And here is the character that captured my imagination most recently. Say hello to-

Lukasz/Eden Blake ♦ Warrior/Sorcerer/Single Mother ♦ Canoga Park, California ♦ 12 Knights of Archimage
"Change…Growth…Power!…Having magical power is great but, WHY the HELL is my new body a WOMAN!?"
Lukasz was a soldier in the service of the great wizard Archimage around 470 AD. There were two very good reasons that he was employed by the Archimage. One, his younger brother Boneyard was a wicked sorcerer who wanted to enslave the entire world. Two, the Archimage granted his warriors the greatest gift possible, eternal reincarnation.
Lukasz fought in the Archimage’s employ for over 1500 years in an eternal struggle but in the present day, a betrayal broke the stalemate, which led to the capture of the Archimage and the destruction of his 12 knights latest bodies. Knowing he had been bested, the Archimage took a final gamble and sent his best knight, Lukasz, into the body of one who had the potential to be a great sorcerer. Much to Lukasz’s horror, he found himself inhabiting the body of Eden Blake, a young, divorced mother of two children.
Stuck in a young woman’s body, with two kids, a rather unstable life, and the important mission of rescuing the Archimage and defeating the evil sorcerer Boneyard, Lukasz is in a very precarious position. Thankfully Boneyard does not know who he reincarnated into which gives him some breathing room, but not as much as he would have liked considering Eden’s family situation. Finding the time to do everything that needs doing is going to be the hardest life of the old soldier’s career!
Lukasz fought in the Archimage’s employ for over 1500 years in an eternal struggle but in the present day, a betrayal broke the stalemate, which led to the capture of the Archimage and the destruction of his 12 knights latest bodies. Knowing he had been bested, the Archimage took a final gamble and sent his best knight, Lukasz, into the body of one who had the potential to be a great sorcerer. Much to Lukasz’s horror, he found himself inhabiting the body of Eden Blake, a young, divorced mother of two children.
Stuck in a young woman’s body, with two kids, a rather unstable life, and the important mission of rescuing the Archimage and defeating the evil sorcerer Boneyard, Lukasz is in a very precarious position. Thankfully Boneyard does not know who he reincarnated into which gives him some breathing room, but not as much as he would have liked considering Eden’s family situation. Finding the time to do everything that needs doing is going to be the hardest life of the old soldier’s career!
C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S
Mantra is a character I never even knew existed until I happened to stumble across her with a little random searching. Makes sense since her run was very short and her first version quickly left the scene once Marvel took over Malibu comics. As soon as I read her origin story I was hooked by the possibilities of the character. Such fascinating dynamics and ripe for all sorts of interesting developments.
I’ve also really wanted to use a magical type character for a while but was always quite unsure of who I could do well. Mantra has a certain lack of material to work with, which I think I can use to my advantage to mold the character beyond her limited run. Also the pure fact a guy’s mind is now in the body of a young woman is quite the recipe for hilarity, which will be fun to explore.
I want Mantra to grow as a character, to look back on their past mistakes and recognize all the harm they have done in their various incarnations. Stuck as a mother, Mantra will have to grow as a person and realize just how important their responsibilities as Eden Blake are, despite it not having anything to do with Lukasz's mission to Archimage. Coming to cope with his new identity will be a big part of his character arc, and how it affects those around him.
I’ve also really wanted to use a magical type character for a while but was always quite unsure of who I could do well. Mantra has a certain lack of material to work with, which I think I can use to my advantage to mold the character beyond her limited run. Also the pure fact a guy’s mind is now in the body of a young woman is quite the recipe for hilarity, which will be fun to explore.
I want Mantra to grow as a character, to look back on their past mistakes and recognize all the harm they have done in their various incarnations. Stuck as a mother, Mantra will have to grow as a person and realize just how important their responsibilities as Eden Blake are, despite it not having anything to do with Lukasz's mission to Archimage. Coming to cope with his new identity will be a big part of his character arc, and how it affects those around him.
Archimage – A grand sorcerer of white magic, Archimage has been at war with his younger brother, Boneyard for over 1500 years. Currently the Archimage is captured by Boneyard and is the one responsible for sending Lukasz into Eden Blake. Trapped in another dimension, his only hope of escape is for Mantra to learn how to use her magical powers to defeat Boneyard.
Gus Blake Sr – Eden-Blake’s ex-husband who occasionally visits the kids. As Eden Blake has full custody rights, Gus is only semi-present in their lives. With Mantra now in the picture however, things might take an interesting turn…
Gus Blake Jr – A young boy of around 10 years old, Gus looks very similar to his father. As a young boy he is understandably grumpy about his life and is going through a bit of a rebellious stage. Also the recent changes in his mother’s personality has certainly added some confusion to the mix.
Evie Blake – The youngest of the Blake household, young Evie is very similar to her mother in looks, at least in the face and hair department. The poor girl is very confused by the sudden changes in her mother and really has no idea what to do. Her closest confidant and source of strength has grown distant, leaving Evie feeling more alone than ever.
Warstrike – A hero for hire. He was duped by Boneyard into killing Lukasz last male body, before he reincarnated into Eden Blake. He was understandably pissed off when he realized he had been used to help someone so evil and so has somewhat of a personal vendetta against Boneyard.
Guise – A purple mutated thing that has forgotten its original identity. It is a slave to Boneyard with the ability to shape shift into anything or anyone it desires.
Boneyard – The younger brother of Archimage, he is a user of black magic and necromancy with grand ambitions. His version of immortality for his minions is to raise them from the dead when they are killed. Ruthless, greedy, and evil, Boneyard has taken over a world in another dimension as his base of operations while he tried to amass enough power to take over the Earth.
Lord Pumpkin – A mystical being created by a wizard to entertain a young prince. The young prince was a brat who liked torturing things including his new playmate. Lord Pumpkin eventually rebelled and slaughtered the prince and the rest of the royal household, before long he toppled the entire kingdom. Filled with the desire to conquer new worlds and taking on some of the despicable tendencies of the prince, Lord Pumpkin traveled to Earth to continue his reign of terror and to amuse himself.
Gus Blake Sr – Eden-Blake’s ex-husband who occasionally visits the kids. As Eden Blake has full custody rights, Gus is only semi-present in their lives. With Mantra now in the picture however, things might take an interesting turn…
Gus Blake Jr – A young boy of around 10 years old, Gus looks very similar to his father. As a young boy he is understandably grumpy about his life and is going through a bit of a rebellious stage. Also the recent changes in his mother’s personality has certainly added some confusion to the mix.
Evie Blake – The youngest of the Blake household, young Evie is very similar to her mother in looks, at least in the face and hair department. The poor girl is very confused by the sudden changes in her mother and really has no idea what to do. Her closest confidant and source of strength has grown distant, leaving Evie feeling more alone than ever.
Warstrike – A hero for hire. He was duped by Boneyard into killing Lukasz last male body, before he reincarnated into Eden Blake. He was understandably pissed off when he realized he had been used to help someone so evil and so has somewhat of a personal vendetta against Boneyard.
Guise – A purple mutated thing that has forgotten its original identity. It is a slave to Boneyard with the ability to shape shift into anything or anyone it desires.
Boneyard – The younger brother of Archimage, he is a user of black magic and necromancy with grand ambitions. His version of immortality for his minions is to raise them from the dead when they are killed. Ruthless, greedy, and evil, Boneyard has taken over a world in another dimension as his base of operations while he tried to amass enough power to take over the Earth.
Lord Pumpkin – A mystical being created by a wizard to entertain a young prince. The young prince was a brat who liked torturing things including his new playmate. Lord Pumpkin eventually rebelled and slaughtered the prince and the rest of the royal household, before long he toppled the entire kingdom. Filled with the desire to conquer new worlds and taking on some of the despicable tendencies of the prince, Lord Pumpkin traveled to Earth to continue his reign of terror and to amuse himself.
To Be Filled