Kuroi, Sivaros, Slick, & Mikazuki

The very moment Kuroi had entered The Nest, he already received many glares - some threatening, others envious. He instantly went to the bar to order food for himself and the princess. As one could imagine, he was already quite vigilant of his belongings and of the rough rabble near him. He already expected someone to try and play hardball with him and thus made sure to keep his eyes and hands to himself. Unfortunately, in due time, this would fall out of his control.
The Nest was quite the lively place, even for it being so early in the morning. Who would have thought that so many would start drinking so early in the day? It truly baffled Mika, but she supposed with the condition of the area the Nest was located she couldn’t blame people for wanting to drink away their sorrows. It was at this moment that her attention was caught by a strange-looking man entering the tavern. Is that a- Her train of thought was cut off as someone yanked the hood down off of her. ”Well, well. What do we have here? You’re a pretty little thing aren’t you.” Mika’s eyes moved to the weasel Demi-Human that had now decided to take a seat next to her. There was no expression on her face as she just blinked and stared at the man for a moment.
”I don’t have time for this.” She sighed as she stood up and went to make her way towards Slick, but the weasel caught her wrist. ”Now hold on just a moment. I wasn’t done talking to you.” Mika paused, looked down at her wrist, then looked back at the man. Her expression seemed cool and calm, but there was a dark look in her eyes now.
”I would advise you to let go. Please.” The man began saying something else, but she didn’t hear what he was saying as she swiftly punched him in the nose. She felt mild pain in her hand as she did it, but she ignored this as she heard the satisfying crunch of the man’s nose. She’d succeeded in getting him to let go and began walking away again, but she didn’t realize this guy had a buddy. A large elephant man grappled her, lifting her up off the ground. ”Hey!” She yelled as she began kicking and squirming, but to no avail. ”Let me go, you half-witted oversized pachyderm!” This wasn’t good.
From one of the corners of the room, there sat a very relaxed man with his feet up on a table and surveying the Nest with a rather pleased grin on his face. Sivaros Talomyr was tasked with finding and protecting Princess Mikazuki so he could escort her to meet with his kin. However, when he came across a charming little establishment there was simply no way he could resist paying it a visit. Fortunately, he was provided with a coat that would hide his armour from more knowing glares.
The Bladedancer had been spending most of his day trying his luck with various potential flirts and of course, spending the little money he was given on sampling as many different Roshimian wines and spirits as he could afford when suddenly a brand new commotion had caught his eye as hair like snow spilled into view. The Elf would rather nonchalantly rise up from his seat before weaving between the crowd of patrons almost seamlessly. As he got closer, he realised that the young woman he had been charged to protect had managed to land right next to him! Unfortunately, he was hoping not to meet Mikazuchi again like this.
Getting closer to the elephant, Siv would pick up his pace as he plotted his path forward. It was time to make a dynamic entry worthy of a great swordsman! Sivaros would find a route to a nearby table before leaping forth, using the littered table as a springboard to deliver a flying kick to the back of the brute’s head. As he landed, he would get up and roll his neck in preparation for a fight while ignoring the irritated protests of those who were sitting at the now knocked-over table. ”Y’know… you should really pick on someone your own size.” He would greet the thugs with a cocky smirk.
Kuroi was still at the bar when he heard the princess cry out for help. He heard a powerful thud impact the back of someone’s neck as he turned to see someone attempting to rescue her. That was enough of a distraction for him to work off of, luckily. Thank the gods that man’s sidekick wasn’t enough to topple the gargantuan man over and crush Princess Mikazuki.
He began to move throughout the crowd, keeping one hand on his money purse. Kuroi slowly sped up his pace until he neared the elephant demihuman and met eyes with him. The fox planted one hand down on the wooden floor and kicked his legs up to propel himself into a cartwheel. One foot flew behind the elephant demihuman’s legs while the other stayed at his hips’ level. Kuroi torqued his hips powerfully into the man’s legs, sweeping him off the feet and powerfully slamming him backwards into the table behind him. Hopefully, he’d hit his head on the way down too.
Due to the nature of the technique, the princess would likely be much safer as opposed to her captor toppling forward and crushing her. With the very momentum of the cartwheel takedown, Kuroi easily stood back up onto his feet, wiping his hand against his kimono.
Kuroi at the Tavern
”I’m afraid she’s under my protection. You best scurry off before I snap your neck out of place.” threatened Kuroi. All the while Mika was pulling herself off the ground after having been pulled by the elephant man when he fell backwards. She brushed herself off before looking up and now seeing Sivaros.
”Siv! I’d wondered if they would have sent you as protection.” She said happily as she hopped over the elephant man and attacked the elven man with a hug. It had been awhile since she’d seen him, but despite it she considered him a friend. The hug had caught Sivaros off-guard at first but he would return the gesture in kind with a smile on his face.
”I thought it was with you when that punk pulled down your hood. How long has it been, two years?” The Elf mused despite the environment surrounding the two.
The general area around Kuroi went mostly silent, staring down at one of Roshmi City’s champions. His face was recognized even by the lowest of society, and thus, to Kuroi’s expectations, he heard the sound of a blade being drawn from its scabbard behind him. The vulpine pivoted, slamming the back of his forearm down against the furred arm that held a small dagger. The impact of forearm against forearm was enough to prevent the incoming attack, allowing Kuroi to close in and capture hold of what seemed to be a lion demihuman’s arm. Forcing him into an armbar, Kuroi bared his fangs at his much taller, much stronger opponent. The moment the lion began to resist, the fox jumped high into the air, keeping a hold of his arm.
And thus, one of the nastiest sounds to ever grace The Nest was heard among the nearby audience. Even Slick managed to pause briefly from drinking to look.
Kuroi had slammed one of his knees down against the elbow, resulting in an ugly arm break the moment the lion slammed onto the ground. Bone penetrated the lion’s flesh, resulting in the entire incapacitation of the arm. As if nothing had happened, Kuroi slowly rose to his feet and brushed the dust off his kimono.
“Now then...I suggest that if anyone else wants to have a try at me to group up into teams. What would be a smarter idea for you lot is to let me get my food and sit down though…” announced the fox champion to his nearby watchers. It seems Kuroi had full intent to mock the tavern patrons gawking at him.
While still hugging Sivaros, Mika turned to catch the tail end of Kuroi’s fight and flinched a little as she watched the lion’s arm break.
"LIKE FUCKIN' HELL! Your halfwit elf boy spilt me food and me drink!" One blonde-bearded dwarf shouted while another had a hand on his shoulder, recognizing Kuroi. The vulpine was watching everything slowly go to Hell all around him. He let out a sigh as he noticed the Princess in the company of Sivaros, whom he assumed to be her contact. Hopefully he’d do a good job keeping her safe. There was safety in numbers after all. Kuroi turned to look at the rather angry dwarf, raising an eyebrow at him before paying him no heed.
“Silence, manlet. Last I remember, a drunkard isn’t so stupid to go up against someone who they know will plant them straight into the ground.” A rather hypocritical comment from the short fox boy but it was still likely enough to further enrage the dwarf.
The angry blonde dwarf's kin whispered something that seemed inaudible, but whatever it was caused the already pissed off patron to turn red. Mika could feel the tension beginning to rise along with the anger of this dwarf, but what caught her attention was someone else standing behind the bar… it was the squirrel girl who looked like she was about to jump up and down in excitement. Wait, did she want this to happen?
"I don't give a damn if he is the champion of being an Ergen fucker! Him and his elf boy are gonna pay for our drinks and food AND THEN WE WILL SIT DOWN AN-"
"Are you gonna shut up and hit the fox man or not? If not, pipe down and sit down… Always the short ones with the bad tempers, I swear." Slick shrugged, taking a shot of whatever Floopa the bartender had recommended.
”Well this isn’t good…” As if on cue, the dwarf threw another patron's mug of mead at the man who’d caught Mika’s eye earlier. The contents of the thrown glass mug showered several people before hitting the bar counter between Slick and an orc that already appeared to be having the roughest day of his life. The glass shattered, with a small shard grazing Slick's hand.
"FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT! Free drinks to the winner!" Flloofa announced, instigating a massive brawl. All hell was about to break loose.
Mika looked back at Sivaros, but her gaze quickly moved to something else.
”Behind you!” She yelled as she swiftly grabbed a plate off a nearby table, throwing it like a frisbee at the snake demi-human coming for Sivaros.
The Bladedancer would quickly jerk his head to the side to allow the Princess a clear shot at the snake, who now had ceramic shards buried in their face, before finally relinquishing the hug. He’d glance over to the fox who had seemed to garner his own reputation with some of the unsavoury sort. ’You really couldn’t get this kind of fun back home.’ He thought to himself before facing the new opponent as the entire tavern plunged into chaos. ”I hope your new friend has taught you some tricks over the years. Stick behind me, Princess. You are now officially my char-” The man was interrupted by the snake who lashed out in a fit of rage. Lunging forth, he was full of openings to exploit.
Dropping to his right, Sivaros dipped beneath the left side of his opponent before easily tripping the demi-human up who proceeded to tumble to the ground in a grand crash. ”Oh, you get the idea! Ooh!” The Elf would call out before being distracted by half a mug of ale which was now freshly unattended, finding a brief moment to take a swig amidst the confusion.
Over by the bar, Slick was looking up at the blonde dwarf from earlier being suspended up by the pissed off orc's grip on his collar.
"This is exactly why you only pick on folk your own size. I mean come on, what did you think was going to happen when you assaulted the big fella?" Slick egged on from his barstool as the place erupted in a brawl. "I reckon you toss 'im like he did that damn mug. I think he'd go quite far too!" Slick instigated drawing the friend of the dwarf's attention. It's too bad for the other one that the orc took Slick's advice.
Kuroi had turned back around and started to casually bob, weave, and parry strikes that came at him directly or as a result of mindless flailing. The most important thing to him right now was getting his food and drink, regardless of whether or not the tavern’s patrons had lost their mind. As he leaned against the tavern, he suddenly met eyes with a rather angry-looking crocodile Demihuman. “A champion of the city decided to visit its lower citizens on this fine day? You’re either looking for trouble or trying to say you’re better than us!” Exclaimed the crocodile man with a raspy voice.
Kuroi’s eyes narrowed in annoyance, a blank look on his face as he began to go through the same conversation he had gone through every time he ‘dared’ show his face in the poorer parts of town. “If you’re going to run your mouth because of envy, then feel free to after I’ve gotten my meal. Otherwise, sod off.” the fox said before looking back at the crocodilian bartender, hoping he’d be able to get his and the princess’ meal soon.
Unfortunately for the vulpine, he only further enraged the crocodile man, causing an arm to lash out at him and grab him by the neck. As he felt tension on his neck, he grabbed onto the crocodile man’s arm. Kuroi began to audibly gag as he let the grip on him tighten. Once he was sure he was about to pass out, he suddenly jumped up into the air, kicking his legs up and slamming them down on the Demihuman’s chest and arm. Both Kuroi and his newfound opponent were on the ground, resulting in an ugly growl from the crocodile man as he was put into a painful armbar.
Kuroi’s eyes glanced down at his opponent’s free hand and his waist. “Reach for a weapon and you’ll never use this arm again. Pull it out and I’ll cut the artery running through your arm.” he threatened, waiting for the crocodile man’s response. After seconds of silence, Kuroi decided that the man had complied. Rolling back up onto his feet, Kuroi looked around at the nearby bar patrons before grabbing onto the meals meant for him and the princess. He ignored the jeering from the crocodile man who, rightfully, felt quite humiliated after daring to lay a hand on one of the city’s champions.
Kuroi reached into his pouch and dropped the necessary amount of Amas to pay for the meals before walking back through the barroom brawls towards an empty table.
”I just want to eat for gods’ sake… grumbled Kuroi.
Shaking her head, Mika laughed a little at Sivaros as she watched him take a swig of some random drink. She then glanced over at Slick that was now telling an Orc to throw the dwarf from moments ago. There was absolute chaos now, Kuroi was...getting food? Well she did suppose that’s why he wanted to stop here in the first place anyways. They were grabbing too much attention, however, and they needed to leave soon.
”As fun as this is, Siv, we need to leave. There are too many eyes on us.” She didn’t look back at Sivaros as she spoke, however, as she plotted out her next course of action. ”That being said, I need to go do something really quick. Be right back!” With that she hopped up on a table and took off towards the bar, jumping over people in the process.
One man tried to drunkenly grab at her, falling forward in the process, and she easily jumped over him, using his back as leverage to propel her further forward. Slick had removed his stetson and was cheering as the Orc threw the Dwarf and this helped Mika confirm he wasn’t an elf at very least, making her theory more plausible. Her eyes then fell on a red panda Demi-Human who was about to throw a punch at the man while he wasn’t looking. She made it just in time to catch the panda by the wrist, redirecting the punch and using his own momentum to throw him into a table, bouncing his head off the table.
"Whoa!" Slick reacted. He was steadily feeling the effects of the drink Floofa had given him. His attention now on Mika, he greeted warmly "Howdy." He let loose smoothly.
Mika stood back up and looked at Slick, giving him a quick smile. ”Hey, hi there. So, uh, I hate to break it to you, but I know what you are and it’s only a matter of time before others realize as well. Unfortunately some here aren’t gonna be too fond of you being here and the likeliness of them trying to kill you is kinda high.” She was rambling, why was she rambling? This was NOT the way to convince someone to come with you.
"Uhh… What?" Slick had no idea what Mika was going on about, but he did hang on the words of 'them trying to kill you is kinda high' and so he made an attempt at listening to her. However, Mika's attention was caught briefly as she watched Floopa putting something into someone's food and drink.
”Also I think she may have drugged your drink.” She sounded a little surprised as she pointed at the squirrel woman who, in turn, replied with, ”What?! No, I would never!” She was clearly hiding something behind her back.
Drugged. My. Drink? I said strong drink not spiked! No wonder I feel like I got a dose of some peyote! Good grief. I hope you know I ain't paying for… damn it. The world is just… meltin' away."
Mika shook her head as if to clear it and kicked herself a bit. ”Sorry, let me start over. Hi, I’m Mika and if you like living then I suggest you follow me.” Simple and to the point, but all Slick heard was. ”Worry not, lover. High time we meet uh, and if you like lovin' then I suggest you follow me.”She then looked to where Kuroi had sat down ready to eat.
"Sure thing missy." Slick followed while trying not to trip over himself.
”Kuroi we’ve gotta go. Leave the food, it’s drugged anyways. We’ll get something else along the way.” She yelled to the vulpine.
A nasty glare came from the fox as he looked over at the princess before he stood up, sighing in defeat as he took the plates of food with him. As he passed by a couple of rowdy patrons, he slammed both of the plates into their faces before continuing to the door. “...Let’s go then…” Kuroi nodded before he slipped out of the tavern and awaited for the princess (and whoever else) to follow.
Note to self, always feed the fox… Mika thought to herself as she watched Kuroi smash the plates into a couple people’s faces. Her eyes then landed on Siv who had moved on to another random drink and she sighed. ”Come on.” She said to Sivaros as she grabbed his collar and dragged him with her, finally exiting the bar shortly after Kuroi.