Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Venus
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Venus So long, and goodnight. ♡

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Collab with Junie @TootsiePop & Lola @Rosalia

“Is everything okay? I’m sorry if Cassie hurt your feelings, he can be, to bluntly put it, a dumbass.”

For the briefest moment, Lola angrily whipped her head in the direction of the unfortunate soul who had dared to eavesdrop on her ‘conversation’ with Cassian, with a scowl so cold it could freeze hell ten times over. She wasn't particularly fond of people who wanted to involve themselves in other people's personal affairs, much less show any interest in hers. It was a defense mechanism for the young woman (one that went back to her middle school days) to remain skeptical of any individual who willingly offered themselves as a listening ear without a preexisting relationship between them. Of course, it didn't help matters that Lola knew of the existence of something between Junie and Cassian, of which true nature she was unaware of. For all Lola knew, Junie was acting on Cass' behalf. So, of course, it was better to play it safe and thread lightly.

“It’s all good here, girl. Nothing that I couldn't take care of myself,” Lola answered curtly, flipping back a strand of her blonde hair while smugly smirking at Junie.

Rather than be taken aback by the short response, knowing well enough this was coming from a vulnerable place, Junie took a moment to choose her next words carefully. How would her father respond if she or her sisters were in a mood? Or worse, her mother?

At face value, she and Lola never held a conversation that lasted for more than five minutes. While Lola was usually with Blake, she was with Cassian, who was the brother she never had. At face value, Lola probably thought this situation was suss, solely because Cass’ close friend was being a nosy little bitch. Sure, that was mildly true, but at face value, this was also a sorority girl checking on her fellow sister.

Regardless of how anyone was looking at this, Junie wanted to persist. She was drawn to Miss Russo when they both got selected for their house. The way she held herself. The way she knew what she wanted. The way she demanded and more often than not, got exactly what she asked for. She couldn’t help but feel they were meant to be friends. Truth be told, this would be the first opportunity she’s ever found with Lola being alone. The downside was... Lola wasn’t in a good mood. At all.

Confident, and with the grace and elegance of a Macmillan, Junie gave a heartwarming smile, “Oh, I’m sure! I haven’t seen Cassie’s face like that in months and honestly, I have no doubt you put him in his place.” Never wavering her stare from the girl that she hoped would give her a moment of her time, Junie started expressing herself through her hands (yes she was a girl that talked with her hands), “If you want me to be honest, I just wanted to talk to you. We can throw all that bullshit away, if it means we can go to the cafe or something?” She took her shot in the dark and asked her sorority sister for a coffee date. That’s what her father would do. Just GO FOR IT.

Lola raised a haughty eyebrow at Junie and regarded the hopeful redhead for a moment, mulling the offer through. She seemed friendly enough, with a cheery disposition that reminded the blonde of her best friend Gigi from back home in the Hills. And she also happened to be a fellow Delta sister, at that. So what would be the harm in entertaining the girl for a little bit? It’s not like she would be giving her any sort of personal, potentially catastrophic pieces of information anyway. As long as she kept her guard and skepticism in place, there should be no incidents happening.

“Sure, that’s fine. I was on my way there anyway. I’ll need the caffeine to survive that god awful psychology lecture anyway…” she mused, rolling her eyes but offering Junie a hint of a smile. “I don’t know why in the world I chose that as an elective anyway. Such a waste of time.”

“Do you think you’ll drop it, if it doesn’t click in like a week?” Junie would take her small win as if she were given a medal. After asking Lola that question, the girls started walking through the courtyard, and out.

“God no. I’d rather stick it out until the end than have that drop staining my academic record,” Lola quickly answered, cringing at the mere thought of how badly that would look to her potential grad school.

“Ooh. That makes sense. What are you studying anyways? I know that’s probably weird of me to ask, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone talk about your studies like that. This place is pretty big and the only things spreading like wildfire are dick pics.” Slightly ashamed for not being able to recall Lola’s major, and not wanting to assume it’s full on psychology since she did say it was an elective, Junie waited patiently for her Sister’s response.

The question about her education earned Junie the first good-natured, full-fledged smile of the morning, with a bonus snort at the dick pic comment.. It was an all too common occurrence for Lola’s escapades, appearance or employment to be the first thing people would discuss when addressing her. She was often dismissed as being not particularly bright given her looks and nature of her profession, which peeved the young woman to no end. But the satisfaction of proving everyone wrong when she was able to show off her intelligence or when her academic successes were revealed always brought her a sense of glee. “I’m a Chemical Engineering major. I’m going for the PhD at some point-- probably after I take a year off for modeling or something-- so I want my records to be as pristine as possible for when I apply.”

“Wow, that’s impressive. I wouldn’t be able to take something like that. That major has a combination of things I do not like, like math and physics. I will pay people to do that for me!” She paused and decided this was the time to tell her friend something about herself, “I’m aiming to be an art therapist eventually. Once my wanderlust runs out, if it runs out.”

The mentions of dick pics and her wanderlust, as they sauntered down a sidewalk, caused her to suddenly change the direction of their conversation, “Off topic! I recently marked my claim on a sexy grunge rockstar, and girl let me tell you, we were up all fucking night. Phew. Let me tell you! He knew his way around my body, and the next morning I could barely walk!” As sudden as she brought up the topic, Junie blushed, coming to terms with how forward she was being. This wasn’t lady-like at all, and the only other people she’d talk like this to was her twin, Rosie, and her childhood friend, Mona. Eek. “...too much?”

Although she tried her hardest, there was no hiding the way her eyes flashed or how she grimaced at Junie’s unprompted tale of her night with whatever irrelevant dude she’d recently picked up. In normal circumstances, Lola would be proud of hearing about people’s conquests, and would reassure them that there was no shame in living your best life as long as you took the necessary precautions. But coming out of the heels of that humiliating incident with the girl’s beloved Cassie, the information was like rubbing salt on a fresh wound.

“Good for you,” was all Lola managed to say, her tone reverting back to the same curtness as before.

Feeling like she was back at square zero, Junie internally scolded herself for opening up about her tales with Ty way too fast. Once she heavily sighed, she didn’t waste any time to put her pride aside and apologize, “Sorry, I got too excited because I’ve liked this guy for… awhile now, but I know now that’s not where we are.” She made a small gesture toward herself and then Lola, who had grimaced again.

Trying to think of a quick topic change, Junie decided to focus on this morning’s events, “So probation, huh? It kind of sucks because I didn’t stay at the party but I’m sure my mother will take care of it. Have you told your parents yet?”

That perked up Lola in the most subtle of ways. “Not really, no,” she answered with a shrug and the slightest hint of smugness. “It’s not something that affects me or them anyway.”

Raising an eyebrow at her response, that felt like she was insinuating something heavily, Junie hesitantly nodded, debating if she was confused or she heard correctly, that Lola received a get out of jail free card ridiculously fast in comparison to anyone else in their class, “Oh, well that’s good to hear! I’m not too worried myself.” She was, before her phone call with her mother, but after that, she was reassured of how powerful of a woman her mother truly was.

“I don’t understand why they took it out on the whole year, though. I mean, Cassian and Theodore were obviously the only ones fighting: it’s all on video. You would think the logical thing to do was to punish the two of them and not everyone else,” Lola told Junie, feeling a small twinge of guilt for getting the rest of her classmates in trouble but immediately dismissing it. Not her fault the dean had decided to take such an aggressive approach to things, and certainly not her problem, since she got a free pass.

“Obviously, but the school has never been bright and they’ve been trying to shut down the bash for as long as it’s existed. This was probably their way to over dramatize the situation, because god, that party was a BORE and this video was simply ammunition to their ‘greater purpose’. As salty as I am because I’m part of the ‘bad year, this is probably the most exciting thing that has happened this month. If we look at it in a different perspective, it’s kind of hilarious how bad everyone is freaking out.” Relieved that the conversation seemed to be going in a good direction, because Lola’s mood was shifting, Junie hoped her talking without a filter wouldn’t come to bite her in the ass like it did earlier.

This time, Lola actually chortled. “Don’t let your darling Cassie hear you saying that, though. I don’t think he’ll be happy to know you’re so amused about his misfortune,” she warned Junie with a smirk. “I hear his swim coach got the video sent straight to her institutional email, as if someone had some sort of vendetta against him. Kinda makes you wonder who he must have pissed off to warrant something like that, don’t you think?” Letting those words hang in the air and hoping Junie would take the hint, Lola turned towards her sorority sister. “As much as I’d like to stick around and chat, I’ve actually just remembered I have a quiz I forgot to study for,sooooo...” she lied effortlessly with a straight face. “I guess I’ll see you around then, sister.” And with a short wave of farewell, the young woman turned on her heel and walked straight into the café.

As Lola walked away, in a matter-of-seconds Junie put two and two together. From the fight in the courtyard to the bold mention of a vendetta, the redhead pursed her lips. Cassian was a grown ass man who could take care of himself, however, with the news of him upsetting Lola, which led to the inevitable fate of their year getting academic probation, Junie couldn’t help but find some resentment toward her friend. She didn’t want to jump to conclusions because she wasn’t in the room when whatever happened, happened.

The cogs in her mind were turning, as she started imagining different scenarios. There must be a justifiable reason for Lola Russo to cause a stir like this. Peeved, she decided the best option right now was to walk away from it all. Clear her mind, and maybe see if Ty was free. No longer interested in the cafe, she grabbed her phone, only to realize how many unread texts she had from Evie.

Taking a moment to recollect herself, she decided to hold off texting her man. She’d wait for him to do it first. Instead, she messaged her pet:

Evelyn DeLuca
Meet me at the studio. Bring something yummy.😘

Dropping her phone back in her bag, she left the cafe behind and scurried to the art building, deciding her first class could suck it. She needed to paint.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
Avatar of AlteredTundra


Member Seen 6 hrs ago

A @metanoia & @GhostMami Collaboration Post
Featuring Teddybear & Gamer Girl

On his way to The Bean, Theo’s mind was plagued with several thoughts, some of which seemed to be fixated on The Bash. He went over it in his mind far too many times for his own personal comfort. He promised himself that he wouldn’t entertain them, but when he was alone, he couldn’t help it. Despite how reassuring Fiona was for his own mental state and despite how knowing one person that didn’t hate him for all of this existed, the amount of guilt he felt for putting so many people in that situation was something that weighed on Theo’s mind more than the people he actually hurt at the bash.

Well, one person.

Several minutes later as he would walk through the doors of The Bean, a bell that sat at the top of the hinges ringing as soon as he pushed it gently open, he pushed those thoughts out. Being hit by the wave of the cool breeze from the high-powered air conditioning that loudly blew above was the cleansing that he didn’t know he needed. It reset his thoughts as he became weirdly relaxed.

The Bean, like most college coffee shops (especially those on larger campuses like Meadow) was everything one should expect. In regards to the sheer size of it, The Bean was quite large. It held enough space for spacious bathrooms, a bakery and kitchen, a couple rows of tables with 2-4 chairs each, and about ten couches spread throughout with a table set between every two couches. There were also recliners spread throughout and ceiling fans five blades and bright yellow lights hung above, spinning gently to produce a breeze that counteracted the heat from the bakery.

As he scanned the area, it wasn’t long until Theo found who he was looking for. Shi didn’t make it difficult to find her. She had a specific shade that made her stick out and especially when everything around her was so earthy in color. Her bright pink hair was the sore thumb of this brown land.

“Sup Gamer Girl!” Theo greeted her with a smile, taking the chair opposite of her. He noticed a mug piled high with whipped cream and a drizzle of chocolate syrup. He took a quick sip of it, sacrificing all forms of dignity as the whipped topping and chocolate syrup found its way onto his nose, but it was worth it. The triple mocha frap was always worth it. He grabbed a napkin from the centerpiece on the table and wiped his face clean. “Appreciate this by the way. Morning’s been mostly crap, but only you would know this right here makes it less crappy,” he laughed, taking another sip of his drink.

“Nice whipped cream, dork.” Shiloh teased before he grabbed a napkin to wipe it away. Her voice cracked and she realized that aside from ordering their drinks just now, she hadn’t really spoken aloud to a human in like... two whole days. Shi cleared her throat, which was still sore, and soothed it with a sip of tea. “Can’t imagine why your morning’s been crap.” She said sarcastically with a smirk that said she was joking. “Hey, what the hell is academic probation anyway? Isn’t that some sports shit?”

“Yeah, usually it is.” Theo raised his cup to his lips, taking another sip. He exhaled a slow sigh, brown eyes finding their way back to Shi. “Usually, only those who are involved in the university’s sports teams are slapped with academic probation, but you know this school: mess up once and they throw out that rulebook they cherish above everything else.” Theo found that ironic. How could the same people who held the students to their rules not abide by the same standards? How could they pick and choose when and how they decided to follow their own rules? If you asked him, Theo thought it was absolutely bullshit, but maybe it was what he got for being an idiot meathead. “Long story short: we’re all paying the piper for a pretty stupid mistake I made at the Bash.”

“Yeah… about that...” Shiloh raised a judging eyebrow at her friend. “I liked the part of the video where Cassie got all alpha — ‘didn’t that make you tingly?’ — verrryyy homoerotic. But, that’s beside the point. What on earth made you go full fucking caveman, bruh?” Shiloh asked, but she probably already knew the answer. She was just going to make him admit it, so she could roast him for it.

All of the questions and comments directed at him had mostly been focused on the act itself and the punishment that followed, which made Shi the first one to actually ask the why of it all. Part of Theo’s mind was relieved but he recognized that look in her eye. It had the all-too-familiar gleam she usually had when she was getting ready to roast some poor unlucky sap. He normally enjoyed watching her work. She had a certain cruel genius in how she tore apart a person, but knowing he was going to be in that seat made him nervous about telling her.

As he sat on that thought for a few moments and how he was going to phrase it, Theo knew the best way was the direct way. “You know how Cassian can be. He is one of the few people at this place that knows what to say to get under my skin and how to say it so he gets the reaction he wanted.” Theo felt like the disappointment he often saw himself as whenever he thought about his parents. By letting Cass get to him, the result was just karma working her magic.

“Oh my god, I fucking knew it. It was for a girl. THE GIRL. It’s Mac, isn’t it? I knew it!” Shiloh announced proudly. She had been sleuthing out who Theo’s mad love crush was for a while now, but he kept her name under wraps for the most part. That video was all the confirmation she needed though. Her triumphant smile was quickly replaced with a slightly disappointed look. “But I thought you were better than those troglodyte meatheads, Theo. No, I know you are. This isn’t the fucking African savanna! You aren’t a couple of lions that have to fight each other as a show of strength to woo the lioness into mating. Jesus, I know I’m gay but I can guarantee that het girls don’t want to see that.” Shi cleared her throat again and sipped her tea to soothe her throat after all that talking. “You big dork.” Shiloh said with a small smile that showed the roast was all in good fun.

“That’s me! The big red-haired dork!” He laughed through the pain his injuries caused him. He couldn’t deny that Shi was on-point, though. A lot of what she said not only made a lot of sense, it also forced him to think back about how things could’ve gone differently. If not for his sake because he rarely gave a damn about what happened to him, but if he would’ve shown some self-control, he wouldn’t be the reason why a lot of people who didn’t deserve any of this attention be at the center just like he was. “Not much I can do about it now. Most of the third year class probably wants to add onto these bruises. And that’s not even including how royally I screwed up any chances with Mac.” That was probably the harshest blow dealt to him since the video became public.

“Heyyy, you may be drinking a bitch drink right now, but don’t go totally weenie hut on me.” Shiloh said with a teasing eye roll. “You didn’t ruin anything yet. You actually have a great opportunity here — an opportunity for total honesty. You’re a big ginger Teddybear and you need to show her that. Apologize for what happened… and why it happened… and then you go right into telling her how you really feel.” Shiloh punctuated her statement with a sensual shoulder shake and eyebrow wiggle.

“Okay, you had me right up until that last part,” Theo said, laughing out somewhat nervously. He leaned back in his chair. “I mean, it’s not like I don’t think Mac would be willing to hear my side of it all and I’m sure an apology would go a long way, but confessing my feelings for her to her?” The thought played back and it sounded as ridiculous as it did when Shi had said it. “How will I do that when I’m not even sure what the hell I feel for her?” He asked her. What he wanted to do was to shrug it off as Shi just joking around but he knew her long enough to know when she was playing around in a teasing way and when she was playing around in an attempt to get him to do what he normally wouldn’t.

“Wow, you really got your head whacked real good, didn’t you?” Shiloh asked with a laugh that led to a cough. “Shit, man. If you think people are mad about what you did now, imagine how mad they’ll be if you don’t get the girl after all this. It’s not like anyone’s mad that you decked Cassian, hell, half the school probably wishes that they could do that. I’ve definitely comforted some real sad girls that he hit and quit that wish they could do what you did. And also, the fact that you did do what you did proves what you feel for her, because it’s very unlike you. You wouldn’t do that for just any girl. I’m afraid you just have to nut up and tell her, my friend. You have no choice, this has been a Shiloh PSA.”

“You should write Hallmark cards because you paint with words.” As he laughed, he knew she was right not only about Mac but everything else. Theo might've been stuck in sulking ginger mode the entire morning, but there was something about how Shi operated. She always knew exactly what to say to lift his spirits up. Between her and Connor, Theo considered himself blessed and they were most definitely the reason he didn’t drown himself in the lake the moment shit became anything less than slightly uncomfortable. “Well, until then, I gotta bounce. Class in an hour and I have to run by the manor in town.” The amount of wear and tear his truck will go through in the next hour alone was enough to force a visible grimace on Theo’s face.

“I think if I did, all of my greeting cards would just end up on a rack at Spencers.” Shiloh shrugged as she mused on that fate. “Which doesn’t sound like the end of the world really, kind of fitting for me. Anyway, catch you later, Teddybear. Try not to get mauled by an angry mob before your class.”
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Otterpop
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Otterpop 〖 ωєєв qυєєи 〗

Member Seen 3 days ago

An Alaric Sterling @Otterpop & Lola Russo @Rosalia Collab

The courtyard was getting busy. More and more people were beginning to mingle, and Alaric decided that he needed some sort of caffeine in his system. He was still upset about the accidental text that Nate had sent. He'd been crushing on Jasper for a hot minute, but had never had the balls to actually do anything about it. And now, she was letting just anyone feel her up. In his mind, that meant she had no interest in him or if she even knew he existed. That thought frustrated him even more. He was always so unsure about trying to get close to people that the ones he was remotely interested in always slipped through the cracks. This wasn't the first time, and he had a gloomy feeling that it wouldn't be the last. He really needed to learn how to land a chick.

"I need a fucking drink…." the blond muttered, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans and sauntering off towards The Bean. It wasn't alcohol but if he didn't get some sugar soon he was going to get a migraine from hell, guess those doctors were right about caffeine being the same as a drug.

As much as Lola loved starting her day with breakfast at The Bean, there was always that particularly annoying habit she had of wanting to pop in when the place was full. This morning was no exception. With the impromptu assembly having just ended, it was no surprise that the place was packed. In fact, she was only barely able to score a corner table for herself, and had to glare a few people away from her newly marked territory. But as much as she hated being in the middle of a large crowd like this, the delicious taste of a salmon and cream cheese bagel and a french vanilla latte with whipped cream and cinnamon was worth the sacrifice.

With her warm meal now sitting in front of her and the satisfaction of getting away with murder, the young woman decided it was time to treat herself to a little celebratory fun. Smirking, she pulled her cellphone out of her bag and pulled up her text messages: the special person she wanted to reach out to was number three on her list. The nails on neatly manicured fingers clicked against the screen as she typed up a quick text:

To: Coach M
Hey handsome
I know this whole probation scandal must have you feeling all tense and stressed out…
Just say when and where and I’ll go take care of you babe
I’ve missed you

Once the message was sent, Lola placed her unlocked phone next to her plate and took a bite out of her bagel. She knew there was a high chance of the recipient not answering right away (he was probably locked in a heated argument with the headmistress about removing his precious son from the probation list), but she still stared intently at her screen in hopes that he would.

Walking into the crowded Cafe made Alaric wish he'd just gone back to his room, people were scattered everywhere and it looked like there were no empty tables. He briefly debated on walking out but the smell of coffee dragged him to the long line of caffeine addicts. The Bean had the best coffee and bagels so it was no surprise that it'd be packed after an assembly, he really should have thought about that before. With a huff he stood in the ridiculous line and spent the time absently scrolling through his social media.

He couldn't believe it took 15 minutes just to get a simple dark roast and a double chocolate muffin. If he hadn't been in a bad mood before he definitely was now, and the limited seating so did not help. Though among the crowd something caught his eye: a bombshell blonde who was sitting alone. He'd seen Lola Russo here and there, maybe said a few words, but never actually talked to the gorgeous woman who was completely out of his league. But he'd had a bad day so far and said fuck it. If he was going to sit somewhere, why not with her?

"If he doesn't text back within 10 minutes he ain't worth it." While he was walking over he'd notice that she kept glancing at her phone. Only a guy would make a girl do that. Without even asking Alaric plopped down at the table, giving the blonde across from him a smug grin. He happened to glance down at the unlocked phone and only read the last bit, lifting an eyebrow before looking away. "Correction: if he doesn't text back he's an idiot because you'd have to be stupid to pass up on you." Why was he able to talk to her so well when he couldn't even approach Jasper? Maybe because he knew a girl like this would never really give him the time of day. Pretty and blonde never mixed well with grunge and drugs.

Like her mother before her, there was a foolproof type of guy that Lola always found herself attracted to. That was, or course, the athletes: men who were tall, lean, slightly (or significantly) older than her, with strong, sharp jawlines, impossibly chiseled bodies, and an impeccable sense of style. The guy sitting in front of her, however, was as opposite from her type as anyone could get. He wasn't terrible to look at, honestly-- and if she was anyone else, she'd find him to be pretty damn cute. But after being with the likes of Cassian Lee, Blake DeStefano, Harrison Cross, Nolan Murphy, and even his dad the Coach Murphy just to name a few, it was easy to see why the blonde wouldn't be impressed right off the bat.

But she was in a good mood today, and she had to give him props for having the balls to approach her in the first place. So instead of turning him down outright, the young woman would play with her food for a little bit instead.

"Tell me something I don't know," the girl finally answered her companion with an arrogant little smirk, raising her eyebrows once before taking a long sip of her latte as she carefully studied him with her gaze. Lola knew for a fact that she'd seen this guy around before, but was still struggling to place him. So to buy herself time, she decided to call him out on the unacceptable behavior she had just witnessed him engage in. "For example: do you just go around snooping on people's text message conversations and barging into their personal spaces like this? Or am I the only one who gets that honor?"

Alaric put a hand to his chest, pretending that her words offended him before reaching for his warm drink and taking a long sip. "Barging into your personal space? I like to think that I saw the cafe was full and sat down at the friendliest looking table."

That earned the blond boy a disbelieving scoff. "Yeah, okay…" she immediately responded, rolling her eyes and shaking her head. There were many words that could be used to describe Lola, and unless you were one of three special girls of the 90210 zip code, friendly was definitely not one of them.

Alaric had a feeling she would call him out for reading her text, in his defense he didn't do it on purpose exactly. "Also I'm not the one who sends saucy text messages and then leaves their phone unlocked for any passing stranger to read. That nerdy girl over there passed just a second ago, maybe she accidentally looked down and took a peak? Who knows."

'Not if she knows what's good for her…' she couldn't help but think as she pressed her lips together into a tight line. Yet as much as she hated to admit it, Lola knew this persistent little stranger had a point. Sure: he should've known it's common sense and politeness to avoid snooping around other people's conversations. But, yes: she had left the door wide open for anyone to take a peek. Lord, since when had she become so careless? Her little victory had definitely gotten to her head, but she needed to get back into the game. The last thing she wanted was to have anyone find out with which very married faculty member she was hooking up with.

He had to admit that teasing her was a bit fun, not his normal cup of tea but it beat being pissed off at the world. He leaned back a bit in his chair, cup of coffee in one hand. "Seriously though, my bad. I try not to let my nosy habits get out of hand but sometimes I just can't control myself."

"Obviously…" came Lola's snarky reply, accompanied by another eye roll and a bite of her bagel. Begrudgingly, she clicked the lock button on the side of her phone, and the screen went immediately black. "There. It's locked. Is that it, or are you still trying to get into my business?"

Why did it feel like all blondes automatically came with an attitude? Alaric just stared at Lola, her snarky remarks doing little to scare him off. "I don't remember actually getting into your business, I just said how someone could be stupid. I actually thought it was pretty funny but that's just me." He downed the last of his drink, setting the empty cup on the table. "Would it be better if we did a do over? Pretend the last 3 minutes didn't happen? Hi, I'm Alaric and I swear I'm not some weirdo who invades people's privacy." Thinking he was hilarious the boy gave her a cheeky grin, he had no idea where he was trying to take the conversation. Just sort of going with the flow at this point.

Once again, the young woman took a moment to sip the last of her coffee while staring Alaric down. Well color her impressed... There was something to be said about a man who didn't get irritated, defensive or fled when faced with the brash attitude Lola presented at first. It was a tactic she used to weed out those whose weak personalities wouldn't be able to survive around her, and to find those who would be brave enough to stick around. So far, this Alaric dude had proven himself to be capable of handling her. It was time to stop playing games and give him a shot at a real conversation with who she really was.

Smirking with satisfaction, the blonde sat up straight and leaned forward in the young man’s direction. "I'm Lola. And if you let me start over and buy you another coffee, I promise I'll prove to you I'm not as bitchy as I pretend to be," she answered, reaching out to place her hand over Alaric's and offering him an actual friendly smile.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Venus
Avatar of Venus

Venus So long, and goodnight. ♡

Member Seen 1 mo ago

With Princess Charlotte @Rosalia & Queen MacKenna @spooner

MacKenna slipped the key into the lock of apartment 34 on Maplewood Drive and opened the door. She turned to her saddened cousin and gave her a reassuring smile before letting her pass her into the apartment. Without a word, she led her cousin through the living room and towards her room. Once inside, the dark-haired girl threw the bags she had been carrying for Lottie on her bed and gestured for her cousin to do the same with her bags.

“We don’t have to talk about it… If you don’t want to,” she began carefully. She knew her cousin had always been a bit more fragile than herself, and it didn’t really help that she had inherited her father’s word vomit. She bit her lower lip almost as to stop from saying anything stupid, so she changed the subject. “I don’t know if you want to sleep in here or with Keeks but I’ll make a bed for you either way,” she smiled, bending down to pull out the mattress she kept under her bed for these kinds of situations.

“Thanks, babe. Really,” Charlotte reiterated, following her cousin’s lead in placing down the rest of her bags next to the pile MacKenna had brought in and taking a seat at the corner of the bed.

“Oh! On some whole other topic!” the Asian girl said in between her grunts as she sorted through the boxes of shoes and bags that obscured what she was looking for. “This probation stuff... What does uncle W say about it? Can he do something you think?” she asked, finally emerging from under her bed with the extra mattress. “And, shit, what did your coach say?” she rambled on, sitting herself on the edge of her bed unrolling Lottie’s mattress on the floor next to her.

“I haven't talked to Coach Jeanie yet, but you know how Dad gets..." Lottie told her cousin, rolling her eyes at the memory of her father’s stern phone call. "He blew up my phone asking about what had happened and if I was there, and after I fed him some bullshit story about how I wasn't even at the party he told me he'd get on it. Thank God I was with Kiki inside the cabin all night, because there is literally no trace of me at that party. Too bad we can't say the same thing about you…" the blonde commented with a mischievous little smirk. "How does it feel to be Meadow University's most desired bachelorette and having guys fight for your heart like old school gladiators?"

Mac, who had been rummaging through her closet looking for bedding, flipped her hair back dramatically, resting her chin on her shoulder looking back at Lottie with a smirk. “Oh how the tables have turned…” she laughed, bending down to put the fresh sheet on the mattress. Of course, she was talking about how all of the boys and girls of Crown Heights, their hometown, used to always chase after Lottie, and Mac was the one on the sidelines.

“Yeah, tell me about it…” the blonde chortled in amusement. She knew any other girl would probably be jealous at the attention Mac was getting-- or, more importantly, who’s attention she was getting. But Lottie couldn’t be jealous even if she tried. About time worthy guys finally took notice of how amazing her cousin was and wanted to woo her! God only knew how much she deserved the world and more. “But don’t try and skirt around the question, babe! What’s your take on all of it?”

As she smoothed the sheet free of any wrinkles, Mac sighed. “Honestly it’s mostly just annoying…” she looked up at her cousin with a frown. “They both are acting like children… Like I’m some sort of… Trophy or some dumb shit.”. Truth be told, she felt like a clichéd basic bitch from a Netflix rom-com. But the way Cassian and Theo acted at the bash was not something she was used to, and it irritated her more than anything else. Another sigh escaped her as she got up to sit next to Lottie, resting her head on her cousin’s shoulder. “If you only knew how many times I wished this would happen when we were growing up…” she commented, staring at nothing in particular. “Now… I don’t know if I like it.” she continued.

Charlotte wrapped her arms around her cousin. She could tell this whole Cass VS Theo was starting to overwhelm Mac, so she wanted to return the favor and help the girl sort out her feelings. Not to mention that inserting herself in her cousin’s drama was an excellent distraction from her own failed relationship. "Is it because you don't like either of them? Or does it just make you feel weird because you're not used to the attention and all that?"

When she was let go from the embrace Mac slumped back on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. “I don’t know…” she closed her eyes, deep in thought. “I guess it’s a bit of both?” she turned her head so she could look at Lottie. “Cassian is very hot… But there’s something that just bothers me about how he carries himself-- plus, he’s a smug asshole! On the other hand, Theo is just so hard to figure out, but he has always made me feel like. Good.” Mac grabbed a pillow and covered her face with it. “And now the whole junior class probably hates me... “ her frustrated voice emanated from under the pillow.

Charlotte couldn’t help but roll her eyes. “Who the hell is going to hate you?” she questioned, grabbing the decorative pillow nearest to her and slamming it across the one Mac had on her face for her completely baseless comment. “You weren’t the one who leaked the video to the school, right?”

Ripping the pillow off her face, Mac sat up again. “No… but I was heavily featured! Whatever, it’s not like I actually care what people here think. It’s just that Dad has thrown a hissy fit like he always does. I guess it has me stressed out...” she admitted.

“Okay, then let’s move back to a better topic: the brave warriors after your virgin little heart,” Lottie jokingly interjected as she perched herself on Mac’s stomach, hoping that the change in subject would entertain and distract them both from the current stresses they were facing. “If you were to pick one of those boys to pop your cherry, which one would you choose and why?”

“Okay, first of all... Gross. she made a face. “Second of all! Who said I even want one of them to… ‘pop my cherry’?” she huffed. “Especially after the stunt they pulled!” she became quiet. When she actually thought about it, she couldn’t help but imagining Cassian at one of his swim competitions, shirtless… In a speedo... As quickly as the image entered her mind the girl shook her head to get rid of it.

“Don’t be such a prude, MacKenna!” Lottie scolded her cousin, lightly elbowing the Asian girl’s side. “I would give anything to have a big daddy like Cassian fighting over me like he did for you. Don’t get me wrong: I absolutely adore Kiki to death. That’s my man and nobody can change that. But have you seen Cassian Lee?! I swear I would get reconstructive surgery down there so he could pop my cherry all over again and I can brag to everyone about it.”

Ew…” was the only thing Mac could get out after her cousin’s salacious speech. “Like I said, they both have qualities that could justify giving them a second chance...” she said, letting out a groan while smoothing out her baby hairs that had escaped her ponytail.

“Here’s my advice-” the blonde offered, taking on a serious tone now. “Give both of them a shot. You’re a very single, very independent young woman with no ties to either of them and absolutely nothing to lose. I say, you go on at least one date with each of them, get to know them separately and all that, and then based on that you can either pick the one you vibed better with or send both them on their merry way. Sometimes first impressions can be misleading, so you get a better chance of seeing someone’s true intentions in private.”

“I have a better question! Who would you pick for your fair chamber maiden?”

Charlotte turned her face so she could stare at her cousin. “What’s a chamber maiden?” she asked blankly, visibly confused by the question.

“Nevermind…” Mack waved her hand in the air, rolling her eyes. “Maybe you’re right…” she mused. “I’ll give them both a chance to get into this Asian persuasion!” she declared, laughing at herself for how ridiculous she sounded.

“That’s the spirit!” Lottie cheerfully cried out in encouragement, laughing right along with Mac and shifting her position around the bed so that she could effectively tackle the dark-haired girl. “Now go to the kitchen and make me something to eat! I’m your guest in this place, and I am starving!”

“Fuck you!” she cackled as she got up, leading their way into the kitchen.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Aewin
Avatar of Aewin

Aewin Fangirl Extraordinaire

Member Seen 7 mos ago

A collaboration with Junie, Elliot & Evie

"I'm just going to assume you got that ridiculous text because you get everything because your friends with everyone somehow, but I feel like I missed out on the good parts of the Bash."

Elliot’s pout was met with her own puppy-dog stare. “At least you were at the bash!” She cried out dramatically. “I’m getting punished for not getting involved!” How was that fair? Luckily she had no scholarship to worry about, but her grades had some other story to tell. Surely she would get some justice here, it truly wasn’t fair!

At the mention of food Evie perked up again, nodding along with the idea. “Yes! Then you can spill any more details about that… banjo of a person you met at the party.” Evie’s nose crinkled in displeasure, but a buzz from her skirt pocket stopped her thoughts from growing sour once again.

Junie 🥰😊🤩
Meet me at the studio. Bring something yummy.😘

...Well, that settled it! What Junie asked for, Junie got.

Elliot couldn’t help but laugh, his blonde friend’s pout was just too damn adorable. "Well you can blame the idiots who thought it’d be a good idea to take videos at a secret party….honestly why would anyone think that’s smart? " Then the spiteful queen saw it, which he was surprised about because she didn’t look like the kind of person who passed the time browsing through social media. Maybe she sat in her office all day daydreaming all the things she’d like to do in order to make their lives miserable….yea that was probably it.

He shook his head, her insults were definitely interesting. “Alright alright, but there’s not any more to tell. He was a dick, I told him to fuck off. Pretty cut and dry, Evie.” His stomach screamed for food again and he gestured towards the cafeteria, ushering the small girl towards the place that would finally satisfy his hunger, oblivious to the text message she had gotten. “Come on blondie, let's go before I starve to death.”

“I hope you don’t mind, but we gotta get something extra. Junie must be getting hungry now.” Evie said, scanning the message from Junie one more time, as if waiting for another message to follow. “I do hope she had her breakfast, otherwise I’m gonna have to lecture you both about eating good.” And being a lecturer wasn’t exactly Evie’s strongest skill, given her tendency to get distracted easily and general inability to look or sound convincing.

Meanwhile, Evie was in the middle of shooting her own response back at Junie.

Junie 🥰😊🤩
ur personal uber eats is on its way 😙
straight from the local cafeteria 😩

The walk from the courtyard to the cafeteria was short, and Evie spent much of it grilling Elliot about the rest of his weekend, craving any sort of tea that could make this punishment even sort of worth it. The food at the cafeteria wasn’t Junie’s standards, but Evie had to make do with her options. If only she had the extra hands…

It was an incredible balancing act, but eventually Evie was able to carry a bottle of chilled orange juice, a wrapped wholemeal bagel with two extra blueberry muffins and a nice white chocolate cookie. She turned to face Elliot sheepishly. “I think this qualifies as more than extra?” She laughed. “You’re gonna have to guide me to the art building. We can have brunch there.”

“Junie?” It was all he really had time to say before he was dragged along with Evie into the cafeteria. He knew Evie and Junie were friends and had hung out with them on an occasion or two but didn’t really talk to her much. He rolled his eyes as she tried to carry all the food in her tiny arms, the things she would do for this sorority girl. “Alright, let's get this girl her food before you drop it all over the ground.” He used one hand to guide Evie to the art building while he carried a wrapped breakfast sandwich and a bottle of orange juice in the other.

On the highest level of the art building, in the art studio with the best natural lighting because of the tall windows, Juniper went to her painting that she had left at her designated spot (far right corner) since Friday. Sitting on the stool, she scanned her piece, clearly having doubts. It didn’t feel perfect. Something was off. While the woman was sensual enough to be seen as sexy and delicate enough to be portrayed as beautiful, she didn’t feel like it was enough. This was one of her weakest paintings. There was no shimmer to it, no talent. She was a failure and maybe she’d never be a genius and should give up while she was ahead. All she wanted was to be great and if she couldn’t, then she’d be nothing.

Grabbing one of her clean brushes, she dipped it in the darkest of blues. Did this have anything to do with the art itself and her middling talent? Maybe it did, maybe it didn’t. Or perhaps it had to do with the phone resting on the table and the only texts she received this lovely morning was of her dear twin and… Evie. With no ounce of hesitation, she slapped the paint on the woman’s chest and slid down her body, ultimately ruining whatever the piece was by leaving a mark where there shouldn’t be one.

Junie had been on cloud nine from her adventurous weekend with her crush of three years since she last saw him. Now that things were slowing down it was starting to sink in that he hadn’t messaged her yet. He, someone she felt a strong connection with, was too busy for her, to even think about her. And to add to her sour mood, Lola was clearly avoiding any advances of a friendship with her. Why was it so hard to build a bridge with that woman?!

After grinding her teeth together, she scooped an ample amount of paint this time. Throwing all technique out the door, she slapped her brush against the woman’s face, which caused the paint to splatter and hit Junie’s cheek. This painting was fucking garbage. With the sound of the ticking clock, Junie continued to terrorize her art with an assortment of colors, ultimately causing the image it once was to vanish completely from her sight. When her stomach grumbled, she growled, “What is taking her so long...”

“We’re here!” Evie all but shouted as the two burst into the art building with the food together. She offered Junie an excited beam, showing off the treats in her arm. Despite it being only cafeteria food, she hoped that she picked up enough options for Junie to choose from and enjoy. She bounded over to Junie’s side, examining the art. “That’s… beautiful…” Evie’s eyebrows furrowed. This had to be abstract art, right? Surely that slice of paint had to mean something mysterious!

Not bothering to look away from her ‘abstract’ painting, Junie rejected her friend’s compliment, “This is why, Evie, you are not an artist.” Placing her brush on the table, she grabbed a hand towel and started wiping her hands. “I turned garbage into bitterness.” Standing up from the stool, she continued on her tangent, “Bitterness is like cancer, don’t you think? And that is how it looks like.” And how she felt.

Finally, she twirled her body to face the two people in her sanctuary to meet the gaze of a new face. They might have sat with each other before, but Junie had no recollection of him whatsoever. Once she tossed the towel on the table, she crossed her arms and surveyed the boy, scrutinizing him with her icy glare. “Hm.” After a brief pause, and a step closer to Elliot, she graced him with a charming smile, “Now who might this be?” By the way she was looking at Elliot, up and down, it could be easily gathered that Junie was already assuming he was more than just platonic friends to her darling Evie.

Not really sure what to say, Elliot quietly stood back as Evie announced their arrival in the artsy room. He sort of just nibbled on his sandwich as he glanced around the room, not looking at anything in particular. He didn't understand what Junie meant when she said that she was turning her painting from garbage into bitterness. Was that like a metaphor or something? Photography could be left to interpretation sometimes but he was used to looking at a picture and knowing what it meant. Art wasn't so simple all the time and honestly gave him a headache. Good thing he wasn't an art major.

It was at that point Elliot realized Junie was staring at him, he blinked a few times and gave her a nervous but polite smile. Why did it feel so weird to have someone's attention on you? He felt like she was inspecting him, looking for a flaw or mistake. But then it clicked in his head and seeing that smile that maybe Junie was thinking the wrong thing. "Ah….hi. I'm Elliot, I'm a friend of Evie's. Hope you don't mind an extra person, someone had to make sure she didn't fall with all that food." He said in a teasing manner. While he did think Evie was cute they weren't an item and he would hate to have someone make that mistake. What if Evie had a crush on someone? He knew if it was him he'd feel awkward. Heck he kind of felt awkward now.

Evie’s cheeks were inflamed, and she smiled goofily between her two friends. “Eli’s like, super cool, you’d love him!” Oblivious to the thought running on both their minds, she changed the topic immediately. Who doesn’t love some food? Junie was clearly feeling some kind of way, even if Evie thought her art was still incredible even with the garish mark and all. Elliot munching on his sandwich just reminded her that she had a delivery to follow through! “Take your bagel and this muffin. It’ll cheer you right up,” She offered, placing down the juice box beside Junie. “Then you can see the beauty in bitterness!” She added with her trademark Evie smile.

Hm. Examining the muffin, Junie nodded in approval, “I do love blueberries, and look at that, you remembered to put the strawberry cream cheese on the side. Honestly. What would I do without you?” Placing the bag back on the table, after peering in and making sure everything was to her liking, she sat back down on her stool and gestured for the other two to take a seat. Crossing her legs, she reached for her drink and took a leisure sip, before letting out a giggle, “Elliot and Evie. Double E. Has such a cute ring to it.” They might not be an item right now, but it was only a matter of time. The fact that Evie was comfortable enough to bring him here to Junie herself showed this kid had more importance than the average friend. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t ship them. They were both cute. Cute people should date other cute people to maximize their cuteness.

Still not touching her food, Junie placed her drink back down and apologized, “Sorry for the mess, I don’t get this carried away usually. I do have a question, though. For both of you. Well, perhaps more so you, Elliot, than Evie, since I already know how she is when it comes to texting. How long would you wait for someone to text or call you? Say this someone was a person you were sure enough wanted to become more than just friends. It’s been two days since we last talked and I can’t help but feel I might’ve given too much, too soon.” Evelyn trusted Elliot enough to bring him here, so Junie would trust him enough to get an outsider’s perspective with her own boy troubles.

'Something please get me out of this situation…' Elliot thought to himself as he sat down on a nearby stool. Junie was really trying her best to hint to Evie what she thought, bless his blonde friend’s heart for being an oblivious girl. "It's cool, you should see my roommates room if you think this is messy." The topic changed very quickly as he listened to Junie's question, finishing off the sad excuse for a breakfast sandwich. He had a feeling that this wasn't just a 'what if’ type of thing but more pertaining to her own situation, whatever it might be. "Well...if it was me I would try to message them. I mean if I know they are interested in me, do they know I'm interested in them? I know a lot of guys around here sometimes think sorority girls just sleep with guys to get a mark under their belt, does this guy know for sure this isn't the case? Plus I wouldn't doubt that he's waiting for you to message him. You'll both end up waiting forever if that's the case." He was surprised that he was actually able to say something decent instead of babbling off into a tangent.

“I guess I’ll wait forever!” Junie dramatically exclaimed. “There is NO WAY in hell I’d message first. What am I? Desperate? HA.” At this point, the redhead had finished spreading the cream cheese on her bagel, smearing it in such a precise manner where it looked perfectly smooth and covered the places that mattered. “If he doesn’t want a piece of this again, it’s his loss.” As if. Junie was not going to compromise her pride for someone she thought she had sparks with. She was better than that.

Evie pursed her lips, feeling conflicted. There really was only one right answer! Continuing Elliot's point, she finally added, “Yeah, like, what’s the point of waiting? Maybe he got busy, or... like, had to take care of his grandma." Evie could probably guess who her friend, her crush was pining for, but she couldn't fake her opinion either, even if it meant shooting herself in the foot. "Did you message him? Guys like initiative. That's why Bumble exists!"

Ugh. Two people telling her she should just go for it. Junie grabbed her phone and blankly stared at it. “Fine, fine, whatever. I’ll do it. I guess it is the Macmillan way to take charge. I’m sure Rosie would’ve told me the same.” She hated being the first to show she cared. Why couldn’t the guy try? Why was it always on the girl? UGH. “So, what should I say? I don’t want to seem… needy. I’m thinking, hey, miss you. Hope to talk soon. Kissy face. Kitty paw. Emojis.”

Oh no, no no… That wouldn’t do! Evie clicked her tongue, quickly taking Junie's phone from her hand. It was an impulsive decision, but she had a plan. "No, lemme do it. I got just the idea!" So what if her idea was from Cosmo? It worked for the writer! And even if it didn’t work… Well, the dark and selfish part of Evie wasn’t going to mind. On screen was the chat between Junie and Ty, and Evie did her best not to pry too much on past messages. It was best not to open that can of worms. She cleared her throat instead, trying her best Queen Junie impersonation she could muster before typing and speaking aloud.

"Hey Elliot, wink, last night I had such a good time. We should meet up again, kissy lips," She looked at Elliot, hoping he’d be fine with it before she’d press the send key.

She asked for his advice and totally threw it out the window. Elliot let out a small huff as he unwrapped the plastic straw of his cranberry juice and poked it into the small box. He didn't think it seemed desperate to text someone first but then again he'd never been in a relationship before, so what did he know? It did feel good though to hear Evie agree with him, made him think that maybe he wasn't a lost case in the romance department. It was also interesting to see how easy Junie caved after hearing Evie give her two cents, why did girls always need second opinions?

He shrugged when Junie asked what to send, he had no clue and texted only a few people regularly. Elliot was interested in what Evie had planned, lord knows he'd heard more than enough of her shenanigans to imagine. Though when she recited the message out loud the boy practically choked on the red juice he was drinking, coughing as he tried to protest. It was too late though and the message had been sent, "You guys are going to get me killed!" He finally sputtered, images of him getting beaten to a pulp flashing through his head. Maybe the guy wouldn't care...oh but what if he told people and then rumors started floating around and all the girls would think he slept around and then no one wanted him - The list kept going on and on as the poor boy slowly began to spiral, though the two girls couldn't see it.

Chewing silently, Junie gleamed in amusement. While Evie’s method was vastly out of character for her, Junie was curious how exactly Ty would react. Before either of them could say their thoughts, or while Elliot was being adorable in an anxious, uncomfortable kind of way, Evie got carried away and sent the text. Shrugging, Junie swallowed her food, grabbed her napkin, and patted her lips. "If anyone is going to die first, I’ll make sure it’s not you two.” Leaning in, her blue, kittenish gaze resting on Elliot’s face, she playfully simpered, "Looks like we’re pretend lovers. We should have brunch more often.”

Pleased with how things turned out, forgetting all about her ruined homework, she elegantly threw her hair behind her shoulder and gave Evie an appreciative and delightful grin, "You’re right, Evie, sweetie, your friend is super cool. I think I’ll keep him.”

He was like a deer in headlights, eyes wide as he just stared at the two girls. After a few moments he just gave a sigh of defeat, there wasn't much he could do at this point. Though when Junie said they were pretend lovers his face became intensely red, "This will all go away in a few days." He couldn't deny that it kind of felt good to have people like him, he'd always been such an awkward and nervous guy that people thought he was weird. He pushed his drooping glasses up higher on his nose, crumbling up the paper wrapper his sandwich had been in.

"Girls are crazy."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by LovelyComplex
Avatar of LovelyComplex

LovelyComplex Retired Zone

Member Seen 2 days ago

Collab with @TootsiePop & @NeoAJ

"If I wanted Neil Peart, I’d play myself. Now come along. ” Diana gestured her drink toward the path that led to the music building, before leading the charge. "We should leave the scene of the crime. Don’t need some snitch to tattle and get the whole school in trouble solely because one kid made a show of strength using the art of vandalism.”

As she casually strolled, Dee decided to forcibly stick her free hand in her bag. After a couple of crinkly plastic noises, she pulled out some gummy bears and shoved a handful in her mouth. "Btdubs, if you’re hungry I got a mini fridge in the studio. Feel free to help yourself to whatever. Yo, want some gummies?” When she got to the question, she had already stretched out her hand, offering her acquaintance candy. The best kind of brunch.

Kieran held his hand up, respectfully rejecting the offer of candy. “I’m good. No processed sugar until the off-season. That’s the rule. Although talk to me in May if you got a bag full of Starbursts.”

He had never been in this area of the school before. Music was his family’s area of expertise, but not his own. His father was notorious back home for his ability to shanty with the best of them, and his sister initially moved to Toronto with the hopes of putting her performing talents to work on the stage. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much use for dancing at a rental car company. For Kieran though, learning to play an instrument was what you did if you didn’t have anything else to show off at parties, and Kieran’s body did most of the talking on that front.

Using her key card, Dee rubbed it against the reader. Her card was a golden yellow color, unlike everyone else’s which were plain white. When the car reader turned green, she grinned, "Bitchen’.” Kicking the door, she took a second to get into position to hold it open with her back and directed Kieran inside, "Please, by all means, you first. And look at that, front and center. Drums.” She waited for him to respond, and as he did so, she closed the door behind her.

The place certainly looked impressive. All that extra university money had to go somewhere, Kieran supposed. Still, it surprised him all the same. It seemed like this new traveling companion of his had some sway he didn’t know about. Of course, it made sense if she came from money. Those kids seemed to be able to get away with anything while it was the scholarship kids who took the brunt of the punishment. Still, it couldn’t be held against Dee. At least not at this stage. “Yup. Can confirm. Those do indeed be drums.”

“I’m headin’ to the lounge and recording zone. Kinda’ in desperate need for a red bull. You want a gatorade or something? I don’t know what your athlete diet is or whatever, but I’m sure I got some form of it somewhere.”

“I won’t say no to a Gatorade,” Kieran confirmed. “Orange if you got it, but I’m not too picky. As long as it’s not grape. Grape-flavored anything is terrible.” He plunked himself down on the stool in front of the drum set, and tried to adjust things to his height. He had little experience with the drums, aside from watching his cousin keep half his house awake with his own version of the solo from Beast and the Harlot. Suffice to say, it didn’t go well on any front.

A few minutes passed and Dee was out of the room with two drinks in hand, having already tossed her tea away to replace it with pure energy. “Heads up!” She threw the closed gatorade (orange) drink to her new friend, not really taking note if he was paying attention or not. Once she was sitting down at the piano stool, she pulled the tab’s ring off and immediately guzzled down her guilty pleasure. When she finished the drink in its whole, she belched out a loud burp (very unladylike) and then chuckled, “‘Cuse me. Now dude, you gonna hit some drums or do you want to share your feelings on this morning’s assembly?”

Kieran raised an eyebrow at Dee’s behavior upon re-entering the room. He easily caught the Gatorade bottle thrown at him. That was a paltry test of his abilities. However, losing a belching contest before he even started. That was an eye-opener. Maybe it made sense. Dee didn’t exactly exude the same ladylike qualities as say Mac or Lottie. So far, it almost seemed like she was just one of the guys. And that was cool. Nothing wrong about that.

“I think that water fountain took the brunt of my feelings,” he said as he picked up the sticks. “Just sucks that I could be thrown off the team for something I had no part in doing.” He tentatively tapped on a couple of the drums just to try and figure out what sounds they made.

“I wouldn’t worry too much.” Dee too took a moment to diddle with the instrument in front of her, doing a quick crescendo on C scale, followed by an immediate decrescendo. Simple and basic. “I know that’s probably not something you want to hear, since based off your reaction, it clearly hurts you more than others. But has it happened yet? Has anything really happened?” She looked over to him, giving him a look that expressed ‘worrying is a waste of time’.

“We literally just got a slap on the hand for acting our age. At most, your coach may bitch, but getting kicked off? Ha. If you’re a star player, they need you. For that big rep they care about so much. This probation thing won’t even last a week. The perks of going to a privileged school. Getting a rise from this is just feeding into their bullshit. When really? They could care less. You care more than they care. They were doing this grand gesture to make a statement. Not thinking about any of us individually.” It was obvious that Dee was a loquacious girl, or someone that is more alone than not, so when she is near someone she has a lot to say.

While she didn’t mean to give Kieran an ear full, Dee did think he was a good guy and it would be tragic if he lost all that pretty hair of his because of unneeded stress. No one thinks more about you than yourself and worried thoughts are notoriously inaccurate. It’s like walking around with an umbrella, waiting for it to rain. There was no point. Just get lost in the moment, and try to cherish the little things that matter. Bad things happen. That’s life. But if the school chose to wipe out their whole junior class because of a stupid party, that spoke more on them than their students. Whoever snitched on them was not thinking straight, probably on her period or something because Dee couldn’t imagine a guy being this petty, but the school’s reaction? That was hilariously dumb. A big fucking dumpster fire.

Kieran let out a sigh as he started to tap with a little more fervor, trying to combine the sounds from the drums in a way that could at least be considered some kind of rhythm. It wasn’t going to match what Dee produced on the piano with just a few strokes, but he wasn’t a complete stranger when it came to producing a beat. There were many long days in a classroom that were spent tapping in time to some random song that worked into his head.

Besides, she was probably right. It would look really bad if a school just dropped an entire year of students over a party. It probably wasn’t even legal in the first place. It was just a scary thought to lose out on an entire season of hockey because two people got in a fight. Since he was now the legal drinking age in the States, there was no going back to junior, and it would be harder to get into another university without explaining why academic probation was followed by expulsion. So it was best to go along with Dee and think about how it was a hollow threat that would quickly be dismissed, especially if the coaches went to bat against the admins for the athletes.

“So… you think I should just take some whacks at this and you try and plink out a tune? Or am I just gonna be a lost cause at this?”

“Nah man, you’re not a lost cause. My parents are.” She cheesed, before giving him the spark notes version of drumming for beginners, “Focus on the hi-hats, snare, and bass. I’m sure you got an idea of the basics based on what I’ve heard so far. Hi-hats, think of it like snapping or tapping your foot to a song you’re really into. Generally we subconsciously snap to quarter notes.” Dee snapped her fingers, while she explained to him how to give her a basic beat, “Have them evenly spaced and to make it easy, count 1-and-2-and-3-and-4-and-1-and-2-and-3-and-4. Hit the hi-hat twice per snap. Add the snare drum with the 2 and 4 and the bass on counts 1 and 3. The bass drum should be right in time with the hi-hat. If you need me to show you, I will. Now, give me a beat, choose the speed, and I’ll match you.” Turning to the piano, she placed both of her hands to the keys and patiently waited.

“All right, but I saw that movie Whiplash. You throw a chair at me, and I’m out of here truer than anything, eh?” Kieran slightly stuck his tongue out as he prepared to go Miles Teller on the situation. He started tapping his foot in order to get a feel for how heavy he had to go to get the bass to sound out. He didn’t want to totally drown out Dee, since she had a better ear for all of this. He actually had to go harder than he expected on the snare in order to hear what he wanted out of it, but he didn’t want to break anything. That probably wouldn’t look good either. Once he figured out how hard he wanted to hit the things he could hit, he started to try and factor in his other foot to work in the cymbals. It was harder to coordinate all these separate movements than it was trying to skate. Skating was all about fluidity, keeping the motions balanced in order to glide with maximum efficiency. Here, Kieran just felt like he was flailing a bit. He looked over towards Dee, to see if things were going well enough that she felt she could play something to his wild movements.

Not looking at him once to confirm his change in pace or his fumbles, Dee closed her eyes, focusing on the sound he was giving her. Music was like an external heartbeat and through the vibration, she let that decide what notes she would touch. Seemingly without effort, she produced music, complimenting his fragmented drumming. The sound was like waves filling holes in beach sand. When he picked up in tempo, she helped elevate the spirit and move the room, as if it were meant for a dance party, and when he slowed down, she lowered the tidal waves to a relaxing calm.

Diana Valentine wasn’t just playing to play. The music pumped through her veins, as she somehow magically kept in time with his drums (even if he was simply winging it). This was Dee’s talent. The one thing she could call her own. What she loved about music was that it wasn’t here to save her, or him, and could never, but it inspired the person playing, strengthened them, to save themselves.

Sure, they weren’t making a breathtaking melody that you’d see at a grand orchestra. Still, she enhanced his limiting skills to showcase the parts in him that mattered. He didn’t suck. With practice, he could get better, but that wasn’t the point of this session. The point of this session was to get him to live in the moment and allow him a chance to express his emotions through every tap, rat-a-tat-tat, and bang he did. She’d be the tsunami to wash away his worries and together, they’d make music. It was that simple.

She wasn’t moving. Kieran got nothing as he glanced at Dee just living life at that piano. That’s what it felt like to him. Nothing else mattered but the music, and the fact that she wasn’t turning around meant that he must be doing something right. It felt better than just turning to the bottle or turning to punch something. This felt way more productive. He had no idea what song they were playing, but it was nice to just play without feeling like there had to be an end goal for it. It felt freeing, and for the moment, Kieran was happy to lose himself in it.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
Avatar of AlteredTundra


Member Seen 6 hrs ago

For the most part, Theo’s week had been exactly what he envisioned it was gonna be like. Between the endless amount of hate messages from people who he didn’t even know to those who were pretty civil towards him and the endless amount of purposely missed calls from his mother, he was effectively on a social media hiatus. Any trace of activity from Monday morning to Friday evening of that same week, his online presence had more or less been nonexistent. At some point, Theo got tired of the same opinions being repeated. It wasn’t even that he let their words get to him but he was annoyed at their unoriginality, so he deleted all of his socials, deactivated his account -- whatever he had to do to get a little breathing room, Theo did it.

And from then on, Theo’s first week as a third-year college student went off without a hitch. His classes had kicked off as predicted: his professors ``welcoming them back”, same usual information was given about the course and how they were going to be tested unlike before (yeah like nobody ever heard that one before), and, of course, Theo’s favorite part, the stereotypical syllabus. It was annoying, but compared to the mess that had been Monday, Theo welcomed it with the same sheepish grin he always managed to brandish whenever he just wanted things to end.

Theo’s time after his final class was spent wandering somewhat aimlessly around campus. He had made a momentary stop by The Bean to get his daily dose of caffeine. Usually, he would enjoy it at the cafe, but he wasn’t in the mood to sit around while people might want to take their jabs at him, so he took his triple mocha frap to go, though he didn’t get the excessive whipped topping and chocolate syrup like he did when Shi got him one earlier in the week.

He spent the next hour or so reflecting on the week, how stressed he was because of everything, but mostly, Theo was trying to figure out what he could do to release all of the pent-up stress that gathered throughout the week. Unlike last week, there wasn’t any grand party happening or even a festival in town that he could use as a distraction. Since there was one literally last week, the Meadow View city council were probably in the process of planning out the next celebration.

As he parked himself on the top of a bench in the courtyard, Theo laughed as he mused about something. “This town sure loves their parties.” Which he found ironic since its university was led by someone who hated the idea of college students enjoying themselves at a party. Theo didn’t approve of most big league universities approving of over partying. Lord knows some frat houses deserve the shit they have coming to them, but Theo wished a fraction of that leniency was given to those who worked their asses off to stay at an Ivy League uni for more than two years. “But nope. We’re being punished for my mistake.”

Sighing, Theo shot his cup into a nearby trashcan like a basketball. It rimmed the edge of it and went it. “Still got it!” He quickly gave himself a pat on the back for the nonexistent audience.

Another twenty minutes spent walking from the courtyard, Theo had driven off in his red F150. He came to a stop at a red light downtown and it was a slow one. Traffic was backed up nearly a quarter of a mile. Exhaling a long sigh, he took out his phone, sending a text to both Shi and Connor. “We should do something tonight. Stop by the manor if you’re down. We’ll work something out. But know it’ll involve some bad decisions and a lot of alcohol.”

After he sent it, he glanced at the time for a short moment. It was only a little after seven, so by the time he would get to the manor and relax, it would probably be closer to 8. Well, whatever was gonna happen tonight, Theo knew he was in for a long night, especially since he would be with the two people who not only encouraged him to make bad decisions but when shit got real, those two were by his side, ready for round two.

The light was green and Theo went straight for the Bonfamille Manor that sat on one of the hills in Meadow View. From where he was at, he saw it start to come into view.

Featuring older sister Samara Hart

“Don’t even get me started on this week.”

Joey’s voice echoed in her empty room with two beds. She sat against the wall, looking over at it with an empty smile. It was one of those moments since Lottie had moved out on Monday afternoon that hit her for exactly one of those moments, a length of time where the sadness took over and she shook it off, refocusing her attention on something else entirely. What happened to be Joey’s focus right now on this Friday evening was a cherished, once-in-a-blue-moon call with Samara.

Joey’s relationship with Mara wasn’t as defined as the one she had with Bradley. Of course, nothing compared to that of a sibling bond like that of twins, so maybe it wasn’t fair to compare the closeness she felt and had with Brad to Mara. Joey knew she tried her best. She didn’t hold her older sister’s career taking off just when Joey’s life had come crashing down against her nor did she pester her sister to maintain contact. Life got in the way, but Brad must’ve spoken to her because Samara and Joey had been in constant contact for the entire week. Whenever Joey felt low, when Brad was busy with his Navy responsibilities, Mara had been there for her either on the opposite end of a phone screen in a text or a call. That was something Joey appreciated.

“Fine!” Mara’s response came a few moments after silence with a laugh Joey recognized. “How about we talk about the elephant in the room.”

Joey sighed out quite noticeably. “And what might that be?” She asked suspiciously.

“Dad has been asking about you.”

Just the mention of that man managed to get an audible response out of Joey. “Please, can we not talk about him. It’s bad enough he thinks less of me out of all of you guys.”

“I know,” Mara said, “trust me, I know how difficult he can be, but he’s worried--”

“Hah!” Joey interjected. “As if Wyatt cares enough about anyone but himself to worry about anything not named Wyatt Taccone.”

“--But he is, JoJo!”

Joey twitched, eyes blinking repeatedly. JoJo. Lottie used to call me JoJo.

Her smile faded into a frown and then she quickly brought herself out of it and took a swig of the bottle of vodka in her lap. “Okay, I’ll indulge you,” she said, shaking her head from the burning aftertaste of the cold vodka that coaxed her throat. “What did he say? Exactly.”

“He saw the video and heard about the probation,” Mara admitted, her voice low as though her words held a forboding message to them.

“No surprise there,” she laughed, shrugging off what she knew as her sister trying to sell that Wyatt actually cared. “Let me guess: he wants me to drop out and move back home, doesn’t he? And I bet he mentioned something about who I let into my bed.”

When Mara didn’t say anything, that told Joey everything she needed to know. If she was being honest, she really hoped that her father changed. She’s been avoiding going back home for celebrations and special occasions as often as she could. Whether it was her parents’ anniversary, T’s police academy graduation party, or even just to pop up every now and then, Joey hasn’t actually set foot in the condo she and her brothers and sister grew up in since she was sent away to England. Her mother has come and seen her but even then, it’s been a while.

“But hey!” Joey broke the silence, taking another swig. Another moment later, she continued, “I appreciate you trying. It’s more than I can say he has done.” With another shrug came another hefty swig.

“I’m sorry, Joey.”

“It’s whatever!” It really wasn’t but there wasn’t anything joey can do. She couldn’t make her father show her that he loved her. He had to make the jump first.

Joey glanced at the electric clock that hung over what used to be Lottie’s bed and she noticed the time. It was a little after seven. “Well, I’ll catch ya later sis. I gotta go.”

“Oh..” Mara sounded surprised, probably thinking she and Joey had more time. “Okay, I guess we’ll talk later?”

“You bet! Don’t be a stranger. And be sure to give mom my love! Can’t wait to see her come family night!”

As the call ended and Joey was once again left to her own devices, it was then the feelings of loneliness began to creep back up her spine like a poisonous snake slowly digging its fangs into her neck. And with it, the thoughts of how different things were last week. Hell, the beginning of the week before her breakup was a helluva lot more preferable than...this.

Once again, eyes that spent more time wallowing in regret than not, fell on the bed and when they did, Joey finished off the bottle of Vodka that had been full just this morning.

Stumbling off her bed, Joey picked herself up and managed to reach the door without crashing into it. That’s a first! She went directly across the hall, knocking intensely on Jade’s room and letting herself in. “Jade!!” She saw the girl at her desk and Joey took it upon herself to crash on her bed, though excited eyes remained on her friend. “We should go out clubbing tonight!”

Collab with @TootsiePop

After nearly losing his throat from the university’s most violent-and-equally-jaw-dropping woman, the rest of the week was a big, fat disappointment.

From classes to getting his sleep on and getting bestie time in with Millie Jean, Nate did a whole lot of nothing. He didn’t do anything because of the absence of activities. Nobody was planning anything because of the whole probation thing hovering over them like a bad rain cloud, like it was the annoying little sister they couldn’t escape. Or maybe people were avoiding Nate. He was the laughing stock of the entire university, after all. Could be everyone just saw him as a big joke.

Either way, since his classes were mostly in the afternoon and a few online, he spent a lot of his time in his dorm room, lounging about, repeating the same things he did every day: eat, sleep, and facetiming with Mandy whenever he could. Millie wasn’t around right now, so it was mostly him all by his lonesome.

Mandy was the only person other than Millie Jean who knew him inside and out. Their time might’ve been short together and maybe they had more of a friendship than anything more, but he always could go to her whenever he needed a distraction. He hated how different colleges led to them not being able to share a plate of blueberry pie at the Sunshine Diner and how it caused them to be across the country from each other.

But thank God for technology! FaceTime became a literal lifesaver - especially in these trying times.

“I wonder if she’s busy,” Nate mused, toying with the string of his backpack. He laid on his back, his head against his pillow, his left leg crossed over his right thigh, just below the knee.

He spent a little over a minute deciding if he wanted to go through with it or not. When he did, Nate reached for his iPad that rested screen side up on his desk. Him having lanky arms proved to be useful for once because he was able to grab it without having to completely surrender his extremely comfortable position on his bed. He immediately brought up Mac Messenger, went to Mandy’s contact, and started a video call.

After about half a minute of it ringing and ringing and ringing, it stopped. His connection lagged for a few moments, causing Nate to panic. “Not again,” he cursed, rolling his eyes. “Come on work damn you!” He slapped the side of his iPad.

“...Nate?” On the other side of the screen, Miranda “Mandy” Warner adjusted her phone, leaning it against a mountain of textbooks. A combination of her and her sister’s school books. Books about sports medicine, core curriculum, and public relations. She was sitting in her rundown apartment, in the dining room. Fortunately for Nate, he caught her at a good time.

In the background, the sound of Looney tunes could be heard playing out of her laptop, specifically a Road Runner episode. Her hair was damp, down, and unbrushed. A purple towel rested on her head, as if she was midway rubbing her hair semi-dry but got distracted by the bowl of trail mix in front of her and, of course, the cartoons. She was wearing a dark gray racerback tank and lime green pocket shorts. Based on the bags under her eyes, it was a no brainer that she had an eventful week. Letting her show be background noise, since she’s watched these episodes a thousand times over, she grabbed a handful of mix, the area specifically with the most m&ms and silently chewed on it, waiting for Nate to notice that they connected. Her glasses rested on her laptop’s keyboard, so her hazel eyes noticeably glimmered under the dining room light. As she chewed, she gave a delicate smile and watched him scramble.

Nate hummed a random tune impatiently, his voice cracking slightly the longer he had to wait only to notice that it had a few moments too late. “Oh finally!” With a sigh of relief, he relaxed his body and raised his legs up to an almost right angle and placed a nearby pillow under his iPad so he didn’t have to hold it steady. As he brought his now undivided attention on Mandy, he properly greeted her with a wide smile. Nate’s hair was a mess, but then again when wasn’t it? He had a pathetic excuse for a beard starting to come in. “Well hey there! Sorry, I hope I didn't catch you at a bad time.” He couldn’t tell if she was in the middle of something, but from the crumbs of trail mix (he assumed) and the presence of her jammies and knowing her like he did, Nate was 80% certain she was probably watching some rerun of some show. Still, it was better to make sure than be flat-out wrong, especially after the week Nate’s had.

With a deadpan stare, Mandy teasingly quipped, Totally bad time. Can’t you see I’m out getting drinks with a tasmanian devil?” She turned her phone to her laptop and chuckled, “Of course I’m free, dummy. What’s up?” She stood up, after closing her laptop shut, and took the towel off of her head, placing it on the chair. Holding the phone in her hand, she made her way to the living room sofa and plopped on it.

Nate smiled and shrugged. “A whole lot of zipperoni.” He lifted his hand up and balled it into a loose fist for emphasis. “I’m just in my dorm doing nothing,” he admitted with absolutely no gusto. “What about you? Tell me the latest in the Beverly Hills grapevine!”

“Aside from Meg playing with the rich boys from your year? Uh, nothing that you don’t already know. You know I don’t pay attention to all that, but I see familiar faces at the diner from time to time. That Hart girl came in with her friends one time this week. Can’t beat our milkshakes, even for an old family diner.” Mandy held the phone above her, as she laid on her back, seeing how long her arms could keep at it. “It’s a Friday. I’m surprised you’re not out with friends, making downtown your bitch. Staying in is my thing.”

“I guess you’ll just have to share!” He stuck his tongue out, letting it linger for a moment until he sighed. “But I mean, not like I wanted to be inside. If I’m being honest, I think people are distancing themselves from me,” he admitted, frowning slightly.

Her smirk faded when he mentioned people distancing themselves from him. The moment was cute until it wasn’t. Sitting up, her (now) long hair dangling over her shoulders, she matched his frown, but her expression had more annoyance behind it than sadness. Not beating around the bush, she assertively asked, “What happened?”

“The text--”

“Seriously? What is this? Preschool?” The glare coming from Mandy’s soft face was a simple way of her saying without saying: do I need to kick someone’s ass?

He cracked a half-smile as a small laugh escaped through said cracks. “I mean, it did go out to everyone. So I don’t blame them or anything, but it’s like, I don’t know..” He muttered that part. “I guess I expected the probation and Theo’s fight to take priority over me accidentally touching Jasper’s chest.” He couldn’t help but feel annoyed at all of this. It’s not like he was the most popular guy around campus. Sure he knew a lot of people and some knew of him, but he always tried to make an honest effort to put himself out there. “I guess it’s just a little disheartening.”

Nate still found himself stuck in a prissy ass school. A text about a boob touch? That somehow lasted a WHOLE week? Frustration washed over Mandy’s face, baffled at the mediocre crime that made people bully her ex. “She should be glad it wasn’t leaked pics or videos.” Getting up from the sofa, she made her living room brighter. Originally, it was just a lamp on a side table, but this time she turned the overhead light on. “Get up.” She demanded.

“W-what?” He asked

“Just get up!”

What was it with him and being drawn to commanding women?

As he lowered his legs, placed the pillow he had on his lap to the side with one hand, and grabbed the side of his iPad with the other, Nate grunted as he heaved himself off his bed. His bones cracked due to being in one position for so long but he was up.

He leaned against his nightstand and looked down at his iPad and at Mandy. “Okay, I’m up. Now what?” He asked, feeling a familiar tight sensation in his stomach. It was the same feeling he had when Jasper held him against the vending machine but in the exact opposite way.

Smiling once again, happy he wasn’t as headstrong as she was, Mandy rested her hazel gaze on him and nowhere else. “You’re going to put on your nicest jeans, and a nice shirt. Maybe the one you wore at my championships? I know you still have it. You’re going to look good, and feel good, and you’re going out tonight.” That wasn’t a request, and he knew she’d be sad if he didn’t follow through. “You're going to message two friends of yours, and you're going to stop letting stupidity bother you. I expect a picture from you with your friends at whatever place you decide to go to. Got it? Stop sulking and have fun. Be Nate the GREAT.”

He might’ve talked a large game and carried on like the soldier he tried to convince himself that he was, but when all of the whispers online about him and about Jasper started to consume all of his feeds and dashboards, Nate felt less great the more the week progressed. He hadn’t realized how drastic he retreated into that familiar bubble until Mandy had jokingly pointed out staying in was her thing. Part of him wasn’t sure about her orders, which he knew that’s exactly what it was.

As he dragged his feet across the floor, he walked over to the closet and found the blue jeans that Mandy referenced. They were his nicest by far, the only pair he had that were name brand. As for the shirt.. “So, I’m guess this wouldn’t count as nice?” He leaned the iPad in the direction of his favorite Dragon Ball Z shirt that he wore almost every day.

Rolling her eyes, Mandy’s response was a quiet shaking of her head. While cute, and very him, he needed to put the extra effort tonight because he was clearly in a rut. That wasn’t even the shirt he wore at her roller derby game either. He was stalling. Well, if he was going to be a butt, she’d stay quiet until he impressed her. He was fully capable of it and she would not settle for less.

Her silence spoke volumes. It had done its job because Nate spent about half of a minute going through all of his shirts, muttering in disappointment as he kept running into the wrong ones. A majority of his shirts, while quite fashionable in his humble opinion, didn’t exactly say nice. He didn’t like to splurge on expensive-looking shirts. His simple-minded nature didn’t support such a lifestyle. “There has to be--” Oh, there was one. “I forgot about this one,” he said in a low voice, pulling out a white dress shirt. It was one of his uncle’s shirts that he gave to him as a graduation present. His uncle wasn’t rich but he loved Nate, so he spent a decent amount on this one shirt, told him that every man should have at least one very nice shirt.

Nate took a moment to remember those words and he smiled. Then he pointed the iPad at it as he held the shirt up by the hanger it was still attached to. “How about this one?”

Her brilliant hazel eyes, warm and lively when she looked at someone she adored, went from his shirt to his face. Giving him a thumbs up, which was her sign of approval, Mandy kept the knowledge of a memory she had seen him wear that exact shirt to herself. She remembered more than she’d ever admit to him, like all the times he told her she was beautiful when she didn’t see it. Miranda gave him a sincere and affectionate compliment, hoping it was enough for him to own the night and smile, “You’re going to break someone’s heart tonight. I can tell.”

He wasn’t entirely convinced (at least not yet), but seeing her smile filled him up with so much confidence. Whenever he was feeling down and out, whenever life had thrown him a curveball, Mandy was always able to bring him out of whatever funk he was in. Even if he wasn’t completely feeling as great as he normally did, this was a good start and it was all thanks to the only person in this world who could look at him, regardless if it was in person or through a LCD screen, and know exactly what he needed.

“Thanks for this! Thanks for...everything, really. I..” Nate started to blush. He took a brief moment of silence before continuing, “I’m just grateful to have you in my life!”

Okay. He was getting sappy and this is where Mandy would inevitably start feeling embarrassed. Looking away from the screen, letting her hair that had impressively grown out hide her face, she muttered, “...you too.” Not wanting this to sit for too long, since he was going out to hopefully meet a girl, she looked at the wall clock, and declared, “Well, look at the time. Shouldn’t you shave and get ready? Remember to send a picture! Now go, I’m here if you need me.”

He wasn’t always the most observant person, but even he noticed she acted a little weird after his comment. If he had the time, he might’ve asked her, but she was right. If he wanted to make any attempt of winning someone’s heart tonight, he had to get going. “Yeah for sure! You’ll be the first person I tag!” He shot her a grin, showing that he was slowly returning to greatness. “And try and have fun tonight, too! Do it for me?”

“You got it, dude.” She winked at the camera, and added a finger gun for extra incentive. It was easier to play it dorky so he didn’t think anything on her tinted red cheeks. Thank god her hair was long now! “Talk to you later?”

“You know it! Who else will hear of my epic night?” He laughed.

“The whole school if you don’t be careful.” She stuck out her tongue.

There was nothing Nate could say in a retort that topped that, so the only thing he could do was bow his head in both respect and defeat. Laughing, he said, “I’ll make sure to read what my settings are before I let MJ send another text.” That was more of a declaration for himself than anything else.

“Good. Now go, silly! Conquer tonight with an iron fist! Or booze! Probably booze.” He knew she had a hard time hanging up, for reasons that date back to her childhood. It was his job to do it when they chatted. Please hang up,” Mandy kindly demanded.

Ending a call was never something he liked doing. It always made him feel awkward and maybe even slightly guilty. If he didn’t, though, they would be here for hours and then Nate wouldn’t have any stories of heartbreaking for her tomorrow. “Good night!” With a last smile, Nate followed her last orders and clicked off the call and set the iPad on his bed.

An hour later, emerged from the co-ed bathroom a new man, or a slightly less hairier man but a new man nonetheless.

As he reached his dorm room, Nate made quick work of getting dressed. He then fixated his gaze on his phone, thinking about what Mandy said. He just had to message a couple of friends, right? Two friends. Well, he wasn’t sure if Millie Jean was down for a night on the town. Truth be told, he wasn’t sure if she was even up for leaving the isolation of her room but he couldn’t imagine doing this without her. She was one of his rocks. His partner in crime at this school and one of the few people he didn’t piss off yet. So that was definitely a plus

“But who could be the other?” He asked himself, sitting on his bed. After a minute passed, he had a sudden lightbulb moment. “Yeah, Dee! I know she’s up for just about anything.” Nate laughed at his brief assessment of Dee. Still, those were two friends, though the fact that he didn’t have a lot of male friends was truly telling. It was like he was the opposite of those girls who mainly hang out with guys because girls were drama. Given the grapevine of this university, Nate could see a lot of truth in that.

Shrugging, he refocused and sent a group text to them and only them. “We should definitely hit the bars tonight. I’m feeling like tonight is my night to turn my week around! What’cha say?”
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
Avatar of Sugar and Spite

Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

@HaleyTheRandom & @TootsiePop Collab

Being a good brother to Jasper was a full time job. More importantly, it was exhausting. Ty had thought about telling his sister she was on her own multiple times throughout the day. Of course he never would, but the urge to sure was there. If Ty were to leave her by herself with no one to rant to, there was no telling what Jasper would have done (especially to the people who snickered and called her a whore).

A defeated sigh as he unlocked the door to his apartment, Ty swung the door open with a sigh. Dropping his backpack on the floor, the young man grabbed a beer from the fridge before popping the top off of the bottle and taking a sip. It had been a long ass day, and Tiberius was ready to relax. Taking his jacket off and hanging it on the back of one of the arm chairs, he slowly made his way over to his unmade bed. Placing the beer on the bedside table, he picked up the blanket from where it was halfway off the bed, exposing a pair of shoes underneath.



Ty had been meaning to call his favorite red head today, but he had been so caught up with Jasper that he had forgotten - a fact that he was ashamed to admit. He hadn’t called her this weekend because he figured that it would have been to soon. He had turned his phone off earlier that day to stop the notifications from coming through. After all - he needed to focus on class, and unplugging for a bit was a good thing from time to time.

Powering up his phone, Ty was bombarded by a flood of notifications coming through. Opening his messages, he quickly spotted one from Junie. Opening it up, he saw that it wasn’t addressed to him, but rather someone named Elliot. A sudden small flash of anger flashed over him before Ty shoved the cellular device into his pocket and grabbed the shoes. Storming out of the apartment, Ty walked across the street (yes, he’d been lucky enough to score an apartment that close to campus) as his legs carried him to his destination.

Knocking on the door to the sorority house impatiently, Ty was approached by a small blonde, confused girl.

“Who are you?”

“I’m here for Junie,” he said. ”Is she here?”

“I’m not answering your question until you answer mine,” the blonde said, looking him up and down in defiance.

“I’m Ty. Tiberius. I’m a friend of J’s. Now just -- is she here?”

The young woman laughed, giving him a once over again. “Of course you’re Ty,” she said, before turning her head to look over her shoulders where the stairs were. “Junie! Your boy toy wants to talk to you!”

In the kitchen of the Delta Phi Nu household, Junie was making a giant salad for her girls, with organic produce that required her to chop from scratch. Lettuce, baby spinach, parsley, broccoli, grape tomatoes, cucumbers, red onions, carrots, celery, black olives, red cabbage, and avocado. She was on the carrots. See, she was unfazed with the sudden visitor because the Delta girls always had one person on the lookout. What if a guy was coming to break up with one of them? As a sisterhood, it was necessary to prepare their friends, and stall if needed. A strategic plan to keep said boy busy could give the girl enough time to dress up, in her hottest wear, and make him regret even thinking of the idea of leaving her.

In this case, Junie didn’t need stalling. From when Evie sent the text around lunch time, she calculated how long it could take him to get in contact with her. One option being not until he got back to his dorm from a long day of forgetting about her, only to realize he indeed forgot about her. Bingo! We have a winner. She didn’t expect him to come around right when she was preparing dinner, but that’s okay, she was good at improvising. “Hm. Boy toy. Is it Elliot or the other one?”

Not one to question Junie’s actions, the blonde chuckled, “The other one!”

“Ah.” Keeping silent for a moment too long, she loudly chopped the carrots, hiding the emotions she was clearly feeling behind a smile. “Send him over, Mia.”

“Well, good luck, Ty!” The tiny blonde grinned up at him, in a mischievous way, before pointing behind her, through the common area, to the door where the kitchen awaited him.

The other one? What the fuck?

Doing his absolute best to relax his now clenched jaw as he walked towards the kitchen, Ty realized that he didn’t really have a reason to be angry. Sure, he had had a thing for Junie for a while now, but they weren’t a thing. They had only banged once. So why was it that the mention of another guy potentially sleeping with Junie made him so upset?

Oh. The territorial thing, right.

Stepping into the kitchen, Ty stopped at the entryway, holding up her shoes. “I uh… I figured I’d bring these back to you. Sorry it took so long. I was swamped with papers and then the whole thing with Jazzy today. I just - yeah. Sorry.”

Hopefully Junie wouldn’t take the mention of his sister or essays to be an excuse. While both the essays and Jasper had offered him a distraction from the constant urge to text Junie, he didn’t mean for them to come off as an excuse.

“Sorry? What are you sorry for?” Junie looked up from cutting, locking her gaze with his. An unsettling, sweet smile gracing her face. Without looking at what she was doing, her chopping sped and she continued to talk, “People that are sorry feel a sense of guilt. Why should you feel guilty about anything? You’re just focusing on doing you.” At the end of her response, her knife stopped at the tip of her fingers. It almost seemed like she’d cut them off.

“Thirsty?” With smooth agility, she stabbed her refined knife into the cutting board. There was enough force to make the weapon stand up. “Mm, how about wine?” Leaving the island, Junie calmly, yet with a chilling aura, opened the glass cupboard, before asking, “Red or white?” Only a fool would not take the offer. It was clear Junie wasn’t going to take no for an answer. She didn’t really give a damn if whiskey was his preferred choice. He would drink what she’d offer, and leave on her terms.

Watching as Junie chopped and diced, Ty felt a lump growing in his throat. They said you learned something new everyday, and Ty had been fortunate enough to learn two things within the last five minutes. Number one: Don’t say sorry to Junie. Number two: Crazy red haired chicks with knives were a huge turn on.

“I’m sorry that I didn’t…. Return the shoes sooner,” he said, watching as she opened the cupboard. “You know how everyone has their favorite pair of shoes and I didn’t know if you needed these this weekend and --” Realizing how much more of a hole he was digging himself in to, Ty stopped his rambling to answer her question. “Red, please.”

Instead of responding, the fiery sorority girl kept silent, as she grabbed the traditional red wine glasses. A larger bowl than other glasses with a fair amount of height to create distance between the wine and the drinker. Cabernet was high in both alcohol and tannin, so choosing the right glass mattered. Especially for the aroma. There were a few minutes of nothing but silence and her moving around. Eventually though, she offered him to take a seat at the dining table, taking his glass and her’s with her. Her Chatea Margaux brand of Cabernet came straight from Bordeaux, France. They were known for earthy, rich, powerful, and age-worthy wines.

After handing over his glass, she took her wine and sat down. Once she was done with a long, leisure sip, she finally spoke, “Do you really think I give a damn about shoes?”

A little too intimidated to even take a drink from the glass, Ty took the cup from Junie and sat it on the table. Sitting down, he figured that the safest route was to let her talk first. Ty already appeared to have dug himself a large enough hole.

With a sigh, Ty finally managed to take a sip of the wine. Eyebrows slightly raised in surprise as he savored the taste, he sat the glass back down on the table before speaking.

“No, I don’t think you really care about shoes that much - especially a pair you left at my apartment for a few days. I just…” Stop hesitating, you idiot. Nut up, or shut up. There’s nothing wrong with saying what’s actually on your mind. “Listen, J. I suck at starting conversations - that’s why I opened with shoes. I didn’t forget about you. I didn’t want to message you over the weekend because I thought it might seem clingy or some shit and my past experiences have shown me that chicks don’t like clingy. I really did have essays this weekend. Today, I got caught up in Jasper’s shit and I just -- I had a really great time the other night. But like I said - I didn’t forget you. I had to fight the urge to message you all weekend.”

After he was done nervously rambling, Ty took another sip of liquid courage. “Who the fuck is Elliot, by the way?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know.” Junie hissed, tapping her right hand’s manicure nails on the table. Seemingly disregarding his long winded excuse, Junie shrugged with indifference written on her face, “Why does it matter? It isn’t like I’m yours.” With her left hand, she brought the glass to her lips and aimed daggers at him with her blue eyes. More perturbed than she was at the start, she guzzled down the rest of her wine and forced her glass down on the table.

Standing up now, she shook her head and lifted three fingers, “First mistake, thinking I’m like other girls.” She brought her ring finger down, pacing around the room like a predator circling her prey. “Second mistake, you DID forget about me. It takes one second to send a text. Hell, you could’ve sent a heart emoji. But no, I’m just a hit it and quit it bitch. Fuck me, then ignore me, right?” Oof. She started to curse. Oh how she hated cursing. Her middle finger went down.

“Third mistake.” Finally, she was hovering over him, inches away, and her anger turned into a frown, “You really think I’m some slut, don’t you?” The fact that he didn’t realize how into him she was, and how easily he believed she’d sleep with some other guy, actually hurt. She wanted to get a rise in him, which she did, but part of her was hoping he knew it was just to get him to text her… or call her… or this. Visit her. Did she have to mention a guy just to get him to take action? If that was the case, maybe she was mistaken. Maybe she fell too deep before he could show her he would treat her right. Typical, Junie.

“I don’t think you’re like other girls,” Ty said, taking another drink, dismissing most of what she had said. “If I thought you were a hit it and quit it kind of gal, I wouldn’t be here. I’ve done flings. I don’t return shoes to girls I don’t think aren’t worth my time.” Placing his glass back on the table, he turned his head up to look her in the eye before standing and closing the distance between them. “And I know you’re not mine,” he said, placing each hand on one of her hips and pulling her towards him. ”But you could be.” Using his right hand, he brushed her hair behind her ear.

“I promise to at least send an emoji from now on - but only if you let me make it up to you this Friday.”

Although he danced around most of her words, he did comment on the points that she cared about the most, and his next move caused her to purse her lips. Clever boy. Yes, his touch dissolved her anger. His focused, lustful, and tender stare sent chills through her body. He said all the right things that she wanted to hear, like how she could be his. More importantly though, he declared that he would redeem himself by taking her out on a date.

Looks like a stalemate to her. Her urges were strong, but she was stubborn and selfish. She refused to give into them until he earned it. She was not easy and if he thought bringing her close would give him a piece of cake, he was terribly mistaken. Without this play, she wouldn’t have calmed down and she wouldn’t have heard him out, so it was necessary, but gaining anything more from this was NOT happening.

Resting her hands on his chest, she leaned up as if she was going in for a kiss. Before he could touch her lips, she stopped him with her pointer finger, “Friday then.” Pushing him back, against the table, with enough force to get him off of her, she turned around and headed back to the kitchen, “Thanks for my shoes! You can show yourself to the door, or Mia can escort you.” Before she sauntered through the archway, she looked over her shoulder back at him, “You’re right, I could be yours, but I’m not. Byebye, Ty.” And with that, she was gone.


Over the week, Ty had been sure to message Junie at least twice a day. Sometimes they would exchange memes, or he would pretend that he needed help with a homework question for one of their psychology classes. She had agreed to her end of the bargain, which meant that he had to keep his. After all - Tiberius Delamar was a man of his word. He had spent the whole week asking around and gathering extra information about what he could do to make it up to her. While he was sure that Junie’s friends had told her that he was asking, all he could do was hope that she would appreciate the sentiment.

After much digging, Ty found out that Junie’s favorite cuisine was sushi. Truth to be told, he didn’t know that much about sushi other than the few bites Jasper had made him try for her culinary class. Regardless, tonight was about making things up to Junie - not about what he did or didn’t know about sushi.

Dragging out one of his suits for the night, Ty arrived back at the sorority house as eight o’clock Friday night. With a bouquet of sunflowers in hand, Ty knocked on the door.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Aewin
Avatar of Aewin

Aewin Fangirl Extraordinaire

Member Seen 7 mos ago

A collaboration with Evie, Junie, & Elliot

Not playing it sweet tonight, with Turn Me On by David Guetta, ft. Nicki Minaj blasting out of her PC speakers, the slender model could be seen in her walk-in closet wearing a lavendar colored lace thong with a matching low back, strapless bustier. Slipping on the pink dress that Rosie suggested would ‘break his heart’ because it showed that she knew she was a hot bitch and that she didn’t need him (she chose him), Junie slyly smirked as she looked at her body up and down. Far too lazy to zip her dress up, she went outside and gestured with her finger for Elliot, her new toy, to take care of it. “El, come here and be a doll.”

She was hovering over her dresser, going through her jewelry, when she called her other pet to her, “Evie, honey. Come help me, please.” On top of needing to decide what necklace, rings, and bracelets to wear, she needed to pick a clutch to compliment her dress, and figure out how she’d wear her hair. Junie had already did her make up since she knew exactly what she was going to wear prior to her friends arriving. Nothing too drastic but enough color around her eyes to give them a pleasant pop. Still natural and elegant, though. That was her style, even if tonight she let the sultry minx inside her come out to play.

Suddenly, the door burst open with a tiny blonde holding a rustic serving tray with three drinks, sliced cheese, fruit, meat, and crackers. “Mimosas for Junie and her cuties!” Placing it on Junie’s desk, she didn’t delay, or overstay her welcome, and as such, skipped to the door. Before dismissing herself, she surveyed Junie and excitedly grinned.

“Do you want to take a bite, Mia?” Junie caught a glimpse at her sorority sister gawking at her in admiration, which was rewarded with a kind smile.

“How can anyone resist from gobbling you up?! Of course I do!” That’s what she liked to hear. Junie loved all the support she had. She knew no matter how messy her life got, she’d always have someone by her side.

“Is that true, Elliot? Would you gobble me up?” Junie teased the boy, who seemed tense, which she found rather cute. Mia took this opportunity to close the door and go back to whatever she was doing. While Junie adored Evie more than anything, it was obvious that she took a strong interest in the awkward boy and therefore gave him more attention.

Elliot didn't know what to expect when Evie had practically begged him to go to Junie's place with her, at first he had declined because he wanted nothing to do with helping a girl pick out clothes but after getting a text from said girl and Evie telling him she wasn't someone to upset he thought otherwise. That's how the nerdy boy ended up sitting in a room filled with attractive girls as they blasted terrible music and gossiped. 'What the hell am I? This feels like I'm a token gay friend...but I'm not even gay!' He thought, feeling incredibly awkward and nervous.

The whole time Junie had been using him to do little things here and there for her, this time she wanted him to zip her dress up. With a face as red as a tomato he got up and zipped her skimpy pink dress up. What was the point of wearing it? Was she trying to impress the boy he hoped wouldn't totally beat him? All week he had been avoiding people and trying to keep out of the way, he'd been quite lucky because a lot of people didn't remember who he was. Guess being a quiet recluse had its perks.

Once his task had been accomplished he sat back down next to Evie, watching as a bouncy blonde came in bearing snacks. This did catch his interest, snacks were his favorite. As the girls talked he nibbled on the crackers and cheese, his head snapping up when Junie spoke. "Uh….like a uh….piece of cake?" He said, unsure about what the right answer was. He looked to Evie, "Is that right?" He really didn’t know what he was supposed to say.

Looking between Junie and Elliot, Evie then gave Junie a sickly sweet smile. “Yeah! Like a perfect genoise sponge decorated with a ton of strawberries! I’d be a stupid guy not to want that,” She chirped in agreement. Well, the reality was that she didn’t even necessarily need to be a guy to want Junie, but it wasn’t like that was ever going to be reciprocated. She hid the twinge of disappointment by throwing herself into accessory hunting.

Ever since Evie brought Elliot to the art room, it seemed as though Junie preferred his company to hers. Even now, Junie was lavishing him with attention as Evie would run around at her command. She was happy, truly, that her good friend is getting a powerful ally in Junie, but she didn’t want to be forgotten either.

“What about this?” Evie rested a delicate layered choker necklace against Junie’s neck, decorated with golden leaves and a pretty pearl that Evie thought could even be a cute little juniper berry. It was best not to dwell in her sorrows, instead proving to Junie that even she could be helpful tonight.

“Oh yes, yes. That’s perfect, honey.” Junie, with a mimosa in hand, made her way to Evie and pushed her hair to the left side so her loyal friend could put it around her neck. Once she took a sip of her drink, she placed it down on her dresser and grabbed a triple strand pearl bracelet that would easily match Evie’s choice in necklace. As she put it on, her mischievous, icy blue eyes searched Elliot’s face for emotion. “Do I make you uncomfortable, Elliot?” she cooly remarked.

Anyone with half a brain cell could pick up on the small mannerisms and tics he did that clearly displayed he wasn’t used to something like this. His shoulders were up, near his ears, showing he was tense and could use a massage. His warm hazel eyes didn’t know where to look, so he kept his focus on the food he was eating, hoping it could distract him from his current situation. Last but not least, he kept close to himself, leaving distance between her and him unless she demanded otherwise. “You can be honest with me. Isn’t that right, Evie?” Exuding power and poise, controlling the conversation and the room, she reached for her drink once more and took another sip.

As she waited, she thought about Ty’s audacity Monday night, and how he thought he could get away with his unforgivable actions. He tried to be smooth, and sexy, in order to get her to grant him a pass. If he didn’t impress her tonight, which a little birdie did tell her that he was trying to know what she liked so he could do so, maybe she’d leave him behind and focus on grooming and polishing Elliot, to be a boy in her league. The glass was against her lip when a smirk graced her face. If Evie wasn’t going to bring this charming boy to his full potential, then Junie might as well do it herself.

Elliot shook his head profusely upon hearing Junie's question, "No! I just don't know how to be around girls...or people in general." He mumbled as he slowly munched on a piece of cheese. He was also trying damn hard to not be so front and center in Junie's head, the way Evie acted around her friend hadn't gone unnoticed by him and he didn't want to get in-between the girls’ friendship.

The boy grabbed one of the Mimosas that were meant for him and sipped on it, "Anyway this isn't about me, this is about you right? So...let's go back to that." He said. Elliot had already started to notice that Junie liked to make him flustered and awkward on purpose, he was glad that Evie was there to at least gobble up some of her teasing.

Evie nodded along, “Yeah, you don’t make Elliot uncomfortable at all. In fact, it doesn’t matter because tonight’s your night anyway!” Evie agreed quickly, carefully adjusting the necklace around Junie’s neck before she could get distracted by their close proximity. She wanted to save Elliot, and was all too glad to vy for Junie’s attention in his place.

“Tonight, you’re a queen! You don’t have’ta worry about us!” She looked over Junie’s shoulder to give Elliot a comforting smile.

Hm. Flattery. “Stating the obvious, I see.” Deciding to store the fact that Elliot didn’t know how to act around girls in her head, for later use, and offering Evie an appreciative smile for the compliment, Junie left those two to talk amongst themselves so she could scavenge for the last item she needed. Shoes. She had too many options, and so little time.

Elliot breathed a small sigh of relief when Junie went to find a pair of shoes. He took this opportunity to say something he'd been holding back to Evie. "Just thought you should know...the fact that you desperately want her to notice you is blinding." He whispered to her with a sympathetic grin.

Evie gave him a confused look as she took her place beside Elliot’s side. “What?” With a laugh, she waved her hand as to brush off the remark. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Despite the air of coolness, internally she was panicking. She was eternally thankful that Junie was busy with her shoe hunt, because Evie had no way of hiding the bead of sweat forming on her hairline as the panic grew stronger.

A brief pause later, Evie turned her body to face Elliot, leaning in. “Is it really that obvious? God, do you think she noticed?” So much for acting cool.

He couldn’t help but chuckle softly, since he and Evie shared a lot of classes together he spent a lot of time with her. While he might not look like the most observant person ever he took note of a lot of things about people, his mother told him it was a quality that would make him a great journalist one day. “I don’t think so. She probably thinks you're just a friend who wants to help in any way she can, honestly that’s probably what anyone would see. I just hang around you a lot so I can see the little changes.” He said comfortingly.

“Okay, I think I found the perfect pair.” Sauntering out, fully dressed now, Junie showcased the white shoes and pearl clutch she decided on. It was a no brainer to keep up with the pearl theme. Standing in front of the two sitting beside one another, she did a crossed ankle pose, which was casual yet striking to visually elongate her legs and narrow her hips. “Good?” She knew it was, but she liked hearing what they thought. Both of them.

Evie gave Elliot another strained smile as Junie returned, fully dressed this time and showing off her enviable figure for praise. His support was comforting, knowing that Junie didn’t think of her as desperate. Feeling at ease for the first time that night, she turned to give Junie a look, unable to hide the awe as she saw the outfit altogether. “You look amazing. Ty will regret not messaging you now, if he wasn’t already.” Evie answered honestly, clasping her hands together with pride. Junie looked like she was glowing and her night was only just about to start.

Elliot nodded in response, giving a little thumbs up in approval. How the heck did he become the pet of a bombshell sorority girl? "In my limited experience with girls, definitely sitting at the tippy top of the hot scale."

Grinning at the two boosting her already big ego, she gave them both an approval nod, as if they appeased her and provided exactly what she needed from them, “That’s what I like to hear,” she cooed. Feeling the urge to ask how they would spend their night, she approached the cheese platter to grab a piece and as she did so, she opened her mouth.


Unfazed by Mia burging in, throwing the door open, Junie retracted her hand and looked at her sister, who was flushed. “He’s here! He’s brought flowers. Well, he hasn’t gotten to the door yet… but he’s coming now!”

Going to her window, she peered in between her curtains to see him striding down the walkway with sunflowers in hand. “I wonder who told him,” she whispered to herself. The main reason why she loved those flowers were because her dad always had a vase of them somewhere in the house. It was something she’s always been exposed to since she was little. When she saw a sunflower, she thought about her family, therefore making it her favorite.

Brushing off her curiosity, she turned to Evie and Elliot, “Alright, you two. Leave when you please, close my door on your way out. I’ll definitely tell you all about the date at brunch tomorrow, so don’t make any plans.” Casually, she strolled to Evie first, leaning in and giving her a kiss on the lips, like she would with her family. Immediately after, she grabbed Elliot’s chin and brought him to her lips and rewarded him with a peck as well.

Leaning up, Juniper beamed, “Be good and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” With that, the redhead followed her sorority sister out the door, leaving her friends in her bedroom and heading downstairs where her date was waiting.

The poor boy had to process what happened before looking to his blonde friend beside him, face tinted pink. Was that how people normally said goodbye? "Hey Evie, does that count as my first kiss?" He asked worryingly, he sure hoped not.

Evie, in the meantime, was left starstruck. The expression was clear on her face as she turned to face Elliot, his question just barely registering in her mind. “No,” Lucky for Elliot, she knew the answer. It was worse, for her anyway. “This is what the Junie friendzone feels like.”
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by fledermaus
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fledermaus 𝙝𝙚𝙮 𝙣𝙤𝙬, 𝙮𝙤𝙪'𝙧𝙚 𝙖𝙣 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧

Member Seen 25 days ago

a collab with @Icy Hot

There was another reason for Millie Jean's newfound hate for Cassian Lee — and that was the brutal hell that swim practice has become. Their coach kept the team later than usual since none of them finished their laps in the timeframe she wanted, an almost impossible time that even Cassian struggled to meet to Millie Jean's vicious delight. By the time they were done, the sky was dark and the typical schoolyard clock on the wall said it was 8 PM.

“Thanks, Cassian.” Millie Jean scoffed under her breath, shooting her teammate a dark look.

She pressed her hands into the hard floor and pushed herself out of the pool. When she hefted her leg from the water and onto the cement, her thigh spasmed and she collapsed like jelly back into the pool. Her head hit the water like a slap against her face and her right shin smacked against the edge. When she surfaces, it is with an undignified gasp and an angry unintelligible yelp. Her other teammates snicker as they towel themselves off and leave to the locker room.

Millie Jean can feel her blood run hot, the sound of boiling water bubbling in her ear (or maybe that’s just regular water from her slip). Millie Jean manages to finally scramble onto the ground and scans the pool room for Cassian to rip him a new one.

Cassian was among the last of the swimmers to exit the still water, heart drumming in his ears and muscles issuing their complaints as he lifted himself up and out. Realistically if the rest of the team had left with more haste he would have stayed and done a few more laps, but he had a feeling with the current situation that might have added more salt to their wounds.

“Lee.” The stern voice of his swim coach, and realistically the only woman on this earth he feared, demanded his attention. Withholding the groan he approached her, though not without sending his favorite teammate a playfully blown kiss as her vicious glare landed on him. “Don’t forget you’re still in deep shit, I’ll be in the weight room bright and early tomorrow. Show up a minute late and I’ll chain some dumbbells to your ankles and throw you into the deep end.”

“I wouldn’t expect anything less from you, Mistress.” Cassian’s Australian drawl was dripping with sarcasm, and he crossed his arm, which only encouraged a humorless laugh from his coach.

“If you want to be an Olympian, you need to act like one, Cassian. I don’t care how much money you have, it won’t buy your spot onto the team, and with your recent times, that spot is slipping further and further away. Figure out what you really want, you can’t win a gold medal while you’re busy chasing some college ass and getting into stupid fights. Don’t waste my time.”

Cassian watched with steeled eyes and a clenched jaw as the five-time U.S. Olympic Women’s Freestyle Gold Medalist turned college Coach, Katie Ledecky walked off. With the sound of the doors to the aquatics center closing, Cassian briskly turned towards the locker room and barely took two steps before almost running straight into Millie Jean, “Fuck Zadorozhny, ever heard of personal space?” he snapped with a roll of his eyes, “Why are you still here? I thought you’d run as far and fast as possible after falling into the pool like that. Is it to talk about the ‘bed-eyes’ you were giving me before your tumble” Cassian’s smugness took over his previous scowl, hoping she completely missed the tense exchange between Ledecky and himself.

Millie Jean's face burned, her ears no doubt turning a hot pink for the reminder of her blunder. She had approached him with the intent of yelling at him, but now that she was here she felt her age old shyness rise up.

"Sh-shut it, Lee. I wasn't g-giving you bed-eyes, besides m-maybe you should turn your g-grade-A charm on Coach Ledecky. She d-didn't look too happy with y-you." Millie Jean internally cursed her stutter. She hadn't heard the altercation between Coach and Cassian, but she also wasn't blind and could see the tension in the air. Coach Ledecky wears her displeasure on her sleeve and she looked none too pleased with Cassian. Millie Jean could only assume it was over the fight caught on video, serves him right.

Cassian’s smirk grew deeper into his features as he listened to Millie work her way through her ‘hot burn’, when she was finished he waved his hand in a dismissive manner, “I’m the best coach and this whole school has, it’ll blow over.” His tone was thick with his own confidence, ”Coach is wound up too tight, don’t you think? Taking her frustrations out during practice, you two have that in common don’t you?”

"All the t-talent in the world wouldn't make up for your b-bad personality." Millie Jean glowered, almost stomping her foot like a child but refraining last second. She whipped her finger at him, brandishing it like it is her own personal weapon (though her finger quivered and her hand shook), "If y-you j-jeopardize my s-s-scholarship again, I'll – I'll – k-kick your ass o-or something!"

Knowing her endnote was rather weak and unimaginative, Millie Jean made to make a dramatic exit to punctuate her point. It didn't go quite as planned because the universe hates her. She spun on her heel to stomp away only to slip on the water that had puddled onto the floor from their soaking bodies. She plunged backwards, feet lifting from the floor, and prayed to God that this wasn't happening to her.

Cassian had half the mind to let her fall, maybe a bruised ass would teach her a thing or two about being annoying. But the concrete was hard and the likelihood of her head being the contact point had him moving into action. Millie was small, easy enough to scoop up and save herself from... well, herself. Cassian refused to look at the girl in danger of her own clumsiness, instead his valiant efforts of saving her from cracking her head open were thrown away as easily as he tossed her into the pool.

“Here, now you can start over from the top. This time don’t try to kill yourself, alright Jeans? Jesus.” Cassian grumbled but there was an underlying worry to his tone as he turned his back and finally made his way to the locker room, the promises of a hot shower calling his name.

"Cassian Lee, you bastard!" Millie sputtered, treading water in place. With a grumble, she lifted herself out of the pool and sulked into the girls' locker room.

The locker room was empty, the way Millie Jean liked it, and she gave herself a moment to scroll through her phone before she took a shower. A red notification alerted her to her missed texts and Millie Jean glowed. Nothing beats getting out of practice to find out someone missed her enough to text.

To: nate mate, deedee

sounds fun! im down :)

Millie Jean deserves a night out after the hell she just went through.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by LovelyComplex
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LovelyComplex Retired Zone

Member Seen 2 days ago

Starring Viv @HaleyTheRandom & Dee @TootsiePop

Aside from gaining a new friend, Diana’s week was uneventful. She didn’t necessarily have a personality that drew people in, nor did she associate herself with enough people to get invited to the cool parties. That was what her best friends were for: to keep her from getting bored easily and to occasionally give her an invite. Disappointingly, one was whipped and taking a redhead out on a date and the other, who knows. Fiona hadn’t messaged her in a while, and Dee wasn’t going to go out of her way to get her friend’s attention. She wasn’t that type of girl.

That left one person, who Dee adored and enjoyed her company with, but even she could admit they were as different as chalk and cheese. Jasper and Dee, while they would jump in front of a bullet for one another, were not in the same category of ‘girl’. The fact that they found themselves in the same social gatherings together still surprised Dee from time to time.

Ten minutes ago, Dee had received a text from Nate, which isn’t an unusual occurrence, but for a Friday night it was odd. They got food randomly throughout the week, went to the park to kick a soccer ball on a random Sunday morning, and they chilled at the mall to people watch at random, as she listened to him talk, and talk, and talk. Going out on a Friday night, though? To a bar no less? This was new. Even so, she appreciated the sentiment. He was in a funk and she couldn’t remember why. Maybe this would help him.

That being said, her motivation to go wasn’t for Nate. She would be lying if she said she wasn’t annoyed that Ty forgot her because he was thirsty. Honestly, she needed something to shake things up because the tedium of school was already getting to her and they just started. This would give her something to do to break from her current routine. She’d either go bar hopping or she would lock herself in her room to make music. It was that simple. Since he hadn’t picked a place, she texted back in the group message with him and MJ:

Nectar’s. 40. SYT.

Shortly after, she called Jasper and invited her over. Told her she was going out, with little to no information. Only that she was going out. To guarantee that Jasper wouldn’t choose her next fuck over her, Dee gave her permission to choose her outfit too. Dress her however she wanted to because why the fuck not? Sitting in front of her vanity, having finished her eye make up, not one for the smokey look, Dee looked down at her lipstick selection, not knowing which color to use because she was waiting on her friend to come out the closet. With how light she did her eye make up, it could go with just about any look, but the lipstick was usually a statement. Looking over her shoulder, she called out, “Any winners?” Rather than wait to see the color of the dress, she aimlessly picked a color — Kiss & Tell satin pink lipstick — and applied it.

Aside from the initial want to punch everyone in the face, Jasper’s week had been fairly boring. Ty had been there to help when he could, but she eventually had to tell him to fuck off. They were adults now, and they needed to learn how to deal with their own problems. Of course Jasper didn’t mind leaning on her brother when needed and vice versa, but her better half could be so clingy sometimes. Needless to say, when Dee had sent her the text, Jasper had quickly chosen her outfit for the night before heading over to her friend’s place.

Currently standing in the other girl’s closet, Jasper rolled her eyes. While Dee had her own style that Jasper could respect, she sometimes wished her friend was a little more revealing when it came to her clothing choices. After all - it was a Friday night, and Dee was a gorgeous woman. It was as easy as two plus two. Jasper’s goal for the night was to get her friend some booty, and she wasn’t about to let boring clothing stand in her way.

In response to the blonde's question, Jasper marched over to the vanity, picked up a pair of scissors and retreated back to the closet. Grabbing a red dress, the young woman quickly cut off the bottom half of the dress while it was still on the hanger. The dress seemed to be made of a few layers - something that Jasper was thankful for in this moment despite Dee’s loud protests. A few snips later, Jasper was finally content with what she had created.

Grabbing the dress from the closet, she turned to show Dee the final product.

“Dee, baby, I love you, but most things in your closet are… they aren’t ‘going out’ material. So while you were busy fussing at me for cutting up your clothes, I took the liberty of making a masterpiece. Whaddaya think?”

Turning away from the vanity, she looked at the dress Jasper was holding, blinked a couple times, before shrugging, “Seems fun enough. Looks like it’ll go well with your outfit too. Black and red spells sin.” Giving a half smile, amused that she was going to be Jasper for one night, Dee gave two thumbs up as a sign of approval.

Agreeable and not one to avoid trying something new, regardless of how different it was for her, Diana shuffled to her friend and grabbed the dress, “Viv, you’re wicked talented. I can’t believe you made this.” Bringing the dress close, she examined the details. Some people wouldn’t be capable of making an outfit into something new, giving it a whole new personality. Jasper wasn’t like some people.

The dark haired girl shrugged her shoulders before flopping down on the bed. “Maybe if my culinary career goes south, I could give fashion a try or some shit.” Pulling her phone out of her pocket, Jasper began to absentmindedly scroll through social media. “Hurry up and get dressed. I don’t wanna be late for whatever this is.”

“Okay.” Dee flatly answered. Her deadpan gaze went from the dress to her friend. If there was one word that could describe Dee it was apathy. While she could be humorous and childish, her eyes displayed differently. There was a part of her that was closed off to even her closest of friends. She was there, but sometimes, it felt like she was staring at nothing.

The only thing that lit her up was music, and that was something everyone around her would just have to accept. The mundane was boring. Most people were boring. Life was boring. So, in order to take proactive steps to change her routine and find things that caught her eye, she had to do random things like go bar hopping with her friends. Maybe, something would intrigue her enough to enjoy her night. Maybe not. She won’t know until she just does it.

Taking off her bathrobe, she started to change. As she changed, she curiously asked a very out of the blue question, “Are you happy?” Not ‘how have you been’ like a normal person. Dee wasn’t normal. There were quite a few things on her mind, like what Ty’s been up to besides Junie this and Junie that. Or how she made a new friend with a large and in charge hockey player. However, those weren’t things she cared about in the moment. She wanted to know if Jasper was happy. Happy with being back at Meadow, happy with her brother, happy with herself. Just… happy.

As her eyebrows came together in confusion, Jasper looked from her phone to her friend. "I…. guess?"

Jasper hadn't really thought about being happy in a while. Was she happy?

Yes - all Nate related things aside - school was going good. Her grades were up and she was ace-ing her tests. Ty kinda had a girlfriend, she was hundreds of miles away from her father, and she was sleeping with whoever she wanted whenever she wanted to. Yet still it felt like something was missing…

"I don't think anyone's ever really happy all the time, but I think that for now… yeah, I'm happy." Breaking from her train of thought as she turned her attention back to her phone, Jasper took the opportunity to ask her friend the same question. "Are you happy?"

Shrugging, Dee walked into her closet, widely yawning, “I’m too rad to be sad.” What did it even mean to be happy? She didn’t question herself like most girls did, she didn’t envy what anyone else had, and when she knew nothing was going right, she’d take a left. It wasn’t something she thought too deep into, though it was good to know that her friend wasn’t drowning in sadness. Dee imagined that’s what all Jasper’s lovers were for: to make her feel good about herself.

Standing in front of her shoe wall, scanning them, which she had many, Dee contemplated what could go well with her new and improved red dress, but also be more up her alley. Not taking too long to decide on what she wanted, she sat down on her ottoman (yes, still in the closet) and started putting on her platform thigh high long boots.

Zipping her left boot on, Diana evenly uttered, “But I’m also never happy.” There were three things that could get an emotional rise from her. Not a high one, but enough to see a change in expression. That is: when she talked about her parents and their lifestyles, someone pressed about her past, and when she played music. Music was the only one with a positive outcome. The rest were dismissed, divulged, or drawled out.

Still, she didn’t find a need to think too deeply into her words, actions, or behavior. There was no point. Anyways, once a moment or two past, she finished putting her shoes on, grabbed her black shoulder bag, and strolled out the door, aiming to switch the contents from her everyday faux-leather backpack to her ‘night out’ purse. “Happiness is overrated. I’m here to make mistakes.”

Jasper knew Dee probably better than anyone, and yet she still couldn’t help with her friend's emotional state - whatever it so happened to be. Sometimes Dee seemed like she was thousands of miles away. Tonight was one of those nights. While Jaz wanted to reach out, and reassure Dee that she was there for her for whatever this was, she hesitated. Jasper had never been much help in the emotional department, and it seemed that nothing had changed that fact. Even if it was seeing her closest friends in a state that obviously wasn’t something to be called okay.

Following Dee out the door, Jasper shoved her phone back into her pocket. “Mistakes are good,” she said, doing her best to be reassuring. “Where are we going anyway?”

“Nectar’s, babe. The place with the best live music and local talent. You remember that one time you flashed a guy because a girl thought she could steal your one night stand? Yeah, that place.” Dee commented. Taking out her phone, she continued onward, down the hall, by adding, “It’s open mic tonight so I’m a little curious…”

Quickly, she sent another text out to Nate and MJ:

Omw. I expect appetizers waiting for me.

Since those two lived on campus, they should arrive at the bar & grill before her and Jasper. “If we end up getting bored, we can always go to the next best place. The night’s young.”

She hooked onto Jasper’s arm as they made their way out of her parents' lavish, french normandy style mansion (it looked like a castle), and with a scheduled uber pick up, their chariot awaited them. “Let’s have some fun.”

Walking to the uber, Jasper smirked. "I love that place."

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Most of her fellow students had already gone crying to mommy and daddy about the recent events at college following the Bash she had missed out on. Shiloh, however, had not yet. It wasn’t that she was afraid to, far from it, her parents probably wouldn’t give two shits about it. It was mostly that she just hadn’t gotten around to it yet. She instead was focusing on her classes and getting ready for the school year to start in full swing after recovering from her cold.

Now was probably as good as time as any, sitting at her desk beating her face for a night out with the boys. With any luck the night would involve more than just the boys… a girl would be nice, but time would tell. With dark eyeshadow applied to only one of her eyelids so far, Shi dialed her dad on Facetime and sat the phone back down on her desk, propped up at an angle towards her face.

After a few rings, the dark curly haired, middle-aged rocker answered. “Hey BettySketty, the hell you doing going a whole week without talking to your old man?!” He greeted in his familiar, excitable tone. Wes Clay had a way of talking that made it seem like he was always just about to tell you the craziest, most outlandish news… when in reality he was just shooting the shit with you.

Shiloh turned from her mirror to smile into the phone, makeup brush in hand as she paused from application. “Hey Pops, sorry, I’ve been... busy.”

“Holy shit, I’ll say. Busy getting punched in the eye, looks like.” Ah yes, glorious dad jokes. How would she ever survive a single semester without them?

Rolling her eyes, Shiloh shook her head and laughed. “Woww you’re soooo funny. If you guys get tired of Mutiny, maybe you could go on the road as a comedy show instead.” She replied sarcastically and went back to applying her makeup. “Is mom around?”

“Awe, what? Is unfunny dad not good enough?” Wes replied with a mock pout.

“Ha, no. It’s just that I wanted you both here to talk about this.”

Wes’ jokester mood immediately shifted to paternal concern. “She’s at work still. Why? What’s going on, Betts?”

“Well, I don’t know if the school e-mailed you guys or whatever. But the whole junior class got put on academic probation because there was a big party last weekend and there was a fight and it all got recorded and posted by some narc.”

Wes was quiet for a few moments. Long enough for Shiloh to look away from the mirror to check if he was actually upset or something. “Damn, did you at least have a lot of fun at the party?” That was the dad she knew, all was well.

“I wish… I didn’t go. I had strep throat, remember?”

“Oh shit, right. What the hell then, and you’re being punished anyway?”

“Yeah. Well, kinda. I asked Theo about what academic probation even is, I thought it was a jock thing. But it seems like as long as I keep my grades up and remain on my ‘best behavior’ I should be fine.” She said, air quoting best behavior. They both knew that Shiloh never had best behavior, it just wasn’t in her DNA.

“Well, even if you don’t, Betts, you’ll be fine. I know that school was your top choice, but if they want to pull some kind of shit like that and actually expel students over parties they didn’t even go to, then there are plenty of other colleges out there that would be lucky to have you. Your mom and I support you no matter what, you know that.”

“Yeah, I figured. Which is why I didn’t rush to tell you like everyone else here seemed to do with their parents. With the amount of extra rich and annoying Karens and Kevins that are probably flooding the administrations inboxes, I doubt this is even going to last.”

“Ugh, wouldn’t want that job.” Wes replied jokingly and lit a cigarette on the other end of the line. “I see you’re taking the best behavior thing seriously... where you lookin’ to go cause trouble tonight?”

Shiloh was finished with her makeup now, twisting the mascara wand back into the tube. Looking back to her phone, she explained, “Not sure, some bar or club. I’m meeting up with Theo and Connor in a few.” Shi tapped her phone to see what time it was. “Actually, I should probably hang up now, I still have to get dressed and head to the manor.”

“Alright, be safe and knock ‘em dead, Black Betty.”

“Always, love you!” Shiloh replied and hung up the call. Rushing towards her closet, she selected her dress for the evening. It was a simple draped black fabric dress that hung close to her body and had cut outs exposing the sides of her stomach. She paired the dress with some bangle bracelets and topped the ensemble with her signature pink and black leather jacket. An outfit wasn’t properly Shi-ified without a punk touch. Heading out the door, she sent out a text in the group chat with her, Theo, and Connor.

To: The Three Musketeers
leaving now
ill be at the manor in 5

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Location: Downtown -> Lone Palms bar -> Bonfamille Manor

The past few days have been hectic, to say the least. Classes for Meadow had begun in full swing and the whole Theo incident was still hot to the touch. The teachers and parents seem to be breathing down the students necks, the atmosphere was almost surveillance state-like. Connor, however, was grateful for the sense of 'normalcy' that classes had provided. Hell, he was glad to see his favorite professor again. Anderson pretty much left Connor to his own devices and spent most of his time helping other students. Though he was present for when he needed help. Connor will forever be grateful for the one night where the professor sent him messages dead into 3:00 AM to help him iron out some bugs and kinks during his final project. Said professor frequently attended the bar that Connor attends to part-time, and needless to say he hooked him up with some free drinks here and there.

Connor was out, helping out with clean-up. Partially cause he felt guilty and the other half was his parents endless badgering at some 'community service'. It was mostly wrapped-up but the Blond stuck around, entertaining idle thoughts. ... No the snitch had to be a freshman... Connor rested his back onto a bench, head tilted towards the darkening skies. Crap, heh, no way to know huh... No way- wait Prof Anderson? He should know something. He glanced at his phone's clock and noted that Anderson should still be there for his weekly, sometimes daily, drink. It seemed like a good shot and Connor didn't have much to do, so what the hell?

Connor jumped out of his seat and jogged his way to the bar he worked in, Lone Palms bar. It was close, luckily, and he was there in ten minutes. The ever-present smell of cheap liquor and faded dreams hit him on the way in. With a deep breath he took it in, it was comforting somehow. Craning his neck, he spotted the familiar figure he was looking out for. The hunched over, slightly tipsy Professor Anderson. Connor made his way over the table and slapped his back, the teacher struggled to keep the drink in hand from spilling.

"How's my favorite professor?" Connor spat with a shit-eating-grin. "Real fancy meeting you here."

"Son of a bitch, Connor, this drink ain't free when you're not serving. Real unlucky that you didn't this week." Anderson replied. "Yeah sure, real fancy, eh? You know when I come here, so spit it out, what do you want?"

"Skipping right over foreplay, I like it." The Blond said. "Y'know that whole Theo Bonfamille incident?"

"Theo incident?" Anderson said, Connor could almost swear his face straightened and sobered up.

"Yeah, well, any idea whose behind it all? Or rather, the snitch?" Connor continued. "You owe me one, prof."

Anderson frowned. "Look, Connie, I can't be talking about stuff that's strictly university business out here, much less to a goddamn student."

"Crap. Well I figur-"

"Hell, I ain't even part of the inner circle, so fuckin' childish-" The professor stopped himself. "Well, I wasn't supposed to let that slip either, so forget I said that."

"Hmm, well if ya ask me, it's gotta be one of yours right? This bash o' yours." He shrugged lazily. "I don't know."

"One from my year? No way." The Blond was surprised at the revelation that there was some sort of high-school ish inner circle between the staff. Before he could ruminate further on his phone vibrated with a message from Theo inviting him and Shiloh to come over for some hijinks at his manor.

"Leeching off the Bonfamille food and wine?
Do you even have to ask?
Count me in, red."

"Gotta run Prof, we aren't finished with this conversation."

"We sure as hell are- hey! You owe me a drink!" Anderson's voice faded as Connor walked away.


Connor's car pulled up outside the driveway. The house was large, while Connor's family had similar lodgings, he hasn't visited his house in years so seeing the utter scale of Manor was awe-inspiring.

He trod up the rocky pathway to the door and knocked. The head butler, Edgar, greeted him in. "Edgar! How's it hanging, the kids, wife... dog?"

Connor usually tries to strike up friendly conversation with the butler but is usually just shot down with short sentences or a nod. He's never seen Edgar emoting either. Damn Bonfamille and their stringent butler training.

He was led from room to room before finally spotting the redhead. The Blond raised his hand in a greeting. "Yo Theo, house is as swanky as the last time I was here."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Otterpop
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Otterpop 〖 ωєєв qυєєи 〗

Member Seen 3 days ago

"Hey man, do you think Mrs. Benson would take a paper about the effects of weed on mental health? I mean, it's a legit thing so she has to right?"

Alaric stopped as he grabbed the keys to his lovely abode from his pocket, jingling them round until he found the right one. "She'd probably fail you.on principal. That hag has a stick up her ass longer than the wall of china. She'd make a better nun than a damn teacher." Behind him Parker snickered, the guy was someone Alaric hung out with and shared psychology classes with. They were stopping by the apartment that he shared with Conner so he could grab his secret stash and bail to the music rooms. "God psychology is a drag, you don't even like Psychology Rick, why the hell are you taking it?" Unlocking the door and walking inside, the duo made their way towards Alaric's bedroom. "The same reason you are Parker, to make the big man at home stay off my ass." Speaking of his psychotic father, Alaric had been surprised that he hadn't gotten some sort of phone call or message about the video and the Academic probation. He had been damn sure that he'd get an earful from Alistair, the Golden Child had to do the scolding because Harvey Blackwood couldn't care enough to do it himself.

"Oh yea, that would have to be anyone's reason to --- oh my God you've been robbed!" Parker's words ran together as Alaric swung the heavy wooden door open. The sight in front of the duo was like something out of a movie, almost every single thing the blonde owned was littered on the floor. Posters were ripped from the walls, dresser drawers thrown open and on the floor, jewelry scattered everywhere. It really did look like someone had come in looking for something, but if it was a robber the whole apartment would be trashed. The rest of the apartment had looked perfectly fine and he had a sinking feeling that Conner's room would be alright.

That's when something caught his eye, something that made his blood boil.

Everyone who knew Alaric would know that there was one possession that had sentimental value, an object that he would never give up in his entire life. His very first guitar was smashed into pieces. While it wasn't all that nice or expensive it was one of the only things he'd gotten for himself without the help of his parent's money. He learned how to play on it, when he was frustrated or sad he ran right to that guitar and played his feelings out. Alaric could feel himself shaking as he bent down and grabbed half of the broken instrument, this wasn’t a robbery. No, this was done on purpose to send a message...and he knew exactly would want to send a message like this.


Parker picked up a piece of paper off the desk, he read off how campus security had been informed there were drugs on the property and had gotten permission to check for said drugs. This made Parker scoff as he picked up a plastic bag full of weed that had been sitting in plain sight. "For a raid they did a really bad job, I mean they didn't even take the weed! Actually...I swear they took some, the hell?"

This only made him angier. "They weren't here for the fucking weed Parker. They were here to make sure I got a message...and I got it pretty loud and clear. God he's a psychopath!" Alaric kicked a canister across the room, his father had no limits when it came to his kids and reputation was everything in that man's world. The video might not have only shown him in the background but even that was too much. He was so worked up that he couldn't stop shaking, how could anyone be so messed up? Parker could see just how upset his friend was, while he didn't know all the details he did know that Harvey Blackwood was a force to be reckoned with. "Man...That’s just messed up dude..."


The only thing to do in a situation like that was to get black out drunk. For Alaric that was easy, with Parker and his never ending connections with alcohol that was even easier. The duo were sure to get wasted and if Conner had come home the two probably wouldn't have been coherent enough to even notice. The two weren't bad drunks either, unlike some who were rowdy and aggressive Alaric and Parker were just silly and wanted to have some fun. That night Alaric thought it would be a good idea to see how long it'd take him to peel all the oranges in the fridge.

At some point during the night Parker was going through Alaric's phone when a name stuck out. "Ricky my dude....who's Lola?"

Hearing that name made the blonde poke his head up from behind the couch, an orange in hand as he thought. "Uhhh.....oh! She’s this bombshell I met at the cafe. She looks like...a um...what's it called...a Valerie's secret model!" The orange was ignored as Parker spoke. "Ricky man…It's Victoria...not Valerie.Anyway since Jasper isn't into you like, at all….you should go for this one." Alaric snorted as his laughed, the poor orange flying into the wall with a heavy thud when it slipped out of his hand. "No way, that's like a hobo asking out a queen….and I'm the hobo!" The poor guy flopped back behind the couch, Parker grinning as he clicked the 'send message' button under Lola's name. He should be a good friend and help a pal out.

>>>Hey, you wanna like go out on Friday or something?<<<

Parker was honestly surprised when he got a response, in his head he was thinking it was just a number a girl gave Alaric to get him off her back. It had happened on more than one occasion, while girls were more than happy to get his number seeing him as a drunken idiot tended to ward them off.

>>>Gotta check my schedule but I'm pretty sure I'm free. What are you thinking?"<<<

Holy crap. Parker wondered if this was okay then quickly decided that it was. What kind of friend would he be if he didn't? He could hear Alaric behind the couch struggling to peel the orange he wanted to eat so badly. Yup, definitely something he had to help his friend with, this guy was totally hopeless.

>>>Me, You, The Red Room, Friday at 9?<<<

Alaric popped back up over the couch, peeled orange in hand with a look of triumph on his face. "See, I told you I could do it!" Parker never said he couldn't but that was besides the point. Alaric didn't notice that his phone had been snatched and rolled over to get more alcohol. Parker tossed the phone onto the couch and followed suit, completely forgetting what he was doing as the two slipped into happy drunken fools. Neither one noticed an unread text message.


When Alaric woke up at almost noon the next moment his head was pounding, he could barely remember the night before. Beside him Parker was still passed out. He shuffled around the apartment looking for his cellphone, finding it under the couch. He noticed that he had an unread message and didn't hesitate to check it, though when he did he thought he was going to pass out again. What in the world had this idiot gotten himself into?

>>>The Red Room, huh? Look at you, pulling out the big guns! 😂
It's a date.
I just hope you know what you're getting yourself into.😏😈🤭😘<<<

When Friday rolled around Alaric, who hadn't been on a proper date in his life, found himself preparing for a night out with Lola Russo.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by spooner
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spooner *cough*

Member Seen 1 mo ago

“Edgar!” Bas’s voice echoed from the upstairs lounge where he leisurely laid on one of the plush chaise lounges. The slender young man lifted his head as he didn’t hear an answer right away “EDGAR!” he shouted louder this time.

A slow shuffle could be heard from the stairs “You bellowed, sir?” the aging butler drawled as he ascended and stood at the top with a disgruntled face waiting to hear whatever demand his employer’s son had thought up.

“Oh, there you are, finally!” Bastíen sighed “Edgar I’m parched, would you bring some tea?” he asked turning to smile sweetly at Edgar.

A heavy sigh escaped the man “And what kind of tea would you like, sir?” he asked slowly.

Bas sat up crossing his legs as he gave it some thought “Hmmm…” he mused tapping his chin. “Well, maybe some green tea with mint.” he decided with a nod. The butler nodded back and began to walk down the stairs. “Wait!” Bastíen exclaimed “I changed my mind… bring me some black cherry rooibos.” he smirked putting on that sweet smile again. Edgar didn’t say anything he just continued down the stairs.

Bastíen got comfortable again and laid back down. He fished out his phone from his pocket and continued scrolling his Instagram feed. His thumb moved slowly over the screen as a mixture of fashion and music flashed before his eyes. Nothing really catching his eye until his favorite downtown bar Nectar posted about their open mic night.

His eyes went towards the grand piano, he raised an eyebrow as an idea entered his mind. He crossed his arms in front of his chest tapping his phone against his side as Edgar came over and put down a tray with a teapot, a large cup, and a few homemade cookies. “Thank you, Edgar, this is perfect! Can you get John to bring the car around in like an hour” Bas said pouring a cup of the perfectly brewed tea.

After a quick shower and meticulously picking out his outfit, Bastíen waws ready to leave. The car had been brought around to the front just in time for when he stepped out of the Bonfamille manor. John who had been their driver since before the triplets were born opened the door so that Bas could slide right in.

The black SUV glided smoothly through Meadow View towards the downtown area where all of the good restaurants and bars were located, like Nectar or The Red Room. Soon enough the car stopped in front of the familiar facade of Nectar. “Thanks, John smooth sailing as always!” Bas exclaimed getting out of the vehicle. “Remember to have your phone on you at all times, I’m not sure when I want to get back!” he said sticking his head back in the car before shutting the door.

“Will do, sir,” John said through his open window as he drove away.

The night was still young and that reflected in the number of people that were inside of the bar. Later on, the place would be packed as it always was on a Friday night. Bastíen took this opportunity to head to the bar and ask for Darla. A senior at MU that was in charge of the open mic night every week. The guy behind the bar went to the back and after a few moments a stressed looking girl with bushy sandy colored hair came out clutching a clipboard.

“Darla my love!” Bas exclaimed as she came over to him. He grabbed her hand and held them in his. “How is everything going?” he continued.

The girl just rolled her eyes “What do you want Bastíen?” she sighed obviously already tired of the interaction not even trying to pull her hand back.

A smirk crept on to Bas’s face “Darla dear, I know I’m late to sign up, but could you maybe squeeze me into tonights set?” he asked not even a hint of being sorry in his voice.

“Are you dumb?” Darla sighed “You-” she looked around flustered her hand still in Bas’s now shaking. Either from anger or nerves… he had that effect on people. “No! The set has been full for ages… you- No Bas!” she tried to steady her voice.

Bas lifted her hand to his mouth and gave the nook between her thumb and pointer finger a deep kiss. “Oh come on Darla, I’ll make it up to you” his eyes sparkling in that way they did when he knew he had his prey where he wanted it. “Perhaps we can let off some steam at the manor later tonight? You know… like old times.” his intense stare continued to pierce Darla.

The young woman’s eyes fluttered around the room for a second and then she concentrated on him again “Fine!” she exclaimed irritated a bright red flush now present on her face. “You get three minutes at the end!” she huffed snatching her hand back and turning on her heel and stomping back tot he back room. All Bas could do was sit back down sipping on his cocktail with a smile.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Melissa
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Melissa Melly Bean the Jelly Bean

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Meadow University Football Field → Nectar's


Most people looked forward to Fridays- after all, it was the end of the week and beginning of the weekend. But, Fridays were notorious for being Meadow University Football’s most rigorous practice day, which meant the players dreaded going to sleep every Thursday night. Their Fridays were always the same year after year- between the hours of 6AM and 9AM, the players strength trained and conditioned as a team, and from 5PM to 8PM they practiced on the field with their coaches and trainers. In between all of this, they were expected to maintain their specific athletic diet and complete all of their coursework. Total, it’s about 6 full hours of working out, more or less, whether it’s in the gym or on the turf.

Coach Murphy planned this strategically, knowing that the weekend was spent slacking off at parties and eating cheat meal after cheat meal. Legally, according to the NCAA, Division I teams can’t practice for more than 20 hours a week, and you can bet that Coach milked each minute he could get, tallying each spare moment throughout the week that the team didn’t use and adding them to Friday’s practice. He was a bit of a hardass, that was for sure.

On this Friday in particular, the players itched for a reprieve, Nolan included. Not only did he have football things to worry about, he also had one of his first practice MCAT exams the day prior and did not perform as expected. Plus, with everything going on as a result of the Great Bash, there was never a better time to let loose and enjoy a break, with alcohol most definitely being involved. But, they still had to get through a grueling practice before the fun could commence.

The scoreboard read 8:05PM and the team should have been off the field five minutes ago, but Coach Murphy pleaded they still had 10 more minutes of allotted time. In true fashion, he was a “I dismiss you, not the bell” kind of guy. Nolan huffed as they completed a few more plays, the exhaustion of the week piling up and slowly deteriorating his muscles and drive.

“Nolan, pick up the pace!” He could hear Coach Murphy- his father- yell out to him from the side lines. “Find an opening and be available for your quarterback!” As a wide receiver, it was his job to get down the field, dodge defense, and be open to passes, so he needed to be quick and strategic. But also, as the son of the coach, he was always needing to surpass his father's expectations. There was no preferential treatment here, in fact, it was the complete opposite of that: Coach ragged on Nolan more than any other player. Not only did Nolan need to be a successful player, he also had to be a successful son.

As they ran the play, the dark haired boy attempted to make a breakaway and allow himself to be open to receive the ball. But he wasn’t fast enough, causing the quarterback to choose another teammate who was in a better position down the field, and Nolan to get tackled as the ball was caught by someone else. The force of being taken to the turf knocked the wind out of him, and he struggled to find his legs and stand up after the play had ended.

“Murphy, that won’t be enough on game day! Get your act together!” He could hear his father shout, not even caring that his son had been sacked and was not moving from his position on the ground.

One of his teammates, Drew, came to his aid, offering a hand and hoisting him up. “You good, dude?” He asked, patting the boy on the back for reassurance.

Nolan coughed instinctively as he found himself upright once again, letting his hands find his knees and taking a few deep breaths to regain his composure. “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just so fucking done with this week.” He shook his head, pulling off his helmet and allowing the breeze to comb through his hair.

Drew laughed. “I feel you on that one. Does this mean we’re going out tonight?”

Nolan smirked, “I don’t think that’s even a question at this point.” the boy replied, already knowing that he’d be drinking tonight. As he glanced back at the sidelines, Nolan caught a glimpse of his father, simply staring at him with a look of pure disapproval on his face. The smirk on his lips slowly melted away and guilt panged in his chest. He tore his gaze away and looked back at Drew.

“Oh, I’m definitely drinking tonight.”


Less than 2 hours after stepping off the field, Nolan and a few of his teammates walked through the door of Nectar’s, one of their favorite bars in town. They made their way to the back corner and set up shop at a high top table, allowing them to have the best view of the entire place and everyone in it. Without even sitting down, Nolan motioned to the bar, ready to get their night underway. “First round’s on me boys, I’ll get us two pitchers.”

Walking over and pressing his palms on the bar, he leaned towards the bartender and ordered the brews for him and his friends. After he had seen him start to fill the pitchers up, Nolan rotated around and let his back rest against the edge of the bar, looking around to see if anyone he knew was present. It didn't take long to notice that directly next to him was none other than Bastíen Bonfamille, who looked rather pleased with himself for some reason. Deciding to comment on his cheerful disposition, Nolan turned only his head in order to make eye contact with the boy. “You’re certainly in a good mood this evening, Bonfamille.”
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Fiona Salvador-Grey had been gifted with the gene's of stardom.

Her mother had been making her own music since she was fifteen and was now producing music for some of the hottest new names. Her father, on the other hand, was one of the most renown soap opera stars there was today. With the hereditary gift of ambition, Fiona was destined for greatness, and she knew it.

Her phone had been on silent for the better part of the day as she used to schools sound room to prep herself for open mic night at Nectars. Fiona was planning to play a series of covers tonight. She needed to get the crowd to really like her before she tried to see how they responded to her solo stuff. Of course she had gained some traction on both her and Dee's YouTube channels, but playing in front of a live crowd was always different.

Her nerves were through the roof. Had she chosen the right outfit? Had she exhausted her voice from to much practice? Was he guitar perfectly in tune?

Breathe, Fi.

Walking through the door at Nectars, Fiona checked in quickly with the manager before walking over to the stage to begin sound check.

While it was open mic night, Fiona was the main attraction, so to speak, and would be on stage for the first thirty minutes.

Plugging up the mic, Fiona prepared herself for whatever the night would throw at her.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Venus
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Venus So long, and goodnight. ♡

Member Seen 1 mo ago

At thirteen minutes past nine on that Friday night, a very visibly annoyed Lola Russo stood in the corner of her bedroom, carefully studying every inch of her outfit in the full-size mirror. Was it sheer? Yes. Was she aware of just how sheer it was? Yup. Had she purposely skipped the bra and worn the black thong knowing fully well that would be exactly where her date's eyes would wander off to? Absolutely. In fact, the blonde was secretly hoping her choice in attire and her sex appeal were enough to get her laid tonight. If she went through another Cassian Lee episode, Lola swore she'd be packing her bags and moving to Sicily in hopes that a hot mafia daddy would ask her if she was lost baby girl, kidnap her, take her shopping and sailing on a yacht, and make her his spoiled mafia princess. God, she fucking loved that movie.

The unfortunate thing about making plans past dinner time was that she’d been present at the Delta house when Miss Congeniality’s date made his timely appearance. For the past week, that airhead Mia Somethingortheother had been bragging to anyone who would listen about how her beloved Junie had scored a date with Tyberius Delamar, making Lola physically sick with jealousy in the process. It wasn’t that she had a thing for Ty-- they’d hooked up a few years ago, and that had been the end of it. It was the fact that, even with her good looks, her sex appeal, her juicy bank account and her B list celebrity status, she failed to attract someone worthy of her time at this stupid school.

During that past summer, Lola Russo had been wined and dined by an NFL player from the LA Rams, bedded by a Navy sailor that looked like an Abercrombie & Fitch model, and taken on a week long vacation to Bali by the soon to be head of the Tres Doncellas Vineyard and Winery. And even with this astounding track record, the girl had been quick to accept Alaric's invitation to hang out. Turns out that the Blake that had annoyed her so much before had been her only friend at Meadow U, and now that he was gone she'd been feeling super kind of lonely lately (not that she would ever admit it). In times like these, the young woman wished she just stayed in California for college. At least back home she had her family, her girls, and a whole lot of hot guys to choose from. She didn’t have to resort to this.

As if her bitter attitude wasn’t bad enough before, it only worsened earlier: when she’d caught a glimpse of Ty Delamar looking stunning in a fitted suit, holding a bouquet of sunflowers and waiting for Junie. The face he made when he saw his date was a painful stab at Lola’s ego.

Great… She gets the in person invitation, the flowers, and the fancy dinner with the rockstar-looking sex God. And what do I get? A middle of the night text invite like some ordinary girl, from a short guy with questionable fashion sense who not only isn't even here on time, but who probably doesn't even know who Dolce & Gabbana are and spells Chanel with two n’s.

How is this even fair?!

And even though she knew this was probably karma for sending the infamous fight video to the headmistress in order to get back at Dickhead Lee, it didn't mean Lola thought she deserved it.

With her bad mood back again in full force, the young woman gave another glance at her cellphone and let out an annoyed huff. No texts, no calls, no explanations, and still late. Who did this guy think he was? How much longer did he plan to keep her waiting? Did he not understand who he was dealing with here?

Alaric Sterling had five more minutes to show up before Lola left everything behind and flew to Italy to start a new life as a mob boss’ wife.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Plank Sinatra
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Plank Sinatra the reaper won't come when you're ready for him

Member Seen 10 days ago

Tonight is my night.

It was a silent prayer Dana said every night she went out, and for her it held a variety of meanings, all branching from the same, singular desire - just do something fucking interesting. She was happy to pick fights, as long as she was sure that they wouldn't come back to bite the ass of her academic progress. She was happy to get drunk, make interesting conversation, maybe even make new friends. If the worst came to worst, she would at least find her way to the mall and buy as many gorgeous things as she could to make up for the crushing disappointment she felt in lesser people every single day of her life. She supposed on some level she would even be happy just to find someone worthy of sex, but that was a lesser concern.

Not that she could ever tell someone like Cass that. Hell, how many fucking times had she already asked him to stop using her virginity as a cute pet name? Over time, she had come to gravitate towards the more Type A personalities of Meadow U. She was always happy to see Lola, for instance, and Bas Bonfamilie would be a lot cooler if she could actually pronounce his fucking name. But tagging along with Cass and his boys always made her feel like a mascot, a perennial romantic fuck up that needed an entire shogunate to act as her wingman. It was exhausting. And whenever she expressed it to Cass all he would do was laugh and keep fucking saying 'Virgin-Chan, Virgin-Chan,' and then laugh when she would punch his chest, when she knew goddamn well, just wait, Cassian, you motherfucker, just wait until Virgin-chan got you in side control one day, when she had him pinned down and--

She exhaled deeply. No. He is a worm. A...muscular, smirking worm. This is your night.

Tonight is my night.

The point was, one of the main reasons she had left Japan was to avoid having to do all the social heavy lifting herself. She was sick of formality, sick of being polite, sick of not openly proving herself as a person of merit to the world. If nothing else, Meadow U. was full of her preferred kind of people. The guys, especially. She shared many a personality trait with many of them - the competitive streaks, the need to party, the aggression, the foul mouths, all the things that made them want to fight each other or at least threaten to fight each other. But when those traits were applied to Dana, suddenly people thought they were cute.

Was she being fetishized? Is that what this shit was about? People thought it was cute when the Japanese girl got furious?

How disgusting. How fucking abhorrent. It's borderline perverted, is what it is.

She inhaled again, and held it until she thought she might actually choke on her own breath.

No. Be calm. Tonight will be my night.


Dana leapt backwards off the Street Fighter machine with a boisterous grin, both her fists in the air as though she'd just placed gold in the Olympics. One of the things she had loved to do in Kobe or Tokyo was find the arcades and send boys weeping away in shame, whether they thought themselves masters of the crane machine, the fighting games, or especially Dance Dance Revolution. She had bested all comers, in all contests, for years and years in her younger days. Given the emphasis Americans put on playing video games with each other, she had been sure when she arrived that Meadow View didn't even have an arcade. When she'd finally found one a few months ago, it didn't matter that its games were outdated by a couple years - whether some fighters in Tekken or Marvel vs. Capcom had older move sets or not, whether some of her favorite songs were in Dance Dance Revolution. What mattered was that an arena existed at all for her to test herself in combat beyond sparring - and between going to the gym or going to the arcade, only one seemed like a good way to kick off her night out. If the boys wanted to hang out later, Lord knew she couldn't show up sore and gassed out.

The vanquished slugs that populated the arcade, a sea of mediocre white boys wasting their quarters to try and salvage their manhood against Dana-chan, parted to make way for her jump. Clearly none of them wanted to risk being tread upon a second time. That only made her victory sweeter; she laughed in the faces of the half dozen high schoolers who had gathered around her.

"What? You don't want Japanese girl to step on you anymore?" she giggled, grinning wolfishly at the people she had spent the last forty five minutes thrashing. "Be glad you pick Street Fighter. In Tekken I send you crawling back to your mother's wombs in shame. Fuck off, gaijin. I'm done here."

She walked out of the arcade with her hands in her Balmain jacket, feeling her fingers wrap around her phone on impulse. She thought to drum out a quick text to Cass, just to let him know she was his wingman, not the other way around.

To: Cassi
if you fail with mac like shithead then i still want ramen
if you pass wear a condom

There. Now she could blissfully ignore her best friend all night while she went out to a bar. Which place was it that she knew had open mic tonight - The Velvet Room?

No, the Velvet Room is something else...

The Red Room? Or no, maybe it was Nectar with the open mic?
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Boreas
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Boreas stay / chilly™

Member Seen 1 mo ago

@spooner & @icy hot collab

Atop the student community building was a large greenhouse that had free access 24 hours a day, seven days a week to the students of MU. The greenhouse was expansive and often a quiescent meeting spot for singles and small groups. With the news of the class-wide probation and an unpleasant conversation with his coach hanging over him, the mostly vacant greenhouse was a welcomed change of pace for Cassian. Who currently paced, in an almost trance-like manner back and forth in front of the bench, thinking through everything he should, could and would say to the girl that he was finally able to admit he liked.

That girl just happened to walk through the glass door leading into the greenhouse with her signature scowl on her face. The cryptic message that Cassian had sent her had only fueled Mac’s annoyance with him which was already pretty high. But since she had promised Lottie and herself that she would give him a chance Mac had made her way over to where he wanted to meet up.

“Did you have to pick a spot that was on top of a building with no stairs?” she huffed out of breath as she reached him sitting down on the bench where he was pacing. “What did you want anyway?” she directed her scowl towards him.

Cassian almost smiled, but the nerves took over and he controlled his features. He was half expecting her to not show up, and he would have completely understood if she had made that choice. But here she was, sitting before him, with the usual scowl she wore when speaking to him on her lips and the slight tinge of exertion shading her cheeks.

“Sorry.” His voice was low but intertwined with a sincerity he rarely exposed to anyone outside of his immediate circle. There were no haughty undertones, no arrogance quirking at his lips, and no seduction rolling off his tongue, just Cassian and his apology. With the smooth control of an athlete, he was crouching down in front of her, slightly below eye level, and left enough room between them to not be imposing.

Mac started to rummage through her big purse not really paying attention to the towering man in front of her. “It’s fine…” she sighed exasperated, still shuffling her stuff around until she found what she was looking for: her pack of bubblegum. From which she took out a piece popping it in her mouth before turning back. The girl was a little shocked to find Cassian so close and also on her level.

“I’m sorry for being inconsiderate, and perhaps even intolerable. I don’t want to offer excuses for how I’ve been acting, I just hope that you’d give me the opportunity to make up for it all. I don’t know why it’s taken me nearly three years to figure it out, but I like you, Mac. I like how your nose wrinkles when I’ve said something that annoys you, or how you brush your pen against your lips when you're in deep thought. You’re inspiring because you’re so authentically you, and I guess I’ve always admired and been envious of the comfort you have in yourself.” Cassian reaches out a tentative hand to hold hers gently, his thumb rubbing over the back of her hand, ”I don’t expect anything from you in terms of returning these feelings… I figured I’d just be honest with you now instead of when it’s entirely too late.”

The dark-haired girl was stumped, she hadn’t thought this was going to be the outcome of this conversation “You-u“ she stuttered. Her eyes fell on her hand in his, Mac’s first instinct was to pull it away. But the more she thought about it the more it felt really nice. But she was still skeptical about it all.

“So… you’ve been stalking me have you?” She raised an eyebrow and finally pulled her hand away crossing her arms in front of her, not taking her eyes off Cassian. Her chewing became more frantic as time went on. “What now? Why are you telling me this?”

Cassian’s first instinct was to pull back and slide those walls up as fast as possible, being out of his comfort zone made him feel like a fish out of water. And boy did he love that water. But he had steeled himself on going down this path, he always went hard chasing after all the things he wanted in his life... Why should this be any different? So instead of shutting down he quipped a small smirk and let out a relaxed chuckle, this was fine, at least Mac wasn’t punching him and running off.

“Yeah, I’ve been stalking you, since freshman year.” The tone of his voice was that of amusement, he leaned back, and stood up with a small groan, ”I guess I’ve decided to temporarily turn in my asshole card… at least with you anyways. For now, we could go get some Boba, or ice cream, as long as you promise not to tell my coach I’m eating junk food?”

The scowl on Mac’s face was still present as she listened to Cassian talk. However smooth he was talking to her, she was still skeptical.”Fuck off!” she scolded pushing his shoulder to get some distance from him “And how many others where on that list huh?” she snarked.

“Boba you say?” she let down her guard a little. “I guess you can treat me to one.” she stood up brushing off the back of her skirt as she passed Cass. “Let’s go stalker!” she called out as she slid the glass door open.

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