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Starting Date: September 1st, 2020
Starting Date: September 1st, 2020
Witch's Spellbook:
Basic Spells
Weak Telekinesis - "movere" - Most witches have no trouble learning the ability to move light-weight objects into the air or wherever they please with their sheer will. There is no need to speak the latin word after using it for some time. Usually only up to ten pounds worth of weight can be moved at the basic level.
Protection - "praesidium" - This spell can be used to manipulate the magnetic field around any area in a couple ways. At the basic level, salt can be placed around the area you wish and then once the word is chanted, you may create an invisible barrier to whatever creature(s) you please.
Growth - "incrementum" - This spell is used to influence the growth of cells. It can be used to influence hair growth, the growth of plants or to make mild wounds heal faster.
Cloaking - "corium" - A witch will become invisible to those around her at the utterance of these words or, if practiced enough, at will. For beginners, this will only last 30 seconds. At the intermediate level, depending on how far along, it can last 5-10 minutes while advanced witches can do it up to an 30 minutes.
Change - "mutatio" - Hair color, make up color, or even the color of your clothes can be changed with this spell. You can even change the color of furniture or other things around you. However, it's difficult to pick what color you get.
Empathy - "in mentem" - At a basic level of trying to work on your telepathy skill, you can only catch on to random words and emotions of people in a close radius. It quickly becomes overwhelming.
Compass - "inveniet" - Locator spells are too hard for beginners. However, it is not hard to manipulate a compass to point in the direction of the object or person you desire to locate.
Levitation - "volant" - This allows you to levitate up to a foot off the ground. It's fairly easy.
Dream-watching - "et portas somnia aperi mihi"" - With skin contact and consent, you can watch someone's dream.
Minor Illusion by @Tae - "deceptionem" - This spell is used to recreate a sound or smell.
Illusory Script by @Tae - "Lumina solis electis" - You write on paper and imbue it with magic so that only you or someone you allow can see the message. It can be revealed with a dispel magic spell. You must use a lead-based ink to cast this spell.
Magic Message by @Tae - "mysterium nuntius" - One can imbue an object with a verbal message that is only triggered when certain requirements are met. The witch casting the spell determines what those requirements are.
Scribing Spell by @jetipster - "Cogitation scriba" - a scribing spell that automatically pens the caster’s thoughts.
Text Charm by @jetipster - "Inspiciendum inanis strepitus " - A charm for texts that makes them illegible when read without permission.
Plant Growth by @jetipster - "Incrementum frugiferens " - A variant of the basic growth spell specifically for plants.
Spirit Messenger by @jetipster - "animum nuntius" - A small ephemeral creature is crafted from magic to quickly make its way to a target of the caster’s choice to relay a message via sound, text or both. The speed, agility, size, shape and even colour are all variable in accordance with the witch’s ability. The messenger can be intercepted by a more powerful or skilled witch.
Intermediate Spells
After mastering most basic spells and training for at least 5 years, you will be able to perform these by chanting the words. It will get a few years still for you to be able to do this without the words. Children are not taught spells until they turn 16. Most start to get to the intermediate level between ages 20-23.
The basic following spells are stronger for those with intermediate skills:
Telekinesis - "movere" - The same concept as the basic one but now you can probably move things of up to 20 pounds, choke a being for ten seconds, or push someone a few feet back.
Protection - "praesidium" - You can put protection spells on your house, and seal off entries and gateways without the need of salt.
Empathy - "in mentem" - Reading the emotions of others around you is not overwhelming no longer.
Dream-walking - "et portas somnia aperi mihi"" - You may walk and interact in another's dream temporarily with their consent.
These are new spells intermediate skilled witches can do:
Fire - "adhibete flammis" - This is to summon small balls of fire into the palm of your hand. Be careful you don't set yourself on fire! Obviously stronger witches can summon more flames.
Tracking - "locate persona ex nomine (insert name here)" - This spell will give the witch a mental image of someone's location. If the witch has not been around the individual many times before, then DNA or something of value to the person is needed.
Memory Resurfacing/Sharing - "ostende mihi faciem praeterita" - A spell to resurface a memory to let the user watch it in their mind as if they were there. This can be done for another person by skin contact for either both individuals or one. It cannot be done for more than five minutes.
Summoning - " spiritibus, voco te ad modum ut coniungere in itineribus" - To summon a familiar. This works best outside and at 3am, when the veil is thinnest.
Astral projection - "Accipe spiritum meum leve fuga" - One must be lying down in a comfortable setting, undisturbed and everything must be completely silent. Then they must chant this over and over quietly until they open their eyes and can stand up from their body. They may then travel to where they wish and see who they wish without anyone seeing them, as they are on a different plane. This can only be done for a very short time before you risk being separated from your body permanently. You may also encounter danger on this plane of existence.
Conjure an object - "Inde rem hanc adducite" - This can be used to conjure small objects or teleport one item from somewhere nearby to your hand.
Learn a language - " In hac oscula capio lingua vestra" - With this spell, you may kiss someone who speaks a different language and be able to then speak it too.
Internet Manipulation - "Mutata in computatrum mundo" - This can be used to aid in hacking into or changing websites as you see fit. Hacking into complicated things such as into other peoples' computers or into the dark web takes more advanced skill.
Electricity - "fulgur de technology osculer oro digitos" - Energy can be taken out of electronics and used as to wield electricity to as a weapon as a means to shock another person. These shocks are irritating and hurt at the intermediate level. They tend to hurt a lot more at the advanced level, but killing using this method is considered forbidden yet achievable to advanced users.
Enchant - "fascinare hoc telum ad como quæ ego sum in mente" - You can enchant a weapon or object to have certain qualities: resistance to fire or bullets for example. To do so, you must bathe the weapon in what you want it to be resistant towards or for it to have imbued into it and chant this until the object lights up.
Duplicate by @Tae - "Speculum mihi" - This spell creates three duplicate illusions of yourself in your same space. You can move them in the direction of your choice, but they also mimic all your movements and speaking. If they are attacked they will dissipate immediately.
Weaker Silence by @Tae - "Silencio" - No sound can be created within a 25 ft radius for thirty seconds. This can also inhibit witches from casting any spells that they need to chant for.
Dispel Magic by @Tae - "obliterare famam effectus" - Allows one to dispel magical effects. The type of things one can dispel depends on the ability of the witch casting the spell and the skill level of the magic that they’re trying to dispel
Lock Spell by @jetipster - "Adamantius inexpugnabilis" - A complex spell to be used on locks that can only be removed by the caster, a blood relative or upon their death.
Ward Spell by @jetipster - "Suus cautio" - A thin personal ward cast over one’s skin that reduce harm once. The more powerful the witch the longer the ward can be held and the more damage it can repel. This is an intermediate spell
Shield by @jetipster - "Clypeus" - This is a personal shield that reflects both magical and physical attacks. The more powerful the witch the stronger the shield, the larger the shield and the more easily it can be shaped. It is an intermediate spell that can be held up to ten seconds.
Advanced Spells
Usually after someone has been practicing magic after about 50 years, they are able to perform these types of spells. Only a head witch or warlock can do these without the words by their sheer will.
The intermediate following spells are stronger for those with advanced skills:
Telekinesis - "movere" - At this level, you can throw someone or even move a car for a short period of time. You could choke someone to death, though that'd be looked down upon.
Dream-altering - "et portas somnia aperi mihi"" - With skin contact, you can now walk and even alter someone's dreams for a short period of time.
Heal - "Convertat horologium tergum ut quando hoc sanus erat" - This can be used to heal some illnesses and poisoned creatures. Special herbs are required for this as well as a brew. It can be used to cure hexes and curses.
Fire - "adhibete flammis" - Very large amounts of flames can be summoned.
Internet Manipulation - "Mutata in computatrum mundo" - Hacking into complicated things such as into other peoples' computers or into the dark web is easier for these individuals.
Electricity - "fulgur de technology osculer oro digitos" - Electricity can be wielded to send painful shocks at others. You can even electrocute someone to death but this is considered to be forbidden.
Lock Spell by @jetipster - "Adamantius inexpugnabilis" - This lock spell can surpass death at this level, locking something for possibly forever.
Silence by @Tae - "Silencio" - No sound can be created within a 50 ft radius for a few minutes. This can also inhibit witches from casting any spells that they need to chant for.
Shield by @jetipster - "Clypeus" - This is a personal shield that reflects both magical and physical attacks. The more powerful the witch the stronger the shield, the larger the shield and the more easily it can be shaped. Advanced users can hold it for twenty seconds.
These are new spells advanced skilled witches can do:
Youth - "ad redigendum effectus et anni mei, retorsum converti et horologium" - This can be used to pause one's aging process or even turn-back the effects of aging to appear young again. This can be done to other witches. Head witches will often have this done to younger witches if they have done well in their studies as an award to allow them to keep their youthful beauty. This requires a ritual. This also allows them to live for many years if they can avoid death.
Animal Charming - "Creatura terrae, quod sicut et ego votum" - Very powerful witches can charm animals and bugs into doing as they wish for up to ten minutes.
Fear by @Tae - "Ostendam summum metum" - You create a phantasmal image of the person's greatest fear. It can’t harm the person, but they won’t know that as it looks entirely real. You need the heart of a hen for this spell.
Light magic wielding - "Summone lux" - Light magic could be summoned as a force used to defend oneselves in the form of orbs and such. It can come in personalized colors and can give mild burns to foes as well as pushing them backward if hit. Some intermediate magic users can do this if taught well.
Electronic Manipulation - "Machinis ut humanum, flectere voluntatem " - Strong witches can manipulate electronics including the lights, the televisions, cameras phones, tablets, games and computers.
Dark sight- "visus tenebris"- Allows the user to gain night vision for 12 hours.
Breathe Underwater - "Tolle quod piscis, et dabo mihi" - Strong witches can do a spell to breathe underwater but they must be near the body of water they wish to breathe in. It will only last ten minutes.
Illusion - "Mutare ea quae vident" - Usually mostly head witches or very old and powerful witches can create illusions for one person to see upon either an item, another person or a small part of their vision. They last only a few moments.
Boundary Ward by @jetipster - "Cingo terminus" - a boundary ward set to repel basic magicks and provide a basis on which other magicks can be attached e.g. detections, alarms, repels, defences, illusions, etc.
Forbidden Spells
These spells bring negative energy. Your personality often changes for the worse as you use them more and more. It is the curse of dark magic. They require at least intermediate skill for most.
Love - "hanc cor meum, quod certamen haec duo" - This could be used to make someone fall in love with you or whoever you choose for a short amount of time. It is highly forbidden, requires more than one witch and extremely against witch law. You will need something special to both subjects of the spell and the heart of frog.
Necromancy - "vivifica quid erat iterum periit" - This could only be used to revive those that have passed within the last twelve hours. Any time after that is too long passed. It is extremely against the witch law and against the laws of nature. Your soul will surely darken. You will need to do a ritual involving drawing symbols in dirt, lighting candles, and the heart of a living being that matches the species of that what has died to offer sacrifice to replace what was lost. Sometimes the one you revive may not come back the same.
Mind read - "Fiat mihi in mentem autem (insert name here)" - This will allow you to read someone's thoughts for about a minute. You will need a belonging with their energy. This is considered against witch law for being too invasive and dark a notion. It could be used to cheat on tests and in many occasions in life. Your head will ache painfully for hours after.
Curses and Hexes - "Et invenietis industria tenebris vos (insert name here)" - This can be used to curse or hex another witch or human. Witches and werewolves are immune to this. This will bring them bad luck for a few hours or cause them to fall ill. It's obvious why this is bad. You will need to make a doll of them with something that belongs to them incorporated.
Dark energy wielding - "Summone obscurum" - This could be used to manifest dark energy as a matter to defend yourself with by attacking people with it or hiding yourself in it. You can even manipulate others' shadows. It is looked down upon to associate yourself with dark magic; it takes a toll on you.
Shapeshift- "Cum hoc celia et facti sunt vos" - If you make a brew, you can drink it and have the illusion of taking another's appearance on for the hour. The brew must contain a lock of their hair, a teardrop, an item with their scent on it, a picture of it and something of sentimental value to the witch.
Speak with Dead by @Tae- "Invenies tua, et veni ultra velum intrabit in vasculo muliebri spiritu"- You call upon those that have past on to speak for a short time. They possess the witches body for a short time, using them as a conduit. You can call upon a specific spirit, but there is no guarantee that it will be the spirit that comes. The odds of the correct spirit appearing is increased if you use the blood of a relative to cast the spell. Either way blood is required for the spell.
You guys may add more basic spells into the roleplay that are non-offensive; spells that are just to add convenience and fun. Just put them into suggestions especially if offensive. More offensive skills will need drawbacks and to be nerfed as much as possible...All magic comes with a price.

Details about places in discord. Any small buildings unnamed in discord, which are many, can be any commercial lot of choosing from mcdonalds to a clothing store etc.
Road 68
If you go down this road straight for about a half hour and make a turn down a barely noticeable road towards what appears to be a gated, private community, you'll find it's occupants a bit strange. Not many people venture here and those who do don't make it out. This small town was taken over by the vampire clan Vie Et Mort.
Road 69
This is a very long road through wooded areas and plains. After an hour's worth of travel, about 50 miles in, if you make turn down a dirt trail, you'll find the gated entrance to a very large facility where you will be told to turn back. This is where Operation Humanity can be found.