Images can be found at @DaisyCosplay on twitter
General Information:
- Name: Faye Hayward
- Gender Identity Female
- Age: 18
- Sexual Orientation: Heterossexual / Curious
- Species: Human (Half-Fae)
- Agent of the OMR?: Yes, recently recruited.
- Reason to be chosen for the mission: Was chosen despite being a new recruit due to her unique abilities.

- Height: 5'2" (1,57m)
- Weight: Secret!
- Eye Color: Heterochromia (Right eye is green and the left one is blue)
- Hair Color: Ginger.
- Personal Style: Faye often wears light clothes, favoring comfortable and easy to move with. Her style is undeniably all over the place. Dynamic and unpredictable, much like Faye herself, she can be found wearing punk-ish clothes, with her signature splash of colors or even light, summer dresses. While Faye does, sometimes wear rather revealing clothes it is not because she wants to show her body (especially since she doesn't really care about doing so), but simply because they're comfortable and easy to move with, which coupled with seems to be one of the main things she looks for when buying new clothes, other than being 'cute'. She absolutely loathes formal clothes.
Faye has a very cheerful and carefree behavior. Her energetic, curious and rather innocent personality coupled with those aspects and the fact that she is a rather whimsical and unpredictable girl make her a person that you either love or hate, most of the times, having no in between. Always moving and having a problem with both staying quiet and obeying 'orders', she can indeed be quite problematic to deal with or to keep under control. On the other hand though, she can be a very sweet girl, caring about how others feel and even trying to cheer them up if they're feeling down. While Faye has no problems being by herself, she also does like being around people, even being rather talkative due to her curiosity if people give her attention. She is also very easy to approach and befriend.
Even though Faye can be a bit of an airhead and easily distracted, she is surprisingly intelligent when the situation asks her to be. Due to her personality if someone doesn't keep an eye on her, she can and will wander away to do her own things if they don't manage to keep her attention. Needless to say, despite her strong abilities, she is quite a handful to be kept under control, both due to her 'free' nature and her habit to use her ability freely. The fact that she doesn't respond well to people being aggressive or hostile with her is also a bit problematic. Although she isn't someone that easily resorts to violence, she will retaliate if the situation shows unavoidable. It is a known fact that she can be bribed by things she is interested in though.
Magical Abilities and Skills:
- Flexibility and Acrobatics: Due to Faye having trained at the gym since she was young, she developed a very flexible body, being able to perform acrobatics without much trouble.
- Dexterity and Agility: Again due to Faye's childhood having being spent mostly running, climbing on trees and on the gym, her body, albeit not suited to hand to hand combat (both due to her size, weight and being rather fragile in that aspect) is fast, agile and dexterous, which is further enhanced by her light and petite body frame.
- Cooking: Surprisingly, Faye does like to cook and became quite good at it (after creating a few dozen dishes that could be considered a bio-hazard for anyone tasting it). Especially making sweets and deserts, since those are things that she likes the most.
- Artistic Talent: Faye's creativity coupled with the few classes she took when she was young gave her a wide array of artistic talents. From singing and playing the piano to drawing and painting.
- Fae Blood: While being a Half-Fae makes Faye highly sensitive to magic and being able to control her own magic almost instinctively and thus, being able to use her abilities freely, it also affects her negatively. Exposure to high concentrations of dark magic or any kind of magic that is contrary to more natural types of magic does have a very negative mental impact on Faye, making her feel incredibly uncomfortable and getting worse the closer she gets to said magic source and according to it's intensity. Depending on these variables it can get bad to the point that it begins affecting Faye not only mentally, but making her feel physically bad and weak, making her unable to use her magic properly.
The user can immediately and freely teleport itself anywhere in a range of 20m in a sphere around itself. It can be only used up to three times in quick succession, having to wait at least three seconds before being able to use them again. While the user can blink someone together with them the user makes physical contact with said person, the limit for consecutive jumps becomes only one, due to the added effort of blinking someone else than just the user. Additionally, the user can also blink small inanimate objects touched by them, such as knifes, spikes, stones or anything else, shooting them towards their target at a high speed (About the same speed of a modern, low caliber gun with subsonic ammo), which consists in the only offensive capability of this power, which is normally only used for mobility.
The user can tear open portals, linking one place in the space to another. The transmission is immediate and whatever it was transported keeps the same speed and momentum that entered the portal. While opening small portals (up to the size of a person) from short to medium distances is instantaneous, opening portals for longer distances and bigger portals (in size) do take a bit of time and require concentration from the caster to keep working. The effort needed to keep the portal open also gets higher if a big number people or things go through it. Differently from her blink though, it does require either line of sight or previous knowledge of the location the portal will be opened to.
- Weighted Steel Spikes: Simple, common weighted steel spikes without anything special. Used by Faye as projectiles by using her blink ability.
- Combat Knife: Simple, standard use combat knife.
Born in London as the youngest daughter of an old and prestigious family, Faye was raised in the Hayward's family estate, an incredibly old mansion in Knightsbridge. Starting her education early, the Hayward family hoped that she would follow her older sister Victoria's steps, who was seen as a model daughter, intelligent, talented and polite. In the beginning, her education was coming out nicely, with her showing a remarkable aptitude to learn and even showing interest in magic, thanks to her older sister's influence, whom often told her bedtime stories while using ice magic to make small ice sculptures of the characters and locations.
Everything changed when Faye went to visit the small mansion the family had near the Dartmoor National park, which was often used on holidays and vacations. When she was going for a small evening walk with her mother and her older sister, Faye simply disappeared when she stopped to pick a flower on a bush near the trail they were walking. The incident was an incredibly strange one. There was no track left behind, no noise or anything strange. Faye had simply disappeared. Despite her family's efforts to find her, contacting even the authorities and even trying to use magic to locate her, they had no success even after two entire weeks, when the authorities stopped searching for Faye and began searching for a body. After four weeks of search, when the efforts had already began to die, Faye was finally found. Strangely enough, the young Faye was found standing nearby the same place she disappeared a month ago, wearing the same clothes, which were strangely clean and even more strangely, decorated with vines, flowers and wearing a small crown of fresh flowers over her head. Other than her clothes, a few other changes were noticed on her appearance, like her hair, which was now a vivid ginger and her previously brown eyes, which had changed colors, one to green and the other to blue. She was strangely calm for the situation she was in, almost as if she was happy and excited instead of being afraid.
While the Haywards were ecstatic that her youngest daughter had been found, on the first days of her return, it became apparent that something had changed on Faye, more than just her appearance. Being much more active than she was before, mischievous and whimsical, Faye was nothing like the well behaved, quiet child she was before, almost as if she was a different person. When previously Faye would ask Victoria to tell her stories, now Faye was the one who told them. Faye's eyes had a wild, untamed glow to them as she told her family stories about the fairies she met while she was in the woods and how they had invited them to where they lived. Her parents already had a suspicion of what was happening, but it was only confirmed when her sister, Victoria, discovered how Faye seemed to be everywhere in the house at once, catching her on the act just after she had left her on her room, arriving on the kitchen just in time to see Faye suddenly appearing near the dining table, trying to steal one of the freshly baked cookies their mother had vehemently warned them that they were for the afternoon tea. Knowing what Faye was now capable of doing, her mother and her father finally came to a conclusion. The stories about Fae blood running in the family turned out to be true... It was indeed true that they had Fae blood in their veins and apparently, it was incredibly strong on Faye, enough for her to be called a Half-Fae.
It was very hard for the Haywards to get used to not only what Faye was now, but her new personality. She was incredibly energetic, vibrant and happy. While they were happy to see their daughter having such fun and shining so brightly every day, it was undeniable that she had inherited more than just the magic from her Fae blood. The month she had spent with them made her see the world more like how they see it and less how humans do. Whimsical, mischievous and untamed, Faye was an impossible child to keep under control. Dresses and more formal clothes would often end up in tatters in an astounding speed as she climbed trees to eat the fruits, chased butterflies and even got out to play in the rain. Not only that, but the child was especially troublesome, since she would use her ability freely on her day to day. Her parents had to get... creative to educate her... After all, it was really hard to keep someone who could freely blink around 'grounded'...
As Faye grew up, her parents slowly got used to dealing with her and found out that the best thing they could do was to give her as much freedom as they could, while providing her many different activities for her to use her energy and creativity... Otherwise it was almost certain she would somehow get herself into trouble. Thanks to the many activities they put Faye into, such as gymnastics, painting, athletics, they managed to at least make her attend normal education. If one was capable to somehow deal with her rather short attention span, she showed herself to be a surprisingly good student. Especially on subjects she was interested on. As she grew older though, her unique situation, coupled with the strange news of her disappearance years ago, finally caught the attention of the OMR, which requested her presence to study her situation, test and register her magic's limits and possibly offer her a career if she was interested. Encouraged by her family and without any reason to reject the offer, Faye moved to Germany when she completed 18 years in order to present herself to the OMR, both for the tests and registration and to apply as a potential recruit.
Other Information
- Sweets
- Moving herself (Gymnastic, running, climbing and exercising in general)
- Singing and Dancing
- Cooking (and seeing people enjoying the food she made)
- Experiencing new things (both places, activities or meeting new people).
- Places with high concentration of natural magic.
- Having to stay for too long in the same place without doing anything.
- Arrogant people.
- Being ordered around and not being able to do what she wants.
- Dark or other types of 'negative' magic of any kind.
Miscellaneous Information
- Even though her parents are still in London, her sister Victoria often travels around Europe due to family business, being the heiress of the Hayward family. She often sends small gifts for Faye when she isn't able to visit her.
- Much to her co-workers' dismay (or anyone who constantly is around Faye), she often likes playing tricks on others, mainly due to the influence of her Fae blood.
- Faye has a very good relationship with the Fairies due to both her heritage, her blood and the fact that she spent a month under their care. Thanks to that and to how close she is from natural magic, most deities with natural origins, even the more 'recluse' ones might see her as much 'closer' to themselves than normal humans.