Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 21 hrs ago


Ash & Thalia
Location: Education Center (M)
Skills: N/A


Ash looked to Nigel, sitting beside him, to gauge his reaction to what was going on. He didn't want to make an overt move to crane about and try to read other people and draw attention to himself. Quite frankly, what he was hearing from the witness stand didn't seem like the kind of thing that was conducive to a continued presence in the community. Ash had hope that Hunter might turn himself around a little, just enough to realize that this was his best hope for survival and that maybe, just maybe, the presence of others might give him purpose greater than himself. It wasn't too unlike what he felt about the military, once upon a time. But Ash had to respect the fact that his experience in uniform was probably very different from Hunter's. That, and absolutely no one had a good time of it following the Outbreak. Most people were damaged in some way, everyone had their own versions of PTSD. It was unavoidable. But some were more damaged than others. Some were damaged to the point of being a threat to those around them. Doc Froggy came to mind. Ash hoped that this was not the case with Hunter.

Far from having such altruistic journeys of thought, Thalia looked upon the the exchange with vague amusement. Her mind started to do what it usually did in instances where the conflict was a possibility - she plotted potential actions from active parties and thought to countermeasures. It took her a second or two to realize that the hint of a smile was forming on her face and she felt her muscles tensing in anticipation of a fight or flight response. Or was it a subconscious play at a preemptive strike? That would be foolish from this distance. Plus, she no longer had a sidearm. In any case, realistically speaking, there wasn't anything to do. There were armed guards present to handle any trouble. And so far, no direct violence was threatened, just a word and confrontational sounding attitude. Thalia's expectations were still colored by the world outside of the walls and she knew it. Another way that she and the defendant were alike, Thalia noted. Regardless of how this turned out, it was a huge cautionary tale. Her lesson learned? Train to get back to her best, remain loyal to her friends, and (most importantly to begin with) stay under radar. If the time came to demonstrate the sliver of darkness that partly identified her bloodline, make sure it was for the benefit of those backing her. And naturally, enjoy the show. There was much to learn here.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Nigel Cooper
Location: Education Center (M)
Skills: N/A


And so the die had been cast; The Rubicon had been crossed, and now only destiny awaited the young legionaire who's mouth had gotten him into more trouble that a roaming band of Gaulish bandits. Young Hunter had, again to Nigel's greatest surprise decided to answer for himself. Honestly he didn't know what to expect from Hunter anymore, everything that had come out of his mouth had been a surprise waiting to happen. And now that he was willing to answer those questions about himself, who was to say what he would say? Certainly someone would find the spectacle amusing, but Nigel found it nail-bitingly breathtaking.

Nigel's posture was one of intense observation, head leaded forward and hands clasped together in anticipation for the questions and Hunter's responses. It seemed the whole courtroom felt the same, though Nigel's attention was singledly tuned to the two people ahead. Well, it was until he felt a pair of eyes inspecting him like a fresh set of slaves on the market. Ash had given him a look, one he only assumed meant "What do you think?" So Nigel simply shook his head slightly, giving a hint of him saying "Not good." To him, it would require a miracle for Hunter to not be thrown out at this point. A miracle, or the oratery skills of Alexander the Great.

And Hunter was no Alexander the Great, that was for sure.


Alexander Polawski
Location: Education Center (M)
Skills: N/A


Alexander didn't think much as the questioning followed up directly aimed at Hunter. Didn't, or tried not to. Thinking only made it worse, the black mass of feelings inside of him that is. The calming presence, a friendly touch and reassuring words of Manny had helped to settle the black mess of trauma somewhat in his gut, but not blow it to kingdom come yet. Even the slighest aftershock of…well, either Hunter's painful trial or his own darkened memories could rock the boat…

Thankfully Manny's calming words didn't stop completely. A friendly tone and smile sent his way from his fellow Baby Boomer did its part to pull the side of Alexander's mouth into the briefest of smiles, a slow nod from his own head trying to reassure Manny. Or himself. He soldiered on, like he had done for so many years and continued now. That, and grasp after Freedman's words of wisdom, to find a happy memory.

Not that he had any happy memories inside a court of law, sadly.

The military tribunal continued with Hunter being asked to answer for himself, whatever good that would and could bring upon the troubled soldier. Alexander placed his shaking hands under his butt, holding them in place as Hunter somewhow managed to not say anything stupid. Single-word sentences, clear and precise, unlike the flood of youthful crap from earlier. Surprised Alexander sat fixated on Hunter, trying to blow away any intrusive thoughts that might bring him back to That place. He sat, watched and listened, his fate intertwined with Hunter's.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 12 days ago

☠ πšƒπš†π™³: πšˆπšŽπšŠπš› 𝟻 π™ΏπšŠπš›πš 𝟺


Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Weather Forecast: Dawn at 5:53 A.M. - Dusk at 8:13 P.M. - High: 91F, Low: 80F - Winds SW at 4mph - Gusting to 14mph - Rain In The AM - Cloud Cover: 100% - Visibility: 9miles.

Notes: Now, Rem and I have been collabing a bit - we will continue for my next update. This round Rem will reply to the end of my post and then we will pick up the collab again. I am hoping this next round should be the last round for his questioning. Remember those who have characters present for this you can combine your post under a single header and just post a total of 2 paragraphs if you need to just put a filler post or if things are hectic. No worries. After I finish with the questioning of Hunter on the stand I will be calling for PC's to say anything they wish about how they feel about the character either remaining or being removed from the camp. (And just to let you know - no, that decision has not been made yet - it is still up in the air - so even I don't know currently what will happen next lol)
Date: August 1st, 2012

Camp Mexico Beach General: The town was becoming busier as the evening was drawing near. It was late afternoon by now and the weather was becoming more pleasant than it had been most of the day. Yes it was still hot and yes it will still muggy but the rain had cleared for now and the temperature was starting to drop. There were some that were becoming curious to the court case now that it had been going on for some time but that got side tracked as people had seen Mary walk into the Education Center. She would have only gone there for one reason - someone had died in the hospital. It was no secret that Lucy had been ill and her days were numbered. This gave a rather solemn feeling to the town.

Medic and Guy had seen to taking care of Lucy's body, what they could do. Medic decided to sit with her body for a while. Why he wasn't sure but he didn't feel right leaving her. Guy on the other hand couldn't take it. There was something about children that hit him hard. Instead he went back upstairs and looked around the girls room, or what had been her room. Walking over he picked up a crayon and rolled it around in his fingers. He had only met Lucy once before but she had been bubbly and bright. He had thought that was what he figured Tatiana had been like as a child considering the way she had been in Newnan. Now, he wasn't so sure. He had tried talking to her since he had gotten back but she was a very different person now.

Outside of the General Housing some of the teens and kids were out, wanting to get out of their apartments and condos. The sidewalks were drying and for once clear of pollen and sand thanks to the rain. A bucket of old and broken pieces of chalk and limestone chunks was hauled out by one of them. Sitting down and grabbing a few pieces each the kids each seemed to claim a little block of sidewalk for themselves and started drawing. It was a way to pass the time and while the drawings varied greatly they all seemed to have a common piece in them - each one held a flower somewhere on the image.

The Court Martial Of Hunter Monroe
Location: Education Center: Auditorium (M)
Charges: Food Waste - 7.22.2012 | Drunken Disorderly - 7.22.2012
Failure To Report To Duty At Designated Time - 7.23.2012 | 10-886 Absence Without Leave - 7.23.2012
Failure To Administer Animal Sanitation - 7.23.2012 | Gross Insubordination - 7.23.2012

The Professor stood there and a thin brow rose over her eye. This was a person that was up to be removed from the community or worse. His expression was not what she expected, nor was the lack of mannered 'nope' he so laxidasically answered with. She heard a clearing of the throat and looked towards the source, it was Macsen. Nodding she looked back at Hunter. "Mr. Monroe, you seem to be exhibiting a rather taxing demeanor at this point and dare I say even exuding hostility. For someone who wished to try to defend himself the attitude which you come to the stand is concerning to myself and the council. Do you wish to step down and be exiled from the community at this point instead of wasting even more of our time and resources?" she asked with a dry and flat tone as she stood there.

Hunter found himself pushing his luck again. He found himself unsure how to respond, and attempted to be careful with his words to avoid making things worse. "I um..." Great start. "Sorry. That's not my goal. I'm just..." He hesitated, attempting to pick his words carefully. "Trying to not make things worse then they already are. It's not working." His goal was to say as little as possible while answering the questions, avoid going on a rant, and keep it smooth. And if things went well, he'd avoid making things worse. His fingers started fidgeting again as he tried to figure out what to do. "Please, I'll answer whatever you want. I'll admit I fucked up. Badly. A lot. On all charges." There was a mix of remorse and fear in his tone as he attempted damage control of the situation.

"Fair enough," The Professor stated when she spotted not only the change in demeanor but in attitude over all. "We just want the truth so we can see how to proceed and want to ensure this is something you are not doing to just see how much you can get away with," she added as she looked at Hunter. Taking a breath she looked back down at her notes. "Now, let's continue." Flipping a page in her notes she finally looked back at Hunter. "You are not denying the charges so we will start at the beginning. It has been established that you have taken one phrase.." She paused as she referenced her notes. "And I quote - 'Kid, seriously, you are a stones throw from getting shot, just shut up for five seconds' rather personal. Now, from the testimony of those present you had exhibited at least three previous accounts of hostility or threats towards the Team on the ground before this was said by our Operations Officer Maddoc Martin. We also have testimony by several that you took what was said and retold it with a twist - saying that you were the kid to that got threaten to be shot in the head. Would you care to clarify this for me? Either all those that have testified have lied about what happened and you were actually threatened to be shot or you have been going around our town telling people a lie. Which is it Mr. Monroe?"

Hunter had to think about the answer for a moment, he wasn't sure what the answer was specifically, but he had a pretty good idea of what it was not. "So..." He struggled again, the words not coming to mind as he needed them too, the pressure of those deciding his fate watching him as well as a large portion of the camp. "I guess the second one. I took it personal, and..." He froze. And what? He stuttered a bit as he tried to figure out the words to explain what was going on in his mind. "Panicked." He didn't know how else to word it. He fucked up, and he had no idea how to word it other then that.

"You panicked? For three weeks steady? To constantly perpetuate this lie? And on top of that there were at least three individuals that threatened your life directly," The Professor said as she looked at Hunter not really accepting the explanation he gave. "Mr. Holloway said he would feed your body to the corpses personally. Ms. Decker body slammed you to the ground and told you the next wrong move you made she would kill you. Mr. Maldonado has stated he would rip every last tooth out of your head and string it on a necklace, interesting. None of which were part of the town and were infect part of your quarantine group." she read off from her notepad before looking back at Hunter and quirking a brow. "Yes since these moments you have not demonstrated any hostility towards those or others, just attitude at best. Seems as if the warning the warranted because as soon as you stepped into camp you caused yourself to actually be threatened. Seems as if the members of the quarantine group had had guns you would have been shot within the first day. Care to explain why such direct threats on your life are taken as general speaking and lack of reaction any you hung onto a non threat with our own community?"

Hunter had to think about that. All of that. He had no answer to explain his actions and he wasn't sure if the best option was to admit that or not. "Yeah, you're probably right. They probably would have." He wanted to give an answer to explain his actions, but looking back on things he couldn't come up with a decent reason. "I don't think I have an answer you're looking for." He hesitated a bit as his fidgeting started to continue again. "Maybe it was easier to see the fuck up with them then it was out there. Maybe it was because they weren't armed." He did feel bad after what happened with Tatiana. Not to the extent he needed to so he'd fix things the way that was needed. But it was easier for him to see where he fucked up there then with Maddoc. "Sorry. I don't know how to explain it." It was genuine. Seeing how things played out, he got an outside perspective of how others saw him now. But it still left him confused as to why he was more hostile towards some then others. Or why he realized how badly he fucked up at different rates. Maybe it was as simple as a general distrust of authority figures. Or maybe it was just his own stubbornness and stupidity preventing him from being able to move on from things not clearly explained. Today seemed to be leaning towards the second motion.

The Professor listened intently to what Hunter was saying. As he finished she had to turn as she heard someone clear their throat. It was Macsen once again. "Just a moment," she said as she held up a finger before walking over to the table which the rest of the council was sitting behind. A note was slipped to her across the table. Picking it up she read over it before nodding and pocketing it. Taking a breath she turned her attention back to Hunter and continued with her next question. "Mr. Monroe, you were threatened with your life by several people whom you shared quarantine with. All of them without weapons and under guard. It begs to reason that if you were going to hostile towards anyone it would be them as they posed the least threat. Yet you have continued to push those who have not threatened your life. Even to the point as just before you entered this building for the trial you seemed to push it even further. 'Hope you're aim's good'," she said quoting what was said towards Joaquin. "More than that, those with the actual ability to take your life or that of your dog. Not saying we would but let me continue. As we posed the greatest threat to life and limb it begs the question.... And be honest as there are no right or wrong answers... Are you just trying to see how far you can push us, like a toddler, before we actually pull the trigger or do you legitimately want to die in such a way that somehow validates yours own ego?"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


Emanuel "Manny" Newman

Location: Education Center
Skills: N/A


Watching things unfold was a mess. Hunter seemed almost like many of the events he was watching himself for the first time instead of being the one who was in the center of it all. Manny had no idea what he thought of the boy at this point. He knew for sure Hunter was troubled, and that he was unstable and easy to set off. Manny got the idea that Hunter didn't fully understand to what degree either. He seemed to show remorse for it though once it was clarified. That seemed to be the repeating pattern. He'd react to something, Many times inappropriately, there would be consequences or effects, then realization and regret. The issues seemed to be it kept happening. Some things he realized faster then others. Some may never be understood by the young soldier.

At the very least of things, Alexander seemed to be doing better. The trial seemed to be stressing out his fellow baby boomer as it continued though. He had no idea the things Alexander had gone through before the apocalypse, and he only hoped that Hunter's actions and the trial with it weren't too taxing on him. Manny was determined to make this fishing trip happen. A nice time out on the open ocean or some river or canal having a nice relaxing day. That would be a nice day off to end all of this madness off with. Manny continued watching the trial, hoping things would become more clear towards the end of it.


Hunter Monroe
Location: Education Center


Hunter watched intently as things continued. At least tried too. The fidgeting was still pretty bad, though not as bad as before. More things were said that were gut dropping and as things continued his gaze broke off slowly. When he was asked to explain himself he struggled with what words to use again. He hesitated, and followed up an earlier comment instead of answering. "It uh... wasn't about a threat. That last one. It was more like..." He had no way to explain the thoughts in his head in that moment. He made eye contact with no one, and he mumbled a bit as he spoke. "I... well..." He thought about the question, and figured it related a decent amount. He spoke in an attempt to explain his own thought process in a way that may make sense. "I don't want to die. I don't... think so at least." It was hard to explain. What kept him going the last few years was his search for his family. When that had hit it's last dead end, Izibell had kept him going day by day since. He has had countless nights where he would debate if it was worth it to keep going on day by day. There were a couple days where he'd stay in the spot he slept in for a day or two barely moving, only deciding to move again once something had taken him out of his trance.

He had to think now though. He wasn't sure that was a viable answer to the question. "I'm not intentionally trying to push anyone. To see what I can get away with. It's just... something that happens. Easily. And a lot." Piece by piece. He didn't have a total answer, he wasn't sure how to answer it but he attempted to answer what he could. Even if it had to be done piece by piece. It was hard but he wasn't sure how else to approach it. "I don't think I have the answer to that either. I think it's more of this place holds all the cards, and those in quarantine with me didn't. Even now, they don't. I think it's a case of..." He struggled with words again. He was never good with presentations in school, talking to people was barely he could do and even then struggled, and he was no lawyer who knew how to choose his words to get his point across. "I think it's just a case of you could. Even if it wasn't your intentions." He wasn't sure how to word it. And though it didn't paint the most accurate picture of what he wanted to say, he hoped it at least explained things in a way that didn't make things worse.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Amelia Payne
Location: Education Center (M)
Skills: N/A


The following questioning to Hunter was for the lack of better terms enlightening. Well sort of, in a really weird way. He was messed up, then again all of them were messed up, some more so than others and some just knew how to hide it better. On that topic Amelia supposed she was hypocrite as it had taken her a lot of effort and self convincing to actually sign up for help with her issues. Hell, she still knew she was jumping at shadows and having admitted that she needed the help earlier so she could sign up at least allowed her to admit it ever more readily. So yeah, Hunter was messed up just like most of em.

Dog guy was asked if he had a death wish at the end of it all as a reason for his actions. He denied and she supposed it was obvious, but she wasn’t an expert on psychology. She just did math. In any case, Amelia was curious about how he worded his reply. The sentence about how the camp held all the cards was repeating in her head, she had thought about it as well during their early days in quarantine. Now out of the confines of quarantine, they still held some restrictions, which was normal for it the situation, but she knew it could be a whole lot worse than this. This was actually rather a haven in comparison to some of the possible alternatives and at least they didn’t outright get walkers at every corner as the world outside the walls could be seen. Out there was never safe, at least behind walls it was safer.

In the end between his answers and her own thinking, Amelia reached a conclusion. She wasn’t quite in his bad state because she had Riley. If she hadn’t had Riley and the others from Newnan, she would likely have been in about as bad mental condition as him if she was even still alive that is. Surviving so far wasn’t easy even with the group together. Without them it would have been even more of a nightmare and without Riley she might have bitten a bullet long ago.


Lisa Mason
Location: General Housing(X)
Skills: N/a


If there was one distinct clue that Lisa was dreaming, that would be when she wakes up back in her old little room at her previous workplace back before the zombie apocalypse. She often dreamed of different things as many people did and more often than not never really remembered what the dreams were about, the only exception usually was whenever she for some reason dreamed of the better times.

Maybe it was the close meeting with death of somebody she cared about, a child of all things that triggered her maternal instincts, but this time the dream was slightly different. In it’s usual dreamlike way time passed, she was up, cleaned up, dressed and back to her duties where she was now teaching an apprentice. An adorable little girl in similar attire like herself. It was Lucy alright, dream clue number two, finally dream clue number three would be the fact that there weren’t any modern appliances or anything. For all intensive purposes, Lisa was dreaming of a rather Victorian era setup, going through lifestyle very similar to her previous one and with somebody she missed already.

Yeah it was a weird dream alright, but she didn’t mind it. She enjoyed it, even if she even in the dream understood that something was off. Call it a hunch, gut feeling or just subconsciousness, but even with her mind clouded by the haziness that dreams brought, she knew something was off, yet still allowed it to take her deeper in. Eventually the dream turned into some weird pseudo fairy tale where they were the maids in a mansion that had some Victorian Era like adaptation of Cinderella happening with them being the observers and doing their jobs while secretly helping the main protagonist. It was a nice dream and she completely allowed herself to be immersed in it.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 21 hrs ago


Ash & Thalia
Location: Education Center (M)
Skills: N/A


The situation, to Ash's perception, shifted dramatically. Pretense seemed to have been dropped, at least partially. There was little else which could be done to make this easier on Hunter, nor did it look like they were attempting to. Coddling was not permissible during a military trial. Or this, which was similar to a traditional Court Martial, by the standards of what used to be the Army of the United States, but was off in the details. Nevertheless, the trial represented one of the last vestiges of civil justice left to humanity at large. Perhaps even more impartial to the system they had established in Newnan. The flexibility and efficiency that it lacked comparative to his own call for a simple vote (or right of passing summary arbitration) was superseded by the overtly transparent nature of an open tribunal in the spirit of a Court Martial. This assumed the majority of parties making the decision were indeed impartial. This also assumed that all parties agreed to serve under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, a thing under previous circumstances was reserved only for soldiers. Perhaps that it what intrigued Ash about this trial. The idea that everyone within the walls were treated as military personnel. That might work well for someone like him, who had chosen the lifestyle. But what about others? It gave Ash pause for thought.

Thalia was mostly just mildly entertained at this point. She was always a person who was direct to a fault, declining to share information rather than make up convoluted deceptions or backtrack in a conversation. So when she witnessed what she interpreted to be exactly that - backtracking and covering - she internally called bullshit. Maybe it was a transition between telling them what Hunter thought they wanted to hear into something more like the truth; she couldn't say. Thalia just wasn't buying it. In her mind, the guy was being dishonest to someone, even if it was just himself. More than that, it looked like Profesora CoΓ±o was actively trying to put him on the defensive. Trying to bring out an emotional response? That would certainly be tricky. And more often used in jury trials because people were silly and led by their feelings. All in all, this just got a little more interesting, and Thalia was curious to see what developed.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Nigel Cooper
Location: Education Center (M)
Skills: N/A


Like the tearful monolouge of a dying hero, unfolding itself on a great stage somewhere in the great era of Greeks, it was difficult for Nigel to witness Hunter began to answer the questions himself. Both difficult and impossible to pull his eyes away from the scene, though not for the same reasons as earlier. The testinomines brought forth had shed light on the strange behaviour of Hunter, his inability to function within the constructs of a military society, safe inside the protective walls away from the nightmare just out of reach. Yes, that had been difficult for Nigel to listen to, but now it was for a different reason.

Now Nigel heard the tale behind the titanic failures of Hunter, and what he himself had to say.

Nigel sat with his eyes glued on Hunter, rarely shifting his gaze over to the Professor who asked the questions as the young soldier's words attempted to fill in the gaps of this tragedy that had probably kept many minds occupied the past week. The details of his words were less important than the bigger picture painted upon the verbal canvas. All in all, Nigel's thoughts flowed towards the same; Hunter was confused, frightened, panicked…Like Heracles returning from a lifetime in war and chaos, was this Hunter's fate? Perhaps Hunter explainted it best, not truly knowing himself why he did and said the things he did.

For now Nigel didn't feel the same sense of shame on Hunter's behalf as before. Now he felt just sad.


Alexander Polawski
Location: Education Center (M)
Skills: N/A


Alexander's hand remained firmly placed under his bum, sitting tighly and unshakeable underneath him as the old veteran continued to watch and listen to what it was Hunter would be asked about. Or perhaps more importantly, what the young soldier would actually say in his defence, if such a feat was possible at this point. It had been painful for old Alexander to listen to the entire ordeal so far, and the pain would in no way retreat when the real questions would be asked.

Would Hunter's words reflect his own?

It was to his favour he had Manny by his side, or else he would find himself incredibly lonely as his old ears took in each and every word said by Hunter. Each and every pause he took erratically between his jagged words, sounds and breaths of air. Excuses, explainations…the I-don't-know's Alexander knew all too well, unanswered questions that haunted himself to this very day. Especially one phrase stuck out to the old veteran, who felt a sting of pain shoot through his heart when spoken.

"I don't want to die. I don't…think so at least."

Alexander couldn't help but stiffle a sigh, his only tool his mouth closed shut as Hunter's explainations continued. The words echoed through his mind, the thought impossible to shove away, though one he'd thought about himself many times over his long life. Should it be cut short, to easen the pain? A Catholic would say no, but he had seen things…done things…it had always been a possibility.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 12 days ago

☠ πšƒπš†π™³: πšˆπšŽπšŠπš› 𝟻 π™ΏπšŠπš›πš 𝟺


Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Weather Forecast: Dawn at 5:53 A.M. - Dusk at 8:13 P.M. - High: 91F, Low: 80F - Winds SW at 4mph - Gusting to 14mph - Rain In The AM - Cloud Cover: 100% - Visibility: 9miles.

Notes: Alright, the questioning has finished up so the collab is now over at the end of this post. Picking up as normal. Next round will be more interactive for the PC's. You might want to go back and read over the testimonies again and such as your characters will be called on next round to see if they wish to say anything. Should be a round or two more before we are done with the court martial and then the verdict will be delivered. What is going to happen? Hell I don't even know yet. Will see how the dice fall, yes I am making a system to determine the verdict and it will be dependent on what the PC's and NPC's do and say or don't. Going to be interesting.
Date: August 1st, 2012

Camp Mexico Beach General: It didn't feel like it was long but it turned out to be longer than he suspected as Guy stepped out of Lucy's room and checked his watch. He had just been standing there looking at the pictures the child had drawn. It reminded him of something he didn't want to think about. Sighing he headed down the hallway and eventually out of the hospital. Stepping outside and glancing around he was hit by the heat and humidity of the Florida summer. It wasn't near as bad as it had been but after being in the air conditioning of the hospital for a while there was a significant enough difference between the two that caused him to break out into a sheen of sweat rather quickly. He figured it would go away quick enough as he stood there absently on the sidewalk and looked over the town.

In many ways this place reminded him of Newnan, before they had expanded to the Franklin section, only much larger. He wondered if this was what Newnan would have become eventually. They had had many things available to them that Camp Mexico Beach had, well maybe not as much but they had been doing well. Though knowing what had caused Newnan to fall there was nothing they could have done to stop it. He figured if the town ever did fall it was going to be because someone did something stupid, not mother nature. His feet gradually took him down the road, nodding a bit at those he passed by, until he reached the beach and looked out over it. Was this town ready for a natural disaster? He thought they must have had a plan, they did have an escape plan, much like Newnan had. At least they weren't on the west coast. They didn't have to worry about Earthquakes around here but that didn't mean there was nothing to worry about. Sure he was originally from Virginia but he knew of the storms that could hit the gulf. Breathing out he figured that was why they had people who did what seemed like nothing else but study the weather in town. If something was going to hit them they wouldn't have the National Weather Service issuing a warning anymore. Funny, how thinking about ways a settlement could be taken out actually made him feel better. Maybe not better but it at least got his mind of Lucy.

The Court Martial Of Hunter Monroe
Location: Education Center: Auditorium (M)
Charges: Food Waste - 7.22.2012 | Drunken Disorderly - 7.22.2012
Failure To Report To Duty At Designated Time - 7.23.2012 | 10-886 Absence Without Leave - 7.23.2012
Failure To Administer Animal Sanitation - 7.23.2012 | Gross Insubordination - 7.23.2012


The Professor scowled slightly towards Hunter as he spoke. What he was saying wasn't something she expected and he really wasn't answering the question. "So instead of working to try to get along with anyone in camp so you could have a few cards dealt to you eventually you decided to be constantly hostile towards its members?" The question was more rhetorical than anything as she stood there holding her note pad against her chest. "You might be surprised just how many cards some of your quarantine companions actually hold." Turning her head she glanced around to those present. "From their records there are at least half a dozen of them I do not believe would need anything but perhaps a pool stick to end your life, if not just their bare hands. At least two of them directly threatened your life." she said as she scanned the witnesses. She stopped and looked at several for a few seconds longer than the rest: Ash, Wayne, Thalia, even Amelia and Nigel and Hank got a linger gaze. Turning her attention back to Hunter she continued. "Yes, we could have ended your life but we didn't. In fact you were treated well, shown more respect than you returned: shown if not clearly until now by you being here unharmed and on trial instead out right executed. Why keep pushing the issue? You say you don't think you want to die. Are you trying to tell us instead that you pose a very real threat to the community?"

Hunter listed as The Professor spoke and made it clear she was far from pleased. She brought up points that shouldn't have surprised him but did as well. Many of the people in the room were more then capable of causing him harm while they were all locked up. Hell, he debated a few times what could work in his favor. It should have been easy to recognize how badly things could have turned while in quarantine but like many things, it didn't always click. He took a moment to think about his answer, his fingers interlocked but rarely still as he thought. "Took until today to see the issue." It was the only thing that made sense to him. He was dense as a rock, and it didn't always register when he didn't understand something. It didn't help to change an idea that was in his head either once he got it. "But no. I have no intentions of being a threat to the community." He paused for a moment thinking on something. "Even before all..." he emphasized his hands to the trial in general. "...this. Mostly for what you said before. Not dead yet. Plus the coffee was nice too." He still hadn't given an explanation to his actions and he wasn't totally sure how. Not that any answer he could give would be a good one. He needed to think of something though. "I've never been good with authority figures. Of any kind. Many give the impression they think they are more important then they actually are. Many of the ones I have met have a tendency to act like they are better then I am. And too many have gotten those under them killed for selfish purposes. Even before the end of the world I was bitter to those who had a bigger say in my life then I did. Even if many others had good intentions." He couldn't be sure if that answered the question or not. But it was the closest he could come up with to explain his reasoning. Today had pointed out many flaws in his logic he likely wouldn't have noticed on his own. "Plus, if I really wanted to be a threat of any kind. I wouldn't have gotten on that bus. I got on because I am tired of sleeping in abandoned buildings and having no one to talk to other then my dog. Izibell's not the best conversationalist..."

As Hunter spoke, the Professor turned around and picked up a file from off of the table where the council was sitting. "You say that you are bitter towards those that have more say in your life than you do. It makes me wonder why you would continue to cause issues, thus having more and more of your own freedoms taken away. It seems counter intuitive Mr. Monroe." Turning around she opened the file and glanced over it. "And it says here in your personal file that you were a member of the U.S. National Guard." Looking up from the file and towards Hunter she continued. "If you have a problem with authority it seems odd to join the military. They are nothing but rules and regulations and remove basically all your control as you must do what you are ordered to do." Closing the file she held it in front of her and waited on an answer. "So, why did you join? It seems as contradictory as you coming to this settlement."

Out of all the questions he expected to be asked, he should have expected this one. As he did expect though, his answer to the previous question wasn't too well liked. It was as close to an answer he could come up with, but he knew it wasn't a good answer. But it seemed more then clear by this point his judgement and reasoning had some flaws to it. Unlike the last one he had an answer that he could properly explain for this one. "I joined for a lot of reasons. I joined to afford school because there was no way my family could afford it. I joined because only a few years prior some assholes killed nearly three thousand people in the World Trade Center and I thought it would be good to give those fuckers a taste of their own medicine. I joined a bit out of spite just to prove to everyone who said I'd never be able to accomplish anything with my life that I could. I..." He hesitated. Though they were justifications, they were far from the main reason he joined. He wasn't sure how much he wanted to share in front of the people here. But of the two likely scenarios one ended with getting Izibell back, and the other involved never seeing anyone here again. Priorities. "I ran away from home and had been living on my friend's couch for about a week or so and realized I needed to do something with my life. Anything. For better or worse I wasn't as nearly as out spoken then as I am now. So with some fudged numbers and technicalities from the recruiter I was in. Seemed like a good idea at the time. Had the world not ended maybe it would have been." Without going into needless detail that was about as full a version as he could present. He was doing his best to cooperate, but many things he didn't fully understand himself. And some things he did, he had no idea how to explain those thoughts.

"Everything you are stating Mr. Monroe seems to be contradictory. You snapped at a fellow quarantine member about speaking bad about your mother but you ran away from home. Join the military to prove you could do something but buck against it's very foundation. You admit to lying to join the military but act as if we should trust you, say we hold all the cards but continually throw any card dealt to you back in our face. More than that you say if you wished to be a threat to us you wouldn't have gotten on that bus which leaves me wondering - just what would you have done to people who had done nothing to you just to be a threat or if you are lying straight to us currently when you try to insinuate with that statement that you are not a threat. Are you going to sit there and tell me, under oath, that you are not a threat to us? That you haven't planned to be a threat? Even when we have people who can testify that on your way over here you were actually asking about if we would kill you if you tried to make a break for it. Mr. Monroe you are either lying under oath by telling straight out lies or by omission." The Professor was not buying the obvious contradictions. Macsen cleared his throat again and the Professor looked at him. Another slip of paper was passed over, to which she picked up and read it. Nodding she folded it up and then looked back at Hunter. "So, Mr. Monroe, which is it? What version of what you are trying to tell us is actually the truth or are you so far gone that you yourself don't even know? I would ask if you where exiled would you seek retribution on this community but I believe that answer is a resounding yes."

Questioning had taken another harsh turn, and showed no signs of letting up. "You want to tell me one family that was perfect I'm all ears. I had a fight with my fucking father and regretted it for fucks sake! Doesn't give any room for some jackshit I just met to talk crap about my mother. And I never admitted to having the best of plans, most plans I've come up with tend to go belly up the first few tries. And before things went to shit I was actually doing half well! And fine, fuck it. I'll admit it was dishonest as hell to fudge my numbers when I joined but when the recruiter brought up the idea it seemed like a half good one at the time. Like I said I was pretty convinced I had nowhere else left to go so if he said it was cool then fuck it who am I to correct him?" He was flustered at this point. Not as bad as other outbursts. But the trial had worn down what restraint he had to a rather thin point. He took a moment to breath before considering the questions at hand. "I have no intentions on being a threat to anyone. But it doesn't take a genius to know that I'm not exactly great at portraying that. Fuck it, for all I know maybe I am all gone and I haven't realized it yet." He finished the comment with a shrug and his tone rather drained compared to the rant from moments ago. "If exiled right now, with my understanding of things as they are then no. I wouldn't seek retribution. I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't consider coming back for Izibell, but there's no way to pull that off without things coming to blows. And that's not what I want. Especially since she seems happy here. Likely I'd just go back home and figure out things from there." The spark of energy he had burned down rather fast. At this point he was convinced that he was fucked no matter what he answered as he had no good answers for anything they wanted to know.

There was a smirk that came to the Professors lips. "My my Mr. Monroe, I see you are finally starting to show your true colors. You speak against those that have done you no harm, lie about what happened, have been hostile towards many here, and yet you are losing your temper when presented with such things. If you do not like people speaking about your family I would suggest that you shouldn't lash out and make yourself a target. Now, where was I? Oh yes... Furthermore you seem to want us to actually believe that it hasn't at least crossed your mind to be a threat to us when you have blatantly stated otherwise, which is backed up by testimony from those present." Stopping she turned away from the man and set her notebook down on the table where the council was seated. "I believe I am finished with the questions General," she said towards Aeron. He nodded slightly before she turned back around and looked at Hunter. "Now that I am done with questioning this is your opportunity to either step down and be finished with your part of this court martial until a verdict is delivered or speak on your own behalf if you have anything else to say." Standing there she waited for any closing arguments from Hunter if he had them, once he was done he was free to go return to the seat he had occupied for the majority of the Court Martial.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


Hunter Monroe
Location: Education Center


Well Fuck. Hunter watched as The Professor grinned a grin that only meant on thing. Bad news. If this woman's reaction was anything to take away from this, the whole trial served the purpose of attempting to break him down and make him snap in front of the whole camp. It would explain the moments that felt like they served no purpose other then to humiliate him, and it made sense. No matter where the verdict went, they would appear as the good guys. They'd either banish the unstable person for a win, or they'd look like the good guys for showing mercy to someone who clearly seemed unstable. She made a comment that seemed to be trying to justify the words said about his mother. Though they were vague at the time, they implied too much about her. Everything the professor pointed out had done a near total redirect on what Hunter had been thinking to this point. He still had the realization that he had fucked up on countless situations, but the final stretch of the trial refueled that suspicion that maybe this was another group with ill-intentions.

He had a chance to try and give his final thoughts on things before witnesses would be called up and the verdict was made. He had no idea what he was going to say, despite his efforts it seemed a choice was already made. His inability to explain his own thoughts had also come back to bite him in the ass, and he found himself on damage control with no idea how to do that. He stood awkwardly for a long time clearly wanting to say something but stumped for words and little clue what to say. Eventually he decided, fuck it, and would just attempt to clarify what he could. "I'm not lying to you. I have no fucking clue how to explain my logic of things the last few weeks. I'm no lawyer, nor English major, nor a phscy- pschy- ... Fucking mental doctor." Great start. He knew the word, but over thinking it he was starting to mix it up with other words that sounded similar. "I was never the smartest kid in school either. I loathed school for the most part finding it a total waste of effort and time and boring as hell. That's come to bite me in the ass too now it seems." He took a deep breath, and calmed down. He was stressed and felt desperate. "You want the truth? The whole truth? Even after this, I'd still have trouble trusting anyone in this room. It has 100% crossed my mind to prepare for hostile action. Especially that first week in quarantine. The place operates like a prison with armed guards, who's sole purpose is only to keep people in and nothing else. I had made a several mental notes on what I would do if I had to force my own way out, but nothing warranted things to go that far so I had no reason to act on it. Even with the writing on the wall of where things are going now, I still don't have reason enough to act on it. Though you can only get fucked by those above you so many times before getting into that mindset. SO for final clarification, yes. It had crossed my mind. But no, I have no intentions on acting on it. Ever. Even if this goes to shit in this room today I have no intentions on acting on it. I'll be pissed yeah, I'll be upset yeah, I will hate the guts of every person who took Izibell away from me. But I wouldn't take a rifle and start firing pot shots at the walls, or lobbing explosives over it, or lead a fucking horde to the walls. I'm a fuck up, a huge and total fuck up with a long list of problems I have to sort out. But I am not some monster who would take glee from trying to harm some dude's home." He wasn't sure what he planned on saying, but it wasn't that. The rant had lasted a hell of a lot longer then he planned on it.

He took another breath, though it was a long winded rant it wasn't an outburst in the traditional sense. But it was clear he was speaking as he himself processed the information. He figured he had to wrap things up. There was a good chance his long winded rant would be one of the last things he'd ever say here. "I think your late policies need work too. Two of those charges are related to that and trying to manage a lunch break and walking a dog who doesn't want to go back inside is difficult to manage in an hour." Something to say that served no personal or emotional attachment. A little breather to help calm down and keep his thoughts in check. But he knew there was more to it then just being late, part of it was everything else that was tacked on with it. But the bureaucracy of it could easily grind things to a halt or create more problems in his eyes. Not that he knew anything about management. "And no, my fuck ups are not an excuse for someone to talk poorly about my family. Especially my mom. She did the best she could with what she had. With me as her oldest. So considering only one was a total fuck up and it was by his own means I'd say she did pretty decent." Tacked with the list of regrets he had, was not mending things with his family before things went to hell. Before his unit imploded on itself, before the dead rose, before they left. "I am also aware of the contradictions. But a good portion of what you are asking about happened more then five years apart. I have had a lot of time to think on all of those choices I made now. And I do mean, a lot of time. During basic I'd like to think I was pretty decent at being a soldier despite my reservation of authority figures. To be fair they were mild compared to what they are now. You get a few incompetent and selfish officers getting your whole unit killed to save themselves and it leaves a bitterness that never really washes away. They didn't seem too bad at first either." He shrugged. "I guess that sums up a lot of my thoughts on this place. The worst people I have ever met didn't seem too bad at first. Especially with the world the way it is. Will always be waiting for that hammer to drop down and drop down hard. Think there's a term for the irony here though..." He paused trying to figure it out. "Self fulfilling Prophecy. I know it's not a good answer but it's the one I got for ya." His hope was to clarify the contradictions and explain his path of logic even when it was poor logic.

Hunter returned to his seat and returned to fidgeting. Things were set in motion to decide for all intents and purposes what could be the rest of his life.


Emanuel "Manny" Newman

Location: Education Center
Skills: N/A


To say Manny was in surprise of the situation was an understatement. Hunter had made it clear he was not 100% there, and from Manny's guess the boy possessed some sort of mask to hide a portion of himself behind when under stress. He wondered which was the mask though. The socially awkward boy who seemed easily overwhelmed, or the boy who lashed out at anything that seemed like an immediate threat whether it was or not. The optimist in him hoped it was the latter and that his outbursts were some flawed attempt to protect himself. But Manny had seen what people who had gone too far were capable of. Eden. That place would forever influence his choices and opinions on people. And he wondered if Hunter was one of those people that might have been indoctrinated instead of tutored. Both maybe? He had no idea when it came to Eden. Seemed like a great way to hook people though. Torture them, break them, make them do horrible things so that they can't be with any other people except the ones who have done the same thing. That group was gone now though. The real question is now, can Private Hunter Monroe integrate into any form of modern society?

Hunter had revealed a lot about himself though which did help clarify some of what was going on in the boy's head. Some. Manny at this point figured Hunter had at one point in his life, the best of intentions. But there was clearly something he was leaving out. Something that went wrong. Something that happened while his unit was out during when things fell apart? He tried to think of the guard unit that was tasked with protecting his safe zone. How they were so spread thin internal security wasn't even an option. So spread thin that when the infected had turned inside the safe zone the soldiers were nowhere to be found. He imagined that could have been it. Or was it something that happened afterwards?

"you can only get fucked by those above you so many times before getting into that mindset"

That stuck with Manny, and it left Manny thinking was it a specific person Hunter was thinking of? Or was it society as a whole? Hunter seemed to have his own list of grievances. Though his way to approach them seemed to be head on until it either wasn't a problem or it got worse and out of his control. Another thing that got Manny's attention was the fact that he did appear all bark no bite. Unless there was some missing information, Hunter seemed to outburst when things didn't go his way. But he hadn't been physically violent yet. The question was how far he was from that point? Was it close or was it that his voice was the extent of his ability to strike back? Then he remembered, Hunter had been out there on his own for years. Maybe there were others along the way, but you don't get far on your own for any amount of time without some fight in you. He thought back to one of Nikki's earlier testimonies as well. Where he called himself a violent psychopath. Though he wanted to be optimistic, the fact that in his drunken state he viewed himself like that was concerning.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 21 hrs ago


Ash & Thalia
Location: Education Center (M)
Skills: N/A


While Ash was no scholar of the human mind, he did have to pass certain core classes back in his Academy days which included both basic psychology and philosophy. To begin with, he had no idea why he would need this knowledge; Ashton was going to be a Sapper officer, and that was that. The more he performed his duties, the more these studies demonstrated their ongoing relevance. In this particular case, he gave note to the method utilized by the Professor which greatly resembled a modified Socratic Method, turned to specific purpose. Not that she called for him to defend a philosophical standpoint by intentionally arguing the counterpoint and requiring explanation, but a series of pointed questions, rallied against his earlier statements made in hopes of cementing her narrative, established in part by eyewitness testimony. In short, she looked to be setting conversational traps which Hunter could overcome readily by keeping his responses consistent. Maintaining his own narrative which did not contradict previous testimony might have sufficed. Or not reacting emotionally. There were some stumbles on Hunter's part; nothing irredeemable. At first.

His response to the last question asked of him did not seem to help matters any. It was an obvious goad. This didn't look like it was about getting a straight answer. That ship had sailed. This appeared more like a test of character. Maybe there was remorse present, or regret, or simple confusion about things and a voiced desire to do better and learn the customs of the community. But Ash didn't really hear any of this. As Hunter gave the last piece of his testimony, Ash's visage remained as stone. The only thing which served to reveal his mindset was a slipped utterance, audible possibly to Nigel, who was sitting right next to him: "Aw, shit... just clam up, kid." He almost felt like facepalming. This was damaging. If he were part of the Council, it might have influenced his opinion in a less favorable direction. Unless other factors were at play which Ash could not personally detect, this had to have been detrimental to his case.

Applying a wholly different mindset to this last line of questioning, Thalia looked on to the testimony with a surprised and curiously entertained expression on her face. She did not comment aloud, nor so much as clear her throat in concern of distracting, however minute a possibility it might be, what was going on in front of her. This was, lacking a better term, surreal. If she had to nail down a favorite part, it would rest somewhere around all of the things that Hunter didn't plan on doing if he was exiled. Nope, he certainly would not (specifically) shoot at the wall, hurl explosives over it, and in no uncertain terms would he lead a horde of Zeds back to bebother their last mortal days. In the moment that followed this detailed descriptor of things that he would not do, Thalia looked closely, half-imagining that Hunter might give an exaggerated showing of a wink whilst nodding knowingly.

Thalia was intrigued at what might happen next, and so quietly slid down in her seat to get more comfortable. She leaned her head to one side and rested her chin on a closed fist, and gave the stage her rapt, near full attention. Surreal.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Amelia Payne
Location: Education Center (M)
Skills: N/A


The trial of Hunter was a complete and utter mess. Amelia’s initial feelings on the matter was that it shouldn’t be dealt with such parading around, but it wasn’t her rule to make. Then there were all the questioning and now well the moment they started questioning the man himself everything just fell apart. Not that she had too great a confidence in him, biases not withstanding, but when on the position to be questioned, he just appeared to snap. It was like the man got under his skin and then Hunter was just rambling things that at times contradicted or just didn’t make sense. But then again this was to be a human… still him speaking the way he was, wasn’t doing anything for his cause in her eyes.

Amelia originally wanted to just let him live and maybe even allow him to be kept around, the enemy you know and all that. Better him here under eye rather than out there, doing whatever. However as his rambling continued and some rather damning things were said, even if he was denying that he’d ever do those, she began to wonder and a tiny itsy bitsy shard of paranoia reared it’s ugly head once more. Can they allow him to live? She’d be a hypocrite if she denied ever making contingency plans while in quarantine and afterwards. She practically slept with a chair in arm’s reach because it was the only improv weapon they currently had at hand at their home.

The proceedings now, all the word spoken, emotions and thoughts revealed, finally put Amelia in deep thought. How did she prefer this play out after all? Was her original idea of just keeping him under watch and around viable? Was he more dangerous out of the gates? Was the final solution the best one for the safety of everybody? Her mind raced mile a minute, going in loops and circles, trying to reach a conclusion. She didn’t like this.


Lisa Mason
Location: General Housing(X)
Skills: N/a


Everybody had different ways of coping with grief and in Lisa’s case, she didn’t want to currently wake up from hers. The world inside the dream was perfect, well as perfect as it could be in a Victorian Era fairy tale adaptation. Mansion inside the dream was huge, she and dream Lucy got to experience all manner of things while they were doing their jobs. Then there was the fact that they were helping the proverbial Cinderella to win Prince Charming. Granted there were no glass shoes involved in this case, no fairy godmother either, but with a bit of hardwork on the maids’ part and kind meanings, they got the girl suited and prettied up for the ball. Adding a bit of help from the rest of the manor’s caretakers and the rightful heir was the most beautiful girl at the Ball!

It was perfect story, weird vampire zombie creatures roaming the street here and there not withstanding… Weird dreams were weird, but hey, Dream Lucy and Lisa got to beat one to death with frying pans at one point when it made their way inside the manor via the back door for some reason and following that there were some weird duel going on in the reception hall of the manor while everybody was simply dancing… Weird dreams.

β€œUghhh… this is the last time I duel off vampire zombies with a frying pan while dancing waltz…” She groaned, sleepily, rubbing her eyes for a moment, before they snapped wide open. β€œWait what?” She blinked in confusion, before scurrying off to grab the paper she had left nearby to write that shit down. There were some things that you just didn’t think of while awake and you better not let them go after you wake up.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 12 days ago

☠ πšƒπš†π™³: πšˆπšŽπšŠπš› 𝟻 π™ΏπšŠπš›πš 𝟺


Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Weather Forecast: Dawn at 5:53 A.M. - Dusk at 8:13 P.M. - High: 91F, Low: 80F - Winds SW at 4mph - Gusting to 14mph - Rain In The AM - Cloud Cover: 100% - Visibility: 9miles.

Notes: This round if your PC wishes to speak about their personal concerns or support of Hunter either being removed or staying, or something else that comes to mind in regards to the actual trial then they have a chance to this round. All actual testimony is done and Hunter is done with his speech so he cannot say anything else at this point. Now this is a short post round for me since i will have to do so much next round because I am holding off my pc's or NPC's saying their feelings as this time as to not give influence either way to your characters. This is the only round it will be open.
Date: August 1st, 2012

Camp Mexico Beach General: It is getting close to evening now and dinner time is just now starting to get underway - there will be a later meal for those that attended the trial. For those not in the trial you are free to head over for the evening meal if you want. It is nothing big tonight because of said trial. Basically think a sack lunch but on trays - simple sandwich's with sides of raw fruit and vegetables. It isn't the huge cooking the mess hall tries to normally do but it is filling and does it's job, plus it is much better than most anything people would be scraping together on the road.

The Court Martial Of Hunter Monroe
Location: Education Center: Auditorium (M)
Charges: Food Waste - 7.22.2012 | Drunken Disorderly - 7.22.2012
Failure To Report To Duty At Designated Time - 7.23.2012 | 10-886 Absence Without Leave - 7.23.2012
Failure To Administer Animal Sanitation - 7.23.2012 | Gross Insubordination - 7.23.2012

The Professor as well as the rest of the council watched Hunter as he gave his last words on the matter. In fact the only one that gave an indication of how Hunters words affected them was Maddoc, who placed both his hands over his face as he lowered his head. Once Hunter was seated again, the Professor turned and addressed everyone in general. "I and the rest of the council will wait to give our final thoughts before we exit to deliberate and the General makes his final decision on the matter." It was how all the Court Martials went, the Council was always the last to speak. They didn't want someone in the town trying to play favorites and while it couldn't be gotten away from completely leaving the last words to them kept others from trying to use what they said as weight later on because of more personal reasons. Words were too easy to twist. Hunter had proven this - he had taken one thing that was said, twisted it into something it wasn't and used it to make himself a victim.

Clearing her throat the Professor motioned towards the steps at the side of the stage. "Now, as those of you that have testified and those that have been watching the trial you now have your chance to speak. You can step over to the side here, come up onto the stage, and give your own personal feelings. Now remember the Town isn't on trial, this trial is about Mr. Monroe. If you have issues with how we do things those can be raised to any number of council members, this is not the time. You are to only think about if you feel that Mr. Monroe should remain in town or if he should be exiled, or any other subsequent punishment you feel is best. All of them will be weighed by the council and remember ultimately the final decision is up to the General."

Taking a step back, she motioned for anyone that wished to come up to speak to do so at this time. Thana rested her hand on the rail of the balcony before pushing herself to a standing position. As she did, she turned and headed to the side of the balcony and out the door so she could make her way down stairs. She wanted to say something about this and how she felt about Hunter being in town. She had seen court martials before, they didn't let anyone but witnesses testify so this was something new. Nikki bit her bottom lip and glanced over at Hunter, slowly she stood and went to get in line but took a back place as she didn't want to be any of the first people speaking. Tatiana and Jack seemed to lean into one another and started whispering to each other, a few nods and gestures went between them. Jack shook his head no but Tatiana stood up anyways and went to start moving down the row. Others started doing the same. Now was the time to speak if anyone had anything to say, once the verdict was delivered the matter would be closed. (Remember my PC's and NPC's will be going next round. You have this round alone to speak.)
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Nigel Cooper
Location: Education Center (M)
Skills: N/A


Nigel, with his awe-stricken attention aimed straight at the epic spectacle of Troyan propotions up on stage, could only just hear the hushed words of Ashton sitting beside him. What he lacked in active hearing though, he made up for in nodded agreement. So many words had been spoken, so many lies deconstructed and images torn apart before the very eyes of the audiance attending the trial, that what Ash pleaded Hunter to do had been his fairest attempt at redemption. Without turning his attention away from Hunter and the Professor exchanging verbal thrusts of weaponry up front, Nigel nodded to Ash's words.

"Nemo tenetur se ipsum accusare, Ashton…"

The neo-Roman straigthened himself up in his seat, his forward-leaning stature making his back stiff as the proceedings continued forward. If it had been bad before, this was turning into a Teutoburg Forest-moment in history. In other words, a complete and utter shit-fest as his students would have called it. Rather than absolving himself or painting himself in a more favourable light, to Nigel's eyes this was a downhill slope going straight into the depths of Hadens himself at this point. Words were exchanged, heated passions fired into the testimony and a less-than-favourable spectacle made of Hunter. The Professor, whether you liked her or not, proved to Nigel that she was not one you'd want on your bad side.

To him it seemed the clear-cut answer was to throw him to the wolves, so to speak. Nigel didn't like the thought of exiling Hunter, but the pragmatic Roman mindset spoke volumes in times like these; Hunter had made a very good case against himself, and it was difficult for Nigel to see how he would remain inside the comfort of CMB's walls without great reprecussions, even for how much Hunter had grown on him. But it wasn't friendship and kindness that had built the Roman Empire, nor his own survival all those years at the hands of Hades' minions…still, when the chance was given for them to speak up, Nigel pondered on what he could or should say.

In the end he didn't know what he could say in good faith to help Hunter. The die had been cast, the Rubicon crossed, and now all roads led to Rome. So he was surprised to see so many lining up to speak at the end. Perhaps most of all two people: Thana, who he understood to not have much to do with Hunter, and the old veteran named Alexander.


Alexander Polawski
Location: Education Center (M)
Skills: N/A


Time and strung-together strings of sentences flew past old Alexander, his weary state of mind dipping in and out of attention as he blinked his eyes tightly. Up and down, closed and open, trying to clear the foggy memories that drew a heavy haze over his vision - Hunter's words ringing all too familiar in the old veteran's ears. Why he joined the military when he didn't like authoritiy figures? Hell, why did Alexander join? In the same lane as the young soldier on the stand, it didn't have to do with a love for the armed forces.

No, like Hunter the reasons were his family. Family and friends. Family he hated, friends he loved. Not the same completely, but enough for Alexander to see a mirage of himself in the form of Hunter sitting up there, defending his own actions. Blink. Blink. Hunter was back, and so was Alexander in his seat.

Alexander felt a bead of sweat run down his forehead, down his chin and dangling effortlessy on his chin as more words were spoken, questions asked and statements made faster than an approaching hurricane north of Cuba. The Professor was really getting down and dirty with Hunter verbally, who clearly was shaken by it. Alexander couldn't blame him in the slighest. Had it been him up there, at that age? Hell, who knew if he'd done any better.

The latter part of the testimony didn't fare well for him…Hunter, that was, though the old Veteran still couldn't find it in his heart to judge the kid too harsly…he was just a kid for God's sake! A fuck-up, messed pile of contradictions who needed some serious help…but still just a kid. A kid who, in his mind, focused his issues onto those brass-chested bastards who sent him out to do those things, instead of blaming himself…like Alexander did.

And then Heaven itself called down upon him. So it felt at least when the Professor announced they would be given the chance to voice their thoughts on Hunter's fate. It wasn't anything like the Military old Alexander knew, with its strict set of rules, regulations and round-house kicks over your sorry head. Should he say something? Did he even had anything to say? The old veteran felt the black hole inside of him expand once more, filling his whole chest with the power to drag him into it and its terrible contents of trauma. But…if he had been up there, would anyone have spoken in his place?

The world shook underneath his feet as he stood up on his good foot and pegleg, one slow step after another as he approached the stage, more determination and fear drenching his stature. The old veteran was marching into battle, if for the one last time. Alexander gave the Professor a humble look, perhaps fearful of her oraly wrath from moments earlier, as he took stage.

"Uhm…yes…Alexander Polawski, as told before…I, in my opinon…" Alexander's voice trembled, the old veteran filled up with doubt and fright as he felt every single person lay eyes on him and his worn body. Worn out, tired of all the shit he'd been put through…put himself through. But it was because of that he took stage, finding a sense of courage he hadn't felt for years.

"I cannot with good conscience excuse or even explain the actions of Mr. Monroe…Hunter. He's done what he's done…but…" Alexander cleared his throat as his old, wrinkled eyes looked over at the young soldier, seeing himself sitting there once more. "I'll only ask for anyone, myself included, to forgive his behaviour, as stupid and destructive as it has been…because…because I know that even the most broken of men can be fixed, given time and care. I must believe that. If a man such as myself, young and rising against the world around me can find any sense of redemption…for I must believe that. If I do, and you do, then even Hunter may have a path made for him…by the Lord…by anyone who sees him for him, flawed as he is…"

His words shook with stage fright, his old hands gripping tightly around anything he could hold as he spoke, but he relented. "Hunter, I wish you the best…" his parting words broke his voice in the end, choking up and giving him the great shakes as he stepped down and rushed down the aisle to find his seat beside Manny again. It hadn't been a masterfully crafted speech, inspiring or anything. What it had been, was honest.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


Hunter Monroe
Location: Education Center


As the day continued on it was easy to see just how badly Hunter had fucked up the last few weeks. With an outside perspective he had been able to get another perspective on how he was seeing things and how his actions appeared to everyone around him. It was jarring and pointed out the obvious fact that everyone around him had already figured out. He had no idea when to shut up. Even looking back to when the world first started falling apart, he struggled with that. But in those cases, it was the opposite end of the spectrum. He was quiet when he should have spoken up until the problems got so bad, that there was nothing left to do but the most extreme actions. Now he couldn't keep quiet for the life of him until only the most extreme options were left. Lashing out at everything assuming the worst was to come from it. It was an over compensation of extreme proportions. Looking back he tried to think of what times in his life speaking out would have done anything more then speed up the final result? There wasn't many. The biggest he took note of would be his time with Don and his gang. HE let them get away with far too much before he took action to stop them. And even then, most of that action wasn't even prompted by himself but a woman named June had to make it impossible for him to be ignorant to the damage they were doing. Not only to him, but to every group of survivors they met, and to those who were still close to him. That was years ago now, and since then he hadn't been in a situation even remotely close to that.

Since then it was easy to tell how to react to things. If someone shot at you, you shot at them back. If someone needed help you offered what you could, and you avoid everyone and everything that you aren't confident you can take in a fight if things go wrong. Until you push a stretch of not being able to see another sign of human life that you can't be sure how long it is. So seeing that helicopter weeks back threw a rather massive wrench into Hunter's go to plans for most situations as he didn't initiate any of it, it was a fight he could clearly not win in any regard, and he was surrounded rather quickly. His thoughts hit a speed bump as he attempted to apply his rough logic path to those operating the helicopter that day. At first all they could spot was some lone dude in the road with a dog, and likely had a similar train of logic. It left him wondering how many of his encounters people had the same thoughts he had, but were better about keeping those thoughts to themselves? Or if they were just better at reacting to those thoughts. Considering he was on trial he guessed the latter. No matter how things went, he would have to figure out how to curb his reactions to everything. Easier said then done, but he likely wouldn't get as lucky as he did here again. It was easy to tell how things were going from here though. As he watched those who were about to give a statement, he took note of a few. Several would have nothing good to say, and the ones who might have been so fucked over by himself that it could easily go either way. Likely leaning negatively. This is likely the last time he'll get to hear anything any of the people here have to say.

The first man to speak was one of the old med from quarantine. Alexander, another former soldier who was struggling with his own battles with good days, and days that could be better. Hunter listened to the man's words with a heavy heart. In many ways the man sounded like his father in their last few arguments. Though this wasn't an argument to confront Hunter on his most recent fuck up. Not in the same ways at least. He felt guilty, this near total stranger who he had caused distress in the past putting up a better case then he himself put up for why he should stay. When Alexander wished him luck, he froze. He wanted to reply back a thankyou, but couldn't bring up the courage to speak again. Everytime he had spoken it seemed to make things worse. Except Nikki. Even then, it was a huge risk that he could have found himself with a couple more holes in him then he did this morning if his guard wasn't as disciplined as he was. He simply held his gaze for now, and mouthed it simply. Thank you. If he got the chance to stay, he'd have to know the man. He took note that Nigel did not come up to the stand. Hunter couldn't blame him, not after how today went.


Emanuel "Manny" Newman

Location: Education Center
Skills: N/A


The time had come for the survivors and the members of the camp to testify and give their final thoughts on Hunter Monroe. Manny wasn't sure what he could add to help in this case. And even then, who would he aim to help? It was clear Hunter was on a very delicate balance on a near constant basis. Kicking him out was as good as killing him with what little was left out in the world. Letting him stay was its own risk though. Though he hadn't gone violent yet, how far away was he from going to that point? He had a pretty good idea what he was going to say though. Manny went up to the stage with Alexander and others as the testimonies came into play. Then when Alexander spoke about Hunter Manny's whole perspective shifted a bit. Those concerns where in place, but seeing how Alexander viewed Hunter definitely had an influence on Manny. How he saw a bit of himself in Hunter.

When it was time for Manny to give his thoughts, he hesitated. Now he wasn't so sure on his thoughts anymore. The optimist in him though had a few words, as well as his own experience at a younger age. "Hunter Monroe is impulsive, confrontational, irrational, and a bit of an ass. From what I can tell, he is also a bit remorseful of at least some of the things he has done today. But I won't claim to be the best person in trying to understand the boy." He wasn't sure such an expert existed as it seemed that Hunter didn't fully understand himself either. "What I do know is he wont get better out there. And I highly doubt that there are many who would take him in as is. I also know that if he were to stay, it would be a lot of work on whoever ends up working with him. And there will also be work he will have to commit himself towards if he is to stand any chance with any community, not just this one. Or anyone for that matter." He took a breath, thinking about his next words carefully. "To put it bluntly, he fucked up. Badly. And will likely be dealing with the consequences of those actions for the rest of his life." However short it may end up being. "If he stays, it will be a lot of hard work on his part to show he is willing to improve himself, and a lot of hard work to make up for the damage he has already done. I think he shows potential for improvement. And if he does try to do something to harm anyone, Ms Decker has proven he isn't too hard to drop. And he has made it more then clear he can't cause any trouble without drawing every ounce of possible attention he could to it." Even before the trial any time he had fucked up, there were more then enough people to see it coming and saw it turn out exactly as expected. If the boy was trying to cause any real harm Manny figured post trial, everyone would be watching him like a hawk to make sure he never stepped out of line again. "Keep him busy, keep him productive, and keep an eye on him. If he puts some effort into it, I'm sure he'd show improvement over time." That was the hope at least. The optimistic side of him was suppressed by his fear of what the boy could become if given the time or the chance. Alexander helped remind him that everyone had their troubled times. Some were just better at recovering from them then others were.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 21 hrs ago


Ash Holloway
Location: Education Center (M)
Skills: N/A


Latin. Of course it was Latin. Ash was brought up with English, obviously, be it originally flavored with an Appalachian dialect. He spoke fluent military jargon, befitting a career as an officer in the United States Army, and thanks to his original foreign language training and time spent in AmΓ©rica del Sur, he was passable with Spanish. There was even a little Russian in there thanks to Tatiana. But Latin? Nary a peep. Mild similarities to Spanish, but not enough to get more than the broadest of concepts. That was to say, not even a glimmer of recognition in this instance. Still, Ash looked to Nigel, gave a quiet nod, and refocused his attention on the proceedings.

When the call to speak was given to those assembled, Ash surprised himself by standing. His feet seemed to move of their own accord, putting himself in line to ascend the stage. As he moved forward, Ash caught movement from above in his peripheral vision. Thana was moving to join the line, it seemed. So was Tatiana. Manny, Alexander, others. Curiosity concerning the points they might make danced in his thoughts. He put it aside curtly. Ash would hear their thoughts voiced soon enough. His own words were a jumbled mess which he had to sort out.

The truth of the matter was that he already had something of a speech in mind, if and when he would be called up to share his thoughts. The most recent exchange served to waylay this, however, and Ash found himself unsure how he was going to respond, merely feeling an urgency to stand upon the stage again and be heard. Though his conscious mind did not know exactly what he was going to say, Ash could feel something solidify within him. The man he used to be asserted itself with prominence, like a personal tool suddenly becoming necessary. Stoicism, bred into him through generations of hillfolk custom and nurtured by military pragmatism, suppressed any emotion he might have been feeling, allowing his mind to crystalize around pure logic and lessons birthed of relevant experience. Any personal feelings were devoid of merit, and he spoke as a man of relative objectivity.

"Look at the facts of this case in the cold light of day. Mr. Monroe is a disruption. There is no dispute here. The evidence clearly backs this. The question now stands, is he a threat? Assess this, and take the next logical steps forward. Is this uncertainty about one person worth the time and resources required in terms of food, medical care, and providing special security? Does showing compassion to an individual at the expense of the community demonstrate strength or weakness? I have made my mistakes to this end and learned from them, after paying a hard price for those mistakes." Two incidents in particular stood out in Ash's mind. He felt like sharing neither just then. Experience was a cruel yet effective teacher sometimes.

"Were someone else in this room to take Mr. Monroe's place as defendant, I might be able to speak from a point of familiarity." Ash looked around the room once again, his eyes meeting several people that he knew, and had for a long time. "I could tell you of Tatiana's fierce loyalty and love. Or of Miss Ridgeway's work ethic. Amelia's commitment. I could talk about Jack's unwavering sense of responsibility. I might point to any and all of these things to explain that they were just having a bad time of things. Stress, changes, PTSD. I might request counseling for them, with full belief that they just need to work some things out." Ash's eyes looked weary for a moment with his next words, "Even Dr. Bonheur. I considered him a close friend. I trusted him. I could, with full confidence, say that Victor was a good man who lost his way, and if he were in that seat, I could advocate for him with conviction."

Ash continued, giving a mote of apology for his speech, which was less succinct as he had planned. "Thank you for bearing with me. This is the crossroads of my point," Ash continued, his features smoothing over like carved marble, "Regardless of noble intentions, or compassion, this is a simple question of potential risk. I cannot advocate for Mr. Monroe because I do not know him. None of us do. I have been acquainted with him for the week of Quarantine. Past that, for half a day of a single work assignment. The rest of the time he was in holding." It was the last piece of questioning, and the rant following which ultimately flipped Ash's decision away from a more positive advocation. "Mr. Monroe spent the time set aside to speak on his own defense to instead refer to this place as a prison. Then detailed very specific actions against the community that he would not do. Following that, he criticized policy and made an excuse for being late as an attachment. There was more. We all heard it. What I did not hear in that closing argument was ownership of the charges or apology. He had a week to prepare something. Anything. His final defense was spent saying what he felt was wrong with this place, the people in it, and events of his life prior to now. Nothing to actually defend himself and nothing to take responsibility. I might have personally accepted a simple, 'Yes, I messed up. I do not deny the charges. I apologize and want to fix it,' as a final statement, if it was genuine." Ash shook his head, "But this is not my call to make."

His conclusion was a terse summary of his broader phrasing and concerns. It was also delivered with unwavering purpose. "In the face of potential threat - Does one show compassion to the individual, or to the community? Blind compassion is weakness. Tempered by responsibility, it is strength. Compassion in this instance is served best by showing it to as many people as possible. Considering that, I would choose community. And my question: How decisive does one make it?" The last sentence was delivered with the icy detachment of a man accustomed to asking and answering questions that had a cost in human life. "I thank the Court for its time."

Following his statement, Ash stepped down. His piece was said. It was neither hopeful nor heartwarming. It was an objective series of observations based on the reality of their situation and his experience with similar dilemmas, geared toward the long term survival of as many people as possible. It was an iron statement, cold and barely flexible. Ash was perfectly willing to retake his seat and let the chips fall where they may following this. He did not expect friendly support. Moreover, he did not require it.


Thalia Carmichael
Location: Education Center (M)
Skills: N/A


There was no way in hell Thalia was getting up on that stage now. The call for opinions to be expressed washed over her like a spring breeze carrying a touch of something from a wastewater treatment plant; harmless but ultimately unappealing in the short term. She had no opinion of note about what was going on. Anything she had to say would be pointless, or moot, or unsupported opinion with zero bearing on the application of justice. So, hard pass on going up there and drawing more attention to herself. She was more or less satisfied right where she was.

Again, this was about the learning experience. She was picking up a lot of interesting tidbits of information about the people already living in Camp Mexico Beach prior to her arrival. More than that, a lot of things about the ones who arrived the same day as herself. Even a thing or two about her own traveling companions. Thalia supposed that it was human nature to speak in the defense of a fellow human being, when the result of a guilty verdict might mean banishment. Or worse. It was one of the reasons that she refrained from adding any additional dialogue. Thalia preferred to work as directly as possible with questions involving possible mortality. And she was not the public speaking type anymore. And truthfully, she had nothing worthwhile to say. But listen? That was something she could do quite well.

Team Eden got the first two options to represent the overall feel of the crowd, so to speak. Alexander and Manny comported themselves openly and, as best she could tell, honestly. Overall she was a little nervous for Alexander. He seemed to be having a little problem. It looked like he had been having this same problem more often lately. But he pulled it out at the end, and Thalia noted with a touch of respect that he had the strength of character to address Hunter directly when he was done. That couldn't have been protocol. He did it anyway. "Good on yah," she thought to herself. Mugsy was demonstrating class. Maye one day, she'd pick up some for herself.

As for Manny, he went so far as to suggest a course of action, simple though it was, with hope of future improvement. It was optimistic. Thalia missed being optimistic. It had been quite a while since she had partaken of that particular mindset. But for every optimist and every person who hoped, within that community there would always be the need for someone like her. Maybe two or three. It was a concession to her thoughts after reminding herself that she already had a brother here who probably fit that description.

Wonder over what the others, Ballerina chick, Nikki, and Navy, might say when their turns came around, came up briefly but was stamped back down when Navy's boyfriend was next to speak. She could almost see the idealistic, rousing speech coming off of the guy before he even said a word, which is why what he actually said surprised the hell out of her. Putting on her best "what the hell just happened" face, Thalia sat up a little straighter in her chair, not wanting to miss out on this one. His last few words struck a chord with her. An realization dawned on her, reflecting in one internally voiced thought: "Holy shit, Captain America is savage." The part questioning how decisive their compassion should be? This sounded very much like a low-key inquiry whether exile or putting a bullet to the back of his head (for the good of the community) was in question. Maybe she was wrong. Thalia did have a tendency to color situations with her own brand of cliched edginess. She kind of hoped she was wrong. At the same time, Thalia was beginning to see why her cousin Alicia liked this guy. And maybe a little more why Thana liked him, too. And she was a little more glad that she chose not to contribute, staying in her seat, with relative, situational anonymity.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Amelia Payne
Location: Education Center (M)
Skills: N/A


It had finally reached the end of the line. This was the final stage before the result was spoken. Maybe the result was already decided, maybe them talking wouldn’t hold any influence over what was to happen, but as Amelia watched people stand up and walk forward to proclaim their opinions on the matter, she wondered how she would have done in the same shoes as Hunter. She pondered and squeezed Riley’s hand for a moment.

Amelia closed her eyes as she listened to Alexander, she believed his name was, followed by Manny and eventually Ash, who’s turn to speak was incredibly drastic in it’s wording. Her mind wandered over to the past, recalling Newnan’s final days and frowned then swallowed heavily, squeezed Riley’s hand once more time before she stood up. A bit uncertain, but she decided to speak, to give her opinion as insignificant as it may be. She looked at Hunter for a moment with conflicted gaze. Past overlapping with the present and paralles being drawn for a moment, before she blinked and spoke up.

β€œI… don’t like him. I won’t pretend I do.” She began, steeling her voice enough to talk normally.” Did he rub me off the wrong way from day one? Yes. Do I at any way accept his way of acting? No. Was he a massive jerk and idiot? Yes. Do I think he deserves death for any of it? No… Maybe he’s a danger, but it’s better to be the danger that’s known and observed than one that’s unknown. An exile beyond the walls would be even more dangerous for him and the camp, the world there breaks people and even the sane can turn into madmen. As such I agree with Manny. Keep him around, where he could be observed, and keep him very occupied.” She finished her little speech, took a breath.” Thank you for listening to me.” She added and hurried back to her seat.


Lisa Mason
Location: General Housing(X)β†’Mess Hall
Skills: N/a


Lisa was busy scribbling away notes on the fairy tales and the dream. That was some surreal stuff right there, could make a fine story, at least she thought so. Very weird and out there, also funny. There was a thing to be said about having comedy, maybe it would be better as a comic or as a play rather than a written story, but it was still a solid stupid fun idea to go off with. Fighting off zombies while doing a ball and beating said zombies with a frying pan. This was as absurd as anything she had ever heard herself.

She brainstormed some buzz words to go with the dream notes, like vampires, romeo and juliet, a few other fairy tale motives and so on. It was going to be something to work on and hey if nothing else she could toss the idea to the D&D crew, they might make something out of it even if she didn’t. Suddenly she noted the time, it was time for dinner. Lisa stood up from the bed, put away her written notes and got dressed up again.

Exiting her home, she took a breath and smiled, a tiny smile with a trace of sadness. Her smile vanished soon, replaced with a degree of neutrality. Lucy was free from suffering. THAT was what was important in this. She wasn’t going to suffer anymore. She let herself be filled with that positive idea and walked forward. It didn’t take her long to arrive to the building and walk inside. Lisa looked at the dinners provided and nodded at the simplicity of them. She calmly took one and walked over to a free table, sitting down and focus on her meal. Place was lacking a lot of people because of the trial, so it was a rare time when it was a lot more peaceful dinner for a change. That was fine by her.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 12 days ago

☠ πšƒπš†π™³: πšˆπšŽπšŠπš› 𝟻 π™ΏπšŠπš›πš 𝟺


Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Weather Forecast: Dawn at 5:53 A.M. - Dusk at 8:13 P.M. - High: 91F, Low: 80F - Winds SW at 4mph - Gusting to 14mph - Rain In The AM - Cloud Cover: 100% - Visibility: 9miles.

Notes: Okay the main part is over. Next round will be the verdict. This round characters can leave if they wish - well all but Hunter and his guards. You do not have to remain. You can of course but it isn't required. Wrap up is next round! Remember this means that we will be jumping in time very soon! Get ready! If you haven't planned on where your character is going to do mentally over the next 6 months of time jump make sure to figure it out this week or next. We're gonna start having a lot more going on, hopefully it will be a lot of fun. (And please remember that any characters outside of the camp I won't be doing anything for at least for a while as I make sure to get everyone involved within the walls. ^^ It's enough to keep up with LOL)
Date: August 1st, 2012

Camp Mexico Beach General: People at dinner were pretty much keeping quiet and to themselves. Even if they hadn't gone to the trial it didn't mean that it wasn't on their mind. Anytime there was a court martial it meant that things could change drastically within the camp. Thing was, Hunter was new and not fully a part of the community yet. He hadn't made friends or gotten close to anyone. That being said he was the first to be put on court martial this quickly out of quarantine. If he was allowed to stay what would that mean? It made people think. Wonder what was going on. Maybe not enough to go sit through it all but enough to keep it on their mind.

Outside at the beach Guy felt his stomach rumble and he sighed. Turning he started to walk towards the Mess Hall. He needed to eat and then it would probably be a good idea for him to go check on Medic and see how he was doing sitting there with little Lucy. He glanced at the Education Center as he passed it, wondering what was taking so long. He hadn't wanted to go and figured he would find out eventually. Didn't mean he didn't want to know what was going on. He remembered Leann. She had run Newnan in a very military manner. Ash wasn't as much of a hard ass as she was. He wondered what Leann would have done in this situation. He had no idea. She put up with people with skills. Did Hunter have any worth keeping around?

Shrugging to himself he walked into the Mess Hall and went to grab a tray. Once Guy got one he glanced around, looking for a place to sit. There were plenty of seats. He spotted Lisa and wondered if she wanted company. She had been with Lucy when she passed, maybe she could use a friend. A shoulder. maybe she would tell him to fuck off because she wanted to be alone. Well he wouldn't know until he tried. Taking a deep breath he walked over to her and stopped a few feet away from her. "Would ya like some company?" he asked with a small smile. "I mean, no worries if you don't but figured I'd offer ya know."

The Court Martial Of Hunter Monroe
Location: Education Center: Auditorium (M)
Charges: Food Waste - 7.22.2012 | Drunken Disorderly - 7.22.2012
Failure To Report To Duty At Designated Time - 7.23.2012 | 10-886 Absence Without Leave - 7.23.2012
Failure To Administer Animal Sanitation - 7.23.2012 | Gross Insubordination - 7.23.2012

It seemed a lot of people had something to say on the matter. Several of the people that had been in quarantine with Hunter went quickly and gave their thoughts on the matter. It wasn't until a handful of them had gone that long term people within the settlement began to speak up. Instead of giving their personal reasons to why those thought they did they just rattled off what they should the outcome or sentence should be.

Panama was for allowing Hunter to stay but under guard. Doc went for eviction, only citing limited medical resources if he were to attack someone. Atlas was blunt, "kick him to the curb." Bass, Daytona, and DoLittle all said let the kid stay. DoLittle did add that she thought that the dog should remain in another cares permanently though stating that because he is acting the way he is even under trial the dog is obviously not a long term concern and that bothered her. Cage stepped onto the stage and sighed, looking over at Hunter before speaking. "Stay but under lifetime jail sentence." Volts and Tesla sided with Mizrahi when he said eviction. Ted said that he felt Monroe should stay.

Thana came in and took her place in line having come down stairs from above. She was surprised to see that Wayne was actually still seated and looked to not be putting in his two cents into the matter, nor Hank. She had heard what Ash said when she came in and it didn't surprise her. Stepping up onto the stage Thana looked at Hunter for a brief moment before looking at the council itself. "When each member of the most recent quarantine group agreed to be part of this community they signed on the dotted line. We gave them all the rules and regulations. We gave them the possible punishments. These things were made very clear. We hid nothing." Turning Thana looked at Hunter. "You new exactly what you were getting into. You knew what rules you were breaking when you broke them and chose to do it anyways. This cannot be tolerated. The town is not on trial and yet you tell us what we should or shouldn't do. A community that has stood strong for five years, one you have yet to contribute to. One you didn't build. One you have not kept safe. One that you knew would do exactly this, this court martial if you decided not to follow the rules yet here we are. That is willful disrespect." Turning back to the council Thana continued. "Exile at a minimum is required per our own code. Anything less is a breach of our own code of ethics." Stepping down, Thana didn't return to the balcony but instead took a seat next to Ash. She didn't look at him when she sat down but instead kept her eyes on Hunter and the Council.

Nikki went up after Thana, looking rather forlorn about what Thana had said. Nikki shoved her hands in her pockets and swallowed the piece of gum she had been chewing on. "Okay, he's a fuck up. So was I. Maddoc worked me through it, sure it was through a lot getting my ass handed to me but yeah, it worked. Yeah I didn't end up here but could have. Let him stay, if he fucks up again, then kick him without trial. Like probation. Can't we at least consider that?" Sighing, she didn't wait for an answer because she knew she wouldn't get one. Stepping down she refused to look at Hunter as she sunk back down into her seat.

Next up was Freedman. He pulled off his glasses slowly and folded them up in his hand. "Mr. Monroe suffers, from what I can see, many psychological issues. Do I feel he is a threat to the community? To a point. Do I believe he is a threat to himself? Yes, without question. I was going to suggest he be allowed to stay but double his therapy. I cannot in good conscious do that now all things considered. Yet I do not feel comfortable with him being outside of the walls. I suggest he be placed in our psychological locked ward with daily therapy for a minimal of six months and be reevaluated at that time." With having said that, Freedman placed his glasses back on and stepped down.

Stepping forward and speaking for the first real time during this trial was Shakespeare. "I prithee take thy fingers from my throat, for though I am not splenative and rash, Yet have I in me something dangerous, which let thy wiseness fear. Hold off thy hand. - I think of this when looking at Mr. Monroe. He has stated what he wouldn't do the community but it leaves a vast plethora of possibilities of transgressions he could attempt on those within these hallowed walls. Life long imprisonment or far vanquishment are our only options." It wasn't as flowery as some of his previous words but of course he did find something Shakespearean to say.

At the end of the line before the Council would start speaking was Tatiana. She kept moving back in line each time someone else stepped up. It wasn't until every one else was done did she move forward. "'Ve had someone like him in Newnan. Person vho perhaps had good in him but vould consistently end up hurting everyone. In 'ze end he caused a suicide, and a turnin'. Those two had to be put down and 'zen the person 'vho put them down killed this man. He was right. While he killed no on personally he brought death and chaos and fights to every aspect. Ve needed bodies, jobs needed doing. You do not need this here. He is like Walker. Causes problems, uses resources, contributes nothing, just eating. What do we do to Walkers? We put bullet in their skull. End of it. Put bullet in his skull, be done with it." Tatiana actually shrugged at the end of it and turned to step down. She stopped for a moment and looked at the council. "If no vishes to have to pull trigger, I vill vithout problem." Jack facepalmed as Tatiana walked down from the stage. As she passed Ash she stopped and looked at him. "He is another Richard, just 'vait and see." Moving down the row she went and sat down by her husband who was still sitting there like he couldn't believe she had actually just said that. She was no longer the little bird that was scared of a mouse anymore. Thana's eyes widened a bit and she glanced towards Ash, that was a bit blunt and harsh even for her, a woman who lead a strike team against a group and slaughtered them all for killing someone she hated. Wayne glanced over to Hank and breathed out heavily. Tatiana was brutal. If her kid took after her he was going to be a force he figured.

Being as Tatiana was the last one to give their two cents on the matter, outside of the Council, the Professor stood back up. She eyed Hunter for a moment before she began speaking. "The Council will now go and deliberate for a time. When we return we will each give our own yes or no so you know it on the record. Then the General will give his verdict. Please remember while everything that has been said is taken into account, he is the one and only one to pass judgement here in terms of guilt and sentence. Now everyone but the guards and Mr. Monroe may leave if you wish or you may stay. Either way, the judgement and the sentence will be made public to the entire camp and a transcript of the trial will be put in public records," she said before the Council rose and headed out off the stage, Rolodex cracking her fingers now that she didn't need to go with them. This was their private deliberation time.

Cage looked over to Hunter, "do you need to go to the bathroom while we have the chance?" he asked. If he needed to go Cage and Joaquin would go with him as per usual and bring him back to his seat. If not they would just remain where they were.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


Emanuel "Manny" Newman

Location: Education Center
Skills: N/A


Watching the testimonies take place was a show none the less. Watching as the opinions ranged from working probation to strait up execution it reminded Manny just how close things were and just how on edge everyone was. It showed who was willing to take a risk for Hunter, and it showed those who had been in situations a little too close to home and didn't fancy making the same mistakes again. Manny personally had experiences that differed. He had taken the chance with those who were troubled, suffered for it, but it had been the right choice in the end. Even if not all the stories had happy endings to them. Even before the end of the world, it wasn't uncommon for Manny to offer jobs to teens and young adults who were in shoes like his own when he was younger. Give them a job working to help maintain his workplace, and letting them leave with a half credible reference depending on who you asked.

Ashton spoke after Manny. The words he had spoken talked of a buildup of character, and how someone more well known could have had honest words spoken in their defense from people who knew them. But Hunter wasn't that. And in his chance to attempt to patch his own situation, he attempted to justify it rather then show remorse or say he would try and fix things. Even the lack of an apology was noted. Manny wanted to believe remorse and guilt were shown differently for each individual person, but Ashton had a point. And made his thoughts clear. Manny was a little reassured that maybe he wasn't just blindly optimistic when Amelia came up to speak. He had spoken maybe two sentences to the woman but she held a very identical view on Hunter. A bit of an unlikable asshole who radiates problems, but as of yet hadn't done anything to warrant death. And exile in his state, was death. There would always be the concern he'd get worse though, and those problems could easily turn into danger for others.

Thana had even come down to give her thoughts on the matter, and Manny at first was optimistic about her response to the situation. She went the bureaucratic route. In simple terms, he agreed to the rules from the start, and broke his contract. There was more to it then that, but it was the starting foundation for the rest. Yet more points that had some solid logic behind them. Nikki, the girl who had been with Hunter a couple times, and had probably the most success with Hunter outside of Nigel. He did take note how Nigel hadn't come up to speak. He wondered if that was because he wasn't sure if there was anything he could say to help things, or if he had given up in general on Hunter's ability to integrate into society? A little of both maybe? He took note that Thalia hadn't climbed up to the stage either, but that made sense in Manny's eyes. For reason's Ashton listed, she had no connection to Hunter, and had little personal comparison to Hunter. Or if she did, she didn't want to share it. There were a lot of options listed in between though, and many people seemed to fear what Hunter would do outside the walls once he was free to his own tools.

Manny moved down towards his previous seat by Alexander with his hands balled up together learning face first as he contemplated the situation at hand. The option provided by Mr. Freedman had gotten Manny's attention. It made logical sense, but it worried Manny. Wards especially older ones had a rough history of causing extreme isolation related issues. Many had a tendency to cause more harm then good. Though for all intents and purposes this was the modern world. It was ran in a rather classical styled military camp style at times, but it was still using modern techniques whenever possible. He worried the isolation would only exasperate the problems Hunter had. But maybe it wouldn't run like how Manny had always known them to run? But it made sense for the kind of person Hunter was now. Was he worth that much specialized effort? Logically no. But Manny was always hopeful to see a young lost soul recover from a worse lifestyle.


Hunter Monroe
Location: Education Center


It's amazing what an outside perspective could do to a person. A few stuck out to him as people spoke. Ashton hit hard. In the words he attempted to speak to Atticus, Hunter generally felt a lot of guilt and remorse for the crap he pulled. But he rarely knew how to word it, and in fewer cases he knew how to take the steps to fix the problems he created. But the way Ashton explained things felt like a punch to the gut. Hunter always had someone or something else to blame for his problems. Though he could acknowledged he had his own problems, he never addressed them or how they effected others around him. Even now after Ashton had pointed it out, he still couldn't completely wrap his head around the ideas that were now presented. Though it did make more sense then the thoughts Hunter had attempted to piece together himself. Though he still advocated to kick him out. Other's didn't, but they all seemed to have the same thought of he was too dangerous to be left out of sight. The Russian mother advocated for an execution comparing him to someone who had lost it and turned sour in the past. He tried to think who in his life he could hate as much as that woman seemed to hate him and the man she compared him towards?

But that was a short thought. Don. Not because the man had attempted to kill him. No definitely not that. Hunter had sat and had rather pleasant conversation with people who had tried to kill him in the past. No. Don and the people who followed him were a plague worse then the dead. Don hadn't tried to kill Hunter. He had invited him in and made Hunter one of his own, and now that was what that woman saw in Hunter despite his best efforts to destroy every semblance of that past. He had helped kill most of Don's crew, had tried to correct the wrongs he made while with Don, and he had paid for his crimes while tied to a post. Is that what they all saw? A step or two away from someone like that? Combined with rather aggressive reactions from his own overthinking and his lack of apparent remorse? No that was wrong again wasn't it. Even with the outside perspective on the person they saw him as his ability to have remorse on this was weak. He knew at this point he should had it. Maybe because he wasn't thinking specifics? Or due to the massive influx of information he was struggling to process? He couldn't be sure.

There were a lot more surprises for Hunter as things went on. He found himself surprised at just how many people, despite seeing his outbursts both in past and present advocated for him to stay. People wanting him out made sense, and it wasn't unlikely that maybe one or two people might push for him to stay but the amount that were was staggering to Hunter. Even Dolittle, with the clause that Izibell no longer stay in his care. Cage advocated for life in prison. It seemed the worst of the options presented. Even more so then the bullet to the head. Even Ted advocated for Hunter to stay which confused Hunter even more as he was pretty sure the last words he said to the man was "Fuck off". Human beings would forever confuse Hunter. Even Nikki advocated for him to stay. People wanting him dead or kicked out made sense to Hunter. Even those who wanted him held here to keep an eye on him made a little sense to him. But everyone else? He couldn't make sense of it. There was even the option thrown on the table to lock him in a ward for some time to see if he improves. That option was unsettling to Hunter more then anything. It was the option reserved for crazy people who were no longer stable enough to be with other people anymore. Was he really at that point? Maybe.

Time flew faster then Hunter realized. He had zoned out into his own thoughts trying to understand the full scale of his situation. He was snapped back into real space when Cage asked him about the restroom. At first Hunter shook his head, unable to make eye contact. He then hesitated, attempting to process things still and struggling. He then nodded still unable to look at Cage. Words. Use your bloody words. The thought ran through his mind as he attempted to think things through. "Yeah uhm.... yes please." He didn't need to use it int he traditional sense, but he needed a change of scenery to help clear his thoughts. Hunter entered the restroom without struggle like before resting his back against the wall and taking a few deep breaths to calm his nerves.

Cage stood the door like before with Joaquin watching him from inside to make sure he didn't fuck off or do something stupid. "So... thanks for not... well... shooting me. When I did all that on stage back there. Thanks." He wasn't sure how else to word it to the man. Joaquin had shown restraint in a situation where if the rolls were reversed Hunter likely would have had his gun drawn and sighted ready to fire. He still instinctively reached for where the handle of his shotgun used to be when he got startled. "That... that comment earlier wasn't meant to be..." He hesitated. He still wasn't totally sure how to clarify his thoughts to a man who he had antagonized. "I wasn't trying to imply that you or the people here were murdering psychopaths. It was..." More hesitation. He didn't know how to word his backwards thinking to a man who he barely knew who he was already on poor terms with. "Getting shot hurts. A lot. The comment was more of... well supposed to be... I just didn't want it to hurt if that made sense? Looking back I can see where that fucked up. I can see how that comment sounds now. Sorry dude." If he stayed, he'd imagine he'd have to have a lot of conversations like these. If he was smart, he would have gotten a head start while in lockup. God knows there was more then enough people there he had fucked things over with while there. Cage was on that list too, but he didn't even know where to begin with the man. He'd return without fight once he had a moment to calm down again and catch his breath.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Nigel Cooper
Location: Education Center (M)
Skills: N/A


It made an impact on Nigel the plebian pleads made by various members of Camp New Mexico, all aimed at Hunter in their varying degrees of condemnation and absolution, even if they didn't truly shake Nigel's values to the core. Those speaking their case for putting Hunter in a more favourable light, certainly the words of Alexander the old veteran and Nikki the presumable previous outcast of the settlement, were the most emotionally moving to him. The neo-Roman scratching his chin at their words, speaking like a true early-Christian prophet of the early Roman Empire. Forgiveness and the possible chances of redemption, those were the fates Hunter perhaps needed.

Those pleads were spoken in stark contrast to those who viewed this case in a manner Nigel would have supported whole-heartedly before. Amongst those were Thana, his Athenean mentor and inspiration at the camp. Nigel leaned forward on his seat, antipicating anything but the harsh reality-check that Thana slapped onto everyone's cheeks, Nigel included. He was shaken for a moment at her words, but slowly he began to nod in agreement to her words. Of everyone who'd spoken for or against Hunter, Nigel found himself agreeing with the Athenean conjurer of green life quite compelling.

It wasn't a question of mercy for one single individual. It was a question of keeping the community as a whole safe, and following their own codes of conduct. Giving Hunter special treatment would endanger both.

Nigel's eyes were stuck on Thana while she walked down the isle to sit down beside Ash, still feeling unsure of he should step up to speak. After all, what could he say that would chance the outcome of the trial? Things moved on as expected, and soon Tatiana the Scarred spoke the most harsh, yet truthful words. Nigel's old self would have agreed with her, tossing most modern sense of humanity aside in favour of surviving a world not made for Humanity. Perhaps not putting a bullet in Hunter's head, but still…

Sitting still at the edge of his seat, Nigel watched as the Council went to deliberate on Hunter's fate. Sheer suspense kept Nigel frozen to his seat. The answer, the final answer could not come any sooner. Turning to Ash and Thana at his side, Nigel sighed deeply as he spoke. "I suppose the die is already cast then, isn't it? Now we wait for Hunter's fate to be decided…I fear your words have spoken true, Thana. I suppose the time for wishful thinking is long overdue now?"


Alexander Polawski
Location: Education Center (M)
Skills: N/A


Alexander was frozen for a good moment. Like a deer standing locked on the spot before the bright headlights of a speeding car down the road, the old veteran's eyes were stuck on Hunter for the briefest of moments, even if they felt like a lifetime. Something about his face caught his attention, and the movement of his mouth struck him coldly down into his very core. The most modest pair of words ever strung together, even if they were without breath, would stick with Alexander for the remainder of his old days on this Earth. A brief nod towards Hunter and a good seat later was all the response the old veteran could muster.

A "Thank you", and Alexander felt himself strangely intertwined with the yound soldier with enough troubles to rival himself. A "Thank you" for a brief string of words, a feebly attempt at a defence, an audible prayer for another lost soul. Alexander had done all that he could in his position, and now the rest laid in the hands of the Council, the Dragon and God.

Alexander sat firmly seated in his chair, silently listening on and off to what the others would speak about Hunter. The cases were made both for and against him, to the surprise of no one. Even Alexander saw their points clear as day. He wasn't stupid after all…but…he couldn't allow himself to fall to the levels of Thana and Tatiana - the Russian lady who'd given him the calming reassurance he needed after The Episode - even if he agreed with their logic. Hunter had fucked up, plain and simple. Sergeant Jackson would have given Hunter an ass-whopping harder than the VC ever could have, and then some.

Now? Alexander found comfort in the words and presence of Manny, even if that presence was merely being seated next to him. Every little bit helped, didn't it? Freeman's words echoed through his own troubled mind, napalm-filled bombs shattering his train of thought every time he found himself dragged back to what Hunter reminded him of. Being locked up for six months under the watchful eye of a shrink? It sounded harsh…

Then again, perhaps that was Alexander had needed after all. Perhaps that is what would have helped him overcome all his troubles, fears and trauma from years of fucking up? Who knew? Perhaps being locked up for half a year could have forgiven him of his two biggest sins; shooting the two most important people in his life - Sergeant Jackson back in 'Nam, and his wife Judith of the coast of Florida...

...Either way, A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall...
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 21 hrs ago


Ash Holloway
Location: Education Center (M)
Skills: N/A


Ash recognized that Thana held the ethical high ground on this issue. Many of the others had spoken from points of hypothetical situations with varying, if questionably probable, outcomes, mostly drawing from personal experience. As for himself, Ashton had attempted objectivity with the focus being on what he felt would be best for the most people. A little cold perhaps, but as it stood as counterpoint to everyone else's stance, as everyone had uttered an argument to the contrary. Not just that; every argument up to that point had been structured in much the same way. However, the cold logical point Thana made was not only a different approach, but difficult to counter. And Ash agreed with it. Everyone signed on. Everyone agreed. Everyone had the opportunity to leave on more than one occasion if they didn't want to be a part of the community. When she was through speaking and came to sit next to him, Ash read the room (so to speak) and gave her a simple look of admiration and, like her, remained seated with his attention on the stage and those who were upon it.

Following this, subsequent speakers came and went. Nikki's testimony was predictable, and like others was colored by sentiment. Though she did provide an interesting alternative: probation with immediate expulsion upon violation. Perhaps there was some merit. Perhaps not, it was not Ash's place to say. Freedman was up next. His viewpoint (as Ash understood it) might have been the moral side of the ethical coin from which Thana had just spoken earlier. The problem was that they didn't agree with one another. Ash gave consideration to the concept that morality and ethic weren't quite the same thing despite some overlap. Both views held merit and he honestly could not refute either. Still, his own stance on the issue was voiced. If fell closer to Thana's than to Freedman's.

Shakespeare gave his own answer which, while far more histrionic than he preferred, was also rather predictable. The term vanquishment was interesting, translatable from English to English by means of context. Thankfully, his part was short. Experience and the voiced opinions of others told Ash that, literally given a stage upon which to speak, this might have turned into a full, iambic pentameter sonnet.

The big moment came from Tatiana. Not quite a surprise, from his point of view. He knew of the changes which had come over the woman. The more surprising part of this was that she actually voiced her more cutthroat nature in front of others. Moreover, Ash had a few of his own feelings in agreement with Tati. The thought of Richard did come up, though he decided as he spoke that it might muddy the waters by demonstrating specific, subjective motivation. And he did worry that showing this side of herself all at once might also target her by those who sought to assess risks. Her passing words to Ash were noted. When their eyes met, he gave her a mild, barely perceptible nod of comprehension. Ash understood what she was getting at. Richard was a threat, left to his own devices, and he became akin to an infection within their community. The biggest difference from Hunter here was that Richard attempted subtlety when he could. He tried to pretend to fit in, all the while working to his own devices at the expense of others.

CMB had their own way of handling things. If Ash felt that it should be handled differently, it was a matter of working through the system to effect change, barring a sudden change in circumstances or an emergency. He was about to see just how they were going to handle it.

Ash looked to Thana, following the announcement of deliberations. He did not want to downplay what had happened. Simultaneously, he did not wish to address it directly, either. He blew out a breath and shook his head slightly. "Woah," he whispered. Continuing, Ash nodded to the stage, quietly inquiring, "How long do you think they'll be?" It was an important decision to make, but with clear cut parameters. He could see it going either way. If it would be a while, Ash wouldn't mind a temporary change of location. That aside, sticking with Thana was priority. If she was staying put, so was he.


Thalia Carmichael
Location: Education Center (M)
Skills: Stealth


Thalia debated holding up a hand for Tatiana to high-five on her way back to her seat, preferably with an utterance of "Damn, girl!" Two things prevented this. The first was better judgement. The second was that the slightly out-of-the-way seat Thalia selected for herself wasn't between the stage and ballerina mom's spot. Mostly that first one, though. Nevertheless, the thought did cross her mind.

Her brother's words were also present in Thalia's thoughts. Less pressing, certainly. This time around, she got the odd impression that between the two of them, they both had a finite amount of words they could share. Maybe that was why she had longish bouts of quiet - Joaquin had already used up everything from their word pool and she didn't have a good selection left. Or perhaps it was the other way around and because of her spartan use of verbiage, Joaquin was forced to compensate by burning through the syllables before the pool could refresh. A mental shrug later, and Thalia found herself giving less of a shit about it in the face of more important observations.

Observation Number One: They were adjourning for a little bit. Observation Number Two: A man's life, quite possibly, was at stake here. And finally, Observation Number Three: The Mess Hall was probably serving supper at that time.

Conclusions drawn from this, thanks to her earlier profession as a Security Specialist - This might be a deliberation that would take some time, owing to the serious nature of the outcome. So there was probably more than enough time to scoot down and grab a sandwich or something and get back. To say that she could eat right then was like saying that the sky was blue or water was wet. Of course she could eat. And she was going to.

Thalia figured that discretion was the better part of valor here, and settled on making a nice, quiet exit from the room, disturbing absolutely nothing and no one in the process. This was the plan, anyway. Reality decided to take a Super Soaker full of kerosene to her and ask her to hold an ignited road flare for a minute or two. What started out as her deftly rising from her seat turned into an interesting vision, mimicking the very best outtakes of "Epileptics On Ice" as her sleeve got tangled around the arm of the chair. Not expecting this, Thalia shifted her weight to prevent a tragic fall, rapidly bending at the waist even as she spun around. Balance being an important thing, she wound up accidentally tapping her favorite head on the seat back, not really doing much in the way of damage except for smacking her as yet unhealed facial laceration. Giving a quick yelp of surprise and alarm, sounding very much like "...gahfuckshit!" she slapped her flesh hand to the side of her face, not knowing how bad the bleeding was about to get. It wasn't actually all that bad, but it took her mind away from the internal pressure that had been building up in her abdomen. Between that and the bowed position she found herself in due to a severe lack of luck, a vicious, goose-barking sound erupted from the back of her borrowed pants, finding just the right pitch and direction to catch the room's acoustics in such a way as to amplify the sound of her gaseous expulsion many times over. It echoed. Angrily.

The decision was made, and quite reflexively, to rise and turn, just to see if anyone noticed. Call it denial. When it was evident that there was no escaping this brand of fresh hell, Thalia simply gave up. "Ah right, then!" she called, "I'm just gonna ...sneak outtah heah... and get me a sandwich. Yah heard me. Sneak." She began walking toward the exit. "Heah I go." It was quite possible that she couldn't actually get embarrassed, but she could be relatively pissed off at failing something so basic when, not too amazingly long ago, it was something she had mastered.

"Β‘La madre que te pariΓ³!" she growled, putting the door between herself and everyone else.
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