Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Leda Storm

Location: Camp Half-Blood 2F -> Medical
Skills: Superhuman Speed

Leda huffed slightly, annoyed to see Zeke just brush off her insults. It was even more irritating for him to suggest that she just go and run around, grabbing everyone to take them to medical. She was tired. She had been running around at top speed for almost the entire game, carrying people too, and her arms had pretty much turned to jelly. If she went to go grab the injured at the moment, she'd be liable to end up fainting at high speed and then need a medical tent herself. At least Scarlett seemed to share her enjoyment in beating up Zeke or just outright insulting him, so that did something to heal her wounded ego. "I'm so going to regret this..." Taking a breath, Leda kicked off, sending bits of dirt flying as she started to race around at top speed, grabbing the injured campers one by one and ferrying them to medical.

Her throat felt like it was on fire and her heart she was pretty sure was about to explode, but at the same time there was a sense of euphoria. She had the runner's high and it was propelling her forward, allowing her to complete this task despite every fiber of her being screaming out for her to slow down and take a minute. When she finished and skidded to a halt outside of medical, the daughter of Iris almost fell backwards as she took a knee for a moment, trying her best to calm her heart rate down with some controlled breathing. "Hey... does anyone... have some... bloody water?" she asked between breaths.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 8 days ago

Athanasia Theroux / Andy

Location:Outside Medical Tent

Athanasia had been delighted with her summoning of the skeletons, though that happiness soon died when she learned that both Arthur and Andy had found themselves in the medic tent. Why had she split up from her brother? The ‘half’ part conveniently forgotten. Some kids had been talking about it while walking to the sing-a-long and Athanasia had diverted her course. ”Missus, they’ll be fine! They’re tough kids. Why in my day-”

”Shush, Chatters.” Snapped the pale-haired girl uncharastically harsh with the skull, who wisely shut his jaw. Weaving her way thanks to a few helpful instructions Athanasia quickly spotted Andy exiting the tent and grabbed the girl up in a tight hug. ” I heard you and Arthur got hurt! Are you alright? I mean, of course you’re not! Oh, la! You had me worried!” Athanasia chattered on in a mixture of worry and relief. Holding at arm’s length the one-legged skeleton hopping up behind her as dark eyes searched Andy for injury and frowning at the bandage on her arm.

Andy tensed as Ash hugged her. It wasn’t that she was upset at the hug, she just wasn’t used to them. She knew she was supposed to wrap her arms around the other person and she did, but it was slow and obviously nervous. “We’re both fine.” She considered how best to explain to Ash that the two of them had hurt each other. “I fell from a tree, and he...well I hit him really hard with some electricity.” She held up her unhurt arm and demonstrated a spark between her fingers. “They have these squares of food that taste like chicken soup and heal up just about any injury. The arm is only wrapped cause it is sore still.”

Andy noticed the hopping skeleton and raised an eyebrow at Ash. “Looks like you had fun.” Andy wasn’t certain if she was weirded out by the skeleton and after a moment of deliberation she decided any well-decayed corpses were worth the friendship with Ash.

Grinning slightly, Athanasia shrugged as she removed her hands from Andy’s arm lest she hurt her friend further. ” Well my first one was missing an arm, then some campers lopped off his poor head.” Scrunching up her nose slightly as she turned to look at the confused looking skeleton she sighed. ”I suppose I ought to tell him to go back, but it’s rather nice to see the others do a double-take. Plus it’s so much easier to get directions when there’s a skeleton who can tap people on the shoulder and not someone short like me.” The girl winked with a conspiratorial look. Quickly sobering, Athanasia frowned at Andy with a worried look. ”How bad is Arthur hurt? And who pushed you out of the tree?”

As Ash spoke Andy grinned. She enjoyed Ash’s way of messing with people. She also had a good point. Being under five foot made it hard to get the attention of the older campers. “Uh they said triage?” It was clear to Ash that Andy had no idea what the word meant and that she had never said it before. Andy couldn’t explain that since she had had a broken bone the med tent campers had looked at her first and that Arthur would be totally fine. As far as she understood Arthur had been electrocuted and maybe they needed to do a test on him. “As for who pushed me...Wait I said fell out of a tree how did you even know someone pushed me.”

Athanasia just gave Andy an exasperated look. ’You blasted my brother with lightning, while in a battle. You are both in the medic tent, after a battle. Falling out of a tree could happen, but it’s a fight.” Apparently the daughter of Hades had some particular ideas about battles. Namely that injuries were from fights, not just tripping and falling out of a tree. ”Pushed, pulled, shoved, falling while dodging. Take your pick.” The girl pointed out. ”And besides, if someone pushed you that just means I can sick my skeleton on them.” And an ulterior motive to have a bit more fun with her skeleton, which seemed quite reasonable to Athanasia. ” After all, shorties like us have to look out for each other.”

Andy couldn’t help but laugh. “Well you’re right. I was pushed, but we made up. Sorry, no skeleton sicking. It was Arthur.” Andy shook her head. “I was in the tree with Marygold and Eva from Demetri’s cabin. Him and Kristin came across the river and I tried to zapp him. I didn’t do a very good job, so he climbed the tree but Eva wrapped him in plants. So then he got out of the plants and pushed me. I fell, broke my arm and hit him really hard with the electricity. Since we both hurt each other we forgave each other.”

Athanasia listened to the story, nodding slightly as though she understood. Though she rolled her eyes and grinned in slight delight. ”Oh la! Well at least you two forgave each other! I don’t want my friend and my brother fighting, that would make things ever so difficult!” She was worried about Arthur though, not really knowing what triage was. It sounded like something rather irritating though. Smirking like the chesire cat out of Alice in Wonderland, ‘Ash’ glanced at the medic tent and snickered. ”And I can brag about summoning two skeletons while he’s stuck with the medics.” Turning her dark gaze back to Andy, a pale brow was arched as she tilted her head curiously. ”Where are you going now? I think there’s a campfire, but I heard about you and Arthur and well… It made more sense to make sure you were both okay.”

“Brag away, he didn’t summon any skeletons, at least none that I saw.” Andy looked toward where the campfire was being started even as they spoke. She took a sigh and said, “I’m going to my cabin. Today has been long and I want to go to bed. I’ll catch you for breakfast?” She asked hopefully. Yeah, Ash had just called her her friend, something she hadn’t been expecting and felt great. Andy hadn’t ever really had a friend before so she could only hope that she was taking the right actions.

Fluffing the pale braid that hung over one shoulder, Athanasia smiled and nodded. ”Go with Andy and make sure she has everything she needs then return to the earth- rest- grave?” She ordered the skeleton with a charming smile as if it would affect the boney structure. ”Of course! Breakfast should be interesting in a place like this!” The pale girl laughed lightly as she gave a final wave to Andy before slipping into the medic tent to see how her brother fared.

Once, mostly alone, Andy sighed relieved she hadn’t hurt her friendship with Ash. Hopefully, she wouldn’t be too harsh on Arthur for his part in their injuries. Then she made her way to her cabin going slow enough for the skeleton to keep pace with its single leg hopping. “Uh, thank you.” She said to the skeleton at the door to her cabin, and the ground sucked it into it. Andy blinked at the empty air where the skeleton had been. Yeah....the weird was worth the friend. FRIEND! Ash had called her that. She decided she’d deal with the weird and the sparse cabin for the friend.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Aster Damien Luxiel

Location: Wyandotte County Lake Park
Skills: N/A

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got it, I got it.” Aster stood from his spot next to the fire, grabbing his bow and shaking out the stiffness from his legs after sitting so long. He headed over to where his equipment lay, grabbing his bow and gesturing at his own tent. “You can hang out in mine for now. No dirty feet or shoes inside so clean your feet off in the river if you need to. And if you fuck it up, you’re cleaning it, not me.” Aster instructed as he sauntered back to the fire. He poked at it, adding a bit more fuel as he did, and returned his attention to the woods around them.

The woods. He sighed, missing the noise and the energy of the city. The only “energy” out here were bugs. Lots and lots of bugs. Aster grumbled as he applied a fresh coat of the foul smelling spray. There would be hell to pay if he found a single damn bug bite on himself after this. He worked too hard for some third rate garbage spray to fuck it all up now. He pulled out his phone, opening his to-do list, and added Research Bug Repellants under Subscribe to New Fashion Magazines and Develop New Routine for Class. Aster tucked his phone away and returned to his job, settling in for a long night.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Medical -- Camp Half-Blood

Ezekiel smiled a bit when Bryan sat up. ”Just take it easy and slow alright? You got hit pretty hard.” He was glad to see Bryan was well though and that he was able to do something. Being here Ezekiel always felt a little bit better. He was truly good at this work and it made him happy to do it. He set up a small little speaker that played out some music that varied in speed and style. There were some mellow songs but most of them hovered somewhere in the middle, giving the Apollo kids enough of a pace to keep up with and concentrate on while the kids being healed could relax.
Ezekiel looked back when Leda came barreling back. At least she did decide to help out and bring back some of the injured to the tent. Ezekiel walked away from Bryan and grabbed a water bottle along with some ambrosia and nectar. ”Little sips of water and save the nectar for the end,” he instructed as he handed over everything. Ezekiel then went to survey who was the worst and work up from there. It felt good to be back in the saddle again. He always enjoyed the campfires a little bit more after helping out like this and Ezekiel had to admit he was looking forward to relaxing by the campfire. It would give a good opportunity to get to know all the new people he had just rescued too.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Wyandotte County Lake Park

Demetri began to walk towards Jackson, still in his Rhino form, only shifting back into himself a few feet away and offering up a hand for him to shake. ”Sorry, may of gotten a little carried away there. No hard feelings though right?” A nervous chuckle escaped him as he awaited Jackson to say something. Aster however broke that awkward pause as he began to speak to him, telling Demetri that he could use his tent while he kept watch, only if he could clean himself up first ofcourse. Demetri rolled his eyes as he began to make his way over towards the tent. [color=666FF]”Thanks, and don’t worry i wont make a mess in what i can only assume is a pristine tent. Won’t take up too much room either so no stress there.”[/color] He gave the Hephaestus girl a nod, something along the lines of thank you for stopping that I was beginning to think he’d never yield.

He went over and grabbed what was left of his fish, eating the now cold meal as he tried to gain some energy back from both the fighting and shifting. Shifting was a lot like speedsters, switching between such varied sizes used up a lot of energy and could cause the user to become extremely hungry most of the times. Especially if that shape is used to do strong sprints like a Rhino or a Cheetah. Once done Demetri took one of the bones off the fish and held it in his mouth like a weed. He made his way to the edge of Asters tent and sat on at the entrance, keeping his feet outside of the tent and then shifting down into a black cat, bone still in mouth. The cat began to chew at the bone for a few moments before realizing it had to clean itself before getting inside. It gave a bit of a meow and a hiss towards any watching, lifting its leg up to block any view and then started to preen itself before going to sleep.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 days ago

Marygold Isley

Location: Camp Half-Blood - E4 -> Medical Tent
Skills: N/A

"Of course, it is just a game after all. We could have ended up nearly killing each other or something, but no one got seriously hurt, it definitely could have been a lot worse," Mary said with a smile towards her friend as she saw Kirsten head off to the medical tent with Andy, and Eva went off in that direction with Arthur. She did hope that both of those kids were alright, all things considering, but she decided that for now she was better off heading after them. So she headed off to the medical tent after the others.

She stopped outside of the tent when she saw a familiar blonde nearby, sounding a bit more than a little bit out of breath. Mary walked over towards Leda, giving her a bit of a smile. "You alright there Leda? You sound more then a little bit tired," she said, walking over. "Guess your team won though... Good game over all, though I'll admit you should have seen Eva trip Jace over, it was hilarious. Anyway... Hope you enjoyed the game."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Camp Half-Blood:

It took Aster, Demetri another three days after traveling across the rest of the country, they had ran into a number of more monsters since then which slowed them down. But they made it back to camp with no other real issues, and Demetri was immediately claimed as Zeus' child. Though there had been a number of monsters that have been appearing just outside of the barrier that protected the camp from monsters, they were quickly dispatched however though with no problem at all either. A camper ended up finding a a red kitten, just outside of the barrier as well, and offered it to Mary to take care of. (name and add the cute little guy to Mary's inventory)

The week went by normally, classes during the day, training and so on, lunch every day at around 12:30 in the afternoon, all of the campers were now in the dining pavilion eating lunch now as well. Mr. D and Chiron were sitting at the other end of the room playing a game of chess together while Rosie was in her seat next to them just sketching away right now. So far there weren't any new prophecies yet anyway during the week either and no one had gone on any kind of quests either. The dining pavilion was pretty loud as everyone were talking to each other about various things right now.

Note you all have a week to edit in your skill rewards, if they aren't edited in they are null and void.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Dining Pavilion

Kristin sat with her other siblings as they were all eating their lunch, she spent most of the morning just training and even going to the climbing tower at the other end of camp as well. She ended up getting a few cuts and scrapes from falling down, but nothing to serious either as Kristin worked on some random drawings as well for some new design she was pretty much relaxed while she spent the afternoon eating her lunch. Kristin thought about the new camper that the group had gone out on a quest for that they found and him being a child of Zeus as well was also pretty big as well.

She would end up spending the afternoon helping train some of the younger campers who were there and any of the newbies who would want or need it as well. She ran a hand through her hair as she took a bite out of her pizza, she had already given a small portion of her food to her mother as well. She looked over at her half sister Alannah as she was talking with some of their other siblings, though she wasn't really listening to what they were talking about either.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Dining Pavilion

Kiera sat at her table by herself looking over at the other tables that were there, she was kind of jealous that the Hades and Zeus cabins had siblings actually. As she leaned back a little bit she continued to eat her lunch, the last week was pretty fun for her as she spent it training as well as learning something new. She took up a few archery classes, just for the hell of it, which she ended up enjoying as well.

She took a bite out of her lunch, her morning spent mostly in the stables tending to some of the Pegasus that were there, she actually did enjoy talking to them when she was alone as well. And she spent her early morning just walking along the beach near the camp as well and watching the sunrise. She was pretty close to finishing up her lunch, and started to get up and gave the remaining bit of her lunch to her father as well.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Desdemona Pemberton

Location: Camp Half-Blood - Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Mona had spent time getting to know her Aphrodite siblings. She may have misjudged them, though there was still a large part of them that cared too much about things like fashion and name-brand items that she just couldn't be bothered about, but she had been proven wrong that her mother's powers and abilities were not useful in life or death situations. In fact, they were very powerful. To get someone to stop fighting just because they fell in love with you? And them doing whatever you ask? That's dangerous levels.

And she enjoyed that very much. She sat with her table, enjoying the food (or rather, eating it because what else was there to eat?) and listening to conversations around her. She had spent some time combat training, if only to get better for real missions that didn't involve camp games. She didn't know how things went around here, what they would be doing exactly, but it was best to be prepared should the situation come up.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Dining Pavilion -- Camp Half-Blood

Ezekiel walked into the dining pavilion and made a beeline for the food table. He was starved from all the training this morning. There was the wall and then running drills, not to mention all the moving targets he had to shoot at and avoid being shot at. He was feeling rather drained and faint from the lack of food. Once his plate was piled high, he turned and went to go sit with siblings. As he made his way over though, he paused, seeing Kiera sitting alone. He rocked back and forth a moment, debating his next move before he just did it.
Ezekiel walked over to Kiera and nudged her. ”Wanna come sit with us, water girl?” Yes, he knew fully well who her father was but sitting alone was never fun and they had quite a few things in common. Oddly enough, Ezekiel had grown fond of the daughter of Poseidon. It was rather unfortunate really since Ezekiel had a thing against all the children of the big three, including the newest child of Zeus. Still, the bond of music went further than titles and positions and they had spent many afternoons sharing the love of music together.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Camp Cafeteria

Demetri made his way into the cafeteria, his hair now damp and curling thanks to the swim he had just before coming in here. He was wearing a black crop top and black swimming trunks with his towel hanging over one shoulder. He grabbed his tray and a set of utensils, the food appearing one his plate with roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, and green beans neatly placed across it. Demetri made quick work of the chicken, using his knife to scrape off all the meat off the bones, leaving them bare. There was now about three bones left on his plate along with the food as he made his way towards the fire and dropped in the bones and nothing else. ”There ya go pops, enjoy” This was a ritual he performed every day, getting some food that contained bones, gizzard, or other parts not usually eaten and then offering them up to Zeus, never truly giving him a morsel of the meats.

As he made his way over towards his table he noticed Kiera was sitting alone as usual, he paused and wondered if he should sit with her or invite her over with him and Andy but then noticed Jerkiel speaking to her. Demi’s eyes narrowed as he made up his mind and walked over towards Kiera, placing his tray next to her on the table and looking over at Zeke. ”I know Apollo is the god of disease but...did he really have to send his worst disease to poor Kiera over here? Really you’re about the most distasteful thing he’s ever created.” His sight now turned towards Kiera with a smile that exposed his dimple on his cheek. ”Care to join me and Andy over there? Might call over Athanasia and Arthur too, make sure the kids don’t get into too much trouble you know? I’d hate to have to see you spend another moment with...I’m sorry what was your name again blondie?” It was always hit or miss with him and Ezekiel, he’d be swooning over him one second and then being snarky the next. Feelings were hard and infatuation was harder, so Demetri played it by ear and saw how the winds of emotion would take him on a case by case basis when it came to the golden haired boy of Apollo.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Location:Climbing wall -> Dining pavilion

Andy had spent the morning trying to get to the top of the climbing wall. She wasn't good at it yet, so she hadn't made it to the top. But she enjoyed the attempts and found it fun. Even if she could get really hurt. After having "fallen out" of the tree, she was more cautious about what she did, but knowing that the camp had the magic squares of chicken soup she wasn't too fearful of being permanently hurt. The pain didn't last long anymore.

After her umpteenth attempt, Andy's stomach growled reminding her she had reliable access to food. Her mouth watered at the thought. She went to change out of her slightly singed and sweaty clothes before going to lunch. She saw her brother talking with Kiera and Ezekiel as she went to get her plate. She gave both a wave. Ezekiel was...interesting. He seemed to be determined to get Andy to open up to people, which if she was honest she felt like she was more open now then she had ever been. Seriously she had friends. But he was good at sword fighting and he had been willing to teach her. Andy waved at the trio. Not wanting to interrupt whatever the three of them were talking about.

She dropped a bit of chicken in the brazier for Zeus. Andy never said anything when she did. Uncertain of what words and honestly what did she have to say to a father she had never met? She popped a strawberry into her mouth and sat at the table asking her goblet for apple juice.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 8 days ago

Athanasia Theroux / Arthur Stanford

Location: By the Forest

The following week went pretty easy for Arthur, surprisingly healed up to a hundred percent after his short bit of bed rest and food. With things put right with Andy, and all drama seemingly subsided, he was left with enough mental space to plan, and take in the new world he found himself in. Along side him, was his friend and half sister Ash, and with it just being the two of them on their own here, he found himself checking in with her, to see how she was taking things. In a technical since, he was the older sibling after all, which he supposed meant he was partly responsible for her. One morning, before they headed out for their training, he found himself asking her, "So, how're you taking all this? I think it's finally becoming real for me." He smiled, sitting on his bed, and looking over to her.

Her feet kicked back and forth in the air as Athanasia laid across the bed, frowning at a book of Greek mythology. If they were going to be tossed into a strange world with one-eyed giants and goat men, not to mention the centaur that was their instructor, then the pale girl would darn well know what was what. Even if it gave her a headache doing so. The skull, Chatters, sat by the door as added security thanks to a few little amusements she had gotten into with Demetri. Dark eyes flicked up as she grinned at Arthur. "Oh, la. Brother, it's real as you or I seeing as we are part of it." She giggled and twisted about to sit up, the book falling shut. "I do enjoy it ever so much. Well, except the Ares Campers. I don't enjoy them." Chuckling to herself the pale girl had a slightly troubled look as she gazed out the door towards the camp where the noise of other children floated through the air.

Arthur smiled over to her, and nodded at her book. "I'll have to take a read through that once you've finished, if you don't mind." He said, before shrugging a bit and adding, "I wouldn't worry too much about the Ares kids, they're not exactly my cup of tea, but we all have our place." As a group, those kids were better to have on his side than not, muscle was always something to be appreciated, and something he was woe to have against him. "At any rate," He continued, "I definitely want to take some time soon to get more acquainted with my godly side, and figure out exactly what it is we can do. Would you like to join me in that?" He asked. In theory, he assumed, anything she could do, he could do, and he hadn't tried to raise any dead yet, but that sounded like something he wanted to try very badly.

Pale hair swirled as Athanasia whipped her head about to smile like a chesire cat at Arthur. Her black eyes sparkling with amusement. "I'm not done with the book yet, but if you can raise more dead than I can you can read it." She grinned with far too much sweetness and a wink that would make bones rattle. "But if I raise more than you, I get to be Leader of the Cabin. In name anyways." It had was a fun little arguement that echoed back to when they had first come to Camp Half-Blood. Who would lead? In truth they had agreed on a partnership, but with Arthur acting as the leader.

What was a little fun between brother and sister with a bit of a contest?

Arthur grinned at the notion, "Well that's hardly fair, isn't is Ash?" He said, chuckling, "You've already done it, haven't you? Aren't you at the slightest advantage?" He asked, he didn't even know if he was able to, and he wasn't about to bet on something he wasn't sure could be succeeded upon from will alone. "How about you show me how, and give me a bit to practice, then I'll raise more than you and get the book." He proffered playfully.

Ash laughed and wrapped Arthur's arm in a hug as she pulled him towards the door. "Fair enough! Now, come on! I want to see if I can call one that isn't missing any limbs this time!" The tiny girl was practically bouncing with excitement, as she beamed with delight at the prospect. The fact her skeletons were missing limbs was a constant annoyance for poor Ash, who by nature was a perfectionist. A missing head she could fix herself, but limbs were another matter.

Arthur felt himself pulled off the bed by Ash, and staggered after her, "Are you hoping to give it mine" He asked jokingly, as he slipped his arm out of her grasp, and followed closely. He hoped the camp wouldn't look down on them raising the dead in broad daylight, but he was pretty excited to be trying his hand at it, truth be told. So far, he had no idea what he could do, and he felt like raising up a skeleton would help console him in the fact that he belonged here.

Athanasia studied her brother with a serious look that didn't belong on her face. "Do you think I could detatch someone's limbs? I mean, they are bones after all." A finger tapped her lip in thought as she stepped out of the Cabin and onto the path. "What if you call a limb but it's living?" Her brow furrowed as she shook her head, pale hair swaying as she snickered. "I don't think so. What we call, Brother, is dead, right?"

Arthur blinked at her, trying to find words to respond, but was at a loss. "Well I." He tried to start, but couldn't figure out how to finish. "If we can, I don't think we should." He said, exhaling, while trying to keep a straight face. That being said, he'd file that away for if he ever had to defend himself. As far as last ditch efforts went, controlling somebody's skeleton was a pretty good one. Not something he'd want to do unless he had to though. "Let's head out and practice, yes?" He said, keeping his march forward.

There was a positively wicked snicker as Athanasia spun her heel and scooped up Chatters who, wisely, remained silent aside from the despairing wail of 'Not the eye sockets!'. Patting Arthur's arm as she caught up, the smaller girl gave a sweet smile. "Did I shock you, brother mine? I promise not to do that too much." Beaming with delight, Ash spun about in a circle, hyper and delighted with all the world. "Oh, la! Arthur, where shall we practice?"

Arthur smiled innocently at Ash's question, "Me? Shocked? Never." He said. He wasn't going to give up his regular composed nature so easily, even if that made him the polar opposite of as right now. Placing his hands gently behind his back, he suggested, "How does the edge of the woods sound? Where we were playing Capture The Flag?" That would keep the skeletons out of sight of any campers that might not want to start off their day by seeing what was probably once campers like them.

"What a lovely idea, best not to shock the entire camp just yet." Ash nodded sagely ignoring Chatter's comment of "Oh, but it's fine to scare the skull?!". Of course, it was fine, as the skull would be among his own kind. Not that Chatters really appreciated such a thing. Humming a slight tune, Ash poked Arthur's side as he folded his hands behind his back.

Arthur jumped a bit at the poke, and shooed her a bit, giving a small smile. "Yes, we'll save that for the next game of capture the flag." He said, nodding at her. As they reached the edge of the woods, he looked around, and kind of put his hands out in front of him. "So how does this work? Do you just put your hand out and hope?" He stuck his hand in thew air, as if trying to pull skeletons from the ground. He had no idea how to pull this off, and hoped her advice would assist him.

Athanasia raised a pale brow as she shook her head with amusement. "I just called to them. Like when I call to my friends- the ghosts." She added as an afterthought, that troubled look flickering over her face. "They- the skeletons- aren't like the ghosts. They followed my command like dolls." The black eyes closed as Athanasia demanded of the dead to heed her. "Come. Whole this time!" She cajoled firmly to the earth. Nothing happened and crossing her arms, Ash glared at the ground. "I said, come. Lazy bones." She hissed in annoyance. This time her call was answered as a skeleton crawled from the earth. Minus a hand, which set the younger of the two to puffing out her cheeks in frustration.

Arthur watched his sister call out for an undead servant, and thought for a moment. "No no." He said, as somebody well acquainted with getting people to follow his orders, "If you want them to listen, you need to do it like this." He cleared his throat and said. "Rise now, please." He didn't bother specifying for wholeness, any skeleton worth his time should just assume that, after all. After a few moments, he was rewarded by a skeleton clawing it's way out of the ground. He looked at it curiously, inspecting it to confirm it was whole. A smile played on his lips, clearly proud that he was able to do something like this in the first place.

Athanasia raised a brow and took a step back as her brother called forth his own skeleton from the earth. "Ah..." She noted with a nod of comprehension at how it was done. If a please was all it took, then why not give it a shot! Though, she had the idea that if Arthur could summon one, why couldn't she try to summon two? She should keep her leave after all! "Please, arise and come to play." She cajoled far more sweetly, and laughed with glee as a whole skeleton crawl from the ground. Well, if she couldn't get two at least this one was whole! "Wonderful!" The pale girl cheered, clapping her hands.

Arthur watched his sister try, and decided to go for it once more, hoping to double up. "Once more then?" He said curiously. Unfortunately, the skeletons didn't quite listen, and a skeleton half hardheartedly slicked out of the ground, looking feeble and not wanting to do much. Unhappy with his failure, he shrugged and said, "Alright, let's keep trying then." He said, motioning for his sister to try again before he went.

Athanasia clapped her brother on the back as his miserable skeleton huddled before them. Her own was whole and while that was far better than what she had got previously, the daughter of Hades was ambitious and desired more from herself. Ergo the next step seemed to be getting two skeletons, whole and not missing any limbs, to burst forth from the earth. "My last." She admitted to Arthur as she wiped at her brow, pulling strands of silvery blonde hair away from her face. "If you would please?" She stated cooly to the earth. Trying to will the dead to heed her this one last time. And heed her they did, two skeletons pulling themselves slowly from the earth. Reluctant to heed her call. Bracing an arm on a nearby tree, Ash gritted her teeth, ready to demand more answers to her call.

"Eh, now! Boyo, lassie. No need to wear yourselves out! The days still young!" Pleaded Chatters, as Ash sighed glowered at the skull even as she gave Arthur a look of wary agreement. "I am getting tired." Ash agreed hesitantly. Not really wanting to admit that fact, but who else could she admit that to if not Arthur?

Arthur nodded, the act of raising the dead was taking a toll on him. Necromancy apparently wasn't the easiest thing to do, especially on an empty stomach. "How about some breakfast, and we might get back to it later?" He offered, giving them a good way to step away from what they were doing, without having to admit that they probably couldn't take much more.

Ash nodded in agreement, looking back to her set of skeletons. "Thank you, we don't need anything." Turning her attention back to her brother, Athanasia scooped up Chatters who was grumbling to himself. "What do you think they will have for breakfast?" She wondered as she gripped Arthur's hand and impatiently towed him towards the dining pavilion.

Athanasia Theroux
Location Camp Half-Blood, Dining Pavillion

Athanasia whistled a merry tune as she skipped to the pavilion. Fresh clothes from the morning's tedious activities told that she had taken to her own cabin to change, or she had simply woken up late. Either could be true, not that Athanasia would admit to either. Plucking a selection of food onto her plate the girl looked over the tables, noting that her brother was not among them. Though it wasn't quite a shame as she had met many a new face over the past week and hers was a bubbly nature that was eager to meet people. Though as her dark eyes found Demetri and she caught a word or two, Athanasia rolled her eyes as she dropped an offering into the fire. "Well at least Papa's side of things is interesting. Do enjoy." Athanasia thought silently as she made her way past the trio towards where Andy sat.

"Us trouble?" She pouted mockingly with a sly smile on her lips at Demetri as she giggled and continued on her route. Neither confirming nor denying the fact she was trouble. Which she was. It was her best feature. Sliding next to Andy, the pale girl snickered. "As if they aren't trouble!" Athanasia noted with amusement to Andy as she bit into an apple. "At least we look good doing it." She grinned, flipping the long braid over her shoulder.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Leda Storm

Location: Camp Half-Blood Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Leda had spent the morning drawing up ideas for shrines to a few more minor gods and goddesses. It was practically a never ending process, ensuring that they were all included. Then there was the matter of verification - some of the personifications she had to consult the records to see if they really were real or had just been added to the oral storytelling legends. But with her colored pencils and a pad in front of her, the wind tickling her face as she sat on the grass by the shrine to her mother, Iris, she couldn't have felt more blissful. By contrast, sitting in the dining pavilion as she ate her food just felt so... cramped and dull. The summer was shaping up to be largely uneventful, with the exception of the arrival of more kids of the Big Three.

There had to be something big on the way - and true to form, her impatience demanded the new adventure to come now rather than later.

Once she had finished eating and the sacrificial station at the front was available, she went up there and scrapped some of her food into the flame. "Hey, Mum. Everything s'alright here. If you've got any quests or anything you need doing... I'd be chuffed to take care of that for you." She rocked back on her heels, feeling a little bit awkward before she went back to the Iris table and sat down next to one of her siblings. Maybe her mom would have some sort of errand for her to run - that'd be cool. She never really got to spend proper time with her.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 days ago

Marygold Isley

Location: Camp Half-Blood - Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Mary was glad to have a new little friend at the camp, the little red kitten that someone had found outside the barrier. She loved animals, and was super happy when they had offered the little furball to her. The kitten had a lot of energy and was a joy to play with, but now was not the time to play with the little kitten, and she headed off to the dining pavilion, in order to get some food. Not to mention she'd probably bring a few bits of table scraps for the kitten as a little bit of a treat.

When she entered the pavilion, she looked around to see what the others were doing as she got some food. Before she went over to the Demeter table, she went to the fire, giving a small offering up to her mother. She didn't give a prayer or anything, not too sure what to say at the moment to her, and she headed over to the table and sat down. Glancing around, she saw several of the other campers conversing, and she contemplated going over to see what Leda was up to, but decided against it. Figuring that she might as well sit with her siblings for the moment.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 6 days ago

Arthur Stanford

Location:Dining Pavilion

Stepping into the pavilion, Arthur was looking forward to lunch. Having spent most of the morning practicing his necromancy, he'd worked up an appetite for sure. This was the most productive he'd felt in a good while, not having much of an outlet at the pathetic excuse for a school, he was happily taking advantage of the new freedoms afforded to him by this camp. While the summoning of the dead would not normally be considered healthy for anybody, it seemed to work for Arthur, it not being as profane as one might take disturbing the rest of the dead.

Seeing his sister had already found herself a place to sit, and considering he'd spent a good chunk of this week with her already, he decided to see about having lunch with somebody else. Somebody he'd let his relations slip with since coming here was Mona, and he thought it best to check in with her. If things were hard for him and Ash, he could only assume that the same would be true for her, especially considering her disposition towards the Goddess of Love. Grabbing some food and drink to sustain himself, he made his way towards Mona, sitting himself across from her. Shooting a small smile her way, he started. "Hey there, how's the week treated you?" He asked simply, as he dug into his food.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Camp Half-Blood:

Once Leda had come over and sat down at the Iris table Tammy came over and sat down next to Leda and gave her half sister a friendly little nudge. "Hows it going?" She asked her as she took a bite out of her lunch taking a moment as she looked over towards the Poseidon table seeing that Kiera was surrounded by both Zeke and Demetri as well. "Looks like she's surrounded by a bunch of sausages." Tammy said with a slight laugh before continuing to eat her lunch. "Also doing anything the rest of the day?" Tammy decided to ask as well, as she took a quick sip of her water.

Over at the Aphrodite table the moment that Arthur sat down next to Mona, some of the girls were giving him a few weird looks, and whispered amongst themselves the Aphrodite table always did feel like it was more like the stereotypical prep table where all of the popular kids always sat in. But none of them really spoke up or said anything other then Theresa coming over and sat close by Mona, she would also get a few looks from Annabelle from over at the Hecate table. "How has your morning been?" Thresa asked both Arthur and Mona as well, as she saw the looks that Annabelle had been giving Mona made her smirk slightly but didn't say anything about it really either.

Once Mary sat down at the table, she would feel something crawling up her legs, and it was the red kitten had somehow found its way out of the Demeter Cabin and followed her to the Dining Pavilion as well. Eva stared at the little guy as it mewed and curled up in Mary's lap which was really adorable. "Looks like it really loves you." Eva said with a smile as she continued to eat her dinner, while looking up at the other end of the dining pavilion. The chess game between Mr. D and Chiron were still going on as well, seeing that Mr. D tried to pour himself some wine it instantly turned into coke again. "Ever wonder what Mr. D would look like if he was actually drunk?" She asked Mary.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Dining Pavilion

Kristin sat at the table as she ate was pretty bored before Alannah moved over and sat down next to her and smiled a little bit and gave her a slight nudge. "Want to hit the tower later or something?" Alannah asked Kristin as she turned to look at her and smiled a bit and nodded. "Sure why not?" Kirstin said as she took a drink before finishing it up, and looked at the Poseidon table and shook her head slightly letting out a slight sigh. "Zeke is really desperate or something." Kristin said with a slight laugh as she pushed her plate to the side.

Alannah laughed slightly and nodded, she didn't really talk to Zeke all that much as she stood up and stretched slightly, as she was about to get ready to hand over the leftovers into the brazier. "I'll meet you there okay Kristin?" Alannah said as she left the dining pavilion, Kristin got up as well and did the same thing before making her way over towards the Demeter table. Seeing the kitten in Mary's lap trying to get at her food. "Looks like you have a friend."

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Dining Pavilion

Kiera was eating her lunch when she heard Zeke's voice as she turned over to look up at him and smiled towards him when he offered her to take a seat at the Apollo table. She was the only Poseidon kid at the table which always did feel lonely luckily others from time to time did offer to sit with her or they offered for her to sit at their table. She was about to say something, when Demetri came over and talked to her and offered her a seat at his table. Though Demetri insulted Zeke which she didn't like but Kiera was also friends with him as well, rubbing the back of her neck slightly.

"How about you two arm wrestle, whoever wins I can go and sit with the winner sound good?" Kiera said, as she saw Leda coming in and smiled towards her and waved towards her. "Or the not fun and boring way, you both can sit here and keep me company?" Kiera said, she took another bite out of her lunch as well and leaned back a little bit looking between the two boys to see what they were going to do.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jade Schneider | Dining Pavilion

The girl made her way into the dining fall pretty much on her own, which was really a pleasant experience for her. Using some of the spells in her book, she had managed to give herself a sense of sight. While she couldn't truly 'see', Jade was capable of using the magic to create some facsimile of sight. Of course, today was really the first day she had been able to make it work to any sort of capacity so she hadn't exactly told anybody around it. Yet so far she seemed to be able to stably see and make her way around. The girl was quite obviously pleased with herself as she stepped into the Dining Pavilion and froze. There were just so many people gathered around, and somehow this was even more terrifying than when she couldn't see them and just had to sounds to go by.

Spotting immediately two of her friends, the raven-haired girl felt a smile spreading on her lips. She wanted to go over and talk to both Zeke and Kiera, but there were others who she didn't really know there. So she didn't particularly want to go over and have to try to introduce herself to others. That was never really a fun experience for the poor shy girl. The girl quietly turned away to get her food and make the sacrifice. Then moving to quietly take a seat at her own table. Though, uncharacteristically so, Jade continued stealing glances towards Zeke and Kiera. Since usually she hadn't been able to see at all, and wouldn't look towards others. But now, she was clearly looking their way.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Dining Pavilion -- Camp Half-Blood

Ezekiel’s mood soured instantly at the sound of Demetri’s voice. He rolled his eyes, watching him sit down as he made comment after comment towards Ezekiel and his father. ”Keep it up chuckles and I’ll leave you high and dry when you get some venereal disease because you got a little to friendly. Like father like son right?” Kiera finally piped in but it was with even worse advice. ”Honestly Kiera, if you want to see my muscles all you have to do is ask,” Ezekiel said and batted his eyelashes at her. Still, Ezekiel found himself sitting down and setting his tray aside and looked at Demetri expectantly. ”You have all your shots and you’ve been tested in the last forty-eight hours right?”
Ezekiel felt eyes on him, which wasn’t unusual. Most people stared at Ezekiel. He chose to look at it as a compliment but he knew it was because they were either trying to bore holes into him until he keeled over, or they were waiting for him to do something stupid so they could talk about it for the next four days. Well here was their lucky day. Still, it seemed different. He turned around, scanning the tables until he found his target. He cocked his head and nodded in Jade's direction. ”Kiera, is it just me or do the blind suddenly see?”
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Desdemona Pemberton

Location: Camp Half-Blood - Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Mona had originally paid little mind to the clique that sat at her table. They were stereotypical preps. You'd think they would have an ounce of uniqueness to them to prove what everyone thought of Aphrodite, herself included. It was nice to see she wasn't wrong about her initial assumptions. So when Arthur sat down, she stared at Annabelle, "Something amusing to you? Say it out loud and to my face if you feel up to it. Mess with them, mess with me. And I don't play on the frilly side of our parent's powers. I will mess you up. Hear me?"

Once the threat was given, she turned back to Arthur and now Theresa, who had joined them. "Well, could be better. Woulda thought there would be some camaraderie amongst my siblings, but apparently not. These American Eagle clones seriously piss me off. Why couldn't I have been the daughter of Hades? Or Zeus? Or someone else? I'm nothing like Aphrodite, and I'm proud of it."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Leda Storm

Location: Camp Half-Blood Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

"S'alright, not much going on today," Leda informed her half sister with a shrug. Some days at camp were busy, some of them were as boring as Hypnos. It just more or less varied depending on what sort of things were going on. And despite all of the kids of the Big Three showing up, a nuclear apocalypse or something equally frightening hadn't happened yet. She picked up her goblet and took a big gulp of Dr. Pepper, enjoying the sensation of the fizz of the soda on her tongue. Her eyes followed Tammy's gaze and Leda chuckled slightly. "Ugh, I do not envy her right now," she remarked. No one crowding around Kiera at the moment looked like her preferred sort of company.

"Hmm... I've got no plans, if you've got something in mind?" she asked her sister, before taking a bite of her lunch. She had a brief fantasy of using her speed and shoving Zeke to the ground in the blink of an eye, but it wasn't worth her effort. Besides, if she left her food unattended for even a millisecond, she was pretty certain one of her siblings would swoop in and take it. Those of them with speed had to eat a lot in order to keep up with the demands of their accelerated metabolism on their bodies. Case in point, Leda was currently on her fifth sandwich already. "Though I am rather tempted by the idea of starting a food fight..."
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