(FC: August Roads, Dialogue Color: 2c806b )

| | N I C K N A M E (S) | |
- Ghost Boi, for his last year October special, The Hauntings at Marble Heights. First week article was 'The Death of Elspeth Waters' which focused on a murder-suicide-mystery that happened at the grand staircase by the Great Hall. Second week article 'Misty Memories' was about an off-limits hallway in the West Wing that leads to the North Tower, which has a weird phenomena of fog/mist. 'Under Our Feet' is a brief exploration story of the catacombs that was found, but the area that leads to the catacombs was not disclosed (to prevent others from finding it). Instead, it talks about why they exist, going back to the history before the school was built. There was a Silverwood Psychiatric Institution, which was owned by St. Paul and Peter Church, now located in the North Beach area. The asylum barely survived the earthquake, aside from Ward C, which was known to house the most dangerous patients. Marble Heights Academy has used Ward C as the kids dorms until this year. His last article was called 'The Toymaker & His Doll' and it covers a story about a teacher's relationship with a student named Nancy Willams in 1952. She went missing and there were no leads, until a pattern started to show. Every February, a girl would go missing and at the end of the month a student would find a doll made to look like these missing girls. Eventually cops were able to find out the connection between these girls and how they all spent a lot of time with Professor Edgar Addington being 'tutored'. Sadly, yes, these girls were murdered. People can choose what's truth and fiction, or they can talk to Dean himself for the scoop.
| | A G E | |
15, 01/28
| | G E N D E R | |
| | S E X U A L I T Y | |
"Uh, I don't know?"
| | R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S | |
"Very, very single. I don't think people would like a weirdo like me. I have friends, but this is high school. Sure, my dads found each other then but it really isn't statistically realistic to find your sweetheart before college. I'm just a kid!"
| | O C C U P A T I O N | |
"Being a newsie takes a lot of my time. I'll volunteer here and there, like I was a stagehand for the spring musical and I've helped Old Pete clean the grounds. Kids suck and they litter. I hate it. I didn't get paid for any of that, though. Um lets see, I guess being a history teacher assistant kind of is a job. It doesn't demand much and I help Mr. Larson during my study period. The extra money, on top of my allowance, is great to have. It helps me surprise my friends with food from San Francisco, since I'm in the city a lot throughout the week."
| | C L A S S I F I C A T I O N | |

| | I N D E P T H A P P E A R A N C E | |
Dean is what we call a handsome nerd. Take off the glasses, you have yourself a charming lad who is definitely growing into a becoming heartbreaker and stud. The only flaw to this potential is when he speaks. The moment Dean talks you know he can never be a foolhardy muscle-boy jock or a charismatic Casanova spokesperson. He is a nerd through and through and his glasses are just a reminder of that stereotype because he hates contacts.
There's nothing remarkable about his style. He wears his uniform like he is supposed to. His style is mundane and understated. He wears button up shirts (long and short) and casual chinos. Sometimes jeans, a graphic teen, and sweatshirt, but he prefers chinos because it's easier to dress up without being dress pants. In short, Dean's style is more often than not business casual not because he's trying to look good at all times but he just finds it comfortable and it suits him. To be honest, he didn't get that from either of his dads who have a very emo aesthetic and like to dress in complete comfort 'fuck what everyone thinks'.
If anything, he got this style from meeting the lead singer of his dad's band, The Black Thorns, and her girlfriend. When you meet someone of a heavy metal band (think metalcore, power metal, melodic death metal, dance-rock, alternative metal. Example of band music: listen to Amaranthe), you expect... a whole ass vibe. Dark clothes, piercings, heavy make up. But no, not Amaranth "Mara" Green. She presented herself like a daughter of Alyssa and Evelyn Green and not as the stereotype of metal babes, and her girlfriend, Colleen Mercy? She's a CEO business lady and said something like 'Always walk into any place as if you own it'. Those words resonated with Dean and while he can never change his weirdo ways, he can at least dress to impress, keeping both his head and standards high.
(5'9" | Brown hair | Hazel eyes)
Dean is what we call a handsome nerd. Take off the glasses, you have yourself a charming lad who is definitely growing into a becoming heartbreaker and stud. The only flaw to this potential is when he speaks. The moment Dean talks you know he can never be a foolhardy muscle-boy jock or a charismatic Casanova spokesperson. He is a nerd through and through and his glasses are just a reminder of that stereotype because he hates contacts.
There's nothing remarkable about his style. He wears his uniform like he is supposed to. His style is mundane and understated. He wears button up shirts (long and short) and casual chinos. Sometimes jeans, a graphic teen, and sweatshirt, but he prefers chinos because it's easier to dress up without being dress pants. In short, Dean's style is more often than not business casual not because he's trying to look good at all times but he just finds it comfortable and it suits him. To be honest, he didn't get that from either of his dads who have a very emo aesthetic and like to dress in complete comfort 'fuck what everyone thinks'.
If anything, he got this style from meeting the lead singer of his dad's band, The Black Thorns, and her girlfriend. When you meet someone of a heavy metal band (think metalcore, power metal, melodic death metal, dance-rock, alternative metal. Example of band music: listen to Amaranthe), you expect... a whole ass vibe. Dark clothes, piercings, heavy make up. But no, not Amaranth "Mara" Green. She presented herself like a daughter of Alyssa and Evelyn Green and not as the stereotype of metal babes, and her girlfriend, Colleen Mercy? She's a CEO business lady and said something like 'Always walk into any place as if you own it'. Those words resonated with Dean and while he can never change his weirdo ways, he can at least dress to impress, keeping both his head and standards high.
| | R E P U T A T I O N | |
For a sophomore, Dean is pretty known to the whole student body and that is thanks to his two popular segments in the paper. As said in the nickname section, he has a nickname as Ghost Boy because of his October stories, this is before Jamie transferred. In the spring, in April, Jamie had already been with them for a few months and had taken over The Golden Gate Gazette, causing the previous editor-in-chief to straight up quit because of how incompetent Jamie made him feel. Dean wrote a story called The Virgin Chronicles where he went around the school, picking random students and asking them about the stigma behind 'being a virgin' and why people are so afraid to admit it to their peers. He didn't think Jamie was going to actually let him do this story. Dean had come in unprepared and Jamie looked at him expectantly with an idea, so he blurted out a random thought he had which was 'what's the big deal about being a virgin' and that led to an uncomfortable series of interactions. People loved him for the story and he was able to get non-readers of the newspaper to read it, but it was still an uncomfortable experience. Does this make him popular? Like a lovable kid brother everyone says hi to in the hallway? Wait, was he popular?

| | H I S T O R Y | |
Music & the Arts have always been part of Dean's life. With two dads, one a painter and one a musician, you can naturally assume Dean didn't have your average upbringing. On top of having eccentric fathers, who balanced each other in the best of ways, JD being an aggressively passionate and loud man, Noah being more timidly loving and kindhearted, Dean watched his surroundings and listened, taking in everything he could. His grandparents retired and live in Sweden, gifting their son and son-in-law their famous, haunted castle, and together they became a one-in-a-million family. Just the three of them.
Dean was always a curious little boy and there have been incidents where his fathers had to get a search party to find him because he was hiding out in a well in a park on the other side of town because he saw something shiny in there. Music is usually playing in their house and they make time for each other, like painting nights even if JD and Dean aren't nearly as good as Noah. That isn't why they paint together. Family means a lot to his parents and a simple night where they all paint a dragon and see how each dragon turns out is just a nice tradition. A tradition that reminds them who mattered and why.
There were three types of lives Dean lived growing up. Sometimes, he went on tour with his pops, meeting really cool people and headbanging backstage to some hardcore jams. He was loved in the metal world and if you stalked his socials, you could see his toddler/kid self grinning in pictures with famous celebrities. The other life he lived was calmer and at home with his dadda. Noah would create scavenger hunts and mysteries for his son to solve. They loved playing detective and Cops & Robbers. They watched all types of cartoons like Scooby Doo and Sailor Moon. They also spent time in the city, when Noah was searching for inspiration, exploring Los Angeles and beyond, finding spots worth visiting but wasn't on the populace's radar. Little hidden gems. Their secret happy places. The last life he lived was when they were all home and his two worlds become one. Together, they played hide-and-go-seek, they invited family (and family friends) over to have game nights, they had crazy Halloween parties, and they went to escape rooms. The Piccolis did as much and as little together. Whether it was was going to a random slam poetry open mic in the city or reading together in blanket forts, they spent it as a family.
Now older, Dean could see that his dadda didn't have much time to get his name out there like pops did. Painting took time and when you are a fulltime parent, sometimes you have to make sacrifices. Noah made a lot of sacrifices for his family. It was Dean's turn to give his fathers the chance to have time to themselves and each other, without their little boy. Taking it upon himself, he contacted a family friend of his. Hope Wells. There he learned about her school, Marble Heights Academy, and decided this would be the school he'd go to, so his parents had time to themselves but also, so he can put all the tools and knowledge they gave to him to use. He wanted to make his dads proud. Freshmen year seemed to go fine. He didn't get into too much trouble and somehow everyone knows his name. Dean can only hope his second year will go without a hitch. Only time will tell.
Dean was always a curious little boy and there have been incidents where his fathers had to get a search party to find him because he was hiding out in a well in a park on the other side of town because he saw something shiny in there. Music is usually playing in their house and they make time for each other, like painting nights even if JD and Dean aren't nearly as good as Noah. That isn't why they paint together. Family means a lot to his parents and a simple night where they all paint a dragon and see how each dragon turns out is just a nice tradition. A tradition that reminds them who mattered and why.
There were three types of lives Dean lived growing up. Sometimes, he went on tour with his pops, meeting really cool people and headbanging backstage to some hardcore jams. He was loved in the metal world and if you stalked his socials, you could see his toddler/kid self grinning in pictures with famous celebrities. The other life he lived was calmer and at home with his dadda. Noah would create scavenger hunts and mysteries for his son to solve. They loved playing detective and Cops & Robbers. They watched all types of cartoons like Scooby Doo and Sailor Moon. They also spent time in the city, when Noah was searching for inspiration, exploring Los Angeles and beyond, finding spots worth visiting but wasn't on the populace's radar. Little hidden gems. Their secret happy places. The last life he lived was when they were all home and his two worlds become one. Together, they played hide-and-go-seek, they invited family (and family friends) over to have game nights, they had crazy Halloween parties, and they went to escape rooms. The Piccolis did as much and as little together. Whether it was was going to a random slam poetry open mic in the city or reading together in blanket forts, they spent it as a family.
Now older, Dean could see that his dadda didn't have much time to get his name out there like pops did. Painting took time and when you are a fulltime parent, sometimes you have to make sacrifices. Noah made a lot of sacrifices for his family. It was Dean's turn to give his fathers the chance to have time to themselves and each other, without their little boy. Taking it upon himself, he contacted a family friend of his. Hope Wells. There he learned about her school, Marble Heights Academy, and decided this would be the school he'd go to, so his parents had time to themselves but also, so he can put all the tools and knowledge they gave to him to use. He wanted to make his dads proud. Freshmen year seemed to go fine. He didn't get into too much trouble and somehow everyone knows his name. Dean can only hope his second year will go without a hitch. Only time will tell.
| | B E Y O N D M Y R E P U T A T I O N | |
Is there more to Dean that people don't already know? He's an open book so he isn't really pretending to be anybody else and he pops up literally everywhere. He's a face you will learn fast because he doesn't know how to refuse an offer when someone is asking for his help. Dean is a busy boy but it's given him the opportunity to know almost everyone. If you don't know Dean it's likely because you're new because Dean is someone who can see someone in a crowd that feels like they're invisible and he has found someone crying under a staircase. Doesn't matter if you're in the spotlight or not, because Dean has a gift and that gift is he's really good at finding things. What a Hufflepuff.

| | E X T R A C U R R I C U L A R A C T I V I T I E S | |
- Jack-of-all-trades reporter for The Golden Gate Gazette. His main pages are Student Life (from sports/clubs to the food served in the cafeteria) and San Francisco Culture/Entertainment (think hot spots). Although he's only a sophomore, kids are looking forward to him headlining the paper in October with spooky articles.
- Volunteer
- Stagehand for Theater and Music Clubs, where he can watch all the good actors and musicians shine. Theater has their plays and the music people have end of the year benefit concert.
- Art Showcase Assistant, where he sits at an admission table and permits kids in and out. Usually the day of the art showcase, there's a fashion show too.
- Helped decorate the whole school for the holidays.
- He has an appreciation for all form of arts, thanks to his dad, Noah, so it's a no brainer he'd try to help where he can. But wait, did he do the most? Thinking about his freshmen year, he really did say yes to everything that people needed help with.
| | B E S T & W O R S T S U B J E C T S | |
| B E S T |
Social Studies / History
| W O R S T |
Nothing, really. Not even PE. He's pretty healthy for a nerd. He's a straight A student but he prefers history above everything else.
Social Studies / History
| W O R S T |
Nothing, really. Not even PE. He's pretty healthy for a nerd. He's a straight A student but he prefers history above everything else.
| | E X T R A N O T E S | |
- Eclectic music taste. When you're surrounded by hardcore music all the time, from icons like:
- Deciduous Dreams (Dean's grandparents were in this band, and it was led by Jareth Wells, the grandpa of Hope Wells)
- East of Eden (Evelyn Green used to be Evelyn Harding, who led this band. Cyndi Green's mother.)
- The Black Thorns (Dean's dad's, JD's, band)
- If you couldn't tell, he's big on ghosts, spooks, horror, the occult, and paranormal investigation.
- He used to do Taekwondo as a kid, but now he uses his time to hunt knowledge about his school.
- While most people would think the rain is gloomy, Dean is someone who would change your perspective on it fast and show how you can enjoy it. Dancing is for people that are free and even if you aren't good at it, you should find a part of your day to get jiggy with it, even in the rain!
- Actually doesn't do well on a stage. He can handle a crowd but once he's the complete focal point he freaks out.

(FC: Lucky Blue Smith, Dialogue Color: bdb7af)

| | N I C K N A M E (S) | |
- Sky
- Prince Charming - Silver-tongued, attractive, and a flirt.
- Buffer - he who shields and protects the Sisters, through any obtainable means.
| | A G E | |
17, 04/15
| | G E N D E R | |
| | S E X U A L I T Y | |
Polyamorous Pansexual
| | R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S | |
| | O C C U P A T I O N | |
Fulltime righthand of Savanna Hart.
| | C L A S S I F I C A T I O N | |

| | I N D E P T H A P P E A R A N C E | |
Skylar Fable is unfairly stunning. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and standing at 6'3", Sky knows there is depth in his eyes and his alluring, yet tranquil voice, only makes people want him more. He is a gentleman and not one of weakness of trite politeness. He knows his looks get him ahead and so he will use it as so. Breaking stereotypes and joining the Mean Girls clique, Sky aims to make sure every detail of his ensemble, and his best friends' getup, are on point. On top of him being enchanting, he's also a private guy and his peers dig that. It makes him mysterious and nice to look at. As for style, his uniform is perfect fitting and have slight changes to make it shine, like gold embroidery, and his weekend look? In between business casual and formal. Depends on his mood. He will walk out his dorm room like a model straight out of a High Fashion catalog.
| | R E P U T A T I O N | |
Skylar Powers is a keeper of secrets and will go out of his way to know about every student that walks into their school. Whether he approaches you or not, totally depends on if you piqued his interest. He's the most composed out of the Sisters, never bothered and never harassed, which makes him more of a weapon than a person. There's a theory that without Sky, Savanna wouldn't have conquered the school as fast as she did. He's cunning and he knows that to earn respect, they had to display their power from the beginning. Power is power and a crown is only heavy for the weak. He isn't even hated by people, even though they know he has his own hidden agenda. He's done favors for others, attended school functions, donating money and lending advice where he can, and even volunteered. It's hard to hate someone that you can have a nice conversation with. Sky listens to you and makes you feel heard, even if his intimidation is made of ice and snow. He's a great listener and he's nice to look at. Like a Venus Flytrap, he's persistent and will make sure you won't forget him. It isn't that he doesn't care about the student body either, he just seems to enjoy playing games and right now in this game he's winning.

| | H I S T O R Y | |
"Believe it or not, my parents weren't always this successful. My mom once was a rebel without a cause and my father a humble skateboarder. Neither with as much money as they have today. Now? My mother is a renown photographer โ Elysia Fable, heard of her? She opened up not only an art school, FABLE Institute, but also Go Creative Community Center, that caters to kids from any background that take an interest in the fine arts. As for my father, David "Davy" Powers, he's one of the main faces in the extreme sports scene. Justin Credible - say it fast! is a show he started right after high school, from YouTube to the big screen. He and his best friend, CR Bishop, among others, broadcast themselves every week seeking big trills, with a reputation as the leading extreme sport show in America. In summary, the show displays mind-blowing performances from extreme sports athletes, though now they do commentary for some of the younger talent. Occasionally, they do participate like the Jackasses they love to be and they love to say 'Nothing is ever too extreme for Justin Credible!' Pretty classic for my father.
My parents... their love story wasn't ideal, since they had dated in high school, broke up, and a few years later got back together. But, I believe in fate and if it wasn't for that time apart, neither would've found themselves and become the influential figures they are today. Before my mother and father reconnected, my mother had a strong desire to have a child. A family. She didn't think she needed a man to raise a family and so she reached out to a close friend of hers and he donated his sperm so she could have her first child, Blair. Funny timing because during her pregnancy she found out Justin Credible had a show close to home. Curiosity got the best of her and she went to one of her past lover's shows, bun in the oven. Well one thing led to another, and my father was completely understanding. They decided to give it another go. That led to me, followed by Rose, and lastly, our sweet Harlow.
Looking back to my childhood, I was likely given too much freedom, which explains why I ended up the way I am. My parents own acres of land where all their closet of friends, like the Bishops, live in. We call it Dreamland and it's a massive playground, not only for them to practice their tricks but also for beautiful things. If you've never been, you'd consider it kind of a masterpiece, with gardens, mazes, and little secrets throughout it all. Absolutely gorgeous.
My home aside, Blair and I were never up to any good. This kind of upbringing where you're constantly surrounded by spectacular things, you either end up one of two ways. One, you don't grow up fast, like Peter Pan, and you have a childlike innocence, only living in the moment, like Evan does or my little sisters. Or two, you end up like me where you do whatever you can to feel something and not get bored because you've done so many thrilling things already. That's the main reason I was sent here, you know? You see, Blair and I might've organized an illegal event that could've put us in jail. So yeah, now we're separate. I'm here in San Francisco and she's in Sydney pursuing her modeling career. Why not make the most of it and be the dominant species in this animal kingdom, hm? This is all too easy, honestly. "
My parents... their love story wasn't ideal, since they had dated in high school, broke up, and a few years later got back together. But, I believe in fate and if it wasn't for that time apart, neither would've found themselves and become the influential figures they are today. Before my mother and father reconnected, my mother had a strong desire to have a child. A family. She didn't think she needed a man to raise a family and so she reached out to a close friend of hers and he donated his sperm so she could have her first child, Blair. Funny timing because during her pregnancy she found out Justin Credible had a show close to home. Curiosity got the best of her and she went to one of her past lover's shows, bun in the oven. Well one thing led to another, and my father was completely understanding. They decided to give it another go. That led to me, followed by Rose, and lastly, our sweet Harlow.
Looking back to my childhood, I was likely given too much freedom, which explains why I ended up the way I am. My parents own acres of land where all their closet of friends, like the Bishops, live in. We call it Dreamland and it's a massive playground, not only for them to practice their tricks but also for beautiful things. If you've never been, you'd consider it kind of a masterpiece, with gardens, mazes, and little secrets throughout it all. Absolutely gorgeous.
My home aside, Blair and I were never up to any good. This kind of upbringing where you're constantly surrounded by spectacular things, you either end up one of two ways. One, you don't grow up fast, like Peter Pan, and you have a childlike innocence, only living in the moment, like Evan does or my little sisters. Or two, you end up like me where you do whatever you can to feel something and not get bored because you've done so many thrilling things already. That's the main reason I was sent here, you know? You see, Blair and I might've organized an illegal event that could've put us in jail. So yeah, now we're separate. I'm here in San Francisco and she's in Sydney pursuing her modeling career. Why not make the most of it and be the dominant species in this animal kingdom, hm? This is all too easy, honestly. "
| | B E Y O N D M Y R E P U T A T I O N | |
Past the power and the politics, Skylar is a boy that suffers from being immensely bored all the time and his surroundings barely simulate him. He only cares about his position because it's fun to see how easy it is to make a blonde-stereotype cult. It's more of a pop culture experiment than anything and so far? Its reigned supreme. Predictable and boring. Those who have challenged them and separated into their own factions barely shine like they do and things are going just as planned. The only person who probably knows Sky isn't as serious about this political war is his ex, Marshall Everley (Theater boy that will be played by GhostMami). He's had plenty of other exes, but Marshall is the only one that got the closest to the person underneath the popular shell that is Skylar Powers. Sky is simply playing a part and Marble Heights Academy is his stage, but really, he's constantly seeking fulfillment because nothing is ever enough. Not friends. Not money. Not love. Maybe this is why his mother separated him from his older sister, Blair. If they both went to Beverly Hills High, they would've likely burned it to the ground just to see if they could. With him being here for the past four years, he couldn't enable her and she couldn't enable him. Well, now she's graduated and doing her own thing and he's focused on taking care of his family he adopted, Savanna, Isla, and Cassidy, while toying with others in the background. No one said he couldn't have fun and if he got a scandal that forced him down back to Earth? Sounds thrilling.

| | E X T R A C U R R I C U L A R A C T I V I T I E S | |
- Symphony Orchestra
- President of GSA
- Volunteers to play the piano for the Spring musicals
- Editor of the Yearbook Committee
- Dance Committee
- Honorary member of the Photography Club
- Honorary member of the Fashion Club
| | B E S T & W O R S T S U B J E C T S | |
| B E S T |
Foreign Languages
Public Speaking
| W O R S T |
History (the most boring subject known to men; Sky doesn't care about the past, he cares about the present)
Foreign Languages
Public Speaking
| W O R S T |
History (the most boring subject known to men; Sky doesn't care about the past, he cares about the present)
| | E X T R A N O T E S | |
- If you find out that Sky grew up with Evan Bishop since they were babies, you will find out that Sky actually cares about the goof and will go out of his way to protect him. What? Another weakness? This Sister actually isn't perfect? *Le gasp*
- Perhaps he got this from his father, but he goes out of his way to discover a new song daily.
- His family starts their day with yoga. Even if Sky is miles away, he will continue this tradition.
- His two favorite animals are ducks and turtles.
- Has a strong alcohol tolerance, even if he doesn't necessarily like drinking.
- His wrist watches are his prized possessions.
- If you want to butter him up take him on a nature walk or to a museum.
- Root beer floats is actually his guilty pleasure.
- Secret hobby he did growing up: Yes, he knows how to skateboard.
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