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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Time: 10am
Location: Jungle
Interactions: Jomari @baraquiel, Caelan @Alivefalling, Rosaria @Potter, Nuallán @13org Aurora @chrysocoma
Equipment:Clothing,Backpack, Sketchbook with drawings, various drawing supplies, iPhone, a PBJ sandwich, charging cable, strawberry pocky, earphones, and a pouch with two rations of food, water flask, a bar of soap and a few other portable hygienic products.

An onslaught of various sounds harrassed Sophie's ears, causing her to change the direction of her gaze and straighten up. The ginormous creature approaching them was something out of nightmares. Her eyes transfixed on it with horror, the inside of her mouth drying up. She willed her legs to move, but she had frozen like a deer in headlights. Tears brimmed in her eyes as panic rushing through her body as hard and fast as the boulder that had crashed near them. It was if a wall had been built in her mind, blocking any thoughts from forming or moving. She stumbled backward as the little pixie yanked on a piece of her hair. "Run, Sophie, run! Helloo? Hello! I don't like dying, Sophie!"

She was barely aware of Rosaria grabbing her arm and pulling her forward. This was really another world and she was completely out of her league here. How could they all get away from something that big and fast? As she got a grip on the world around her, she became aware of the warmth of another body. Her eyes traveled to down to see the back of Caelan's shoes as he rapidly ran, as it sunk in that he had picked her up. The tugging on her hair had not ceased and it was clear that the pixie was holding on to it for dear life as she laid over his shoulder. Caelan's words set in with some delay and she had to force herself to stare up at the horrifying monster behind them. She felt her heart sink all over again and tears spilled down her cheeks. If that thing catches us, it'll rip us apart...and eat us!
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 5 days ago

Time: 10am
Location: Outside Malthemoor
Interactions: Vrexen and Astra @FunnyGuy

Even though Astra was a dark elf, Myra was gradually getting to trust her more than Vrexen. Of course, that didn't mean she completely trusted her neither that Myra forgot about the inherent distrust towards dark elves she had. The reason for that was probably Vrexen and his incredibly unstable behavior. Between Vrexen and Astra, the latter was definitely a more trustworthy. After all, it wasn't like she would decide to attack her out of nowhere. That little bit of trust was shown by Myra in a very subtle manner, particularly on how she was closer to Astra than she was from Vrexen, still a few steps away from Astra, but definitely closer than she was from Vrexen. Sure, she was still alarmed by the amount of dark skinned people walking around as they arrived on the port, the sounds and smells, but for Myra, who was very skittish, that was already a noticeable difference in her behavior.

While they walked, Myra noticed that Vrexen was somehow acting even more strangely than he usually did. Mumbling strange words and scratching himself, making Myra closely watch his movements. Astra in the other hand was somehow very different than the image Myra had from a dark skinned person. She seemed to talk to Myra in a very friendly manner, something that Myra never expected from a dark elf. At first, Astra started asking about Vrexen, mentioning his name with a rather worried expression, something that Myra could understand despite her very limited vocabulary. Due to the fact that Astra seemed to talk, quite a lot, especially for Myra who wasn't really used in having to hear and trying to interpret other's words and due to the fact that Astra was quickly changing topics, soon enough Myra was already completely lost in the conversation, simply looking at Astra with a curious, yet confused expression as she continued to talk.

After a bit of time, a sudden shout interrupted Astra and Myra's "conversation", making Myra quickly stop and look around, assuming an hostile posture as she tried to understand what was happening around them, despite the amount of people and decide if it was a threat for her or not. Upon finding the reason for the commotion, Myra watched as a strange type of dark elf began running, trying to escape from something before he suddenly became invisible, much like how Myra could do. Unlike the dark skinned people that she saw everywhere and really didn't trust, this one had a very light skin. While definitely striking, it was the only difference from the other dark skins, since they had the same sharp ears and even similar bodies.

Curiously watching the scene unfold with a hostile posture, Myra saw as Vrexen suddenly, for some weird reason grew. In a second, Vrexen's body bulged to a surprising size as he rushed towards the curious light elf, impaling him with his claws and proceeding to tear his entire body in half, right down the middle. Alarmed, Myra watched Vrexen's movements carefully, afraid that he could try to attack her as Astra suddenly got behind Myra, apparently scared.

Despite Astra suddenly approaching her, Myra was much more worried on keeping her attention on the one person there that was clearly a threat instead of jumping away from Astra and thus, didn't really cared as she protected herself behind Myra.

Just as he had finnished killing the light elf, albeit in a rather inefficient manner compared on how Myra hunted, Vrexen's body shrunk back to normal size as quickly and suddenly as it grew before. Perhaps what was even more strange though was how he seemed to have calmed down. The mumbles and the unstable behavior from before was completely gone, instead being the same way he was when Myra had met him in the first place, which only made Myra even more confused and actually having a harder time trying to decide whether she should trust Vrexen or not.

Warily, Myra watched Vrexen, asking herself why he killed the light elf if he wasn't going to eat him. Astra in the other hand, was visibily distraught and terrified as she asked him to get rid of the body. When Astra addressed Myra, she looked to her and then to Vrexen, pointing towards the body, Vrexen and then to his mouth, with a confused expression. While Myra had never hunted an intelligent animal before. Not only because there was usually much easier prey to hunt but because she was always too curious about them, preferring to investigate rather than hunting intelligent creatures. Unlike her though, Vrexen didn't seem to have a problem in killing them. Which, in Myra's mind, meant that he also didn't seem to have a problem in eating them.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Run or Die

Character death will result if you try to engage

Location: Jungle near Sun Elf Kingdom
Interactions:Jomari @baraquiel, Rosaria @Potter, Nuallán @13org Aurora @chrysocoma, Sophie, Caelan

The creature chased them slamming itself against the trees in its path. The vuothoran roared at them as it tried its best to keep up, it was slowed due to the dense overgrowth of the jungle floor. His speed and ferociousness were only increasing more and more by the second. The beast swung its long arm barely missing Sophie and Caelan before falling behind the group again.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: Morning
Location: Malthemoor Port, Daka Island
Interactions: Myra @13org
Mentions: Equipment: None

“Yes, Astra but first I must teach my young sister a lesson about what she truly is.” Vrexen casually licked the blood from his fingers once more as his eyes affixed to Myra. From behind the pale white demon, Astra, also stared wondering what the mad red-faced demon had in store for Myra. She knew Vrexen up to something sickening. Form what she just witnessed, the abilities of these demons were not like the traditional magic of this world. Unnatural and with the purpose of doing harm to others. She wondered how he was able to even see the light elf that had attempted to flee with his life… and why did he have to die so gruesomely? What was this lesson anyway? And why did he need half a corpse to teach it?

Astra kept silent as Vrexen crouched down toward the corpse and dug into its torso with one of his hands.

“We are demons… and the rest are what we desire them to be. Servants, slaves, food... worthless even.” His eyes briefly widened as he appeared to have gripped something he was looking for within the torso. “Besides their usefulness, they are nothing more than meat…” He tore the liver from the corpse with a bit of a tug. Sniffing it as he raised the plump bloody organ in front of his face. “...and no different from the beast you struck down before our meeting, yes?” He slowly presented the liver to Myra for her to take. “Meat is meat. Just think of this as me returning the favor you gifted me in the wilderness, young sister.”

“Umm…” Astra looked disgusted. She’d seen some rough shit on Daka, but that didn’t mean she sought it out.

“Quiet. I will dump the body once I have my fill as well.” Vrexen dug into the torso once more. This time he reached a bit deeper to tear out the right kidney for himself. Though a smaller organ, Vrexen would settle for it since his actions caused the loss of the other half of the body. “Quit with your faces, Astra. Find us a suitable vessel.” Vrexen ordered yet his voice was even.

“Sure Lord Vrexen who’s just eating half a corpse at the port. Sure!” Astra stormed off further down the port with furrowed brows. He’s out of his mind, but he’ll do… He’ll do well. They both will.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 7 days ago

Time: 10 AM
Location: Ship
Interactions: @Alivefalling Barboda @Infinite Cosmos Tesoro @Potter Tigerlily @Helo Nym @princess Helio @Benzaiten Éliane

Have I finally met my match? Lizzie briefly wondered, a giddiness running through her. She definitely felt challenged now, but it was a challenge she would happily accept. Could she break him? She supposed only time would tell. Either way, if he truly was what he said he was she wouldn’t deny that he could be a valuable asset on the ship. She knew that very soon she’d see what all these people were capable of.

She briefly glanced over at Barboda, wondering how the man would respond to Tesoro’s taunting. Did the armored man have a temper? Lizzie was willing to bet that he was more likely one to let something go, but make you pay when you were most vulnerable. Either way, Lizzie’s eyes were currently trained on Barboda when Tesoro exited the cell. Her eyes snapped to the large man, however, as he called her ‘lassie’. Anger flashed in her eyes briefly, but she was silenced briefly as Tesoro kissed her cheek. She hadn’t entirely expected that and now she found herself watching him as he went up the steps. She shook her head briefly as she spoke, ”I can’t decide if I wanna fuck him or murder him?” She sighed and then glanced over to Barboda. ”Shall we go back up and eat some of your delicious meal?” With that she headed up the stairs.

She was greeted by the sight of Tigerlily putting on her new clothes. Lizzie found herself smirking a bit at the woman, wondering why she’d chosen now to change and doing so in front of everyone. Lizzie wasn’t subtle in the slightest as she looked the woman over, noting the scales on the woman for the first time. How curious. She then looked to the others. ”Everyone meet Tesoro. Tesoro meet the crew. We’re all one big happy family now. Welcome aboard the Harem.” She said as she moved over to the food, grabbing a few items and placing them on a plate before walking away from the table. ”We weigh anchor in twenty minutes. Nym, have this lot on deck by then. If you need me, I’ll be in my quarters.” She said, delegating a task to Nym to see if she could trust him to follow through with something simple. She then walked up the steps.

She was about to head towards the captain’s quarters, but her eye was caught by red hair. She looked to Helio and cocked her head to the side curiously. Why wasn’t he down eating with the others? She found herself heading in his direction instead of towards her quarters. ”Not hungry, dear prince?” She asked him with a coy smile, leaning against the ship's railing as she took a bite of some food.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Barboda Teff

Time: 10am
Location: Port Vanarosa; The ship.
Interactions: @Tae Lizzie @Benzaiten Éliane @princess Helio @Infinite Cosmos Tesoro @Helo Nym

Barboda watched the interaction between Lizzie and Tesoro without remark. He got the impression that Tesoro was certainly strange, especially when he ended up kissing Lizzie’s cheek. He hadn’t reacted much to the shoulder-clap. He waited until everyone went up the stairs to go up as well, just in time to hear Éliane say she was going for a swim. Barboda thought that was an extremely bad idea. He decided to inform them why once Lizzie finished speaking, as she was the captain afterall.

He noticed Tigerlily changing and thought she had no shame or class, but he wasn’t phased too much by it. Tesoro was then introduced by Lizzie and thankfully, Lizzie announced they were weighing anchor in twenty minutes before she went up to the deck. He followed Lizzie, letting her speak to Helio before he spoke up himself. “Lizzie, we should get going sooner if possible. I killed all the crew members that were on this ship before. It won’t be long till the search for this ship begins either by them or for the light elves I killed earlier.”

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 1 day ago


Time: 10:00am
Interaction: @Benzaiten Éliane @Helo Nym
Location: Barboda's Ship

Tigerlily glanced down at her new outfit and admired her scales briefly. There were scars and lash marks along her body but her scales shined brighter. She sighed, pushed it out of her mind, and then glanced at Éliane. True, she wanted to swim, but with Nym instead since they both were expert swimmers. What was she doing, standing there in her underclothes? How could one work on the ship or fight like that? Tigerlily looked away and started eating quickly. After a moment, she commented in-between bites of food, "Girl, you need to find yourself some dry clothes. Do you have any?" Then, she turned to face the shark and her voice became light and teasing. Amusement shown in her dark brown eyes. "Want to race later? I bet I'm faster." She smirked at him. Tigerlily was glad to have the company of another aquatic demihuman.

Footsteps made Tigerlily look in the direction of the stairs to find a tall light elf joining them. She recalled that it had been stated that there had been someone in the bottom of the ship. She had no idea what kind of person this man was, so she watched him like a hawk. Tigerlily took a moment to contemplate whether or not she knew him, eventually surmising eventually that she didn’t. She continued to keep her eyes on him and assessed him quietly. Until she knew more, she wasn't going to comment. What had he done to be imprisoned here? Lizzie introduced the man as Tesoro then proceeded to go to her quarters. Barboda quickly followed, and she wondered what he had to tell her privately. She shrugged and continued to eat since she knew she would need her energy. Who knew what the captain would have them do later?
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 5 days ago

Time: 10am
Location: Outside Malthemoor
Interactions: Vrexen and Astra @FunnyGuy

With Vrexen's behavior becoming less erratic and calmer, Myra became visibly calmer as well, although it was still visible that she didn't really trust him that much. That said, she was still confused by his actions, waiting for a reply for her 'question' on why he wasn't eating that which he had hunted. While Myra didn't understand some of the words Vrexen said, his actions soon made sense to her as he grabbed a piece of meat from inside the body and presented to her, in a manner much similar to what she had done when she met him for the first time. Was he trying to make up for having grabbed her previously?

Even though Myra approached Vrexen to take the liver from his hand, it was still visible she was still somewhat wary about him. Less than before but still, the sensation of him grabbing her like he did before wasn't one she liked. After taking the liver, Myra dug her teeth into it, taking out a big chunk and eating it without even hesitating. For Myra, meat was indeed meat and she seemed to not have any reservations regarding it's origin. In fact, she seemed to be more worried about not wasting meat you hunted than the fact that they were eating a sentient being's flesh.

Just after she took the first few bites though, Astra suddenly walked away with a strange expression in her face. Thinking that Astra might be hungry too and Vrexen didn't let her eat, Myra made sure to not eat the entire liver, leaving a small bite for Astra when she arrived later. While they waited for Astra, Myra continued eating her part of the liver Vrexen gave her, while approaching the light elf's body and curiously examining him. It was a shame that he was dead, but she was still curious on why he was so similar to the dark elves but at the same time, so different.

Time: 10am
Location: Jungle
Interactions: Rosaria @Potter , Jomari @baraquiel, Caelan @Alivefalling, Sophie @princess, Aurora @chrysocoma

Keeping his eyes on the rest of the group, as well as Jomari, whom, unsurprisingly, was still complaining about many different things, including threatening him by touching him, Nuallán continued moving, making sure to keep others away from danger while preventing them from getting too far from each others.

"If you are that eager to throw yourself to your own death, you have but to stop running, Jomari. It would be faster and definitely less painful for you than trying to attack me." Nuallán said, replying to his threat with a dark grin. as he continued running.

The Vuothoran continued to chase them relentlessly, leaving a path of destruction behind as it's huge body slammed against the trees and crushed the vegetation. While most of the humans were already running, the one that made Nuallán worried was no one other than Sophie, who was still in shock instead of running. Fearing for the worse, Nuallán began dashing towards her and Rosaria.

Fortunately, Caelan quickly grasped what was going on, including the fact that Sophie wasn't really running. Displaying a promising control of his ability, Caelan dashed towards Sophie, grabbing her on his arms as he continued running. With a nod of approval and silent praise towards Caelan, he looked to Rosaria, to be sure she was fine. After confirming that the rest of the group was fine, he searched for Jomari once again, only to realize that after taking his eyes off him for a brief moment, he had began straying from the group a little bit.

"Jomari, don`t stray from the group. Lest you escape from the Vuothoran directly into the claws of another beast." he shouted in a firm voice, trying to keep Jomari from running too far away from the group and maybe getting lost.

Just as he finished saying that though, he noticed the Vuothoran approaching the back of the group, swinging his huge arm and just barely missing Caelan and Sophie. Despite his size and sheer strength, his speed was surprising, getting faster and faster as he continued to chase the group.

"Just keep running Caelan! I will help you with Sophie." Nuallán said as he went to Caelan, in order to help him to carry Sophie.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 4 days ago

Time: 10am
Location: Helius above Ironhold
Interactions: Arn @Omni5876, Rue@Potter
Equipment: 1 hunting knife, a flask of alcohol, a backpack, small tent, blanket, waterskin, rope, fire starting kit, lightmaker, cooking pot, a bar of soap, some drugs; skaula (8 grams) and zemak (1 ounce), rolling papers, and 33 amas.

Bowyn rolled his eyes and shrugged as both Rue and Arn seemed shocked by his suggestion to threaten the well-being of the Helius. Apparently, he was the only one in their group willing to be more than a little petty. It wasn’t as if anyone would be seriously injured if it broke down before it hit the skies. There was no issue bringing the wolf aboard the Helius and that, unfortunately, meant they were all headed aboard the flying death trap.

“Trying to make friends by buying them, will only gain you leeches, Mister Arn.” Bowyn said to the dwarf as they passed the man taking tickets. He more or less believed the dwarf when he explained his offer was to ensure they remained traveling companions. Not because it seemed like a logical thing to do, quite the opposite, but Arn was so sincere that it seemed impossible to believe the dwarf was able to look someone in the eye and tell a convincing lie. “You’re stuck with us for now Arn, but if you keep calling me Mister, folks might start to assume you’re some kind of butler rather than an important soldier who has business with important elves.“ The dwarf was both a soldier and on his way to meet with a light elf princess, this was more than enough to keep Bowyn interested in what Arn was up to.

Bowyn hesitated for a moment before he crossed the threshold into the Helius. It felt just as cramped as he had thought it would. Too many people. Not enough space. Once the machine took off there wouldn’t be any way back out of it until it landed. More people piled into the machine and then it rumbled to life. The rickety contraption vibrated with the engine, all of its movements were jarring and unsteady. It was nothing like flying with one’s own wings; there was no feeling of absolute freedom, no gentle push from the wind, and it was far from smooth and graceful. The Helius had windows that were kept closed and the air inside was stale. The windows seemed to exist only to remind everyone how high up they all were and that the entirety of their fates depended upon this machine functioning properly.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 1 day ago


Time: Morning
Location: Helius above Ironhold
Interaction: @Helo Bowyn & @Omni5876 Arn
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, hygiene products

Rue remained quiet while Bowyn and Arn conversed. She wasn’t sure what to make of the situation. It was likely that Arn was telling the truth. The fact that Arn felt he needed to coax someone into being his companion caused Rue’s heart to ache. Was he lonely? Did he not have friends? She was curious to find out but now wasn’t the time aboard a crowded Helius. Maybe he needed a friend and if so, Rue wanted to be there for him. She also understood the hesitancy regarding Moonlight.

Prior to boarding, she noticed Bowyn’s hesitancy and paused beside him. She offered him a reassuring smile and patted his back gently. She knew there wasn’t anything she could say to comfort him, so instead she wanted to distract him. Rue sat down in an empty spot and made sure there was room for Bowyn and Arn. Moonlight curled up into a ball at her feet and tucked his tail, making sure nobody could trip over it. She glanced at Bowyn and commented quietly, ”I am happy to see you again and that we’re reunited. Better to have strength in numbers, right?” Rue glanced at Arn and frowned. Why was he becoming emotional? Was he saddened by the ticket exchange? She decided to find out and kept her voice quiet and calm. ”Are you okay, Arn?” She glanced at them both, then outside to see if the mountains had snow on them. Gosh she missed the village. No. She didn't need to think of that: she needed to focus on Arn and Bowyn, and not her homesickness. I wish I could cheer them both up.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: Morning
Location: Malthemoor Port, Daka Island
Interactions: Myra @13org
Mentions: Equipment: None

Watching his young sister bite into the bloody liver filled Vrexen with satisfaction. There was no hesitation from Myra, making him grin before he sunk his teeth into the kidney he had gripped firmly in his hand. He opened his jaw wide to take in the entire kidney, allowing him to chomp down the organ and chew it in enjoyment.

"Such promise, Myra. I hope that my offering provides some sustenance to you" Vrexen enjoyed Myra's participation in feasting on the light elf. If he believed it was in her nature, why was he so surprised to see her tear into this flesh. Perhaps he held more doubt in her than he thought.

A few moments later..

Astra was making her way back over with a glorious smile worn on her face. She winced as she saw the bloodied spot where the corpse had been. Disgusting. The corpse had been tossed into the cold sea with its other half as Astra requested previously, but she didn’t care to ask. She quickly put her smile back on to sell her news to them.

“I successfully got us a ride to… our destination. It’s on me, but you’ll pay me back later for sure.” It was a promise.

“Good. Now we can leave this place, Myra.”

“Now let us get moving. The guy taking us is at the end of the dock. He’s an awful person with an awful ship, but it is one of the fastest.” The trio started across the port dock, as Astra continued filling them in. “Fun fact!. He stole it from the kingdom where all the stinky fish people live. The um.. Aquaran Kingdom or something. Anyway, he uses the stinky fish horses to pull his boat-carriage-thing, which makes it go quite fast on the water.” She said, sounding quite impressed by the idea herself.
As the three arrived at the end of the docks, Travan, the boatman, was already seated and ready to take off.

“What the hell-”

“Yes, they’re demons. Paying demons. Now we’ll take our seats and get going, right?” Upon stepping on the ship, Astra felt the familiar rock produced by the waves.

“Sure, just keep ‘em well behaved.”

“We are not her pets. Provide what you intended. We do not need any more talk.”


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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Time: 10:00am
Location: The Nest Exterior
Interactions: Orias @helo, Nabarra @nasty, Kuroi @hide on mana, Mika @Tae, 'Slick' @FunnyGuy, Yuka @princess
Equipment: Bladedancer Sword, leather armour, cloak, an empty coin pouch.

It was a bit of a whirlwind of what followed, even after greeting the strangers that approached them. Siv felt like there was a bit of a glare from behind the mask of the woman that asked if they wanted to kill dark elves but he shrugged it off. 'What could've possibly have been wrong with that reply? They approached us afterall?' He thought. But ah, not much to be done about it. On the other hand, this new face that proclaimed her presence above the townsfolk was a problem of itself. It would seem this lady had some rather choice words for Roshmi's royalty which lead to Mikazuki defending herself. Sivaros got it, totally. But it was a bloody stupid decision when they were meant to be keeping a low profile.

It might've been remnants of the drink still in his system, but Sivaros reached his hand out to put Mika's hood back up before leading her off by the shoulder, keeping her close as he sighed. "Rousing speech, Princess. But we are meant to be keeping a low profile while we meet my kin, are we not?" The Bladedancer tried to explain. By the God and Goddess, he sounded just like Meikora. He knew he'd come across as a hardass, but he needed to keep Mikazuki safe. Not only was it his task, but who knows what could happen if some less than savoury characters followed the target that would be painted on their backs.

"Listen. I understand it's hard not to bite your tongue when it comes to someone like that... but they're asking for trouble. We need to save our energy to let our actions speak for us... but we can't make a move until we have a plan and you're safe. So, please forgive me when I ask you to let it go, Mika." Sivaros pleaded with a bit more compassion, speaking soft like he would when they first met.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by 13org
Avatar of 13org

13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 5 days ago

Time: 10am
Location: Outside Malthemoor
Interactions: Vrexen and Astra @FunnyGuy

It didn't take long until Astra returned, saying she found them a way to leave the island. While Astra did seem to be better than she was before, she made another strange expression as she looked to the bloody spot where the body was before she left. Thinking she was still hungry, Myra approached Astra with the bit of liver she had kept for her, offering it to her with a curious expression. She would probably be happy after eating something and wouldn't make the same strange expression again. Or at least that was what Myra thought that the expression Astra made was.

Myra heard curiously as Astra started speaking about strange creatures, such as a 'stinky-fish' and the 'stinky-fish-horses' that apparently were used by the person they were going to meet to transport people. Judging on how excitedly Astra was speaking about them, Myra's imagined that they would be really awesome. Even if the names of these creatures suggested that they weren't exactly nice to be around.

When they finally arrived, Myra could immediately see why Astra was so excited when speaking about the stinky-fish-horses. Just like the name, the creatures were somehow a mixture of a horse, just like many dark skinned people used to carry their things and a fish. Despite the strange appearance though, they did look like they were fast swimmers. The only thing Myra still needed to verify was if they were really stinky.

Even though Myra didn't really like stinky things, due to her powerful sense of smell, her curiosity wouldn't simply let her leave such strange creatures and not investigate them. As such, Myra carefully approached the edge of the dock, leaning forward and getting close to the creatures and sniffing the air around them, too distracted by the stinky-fish-horses to realize that Astra and Vrexen were already entering the strange vehicle.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Time:10 am
Location: Heading towards the Helius-Ironhold
Interactions:, Rue @Potter Bowyn @Helo
Equipment: basic travel pack, medical pack, foot soldier armor, foot soldier shield and weapons. 759 Amas

The dwarf soldier, taught from a young age the ways of battle and the use of the tools meant to end life, had been literally bred, like the rest of his race, for war. He had the genetic information of the Mountainspine blood ingrained into him. Add that to the teachings of one of the most famous generals that had ever been forged by the fires of war and you had a person who was destined to pile dead foes at his feet. From a young age, he showed prowess with shield and hammer. His ability to absorb fighting techniques and styles had served him well when sparing with kids almost twice his age.

There was even a time when he enjoyed battle. It fed him. It made him feel fulfilled. Like the blood that ran through his veins, battle was fire that drove the young medic to be. Thur of course had been quite proud. After all, in dwarven society achievements in battle were necessary to further the family legacy and to brag during drunken nights filled with overflowing tankards and mountains of food.
However, he had changed when he had almost struck his mother while in a berserker frenzy when he had all but beat some teenagers to death. The look in Verna’s eyes had broken his heart. Covered in blood, he must have looked little different than the blood thirsty Orcs the dwarves battle incessantly in their borders. The young Arn had made a promise to himself then that violence and fighting would only be the very last resort.

Therefore, even such things as innocent sounding as freezing propellers did not compute with the young man. Sarcasms and wit computed even less. Indeed, the young medic was the last person who would understand the white haired lad’s quips and saucy attitude. However, when one cut through the thick serving of disdain and sarcasm, Bowyn actually had some insightful things to say.

“Trying to make friends by buying them, will only gain you leeches, Mister Arn.”

The soldier had not considered that. In his unit, it was normal to be in the medic’s good graces. After all, being one of the few with the skill and patience to do so, it was just good sense to not piss off the person who would save your life in a pinch by all to often putting his own in danger. Perhaps his approach to getting on the fairy's good graces had been completely wrong and it make Arn feel shame. But how was he to go about it? He had never worry about making friends because he had never felt he needed them.

In a line of work where those sitting with you at breakfast may leave only empty seats at dinner, it was ill adviced to make friends. He cared for each and every person in his unit, in his battalion and in his kingdom that he would gladly give his life for any of them and do his utmost to save them, but he had never bothered with making friends.

The young dwarf had been since when he had told Bowyn and rue in an apologetic voice. “My deepest apologies M….” He paused remembering what the white haired lad had told him regarding calling him mister. “Bowyn and Rue” He said her name as if in a question. In truth, she had not allowed him to call her so informally but he hope that what he did for one he might do for the other. “You must forgive my lack of social maneuvering. I am not too used to talking to civilians and definitely not used to talking to non dwarves. I hope to learn much from you if you would allow me to.”

He had taken the seat as close to the middle of the air ship as possible foregoing the tall viewing windows. The Helius was a marvel of engineering. But it was understandable why to someone such as Bowyn who was born to the sky, it would seem crude and jerky. In fact, it was much smoother than travelling via carriage. However, though Arn was not a skilled aeronaut like his fairy companions, he also felt every jerk and dip that the flying machine experienced.

His enhanced perception however, stemmed from his natural fear of heights. Though his people were no strangers to mountaineering, at least their stubby legs were always firmly pressed against solid ground. No, his race was designed for dwelling deep into the heart of mountains and exploring the great darkness beneath the world not flying freely with nothing between them but air and death. So he had been very quiet the entire flight. His stomach and his slight whimpers being the only sounds that could be heard from him as the other two conversed.

”Are you okay, Arn?”

The young medic had nodded but his polite maners would not allow him to leave it at that he turned slightly towards the lovely winter fairy. Swallowing to ensure the contents of his stomach remained there he spoke barely audibly to the young winter lass. “Uh…Um…yes Ru…e” He swallowed again as his stomach naughtily lurched with when the Helius probably encountered a different wind pressure ledge. “I.. I..am not …very fon..d of flying…I um I am afraid.” While speaking, he had began to turn a slight shade of green so he had stopped talking to prevent something other than words from coming up.

Trying to focus on something else other than the feeling of weightlessness that made his head feel fuzzy, he decided to focus on Rue’s face. His analytical eyes were able to pick apart even the slightest detail of her pretty face. He noticed that while her hair was white, there seemed to be some purple mixed in that made the color pop. Her icy blue eyes looked like pools of pure frozen water that one finds in glaciers or atop a frozen lakes. The softness of her fair, almost porcelain like skin, like freshly fallen snow, yet undisturbed by the passing of animal or humanoid.

The young dwarf’s eyes grew wider trying to take in all of her beauty. She was as natural as the pure snow of their homeland. Suddenly, realizing that he was staring, his greenish tint was quickly replaced by a dark red tone on his tan and weathered skin. He immediately returned his gaze to his armored boots and muttered an apology that was lost in the hum of the propeller engines.

When would this dammed contraption land?. He thought to himself, he had never been so close to a girl before. At least, not as pretty as Rue. Shit, he had never been as closet to a lad as good looking as Bowyn either for that matter. Even the damn wolf was a good-looking beast. And he? Just a fucking dwarf who was currently experiencing all the colors of the rainbow it seemed. The young soldier whished for either death or to get off the dammed air ship.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: Morning
Location: Outside the Nest, Roshmi!
Interactions: Orias @helo, Nabarra @nasty, Kuroi @hide on mana, Mika @Tae, Sivaros @GingerBoi123, Yuka (Frank Lee) @princess, Nabarra @nasty, Orias @Helo

To Slick’s surprise, he had maintained his balance, albeit with a strange sensation rushing over him. He tried to keep himself steady while the whole world around him seemed to want to get into some bizarre hollering match.

"... Our lovely King Kasai made a berry in poor dijon this morning. I'm sure you all know as he is so mischievous at making sure olive rolled meat is kept in the poop."

“What in the hell…” Slick whispered as he had the full attention of the cat-eared woman speaking about what sounded like a truly disgusting king. Did she have to get into such detail?

"Ooh so you mean you don't know!"

"Well... I'm sure there just must be a food plantation for that."

"The King sent in asparagus to add some more. Looks like we're lining up with the stocked shelves for this upcoming store. Currently, your buns are all impaired tonight."

Immediately the crowd started to murmur and grow slowly in volume, but Slick was confused. It seemed that the food in this city was tainted by King Kasai from what he gathered. It was disgusting, no wonder he was in such an awful state.

"But listen! The piss! Because of mustard that night!"

"That's riiight... Well, I'm sure he just doesn't want to lose any more sales to the stocked shelves. That must be it, right? I'm sure this is about inspecting his bologna and fecal-"

"NO! This is about making his own gin!"The same female who had shouted before piped up again. A chorus of others agreeing passionately joined. And the plot thickens… To do all of this for gin.

Yuka's lip corners slightly upturned and her eyes flashed, "He does have a knack towards that doesn't he?" She slid down to sit on the roof and lean her head in her hands, "Do you think he's brewing the strong things?"

The voices were becoming an uproar of outrage quite quickly. Words like 'overdose' or ideas of 'trying snacks' were quickly being thrown around."I wouldn't brew that if I were you."

"You'll surely all fly."

Fly? Yuka jumped to her feet. She’s actually going to do it, I think. Slick wouldn’t be surprised by all he’s seen from this world so far.

"Oh! But men’s guts must see food." She exclaimed with a theatric pout. She paused for dramatic effect before telling them. "We must wait. Spread the birds as far as you can, and use those poop-able grains of yours to stir better gin than his tonight. You'll be juiceless with a stew boiled dispensed against the army. Keep young eels churning in there for now and simply spread the curds if the King's ravenous. A new prawn satiates roast meat. The young man’s tower food must end."

As crazy as the speech sounded, the topic seemed to be a relevant issue to these people. He thought about sneaking away while everyone was distracted, but he was sure he was better off with this bunch. His first attempt at going solo had him currently seeing double. And then the dog man spoke up.

"Yet we, ass-gardeners...yes, surprisingly enough, one such as myself is still considered a gardener..." Slick blinked several times. "...have diddled to papayas but this is droning on in the current pitiful lion hunt. Sir Lee, we have a basic diarrhea and an ever-impending bubble is to come but we know naught of the intimacies that lie in our brother monk’s brain. Frank Lee, whoever will harness the poo is in charge..."

The vulpine appeared to have everyone's attention now, but Slick was wondering how the fuck that was possible. Was this world so different?
"The most porous thing to show is that, regardless of one's mattress, it will always pain a father and mother to know that their berry grown offering has died. To rely on such a sap system, to inject one's celery is just as iconic as a pirate’s outlook on all of us! Besides, who are we to glisten to only insertion and limit our shelves to one laxative? Why should we all glisten to consumption who is far more bellied up than you are Lee? I may be chomping on rolled meat, but I am certain Lee, no damn wildly flowering fool disguised as a chaperone...pan fries a Mayan man..."

"Cast away plenty and then you’re empty… Plenty has gotten me no pears in life...only my grown naughty and fine back..." Kuroi finished. Slick couldn't believe what he was hearing, but the man sounded quite passionate, the crowd appeared to react rather positively. He felt like he needed to take a seat and play spectator as he felt himself become more relaxed than he already was. As he sat, Mika was next to pipe up.

”She’s speaking the truth. I hate that cheese sins, but cheese sins.”

“Cheese again?” He commented softly.

”Every stink cheese is staying in the fruit except for one thing. Not every young man’s tower wishes to make their own gin. I am Princess Mikazuki and I am not dry fodder. Heat is residing with the stocked shelves and he’s doing it with his rear. He’s never really cared about his chicken and would gladly suck ice for his own benefit.” The words were slowly beginning to clear up. Slick didn’t notice, except that things said were making more sense than before… maybe.

”I wish to be different, I AIM to be belligerent. I wish to be a pear and just cooler, a ruler for the people of roast meat. So when you go to spread the birds, be sure to make it known that Princess Mikazuki hears your voices and she will find a way to put an end to this stock shelf suppliant!” There were some cheers and Slick did a bit of a slow clap for the lady who had promised him a good time. He held up his palms in front of his face, the double vision was starting to go away. The speeches did not stop. The tall odd cat-faced woman spoke next. And he actually heard every word she said. The only problem was, it seemed like nonsense after hearing the other three speak. What happened to the cheese? And what the hell was the twin-fucken’ ‘eaded dragon?

Slick rubbed his head as he tried to get himself together. He got up to his feet and willed himself to keep stable before… And yes… Before he started walking in a random direction away from the others. There were too many people and too much talking for his liking right now. He felt fucked up, but he was beginning to recover.

“Fuck Avalay.” Saying the name of the place wrong yet again. He didn’t care about some King making his people sick with the disgusting food he provided.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Time: 10 AM
Location: Jungle
Interactions: Annya @princess, Ismael @Th3King0fChaos, Saoirse @Potter, Kharne @Kazemitsu, Raven @Tae

The Troll facing Annya took the multitude of burning slashes to its body, trying to block everything that was slicing him. Hearing her mock him only enraged the troll causing him to become desperate in the need to kill her. The troll then dropped low, swinging its foot under her tripping Annya. It took advantage of this by grabbing her legs, picking her up, and smashing her into the ground. He repeated this action a few more times.

Meanwhile, the troll facing Kharne, stepped back as he was getting slashed by the large sword before running a bit and charging back at full speed tackling and pinning him to the ground, then slamming him with repeated punches to the face.

Annya and Kharne would both be decently damaged by these attacks enough to alarm the humans.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 4 days ago

Time: 10 am
Location: Aboard The Harem
Interactions: Éliane @Benzaiten, Tigerlily @Potter, Tesoro[@Infinate Cosmos], Lizzie @Tae
Equipment: A cutlass, 2 knives and a dagger strategically hidden, a spyglass, a wayfinder, pouch of amas, various jewelry.

Nym didn’t find the answer to his question in Éliane’s words, but he didn’t really expect an answer. Only time could tell him if one was cut out for a life of piracy, the skills could all be taught, with enough time even the softest of folks could learn to kill without remorse. They only had to have the will; to learn, to survive not just in times of feast but in famine as well, to be able to weather the fiercest storms and not flinch. It required will to be as changing as the sea herself, to know when a situation required gentle waves or a violent squall. In time the newcomers to pirate life would either show enough will to embrace the life of a pirate or be swallowed by the sea and forgotten.

As both Éliane and Tigerlily still spoke of swimming the captain returned with a man who he assumed to have been the previously mentioned prisoner. Nym kept his eye focused on the newcomer who had arms like cannons and while the man carried himself with the swagger of success, his manner of dress did nothing to support that notion. He looked as if he’d been scrapped up out of the gutters but might prove useful to have around during a fight at least. His head tilted to the side and he smirked as the captain introduced the man as Tesoro, a recognizable name to most anyone who spent enough time in Port Vanarosa.

Tesoro, as the legends told, came out of nowhere one day, captain of a mighty ship called El Dorado, and a talent for finding gold. To Nym talent was worth far less than hard work, as talent bred fools and hard work bred wisdom. The rest of the legend of the former captain only backed up that belief, as the fool had led his men to a losing battle and lost it all to a mutiny. The man then made himself a frequent fixture of fighting pits, taverns, and brothels. Nym could only wonder if Tesoro even retained his sea legs.

Before Captian Lizzie headed back out with a plate of food he nodded his head to show he understood her orders. They were leaving in twenty minutes, recreational activities would have to wait until the work was done.

“Tesoro? Funny I heard a rumor ye’d given up the seas for the life of a gutter rat. Sill know how to work a ship I hope?” He said as he eyed up the man. Nym finished his rum and slammed the cup down on the table and stood up. “If Cap’n wants us weighin’ anchor in twenty, ya lot best be ready in ten. Time to finally leave this hunk o’ dirt behind and find us a real adventure.” Nym wasn’t interested in any hand-holding, if they’d all sailed before they should know enough to find something that needs done and get work. If they weren’t ready on time he’d be back down to the living quarters to drag folks up deck by the ear.

Nym headed back to the deck and took a quick study of the dock and the movements of the wind. He set to work checking the rigging, readying the sails, and prepping the ship to sail safely out of the dock once they began to raise the anchor.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: Morning
Location: Malthemoor Port, Daka Island
Interactions: Myra @13org
Mentions: Equipment: None

“What… What is she doing?” Astra raised an eyebrow as she watched Myra getting very close to Traven’s hippocampi.

“Gaging them to determine if we can eat them later.”

“What?! My fuckin’ steeds will bite the shit outta ‘er!” Traven hollered angrily from his seat. “Bite the shit outta yer red face too!” A low growl was heard from Vrexen and Astra scooted much further from him upon hearing it.

“Not before tear yours from your skull."

“Myra! Hey, come on. Those things are old and grumpy. If you want some stinky fish to eat we’ll get plenty when we arrive at Yenworth.”

“Yenworth? That is not our destination, Astra.” Vrexen glared at the woman who sighed and started to pull the stolen map from her pack, unrolling it in front of her.

“Myra, can you be a dear, and please hold this for me.” She faked a pleasant smile at the demoness. “I need to explain why I’m the guide and he’s the-” She stopped herself as his menacing eyes met hers.

“The what?”

“The um… The… What was I... Oh! You’re the boss… Yes, you’re the elf- no… You’re the demon in charge. The MFDIC!” Astra pulled that one out of her ass for sure.


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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: 10am
Location: The ship, namely the cargo hold. On the deck of the ship, or wherever the food is currently.
Interactions: @Alivefalling Barboda @Tae Lizzie @Helo Nym @Potter Tigerlily @Benzaiten Elaine @princess Helio
Equipment: The clothing on his back: A unbuttoned dress shirt of the pirate-y variety, leather breeches, matte black in color, leather boots, in surprisingly good shape

"Ah a fellow light elf. This is good. Though...I don't think we've ever met. Matter of fact, it seems strange that you're even in Port Vanarosa, eh, lassie?" Tesoro spoke, eyes glancing towards Elaine momentarily before returning towards the search for sustenance. There were quite a few different folks on deck. Tesoro, in his search for food, tried to take stock of everyone on board.

So, what is known to Tesoro right now is that there is Lizzie, a woman not yet familiar with her own potential powers. There is the bounty hunter. He might become a thorn in the future. There is another light elf looked a bit too prim and proper for piracy. He also spotted a man with bright red hair. A dark elf. He gritted his teeth and huffed out a heavy breath. He was about to speak on the matter to anyone that was listening but he spots another woman. There was something to this woman that shook up something within him. A bad feeling, if you could. Tesoro took a moment and a better look at this woman. The morning sun seemed to be reflecting off of something from this woman. Tesoro tilted his head while looking and then noticed that it wasn't some sort of clothing. It was her legs. Scales. On her legs. A mermaid. A sea wench. Sailor's Doom. "YOU! GET OFF THIS SHIP! WE DON'T NEED YOUR KI-" Tesoro was flung into a fearful rage at the sight of a mermaid. In all of his years of pirating, he has never physically met one. Though the tales themselves are frightening enough. As Tesoro was going to continue his tirade and possible attempt on the woman's life, a voice called out to him and interrupted him...

Turning to see the demihuman Nym, Tesoro grinned an replied "Nah, the life of a gutter rat never left me, mate. It seems that you've at least heard of me. I've also heard of you. White hair, grey skin, gills. Nym. Long time no see. And you've heard of me, you know that I can get this ship in shape to weigh anchor with my eyes closed. I have but one question. Yes, that lassie wants us to embark in twenty minutes, but has anyone taken stock of supplies? Food, water, medicine? Do we even know a heading? Any sort of weather on the horizon? Come mate. Surely you're better than this. A heart for adventure and a desire for treasure simply won't cut it. I'd really like to know that you have a plan before setting sail. Otherwise, you might be seen as an incompetent first mate...Beside, you've gotten dull in your days. You have a mermaid in your midst. Or did your fish brains let her beauty entrance you?" Tesoro said, still grinning. Sure. He doesn't have the answer to the questions he just posed but if someone is going to be barking orders at him, they'd better have their shit together...
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Time: 10am
Location: Port Vanarosa; The Ship
Interaction: @Potter Tigerlily @Alivefalling Barboda @Tae Lizzie
Equipment:Black coat with fur trim on the hood, dark-colored, plain male clothing, sword with unbreaking and return enchantments, strength enchanted gloves, 2 medium red potions, hygiene products, timeteller, wayfinder, a flask, standard backpack, accordion, transmission bracelet and an ama pouch with 1740 amas.

Helio blinked in confusion at Tigerlily’s tender words and shoulder pat. He stared after her as she went downstairs. He wasn’t sure if sirens had new tactics or if she was on the moodier side. She was certainly a mysterious one. He spent a few moments, thinking it over before deciding he did not really know her enough to get a proper reading on her. Whether or not she was trying to seduce him to later drown him was going to go lower on his priority list for now.

His thoughts were stirred by the voice of none other than their captain. He angled his body to grin at her in greeting. “Oh, I’m going back for more food, love. Just you wait. I just had to take some time to contemplate whether or not one who is blind can dream…. If they can’t see anything, then they would have nothing to dream of? Right...?”

Just as he awaited Lizzie’s answer, helmet head interrupted, casually announcing how he recently mass murdered the people who owned this ship. Helio was, once again, shocked, to say the least. He stared dumbfoundedly at Barboda, ”Wait… You what now? Are you serious?” He knew pirates and the people of Port Vanarosa were all a little morally grey but mass-murdering just for a ship?

It was as though the universe was taunting him. The karma for what he had done was coming back. He wanted to get away from his past of terror and murder, only to somehow find those of a similar mindset to his old self. Helio clenched his fists.Maybe he’s joking. He glanced at Barboda and shook his head at his own thoughts. He doesn’t joke.

Helio decided not to be too obvious with his disagreement and remained calm, awaiting Lizzie’s response in hopes that maybe she wasn’t a psychopath too.

Time: 10am
Location: Jungle
Interactions: Jomari @baraquiel, Caelan @Alivefalling, Rosaria @Potter, Nuallán @13org Aurora @chrysocoma
Equipment:Clothing,Backpack, Sketchbook with drawings, various drawing supplies, iPhone, a PBJ sandwich, charging cable, strawberry pocky, earphones, and a pouch with two rations of food, water flask, a bar of soap and a few other portable hygienic products.

The creature chased them slamming itself against the trees in its path. The vuothoran roared at them as it tried its best to keep up, it was slowed due to the dense overgrowth of the jungle floor. His speed and ferociousness were only increasing more and more by the second. The beast swung its long arm barely missing Sophie and Caelan before falling behind the group again.

Sophie desperately wanted to bury her head in Caelan’s shoulder and hide, but he had asked her to watch it, so she forced herself to keep staring at the horrifying creature as it slammed itself into trees trying to reach them. She gasped as it reached out and just barely reached them, ” Maybe I should run on my own! I am slowing us down and it just almost got us!” She cried out with some panic to Caelan.

The vuothoran was motivated by its almost catch and put all its energy into charging toward them. It was going to get them this time. This was the end.

Sophie cringed and threw her arms out in front of her face instinctively. It felt as if something quickly tickled the skin of her palms and then suddenly her hair began to stick up on end. Electric bolts of lightning emerged with intense speed out of her palms toward the beast, sending it into convulsion and slowing it down. The loud buzz of the lightning had made her open her eyes and stare as the last of the lightning left her hands and dissipated.

There was no doubt that she had just done that.

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