods in the background and attempting to hide any hint at the time of day as he had no clue where they were in relation to his family time-wise. The image would surely let his mother know he’s safe while the text would alleviate her worries as to where he was going to be for the next day or so.
Hey mum! Just checking in with you, I forgot my phone at home again so I’m borrowing one of the lads phones that I’m with. Ran into him in the forest and we got to talking, turns out I can make friends after all. Anyways, we go to the same school so he offered to take me and i could spend the night at his place and play a few board games or something. Figured you wouldn’t mind given that you’re always telling me to be social and active.
Love, Metri.
Honestly Metri you had me worried sick! How many times must i tell you that you have to bring your phone with you to the woods? You never know what you may encounter. But i suppose it worked out this once as you now have a friend so that’s nice my dear. Be sure to behave and keep me updated if you’re going to stay past the night, otherwise I’ll keep bothering this phone until you do.
Love you tons my sunshine!
He smiled at the text back and deleted the two messages before handing the phone back to Aster, thanking him for allowing to use his phone. The sun was still setting and he figured that they wouldn’t go down for the night till its been dark, and even then shifts of sleep would be the best bet given the monsters that lurked at night. A spar seemed like a decent idea, time to practice his skills in combat against another Demi-god rather than just the lumbering oaf of monsters that visited his woods. He thought long and hard on how best to approach the matter seeing as how his powers weren’t exactly combative, opting for a mind game instead. Seeing a duplicate of yourself was certainly unnerving and so Demetri figured that transforming into the Ares kid with which he’d spar with might give him an advantage in the fight. He stood there and thought of his visage, then the thought of his damned blue eyes kicked in and Demetri accidentally let his guise down for a second, revealing his electric blue eyes before the finally adjusted and shifted into a replica of the Ares kid. ”This should be fun”