So I'm going to do something I haven't done in a very long time.
Second character(s)

Jim Corrigan♦ Lisa Drake ♦ Michael Tork♦ Sister Justine ♦ Dr. Lazlo Tarr
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:
Located in a condemned church, the GCPD's unofficial 13th precinct, is a section of the police force known only as the Detailed Case Task Force. An off-shoot of major crimes, their mandate is vague and their funding is immense. They have never made an official arrest, their work has never resulted in a legal conviction, and the few items of paperwork they submit are confusing. To the politicians they are a prime example of government waste.
But the truth is very simple:
Gotham City is cursed.
Poisoned by shadow.
It can't possibly survive...
without protection.
C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:
I want to tag up on a lot of the same themes and ideas I used during my last Constantine run a few games ago. The power of cities, the ghosts and memories that coexist together to give a place its sense of being. In addition to that, I just like the idea of supernatural cops and tackling the macabre history of cities.
C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:
Jim Corrigan -- GCPD Detective. Spirit of Vengeance.
Lisa Drake -- GCPD Detective. Psychic.
Sister Justine -- Nun. Exorcist.
Dr. Lazlo Tarr -- Doctor. Graverobber?
Lt. Haskins -- Supervisor. 459 days until retirement.
Sergeant Francis Tork -- New arrival. Skeptic.
Jim Craddock "The Gentleman Ghost" -- Spirit. Snitch.
Park RowGotham City1877“I command any spirits here among us to make their presence known.”
Gerturde Dixon said the line like she had thousands of times before. The rest of the guests around her séance table kept their eyes tightly shut, but not Gertrude’s. Her eyes cut through the dim candlelight to look at the half-dozen people holding hands around her table. They were the usual sort that always came to her parties: the idle rich who had more money than sense. The were bored with what the physical world had to offer, so they sought out answers in the mystical realm. And because they could afford her prices, they always came to the First Lady of American Spiritualism herself.
“Can you feel it?” she asked the gathering. “Something in the air…a
Gertrude pressed a small pedal underneath the table. The pedal and the pneumatic hose attached to it ran under the floorboards and behind the walls of her parlor. Hidden nozzles throughout the room sprayed perfume into the air.
“Lilacs,” one of the women in the group said. A tear started to run down her cheek as she began to open her eyes. “My mother’s--”
“Keep your eyes shut,” Gertrude snapped. “I implore you, keep your eyes shut and focus your mental energy on the task at hand!”
She pressed another pedal. A metal rod slowly pushed out of a floorboard compartment and stopped just short of striking underneath the table.
“If there are spirits here, I command you to give us a sign.”
Gerturde tapped the pedal again. The metal bar thumped hard against the table and made it rattle. Her guests all opened their eyes, taken aback at the sight.
“Keep your eyes shut!”
Before Getrude could continue, the séance table shook again. Her next line died in her mouth as the table continued to shake and rattle. She wasn’t doing this. The guests all recoiled back when the table started to levitate. Gertude herself fought the urge to scream in shock.
For almost forty years she’d been pulling the spiritual medium grift on rubes like the ones before her. It was the only way to get out of the hoochie coochie show at the carnival she grew up in. If she could make a buck and not have to show her tits or touch any yokel’s prick then she was all for it. But in all that time, she had never seen anything like
this. Stunned, Gertude tried to speak. Instead of her own voice, however, something harsh and sounding like breaking glass came from her throat.
“Gotham City is cursed,” the strange rasped to the guests. “Poisoned by shadow. It can't possibly survive…”
Gertrude reached for her throat. Her weathered hands gripped it, but she realized that she had no control over what they were doing. She gasped for breath and collapsed from the chair as her own hands strangled her to death.
Arclight TheatreGotham City1932"Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to witness the Great Gigante's most fantastic escape yet!"
The MC stood at the edge of the stage and beamed at the audience. Behind him, a curtain had been drawn in front of the Great Gigante. The master escape artist had been secured in a straitjacket before being dangled over a vat of starving piranhas. If he didn't free himself within thirty seconds, the chain holding him above the water would detach and drop him into the vat.
After thirty seconds, the chain detached with a loud crash. The crowd gasped n shock, but the MC was confident. Gigante had done this trick so many times he could do it in his sleep. The MC had seen it with his own eyes earlier today. Gigante kept a bobby-pin embedded in his cheek. When the curtain came down, he'd use it to unlock the first series of locks that kept his hands in place. With his hands, it would be child's play for Gigante to dismantle the other locks and swing free before the chain dropped.
"Behold!" the MC announced as the curtain dropped.
The gasps turned to screams. The vat of water was now filled with cloudy red water. Clamped tightly to the edge of the vat was Gigante's severed hands. Written on the tank, in the dead escapeologist's own blood, were the words:
The BoweryGotham City2019"TORK!"
Drake shouted at the top of her lungs as she grabbed Tork by the sleeve. He tried to speak, but his tongue was stuck to the roof of his mouth. His legs wouldn't work, even though he was screaming in his mind for them to start fucking moving. Standing less than ten feet in front of him... was an honest to god werewolf. It was over seven feet tall on its hind legs with razor sharp claws and teeth that looked like they could punch a hole in the side of an armored car.
The werewolf tilted its head to the sky and howled across the night. That snapped Tork's mind into action.
"RUN!" He shouted.
He and Drake booked it through the alley. The werewolf howled again and started to give chase. Tork knew they couldn't out run this monster. Even now he could hear the scrape of its claws on the asphalt and hear the rasps of its breath as it beared down upon them.
"Duck!" a voice shouted at the mouth of the alley.
There was Sister Justine standing at the entrance of the alley. Clamped in her withered hands was a shotgun. Even though Tork was running for his life, he couldn't help but notice the ornate designs on the gun barrel. Carvings of roses and words in Latin. Tork and Drake fell to the ground as Justine fired. The werewolf howled in pain as the blast caught him flush in the chest and face. It crumpled to the ground whining. Tork got to his feet, his legs shaking.
"Jesus fucking Christ," Tork yelled. He pointed a finger back at the monster "What the hell is that?"
"The Park Row Slasher," said Sister Justine. "And watch your blaspheming, Francis."
"Did you not hear us mention several times we were dealing with a werewolf?" Drake asked. She leveled her pistol at the wounded wolf was she spoke.
"I thought you were taking poetic license! I didn't know you meant a literal fucking werewolf!"
"This is what we do, sergeant," said Drake. "We fight werewolves, witches, and the occult. If it's spooky and bad, we're against it."
"Gotham City is cursed," said Sister Justine. "Poisoned by shadow. It can't possibly survive--"
They all turned as they heard the werewolf stir and growl. Sister Justine stepped forward and racked another round into the shotgun chamber.
"It can't possibly survive... without protection."