Artemis’ gaze narrowed when Darius spoke. Did he know she was a siren because of his knowledge from Earth, or was it the demon inside of him? She bit back a scowl and folded her arms. His hunch was correct; but did share dare tell him? She’d have to if they approached her. How would she explain that she’d escaped her new master? They would be furious; perhaps even kill her on the spot. With a sigh, she opened her mouth to begin explaining when a digital picture appeared on the walls.
Momentarily confused, Artemis tilted her head to one side and began gathering strength in case of any attack. Instead, she was staring at Risa and felt dread rise inside of her. ’Oh honey, what are you doing?’ Artemis wondered and clenched her fists. As she spoke, Artemis felt her mouth run dry. She was so brave, and she couldn’t be prouder of her; this also begged the next fear: the enemies. They were here and her speech would likely provoke them. Her bravery was admirable. Where were they hiding? God, Artemis hated running or moving quickly on land. She scowled and pushed it aside for now.
Artemis began to make her way through the hall, then into the ballroom. She rudely pushed people out of her way as she hurried outside. A few Elves and demis yelled at her but she didn’t listen. She scowled as she bobbled around and kept losing her balance. Her legs were shaking and so was the rest of her body. Any time she lost her balance, she quickly scrambled back up and seized the opportunity of the crowd’s disarray from Risa’s speech and Dionaea’s dead body. Artemis’ eyes teared slightly and she had to keep rubbing her face on her arm. Her vision continued to blur. What kind of devil had killed her so cruelly? Through the fray, she could hear Lord Asshole's announcement as well. No! She couldn't be trapped inside! Her heart pounded so hard she thought it might jump from her chest. Her mind buzzed as a sudden familiar voice filled the air:
"Why not take a chance! I stand with Princess Millinia! Down with the Lich King!"
She skidded to a halt and whirled around with confusion. What the hell was he saying? He didn’t side with her! The human liked Aklenroth and Kol; not to mention, he was possessed by a Demon. Her eyes widened as realization dawned on her. God damn it, why did she have to keep choosing over one another? Shook her head and momentarily faltered. Her heart, if it could beat anymore, was going to simply be ripped out. Artemis shook her head and turned to the doorway. He could take care of himself; right now, he seemed to be doing fine. She shook her head as tension rose inside of her. Besides, Myra would need him. She turned and began heading back to the door as guards passed her to begin calming the escalating riot.
As she neared the door, Artemis found her way blocked by a few guards. She skidded to a halt and glowered as she collected her balance. The Dark Elves grinned at her maliciously, but she glared ferociously back. The few of them blinked as she intently stared them down. ”Sorry Miss, nobody’s allowed outside-” The Dark Elf on the left began saying when Artemis punched him in the face and knocked him onto his feet. He cried out in pain and stumbled as the two others moved to detain her. She moved back and assessed them both. Her eyes were shining with hatred and fury. She was going to kill these two if she had to in order to go outside; like hell she’d be stuck in here - there would be a stampede soon as well that would end her. Artemis would not let that happen, especially with Shade being here. Was River here too? She refused to face them right now. Her stomach felt hollow. How could she face them without her master at her side? She couldn’t; it would mean her detainment again or death. Neither option was suitable.
”You will let me out and you won’t remember me.” Artemis growled as she compelled them both. Their eyes glazed over and they allowed her to pass. She quickly ran outside and disappeared into the night.