Talik “The Fox of Ryloth” Gida, The Rebel
Interacting with: Xarthas
@sep, Toryn Dral
@Sir Lurksalot
Mandalor > The Liberator
Year Four, After Re-SynchronizationThe situation was good, the Mandalorians had decided to hear her plea and help her save Vasani. The twi’lek was happy with the results of that meeting, as she quickly made her way back through the halls of the building towards her gunship. Originally she had planned to make a detour home, but with needing to gather some of her own and the apparent word that Xarthas was visiting the Liberator to restock her, the girl felt the need to return to the Lucrehulk. However, she was not expecting to find two mandalorians wearing very familiar beskar'gam outside of her ride back towards the ship in orbit. She felt a smile spread across her features as her pace quickly picked up to close the distance before she embraced the one in the deep red armor for a long few moments.
”Ord’buir. (Papa Ordo)” She said softly, hugging the man who had taken the place of a father in her life after those terrible days on Coruscant. Releasing him and taking a step back, she then hugged the other Mandalorian.
”Ba'vodu A’den. (Uncle A’den)” She said to the other before also locking him in a tight hug.
Once she released him, the twi’lek looked between the two before for a brief moment before she knew why they were waiting for her.
”I can’t ask either of you two to put your lives on the line for Vasani. I know she is aliit (Family), but you two retired years ago. She’s i-” She started in before being cut off mid sentence as Ordo tilted his head slightly. A tic that Talik knew he was about to interject his two cents on the matter at hand.
”Ad’ika (Daughter), you already said why we have to go to save her. She’s aliit (Family).” He said firmly, having never been a man of many words. Almost on the tail of him falling silent, A’den spoke up.
”Not to mention, we’d love a chance to blast some clankers again.” He said before turning towards the two Magna Droids in the gunship behind him, and pointing.
”Offense intended.” He said as the twi’lek gave an audible sigh and rolled her eyes.
Not even a minute later, they were all aboard the gunship and it was getting ready to head out of the hangar. However, at that very moment she recognized a face talking to the very Mandalorian she had met earlier. The girl’s jaw set, and her right hand closed into a fist as she stared at the Corellian. For a moment she continued to stare hard at the girl as the side door to the gunship slid closed in front of her and they started to blast their way back to orbit. The silence was broken a few moments later when the magna guard behind Talik, and A’den, only a few seconds later. The Magna Guard, IG, spoke quickly and louder than A’den.
”Why is Aroma on Mandalore?” The unit asked, earning a look from the others, as the droid shrugged. It kept tabs on everybody Vasani interacted with on a daily basis, helped him protect the young girl. After a few moments of silence, A’den repeated what he had said before when the droid talked over him.
”Why, exactly, were you giving Vasani’s group member the death glare?” He asked, then when given strange looks by everybody on the gunship gave a shrug.
”What? I keep up with the news.” The man said with a low chuckle.
Back aboard the Lucrehulk, the girl assigned the droids to lead her relatives over to prepare for the coming assault, along with tasking her commander to rally some troops who would join the assault to rescue her sister. She, on the other hand, had a guest to go greet. Making her way quickly through the hangars until she found the familiar look of Xarthas’ ship, Talik let out an audible groan as she noticed the man striding confidently towards it with his B1’s in tow. Just as he was about to arrive, the girl barked out at the man and his droids.
”Oi! Deck Officer, you know by now that we DO NOT send the droids to unload Xarthas’ ship. This has been the protocol for years now.” She growled at him, already not being in the best of moods for dealing with the overzealous man’s antics. In a matter of seconds he had the droids turned around and apologized to Talik, scurrying off to maintain some other part of the busy hangar bay. Meanwhile the girl quickly made her way over towards the Mandalorian by his ship. As she approached, she extended an arm for a typical handshake as she spoke up.
”I apologize for our officer there, he’s just on edge after the damages. We all are. Did Killian ask for the resupply?” She asked, getting straight down to business.
Xarthas eyed the B1s pull back with skeptical eyes, waving them away with a mock gesture before turning his attention to the formidable Twi’lek. “Yeah. Killian gave me a call-” He jammed his thumb back to the
Nightfury “-Oddball decided he wanted to take a flight up so we grabbed what we had, made a quick stop to one of my suppliers on Mandalore and then came up here. I hope whatever you’re up to is worth it Talik, I had to call in a number of favours I was saving for a rainy day to fulfill your shopping list.”
As if on cue Chuckles came down the ramp in control of a hover sled containing several shield generators, military grade, meant to work in tandem in order to create a dome. It was an oddly specific shopping list. “So, where’s the party?”
Talik nodded as she learned that Killian was the one who reached out towards the smuggler for the restock. It was the smart move, and she appreciated that the man felt comfortable enough to make those choices without her input. The rebel leader made a mental note to thank him for getting the restock while she was focusing on getting help. Looking towards Xarthas, she let out a long sigh and gently ran a hand along her lekku. A tic that was comforting and something she did when nervous.
”Its… personal.” She said, stingy with the details at first before letting out another sigh and gestures for Xarthas to move with her behind his ship and out of the way of others.
”Vasani, as in the Pop Star, is being held by Grevious. It’s just that she’s… Vasani is my little sister. I have to save her, but there is…. a lot of firepower protecting where she is. That’s why I needed the restock.” The girl admitted, knowing she could trust the Mandalorian.
Xarthas nodded. “Well we’ll get the resupply unloaded as soon as possible, Killian asked me to take a look at some fighters and the like. After all, you can’t do any better than having a Den work on your ships. After that, I’ll be out of your hair, unless there’s anything else you’ll be needing?”
As far as the restock went, she didn’t particularly need anything more from the man.
”No, can’t think of anything else I’d need. Unless you want to volunteer to go help try to save her.” Talik said as a sort of small joke as she looked over the other Mandalorian. On some level, she appreciated that he didn’t really seem to feel the need to express condolences or anything about Vasani being captured. It was nice, since most who said it never truly meant it anyways.
Xarthas shrugged. “If you are needing someone to slip you in under their guns, under fire and get you out faster than a Zeltron when you mention commitment then I’m your guy. With the CIS actively kidnapping people not involved in the war, not involved in their space I think it’s time I started getting more involved.”
Her eyes widened slightly as he responded, seeming to take the joke seriously. She thought silently for a few moments before speaking up.
”I will always welcome another to our cause, but the Mandalor has actually set up forces to help me get her out. I am tasked with bringing twenty people, so if you want to come along… I’d trust you at my side.” The girl said with a reassuring smile.
Xarthas looked back at the
Nightfury and back at Talik. “Don’t overestimate my skills, I’m offering to get you in and get you out and help lay down fire in the meantime. In terms of working with a blaster you would probably be better to have someone else by your side.”
”I can recommend you as a pilot for any potential boarding action, but the final decision is in the hands of the Mandalorians. But, I’ll still take you with me, Xarthas, as a pilot recommendation. I’ll forward you the details on the meeting.” She said softly, pulling out a data pad and tapping at it for a long few moments. Then the details of where and when to meet the crew going on the boarding action was sent to Xarthas.
”If I see you there, you’ve chosen to go with us. If I don’t, I understand. Thank you again for the resupply.” She said before taking a step back away from the man.
”I need to rally my troops, excuse me.” She said before stepping away and turning to head back towards her bridge.
On her way back towards the bridge, the girl stepped off into a side room before closing the door behind her. Holding up her forearm, the girl tapped at a few buttons before the projector built into the forearm sprang to life as it connected to the person on the other end.
”Toryn? Are you on a job?” Came the girl’s voice the moment they were connected. She allowed a more friendly tone to slip into her voice than when she had been dealing with Xarthas, as she knew the man she was calling on a more personal level than the smuggler. Falling silent, she waited to see if he was available to help her with the mission to save her sister.
And instead of the hologram of the man the Lethan twi’lek was probably expecting, she got… a lake. Not all that surprising in retrospect— Toryn had a habit of redirecting incoming holocalls to the display on his helmet from time to time, mostly when he was doing something with his hands that made talking to a small glowy person coming out of his wrist a bit inconvenient, but not crazy enough to warrant throwing ‘em onto audio-only.
was weird (for the Mando, anyway) was that the camera seemed to be level with the ground. Catching what looked like a bit of someone’s knee sticking out from just off-camera as well as a fishing rod that snapped into view with a little ‘Fwish!’ and a distant ‘Plop!’.
”Red...?”That un-modulated tone confirmed it,
he wasn’t wearing his helmet.You’d have to know the guy to understand just how weird that was.”I, uhh… no, actually. I’m at my dad’s.” Toryn finally answered from off camera.
”Why? What’s up?”Toryn? With his helmet off? The girl wondered if she had caught him up to something before she noticed the fishing rod. Odd. She never took him for the fishing sort of guy, but that didn’t matter at the moment.
”I need you. Its… Vasani. Grevious took her to some blacksite, I tried to get her but was outgunned. Long story short, the Mandalor has offered to help me get her back. I’m supposed to meet him in a bit with 20 men to get her back, I wanted you to go with us. You’re one of the few I’d trust with this.” She said softly, already tapping her datapad to get ready to send him the details on where to meet up.
”Also, Vasani’s force sensitive. I want you there in case the Jedi try to take her, I don’t trust them yet.” She added, hoping the man would agree to join the mission.
There was a soft little bit of mumbling in Mando’a slightly off-camera, as Toryn drooped slightly… or at least,
looked like he did from what could be discerned from the movement of his knee. Then his arm calmly crossed in and out of view as he gently put his hand on the shoulder of the person who’d clearly been sitting next to him just out of frame.
”Sorry, kid. Duty calls.”A quiet, childish giggle that clearly wasn’t his followed that, and a little blue hand reached out and took the rod out of his own when he offered it.
”S’okay, Uncy Tor-Tor. Shit happens.” The kid off-screen responded, eliciting a chuckle from her senior.
”Catch a big one for me, will ya?””Aye, alor’ad!”And then the feed went dead for a few seconds, before returning with the familiar t-visor of Toryn’s helmet as he now actually used his communicator the way it was goddamn meant to be on the way back to his ship. His voice now taking on a sharply professional edge completely absent from the previous exchange as he spoke;
”Talk to me, Gida, what’ve you got?”Now she just felt like a terrible person, realizing that he had been spending time with family when she called him up about the mission.
”I’m sorry Toryn, I didn’t realize you were with family.” She said softly, just before Toryn spoke again.
”Don’t worry ‘bout it, Red.” the Jedi said with a little shake of his head and a shrug.
”She’s barely eight, I’ll have plenty more time to terrorize tasty Mandalorian fauna with my niece after we get your sister back.” The girl remained silent for a few moments before speaking back up. She knew that since he had already agreed to come along, he would be wanting the details. She tapped her datapad and sent the details over quickly before speaking.
”I’ve sent you the details on when and where we are to organize. I’m not certain what the plan is, but I have to assume a boarding action. We’re going to boarding a CIS Blacksite I found where Grevious makes people disappear. I would expect heavy resistance, as they had a heavy fleet present.” She said, explaining the details of what she had noticed.
”If you need additional gear, you can meet us on the Liberator before we go to meet the Mandalor’s troops. We’re currently docked at the ring.” She added, leaving the offer open to the man.
”You know me, Miss Gida, I always come prepared.” Said Mando responded with a little snort.
”Buuut, I’ll swing by all the same. If memory serves, your cook’s fucking amazing, and...”His head snapped back behind him as his niece shouted excitedly off-screen. Followed by a lot of loud splashing and louder cries of gleeful Mando’a.
”...Apparently you owe me a fried fish.””We’ll see you soon then, Bay 1-B will be open, you’re parking next to the TIE Advanced.” She said, the worry about getting somebody she trusted being lifted off her chest.
”Also, your relative there, what do they like? I’ll get them a gift to say sorry for stealing you.” She said pleasantly, then turned to leave the room she had ducked into as her comlink started to beep.
”Son of a- Toryn, I’ll meet you when you get here. I’ve got another call coming in.” She said quickly before tapping a couple of buttons to hang up on the Mandalorian and answer the call coming in from the bridge.