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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 7 days ago

Kuroi, Sivaros, Slick, & Mikazuki

The very moment Kuroi had entered The Nest, he already received many glares - some threatening, others envious. He instantly went to the bar to order food for himself and the princess. As one could imagine, he was already quite vigilant of his belongings and of the rough rabble near him. He already expected someone to try and play hardball with him and thus made sure to keep his eyes and hands to himself. Unfortunately, in due time, this would fall out of his control.

The Nest was quite the lively place, even for it being so early in the morning. Who would have thought that so many would start drinking so early in the day? It truly baffled Mika, but she supposed with the condition of the area the Nest was located she couldn’t blame people for wanting to drink away their sorrows. It was at this moment that her attention was caught by a strange-looking man entering the tavern. Is that a- Her train of thought was cut off as someone yanked the hood down off of her. ”Well, well. What do we have here? You’re a pretty little thing aren’t you.” Mika’s eyes moved to the weasel Demi-Human that had now decided to take a seat next to her. There was no expression on her face as she just blinked and stared at the man for a moment.

”I don’t have time for this.” She sighed as she stood up and went to make her way towards Slick, but the weasel caught her wrist. ”Now hold on just a moment. I wasn’t done talking to you.” Mika paused, looked down at her wrist, then looked back at the man. Her expression seemed cool and calm, but there was a dark look in her eyes now.

”I would advise you to let go. Please.” The man began saying something else, but she didn’t hear what he was saying as she swiftly punched him in the nose. She felt mild pain in her hand as she did it, but she ignored this as she heard the satisfying crunch of the man’s nose. She’d succeeded in getting him to let go and began walking away again, but she didn’t realize this guy had a buddy. A large elephant man grappled her, lifting her up off the ground. ”Hey!” She yelled as she began kicking and squirming, but to no avail. ”Let me go, you half-witted oversized pachyderm!” This wasn’t good.

From one of the corners of the room, there sat a very relaxed man with his feet up on a table and surveying the Nest with a rather pleased grin on his face. Sivaros Talomyr was tasked with finding and protecting Princess Mikazuki so he could escort her to meet with his kin. However, when he came across a charming little establishment there was simply no way he could resist paying it a visit. Fortunately, he was provided with a coat that would hide his armour from more knowing glares.

The Bladedancer had been spending most of his day trying his luck with various potential flirts and of course, spending the little money he was given on sampling as many different Roshimian wines and spirits as he could afford when suddenly a brand new commotion had caught his eye as hair like snow spilled into view. The Elf would rather nonchalantly rise up from his seat before weaving between the crowd of patrons almost seamlessly. As he got closer, he realised that the young woman he had been charged to protect had managed to land right next to him! Unfortunately, he was hoping not to meet Mikazuchi again like this.

Getting closer to the elephant, Siv would pick up his pace as he plotted his path forward. It was time to make a dynamic entry worthy of a great swordsman! Sivaros would find a route to a nearby table before leaping forth, using the littered table as a springboard to deliver a flying kick to the back of the brute’s head. As he landed, he would get up and roll his neck in preparation for a fight while ignoring the irritated protests of those who were sitting at the now knocked-over table. ”Y’know… you should really pick on someone your own size.” He would greet the thugs with a cocky smirk.

Kuroi was still at the bar when he heard the princess cry out for help. He heard a powerful thud impact the back of someone’s neck as he turned to see someone attempting to rescue her. That was enough of a distraction for him to work off of, luckily. Thank the gods that man’s sidekick wasn’t enough to topple the gargantuan man over and crush Princess Mikazuki.

He began to move throughout the crowd, keeping one hand on his money purse. Kuroi slowly sped up his pace until he neared the elephant demihuman and met eyes with him. The fox planted one hand down on the wooden floor and kicked his legs up to propel himself into a cartwheel. One foot flew behind the elephant demihuman’s legs while the other stayed at his hips’ level. Kuroi torqued his hips powerfully into the man’s legs, sweeping him off the feet and powerfully slamming him backwards into the table behind him. Hopefully, he’d hit his head on the way down too.

Due to the nature of the technique, the princess would likely be much safer as opposed to her captor toppling forward and crushing her. With the very momentum of the cartwheel takedown, Kuroi easily stood back up onto his feet, wiping his hand against his kimono.

Kuroi at the Tavern

”I’m afraid she’s under my protection. You best scurry off before I snap your neck out of place.” threatened Kuroi. All the while Mika was pulling herself off the ground after having been pulled by the elephant man when he fell backwards. She brushed herself off before looking up and now seeing Sivaros.

”Siv! I’d wondered if they would have sent you as protection.” She said happily as she hopped over the elephant man and attacked the elven man with a hug. It had been awhile since she’d seen him, but despite it she considered him a friend. The hug had caught Sivaros off-guard at first but he would return the gesture in kind with a smile on his face.

”I thought it was with you when that punk pulled down your hood. How long has it been, two years?” The Elf mused despite the environment surrounding the two.

The general area around Kuroi went mostly silent, staring down at one of Roshmi City’s champions. His face was recognized even by the lowest of society, and thus, to Kuroi’s expectations, he heard the sound of a blade being drawn from its scabbard behind him. The vulpine pivoted, slamming the back of his forearm down against the furred arm that held a small dagger. The impact of forearm against forearm was enough to prevent the incoming attack, allowing Kuroi to close in and capture hold of what seemed to be a lion demihuman’s arm. Forcing him into an armbar, Kuroi bared his fangs at his much taller, much stronger opponent. The moment the lion began to resist, the fox jumped high into the air, keeping a hold of his arm.

And thus, one of the nastiest sounds to ever grace The Nest was heard among the nearby audience. Even Slick managed to pause briefly from drinking to look.

Kuroi had slammed one of his knees down against the elbow, resulting in an ugly arm break the moment the lion slammed onto the ground. Bone penetrated the lion’s flesh, resulting in the entire incapacitation of the arm. As if nothing had happened, Kuroi slowly rose to his feet and brushed the dust off his kimono.

“Now then...I suggest that if anyone else wants to have a try at me to group up into teams. What would be a smarter idea for you lot is to let me get my food and sit down though…” announced the fox champion to his nearby watchers. It seems Kuroi had full intent to mock the tavern patrons gawking at him.

While still hugging Sivaros, Mika turned to catch the tail end of Kuroi’s fight and flinched a little as she watched the lion’s arm break.

"LIKE FUCKIN' HELL! Your halfwit elf boy spilt me food and me drink!" One blonde-bearded dwarf shouted while another had a hand on his shoulder, recognizing Kuroi. The vulpine was watching everything slowly go to Hell all around him. He let out a sigh as he noticed the Princess in the company of Sivaros, whom he assumed to be her contact. Hopefully he’d do a good job keeping her safe. There was safety in numbers after all. Kuroi turned to look at the rather angry dwarf, raising an eyebrow at him before paying him no heed.

“Silence, manlet. Last I remember, a drunkard isn’t so stupid to go up against someone who they know will plant them straight into the ground.” A rather hypocritical comment from the short fox boy but it was still likely enough to further enrage the dwarf.

The angry blonde dwarf's kin whispered something that seemed inaudible, but whatever it was caused the already pissed off patron to turn red. Mika could feel the tension beginning to rise along with the anger of this dwarf, but what caught her attention was someone else standing behind the bar… it was the squirrel girl who looked like she was about to jump up and down in excitement. Wait, did she want this to happen?

"I don't give a damn if he is the champion of being an Ergen fucker! Him and his elf boy are gonna pay for our drinks and food AND THEN WE WILL SIT DOWN AN-"

"Are you gonna shut up and hit the fox man or not? If not, pipe down and sit down… Always the short ones with the bad tempers, I swear." Slick shrugged, taking a shot of whatever Floopa the bartender had recommended.

”Well this isn’t good…” As if on cue, the dwarf threw another patron's mug of mead at the man who’d caught Mika’s eye earlier. The contents of the thrown glass mug showered several people before hitting the bar counter between Slick and an orc that already appeared to be having the roughest day of his life. The glass shattered, with a small shard grazing Slick's hand.

"FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT! Free drinks to the winner!" Flloofa announced, instigating a massive brawl. All hell was about to break loose.

Mika looked back at Sivaros, but her gaze quickly moved to something else.

”Behind you!” She yelled as she swiftly grabbed a plate off a nearby table, throwing it like a frisbee at the snake demi-human coming for Sivaros.

The Bladedancer would quickly jerk his head to the side to allow the Princess a clear shot at the snake, who now had ceramic shards buried in their face, before finally relinquishing the hug. He’d glance over to the fox who had seemed to garner his own reputation with some of the unsavoury sort. ’You really couldn’t get this kind of fun back home.’ He thought to himself before facing the new opponent as the entire tavern plunged into chaos. ”I hope your new friend has taught you some tricks over the years. Stick behind me, Princess. You are now officially my char-” The man was interrupted by the snake who lashed out in a fit of rage. Lunging forth, he was full of openings to exploit.

Dropping to his right, Sivaros dipped beneath the left side of his opponent before easily tripping the demi-human up who proceeded to tumble to the ground in a grand crash. ”Oh, you get the idea! Ooh!” The Elf would call out before being distracted by half a mug of ale which was now freshly unattended, finding a brief moment to take a swig amidst the confusion.

Over by the bar, Slick was looking up at the blonde dwarf from earlier being suspended up by the pissed off orc's grip on his collar.

"This is exactly why you only pick on folk your own size. I mean come on, what did you think was going to happen when you assaulted the big fella?" Slick egged on from his barstool as the place erupted in a brawl. "I reckon you toss 'im like he did that damn mug. I think he'd go quite far too!" Slick instigated drawing the friend of the dwarf's attention. It's too bad for the other one that the orc took Slick's advice.

Kuroi had turned back around and started to casually bob, weave, and parry strikes that came at him directly or as a result of mindless flailing. The most important thing to him right now was getting his food and drink, regardless of whether or not the tavern’s patrons had lost their mind. As he leaned against the tavern, he suddenly met eyes with a rather angry-looking crocodile Demihuman. “A champion of the city decided to visit its lower citizens on this fine day? You’re either looking for trouble or trying to say you’re better than us!” Exclaimed the crocodile man with a raspy voice.

Kuroi’s eyes narrowed in annoyance, a blank look on his face as he began to go through the same conversation he had gone through every time he ‘dared’ show his face in the poorer parts of town. “If you’re going to run your mouth because of envy, then feel free to after I’ve gotten my meal. Otherwise, sod off.” the fox said before looking back at the crocodilian bartender, hoping he’d be able to get his and the princess’ meal soon.

Unfortunately for the vulpine, he only further enraged the crocodile man, causing an arm to lash out at him and grab him by the neck. As he felt tension on his neck, he grabbed onto the crocodile man’s arm. Kuroi began to audibly gag as he let the grip on him tighten. Once he was sure he was about to pass out, he suddenly jumped up into the air, kicking his legs up and slamming them down on the Demihuman’s chest and arm. Both Kuroi and his newfound opponent were on the ground, resulting in an ugly growl from the crocodile man as he was put into a painful armbar.

Kuroi’s eyes glanced down at his opponent’s free hand and his waist. “Reach for a weapon and you’ll never use this arm again. Pull it out and I’ll cut the artery running through your arm.” he threatened, waiting for the crocodile man’s response. After seconds of silence, Kuroi decided that the man had complied. Rolling back up onto his feet, Kuroi looked around at the nearby bar patrons before grabbing onto the meals meant for him and the princess. He ignored the jeering from the crocodile man who, rightfully, felt quite humiliated after daring to lay a hand on one of the city’s champions.

Kuroi reached into his pouch and dropped the necessary amount of Amas to pay for the meals before walking back through the barroom brawls towards an empty table.

”I just want to eat for gods’ sake… grumbled Kuroi.

Shaking her head, Mika laughed a little at Sivaros as she watched him take a swig of some random drink. She then glanced over at Slick that was now telling an Orc to throw the dwarf from moments ago. There was absolute chaos now, Kuroi was...getting food? Well she did suppose that’s why he wanted to stop here in the first place anyways. They were grabbing too much attention, however, and they needed to leave soon.

”As fun as this is, Siv, we need to leave. There are too many eyes on us.” She didn’t look back at Sivaros as she spoke, however, as she plotted out her next course of action. ”That being said, I need to go do something really quick. Be right back!” With that she hopped up on a table and took off towards the bar, jumping over people in the process.

One man tried to drunkenly grab at her, falling forward in the process, and she easily jumped over him, using his back as leverage to propel her further forward. Slick had removed his stetson and was cheering as the Orc threw the Dwarf and this helped Mika confirm he wasn’t an elf at very least, making her theory more plausible. Her eyes then fell on a red panda Demi-Human who was about to throw a punch at the man while he wasn’t looking. She made it just in time to catch the panda by the wrist, redirecting the punch and using his own momentum to throw him into a table, bouncing his head off the table.

"Whoa!" Slick reacted. He was steadily feeling the effects of the drink Floofa had given him. His attention now on Mika, he greeted warmly "Howdy." He let loose smoothly.

Mika stood back up and looked at Slick, giving him a quick smile. ”Hey, hi there. So, uh, I hate to break it to you, but I know what you are and it’s only a matter of time before others realize as well. Unfortunately some here aren’t gonna be too fond of you being here and the likeliness of them trying to kill you is kinda high.” She was rambling, why was she rambling? This was NOT the way to convince someone to come with you.

"Uhh… What?" Slick had no idea what Mika was going on about, but he did hang on the words of 'them trying to kill you is kinda high' and so he made an attempt at listening to her. However, Mika's attention was caught briefly as she watched Floopa putting something into someone's food and drink.

”Also I think she may have drugged your drink.” She sounded a little surprised as she pointed at the squirrel woman who, in turn, replied with, ”What?! No, I would never!” She was clearly hiding something behind her back.

Drugged. My. Drink? I said strong drink not spiked! No wonder I feel like I got a dose of some peyote! Good grief. I hope you know I ain't paying for… damn it. The world is just… meltin' away."

Mika shook her head as if to clear it and kicked herself a bit. ”Sorry, let me start over. Hi, I’m Mika and if you like living then I suggest you follow me.” Simple and to the point, but all Slick heard was. ”Worry not, lover. High time we meet uh, and if you like lovin' then I suggest you follow me.”She then looked to where Kuroi had sat down ready to eat.

"Sure thing missy." Slick followed while trying not to trip over himself.

”Kuroi we’ve gotta go. Leave the food, it’s drugged anyways. We’ll get something else along the way.” She yelled to the vulpine.

A nasty glare came from the fox as he looked over at the princess before he stood up, sighing in defeat as he took the plates of food with him. As he passed by a couple of rowdy patrons, he slammed both of the plates into their faces before continuing to the door. “...Let’s go then…” Kuroi nodded before he slipped out of the tavern and awaited for the princess (and whoever else) to follow.

Note to self, always feed the fox… Mika thought to herself as she watched Kuroi smash the plates into a couple people’s faces. Her eyes then landed on Siv who had moved on to another random drink and she sighed. ”Come on.” She said to Sivaros as she grabbed his collar and dragged him with her, finally exiting the bar shortly after Kuroi.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 5 days ago

Time: 10am
Location: Malthemoor - Inside the main castle
Interactions: Vrexen @FunnyGuy
Mentions: Basilian @Alivefalling and Amarantha @Tae

As Myra followed him, hearing the banter between the two soldiers as they spoke with Vrexen. While she didn't know a lot of things, she was slowly piecing things back together. He did say she was his 'sister' a lot, even though she had never met him and judging on how the guards said something about Vrexen being hated, Myra couldn't help but start to ask herself if that extended to her as well.

Even though Myra was camouflaged and moving herself as cautiously as possible, just being nearby the dark skinned people already made her on edge. She never really understood why they made her so on edge, especially since she always avoided contact with them, but it was almost as if something inside her head refused to see them as anything other than a threat. As Myra followed Vrexen and the guards inside the city, despite how nervous Myra was, she couldn't help but be amazed on how big the city was, despite being completely underground. Unfortunately, the fact that every single one of the dark skinned people was armed made Myra even more aware of how dangerous was that place and quickly forgetting about how amazing the city was.

Entering the main castle though, Myra's became even more nervous and on edge. Not only they said that they were going to meet a 'two headed dragon', and Myra knew how dangerous dragons were, there was something else... A very intense sense of foreboding. So much that even as Vrexen waited for him to be allowed to meet the 'dragon', Myra felt that she absolutely shouldn't go any further than where she was right now. Entering the dark skin people's city was already going against her instincts, but now they were speaking louder than ever. Staying as close as possible to either the door, a window or any opening she could use to flee from the castle, Myra waited to see what would happen next.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Time:10 AM
Location:Ironhold Gakhumi’s Tavern
Equipment: basic travel pack, medical pack, foot soldier armor, foot soldier shield and weapons.

Arn had questions. So many questions. It had made the miles he marched from his father’s estate to the Dwarven capital of Ironhold pass by unnoticed. Why had his father, or at least the person who he had always known as his father, and his mother kept his true lineage secret? Why had his birth father sent him away? Why now, after all these years, had he been summoned to occupy a void left by the recent death of the crown prince, who apparently was his brother.

A frustrated grunt escaped the young dwarf as he adjusted his pack. He was smart enough to know that he may never get any answers or if he did, he may not like them. Was it smarter to be blissfully oblivious? With another exasperated sigh he continued on his journey. The imposing high walls of Ironhold in the distance.

He had never been there before. As a common foot soldier, he had been relegated to forts and outposts. His father’s, Thur, estate had been the closest thing he had to visiting a noble household. Now he was to live at the royal castle? The medic shook his head. This was too much. How, by all the gods, was he even supposed to even know what to do? Most officers received some sort of fork and knife training that taught them how to behave and act amounts polite company.

The young Battlehamer (should he start calling himself Mountainspine?) had only even achieved his rank as corporal because he was skilled in the healing arts. If he had only revealed the he was also a prodigy at martial arts, then his rank and authority might have been higher. As it was, he already suffered the benefits and drawback of being Thur Battlehammer’s son. He just wanted to be treated like any normal dwarf.

“Well I can kiss that goodbye now.” He muttered sarcastically to himself. “Shit, now I am some sort of prince?” He groaned, his mind heavier that the normal 70lbs gear pack he carried. When he had been told the story and summoned to the capital, the young dwarf had been at a loss on what to take. So he decided to stick to his training and just packed as if he was going on mission.

The road began to fill with other travelers the closer he got to the city. Mainly dwarven kind but there were other mixed in there. It was no secret the dwarven city was a perfect hub for merchants seeking to trade in expensive metals, weapons, armor or any other type of metallurgy. Some took a look or two in his direction but he was mainly left alone apart from some travel greetings.

This is how Arn had wanted it. The emissary had offered to escort him to Ironhold but the young corporal had needed time to think so he opted to walk instead and forego any sort of spotlight that an armed escort might provide. He also did this out of safety.
The crown prince had recently been killed. If a half blood like himself had been summoned then that meant that there was no one else, any one else, that could take the throne. It was well known that the late Queen had only borne him the one son. There were sure to be assassin on the look to further weaken the kingdom or even an inside rival wanting to establish a coup. Either way, the less attention he drew to himself the better for all involved, even his mother and adopted father.

But his kind was loud, boisterous and given to unnecessary violence. He was not daft. He knew that in this world it was kill or be killed. However, he knew that unlike animals, sentient being are able to talk their differences out…for the most part. If fighting was inevitable, it would be the last option he ever reached for. He groaned again louder than he intended, making a few passers by look in his direction.

He realized that he was walking into a hornet’s nest. The dwarves were sure to demand revenge and war following the death of the crown prince. Arn could not bring himself to refer to him as his brother. Was the plan merely to bring him in and make him the flag to rally around as he led them to war? If he refused or offered an alternative would they listen? What acceptable alternative could he offer?
The young medic shook his head. It was more tired that his body after all that thinking and rabbit hole chasing. He was used to the strain of marching 60 or more miles in full gear. He was used to the aching of your feet and walking them raw. The young soldier could swear he was taller when he joined the military, but all that walking with gear on felt like it had compacted his spine.

He would gladly march with double gear, bootless in armor made of sand paper rather than assume a title he had never wanted and was not trained for. But, what if he was able to prevent war? Would it not be worth it to suffer if thousands could be saved? He let out a long destitute sigh. His eyes looked up to see the towering gates of the imposing wall that defended the dwarven capital. He took his first steps towards an unknown future.

Time skip to that evening.

The young medic sat on the wooden chair that seemed to have been repaired many times. It leaned to the side obviously pointing to the fact that it had been repaired in expectation that it would break again. Understandable as dwarven taverns were often the locations of brawls. As one would expect after finding out that you are the ill conceived son of the King who needs you to step up because the brother you never knew just got killed and now you are the next in line to lead the nation, the young dwarf needed a drink.
He set his gear to the side of his table. The king, a poster child for what a dwarf should be, Rough, stern, full of battle scars and grumpy, had ordered him to go to Riverport. He was to meet with one named Annya. Not just any Annya but THE Annya from the Sun Elf kingdom. From the time he stepped out of the castle’s doors he was on a test. He was to prove himself in being worthy to be the next leader of the kingdom.

Arn had not even wanted to be the heir to begin with and now he had to leave everything he had always know to earn the right to do the thing he did not want to do. He groaned again. Luckily his mean had just arrived. He was not a heavy drinker but he felt that one or two pints were applicable. He downed the first in one gulp. The honey taste lingering in his tonge as much as the foam that had fallen from the tankard lingered in his beard.

He wiped his beard quickly and burped into the crook of his elbow unlike any of his kin. He reached for the second tankard and without knowing, he would say out loud for anyone to hear.

“What the hell am I even going to say to Annya Biren when I meet her. Am I even going to be able to meet her?” he shook his head in hopelessness. He grabbed the tankard and took a swig of it. “This sucks…” The young dwarf’s concerns were masked by the loud and rowdy nature of the tavern.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Th3King0fChaos
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Th3King0fChaos The Weird

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Time: 10 am
Interactions: Annya @princess, Raven @Tae, Saoirse @Potter, Kharne @Kazemitsu
Equipment: A rouge-ish set of clothing, his dog tags, and a set of faux demihuman Wolf ears, a Ring of Disguise, two rations of food, water flask, a bar of soap and a few other portable hygienic products.

Ismael had noticed that the girl, to who he handed a bag and ring, had not lost a sense of humor. That's good, that means she'll be able to hold her head on right. Ismael gives a slight chuckle as he says to her, "I guess so, who knew hobbies would come so in handy?" Before he headed off to give everyone else their things.

Soon they were off, trying to leave for some unknown location to them for this time. May it be because it is nonessential to their knowledge or may it be because they have no clue where they will be going too. It does not matter to Ismael, all he cares about is leaving the area before whatever spooked their summoners get to them. As he walked he listened to those who spoke, their Elf-friend seemed to have flipped a 180 on them. At first, she seemed fiery with her words and cold with her judgment, yet she seemed to have flipped the notion, she seemed very warm to those around her and even made conversation and already wished to further relations with those around her.

Upon asking for their names Ismael responded with, "My name is Ismael Helstein Pr….." Ismael stopped himself at the last moment as he then continued, "…Annya". Ismael had to quickly adjust to the non-use of honorifics, he had just spent the past 10 minutes getting used to it in his head, so it was slightly annoying, yet it'll probably be easier in the end. After all, the most honorifics he had in him were sir and ma'am. Not these extra things from the era of Dragons and Knights, having someone who wished not for them made his life so much easier.

As they continued, they finally reached the entrance of what seemed to be a jungle. Ismael was slightly upset by this, he never liked Jungles. They were humid, muddy, had insects that carried more diseases than a damn rat, and held nightmares within. Yet with all of his disdain for it, they had to go through, so he kept in his disdain and trekked forward into the great unknown.

Ismael looked towards Annya and asked, "Ma'am, may I ask where we are heading?" Ismael thought now might be a good time as they are trekking, making some talk can make time fly or just more bearable.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by nasty
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nasty 💫 drunk and queer 💫

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Time: 10:00 AM!!
Location: Roshmi City Greenhouse
Interactions: Orias @helo
Equipment: Sidesword, dagger, billhook, and armour. A pouch with 90 amas in.

"Yes. I would really bloody rather avoid improvisin' if we can," Nabarra shot back. The idea was genuinely scary to her - she'd been in the city for just about an hour and she'd already got into one fight, and narrowly escaped another. But now she had an ally, and that would prove valuable. Especially a Light Elf, people tended to trust them. "Disguising myself as another race entirely would be too fuckin' hard with the time we 'ave. Probably get somethin' with bloody long sleeves, like down to 'ere," she gestured to her mid-thigh, "and a mask. That'd be useful as shit. Don't want anyone seeing my ugly mug."

She walked past Koldar and over to the greenhouse, which was beginning to gently glow as the sun crested the roofs of the surrounding buildings. What a terrible place to build a greenhouse, Nabarra thought. She placed her hand on the gently warming handle and turned to face Koldar. "I'll wait in here,", she said, pulling the door open. A wave of heat punched her in the gut. She closed the door. "Fuckin' hell... or, I'll just wait out here."

She tossed her coin pouch across to Koldar. "If you spend any more I can cover it. Just gotta drop past a fuckin' bank," she said. Her coffers weren't exactly empty yet. She was a frugal spender, so her savings from the army had gone a long way. It also didn't hurt that she absolutely loathed the bureaucracy involved in withdrawing amas. With a short, sharp sigh, she turned around and sat down. Her back pressed against the cool alley wall, and she watched without speaking as Koldar left.

Timeskip to after Orias returns

Nabarra snapped her head up from her hands when the sound of footsteps echoed down the alleyway. Her left hand reached for the hilt of her sword, and got halfway there before she realised it was only her new friend.

"Oh. Thank fuck it's you. Ya find anythin'?" she asked, slowly standing up. "And how much do I owe ya?"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 2 days ago


Time: 10:00 am
Location: Outside Sun Elf Kingdom
Interactions: @baraquiel Jomari @Alivefalling Caelan @13org Nuallán @princess Sophie @chrysocoma Aurora

Rosaria smiled to herself. Nuallán was incredibly sweet with his worry for her, but she knew her boundaries and would be fine. However, the continuous actions of the human would not be tolerated again. To truly lay it down, one’s sweet nature had to dissipate into ice. She gave him a warm smile and quickly assured him all would be fine. Afterwards, Nuallán introduced himself and offered his additional instruction, which she appreciated. Next, the geokinetic human began to speak to her delight.

Caelan introduced himself to the group and explained he was 26. So young! She was elated to hear he had some practice with a sword. He was already ahead of the game and could perhaps aid the other two. From the manner of the rambunctious one, she could assume he too came from a background of combat. With the way he had wielded a knife and expected enemies to be surrounding him, she had confidence that his bad behavior could translate quite well.

However, Sohpie was a tiny one. Rosaria was afraid she might be the least suited for this. The girl‘s mind seemed to be scattered as she took in things around her. It seemed as if she had missed the introductions; or had cowered from it. Rosaria sighed but let it go for now. It was best she let the young girl relax and take things in. After all, this was overwhelming.

Once they approached the stall, Nuallán again asked her not to worry and she looked at him.
”I know, Nuallán. I trust you to do so. You and I are a great team together. I am so lucky to have you to care for me. I can only relent so much with these gems in my care.”

Rosaria observed as Sophie and Caelan both approached the table. Sophie seemed to enjoy one of the dresses but didn’t ask to buy it. Instead, the kind girl took the time to check up on the dark-skinned boy. Rose appreciated that she wasn’t the only one giving him a chance. She smirked to herself as she heard Caelan asking Nuallán to buy her the dress. Did Caelan have a little crush? She couldn’t help but giggle a little out loud as she turned to face the two men. ”We will certainly buy it for her.”

She glanced toward the table and scanned it quickly, allowing herself to briefly lose focus on the others. As she finished buying what she wanted, a female voice reached her ears. She glanced over to see Aurora, their spiritual advisor, bounding up to them. Another strong elf to help protect them and the humans was not going to hurt. A delighted smile crossed her face as her expression melted like a kid on Tirrus. ”Of course Aurora. I thank you for accompanying me.” She smiled and made sure no one else had overheard her and sighed in relief. When the dress was bought, she handed it to Caelan and winked. ”Here you go, handsome.”

Rosaria turned to Nuallán and tilted her head to one side. ”Do you fancy anything?” She then glanced at the other humans. ”If you’re all ready, we can continue now. Aurora, if you like anything, please let me know.” Then, Rosaria relaxed, although she kept a vigilant eye out for any oncoming danger.


Time: 10:00am
Interaction: @Helo Nym @Alivefalling Barboda @Benzaiten Éliane @Tae Lizzie @princess Helio
Location: Port Vanarosa > Barboda's Ship

Tigerlily stared with raised eyebrows at Éliane. What happened now? She turned to glance at the red haired lady and remained stoic. What was she? Her appearance betrayed much but not enough; there weren’t animalistic traits, no elf ears, and she definitely didn’t have wings. She blinked and turned back to the elf. For now she wouldn’t waste her energy on it, but would keep an eye on the gal. She smiled as she listened and wrapped an arm around her shoulders comfortingly. Her innocence and naivety was refreshing; yet, it allowed people, such as this ginger, to prey upon her. She allowed her friend to continue speaking without interruption. Once finished, she began to reply,

”Éliane, it’s great to see you! I’ll save stories for later. But first tell me, what are you doing on this godforsaken island? You are far too good for this shallow den, love.” She patted her head and turned to the next speaker. She grimaced at the sun but didn’t let her expression fall otherwise. She didn’t have time to ponder; Éliane was now introducing her to the female ginger. Tigerlily smiled sweetly and gave her a kind nod.

Lizzie Murphy. Pushing it to the back of her head, she turned to Nym. His words caused laughter to bubble out of her. The war. She rolled her eyes at the comment. ”The war? Don’t get me started, Nym.” She grinned and then nodded in agreement at the end of his sentence. A cheeky grin split across her face as she added, ”The dark elves can kiss my tail.”

Her mind was racing as she noticed Helio. He had to stare at her as if he had seen a ghost. She wondered what had been going through his mind. Tigerlily watched breathlessly for a moment while her mind slipped away. No, stay present… She gritted her teeth and retained her normal attitude. She laughed loudly and smiled at him. ”What a fine gentleman. I’ll keep that in mind, Mr. Magnificent Helio.” She then curtsied to him and turned her attention to the rest of the group.

As the other woman introduced herself, Tigerlily smirked. She recognized the woman’s tongue and was appreciative of her craft. However, food and rum was not something she could turn down. She sighed; did this woman not have any amas? Was she….? “I suppose I can join you. Also, did you get all your belongings robbed?” She scrutinized her expression and smiled kindly at her. ”What a pity if so.” Her voice was calm and sympathetic.

The man that had been introduced as Barboda began speaking.. Her gaze shifted to him and eyed his helmet. What was the tin man hiding? Was he a Dark Elf? She narrowed her gaze but didn’t let the smile drop. Another individual to keep an eye on. Her head began to ache for everything. However, he possessed a ship - a beautiful one - and she couldn't pass it up. If only her parents knew what she was doing…. She snickered and paused to assess the group, specifically Helio.

Helio had obnoxiously commented on Barboda, causing her to snicker. She knew she wasn’t the only one suspicious. His attitude and jokes were familiar. She had to stop herself from thinking too forward though. An aching in her chest caused her to go silent until she was able to draw several deep breaths again. All the flair and attitude was a masquerade and she saw right through it. He was quick to make his purchase and saw out of the corner of her eye as he turned around with an accordion. He hadn’t changed after all.

Tigerlily approached the Odds and Ends and began to take a look for herself. She picked out an outfitfor herself. She smiled in delight at the outfit. It would be far easier to switch to her mermaid form. With a grin, she reached out and took the parrot, which swiftly climbed onto her shoulder. Tigerlily grinned at it and tilted her head.

”What shall I name you?” She inquired, and the parrot chirped and nipped at her ear. ”A wise choice. I’ll think about it.”

She snickered and turned back to face the rest of the crew, specifically Lizzie. ”Lass, I bought you an outfit. You must blend in.” She winked at her as she handed the clothes, her voice low enough for only them to hear. Next, Tigerlily bought more stuff for the boat and knew extras wouldn’t hurt.

She then moved next to Helio, and her voice was friendly and sweet. ”Magnificent Helio, allow me to teach you how to play that.” She gently put her hand over his and smiled. ”What say you, once we get settled on this fine vessel?” She winked and moved ahead to board the ship.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Updated Odds and Ends Inventory

Traveling Pack with Rations - 80 amas

Scimitar - 230 amas

Bedroll traveling kit - 100 amas

Bag with a map and accessories - 20 amas

Sailor Kit - 25 amas

Bluebell perfume - 5 amas

Burglar Pack - 150 amas

Cutlass - 230 amas

Female Outfit - 50 amas

Male Outfit - 60 amas

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Updated Odds and Ends Inventory

Explorer Pack - 60 amas

Heat Resistance Ring - 800 amas

Male Outfit - 90 amas

4 Simple Short Dresses - 50 amas each

Gloves - 5 amas for nonmetal, 10 amas for metal gloves

Random Assortment of Goods - Soap 1 ama per bar, Perfume - 5 amas, Potion of Healing - 3 amas, Poison - 100 amas, Abacus - 10 amas

Camping Kit - 90 amas

Plain Dress(comes in any color) - 20 amas

Bags - Ask for pricing for each bag
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Time: 10AM
Location: Castle Hall of Sun Elf Kingdom --> Jungle
Interactions: Annya @princess , Saorise @Potter Raven @Tae, Caelan @Alivefalling, Ismael @Th3King0fChaos
Equipment: Cobalt Saber, Cobalt Half Plate, 1330 Amas, Map of Avalia, Lantern, Water Flask, 3x Torch, x10 Travel Rations, Washing Brush.

Kharne blinked once when he was suddenly semi-addressed by one of the humans, Raven was her name since she was introducing herself, and apparently she was very honored to meet one of his kind. A slight tilt of his head before he nodded once. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Raven. I am called Kharne." He rumbled to her while giving what could possibly be a smile. His face wasn't built like a humans, so teeth showing when lips were pulled up came with the territory.

The groups were split up quick enough, Raven and Red and Ismael were with Annya and himself while the other three humans went with Rosaria and her man-servant. Annya explained what his orders were to be, which got him to nod his head. He was to be the humans shield for the most part, and if there was more than the princess could handle was when he was to engage. "Understood my lady." He replied as they set out. Tromping through the extravagant halls until they reached the main doors. When they exited the humans seemed to be in awe, and Raven even said something slightly interesting. He'd talk to her once they were all settled more.

Annya piped up reintroducing herself and introducing him to the rest. She requested they not use her title, but since she was his employer he would at least give her a 'My Lady'. A blink came when she went on to say not to bad mouth him. Why was she seemingly trying to protect his feelings? " My lady they can talk how they wish about me. I'm a mercenary so trying to spare my feelings isn't necessary." He said to the fiery princess. He was supposed to protect them, not her protect him.

"As Annya said, I am Kharne. I'm sixty eight years old and a mercenary." Annya knew this information but the humans didn't. The male started introduce himself too but he stopped after saying a portion of his name. Was he trying to hide something? Kharne wasn't one for sneakiness honestly. But he asked an important question, where were they going? She had mentioned River Port, but that was across the river. Either way his hand went over his shoulder and pulled that gargantuan sword from its strange sheathe to rest on his shoulder. Better to be prepared for trouble than to be caught unawares
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 5 days ago

Time: 10am
Location: Sun Elf Kingdom - Odds and Ends.
Interactions: Rosaria @Potter , Jomari @baraquiel, Caelan @Alivefalling, Sophie @princess

Nuallán smiled towards Rosaria as he heard her words. It was truly comforting to know she did rely on him. Not only as a proud butler, but also as someone who knew Rosaria for a very long time and knew how much was expected of her. Being able to be so kind while yet being so strong, reliable and proudly carrying the weight of her position on her shoulders was something very few people were able to do. It was exactly that, other than his pride as a butler from the Varnion family, that made Nuallán so dedicated to his position.

While the first impressions Nuallán had from Caelan weren't the best, he was still intrigued by the boy's enthusiastic behavior and despite the small outburst, he didn't seem to be a bad person. The fact that he mentioned he had some experience with the sword as he introduced himself was definitely good, since it was highly probable he would already have a decent base, both regarding his movements and his physical abilities. Polishing them even further would only require the boy's interest and enthusiasm, both of which he seemed to have plenty. The dark skinned human would be much more difficult to shape, but with enough effort, his wild temperament and his fire would certainly become strength for him. What did worry Nuallán though was knowing if said strength would be used in their favour or against them...

Interrupting his thoughts, Caelan called him, asking if he could do the same as him, before brushing his hair and showing Nuallán how he was able to move his ears. Nuallán was genuinely surprised by the fact a human, despite their small ears could even move them.

"I am more surprised to see that a human can move theirs." Nuallán said, genuinely surprised as he briefly moved his ears up and down.

"Judging by the form and shape of your ears, It's not like your race would have any use for the ability to move them." Nuallán said.

What did surprise him even more though was when Caelan suddenly mentioned how Sophie was staring at one of the dresses in the store and asked if it was okay for him to buy it for her in secret to surprise her later.

Hearing Caelan's words, Nuallán couldn't help but chuckle. It seemed that Caelan was interested in Sophie. Maybe Caelan was the peculiar one, but despite the situation they found themselves in, Humans could still afford to care about such things. Considering the difference in Caelan and Sophie's personalities, he would have to be careful to not overwhelm her with his enthusiasm at first though.

"Humans surely are intriguing..." he said to himself with a chuckle and a smile.

"I wish you luck in your courting, Mr. Caelan." Nuallán said, being careful so Sophie wouldn't hear while bowing down with a teasing grin.

Unsurprisingly, Rosaria was also ecstatic when she realized that Caelan had a crush on Sophie, handing the dress to Caelan after buying it with a wink.

It was at that moment that Aurora, who was the sun elf kingdom's spiritual advisor approached Rosaria, asking for her permission to accompany her. With a polite and respectful bow, Nuallán silently greeted her. Her presence would surely aid them in their journey. Not only due to her strong magic, but she was also an incredibly wise and had an undeniably brilliant mind.

"Bing able to accompany you is enough of a gift for me, Lady Rosaria." Nuallán said with a kind smile when Rosaria asked if he wanted anything.

"That and the adorable giggle you just gave." Nuallán said in a lower tone with a chuckle and teasing smile to her.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 4 days ago

Time: 10 am, Soller
Location: Alleyways in Roshmi City
Interactions: Nabarra @nasty
Equipment: Sword, bow and arrows, small knife, wayfinder, fire kit, a pouch with about 120 amas

Orias shrugged as Nabarra dismissed his suggestion of pretending to be some reptilian creature as too difficult. He would’ve figured passing for something cold-blooded and slimy would be second nature to a dark elf but held back on voicing that thought. Instead, he nodded along as Nabarra explained what to get, even in relaying a simple shopping list the dark elf’s language was coarse. What was it his parents had always said of dark elves? Ah, a most uncivilized and vulgar race. Probably the softest thing they'd ever spoken of dark elves. Personally, he could appreciate that Nabarra was direct and simple in the request.

“Cloak, long-sleeved, and a mask.” He repeated the instructions back as he caught the coin pouch tossed at him and headed out of the alleyway. Never in his life did he expect he’d end up the errand boy for a dark elf and now here he was with a shopping list, what a strange day. On his way to the tailor, he passed one of the many Odds and Ends shops littered through all of Avalia, well known for both their bargains and ease of finding all sorts of random items. Although there were no decent cloaks to be found, they had an assortment of masks that he quickly browsed through. He grabbed a pair of cat-like masks and exchanged 3 amas from Nabarro’s pouch and 3 from his own before leaving Odds and Ends.

The air was soft and warm, the pink glow of the sun beat down upon him, and made the walk towards the tailor a pleasant one. He chose the small shop of a tailor who made their garments in a simple but sturdy fashion. None of the extravagance that many of the newer shops indulged in, but much better suited for blending in. He wasted no time perusing, preferring to immediately locate the shopkeeper and explain exactly what he was looking for. He relayed what Nabarra had told him, leaving out the more colorful parts of her language, to a rabbit-like demihuman whose fur was graying around the face. A simple hooded cloak, with long flared sleeves, and a bit of fabric that hid the lower part of one’s face was easily found that was well within their budget. He paid the amas, thanked the shopkeeper, and went on his way.

It occurred to Orias how simple his errands were for him, how agreeable he found most shopkeepers, and how mundane his dealings with them were. As a light elf, he was simply assumed to be a decent citizen, not a character of suspicion amongst the demihuman city, and how even without any acts of aggression Nabarra would have the opposite assumptions made of her. He was glad he had not voiced his less than kind thoughts on dark elves being cold-blooded and slimy, it was likely that she would encounter enough of that in choosing to ally herself against her own people. As he returned to the alleyway that led towards the greenhouse he decided that if he was going to be aligning himself with this dark elf, and it seemed apparent that he was, he was going to have to do a better job of it.

“As requested, one cloak and one mask.” He said handing her the bag with a cloak inside, the feline mask painted black and white, and her only slightly lighter pouch of amas. “And well under budget, I might add.” Orias said as he slipped on the other feline mask, white with a black and green design painted on it. “Now we can look equally ridiculous enjoying ale in the most notorious tavern in the city while wearing cat masks. I’ll have to try and contain myself and not hiss at anyone.” This was certainly turning out to be a very strange day indeed.

Purchases with Nabarra’s amas
1 cloak-15 amas
1 mask (#2)-3 amas

Purchases with Orias’s amas
1 mask (#3)-3amas
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Benzaiten
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: 10:00 am
Location: Port Vanarosa, outside The Seagull → Ship
Interactions: @Helo Nym | @Potter Tigerlily | @Tae Lizzie | @Alivefalling Barboda | @princess Helio

Action in inventory: gained 30 amas by posting within 24h

As Éliane's attention lied on her best friend whom she was hoping to get together with soon enough to exchange their stories, she entirely missed Lizzie's flirtation towards the fairy prince. Her eyes were sparkling with joy. Having people around her that she knew felt so right. She hadn't noticed how desperately her heart had wanted to come home to someone, to see someone's eyes recognize her face and their lips turn into a smile for seeing her. Tigerlily and Nym had both given her that and she could not wait to talk to either of them in a more settled and calm moment. Right now everyone seemed filled with adventurous cravings and excitement. Her chest filled with joy and pride when Nym complimented her as a 'traveler with skills worth boastin’ of and a talent with words', a welcomed warm sensation after the rough news of last night.

Albeit missing Lizzie's flirt with Helio, she could've never missed the woman turning her attention to her and calling her "my dear". Her heart skipped once again for the woman's smooth words. But just as the rest continued to talk, she wondered what her place in this would be. Both Tigerlily and Nym seemed nothing but excited to join the red-haired captain in her pursuit of leading a glorious pirate's life. She trusted them both to keep Lizzie safe. Even though she had only met Nym once before, she felt a bond with him and hoped deeply that the trust she gave him without much reason was justified.

Confusion rose within her as she noticed Tigerlily's attention being drawn towards the prince. She couldn't detect any further interest coming from the prince himself but Éliane was sure that she saw something within Tigerlily, just for a second, that betrayed her composure. Did she know Helio Millenia? She made a mental note to ask her friend about it at a more suitable moment.

Tigerlily's remark on Lizzie's lack of equipment brought her back to the present. She needs to blend in better. In that moment, Barboda brought them back on track. He mentioned the Odds and Ends they should be visiting but announced he would return to the ship already to prepare. Éliane wasn't a paranoid person, far from it! But something about the tin man still icked her. Maybe she was being silly, overly cautious - also rather unlike her - but she couldn't help it. Something about not knowing who was behind that get-up made her suspicious. And not to forget, his introduction to her and Lizzie had been the murder of two light elves and an offer Lizzie couldn't deny. How utterly convenient to have just the thing someone you snuck up on needs.

As the group began to head towards the nearby Odds and Ends, Barboda was on his way towards the ship. Éliane hesitated. He would have enough time to sabotage the ship or to surprise them with an ambush. It could be a trap. Or it could be someone who just so happens to be telling the truth. Someone looking for someone to captain the ship. But what is his gain? She more than disliked her train of thoughts. Éliane always approached people openly. Kindness and an open mind were the best way to assure people were given a fair chance. She knew her suspicions weren't unjustified. He had murdered two people. He had likely murdered more. But he had also shown them proof of why he considered his actions necessary. And as much as Éliane was still against the execution, she had to remember that Lizzie could have very well been dead. Or captured. She herself could have been dead.

Her mind wouldn't allow her to come to a clear decision about this man. She looked at the group who was several feet away from her now, moving towards the Odds and Ends, and likely being certain she was following. There was no reason for them to think otherwise. She knows what she's doing. I hope... With a few half-run steps Éliane approached Lizzie from behind and softly grabbed her arm to stop her. As Lizzie turned around to look at her, she quickly withdrew her hand from the woman's arm and fished out a handful of coins from her amas pouch. "I'll go ahead to the ship. Consider this a thank you for... for not robbing me when you had the chance." Éliane took Lizzie's hand with one of hers and placed the coins into it with the other. She looked into her eyes and relished that sight for a few heartbeats as she held onto the now closed hand of the captain. With a smile and a nod she withdrew, turned and headed towards the ship Barboda had pointed out. He had already boarded the vessel.

”Hmm?” Lizzie turned and looked up at Éliane as the woman began speaking to her and handed her amas. ”Oh, well thank you.” She said as she pocketed the money and briefly glanced in the direction Barboda had gone then back to Éliane, finding it curious that the woman was about to follow the man it was clear she didn’t entirely trust. ”A brief warning for you, love. I understand that you do not trust him and you have a right to that, however, he is now a part of my crew. I do not take kindly to those that wish to harm someone of my crew.” Of course she didn’t know if that was Éliane’s intentions or not, but she would give the warning nonetheless. ”That also goes for you, I wouldn’t want to see you hurt either. Just think through your actions, fair?” She added as she gave her a sweet smile.

Éliane's face showed a frown for a couple of seconds. Harm someone of Lizzie's crew? Élaine had never had the intention to harm someone who didn't cause harm first. However much she wanted to release her pain and anger. She acted in defense and would only strike first if she assumed inevetable harm would come from a person. But of course Lizzie wasn't wrong. She had lifted her bow to Barboda's head and had been ready to plunge him to death with a sharp arrow as certain as her god Solaris was filling her fingertips with light.

With a smile and a nod Éliane withdrew. "You have my word." She was close to saying 'I don't want to see you hurt either'. She wanted quite the opposide. But instead, the elf turned and headed towards the ship Barboda had pointed out earlier. He had already boarded the vessel. Éliane couldn't make him out anymore.

Her steps took her father away from the place her heart longed to be. In her head she could see Nym and Tigerlily laughing while they were shopping. And Lizzie among them, growing more independent with every step she took. Éliane had long grasped that Lizzie wouldn't have needed her money and of course not her protection. But it felt right to leave her with at least something. A few coins more in her pocket wouldn't hurt, she guessed. For a moment Helio slipped into her brain. There was just something about him... She couldn't quite agree with him, something in her felt like she should keep her distance. But at the same time she felt drawn towards him, fascinated by him. She wanted to knew more, wanted to talk to him and understand who he was. He seemed like one hell of an interesting person to be around. Yet... that feeling she should be careful wouldn't leave her.

"Ay you!" Someone pulled on her arm roughly. Éliane's hand crashed into the person's crook of the arm, then the her fist slammed down onto the elbow. She was released within a fraction of a second. A gasp was heard, a painful whine. Éliane had her hand on the hilt of her sword, the other one up in front of her. Light was glistening at her fingertips. But it soon died down. Éliane eased her posture and let go of the hilt.

An old woman was lying on the floor. The blow to her arm had thrown her entirely off balance. "Oh, Solaris forgive me! I am so sorry. Are you hurt?" She gently helped the woman to her feet. Without hesistation Éliane grabbed into her backpack and offered the woman water from her water skin. "Are you in need of a medic, ma'am?"

"Foolish child", she woman coughed at her. She took the water and gulped half of it down before returning it to Éliane. Again, she grabbed her arm and pulled on it. This time Éiane let herself be pulled closer. She old wrinkled face was a map of age. She could not tell how old the demi-human was exactly but she guessed that this person had seen at least a hundred years. Her grey, foggy eyes told silent tales of hundreds more. "You are the one."

"I am what? Excuse me, ma'am, it is really nice to make your accquaintance, but I must disappoint you. I think you've got the wrong person. We have never me-"

"Silent, child." She dug her nails into Éliane's skin as she pushed her face even closer to the elf's. Éliane was trying hard to be polite and not pull back. The teeth of the woman had seen better days. She wasn't sure what the old lady wanted but she began to suspect that money was involved. "You are IT!", the woman suddenly exclaimed loudly, screaming into Éliane's face who couldn't help but jump.

"It, it, it, it, it", the woman sing-sang as she began to walk a few feet away and rummage in what seemed to be a pile of trash. Éliane saw a broken location finder, several rusty pots, some old and mostly broken jewellery, a ship's wheel, several wooden boxes that seemed to collect only dust... "There!" The woman had reappeared closely into Éliane's face, faster than she could comprehend. In front of her eyes something brown and blurry blocked her sight. "Pathfinder."

Éliane took the piece into her hand and held it further away from her eyes so she could focus on it. It was nothing but a... coin. A big coin. It was heavy and filled out almost her entire palm. She began to play with it, moving her fingers over and around it. It wasn't brown as she had thought, it was copper. One side of the coin showed a ship's wheel, above it the words Smooth Sailing were written into a banner. "Port of Ceros. 5 Coppers", Éliane read the words on the edge out loud. She turned the coin over. On the other side it showed a ship on sea. Above it within a banner it read the words Rough Seas. The words on the edge formed the sentence Trade Council Of The Narrows.

"Where is the port of Ceros? I have never heard of such a place. I have never seen it on a map." She was still turning the coin round and round in her hand, running her fingers along it. Something felt familiar and... right. "Who are the 'Narrows'?" As she looked up from the coin the woman was grinning widely at her. Her eyes were almost lost in her wrinkled face.

"You're the one", she repeated. "What does that mean?", Éliane asked. But the woman just nodded at her, turned around and began to walk away, humming an unfimilar melody. "Wait, hold up!" Éliane considered to go after her but something told her not to. "What is this coin? Who are you?"

But the woman was not listening and Éliane was still playing with the coin, unable to stop and unable to follow the woman. She dropped her gaze onto the object in her hand. "Trade Council Of The Narrows." She had absolutely no idea what this meant.

As Éliane began to walk, she continued to play with the coin. Her mind once again distracted, she thought to herself: 'I oughta be more careful with my daydreams. This is the third time today someone was able to snuck up on me. As far as records go, this is a personal best.'

Only after she began to hear the sound of wild, happy chattering did she perk up her head and notice where she had been walking towards. "Lizzie", she whispered under her breath as her eyes caught the red-haired woman alongside her crew. They had just left the Odds and Ends shop and were making their way towards the ship. Éliane felt something within herself that didn't make sense to her. For some reason, seeing Lizzie and the crew made her feel as if she was coming home from a long time away. Hadn't she just seen all of them a few minutes ago? How strange.

Instinctively, Éliane let the pathfinder coin slip away into a pocket. Then her eyes grew big as she managed to perceive more than just Lizzie's intense aura. "A PARROT!!!" She hurried forward and was by Tigerlily's side within a second. Her attention focused on the bird as she moved her finger towards it and it let her pet his little head. Animals just had a thing with Éliane. It had always been this way. "I'm gonna name you Knuckles. That alright, Knuckles?" The parrot chiriped at her and softly nibbled at Tigerlily's ear. Whether that meant yes or no, she didn't know. "Oh thank you so very much for saving him, Lily. My heart couldn't have bled more with such a beautiful, innocent creature sitting in a cage in a shop all day. No, you belong to the world, Knuckles! You are magnificent and you are free! I will honor every step of the way you choose to take with us." She petted the bird once more, creeping closely to Tigerlily and ignoring any other people around her. The bird had stolen the show. "What would a pirate ship be without a parrot? Right, Knuckles?"

Once Éliane had petted him a third time, she was finally ready to turn to the rest of the crew. Her eyes lingered on Lizzie for a moment. "Found anything worth spending money for?", she asked the crew.

Action in inventory:
loss of 205 amas (given to Lizzie)
gain of one pathfinder coin (strange gift)

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
Avatar of Alivefalling

Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Caelan Knight

Time: 10 am
Location: Sun Elf Castle Hall
Interactions: @princess] Sophie @baraquiel Jomari @13org Nuallán @Potter Rosaria @chrysocoma Aurora
Equipment: A D&D miniature, a blunt and the clothes he was given

Caelan watched Nuallán wiggle his ears and nodded his appreciation. ”Well not all humans can! I’m special. Most of our species evolved out of the use of moving our ears.” He then smiled and laughed awkwardly at his statement. Being wished luck in courting was an odd thing and he hadn’t expected the comment. Luckily for him, Rosaria ended up buying the dress. She handed it to him and he thanked her, taking it in his hands. Before he could do much else, he was surprised to see another elf come bounding toward them, asking to join. Rosaria and Nuallán reacted positively and addressed her as Aurora.

He waved to the newcomer with a smile. ”Hey! I’m Caelan. Glad you’re joining us. It’s nice to meet you, Aurora.” Caelan then moved over to Sophie’s side. ”Hey Sophie. I have something for you.” He then handed her the dress, ”I saw you looking at this and I figured you liked it.”
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 7 days ago

Time: 10 AM
Location: Jungle
Interactions: Annya @princess, Ismael @Th3King0fChaos, Saoirse @Potter, Kharne @Kazemitsu]

”It’s a pleasure to meet you too Kharne.” Raven said happily to the Dragonborn, ignoring the slight unsettling feeling his smile gave her. She’d wondered what it was like to see a Dragonborn smile, but it caught her off guard a bit and she was staring for a moment. Her attention was grabbed, however, as Annya spoke.

”Oh, um…” Raven wasn’t expecting Annya to want to learn more about her or compliment her on her name. Was there actually anything interesting about her? ”Well I’m 22 years old, I live on my own in a small apartment in Chicago, I’m a professional cosplayer and a huge nerd, uh other than that I guess I’m boring…” She said, realizing how mediocre her life sounded when she said it out loud. What else was she supposed to say? Her parents were divorced and she has emotional trauma thanks to that and an abusive ex-boyfriend? No those weren’t things she liked to talk about. Those were things she would continue to bury until she exploded with a mental breakdown. She glanced at Saoirse briefly, wondering what she would think if she knew all of what happened with Jasper. She’d probably think she’d have deserved it.

Her eyes dropped to the ground as she recalled some painful memories. ”Yeah, just a boring person. That’s me.” She mumbled, sighing. She then noticed that some of her lacing on her boots had come undone and bent down to fix it as the others moved further along into the jungle. She’d finished up and jogged back up to the others, having fallen very quiet. She remained at the back of the group, lost in her thoughts as she glanced around her. The further they moved into the jungle the more interesting little creatures they saw. Something caught her eye then and she paused to look closer. It was a fox-like creature and Raven stared in shock. Is that a...carbuncle?! Wait, are we in a Final Fantasy game?! Yoshi-P better be directing it! She thought to herself as the creature stared at her for a moment before quickly running off.

Appearance with disguise ring
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by nasty
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nasty 💫 drunk and queer 💫

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Time: 10:00 AM!!
Location: Roshmi City Alleyway
Interactions: Orias @helo
Equipment: Sidesword, dagger, billhook, and armour. A pouch with 92 amas in. A long-sleeved cloak and a cat mask.

Nabarra smiled at Koldar when he handed her the bag. It was a warm smile, compared to her usual expressions. She sat back on her heels and started dragging the contents of the bag out onto the ground. After tying her purse back to her belt, she lifted the cloak up to admire. It fit the bill perfectly. She pulled it over her head and shrugged her arms through the sleeves. It fit well, but was ridiculously big for her. The hood slid down over her eyes. "Thanks, Koldar. I bloody owe ya one," she said, looking up at him through the hood.

She snorted at the image of the two of them, armed to the teeth, wearing such ridiculous masks, hissing at the patrons. "Now that's a fuckin' thought. I'd say hissin' would help sell it. These sleeves will really sell it," she said, lifting her forearms so the sleeves flopped back down. They looked almost like pyjama sleeves. She reached back up into the cloak and drew her dagger, cutting the sleeves to a more appropriate length. "Anyway, after we get on the piss and make some friends, wha's our plan? We can't jus' fuckin' be all "Oh yeah this one 'ere, she's a fuckin' Dark Elf, but don't worry yer pretty little face, she's on our side", can we? Don't expect they'll take that bloody well," she said, looking at the mask that was still laying on the ground. Nabarra reached down and picked it up. She rotated it in her hands for a little while before casually holding it up, saying "And this can only hide so much."

That the king was apparently a coward was something that kept eating at her mind. That couldn't be good. If they couldn't find an earnest resistance at that level, then what would they find? The idea that he'd sell his city out crossed her mind, but she quickly dismissed it. Surely a king wouldn't be that irresponsible. A safer option would be to appeal to the idea that the demihumans really had no stake in the war - it was Light Elves versus Dark Elves. Nabarra stood up, tying the mask on and slipping the veil over her lower face. "Koldar, let's circle back to that fuckin' king for a sec, she said. "What is he doing, if not resisting the Dark Elves?" Her tone was low, fear and danger creeping into it. An old adage slipped into her mind... If they're not with us, they're against us

Shaking her head, Nabarra hefted her billhook and walked towards the alleyway exit, gesturing for Koldar to lead the way.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 4 days ago

Time:The previous night
Location: A Tavern in Ironhold
Interactions: NPC
Equipment: 1 hunting knife, a flask of alcohol, a backpack, small tent, blanket, waterskin, rope, fire starting kit, lightmaker, cooking pot, a bar of soap, some drugs; skaula (8 grams) and zemak (1 ounce), rolling papers, and 150 amas.

A map of Avalia. Four figureheads bound and gagged. A hard and heavy rain. The map soon ran red with blood as the throats of the figureheads from each nation were slit with cold brutality. The dark and twisted faces of The Twin-Headed Dragon gave their speeches, they looked proud, they looked to be enjoying this.

The only word Bowyn heard from their lips was war.

So many of those around him reacted with horror, with anger at the dwarven prince meeting such an undignified end. Bowyn gave a small smile of relief.

“Finally.” He had waited for this, he had almost begun to think the rest of Avalia was going to keep on ignoring the dark elves, that he’d never get to live to see this war so many had whispered about. The world could not ignore this. He allowed himself a brief second of hope that the dark elves had finally brought their own end down upon themselves. That from every corner of Avalia, hearts would cry out for blood and vengeance just as loudly as his own did. He allowed all his joy to show upon his face, found so much solace in knowing he would no longer be alone in his rage. The emotion overwhelmed him and Bowyn didn’t know whether to laugh or weep. The crowd outside the tavern clearly believed he had chosen wrong as several heads snapped towards his direction.

“Are you fuck’n’ laughing?” The fist of an enraged dwarf hit him with all the strength of a hammer and he dropped his backpack of essentials to the floor with a thud. Bowyn found dwarves to be excellent company, and their tempers and willingness to fight was their finest quality. The sharp pain in his ribs was a welcomed addition to distract him from a pain that never left him. Deep, jagged scars on his back, where once there had been wings, provided a dulled burn that never left. Occasional aches from something that wasn’t even there to soothe. But new pain was a welcomed distraction. New pain left the old ones briefly forgotten.

The winter fairy provided no resistance as the dwarf landed several more blows. Each one seemed to hit a little harder than the last. He let himself live in nothing but the new pain for a moment before grabbing onto the dwarf's wrist and grasping it tightly.

“I don’t mock your prince’s death. I laugh at the death the dark elves have brought themselves. And that I finally get to see it.” Bowyn spoke, both haggard and amused, as his fingers left frostbitten spots where they dug into the dwarf’s skin.

“Idjit.” The dwarf spat at him and shoved Bowyn lose with little effort.

Bowyn only nodded in agreement as he picked himself up off the tavern floor and grabbed his pack. He licked the blood from his teeth before spitting it onto the floor. He held up his hands, accepting the defeat, and stumbled out of the tavern. Another great attribute of dwarves was their love of feasting and drinking; there were plenty of other taverns in Ironhold where he could spend the night that would not be filled with dwarves annoyed with him.

For the first time in a long while, Bowyn felt hope and joy that were not artificial but they were fleeting. He wanted those feelings to last a little longer, and even as he looked forward to war against the dark elves, he knew it would not be filled with moments like these. He ingested what remained of his klemara, the psychoactive substance would give him this euphoria for hours and he only wanted to relish in it.

His own private celebration continued as he headed to a tavern far enough away from this one. He healed himself just enough that nothing was seriously damaged or broken, but his skin would bruise and the pain remained. But new pain never felt like loss the way old pain did, it felt only like survival. Bowyn arrived at another tavern called Gukhumi just as the drugs started to kick in.

Time: 10 am
Location: Gukhumi’s Tavern-Ironhold
Interactions: Arn @Omni5876
Equipment: 1 hunting knife, a flask of alcohol, a backpack, small tent, blanket, waterskin, rope, fire starting kit, lightmaker, cooking pot, a bar of soap, some drugs; skaula (8 grams) and zemak (1 ounce), rolling papers, and 83 amas.

"Your eyes are pretty, all shiny like rubies.” Bowyn spoke in a slow, slurred, and barely interested voice.

“They’re green.” A dwarven woman replied with even less interest.

“Right, like green rubies. Hey, can I touch your beard?” Bowyn stared into the mess of textured hair, watching patterns that twisted and swirled together. All the different shades of brown and gold blended together and held his attention for far too long.

The female dwarf made a disapproving grunt as she looked him over. “Too smooth and skinny.” She shook her head at him as she left the bar.

Bowyn found himself briefly mesmerized by the movements of the wood grain on the bar. Patterns that grew and shrank and flowed together. He ran his hand against the rough wood for a time and then against his own smooth face. Fresh bruises stung as he touched them and he smiled a little at that. The comfortable sinking numbness of drugs that had yet to make their way out of his system left his skin buzzing.

Of all the cities and villages he’d visited he found he liked this one the best. The dwarves were pleasantly grumpy and refreshingly honest. That bearded lady was certainly right; he was too skinny and too smooth. He scratched at his face and wondered why he couldn’t grow a beard. And then he wondered what dwarf beards would feel like, probably like a sheep. After a lot of thought, he concluded that dwarves, unlike sheep, did not like being pet and that his face was smoother than the wooden bar.

He looked up from his intense study of the wood grain on the bar and suddenly remembered the mug of mead in front of him. He placed a hand around the cold, smooth glass and felt it frost around his hand. Bowyn liked ice, and it was often very smooth. He let out a quiet laugh to himself and felt much better as he drank a mouthful of the chilled mead. Still clutching the glass of mead he tumbled from his bar stool, nearly knocking it over, and walked around the bar.

Since arriving in Ironhold, the taverns were where he’d spent most of his time. Many hours of several days, and now many of the dwarven faces only looked like a vaguely familiar blend. He didn’t remember names, or whether he’d spoken with them, just the weird sensation that he’d seen most of them before. All his time in Ironhold was a jumbled blur. Except one face stood out, fully unfamiliar, a rather soft-looking beard, and full soldier gear resting near him. He headed towards the new face with a lopsided grin and sat, without invitation, across from the dwarf just catching his rhetorical question.

“I know what I’d say to Annya Biren. ‘Bout time the light elves got their shit together and took care of the problem they dumped on the rest of us.” Bowyn said with a nod before taking in several gulps of mead. He gazed into the empty glass, smile fading as he found it now contained only droplets of the mead. An empty feeling began creeping back into him as the effects of the drugs ebbed. He tried to ignore it, to cling to the artificial euphoria for just a while longer.

“You look dressed for war, are you going to join her? Can I come? Are you excited? I’m excited.” Bowyn said before slamming the empty mug onto the surface of the table. He then found himself briefly distracted by the dwarf’s nearby shield, forgetting all about his interest in the race’s beards. He wondered if he could touch the shield.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 4 days ago

Time: 10 am, Soller
Location: Alleyways in Roshmi City to The Nest
Interactions: Nabarra @nasty
Equipment: Sword, bow and arrows, small knife, wayfinder, fire kit, a pouch with 117 amas

“King Kasai? Oh likely sitting upon his throne with his head lost up his own ass.” Orias immediately responded with a smug chuckle as Nabarra asked what Roshmi’s king was doing. Then he paused for a second, overwhelmingly thankful to be wearing a mask as a look of complete disgust flashed over his face. That was exactly what his father would say. Did he really just say that? Had his own father’s voice just come out of his mouth. How absolutely horrific. Orias cleared his throat hoping that would rid him of the bad taste left in his mouth from the whole experience. I pray to all the gods I never live to see the day I become my father.

“King Kasai is not thought of highly in my kingdom. He has a reputation for favoring diplomacy to the point where many see him as a coward. My guess is that he would even let last night’s events slide to avoid dealing with a war. I could be wrong but I wouldn’t bet on a show of strength from that lot.” He paused as Nabarra seemed to be waiting for him to lead the way. The thought of giving his back to the dark elf still felt like a risk, but he knew he had to extend some trust towards Nabarra. He thought about her other question, about how to gain trust from others, and knew that if he didn’t appear to show the dark elf any trust, he could not expect others to do so.

He headed out of the alleyway, allowing the dark elf to follow behind him. The fact that he could never imagine his father doing such a thing certainly made the action more appealing. He had no idea how Nabarra could convince others to trust her, and he wasn’t entirely sure he wanted to help with that. It was one thing for him to do a stupid thing, but to convince someone else to, when he could still very well be wrong about the dark elf was not a chance he wanted to take. He kept mostly quiet as he walked, not wanting others around to overhear anything.

“The only real way to earn anyone’s trust is to earn it. I guess we just have to hope The Nest has folks as foolish as -” A commotion was easily heard from outside The Nest. A small group was making a hasty exit, and a glimpse inside the tavern as the doors opened revealed quite the mess inside. Was there a food fight?

“Well this is definitely the best place to look.” He added, he really never should’ve doubted that this place would be full of people making questionable decisions.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Mole
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

T I M E : 1 0 : 0 0 A M
L O C A T I O N : O D D S A N D E N D S
I N T E R A C T I O N S : N U A L L Á N , C A E L A N , R O S A R I A
T A G S : @Potter, @13org, @Alivefalling, @princess, @baraquiel
E Q U I P M E N T : W A T E R F L A S K , W A Y F I N D E R , T R A N S M I S S I O N B R A C E L E T

The excitement from the ceremony was transpiring outside, as well. Despite still feeling the heavy loss that had aired not too long ago, it was good to hear such high spirits. For this, Aurora welcomed the new and younger company. Their touch was interesting to note. Her late father had known humans once upon a time, but this was Aurora’s first encounter. She would not let anything dampen the moment.

It all was a pleasant surprise for the given moment. She could feel the turmoil brewing in the winds. They would need all the help they could get. They were all innocent creatures, including the dark elves, they knew not what they were doing. She let out an empathetic breath and waved the doom from impeding on her.

Instead, Aurora listened to the communion between the eleven and humans. There was a mysterious link between them, and she meditated upon their energies as one would burning candles before an altar. It was such a curious situation, and the light elf took as many mental notes as possible, including the éros beginning to spark between two creatures.

She gave Nuallán a reverent bow right before one of the creatures came over and introduced himself. His voice was the same as the enraged human who interacted in an undiplomatic persona. As quickly as he had shifted his emotions, he was already wandering away from her. His energy was vibrant. Aurora wondered if his use of magic would be just as quick. Regardless, the Princess has addressed her, already.

A small smile painted on her lips when she responded to Princess Rosaria’ address, “Why, my reverent lady.” Aurora spoke with utmost admiration and honesty for the Princess. The honor was a pleasant one. For a split second, the spiritual advisor thought to wish something from the Princess. Alas, she felt compelled to at least embrace the charitable nature in light of such good tidings, “I am in need of nothing. All I wish is to help and assist you in your feat.” The smile continued on her face.

There was a goodness inside of her that she felt for this new tribulation. She also felt excited. There truly was no room for fear, even in the face of the darkness that was crawling closer. The light elves had no option but to prevail through the incoming storm. They are raised to be the beacons to stay alight during any gorge.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

General Malachi & Solion Kenia


Location:Sun Elf Kingdom Castle

Silence loomed over the golden hall once all had departed. Twelve guards and some of the rift-openers had remained, each lined around the perimeter of the room, looking to each other in confusion from their positions. Who were they reporting to if General Talindra was dead? The King and Queen had not notified them of whom, but had let them know they were to remain after the princesses’ departure.

Footsteps echoed through the hall as someone finally approached. A blonde man in a blue uniform finally entered the room, his expression neutral and his arms folded behind his back. His coat had various badges attached, clarifying his role immediately to the room. The elves recognized him right away: Malachi Elowyn, a very powerful light elf who had worked closely with the higher-ups for many centuries. It was no surprise he had been chosen, however it had been surprising he had not aided in the portal opening this morning.

Malachi nodded simply in greeting and stared ahead as a table was carried in by two elves and placed in front of him. They dismissed themselves hastily. Clearing his throat, he began to stretch a map across the table. It was a map of the Sun Elf Kingdom. He traced his finger around the walled border of the area, a dim line of light following its path as he explained, ”The plan is to concentrate much of our army around the entirety of the perimeter of our walls, mainly the gates. This is because we anticipate a siege.”

”Earlier this morning, I had stationed soldiers in lookout points at a particular distance. Some west, some north, some east and south. They will be contacting me if the enemies are spotted and I will contact the Sol Knights to start to concentrate our forces in that area. Our priority is making sure they don’t get through to the kingdom. “ Malachi straightened and observed their expressions, ”Your priorities will be to ready those positioned inside for our counterattack if needed. I trust you all are well aware of the procedure.”

The doors swung open, heads rapidly turning in the direction of the sound. Malachi stayed in his position, but a slight smile formed on his lips. A pale blonde haired woman with eyes of turquoise and gold came swaggering into the room, a confident smirk on her face. She was dressed in black leathers, looking very different from the others in the room. Kenia Elowyn had never been one for uniforms or formality, though she held her position of Solion with pride. "Sorry I'm late, I had...loose ends to tie up." She said, mind drifting for a moment to the Dark Elf soldier residing in the dungeon who may or may not now be missing some appendages.

She stopped, standing closer to Malachi than a typical person would. She gave her husband a quick, playful grin before looking at those in the room. "You three, come here." She said pointing to three infantry soldiers. As they approached she pulled out three rings and set them down. "Put these on." She told them and they obeyed. Before everyone's eyes the three changed in appearance. Two of them now looked like the princesses while the third one's ears rounded out and they became more than in appearance. "While we need to defend the kingdom we also need to keep the Dark Elves' eyes on us. We need to give the princesses and the humans as much time as possible to get to safety and to train. When the Dark Elves arrive we wait until they attack. The longer we wait the more info we gain on their plans for taking the kingdom."

Malachi returned the grin to his wife, softening from his prior countenance. He leaned in and whispered to Kenia once she was done speaking, ”I’m assuming you spoke to the others. Knowing your mind, I’m sure you’ve considered having multiple dupes in different locations.” He turned back to the others, ”Now then. Let’s discuss further.”

Meanwhile, the light elf army was now beginning to gather around the perimeter of the walls. The gates were most heavily populated, but no area was left sparse per say. A number of scouts were scattered up to a few miles out in the radius of the area around Sun Elf Kingdom. Heavily armed and prepared for battle, they were ready to play the defensive as they awaited their enemies' move.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 2 days ago


Time: Evening to morning
Location: Ironhold Inn, then tavern
Interaction: @Helo Bowyn & @Omni5876 Arn
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, hygiene products

Last Night

Rue sat on the bottom of the roof of an inn with her legs dangling off the edge. Moonlight, also known as Moony, sat beside her with his head on her lap. She pet his head and sighed. On the ground, dwarves moved around, some going to and from mining. Others were striking up conversations, but it was out of earshot for her. The business of the town was surprising to her. Then again, what had she expected? Rue didn’t know. The lands in Avalia outside of her village were so foreign to her. The sun had been on her nerves too in these different areas. Why wasn’t it colder? What was she doing? How had she come so far? Rue bit her lip and clenched her fists. She took an envelope out of her cape and turned it over in her hands. It read,

Thank you for your sacrifice. Head to Ironhold then to Riverport. Don’t make any detours.

She snorted as she read it. Her sacrifice….? Did they think she wouldn’t make it? Then again, was she going to survive? Her plan was to do her part then returning home to her village with enough money for her family to live comfortably. She shook her head at these dismal thoughts. It wouldn’t do her well to dwell upon them. Nonetheless, her mind started to race. Were her parents doing okay? She hated to leave them; at least the village was supporting them while she was gone.

Being in Ironhold wasn’t too bad however; it had proven to be useful. During her adventure, the woodland creatures had alerted her to Bowyn’s presence. She had been ecstatic to hear he was alive, but then devastated after she learned the extent of his injuries. For a fairy, to lose his or her wings was unthinkable. Her heart had ached deeply and Rue had spent a portion of her time reconciling with herself to be strong enough to continue, to let it fuel her against the war. Moony had guarded her as she gathered herself and spent the next few hours being silly to make her laugh again.

An unexpected display caused her to look up and the dwarves to halt below. Rue watched with horror as the Dark Elf Queen and King appeared with four Avalians kneeling before them. Tears filled her eyes as the hair of the back of her neck prickled. She knew what was happening and her stomach churned. Moonlight looked up at her, then the display, and began to growl. She patted his head as she turned away, but not quick enough. Blood splattered their faces as their necks were slit. Rue let out a shrill cry and covered her mouth. A few of the dwarves looked up at her and then down. Equal horror was shown on their faces. Their prince was gone. She couldn’t imagine the trauma they were experiencing. A chill ran down her spine, not from ice unfortunately. She knew it was dangerous to be out now, especially as a female winter fairy so far from home. She pulled her hood up and wiped her eyes again.

Rue, she looked down to find Moonlight standing now and nudged her to stand up. We must get inside. Rue sniffled and wiped her eyes on her cape. She nodded and allowed the wolf to lead her back down to the Inn’s entrance. As she passed dwarves, she offered them words of encouragement or a small smile. The majority of them didn’t return it, which didn’t surprise her. Once she was back in her room, she laid down on her bed and sniffled. Moony, who ordinarily stood guard near her door, climbed onto the bed beside her. She smiled faintly and hugged her wolf. Though she didn’t rest much, she knew Moonlight wouldn’t either. Rue pulled the blanket over herself. At least she had Moony.

The Next Morning

The next morning came quickly. The sunlight poured through the window despite the curtains being drawn. With a groan, Rue opened her eyes. She felt a coolness where Moony had been laying and shot up with worry. She scowled at the rush of blood to her head. Dizziness swept over her. Though the room was titled, she recognized Moony laying near the doorway. His ears were pricked in a way that told her he was listening to something. She sighed and decided if he hadn’t said anything, then it was likely safe to exit.

The town was likely on edge from last night and she prayed there weren't any Dark Elves here. A winter fairy in Ironhold would be a strange sight indeed. She pulled her hair back into a short ponytail and her hood up. She gripped her small backpack with a shaky hand and gestured for Moony to follow her. Rue exited the Inn and made her way down the street. She scanned the buildings until she found a tavern. She glanced at Moonlight for confirmation.

Yes, this is the tavern. I smell his scent and nothing but alcohol. This is not your usual place to be; brace yourself. I will wait outside nearby and will come if you whistle. I don't want to startle the dwarves more than I already have. Moonlight then nodded to her and scampered off into the shadows nearby.

Rue nodded and patted his head before he left. It was now or never. She pushed open the tavern door and moved inside quietly. Glancing around, Rue searched for Bowyn. Without his wings it was difficult to spot, but his silver hair stood out to her. For a moment, Rue paused, relief sweeping over her like an ocean wave. He was alive, and maybe not well, but at least he hadn’t died. But how would she say she found him? Her nerves made her stall momentarily, but then realized standing there was awkward. With a sigh, she strode over and joined them.

”Fancy meeting you here.” She pulled her hood off and addressed Bowyn. Her gaze scanned over the dwarf next. ”Hi,” Her voice became quieter as she avoided his gaze and swallowed. She glanced at the bartender. ”Can I have some water and whatever is on your breakfast menu, please?” The bartender raised his eyebrows, then nodded and sauntered off to fill her order. Her gaze snapped back to Bowyn and the dwarf as she awaited their responses. From the corner of her eye, she briefly saw a patch of white fur and couldn’t help but smile.
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