S U M M E R 1988
No Planned GM Events
No Planned GM Events

It's Summer, 1988 and you live in Delta City, Florida. It's hot, damn hot, but that's okay. Just telling people that you live in Florida conjures up all the right imagery: pastel colors, speed boats and neon lights on the water. You know it's not everything it looks like on TV- but it's not bad either. Living in Delta is a lot more laid back. Container ships come and ago across the bay while the regular sound of jet engines echo overhead. With your windows down, the smell of seafood and barbecue are common and at a few traffic lights, maybe a little ganja too. The radio plays probably the best lineup of genres you've heard all decade, everything from George Michael to Guns N' Roses, though the top spot on the charts is currently held by Steve Winwood. At the movies, Young Guns is still the most popular while the news occasionally blabs about the Olympics coming up Seoul and some noise about the Soviets scaling down in eastern Europe.
None of that stuff matters though, the weekend is in sight.
None of that stuff matters though, the weekend is in sight.
Gulf Gabs is like a Reader's Digest of Delta City news. Normally printed on green paper and consisting of only a few pages, they are sold alongside the newspapers for only a few cents. No one is exactly sure where they are printed and carriers say the drop off is different on each run. Contents usually include heavy doses of anonymous gossip, photos and snippets from other sources, coupons and whatever else the editors feel like they can get away with. GG is universally hated by most of the other Delta media, but very popular among the city's residents. Rumor is they have a mole in the Delta Times, but no one is sure. Occasionally the "gabber-in-chief" likes to taunt with inside knowledge and figuring out who he/she may be has become a city legend.
Double D not a Guarantee
Originally published: Rooms and Recreation. Hotel industry magazine. Summer 1988
Hotel award season is hotting up, the expected winner of hotel of year now faces potential competition as the old Tropico reopened glory restored under new ownership. The Arlington, Caesars and the oldest big city name the Railroad Continental have all upped their game to name but a few in challenge to Diamond hotels group.
It's going to be an interesting summer.
Shogun Shines!
~Florida Food and Wine Magazine
...How did we get this lucky? Michelin Stars in Delta City? They don't even have that in Miami. Top shelf foreign cuisine and a price that's just as attractive. Did I mention the ambience? Somehow Jiro has made it both Florida and Japan in one place. The whole presentation just leads to a sense of indulgence, even if you are just stopping in for lunch. Did I mention the sake collection is to die for? Eat your heart out Los Angeles...
Enter the Gator
~from the Delta Times
Eastern Shore: A Florida Man was arrested after spraying his neighbors with bug spray and swinging nunchucks at them before accidentally hitting himself in the head with the weapon.
According to police, 61-year-old Larry Adams was complaining about his neighbor’s loud music in their apartment complex.
Adams sprayed four of the neighbors with bug spray, swung his nunchucks at them, and hit himself.
Note from the Gabber in Chief:
Neptune Festival coming up... Wonder if the Blue Angels will be too drunk out of their minds to perform this year? Remember what happened last time? Trader Jon's just about ran out of alcohol (I didn't think it was possible). They had to cancel the flyover at Annapolis! Should be a hoot!
No, I don't know whose been setting the fires recently. Probably if the Times spent as much time doing investigative journalism as they do trying to figure out my identity, they might actually sell some more of that rag. This morning I used a fresh copy to clean my windshield, which is about all it's good for. They should probably team up with whoever is pushing those fake paintings, bullshit on bullshit, yeah... more on that later Delta City!
Oh and by the way, if you think that little Princess from Miami and her band of delinquents are ever going to let this town get some sleep again, you are mistaken. She basically has no competition here. I'm sure Marcus is proud. I'll pay double what the Times pays for any photographer that can catch her insane followers behaving badly- big bonus if it's a band member.
NOTE: This is a FREE SKIP, meaning the city is yours to explore and have fun! Just make sure you specify what time of day your character is out and about so you don't get mixed up in any continuity calamities.