Year 5: Part 3
Date: July 22nd, 2012
Map in Original OOC post - NPC's In CS Tab
Location: Camp Mexico Beach
Temperature: 72F
Humidity: High (Around 74%) - No Rain
Wind Speed: 16 MPH
Cloud Coverage: Clear
Note: It is officially night now. The moon is up, the sky is clear, stars can be seen. The temperature has dropped as had the humidity some. (Granted the humidity is still high enough to feel that is for sure.) The wind has picked up a little. The weather will hold about at this pattern with a few gusts here and there for the rest of the evening.
Drinks are as follows:
- Heavy: Moonshine (Clear)
- Moderate: Whiskey (Brown)
- Light: Beer (Pale Ales)
- Sweet Tea (Brown)
- Water (Clear)
Seriously, if you want to get drinks mixed up, go for it LOL
Adelaide looked over to Lisa and laughed. "Shit, I have to keep tabs on that one. If I don't who knows what booze will go missing next," she said with an eye roll before taking another sip of her drink.
"That was years ago Adelaide," Dusty said as he waddled by with a large plate of crab and shrimp. "Let the girl be, not every one can have a stirring stick up their butt 24-7," he said waiving a shrimp at her face. Adelaide smirked, snatching it out of his hand and popping it in her mouth. "My scrimp! THIEF!"
"Eat me Dusty," Adelaide said chomping her newly acquired treat.
"Can I?"
"Eww! Get, go!" she said before shoving the beer she knew he wanted towards him. Dusty grinned and waddle off, pulling up his pants that threatened to slip down. Looking back at Lisa, Adelaide smirked. "Don't go encouraging the girl, I already got my hands full," she said before taking another pull from her beer. Looking at Hunter she nodded. "Yeah, if you are still standing," she said looking the guy over, he was really on the thin side. With his weight three beers were most likely to put him on his ass.
Sheers grinned at Alexander and nodded before paying more attention to where he was going. Grabbing a plate of food from Cook as he passed the kettles. As he got over to the kids and Tesla he offered Tesla some and then just stood there watching the kids play while he ate. Tesla and him talking a bit laughing at the kids as they ran around.
There was a bit of a nod from Adelaide towards Nigel. "You're welcome," she said before taking another drink. Adelaide was just lowering her beer when she finally noticed Amelia standing there with Riley and asking for a beer. "Oh sure," she said. Stopping midgrab she looked at Riley. "You want one too?" she asked.
"Yeah, please," Riley answered, staying close to Amelia and noticing that her girl friend looked a little tense. She was pretty sure she knew why. Hunter had a dog and Amelia was scared to death of them. Wrapping an arm around her waist she whispered against Amelia's ear. "And a walk sounds perfect," she said quietly. A walk did sound nice but it would also get Amelia away from Hunter.
"Here ya go, I'm Adelaide," Adelaide said as she slid two beers over for them. She gave half a glance towards Thalia but the one handed girl seemed to be already trying to pick a fight with someone, even if it was only for training. Girl had some spunk, but then again she figured she had to, to survive loosing a limb.
"Riley, and thanks," Riley said taking the beer and waiting for Amelia to be ready to go for their walk.
Looking back at Hunter Adelaide poured him a whiskey in a small glass and slid it over to him. "That single and then let's see how well you are talking in ten minutes," she said eying the guy. Like hell she was going to risk him hurling over everything if she could prevent it. Granted she wasn't on clean up duty but no one liked that duty.
The band seemed to be winding down another song. "Gonna switch things up a bit, give us a few," Atticus said into the mic before bending over and picking up his drink to take a sip. It was brown so it was hard to tell if it was whiskey or tea.
Bass hopped off the stage and wandered through the crowd, walking over and tapping Thana on the shoulder. "Miss Thana? Hey, you's about ready?" he asked as the rest of the band was taking a few minutes to change out a few things and wet their whistles.
Adelaide looked back towards Nigel. "I don't make it, but we've ran across a lot of stores and such. Since it isn't used for fuel or to sterilize anything, it mostly gets kept for Communion."
Thana Martin

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: L11 (Dance Floor)
Skills: N/A
Hearing Ash sing Paint It Black might well been something she would have paid to see but the way he put it, it was probably better if she didn't. Not that there was really anything she had to trade even if she was willing. Not to mention she already had a large debt with the community she would be spending a far amount of overtime work doing to pay off. As she danced there, in Ash's arms though, looking around here and there and seeing the rest of the new people starting to relax and have a good time, she knew it was worth it. Even if they hadn't made it here, it would have been well worth it: to at least try was the only thing one could do anymore. Try and hope for the best but always be prepared for the worst.
Pushing the more depressing thoughts out of her mind though, Thana had a little idea trickle through her mind and it made her smile. She would wait though, right then, just dance. Thankfully leaning against Ash as they danced was as much pragmatic as it was enjoyable; keeping as much weight as she could off her leg that was still healing. Everything stopped as she heard Ash say her name oddly. Her head snapped up and she leaned back some, bracing her hands against his shoulders as she stood there wide eyed.
"Beats the hell outta me," she said quickly. She had never heard her name said that way and it took her by surprise.
Seemed he was back to talking normally again and she liked what he had to say.
"I like the sound of that," she said as she leaned back in. Brushing her lips against his before resting her head on his shoulder once again. Letting out a slow breath she went back to just swaying with him. She couldn't remember ever dancing this long before without at least going and grabbing a drink but she didn't care. This was nice and she was going to enjoy it. Pulling herself a tad closer.
"Ya know, I think I like the way you said my name," she said softly. It wasn't something to be used every day but the way he said it was rather becoming to her, set it apart from how others said her name or addressed her.
Feeling a tap on her shoulder, she finally realized that the music had stopped. She was still wrapped up in the moment. Swallowing slightly she lifted her head and looked over.
"Oh yeah, just a second," she said before looking back to Ash.
"Stay close?" she asked as she slipped her arms from around his shoulders, trailing them down until her fingers laced with his.
"Could use a hand to get up the steps," she added in case he needed an excuse, but then again she doubted he cared about an excuse to stay close.
Nikola Warren

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: L11 (Bar -> Kettles)
Skills: N/A
Nikki skipped over to the area where the kettles were. The General and Gunny were walking away with a plate to go have a seat around the edge of the dance floor. The two seemed to be keeping a close eye on Thana. Nikki couldn't blame them, she had been keeping a bit of an eye on the woman herself since she returned. Taking a plate from Mizrahi, Nikki flopped down in the sand and shoved her beer into the ground next to her. Yanking off a leg from one of the crabs on her plate she snapped it in half, twisting it and revealing plump steaming white meat. Shoving it into her mouth she giggled and chewed, bopping up and down as she sat there. Eating and licking her fingers.
Then Nikki stopped and spotted Alexander staring out over the water. Seemed Manny was with him but there was something about the way the man just stood there that reminded her of another person she had watched just standing in that spot, thinking on things. A lot of people did that. She wondered why. Sitting there, Nikki sat watching Alexander but thinking back to a previous time....
The sun began to rise, Thana wrapped her arms around herself. The woman had been running for a while and Nikki found it hard to keep up and not be seen. It was probably a good thing Thana was still recovering, otherwise she might not have been able to keep up. Ducking behind one of the piers pillars she stood there and watched the woman. Nikki liked watching people, always had, and Thana was someone new in town. First new person in a while and the first months had been spent in the hospital. This was the first real chance she had had to spy on her.
Resting her hands on her hips Thana took a deep breath. "How long are you going to follow me and think I don't know you're there?" she asked with the slightest bit of Georgia drawl in her voice. There was the most minor of smirks on her lips as she glanced back over her shoulder.
"You fucking knew?" Nikki asked as she came out. Tucking her hair behind her ear and shrugging as she walked over towards Thana. Thana nodded and looked back out over the water. "What the fuck are you doing?" she asked.
"Remindin' myself why I chose to do the things I do," Thana said in a military voice.
"Riiight, of course. Makes perfect sense," Nikki said with a roll of her eyes and a voice laced with sarcasm. Blowing a bubble with her gum and popping it loud. Thana took a parade rest and turned to look at the girl, giving her the once over. "What? I got something on my face?"
Thana gave a quiet chuckle. "Why are you here?" she asked as a brow rose over her left eye.
"Watching you, duh."
"Something to do." The girl shrugged and blew another bubble. Thana shook her head. "What?"
"There are plenty of things to do, watchin' me means more than just somethin' to do." Looking back over the water for a moment before she looked down at her feet now deeper in the sand. "You're curious. Dead woman walkin'."
Nikki's eyes widened a bit but she nodded. "How'd the fuck you know that? What, you some kind of psychic?" Thana laughed at that one.
"No, I just take in information and come to a logical conclusion. I didn't exactly inherit the family people trait," she said as she stood there and took a few steps forward. The water coming up to her calves now and washing against her skin. "You saw a battered body come in out of the sky, people rushing to save a person you had never seen before. No pulse, no breath. Surely dead and gone, only thing left to do was to put a blade into the base of my skull. Yet, time goes by and I walk out of the hospital and am running down the beach. I would be curious as well, you have a similar mind to mine and a penchant of getting in trouble I hear. Col. Martin was right when he said you were like me."
Nikki laughed and shook her head. "Right, Miss Rod up her ass. Probably never got in trouble for even having an unmade bed growing up," she taunted.
"No, you're right. I never did get in trouble for not making my bed. I made her it was made each and every morning. I did however nearly get thrown in prison for Grand Theft Auto when I was 18," Thana said in a flat tone.
Nikki's gum spat out of her mouth in disbelief as Thana looked over to her and gave her a small smile. "No shit?"
"No shit," Thana said and waved the girl over closer. Nikki and her talked for hours and many times after that. Chuckling a bit to herself, Nikki still found it hard to believe a lot of what Thana had told her over the weeks before she left. Then again, turning and looking over at the woman with Ash, maybe it wasn't so far fetched. The woman was human after all. Shrugging her eyes landed on Bass who was talking with Thana. She stuck her tongue out at him before going back to her food and beer.